1 /*
2  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3  *
4  * tclStrToD.c --
5  *
6  *	This file contains a collection of procedures for managing conversions
7  *	to/from floating-point in Tcl. They include TclParseNumber, which
8  *	parses numbers from strings; TclDoubleDigits, which formats numbers
9  *	into strings of digits, and procedures for interconversion among
10  *	'double' and 'mp_int' types.
11  *
12  * Copyright (c) 2005 by Kevin B. Kenny. All rights reserved.
13  *
14  * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
15  * this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
16  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
17  */
19 #include "tclInt.h"
20 #include "tommath.h"
21 #include <math.h>
23 /*
24  * Define KILL_OCTAL to suppress interpretation of numbers with leading zero
25  * as octal. (Ceterum censeo: numeros octonarios delendos esse.)
26  */
28 #undef	KILL_OCTAL
30 /*
31  * This code supports (at least hypothetically), IBM, Cray, VAX and IEEE-754
32  * floating point; of these, only IEEE-754 can represent NaN. IEEE-754 can be
33  * uniquely determined by radix and by the widths of significand and exponent.
34  */
36 #if (FLT_RADIX == 2) && (DBL_MANT_DIG == 53) && (DBL_MAX_EXP == 1024)
38 #endif
40 /*
41  * gcc on x86 needs access to rounding controls, because of a questionable
42  * feature where it retains intermediate results as IEEE 'long double' values
43  * somewhat unpredictably. It is tempting to include fpu_control.h, but that
44  * file exists only on Linux; it is missing on Cygwin and MinGW. Most gcc-isms
45  * and ix86-isms are factored out here.
46  */
48 #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386)
49 typedef unsigned int fpu_control_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__HI__)));
50 #define _FPU_GETCW(cw) __asm__ __volatile__ ("fnstcw %0" : "=m" (*&cw))
51 #define _FPU_SETCW(cw) __asm__ __volatile__ ("fldcw %0" : : "m" (*&cw))
52 #   define FPU_IEEE_ROUNDING	0x027f
54 #endif
56 /* Sun ProC needs sunmath for rounding control on x86 like gcc above.
57  *
58  *
59  */
60 #if defined(__sun) && defined(__i386) && !defined(__GNUC__)
61 #include <sunmath.h>
62 #endif
64 /*
65  * MIPS floating-point units need special settings in control registers
66  * to use gradual underflow as we expect.  This fix is for the MIPSpro
67  * compiler.
68  */
69 #if defined(__sgi) && defined(_COMPILER_VERSION)
70 #include <sys/fpu.h>
71 #endif
72 /*
73  * HP's PA_RISC architecture uses 7ff4000000000000 to represent a quiet NaN.
74  * Everyone else uses 7ff8000000000000. (Why, HP, why?)
75  */
77 #ifdef __hppa
78 #   define NAN_START 0x7ff4
79 #   define NAN_MASK (((Tcl_WideUInt) 1) << 50)
80 #else
81 #   define NAN_START 0x7ff8
82 #   define NAN_MASK (((Tcl_WideUInt) 1) << 51)
83 #endif
85 /*
86  * Constants used by this file (most of which are only ever calculated at
87  * runtime).
88  */
90 /* Magic constants */
92 #define LOG10_2 0.3010299956639812
93 #define TWO_OVER_3LOG10 0.28952965460216784
94 #define LOG10_3HALVES_PLUS_FUDGE 0.1760912590558
96 /* Definitions of the parts of an IEEE754-format floating point number */
98 #define SIGN_BIT 		0x80000000
99 				/* Mask for the sign bit in the first
100 				 * word of a double */
101 #define EXP_MASK	     	0x7ff00000
102 				/* Mask for the exponent field in the
103 				 * first word of a double */
104 #define EXP_SHIFT		20
105 				/* Shift count to make the exponent an
106 				 * integer */
107 #define HIDDEN_BIT		(((Tcl_WideUInt) 0x00100000) << 32)
108 				/* Hidden 1 bit for the significand */
109 #define HI_ORDER_SIG_MASK	0x000fffff
110 				/* Mask for the high-order part of the
111 				 * significand in the first word of a
112 				 * double */
113 #define SIG_MASK		(((Tcl_WideUInt) HI_ORDER_SIG_MASK << 32) \
114 				 | 0xffffffff)
115 				/* Mask for the 52-bit significand. */
116 #define FP_PRECISION		53
117 				/* Number of bits of significand plus the
118 				 * hidden bit */
119 #define EXPONENT_BIAS		0x3ff
120 				/* Bias of the exponent 0 */
122 /* Derived quantities */
124 #define TEN_PMAX		22
125 				/* floor(FP_PRECISION*log(2)/log(5)) */
126 #define QUICK_MAX		14
127 				/* floor((FP_PRECISION-1)*log(2)/log(10)) - 1 */
128 #define BLETCH			0x10
129 				/* Highest power of two that is greater than
130 				 * DBL_MAX_10_EXP, divided by 16 */
131 #define DIGIT_GROUP		8
132 				/* floor(DIGIT_BIT*log(2)/log(10)) */
134 /* Union used to dismantle floating point numbers. */
136 typedef union Double {
137     struct {
139 	int word0;
140 	int word1;
141 #else
142 	int word1;
143 	int word0;
144 #endif
145     } w;
146     double d;
147     Tcl_WideUInt q;
148 } Double;
150 static int maxpow10_wide;	/* The powers of ten that can be represented
151 				 * exactly as wide integers. */
152 static Tcl_WideUInt *pow10_wide;
153 #define MAXPOW	22
154 static double pow10vals[MAXPOW+1];
155 				/* The powers of ten that can be represented
156 				 * exactly as IEEE754 doubles. */
157 static int mmaxpow;		/* Largest power of ten that can be
158 				 * represented exactly in a 'double'. */
159 static int log10_DIGIT_MAX;	/* The number of decimal digits that fit in an
160 				 * mp_digit. */
161 static int log2FLT_RADIX;	/* Logarithm of the floating point radix. */
162 static int mantBits;		/* Number of bits in a double's significand */
163 static mp_int pow5[9];		/* Table of powers of 5**(2**n), up to
164 				 * 5**256 */
165 static double tiny = 0.0;		/* The smallest representable double */
166 static int maxDigits;		/* The maximum number of digits to the left of
167 				 * the decimal point of a double. */
168 static int minDigits;		/* The maximum number of digits to the right
169 				 * of the decimal point in a double. */
170 static const double pow_10_2_n[] = {	/* Inexact higher powers of ten. */
171     1.0,
172     100.0,
173     10000.0,
174     1.0e+8,
175     1.0e+16,
176     1.0e+32,
177     1.0e+64,
178     1.0e+128,
179     1.0e+256
180 };
182 static int n770_fp;		/* Flag is 1 on Nokia N770 floating point.
183 				 * Nokia's floating point has the words
184 				 * reversed: if big-endian is 7654 3210,
185 				 * and little-endian is       0123 4567,
186 				 * then Nokia's FP is         4567 0123;
187 				 * little-endian within the 32-bit words
188 				 * but big-endian between them. */
190 /* Table of powers of 5 that are small enough to fit in an mp_digit. */
192 static const mp_digit dpow5[13] = {
193                1,              5,             25,            125,
194              625,           3125,          15625,          78125,
195           390625,        1953125,        9765625,       48828125,
196        244140625
197 };
199 /* Table of powers: pow5_13[n] = 5**(13*2**(n+1)) */
200 static mp_int pow5_13[5];	/* Table of powers: 5**13, 5**26, 5**52,
201 				 * 5**104, 5**208 */
202 static const double tens[] = {
203     1e00, 1e01, 1e02, 1e03, 1e04, 1e05, 1e06, 1e07, 1e08, 1e09,
204     1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19,
205     1e20, 1e21, 1e22
206 };
208 static const int itens [] = {
209     1,
210     10,
211     100,
212     1000,
213     10000,
214     100000,
215     1000000,
216     10000000,
217     100000000
218 };
220 static const double bigtens[] = {
221     1e016, 1e032, 1e064, 1e128, 1e256
222 };
223 #define N_BIGTENS 5
225 static const int log2pow5[27] = {
226     01,  3,  5,  7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21,
227     24, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 42, 45,
228     47, 49, 52, 54, 56, 59, 61
229 };
230 #define N_LOG2POW5 27
232 static const Tcl_WideUInt wuipow5[27] = {
233     (Tcl_WideUInt) 1,		/* 5**0 */
234     (Tcl_WideUInt) 5,
235     (Tcl_WideUInt) 25,
236     (Tcl_WideUInt) 125,
237     (Tcl_WideUInt) 625,
238     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125,	/* 5**5 */
239     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*5,
240     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*25,
241     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*125,
242     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*625,
243     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125,	/* 5**10 */
244     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*5,
245     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*25,
246     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*125,
247     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*625,
248     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*3125, /* 5**15 */
249     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*3125*5,
250     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*3125*25,
251     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*3125*125,
252     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*3125*625,
253     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*3125*3125,	/* 5**20 */
254     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*3125*3125*5,
255     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*3125*3125*25,
256     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*3125*3125*125,
257     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*3125*3125*625,
258     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*3125*3125*3125,  /* 5**25 */
259     (Tcl_WideUInt) 3125*3125*3125*3125*3125*5 /* 5**26 */
260 };
262 /*
263  * Static functions defined in this file.
264  */
266 static int		AccumulateDecimalDigit(unsigned, int,
267 			    Tcl_WideUInt *, mp_int *, int);
268 static double		MakeHighPrecisionDouble(int signum,
269 			    mp_int *significand, int nSigDigs, int exponent);
270 static double		MakeLowPrecisionDouble(int signum,
271 			    Tcl_WideUInt significand, int nSigDigs,
272 			    int exponent);
273 static double		MakeNaN(int signum, Tcl_WideUInt tag);
274 static double		RefineApproximation(double approx,
275 			    mp_int *exactSignificand, int exponent);
276 static void		MulPow5(mp_int*, unsigned, mp_int*);
277 static int 		NormalizeRightward(Tcl_WideUInt*);
278 static int		RequiredPrecision(Tcl_WideUInt);
279 static void		DoubleToExpAndSig(double, Tcl_WideUInt*, int*, int*);
280 static void		TakeAbsoluteValue(Double*, int*);
281 static char*		FormatInfAndNaN(Double*, int*, char**);
282 static char*		FormatZero(int*, char**);
283 static int		ApproximateLog10(Tcl_WideUInt, int, int);
284 static int		BetterLog10(double, int, int*);
285 static void		ComputeScale(int, int, int*, int*, int*, int*);
286 static void		SetPrecisionLimits(int, int, int*, int*, int*, int*);
287 static char*		BumpUp(char*, char*, int*);
288 static int		AdjustRange(double*, int);
289 static char*		ShorteningQuickFormat(double, int, int, double,
290 			    char*, int*);
291 static char*		StrictQuickFormat(double, int, int, double,
292 			    char*, int*);
293 static char*		QuickConversion(double, int, int, int, int, int, int,
294 			    int*, char**);
295 static void		CastOutPowersOf2(int*, int*, int*);
296 static char*		ShorteningInt64Conversion(Double*, int, Tcl_WideUInt,
297 			    int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int,
298 			    int, int, int*, char**);
299 static char*		StrictInt64Conversion(Double*, int, Tcl_WideUInt,
300 			    int, int, int, int, int, int,
301 			    int, int, int*, char**);
302 static int		ShouldBankerRoundUpPowD(mp_int*, int, int);
303 static int		ShouldBankerRoundUpToNextPowD(mp_int*, mp_int*,
304 			    int, int, int, mp_int*);
305 static char*		ShorteningBignumConversionPowD(Double* dPtr,
306 			    int convType, Tcl_WideUInt bw, int b2, int b5,
307 			    int m2plus, int m2minus, int m5,
308 			    int sd, int k, int len,
309 			    int ilim, int ilim1, int* decpt,
310 			    char** endPtr);
311 static char*		StrictBignumConversionPowD(Double* dPtr, int convType,
312 			    Tcl_WideUInt bw, int b2, int b5,
313 			    int sd, int k, int len,
314 			    int ilim, int ilim1, int* decpt,
315 			    char** endPtr);
316 static int		ShouldBankerRoundUp(mp_int*, mp_int*, int);
317 static int		ShouldBankerRoundUpToNext(mp_int*, mp_int*, mp_int*,
318 			    int, int, mp_int*);
319 static char*		ShorteningBignumConversion(Double* dPtr, int convType,
320 			    Tcl_WideUInt bw, int b2,
321 			    int m2plus, int m2minus,
322 			    int s2, int s5, int k, int len,
323 			    int ilim, int ilim1, int* decpt,
324 			    char** endPtr);
325 static char*		StrictBignumConversion(Double* dPtr, int convType,
326 			    Tcl_WideUInt bw, int b2,
327 			    int s2, int s5, int k, int len,
328 			    int ilim, int ilim1, int* decpt,
329 			    char** endPtr);
330 static double		BignumToBiasedFrExp(mp_int *big, int *machexp);
331 static double		Pow10TimesFrExp(int exponent, double fraction,
332 			    int *machexp);
333 static double		SafeLdExp(double fraction, int exponent);
334 static Tcl_WideUInt	Nokia770Twiddle(Tcl_WideUInt w);
336 /*
337  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
338  *
339  * TclParseNumber --
340  *
341  *	Scans bytes, interpreted as characters in Tcl's internal encoding, and
342  *	parses the longest prefix that is the string representation of a
343  *	number in a format recognized by Tcl.
