1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
6  {
7    "namespace": "manifest",
8    "types": [
9      {
10        "$extend": "WebExtensionManifest",
11        "properties": {
12          "default_locale": {
13            "type": "string",
14            "optional": "true"
15          },
16          "l10n_resources": {
17            "type": "array",
18            "items": {
19              "type": "string"
20            },
21            "optional": true
22          }
23        }
24      }
25    ]
26  },
27  {
28    "namespace": "i18n",
29    "allowedContexts": ["content", "devtools"],
30    "defaultContexts": ["content", "devtools"],
31    "description": "Use the <code>browser.i18n</code> infrastructure to implement internationalization across your whole app or extension.",
32    "types": [
33      {
34        "id": "LanguageCode",
35        "type": "string",
36        "description": "An ISO language code such as <code>en</code> or <code>fr</code>. For a complete list of languages supported by this method, see <a href='http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome/trunk/src/third_party/cld/languages/internal/languages.cc'>kLanguageInfoTable</a>. For an unknown language, <code>und</code> will be returned, which means that [percentage] of the text is unknown to CLD"
37      }
38    ],
39    "functions": [
40      {
41        "name": "getAcceptLanguages",
42        "type": "function",
43        "description": "Gets the accept-languages of the browser. This is different from the locale used by the browser; to get the locale, use $(ref:i18n.getUILanguage).",
44        "async": "callback",
45        "parameters": [
46          {
47            "type": "function",
48            "name": "callback",
49            "parameters": [
50              {"name": "languages", "type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "LanguageCode"}, "description": "Array of LanguageCode"}
51            ]
52          }
53        ]
54      },
55      {
56        "name": "getMessage",
57        "type": "function",
58        "description": "Gets the localized string for the specified message. If the message is missing, this method returns an empty string (''). If the format of the <code>getMessage()</code> call is wrong &mdash; for example, <em>messageName</em> is not a string or the <em>substitutions</em> array has more than 9 elements &mdash; this method returns <code>undefined</code>.",
59        "parameters": [
60          {
61            "type": "string",
62            "name": "messageName",
63            "description": "The name of the message, as specified in the <code>$(topic:i18n-messages)[messages.json]</code> file."
64          },
65          {
66            "type": "any",
67            "name": "substitutions",
68            "optional": true,
69            "description": "Substitution strings, if the message requires any."
70          }
71        ],
72        "returns": {
73          "type": "string",
74          "description": "Message localized for current locale."
75        }
76      },
77      {
78        "name": "getUILanguage",
79        "type": "function",
80        "description": "Gets the browser UI language of the browser. This is different from $(ref:i18n.getAcceptLanguages) which returns the preferred user languages.",
81        "parameters": [],
82        "returns": {
83          "type": "string",
84          "description": "The browser UI language code such as en-US or fr-FR."
85        }
86      },
87      {
88        "name": "detectLanguage",
89        "type": "function",
90        "description": "Detects the language of the provided text using CLD.",
91        "async": "callback",
92        "parameters": [
93          {
94            "type": "string",
95            "name": "text",
96            "description": "User input string to be translated."
97          },
98          {
99            "type": "function",
100            "name": "callback",
101            "parameters": [
102              {
103                "type": "object",
104                "name": "result",
105                "description": "LanguageDetectionResult object that holds detected langugae reliability and array of DetectedLanguage",
106                "properties": {
107                  "isReliable": { "type": "boolean", "description": "CLD detected language reliability" },
108                  "languages":
109                    {
110                      "type": "array",
111                      "description": "array of detectedLanguage",
112                      "items":
113                        {
114                          "type": "object",
115                          "description": "DetectedLanguage object that holds detected ISO language code and its percentage in the input string",
116                          "properties":
117                            {
118                              "language":
119                                {
120                                  "$ref": "LanguageCode"
121                                },
122                              "percentage":
123                                {
124                                  "type": "integer",
125                                  "description": "The percentage of the detected language"
126                                }
127                            }
128                        }
129                    }
130                }
131              }
132            ]
133          }
134        ]
135      }
136    ],
137    "events": []
138  }