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.cargo-checksum.jsonH A D15-Mar-20211.4 KiB11

Cargo.lockH A D15-Mar-2021147 75

Cargo.tomlH A D15-Mar-20211.1 KiB3430

LICENSEH A D15-Mar-202112 KiB221182

README.mdH A D15-Mar-2021957 2115

aH A D15-Mar-20211.8 KiB6055

build.rsH A D15-Mar-20215.5 KiB180155

host.rsH A D15-Mar-20211.5 KiB6449

newlistH A D15-Mar-2021212 85

test.shH A D15-Mar-2021367 139


1This is a library for managing targets for compilers and related tools.
3Currently, the main feature is support for decoding "triples", which
4are strings that identify a particular target configuration. They're named
5"triples" because historically they contained three fields, though over time
6they've added additional fields. This library provides a `Triple` struct
7containing enums for each of fields of a triple. `Triple` implements
8`FromStr` and `fmt::Display` so it can be converted to and from the
9conventional string representation of a triple.
11`Triple` also has functions for querying a triple's endianness,
12pointer bit width, and binary format.
14And, `Triple` and the enum types have `host()` constructors, for targeting
15the host.
17It supports all triples currently used by rustc and rustup.
19It does not support reading JSON target files itself. To use it with a JSON
20target file, construct a `Triple` using the value of the "llvm-target" field.