344  *
345  *	The arguments bytes, numBytes, and objPtr are the inputs which
346  *	determine the string to be parsed. If bytes is non-NULL, it points to
347  *	the first byte to be scanned. If bytes is NULL, then objPtr must be
348  *	non-NULL, and the string representation of objPtr will be scanned
349  *	(generated first, if necessary). The numBytes argument determines the
350  *	number of bytes to be scanned. If numBytes is negative, the first NUL
351  *	byte encountered will terminate the scan. If numBytes is non-negative,
352  *	then no more than numBytes bytes will be scanned.
353  *
354  *	The argument flags is an input that controls the numeric formats
355  *	recognized by the parser. The flag bits are:
356  *
357  *	- TCL_PARSE_INTEGER_ONLY:	accept only integer values; reject
358  *		strings that denote floating point values (or accept only the
359  *		leading portion of them that are integer values).
360  *	- TCL_PARSE_SCAN_PREFIXES:	ignore the prefixes 0b and 0o that are
361  *		not part of the [scan] command's vocabulary. Use only in
362  *		combination with TCL_PARSE_INTEGER_ONLY.
363  * 	- TCL_PARSE_OCTAL_ONLY:		parse only in the octal format, whether
364  *		or not a prefix is present that would lead to octal parsing.
365  *		Use only in combination with TCL_PARSE_INTEGER_ONLY.
366  * 	- TCL_PARSE_HEXADECIMAL_ONLY:	parse only in the hexadecimal format,
367  *		whether or not a prefix is present that would lead to
368  *		hexadecimal parsing. Use only in combination with
370  * 	- TCL_PARSE_DECIMAL_ONLY:	parse only in the decimal format, no
371  *		matter whether a 0 prefix would normally force a different
372  *		base.
373  *	- TCL_PARSE_NO_WHITESPACE:	reject any leading/trailing whitespace
374  *
375  *	The arguments interp and expected are inputs that control error
376  *	message generation. If interp is NULL, no error message will be
377  *	generated. If interp is non-NULL, then expected must also be non-NULL.
378  *	When TCL_ERROR is returned, an error message will be left in the
379  *	result of interp, and the expected argument will appear in the error
380  *	message as the thing TclParseNumber expected, but failed to find in
381  *	the string.
382  *
383  *	The arguments objPtr and endPtrPtr as well as the return code are the
384  *	outputs.
385  *
386  *	When the parser cannot find any prefix of the string that matches a
387  *	format it is looking for, TCL_ERROR is returned and an error message
388  *	may be generated and returned as described above. The contents of
389  *	objPtr will not be changed. If endPtrPtr is non-NULL, a pointer to the
390  *	character in the string that terminated the scan will be written to
391  *	*endPtrPtr.
392  *
393  *	When the parser determines that the entire string matches a format it
394  *	is looking for, TCL_OK is returned, and if objPtr is non-NULL, then
395  *	the internal rep and Tcl_ObjType of objPtr are set to the "canonical"
396  *	numeric value that matches the scanned string. If endPtrPtr is not
397  *	NULL, a pointer to the end of the string will be written to *endPtrPtr
398  *	(that is, either bytes+numBytes or a pointer to a terminating NUL
399  *	byte).
400  *
401  *	When the parser determines that a partial string matches a format it
402  *	is looking for, the value of endPtrPtr determines what happens:
403  *
404  *	- If endPtrPtr is NULL, then TCL_ERROR is returned, with error message
405  *		generation as above.
406  *
407  *	- If endPtrPtr is non-NULL, then TCL_OK is returned and objPtr
408  *		internals are set as above. Also, a pointer to the first
409  *		character following the parsed numeric string is written to
410  *		*endPtrPtr.
411  *
412  *	In some cases where the string being scanned is the string rep of
413  *	objPtr, this routine can leave objPtr in an inconsistent state where
414  *	its string rep and its internal rep do not agree. In these cases the
415  *	internal rep will be in agreement with only some substring of the
416  *	string rep. This might happen if the caller passes in a non-NULL bytes
417  *	value that points somewhere into the string rep. It might happen if
418  *	the caller passes in a numBytes value that limits the scan to only a
419  *	prefix of the string rep. Or it might happen if a non-NULL value of
420  *	endPtrPtr permits a TCL_OK return from only a partial string match. It
421  *	is the responsibility of the caller to detect and correct such
422  *	inconsistencies when they can and do arise.
423  *
424  * Results:
425  *	Returns a standard Tcl result.
426  *
427  * Side effects:
428  *	The string representaton of objPtr may be generated.
429  *
430  *	The internal representation and Tcl_ObjType of objPtr may be changed.
431  *	This may involve allocation and/or freeing of memory.
432  *
433  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
434  */
436 int
TclParseNumber(Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_Obj * objPtr,const char * expected,const char * bytes,int numBytes,const char ** endPtrPtr,int flags)437 TclParseNumber(
438     Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Used for error reporting. May be NULL. */
439     Tcl_Obj *objPtr,		/* Object to receive the internal rep. */
440     const char *expected,	/* Description of the type of number the
441 				 * caller expects to be able to parse
442 				 * ("integer", "boolean value", etc.). */
443     const char *bytes,		/* Pointer to the start of the string to
444 				 * scan. */
445     int numBytes,		/* Maximum number of bytes to scan, see
446 				 * above. */
447     const char **endPtrPtr,	/* Place to store pointer to the character
448 				 * that terminated the scan. */
449     int flags)			/* Flags governing the parse. */
450 {
451     enum State {
460 #endif
461     } state = INITIAL;
462     enum State acceptState = INITIAL;
464     int signum = 0;		/* Sign of the number being parsed */
465     Tcl_WideUInt significandWide = 0;
466 				/* Significand of the number being parsed (if
467 				 * no overflow) */
468     mp_int significandBig;	/* Significand of the number being parsed (if
469 				 * it overflows significandWide) */
470     int significandOverflow = 0;/* Flag==1 iff significandBig is used */
471     Tcl_WideUInt octalSignificandWide = 0;
472 				/* Significand of an octal number; needed
473 				 * because we don't know whether a number with
474 				 * a leading zero is octal or decimal until
475 				 * we've scanned forward to a '.' or 'e' */
476     mp_int octalSignificandBig;	/* Significand of octal number once
477 				 * octalSignificandWide overflows */
478     int octalSignificandOverflow = 0;
479 				/* Flag==1 if octalSignificandBig is used */
480     int numSigDigs = 0;		/* Number of significant digits in the decimal
481 				 * significand */
482     int numTrailZeros = 0;	/* Number of trailing zeroes at the current
483 				 * point in the parse. */
484     int numDigitsAfterDp = 0;	/* Number of digits scanned after the decimal
485 				 * point */
486     int exponentSignum = 0;	/* Signum of the exponent of a floating point
487 				 * number */
488     long exponent = 0;		/* Exponent of a floating point number */
489     const char *p;		/* Pointer to next character to scan */
490     size_t len;			/* Number of characters remaining after p */
491     const char *acceptPoint;	/* Pointer to position after last character in
492 				 * an acceptable number */
493     size_t acceptLen;		/* Number of characters following that
494 				 * point. */
495     int status = TCL_OK;	/* Status to return to caller */
496     char d = 0;			/* Last hexadecimal digit scanned; initialized
497 				 * to avoid a compiler warning. */
498     int shift = 0;		/* Amount to shift when accumulating binary */
499     int explicitOctal = 0;
501 #define ALL_BITS	(~(Tcl_WideUInt)0)
502 #define MOST_BITS	(ALL_BITS >> 1)
504     /*
505      * Initialize bytes to start of the object's string rep if the caller
506      * didn't pass anything else.
507      */
509     if (bytes == NULL) {
510 	bytes = TclGetString(objPtr);
511     }
513     p = bytes;
514     len = numBytes;
515     acceptPoint = p;
516     acceptLen = len;
517     while (1) {
518 	char c = len ? *p : '\0';
519 	switch (state) {
521 	case INITIAL:
522 	    /*
523 	     * Initial state. Acceptable characters are +, -, digits, period,
524 	     * I, N, and whitespace.
525 	     */
527 	    if (TclIsSpaceProc(c)) {
528 		if (flags & TCL_PARSE_NO_WHITESPACE) {
529 		    goto endgame;
530 		}
531 		break;
532 	    } else if (c == '+') {
533 		state = SIGNUM;
534 		break;
535 	    } else if (c == '-') {
536 		signum = 1;
537 		state = SIGNUM;
538 		break;
539 	    }
540 	    /* FALLTHROUGH */
542 	case SIGNUM:
543 	    /*
544 	     * Scanned a leading + or -. Acceptable characters are digits,
545 	     * period, I, and N.
546 	     */
548 	    if (c == '0') {
549 		if (flags & TCL_PARSE_DECIMAL_ONLY) {
550 		    state = DECIMAL;
551 		} else {
552 		    state = ZERO;
553 		}
554 		break;
555 	    } else if (flags & TCL_PARSE_HEXADECIMAL_ONLY) {
556 		goto zerox;
557 	    } else if (flags & TCL_PARSE_OCTAL_ONLY) {
558 		goto zeroo;
559 	    } else if (isdigit(UCHAR(c))) {
560 		significandWide = c - '0';
561 		numSigDigs = 1;
562 		state = DECIMAL;
563 		break;
564 	    } else if (flags & TCL_PARSE_INTEGER_ONLY) {
565 		goto endgame;
566 	    } else if (c == '.') {
567 		state = LEADING_RADIX_POINT;
568 		break;
569 	    } else if (c == 'I' || c == 'i') {
570 		state = sI;
571 		break;
573 	    } else if (c == 'N' || c == 'n') {
574 		state = sN;
575 		break;
576 #endif
577 	    }
578 	    goto endgame;
580 	case ZERO:
581 	    /*
582 	     * Scanned a leading zero (perhaps with a + or -). Acceptable
583 	     * inputs are digits, period, X, b, and E. If 8 or 9 is encountered,
584 	     * the number can't be octal. This state and the OCTAL state
585 	     * differ only in whether they recognize 'X' and 'b'.
586 	     */
588 	    acceptState = state;
589 	    acceptPoint = p;
590 	    acceptLen = len;
591 	    if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') {
592 		state = ZERO_X;
593 		break;
594 	    }
595 	    if (flags & TCL_PARSE_HEXADECIMAL_ONLY) {
596 		goto zerox;
597 	    }
598 	    if (flags & TCL_PARSE_SCAN_PREFIXES) {
599 		goto zeroo;
600 	    }
601 	    if (c == 'b' || c == 'B') {
602 		state = ZERO_B;
603 		break;
604 	    }
605 	    if (c == 'o' || c == 'O') {
606 		explicitOctal = 1;
607 		state = ZERO_O;
608 		break;
609 	    }
610 #ifdef KILL_OCTAL
611 	    goto decimal;
612 #endif
613 	    /* FALLTHROUGH */
615 	case OCTAL:
616 	    /*
617 	     * Scanned an optional + or -, followed by a string of octal
618 	     * digits. Acceptable inputs are more digits, period, or E. If 8
619 	     * or 9 is encountered, commit to floating point.
620 	     */
622 	    acceptState = state;
623 	    acceptPoint = p;
624 	    acceptLen = len;
625 	    /* FALLTHROUGH */
626 	case ZERO_O:
627 	zeroo:
628 	    if (c == '0') {
629 		numTrailZeros++;
630 		state = OCTAL;
631 		break;
632 	    } else if (c >= '1' && c <= '7') {
633 		if (objPtr != NULL) {
634 		    shift = 3 * (numTrailZeros + 1);
635 		    significandOverflow = AccumulateDecimalDigit(
636 			    (unsigned)(c-'0'), numTrailZeros,
637 			    &significandWide, &significandBig,
638 			    significandOverflow);
640 		    if (!octalSignificandOverflow) {
641 			/*
642 			 * Shifting by more bits than are in the value being
643 			 * shifted is at least de facto nonportable. Check for
644 			 * too large shifts first.
645 			 */
647 			if ((octalSignificandWide != 0)
648 				&& (((size_t)shift >=
649 					CHAR_BIT*sizeof(Tcl_WideUInt))
650 				|| (octalSignificandWide >
651 					(~(Tcl_WideUInt)0 >> shift)))) {
652 			    octalSignificandOverflow = 1;
653 			    TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(&octalSignificandBig,
654 				    octalSignificandWide);
655 			}
656 		    }
657 		    if (!octalSignificandOverflow) {
658 			octalSignificandWide =
659 				(octalSignificandWide << shift) + (c - '0');
660 		    } else {
661 			mp_mul_2d(&octalSignificandBig, shift,
662 				&octalSignificandBig);
663 			mp_add_d(&octalSignificandBig, (mp_digit)(c - '0'),
664 				&octalSignificandBig);
665 		    }
666 		}
667 		if (numSigDigs != 0) {
668 		    numSigDigs += numTrailZeros+1;
669 		} else {
670 		    numSigDigs = 1;
671 		}
672 		numTrailZeros = 0;
673 		state = OCTAL;
674 		break;
675 	    }
676 	    /* FALLTHROUGH */
678 	case BAD_OCTAL:
679 	    if (explicitOctal) {
680 		/*
681 		 * No forgiveness for bad digits in explicitly octal numbers.
682 		 */
684 		goto endgame;
685 	    }
686 	    if (flags & TCL_PARSE_INTEGER_ONLY) {
687 		/*
688 		 * No seeking floating point when parsing only integer.
689 		 */
691 		goto endgame;
692 	    }
693 #ifndef KILL_OCTAL
695 	    /*
696 	     * Scanned a number with a leading zero that contains an 8, 9,
697 	     * radix point or E. This is an invalid octal number, but might
698 	     * still be floating point.
699 	     */
701 	    if (c == '0') {
702 		numTrailZeros++;
703 		state = BAD_OCTAL;
704 		break;
705 	    } else if (isdigit(UCHAR(c))) {
706 		if (objPtr != NULL) {
707 		    significandOverflow = AccumulateDecimalDigit(
708 			    (unsigned)(c-'0'), numTrailZeros,
709 			    &significandWide, &significandBig,
710 			    significandOverflow);
711 		}
712 		if (numSigDigs != 0) {
713 		    numSigDigs += (numTrailZeros + 1);
714 		} else {
715 		    numSigDigs = 1;
716 		}
717 		numTrailZeros = 0;
718 		state = BAD_OCTAL;
719 		break;
720 	    } else if (c == '.') {
721 		state = FRACTION;
722 		break;
723 	    } else if (c == 'E' || c == 'e') {
724 		state = EXPONENT_START;
725 		break;
726 	    }
727 #endif
728 	    goto endgame;
730 	    /*
731 	     * Scanned 0x. If state is HEXADECIMAL, scanned at least one
732 	     * character following the 0x. The only acceptable inputs are
733 	     * hexadecimal digits.
734 	     */
736 	case HEXADECIMAL:
737 	    acceptState = state;
738 	    acceptPoint = p;
739 	    acceptLen = len;
740 	    /* FALLTHROUGH */
742 	case ZERO_X:
743 	zerox:
744 	    if (c == '0') {
745 		numTrailZeros++;
746 		state = HEXADECIMAL;
747 		break;
748 	    } else if (isdigit(UCHAR(c))) {
749 		d = (c-'0');
750 	    } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
751 		d = (c-'A'+10);
752 	    } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
753 		d = (c-'a'+10);
754 	    } else {
755 		goto endgame;
756 	    }
757 	    if (objPtr != NULL) {
758 		shift = 4 * (numTrailZeros + 1);
759 		if (!significandOverflow) {
760 		    /*
761 		     * Shifting by more bits than are in the value being
762 		     * shifted is at least de facto nonportable. Check for too
763 		     * large shifts first.
764 		     */
766 		    if (significandWide != 0 &&
767 			    ((size_t)shift >= CHAR_BIT*sizeof(Tcl_WideUInt) ||
768 			    significandWide > (~(Tcl_WideUInt)0 >> shift))) {
769 			significandOverflow = 1;
770 			TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(&significandBig,
771 				significandWide);
772 		    }
773 		}
774 		if (!significandOverflow) {
775 		    significandWide = (significandWide << shift) + d;
776 		} else {
777 		    mp_mul_2d(&significandBig, shift, &significandBig);
778 		    mp_add_d(&significandBig, (mp_digit) d, &significandBig);
779 		}
780 	    }
781 	    numTrailZeros = 0;
782 	    state = HEXADECIMAL;
783 	    break;
785 	case BINARY:
786 	    acceptState = state;
787 	    acceptPoint = p;
788 	    acceptLen = len;
789 	case ZERO_B:
790 	    if (c == '0') {
791 		numTrailZeros++;
792 		state = BINARY;
793 		break;
794 	    } else if (c != '1') {
795 		goto endgame;
796 	    }
797 	    if (objPtr != NULL) {
798 		shift = numTrailZeros + 1;
799 		if (!significandOverflow) {
800 		    /*
801 		     * Shifting by more bits than are in the value being
802 		     * shifted is at least de facto nonportable. Check for too
803 		     * large shifts first.
804 		     */
806 		    if (significandWide != 0 &&
807 			    ((size_t)shift >= CHAR_BIT*sizeof(Tcl_WideUInt) ||
808 			    significandWide > (~(Tcl_WideUInt)0 >> shift))) {
809 			significandOverflow = 1;
810 			TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(&significandBig,
811 				significandWide);
812 		    }
813 		}
814 		if (!significandOverflow) {
815 		    significandWide = (significandWide << shift) + 1;
816 		} else {
817 		    mp_mul_2d(&significandBig, shift, &significandBig);
818 		    mp_add_d(&significandBig, (mp_digit) 1, &significandBig);
819 		}
820 	    }
821 	    numTrailZeros = 0;
822 	    state = BINARY;
823 	    break;
825 	case DECIMAL:
826 	    /*
827 	     * Scanned an optional + or - followed by a string of decimal
828 	     * digits.
829 	     */
831 #ifdef KILL_OCTAL
832 	decimal:
833 #endif
834 	    acceptState = state;
835 	    acceptPoint = p;
836 	    acceptLen = len;
837 	    if (c == '0') {
838 		numTrailZeros++;
839 		state = DECIMAL;
840 		break;
841 	    } else if (isdigit(UCHAR(c))) {
842 		if (objPtr != NULL) {
843 		    significandOverflow = AccumulateDecimalDigit(
844 			    (unsigned)(c - '0'), numTrailZeros,
845 			    &significandWide, &significandBig,
846 			    significandOverflow);
847 		}
848 		numSigDigs += numTrailZeros+1;
849 		numTrailZeros = 0;
850 		state = DECIMAL;
851 		break;
852 	    } else if (flags & TCL_PARSE_INTEGER_ONLY) {
853 		goto endgame;
854 	    } else if (c == '.') {
855 		state = FRACTION;
856 		break;
857 	    } else if (c == 'E' || c == 'e') {
858 		state = EXPONENT_START;
859 		break;
860 	    }
861 	    goto endgame;
863 	    /*
864 	     * Found a decimal point. If no digits have yet been scanned, E is
865 	     * not allowed; otherwise, it introduces the exponent. If at least
866 	     * one digit has been found, we have a possible complete number.
867 	     */
869 	case FRACTION:
870 	    acceptState = state;
871 	    acceptPoint = p;
872 	    acceptLen = len;
873 	    if (c == 'E' || c=='e') {
874 		state = EXPONENT_START;
875 		break;
876 	    }
877 	    /* FALLTHROUGH */
880 	    if (c == '0') {
881 		numDigitsAfterDp++;
882 		numTrailZeros++;
883 		state = FRACTION;
884 		break;
885 	    } else if (isdigit(UCHAR(c))) {
886 		numDigitsAfterDp++;
887 		if (objPtr != NULL) {
888 		    significandOverflow = AccumulateDecimalDigit(
889 			    (unsigned)(c-'0'), numTrailZeros,
890 			    &significandWide, &significandBig,
891 			    significandOverflow);
892 		}
893 		if (numSigDigs != 0) {
894 		    numSigDigs += numTrailZeros+1;
895 		} else {
896 		    numSigDigs = 1;
897 		}
898 		numTrailZeros = 0;
899 		state = FRACTION;
900 		break;
901 	    }
902 	    goto endgame;
905 	    /*
906 	     * Scanned the E at the start of an exponent. Make sure a legal
907 	     * character follows before using the C library strtol routine,
908 	     * which allows whitespace.
909 	     */
911 	    if (c == '+') {
912 		state = EXPONENT_SIGNUM;
913 		break;
914 	    } else if (c == '-') {
915 		exponentSignum = 1;
916 		state = EXPONENT_SIGNUM;
917 		break;
918 	    }
919 	    /* FALLTHROUGH */
922 	    /*
923 	     * Found the E at the start of the exponent, followed by a sign
924 	     * character.
925 	     */
927 	    if (isdigit(UCHAR(c))) {
928 		exponent = c - '0';
929 		state = EXPONENT;
930 		break;
931 	    }
932 	    goto endgame;
934 	case EXPONENT:
935 	    /*
936 	     * Found an exponent with at least one digit. Accumulate it,
937 	     * making sure to hard-pin it to LONG_MAX on overflow.
938 	     */
940 	    acceptState = state;
941 	    acceptPoint = p;
942 	    acceptLen = len;
943 	    if (isdigit(UCHAR(c))) {
944 		if (exponent < (LONG_MAX - 9) / 10) {
945 		    exponent = 10 * exponent + (c - '0');
946 		} else {
947 		    exponent = LONG_MAX;
948 		}
949 		state = EXPONENT;
950 		break;
951 	    }
952 	    goto endgame;
954 	    /*
955 	     * Parse out INFINITY by simply spelling it out. INF is accepted
956 	     * as an abbreviation; other prefices are not.
957 	     */
959 	case sI:
960 	    if (c == 'n' || c == 'N') {
961 		state = sIN;
962 		break;
963 	    }
964 	    goto endgame;
965 	case sIN:
966 	    if (c == 'f' || c == 'F') {
967 		state = sINF;
968 		break;
969 	    }
970 	    goto endgame;
971 	case sINF:
972 	    acceptState = state;
973 	    acceptPoint = p;
974 	    acceptLen = len;
975 	    if (c == 'i' || c == 'I') {
976 		state = sINFI;
977 		break;
978 	    }
979 	    goto endgame;
980 	case sINFI:
981 	    if (c == 'n' || c == 'N') {
982 		state = sINFIN;
983 		break;
984 	    }
985 	    goto endgame;
986 	case sINFIN:
987 	    if (c == 'i' || c == 'I') {
988 		state = sINFINI;
989 		break;
990 	    }
991 	    goto endgame;
992 	case sINFINI:
993 	    if (c == 't' || c == 'T') {
994 		state = sINFINIT;
995 		break;
996 	    }
997 	    goto endgame;
998 	case sINFINIT:
999 	    if (c == 'y' || c == 'Y') {
1000 		state = sINFINITY;
1001 		break;
1002 	    }
1003 	    goto endgame;
1005 	    /*
1006 	     * Parse NaN's.
1007 	     */
1009 	case sN:
1010 	    if (c == 'a' || c == 'A') {
1011 		state = sNA;
1012 		break;
1013 	    }
1014 	    goto endgame;
1015 	case sNA:
1016 	    if (c == 'n' || c == 'N') {
1017 		state = sNAN;
1018 		break;
1019 	    }
1020 	    goto endgame;
1021 	case sNAN:
1022 	    acceptState = state;
1023 	    acceptPoint = p;
1024 	    acceptLen = len;
1025 	    if (c == '(') {
1026 		state = sNANPAREN;
1027 		break;
1028 	    }
1029 	    goto endgame;
1031 	    /*
1032 	     * Parse NaN(hexdigits)
1033 	     */
1034 	case sNANHEX:
1035 	    if (c == ')') {
1036 		state = sNANFINISH;
1037 		break;
1038 	    }
1039 	    /* FALLTHROUGH */
1040 	case sNANPAREN:
1041 	    if (TclIsSpaceProc(c)) {
1042 		break;
1043 	    }
1044 	    if (numSigDigs < 13) {
1045 		if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
1046 		    d = c - '0';
1047 		} else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
1048 		    d = 10 + c - 'a';
1049 		} else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
1050 		    d = 10 + c - 'A';
1051 		} else {
1052 		    goto endgame;
1053 		}
1054 		numSigDigs++;
1055 		significandWide = (significandWide << 4) + d;
1056 		state = sNANHEX;
1057 		break;
1058 	    }
1059 	    goto endgame;
1060 	case sNANFINISH:
1061 #endif
1063 	case sINFINITY:
1064 	    acceptState = state;
1065 	    acceptPoint = p;
1066 	    acceptLen = len;
1067 	    goto endgame;
1068 	}
1069 	p++;
1070 	len--;
1071     }
1073   endgame:
1074     if (acceptState == INITIAL) {
1075 	/*
1076 	 * No numeric string at all found.
1077 	 */
1079 	status = TCL_ERROR;
1080 	if (endPtrPtr != NULL) {
1081 	    *endPtrPtr = p;
1082 	}
1083     } else {
1084 	/*
1085 	 * Back up to the last accepting state in the lexer.
1086 	 */
1088 	p = acceptPoint;
1089 	len = acceptLen;
1090 	if (!(flags & TCL_PARSE_NO_WHITESPACE)) {
1091 	    /*
1092 	     * Accept trailing whitespace.
1093 	     */
1095 	    while (len != 0 && TclIsSpaceProc(*p)) {
1096 		p++;
1097 		len--;
1098 	    }
1099 	}
1100 	if (endPtrPtr == NULL) {
1101 	    if ((len != 0) && ((numBytes > 0) || (*p != '\0'))) {
1102 		status = TCL_ERROR;
1103 	    }
1104 	} else {
1105 	    *endPtrPtr = p;
1106 	}
1107     }
1109     /*
1110      * Generate and store the appropriate internal rep.
1111      */
1113     if (status == TCL_OK && objPtr != NULL) {
1114 	TclFreeIntRep(objPtr);
1115 	switch (acceptState) {
1116 	case SIGNUM:
1117 	case BAD_OCTAL:
1118 	case ZERO_X:
1119 	case ZERO_O:
1120 	case ZERO_B:
1122 	case EXPONENT_START:
1124 	case sI:
1125 	case sIN:
1126 	case sINFI:
1127 	case sINFIN:
1128 	case sINFINI:
1129 	case sINFINIT:
1131 	case sN:
1132 	case sNA:
1133 	case sNANPAREN:
1134 	case sNANHEX:
1135 	    Tcl_Panic("TclParseNumber: bad acceptState %d parsing '%s'",
1136 		    acceptState, bytes);
1137 #endif
1138 	case BINARY:
1139 	    shift = numTrailZeros;
1140 	    if (!significandOverflow && significandWide != 0 &&
1141 		    ((size_t)shift >= CHAR_BIT*sizeof(Tcl_WideUInt) ||
1142 		    significandWide > (MOST_BITS + signum) >> shift)) {
1143 		significandOverflow = 1;
1144 		TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(&significandBig, significandWide);
1145 	    }
1146 	    if (shift) {
1147 		if (!significandOverflow) {
1148 		    significandWide <<= shift;
1149 		} else {
1150 		    mp_mul_2d(&significandBig, shift, &significandBig);
1151 		}
1152 	    }
1153 	    goto returnInteger;
1155 	case HEXADECIMAL:
1156 	    /*
1157 	     * Returning a hex integer. Final scaling step.
1158 	     */
1160 	    shift = 4 * numTrailZeros;
1161 	    if (!significandOverflow && significandWide !=0 &&
1162 		    ((size_t)shift >= CHAR_BIT*sizeof(Tcl_WideUInt) ||
1163 		    significandWide > (MOST_BITS + signum) >> shift)) {
1164 		significandOverflow = 1;
1165 		TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(&significandBig, significandWide);
1166 	    }
1167 	    if (shift) {
1168 		if (!significandOverflow) {
1169 		    significandWide <<= shift;
1170 		} else {
1171 		    mp_mul_2d(&significandBig, shift, &significandBig);
1172 		}
1173 	    }
1174 	    goto returnInteger;
1176 	case OCTAL:
1177 	    /*
1178 	     * Returning an octal integer. Final scaling step
1179 	     */
1181 	    shift = 3 * numTrailZeros;
1182 	    if (!octalSignificandOverflow && octalSignificandWide != 0 &&
1183 		    ((size_t)shift >= CHAR_BIT*sizeof(Tcl_WideUInt) ||
1184 		    octalSignificandWide > (MOST_BITS + signum) >> shift)) {
1185 		octalSignificandOverflow = 1;
1186 		TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(&octalSignificandBig,
1187 			octalSignificandWide);
1188 	    }
1189 	    if (shift) {
1190 		if (!octalSignificandOverflow) {
1191 		    octalSignificandWide <<= shift;
1192 		} else {
1193 		    mp_mul_2d(&octalSignificandBig, shift,
1194 			    &octalSignificandBig);
1195 		}
1196 	    }
1197 	    if (!octalSignificandOverflow) {
1198 		if (octalSignificandWide >
1199 			(Tcl_WideUInt)(((~(unsigned long)0) >> 1) + signum)) {
1200 #ifndef NO_WIDE_TYPE
1201 		    if (octalSignificandWide <= (MOST_BITS + signum)) {
1202 			objPtr->typePtr = &tclWideIntType;
1203 			if (signum) {
1204 			    objPtr->internalRep.wideValue =
1205 				    - (Tcl_WideInt) octalSignificandWide;
1206 			} else {
1207 			    objPtr->internalRep.wideValue =
1208 				    (Tcl_WideInt) octalSignificandWide;
1209 			}
1210 			break;
1211 		    }
1212 #endif
1213 		    TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(&octalSignificandBig,
1214 			    octalSignificandWide);
1215 		    octalSignificandOverflow = 1;
1216 		} else {
1217 		    objPtr->typePtr = &tclIntType;
1218 		    if (signum) {
1219 			objPtr->internalRep.longValue =
1220 				- (long) octalSignificandWide;
1221 		    } else {
1222 			objPtr->internalRep.longValue =
1223 				(long) octalSignificandWide;
1224 		    }
1225 		}
1226 	    }
1227 	    if (octalSignificandOverflow) {
1228 		if (signum) {
1229 		    mp_neg(&octalSignificandBig, &octalSignificandBig);
1230 		}
1231 		TclSetBignumIntRep(objPtr, &octalSignificandBig);
1232 	    }
1233 	    break;
1235 	case ZERO:
1236 	case DECIMAL:
1237 	    significandOverflow = AccumulateDecimalDigit(0, numTrailZeros-1,
1238 		    &significandWide, &significandBig, significandOverflow);
1239 	    if (!significandOverflow && (significandWide > MOST_BITS+signum)) {
1240 		significandOverflow = 1;
1241 		TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(&significandBig, significandWide);
1242 	    }
1243 	returnInteger:
1244 	    if (!significandOverflow) {
1245 		if (significandWide >
1246 			(Tcl_WideUInt)(((~(unsigned long)0) >> 1) + signum)) {
1247 #ifndef NO_WIDE_TYPE
1248 		    if (significandWide <= MOST_BITS+signum) {
1249 			objPtr->typePtr = &tclWideIntType;
1250 			if (signum) {
1251 			    objPtr->internalRep.wideValue =
1252 				    - (Tcl_WideInt) significandWide;
1253 			} else {
1254 			    objPtr->internalRep.wideValue =
1255 				    (Tcl_WideInt) significandWide;
1256 			}
1257 			break;
1258 		    }
1259 #endif
1260 		    TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(&significandBig,
1261 			    significandWide);
1262 		    significandOverflow = 1;
1263 		} else {
1264 		    objPtr->typePtr = &tclIntType;
1265 		    if (signum) {
1266 			objPtr->internalRep.longValue =
1267 				- (long) significandWide;
1268 		    } else {
1269 			objPtr->internalRep.longValue =
1270 				(long) significandWide;
1271 		    }
1272 		}
1273 	    }
1274 	    if (significandOverflow) {
1275 		if (signum) {
1276 		    mp_neg(&significandBig, &significandBig);
1277 		}
1278 		TclSetBignumIntRep(objPtr, &significandBig);
1279 	    }
1280 	    break;
1282 	case FRACTION:
1283 	case EXPONENT:
1285 	    /*
1286 	     * Here, we're parsing a floating-point number. 'significandWide'
1287 	     * or 'significandBig' contains the exact significand, according
1288 	     * to whether 'significandOverflow' is set. The desired floating
1289 	     * point value is significand * 10**k, where
1290 	     * k = numTrailZeros+exponent-numDigitsAfterDp.
1291 	     */
1293 	    objPtr->typePtr = &tclDoubleType;
1294 	    if (exponentSignum) {
1295 		exponent = - exponent;
1296 	    }
1297 	    if (!significandOverflow) {
1298 		objPtr->internalRep.doubleValue = MakeLowPrecisionDouble(
1299 			signum, significandWide, numSigDigs,
1300 			(numTrailZeros + exponent - numDigitsAfterDp));
1301 	    } else {
1302 		objPtr->internalRep.doubleValue = MakeHighPrecisionDouble(
1303 			signum, &significandBig, numSigDigs,
1304 			(numTrailZeros + exponent - numDigitsAfterDp));
1305 	    }
1306 	    break;
1308 	case sINF:
1309 	case sINFINITY:
1310 	    if (signum) {
1311 		objPtr->internalRep.doubleValue = -HUGE_VAL;
1312 	    } else {
1313 		objPtr->internalRep.doubleValue = HUGE_VAL;
1314 	    }
1315 	    objPtr->typePtr = &tclDoubleType;
1316 	    break;
1319 	case sNAN:
1320 	case sNANFINISH:
1321 	    objPtr->internalRep.doubleValue = MakeNaN(signum, significandWide);
1322 	    objPtr->typePtr = &tclDoubleType;
1323 	    break;
1324 #endif
1325 	case INITIAL:
1326 	    /* This case only to silence compiler warning */
1327 	    Tcl_Panic("TclParseNumber: state INITIAL can't happen here");
1328 	}
1329     }
1331     /*
1332      * Format an error message when an invalid number is encountered.
1333      */
1335     if (status != TCL_OK) {
1336 	if (interp != NULL) {
1337 	    Tcl_Obj *msg;
1339 	    TclNewLiteralStringObj(msg, "expected ");
1340 	    Tcl_AppendToObj(msg, expected, -1);
1341 	    Tcl_AppendToObj(msg, " but got \"", -1);
1342 	    Tcl_AppendLimitedToObj(msg, bytes, numBytes, 50, "");
1343 	    Tcl_AppendToObj(msg, "\"", -1);
1344 	    if (state == BAD_OCTAL) {
1345 		Tcl_AppendToObj(msg, " (looks like invalid octal number)", -1);
1346 	    }
1347 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, msg);
1348 	    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TCL", "VALUE", "NUMBER", NULL);
1349 	}
1350     }
1352     /*
1353      * Free memory.
1354      */
1356     if (octalSignificandOverflow) {
1357 	mp_clear(&octalSignificandBig);
1358     }
1359     if (significandOverflow) {
1360 	mp_clear(&significandBig);
1361     }
1362     return status;
1363 }
1365 /*
1366  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1367  *
1368  * AccumulateDecimalDigit --
1369  *
1370  *	Consume a decimal digit in a number being scanned.
1371  *
1372  * Results:
1373  *	Returns 1 if the number has overflowed to a bignum, 0 if it still fits
1374  *	in a wide integer.
1375  *
1376  * Side effects:
1377  *	Updates either the wide or bignum representation.
1378  *
1379  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1380  */
1382 static int
AccumulateDecimalDigit(unsigned digit,int numZeros,Tcl_WideUInt * wideRepPtr,mp_int * bignumRepPtr,int bignumFlag)1383 AccumulateDecimalDigit(
1384     unsigned digit,		/* Digit being scanned. */
1385     int numZeros,		/* Count of zero digits preceding the digit
1386 				 * being scanned. */
1387     Tcl_WideUInt *wideRepPtr,	/* Representation of the partial number as a
1388 				 * wide integer. */
1389     mp_int *bignumRepPtr,	/* Representation of the partial number as a
1390 				 * bignum. */
1391     int bignumFlag)		/* Flag == 1 if the number overflowed previous
1392 				 * to this digit. */
1393 {
1394     int i, n;
1395     Tcl_WideUInt w;
1397     /*
1398      * Try wide multiplication first
1399      */
1401     if (!bignumFlag) {
1402 	w = *wideRepPtr;
1403 	if (w == 0) {
1404 	    /*
1405 	     * There's no need to multiply if the multiplicand is zero.
1406 	     */
1408 	    *wideRepPtr = digit;
1409 	    return 0;
1410 	} else if (numZeros >= maxpow10_wide
1411 		  || w > ((~(Tcl_WideUInt)0)-digit)/pow10_wide[numZeros+1]) {
1412 	    /*
1413 	     * Wide multiplication will overflow.  Expand the
1414 	     * number to a bignum and fall through into the bignum case.
1415 	     */
1417 	    TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(bignumRepPtr, w);
1418 	} else {
1419 	    /*
1420 	     * Wide multiplication.
1421 	     */
1422 	    *wideRepPtr = w * pow10_wide[numZeros+1] + digit;
1423 	    return 0;
1424 	}
1425     }
1427     /*
1428      * Bignum multiplication.
1429      */
1431     if (numZeros < log10_DIGIT_MAX) {
1432 	/*
1433 	 * Up to about 8 zeros - single digit multiplication.
1434 	 */
1436 	mp_mul_d(bignumRepPtr, (mp_digit) pow10_wide[numZeros+1],
1437 		bignumRepPtr);
1438 	mp_add_d(bignumRepPtr, (mp_digit) digit, bignumRepPtr);
1439     } else {
1440 	/*
1441 	 * More than single digit multiplication. Multiply by the appropriate
1442 	 * small powers of 5, and then shift. Large strings of zeroes are
1443 	 * eaten 256 at a time; this is less efficient than it could be, but
1444 	 * seems implausible. We presume that DIGIT_BIT is at least 27. The
1445 	 * first multiplication, by up to 10**7, is done with a one-DIGIT
1446 	 * multiply (this presumes that DIGIT_BIT >= 24).
1447 	 */
1449 	n = numZeros + 1;
1450 	mp_mul_d(bignumRepPtr, (mp_digit) pow10_wide[n&0x7], bignumRepPtr);
1451 	for (i=3; i<=7; ++i) {
1452 	    if (n & (1 << i)) {
1453 		mp_mul(bignumRepPtr, pow5+i, bignumRepPtr);
1454 	    }
1455 	}
1456 	while (n >= 256) {
1457 	    mp_mul(bignumRepPtr, pow5+8, bignumRepPtr);
1458 	    n -= 256;
1459 	}
1460 	mp_mul_2d(bignumRepPtr, (int)(numZeros+1)&~0x7, bignumRepPtr);
1461 	mp_add_d(bignumRepPtr, (mp_digit) digit, bignumRepPtr);
1462     }
1464     return 1;
1465 }
1467 /*
1468  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1469  *
1470  * MakeLowPrecisionDouble --
1471  *
1472  *	Makes the double precision number, signum*significand*10**exponent.
1473  *
1474  * Results:
1475  *	Returns the constructed number.
1476  *
1477  *	Common cases, where there are few enough digits that the number can be
1478  *	represented with at most roundoff, are handled specially here. If the
1479  *	number requires more than one rounded operation to compute, the code
1480  *	promotes the significand to a bignum and calls MakeHighPrecisionDouble
1481  *	to do it instead.
1482  *
1483  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1484  */
1486 static double
MakeLowPrecisionDouble(int signum,Tcl_WideUInt significand,int numSigDigs,int exponent)1487 MakeLowPrecisionDouble(
1488     int signum,			/* 1 if the number is negative, 0 otherwise */
1489     Tcl_WideUInt significand,	/* Significand of the number */
1490     int numSigDigs,		/* Number of digits in the significand */
1491     int exponent)		/* Power of ten */
1492 {
1493     double retval;		/* Value of the number */
1494     mp_int significandBig;	/* Significand expressed as a bignum */
1496     /*
1497      * With gcc on x86, the floating point rounding mode is double-extended.
1498      * This causes the result of double-precision calculations to be rounded
1499      * twice: once to the precision of double-extended and then again to the
1500      * precision of double. Double-rounding introduces gratuitous errors of 1
1501      * ulp, so we need to change rounding mode to 53-bits.
1502      */
1504 #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386)
1505     fpu_control_t roundTo53Bits = 0x027f;
1506     fpu_control_t oldRoundingMode;
1507     _FPU_GETCW(oldRoundingMode);
1508     _FPU_SETCW(roundTo53Bits);
1509 #endif
1510 #if defined(__sun) && defined(__i386) && !defined(__GNUC__)
1511     ieee_flags("set","precision","double",NULL);
1512 #endif
1514     /*
1515      * Test for the easy cases.
1516      */
1518     if (numSigDigs <= QUICK_MAX) {
1519 	if (exponent >= 0) {
1520 	    if (exponent <= mmaxpow) {
1521 		/*
1522 		 * The significand is an exact integer, and so is
1523 		 * 10**exponent. The product will be correct to within 1/2 ulp
1524 		 * without special handling.
1525 		 */
1527 		retval = (double)(Tcl_WideInt)significand * pow10vals[exponent];
1528 		goto returnValue;
1529 	    } else {
1530 		int diff = QUICK_MAX - numSigDigs;
1531 		if (exponent-diff <= mmaxpow) {
1532 		    /*
1533 		     * 10**exponent is not an exact integer, but
1534 		     * 10**(exponent-diff) is exact, and so is
1535 		     * significand*10**diff, so we can still compute the value
1536 		     * with only one roundoff.
1537 		     */
1539 		    volatile double factor =
1540 			    (double)(Tcl_WideInt)significand * pow10vals[diff];
1541 		    retval = factor * pow10vals[exponent-diff];
1542 		    goto returnValue;
1543 		}
1544 	    }
1545 	} else {
1546 	    if (exponent >= -mmaxpow) {
1547 		/*
1548 		 * 10**-exponent is an exact integer, and so is the
1549 		 * significand. Compute the result by one division, again with
1550 		 * only one rounding.
1551 		 */
1553 		retval = (double)(Tcl_WideInt)significand / pow10vals[-exponent];
1554 		goto returnValue;
1555 	    }
1556 	}
1557     }
1559     /*
1560      * All the easy cases have failed. Promote ths significand to bignum and
1561      * call MakeHighPrecisionDouble to do it the hard way.
1562      */
1564     TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(&significandBig, significand);
1565     retval = MakeHighPrecisionDouble(0, &significandBig, numSigDigs,
1566 	    exponent);
1567     mp_clear(&significandBig);
1569     /*
1570      * Come here to return the computed value.
1571      */
1573   returnValue:
1574     if (signum) {
1575 	retval = -retval;
1576     }
1578     /*
1579      * On gcc on x86, restore the floating point mode word.
1580      */
1582 #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386)
1583     _FPU_SETCW(oldRoundingMode);
1584 #endif
1585 #if defined(__sun) && defined(__i386) && !defined(__GNUC__)
1586     ieee_flags("clear","precision",NULL,NULL);
1587 #endif
1589     return retval;
1590 }
1592 /*
1593  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1594  *
1595  * MakeHighPrecisionDouble --
1596  *
1597  *	Makes the double precision number, signum*significand*10**exponent.
1598  *
1599  * Results:
1600  *	Returns the constructed number.
1601  *
1602  *	MakeHighPrecisionDouble is used when arbitrary-precision arithmetic is
1603  *	needed to ensure correct rounding. It begins by calculating a
1604  *	low-precision approximation to the desired number, and then refines
1605  *	the answer in high precision.
1606  *
1607  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1608  */
1610 static double
MakeHighPrecisionDouble(int signum,mp_int * significand,int numSigDigs,int exponent)1611 MakeHighPrecisionDouble(
1612     int signum,			/* 1=negative, 0=nonnegative */
1613     mp_int *significand,	/* Exact significand of the number */
1614     int numSigDigs,		/* Number of significant digits */
1615     int exponent)		/* Power of 10 by which to multiply */
1616 {
1617     double retval;
1618     int machexp;		/* Machine exponent of a power of 10 */
1620     /*
1621      * With gcc on x86, the floating point rounding mode is double-extended.
1622      * This causes the result of double-precision calculations to be rounded
1623      * twice: once to the precision of double-extended and then again to the
1624      * precision of double. Double-rounding introduces gratuitous errors of 1
1625      * ulp, so we need to change rounding mode to 53-bits.
1626      */
1628 #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386)
1629     fpu_control_t roundTo53Bits = 0x027f;
1630     fpu_control_t oldRoundingMode;
1631     _FPU_GETCW(oldRoundingMode);
1632     _FPU_SETCW(roundTo53Bits);
1633 #endif
1634 #if defined(__sun) && defined(__i386) && !defined(__GNUC__)
1635     ieee_flags("set","precision","double",NULL);
1636 #endif
1638     /*
1639      * Quick checks for over/underflow.
1640      */
1642     if (numSigDigs+exponent-1 > maxDigits) {
1643 	retval = HUGE_VAL;
1644 	goto returnValue;
1645     }
1646     if (numSigDigs+exponent-1 < minDigits) {
1647 	retval = 0;
1648 	goto returnValue;
1649     }
1651     /*
1652      * Develop a first approximation to the significand. It is tempting simply
1653      * to force bignum to double, but that will overflow on input numbers like
1654      * 1.[string repeat 0 1000]1; while this is a not terribly likely
1655      * scenario, we still have to deal with it. Use fraction and exponent
1656      * instead. Once we have the significand, multiply by 10**exponent. Test
1657      * for overflow. Convert back to a double, and test for underflow.
1658      */
1660     retval = BignumToBiasedFrExp(significand, &machexp);
1661     retval = Pow10TimesFrExp(exponent, retval, &machexp);
1662     if (machexp > DBL_MAX_EXP*log2FLT_RADIX) {
1663 	retval = HUGE_VAL;
1664 	goto returnValue;
1665     }
1666     retval = SafeLdExp(retval, machexp);
1667     if (tiny == 0.0) {
1668 	tiny = SafeLdExp(1.0, DBL_MIN_EXP * log2FLT_RADIX - mantBits);
1669     }
1670     if (retval < tiny) {
1671 	retval = tiny;
1672     }
1674     /*
1675      * Refine the result twice. (The second refinement should be necessary
1676      * only if the best approximation is a power of 2 minus 1/2 ulp).
1677      */
1679     retval = RefineApproximation(retval, significand, exponent);
1680     retval = RefineApproximation(retval, significand, exponent);
1682     /*
1683      * Come here to return the computed value.
1684      */
1686   returnValue:
1687     if (signum) {
1688 	retval = -retval;
1689     }
1691     /*
1692      * On gcc on x86, restore the floating point mode word.
1693      */
1695 #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386)
1696     _FPU_SETCW(oldRoundingMode);
1697 #endif
1698 #if defined(__sun) && defined(__i386) && !defined(__GNUC__)
1699     ieee_flags("clear","precision",NULL,NULL);
1700 #endif
1701     return retval;
1702 }
1704 /*
1705  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1706  *
1707  * MakeNaN --
1708  *
1709  *	Makes a "Not a Number" given a set of bits to put in the tag bits
1710  *
1711  *	Note that a signalling NaN is never returned.
1712  *
1713  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1714  */
1717 static double
MakeNaN(int signum,Tcl_WideUInt tags)1718 MakeNaN(
1719     int signum,			/* Sign bit (1=negative, 0=nonnegative */
1720     Tcl_WideUInt tags)	 	/* Tag bits to put in the NaN */
1721 {
1722     union {
1723 	Tcl_WideUInt iv;
1724 	double dv;
1725     } theNaN;
1727     theNaN.iv = tags;
1728     theNaN.iv &= (((Tcl_WideUInt) 1) << 51) - 1;
1729     if (signum) {
1730 	theNaN.iv |= ((Tcl_WideUInt) (0x8000 | NAN_START)) << 48;
1731     } else {
1732 	theNaN.iv |= ((Tcl_WideUInt) NAN_START) << 48;
1733     }
1734     if (n770_fp) {
1735 	theNaN.iv = Nokia770Twiddle(theNaN.iv);
1736     }
1737     return theNaN.dv;
1738 }
1739 #endif
1741 /*
1742  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1743  *
1744  * RefineApproximation --
1745  *
1746  *	Given a poor approximation to a floating point number, returns a
1747  *	better one. (The better approximation is correct to within 1 ulp, and
1748  *	is entirely correct if the poor approximation is correct to 1 ulp.)
1749  *
1750  * Results:
1751  *	Returns the improved result.
1752  *
1753  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1754  */
1756 static double
RefineApproximation(double approxResult,mp_int * exactSignificand,int exponent)1757 RefineApproximation(
1758     double approxResult,	/* Approximate result of conversion */
1759     mp_int *exactSignificand,	/* Integer significand */
1760     int exponent)		/* Power of 10 to multiply by significand */
1761 {
1762     int M2, M5;			/* Powers of 2 and of 5 needed to put the
1763 				 * decimal and binary numbers over a common
1764 				 * denominator. */
1765     double significand;		/* Sigificand of the binary number */
1766     int binExponent;		/* Exponent of the binary number */
1767     int msb;			/* Most significant bit position of an
1768 				 * intermediate result */
1769     int nDigits;		/* Number of mp_digit's in an intermediate
1770 				 * result */
1771     mp_int twoMv;		/* Approx binary value expressed as an exact
1772 				 * integer scaled by the multiplier 2M */
1773     mp_int twoMd;		/* Exact decimal value expressed as an exact
1774 				 * integer scaled by the multiplier 2M */
1775     int scale;			/* Scale factor for M */
1776     int multiplier;		/* Power of two to scale M */
1777     double num, den;		/* Numerator and denominator of the correction
1778 				 * term */
1779     double quot;		/* Correction term */
1780     double minincr;		/* Lower bound on the absolute value of the
1781 				 * correction term. */
1782     int roundToEven = 0;	/* Flag == TRUE if we need to invoke
1783 				 * "round to even" functionality */
1784     double rteSignificand;	/* Significand of the round-to-even result */
1785     int rteExponent;		/* Exponent of the round-to-even result */
1786     Tcl_WideInt rteSigWide;	/* Wide integer version of the significand
1787 				 * for testing evenness */
1788     int i;
1790     /*
1791      * The first approximation is always low. If we find that it's HUGE_VAL,
1792      * we're done.
1793      */
1795     if (approxResult == HUGE_VAL) {
1796 	return approxResult;
1797     }
1799     /*
1800      * Find a common denominator for the decimal and binary fractions. The
1801      * common denominator will be 2**M2 + 5**M5.
1802      */
1804     significand = frexp(approxResult, &binExponent);
1805     i = mantBits - binExponent;
1806     if (i < 0) {
1807 	M2 = 0;
1808     } else {
1809 	M2 = i;
1810     }
1811     if (exponent > 0) {
1812 	M5 = 0;
1813     } else {
1814 	M5 = -exponent;
1815 	if ((M5-1) > M2) {
1816 	    M2 = M5-1;
1817 	}
1818     }
1820     /*
1821      * The floating point number is significand*2**binExponent. Compute the
1822      * large integer significand*2**(binExponent+M2+1). The 2**-1 bit of the
1823      * significand (the most significant) corresponds to the
1824      * 2**(binExponent+M2 + 1) bit of 2*M2*v. Allocate enough digits to hold
1825      * that quantity, then convert the significand to a large integer, scaled
1826      * appropriately. Then multiply by the appropriate power of 5.
1827      */
1829     msb = binExponent + M2;	/* 1008 */
1830     nDigits = msb / DIGIT_BIT + 1;
1831     mp_init_size(&twoMv, nDigits);
1832     i = (msb % DIGIT_BIT + 1);
1833     twoMv.used = nDigits;
1834     significand *= SafeLdExp(1.0, i);
1835     while (--nDigits >= 0) {
1836 	twoMv.dp[nDigits] = (mp_digit) significand;
1837 	significand -= (mp_digit) significand;
1838 	significand = SafeLdExp(significand, DIGIT_BIT);
1839     }
1840     for (i = 0; i <= 8; ++i) {
1841 	if (M5 & (1 << i)) {
1842 	    mp_mul(&twoMv, pow5+i, &twoMv);
1843 	}
1844     }
1846     /*
1847      * Collect the decimal significand as a high precision integer. The least
1848      * significant bit corresponds to bit M2+exponent+1 so it will need to be
1849      * shifted left by that many bits after being multiplied by
1850      * 5**(M5+exponent).
1851      */
1853     mp_init_copy(&twoMd, exactSignificand);
1854     for (i=0; i<=8; ++i) {
1855 	if ((M5+exponent) & (1 << i)) {
1856 	    mp_mul(&twoMd, pow5+i, &twoMd);
1857 	}
1858     }
1859     mp_mul_2d(&twoMd, M2+exponent+1, &twoMd);
1860     mp_sub(&twoMd, &twoMv, &twoMd);
1862     /*
1863      * The result, 2Mv-2Md, needs to be divided by 2M to yield a correction
1864      * term. Because 2M may well overflow a double, we need to scale the
1865      * denominator by a factor of 2**binExponent-mantBits
1866      */
1868     scale = binExponent - mantBits - 1;
1870     mp_set(&twoMv, 1);
1871     for (i=0; i<=8; ++i) {
1872 	if (M5 & (1 << i)) {
1873 	    mp_mul(&twoMv, pow5+i, &twoMv);
1874 	}
1875     }
1876     multiplier = M2 + scale + 1;
1877     if (multiplier > 0) {
1878 	mp_mul_2d(&twoMv, multiplier, &twoMv);
1879     } else if (multiplier < 0) {
1880 	mp_div_2d(&twoMv, -multiplier, &twoMv, NULL);
1881     }
1883     switch (mp_cmp_mag(&twoMd, &twoMv)) {
1884     case MP_LT:
1885 	/*
1886 	 * If the result is less than unity, the error is less than 1/2 unit in
1887 	 * the last place, so there's no correction to make.
1888 	 */
1889         mp_clear(&twoMd);
1890         mp_clear(&twoMv);
1891 	return approxResult;
1892     case MP_EQ:
1893 	/*
1894 	 * If the result is exactly unity, we need to round to even.
1895 	 */
1896 	roundToEven = 1;
1897 	break;
1898     case MP_GT:
1899 	break;
1900     }
1902     if (roundToEven) {
1903 	rteSignificand = frexp(approxResult, &rteExponent);
1904 	rteSigWide = (Tcl_WideInt) ldexp(rteSignificand, FP_PRECISION);
1905 	if ((rteSigWide & 1) == 0) {
1906             mp_clear(&twoMd);
1907             mp_clear(&twoMv);
1908 	    return approxResult;
1909 	}
1910     }
1912     /*
1913      * Convert the numerator and denominator of the corrector term accurately
1914      * to floating point numbers.
1915      */
1917     num = TclBignumToDouble(&twoMd);
1918     den = TclBignumToDouble(&twoMv);
1920     quot = SafeLdExp(num/den, scale);
1921     minincr = SafeLdExp(1.0, binExponent-mantBits);
1923     if (quot<0. && quot>-minincr) {
1924 	quot = -minincr;
1925     } else if (quot>0. && quot<minincr) {
1926 	quot = minincr;
1927     }
1929     mp_clear(&twoMd);
1930     mp_clear(&twoMv);
1932     return approxResult + quot;
1933 }
1935 /*
1936  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1937  *
1938  * MultPow5 --
1939  *
1940  *	Multiply a bignum by a power of 5.
1941  *
1942  * Side effects:
1943  *	Stores base*5**n in result
1944  *
1945  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1946  */
1948 inline static void
MulPow5(mp_int * base,unsigned n,mp_int * result)1949 MulPow5(mp_int* base, 		/* Number to multiply */
1950 	 unsigned n,		/* Power of 5 to multiply by */
1951 	 mp_int* result)	/* Place to store the result */
1952 {
1953     mp_int* p = base;
1954     int n13 = n / 13;
1955     int r = n % 13;
1956     if (r != 0) {
1957 	mp_mul_d(p, dpow5[r], result);
1958 	p = result;
1959     }
1960     r = 0;
1961     while (n13 != 0) {
1962 	if (n13 & 1) {
1963 	    mp_mul(p, pow5_13+r, result);
1964 	    p = result;
1965 	}
1966 	n13 >>= 1;
1967 	++r;
1968     }
1969     if (p != result) {
1970 	mp_copy(p, result);
1971     }
1972 }
1974 /*
1975  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1976  *
1977  * NormalizeRightward --
1978  *
1979  *	Shifts a number rightward until it is odd (that is, until the
1980  *	least significant bit is nonzero.
1981  *
1982  * Results:
1983  *	Returns the number of bit positions by which the number was shifted.
1984  *
1985  * Side effects:
1986  *	Shifts the number in place; *wPtr is replaced by the shifted number.
1987  *
1988  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1989  */
1991 inline static int
NormalizeRightward(Tcl_WideUInt * wPtr)1992 NormalizeRightward(Tcl_WideUInt* wPtr)
1993 				/* INOUT: Number to shift */
1994 {
1995     int rv = 0;
1996     Tcl_WideUInt w = *wPtr;
1997     if (!(w & (Tcl_WideUInt) 0xffffffff)) {
1998 	w >>= 32; rv += 32;
1999     }
2000     if (!(w & (Tcl_WideUInt) 0xffff)) {
2001 	w >>= 16; rv += 16;
2002     }
2003     if (!(w & (Tcl_WideUInt) 0xff)) {
2004 	w >>= 8; rv += 8;
2005     }
2006     if (!(w & (Tcl_WideUInt) 0xf)) {
2007 	w >>= 4; rv += 4;
2008     }
2009     if (!(w & 0x3)) {
2010 	w >>= 2; rv += 2;
2011     }
2012     if (!(w & 0x1)) {
2013 	w >>= 1; ++rv;
2014     }
2015     *wPtr = w;
2016     return rv;
2017 }
2019 /*
2020  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------0
2021  *
2022  * RequiredPrecision --
2023  *
2024  *	Determines the number of bits needed to hold an intger.
2025  *
2026  * Results:
2027  *	Returns the position of the most significant bit (0 - 63).
2028  *	Returns 0 if the number is zero.
2029  *
2030  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2031  */
2033 static int
RequiredPrecision(Tcl_WideUInt w)2034 RequiredPrecision(Tcl_WideUInt w)
2035 				/* Number to interrogate */
2036 {
2037     int rv;
2038     unsigned long wi;
2039     if (w & ((Tcl_WideUInt) 0xffffffff << 32)) {
2040 	wi = (unsigned long) (w >> 32); rv = 32;
2041     } else {
2042 	wi = (unsigned long) w; rv = 0;
2043     }
2044     if (wi & 0xffff0000) {
2045 	wi >>= 16; rv += 16;
2046     }
2047     if (wi & 0xff00) {
2048 	wi >>= 8; rv += 8;
2049     }
2050     if (wi & 0xf0) {
2051 	wi >>= 4; rv += 4;
2052     }
2053     if (wi & 0xc) {
2054 	wi >>= 2; rv += 2;
2055     }
2056     if (wi & 0x2) {
2057 	wi >>= 1; ++rv;
2058     }
2059     if (wi & 0x1) {
2060 	++rv;
2061     }
2062     return rv;
2063 }
2065 /*
2066  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2067  *
2068  * DoubleToExpAndSig --
2069  *
2070  *	Separates a 'double' into exponent and significand.
2071  *
2072  * Side effects:
2073  *	Stores the significand in '*significand' and the exponent in
2074  *	'*expon' so that dv == significand * 2.0**expon, and significand
2075  *	is odd.  Also stores the position of the leftmost 1-bit in 'significand'
2076  *	in 'bits'.
2077  *
2078  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2079  */
2081 inline static void
DoubleToExpAndSig(double dv,Tcl_WideUInt * significand,int * expon,int * bits)2082 DoubleToExpAndSig(double dv,	/* Number to convert */
2083 		  Tcl_WideUInt* significand,
2084 				/* OUTPUT: Significand of the number */
2085 		  int* expon,	/* OUTPUT: Exponent to multiply the number by */
2086 		  int* bits)	/* OUTPUT: Number of significant bits */
2087 {
2088     Double d;			/* Number being converted */
2089     Tcl_WideUInt z;		/* Significand under construction */
2090     int de;			/* Exponent of the number */
2091     int k;			/* Bit count */
2093     d.d = dv;
2095     /* Extract exponent and significand */
2097     de = (d.w.word0 & EXP_MASK) >> EXP_SHIFT;
2098     z = d.q & SIG_MASK;
2099     if (de != 0) {
2100 	z |= HIDDEN_BIT;
2101 	k = NormalizeRightward(&z);
2102 	*bits = FP_PRECISION - k;
2103 	*expon = k + (de - EXPONENT_BIAS) - (FP_PRECISION-1);
2104     } else {
2105 	k = NormalizeRightward(&z);
2106 	*expon = k + (de - EXPONENT_BIAS) - (FP_PRECISION-1) + 1;
2107 	*bits = RequiredPrecision(z);
2108     }
2109     *significand = z;
2110 }
2112 /*
2113  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2114  *
2115  * TakeAbsoluteValue --
2116  *
2117  *	Takes the absolute value of a 'double' including 0, Inf and NaN
2118  *
2119  * Side effects:
2120  *	The 'double' in *d is replaced with its absolute value. The
2121  *	signum is stored in 'sign': 1 for negative, 0 for nonnegative.
2122  *
2123  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2124  */
2126 inline static void
TakeAbsoluteValue(Double * d,int * sign)2127 TakeAbsoluteValue(Double* d,	/* Number to replace with absolute value */
2128 		  int* sign)	/* Place to put the signum */
2129 {
2130     if (d->w.word0 & SIGN_BIT) {
2131 	*sign = 1;
2132 	d->w.word0 &= ~SIGN_BIT;
2133     } else {
2134 	*sign = 0;
2135     }
2136 }
2138 /*
2139  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2140  *
2141  * FormatInfAndNaN --
2142  *
2143  *	Bailout for formatting infinities and Not-A-Number.
2144  *
2145  * Results:
2146  *	Returns one of the strings 'Infinity' and 'NaN'.
2147  *
2148  * Side effects:
2149  *	Stores 9999 in *decpt, and sets '*endPtr' to designate the
2150  *	terminating NUL byte of the string if 'endPtr' is not NULL.
2151  *
2152  * The string returned must be freed by the caller using 'ckfree'.
2153  *
2154  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2155  */
2157 inline static char*
FormatInfAndNaN(Double * d,int * decpt,char ** endPtr)2158 FormatInfAndNaN(Double* d,	/* Exceptional number to format */
2159 		int* decpt,	/* Decimal point to set to a bogus value */
2160 		char** endPtr)	/* Pointer to the end of the formatted data */
2161 {
2162     char* retval;
2163     *decpt = 9999;
2164     if (!(d->w.word1) && !(d->w.word0 & HI_ORDER_SIG_MASK)) {
2165 	retval = ckalloc(9);
2166 	strcpy(retval, "Infinity");
2167 	if (endPtr) {
2168 	    *endPtr = retval + 8;
2169 	}
2170     } else {
2171 	retval = ckalloc(4);
2172 	strcpy(retval, "NaN");
2173 	if (endPtr) {
2174 	    *endPtr = retval + 3;
2175 	}
2176     }
2177     return retval;
2178 }
2180 /*
2181  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2182  *
2183  * FormatZero --
2184  *
2185  *	Bailout to format a zero floating-point number.
2186  *
2187  * Results:
2188  *	Returns the constant string "0"
2189  *
2190  * Side effects:
2191  *	Stores 1 in '*decpt' and puts a pointer to the NUL byte terminating
2192  *	the string in '*endPtr' if 'endPtr' is not NULL.
2193  *
2194  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2195  */
2197 inline static char*
FormatZero(int * decpt,char ** endPtr)2198 FormatZero(int* decpt,		/* Location of the decimal point */
2199 	   char** endPtr)	/* Pointer to the end of the formatted data */
2200 {
2201     char* retval = ckalloc(2);
2202     strcpy(retval, "0");
2203     if (endPtr) {
2204 	*endPtr = retval+1;
2205     }
2206     *decpt = 0;
2207     return retval;
2208 }
2210 /*
2211  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2212  *
2213  * ApproximateLog10 --
2214  *
2215  *	Computes a two-term Taylor series approximation to the common
2216  *	log of a number, and computes the number's binary log.
2217  *
2218  * Results:
2219  *	Return an approximation to floor(log10(bw*2**be)) that is either
2220  *	exact or 1 too high.
2221  *
2222  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2223  */
2225 inline static int
ApproximateLog10(Tcl_WideUInt bw,int be,int bbits)2226 ApproximateLog10(Tcl_WideUInt bw,
2227 				/* Integer significand of the number */
2228 		 int be,	/* Power of two to scale bw */
2229 		 int bbits)	/* Number of bits of precision in bw */
2230 {
2231     int i;			/* Log base 2 of the number */
2232     int k;			/* Floor(Log base 10 of the number) */
2233     double ds;			/* Mantissa of the number */
2234     Double d2;
2236     /*
2237      * Compute i and d2 such that d = d2*2**i, and 1 < d2 < 2.
2238      * Compute an approximation to log10(d),
2239      *   log10(d) ~ log10(2) * i + log10(1.5)
2240      *            + (significand-1.5)/(1.5 * log(10))
2241      */
2243     d2.q = bw << (FP_PRECISION - bbits) & SIG_MASK;
2244     d2.w.word0 |= (EXPONENT_BIAS) << EXP_SHIFT;
2245     i = be + bbits - 1;
2246     ds = (d2.d - 1.5) * TWO_OVER_3LOG10
2248 	+ LOG10_2 * i;
2249     k = (int) ds;
2250     if (k > ds) {
2251 	--k;
2252     }
2253     return k;
2254 }
2256 /*
2257  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2258  *
2259  * BetterLog10 --
2260  *
2261  *	Improves the result of ApproximateLog10 for numbers in the range
2262  *	1 .. 10**(TEN_PMAX)-1
2263  *
2264  * Side effects:
2265  *	Sets k_check to 0 if the new result is known to be exact, and to
2266  *	1 if it may still be one too high.
2267  *
2268  * Results:
2269  *	Returns the improved approximation to log10(d)
2270  *
2271  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2272  */
2274 inline static int
BetterLog10(double d,int k,int * k_check)2275 BetterLog10(double d,		/* Original number to format */
2276 	  int k,		/* Characteristic(Log base 10) of the number */
2277 	  int* k_check)		/* Flag == 1 if k is inexact */
2278 {
2279     /*
2280      * Performance hack. If k is in the range 0..TEN_PMAX, then we can
2281      * use a powers-of-ten table to check it.
2282      */
2283     if (k >= 0 && k <= TEN_PMAX) {
2284 	if (d < tens[k]) {
2285 	    k--;
2286 	}
2287 	*k_check = 0;
2288     } else {
2289 	*k_check = 1;
2290     }
2291     return k;
2292 }
2294 /*
2295  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2296  *
2297  * ComputeScale --
2298  *
2299  *	Prepares to format a floating-point number as decimal.
2300  *
2301  * Parameters:
2302  *	floor(log10*x) is k (or possibly k-1).  floor(log2(x) is i.
2303  *	The significand of x requires bbits bits to represent.
2304  *
2305  * Results:
2306  *	Determines integers b2, b5, s2, s5 so that sig*2**b2*5**b5/2**s2*2**s5
2307  *	exactly represents the value of the x/10**k. This value will lie
2308  *	in the range [1 .. 10), and allows for computing successive digits
2309  *	by multiplying sig%10 by 10.
2310  *
2311  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2312  */
2314 inline static void
ComputeScale(int be,int k,int * b2,int * b5,int * s2,int * s5)2315 ComputeScale(int be,		/* Exponent part of number: d = bw * 2**be */
2316 	     int k,		/* Characteristic of log10(number) */
2317 	     int* b2,		/* OUTPUT: Power of 2 in the numerator */
2318 	     int* b5,		/* OUTPUT: Power of 5 in the numerator */
2319 	     int* s2,		/* OUTPUT: Power of 2 in the denominator */
2320 	     int* s5)		/* OUTPUT: Power of 5 in the denominator */
2321 {
2323     /*
2324      * Scale numerator and denominator powers of 2 so that the
2325      * input binary number is the ratio of integers
2326      */
2327     if (be <= 0) {
2328 	*b2 = 0;
2329 	*s2 = -be;
2330     } else {
2331 	*b2 = be;
2332 	*s2 = 0;
2333     }
2335     /*
2336      * Scale numerator and denominator so that the output decimal number
2337      * is the ratio of integers
2338      */
2339     if (k >= 0) {
2340 	*b5 = 0;
2341 	*s5 = k;
2342 	*s2 += k;
2343     } else {
2344 	*b2 -= k;
2345 	*b5 = -k;
2346 	*s5 = 0;
2347     }
2348 }
2350 /*
2351  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2352  *
2353  * SetPrecisionLimits --
2354  *
2355  *	Determines how many digits of significance should be computed
2356  *	(and, hence, how much memory need be allocated) for formatting a
2357  *	floating point number.
2358  *
2359  * Given that 'k' is floor(log10(x)):
2360  * if 'shortest' format is used, there will be at most 18 digits in the result.
2361  * if 'F' format is used, there will be at most 'ndigits' + k + 1 digits
2362  * if 'E' format is used, there will be exactly 'ndigits' digits.
2363  *
2364  * Side effects:
2365  *	Adjusts '*ndigitsPtr' to have a valid value.
2366  *	Stores the maximum memory allocation needed in *iPtr.
2367  *	Sets '*iLimPtr' to the limiting number of digits to convert if k
2368  *	has been guessed correctly, and '*iLim1Ptr' to the limiting number
2369  *	of digits to convert if k has been guessed to be one too high.
2370  *
2371  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2372  */
2374 inline static void
SetPrecisionLimits(int convType,int k,int * ndigitsPtr,int * iPtr,int * iLimPtr,int * iLim1Ptr)2375 SetPrecisionLimits(int convType,
2376 				/* Type of conversion:
2377 				 *   TCL_DD_SHORTEST
2378 				 *   TCL_DD_STEELE0
2379 				 *   TCL_DD_E_FMT
2380 				 *   TCL_DD_F_FMT */
2381 		   int k,	/* Floor(log10(number to convert)) */
2382 		   int* ndigitsPtr,
2383 				/* IN/OUT: Number of digits requested
2384 				 *         (Will be adjusted if needed) */
2385 		   int* iPtr,	/* OUT: Maximum number of digits
2386 				 *      to return */
2387 		   int *iLimPtr,/* OUT: Number of digits of significance
2388 				 *      if the bignum method is used.*/
2389 		   int *iLim1Ptr)
2390 				/* OUT: Number of digits of significance
2391 				 *      if the quick method is used. */
2392 {
2393     switch(convType) {
2394     case TCL_DD_SHORTEST0:
2395     case TCL_DD_STEELE0:
2396 	*iLimPtr = *iLim1Ptr = -1;
2397 	*iPtr = 18;
2398 	*ndigitsPtr = 0;
2399 	break;
2400     case TCL_DD_E_FORMAT:
2401 	if (*ndigitsPtr <= 0) {
2402 	    *ndigitsPtr = 1;
2403 	}
2404 	*iLimPtr = *iLim1Ptr = *iPtr = *ndigitsPtr;
2405 	break;
2406     case TCL_DD_F_FORMAT:
2407 	*iPtr = *ndigitsPtr + k + 1;
2408 	*iLimPtr = *iPtr;
2409 	*iLim1Ptr = *iPtr - 1;
2410 	if (*iPtr <= 0) {
2411 	    *iPtr = 1;
2412 	}
2413 	break;
2414     default:
2415 	*iPtr = -1;
2416 	*iLimPtr = -1;
2417 	*iLim1Ptr = -1;
2418 	Tcl_Panic("impossible conversion type in TclDoubleDigits");
2419     }
2420 }
2422 /*
2423  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2424  *
2425  * BumpUp --
2426  *
2427  *	Increases a string of digits ending in a series of nines to
2428  *	designate the next higher number.  xxxxb9999... -> xxxx(b+1)0000...
2429  *
2430  * Results:
2431  *	Returns a pointer to the end of the adjusted string.
2432  *
2433  * Side effects:
2434  *	In the case that the string consists solely of '999999', sets it
2435  *	to "1" and moves the decimal point (*kPtr) one place to the right.
2436  *
2437  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2438  */
2441 inline static char*
BumpUp(char * s,char * retval,int * kPtr)2442 BumpUp(char* s,		    	/* Cursor pointing one past the end of the
2443 				 * string */
2444        char* retval,		/* Start of the string of digits */
2445        int* kPtr)		/* Position of the decimal point */
2446 {
2447     while (*--s == '9') {
2448 	if (s == retval) {
2449 	    ++(*kPtr);
2450 	    *s = '1';
2451 	    return s+1;
2452 	}
2453     }
2454     ++*s;
2455     ++s;
2456     return s;
2457 }
2459 /*
2460  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2461  *
2462  * AdjustRange --
2463  *
2464  *	Rescales a 'double' in preparation for formatting it using the
2465  *	'quick' double-to-string method.
2466  *
2467  * Results:
2468  *	Returns the precision that has been lost in the prescaling as
2469  *	a count of units in the least significant place.
2470  *
2471  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2472  */
2474 inline static int
AdjustRange(double * dPtr,int k)2475 AdjustRange(double* dPtr,	/* INOUT: Number to adjust */
2476 	    int k)		/* IN: floor(log10(d)) */
2477 {
2478     int ieps;			/* Number of roundoff errors that have
2479 				 * accumulated */
2480     double d = *dPtr;		/* Number to adjust */
2481     double ds;
2482     int i, j, j1;
2484     ieps = 2;
2486     if (k > 0) {
2487 	/*
2488 	 * The number must be reduced to bring it into range.
2489 	 */
2490 	ds = tens[k & 0xf];
2491 	j = k >> 4;
2492 	if (j & BLETCH) {
2493 	    j &= (BLETCH-1);
2494 	    d /= bigtens[N_BIGTENS - 1];
2495 	    ieps++;
2496 	}
2497 	i = 0;
2498 	for (; j != 0; j>>=1) {
2499 	    if (j & 1) {
2500 		ds *= bigtens[i];
2501 		++ieps;
2502 	    }
2503 	    ++i;
2504 	}
2505 	d /= ds;
2506     } else if ((j1 = -k) != 0) {
2507 	/*
2508 	 * The number must be increased to bring it into range
2509 	 */
2510 	d *= tens[j1 & 0xf];
2511 	i = 0;
2512 	for (j = j1>>4; j; j>>=1) {
2513 	    if (j & 1) {
2514 		ieps++;
2515 		d *= bigtens[i];
2516 	    }
2517 	    ++i;
2518 	}
2519     }
2521     *dPtr = d;
2522     return ieps;
2523 }
2525 /*
2526  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2527  *
2528  * ShorteningQuickFormat --
2529  *
2530  *	Returns a 'quick' format of a double precision number to a string
2531  *	of digits, preferring a shorter string of digits if the shorter
2532  *	string is still within 1/2 ulp of the number.
2533  *
2534  * Results:
2535  *	Returns the string of digits. Returns NULL if the 'quick' method
2536  *	fails and the bignum method must be used.
2537  *
2538  * Side effects:
2539  *	Stores the position of the decimal point at '*kPtr'.
2540  *
2541  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2542  */
2544 inline static char*
ShorteningQuickFormat(double d,int k,int ilim,double eps,char * retval,int * kPtr)2545 ShorteningQuickFormat(double d,	/* Number to convert */
2546 		      int k,	/* floor(log10(d)) */
2547 		      int ilim,	/* Number of significant digits to return */
2548 		      double eps,
2549 		      		/* Estimated roundoff error */
2550 		      char* retval,
2551 		      		/* Buffer to receive the digit string */
2552 		      int* kPtr)
2553 				/* Pointer to stash the position of
2554 				 * the decimal point */
2555 {
2556     char* s = retval;		/* Cursor in the return value */
2557     int digit;			/* Current digit */
2558     int i;
2560     eps = 0.5 / tens[ilim-1] - eps;
2561     i = 0;
2562     for (;;) {
2563 	/* Convert a digit */
2565 	digit = (int) d;
2566 	d -= digit;
2567 	*s++ = '0' + digit;
2569 	/*
2570 	 * Truncate the conversion if the string of digits is within
2571 	 * 1/2 ulp of the actual value.
2572 	 */
2574 	if (d < eps) {
2575 	    *kPtr = k;
2576 	    return s;
2577 	}
2578 	if ((1. - d) < eps) {
2579 	    *kPtr = k;
2580 	    return BumpUp(s, retval, kPtr);
2581 	}
2583 	/*
2584 	 * Bail out if the conversion fails to converge to a sufficiently
2585 	 * precise value
2586 	 */
2588 	if (++i >= ilim) {
2589 	    return NULL;
2590 	}
2592 	/*
2593 	 * Bring the next digit to the integer part.
2594 	 */
2596 	eps *= 10;
2597 	d *= 10.0;
2598     }
2599 }
2601 /*
2602  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2603  *
2604  * StrictQuickFormat --
2605  *
2606  *	Convert a double precision number of a string of a precise number
2607  *	of digits, using the 'quick' double precision method.
2608  *
2609  * Results:
2610  *	Returns the digit string, or NULL if the bignum method must be
2611  *	used to do the formatting.
2612  *
2613  * Side effects:
2614  *	Stores the position of the decimal point in '*kPtr'.
2615  *
2616  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2617  */
2619 inline static char*
StrictQuickFormat(double d,int k,int ilim,double eps,char * retval,int * kPtr)2620 StrictQuickFormat(double d,	/* Number to convert */
2621 		  int k,	/* floor(log10(d)) */
2622 		  int ilim,	/* Number of significant digits to return */
2623 		  double eps,	/* Estimated roundoff error */
2624 		  char* retval,	/* Start of the digit string */
2625 		  int* kPtr)	/* Pointer to stash the position of
2626 				 * the decimal point */
2627 {
2628     char* s = retval;		/* Cursor in the return value */
2629     int digit;			/* Current digit of the answer */
2630     int i;
2632     eps *= tens[ilim-1];
2633     i = 1;
2634     for (;;) {
2635 	/* Extract a digit */
2636 	digit = (int) d;
2637 	d -= digit;
2638 	if (d == 0.0) {
2639 	    ilim = i;
2640 	}
2641 	*s++ = '0' + digit;
2643 	/*
2644 	 * When the given digit count is reached, handle trailing strings
2645 	 * of 0 and 9.
2646 	 */
2647 	if (i == ilim) {
2648 	    if (d > 0.5 + eps) {
2649 		*kPtr = k;
2650 		return BumpUp(s, retval, kPtr);
2651 	    } else if (d < 0.5 - eps) {
2652 		while (*--s == '0') {
2653 		    /* do nothing */
2654 		}
2655 		s++;
2656 		*kPtr = k;
2657 		return s;
2658 	    } else {
2659 		return NULL;
2660 	    }
2661 	}
2663 	/* Advance to the next digit */
2664 	++i;
2665 	d *= 10.0;
2666     }
2667 }
2669 /*
2670  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2671  *
2672  * QuickConversion --
2673  *
2674  *	Converts a floating point number the 'quick' way, when only a limited
2675  *	number of digits is required and floating point arithmetic can
2676  *	therefore be used for the intermediate results.
2677  *
2678  * Results:
2679  *	Returns the converted string, or NULL if the bignum method must
2680  *	be used.
2681  *
2682  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2683  */
2685 inline static char*
QuickConversion(double e,int k,int k_check,int flags,int len,int ilim,int ilim1,int * decpt,char ** endPtr)2686 QuickConversion(double e,	/* Number to format */
2687 		int k,		/* floor(log10(d)), approximately */
2688 		int k_check,	/* 0 if k is exact, 1 if it may be too high */
2689 		int flags,	/* Flags passed to dtoa:
2690 				 *    TCL_DD_SHORTEN_FLAG */
2691 		int len,	/* Length of the return value */
2692 		int ilim,	/* Number of digits to store */
2693 		int ilim1,	/* Number of digits to store if we
2694 				 * musguessed k */
2695 		int* decpt,	/* OUTPUT: Location of the decimal point */
2696 		char** endPtr)	/* OUTPUT: Pointer to the terminal null byte */
2697 {
2698     int ieps;			/* Number of 1-ulp roundoff errors that have
2699 				 * accumulated in the calculation*/
2700     Double eps;			/* Estimated roundoff error */
2701     char* retval;		/* Returned string */
2702     char* end;			/* Pointer to the terminal null byte in the
2703 				 * returned string */
2704     volatile double d;		/* Workaround for a bug in mingw gcc 3.4.5 */
2706     /*
2707      * Bring d into the range [1 .. 10)
2708      */
2709     ieps = AdjustRange(&e, k);
2710     d = e;
2712     /*
2713      * If the guessed value of k didn't get d into range, adjust it
2714      * by one. If that leaves us outside the range in which quick format
2715      * is accurate, bail out.
2716      */
2717     if (k_check && d < 1. && ilim > 0) {
2718 	if (ilim1 < 0) {
2719 	    return NULL;
2720 	}
2721 	ilim = ilim1;
2722 	--k;
2723 	d *= 10.0;
2724 	++ieps;
2725     }
2727     /*
2728      * Compute estimated roundoff error
2729      */
2730     eps.d = ieps * d + 7.;
2731     eps.w.word0 -= (FP_PRECISION-1) << EXP_SHIFT;
2733     /*
2734      * Handle the peculiar case where the result has no significant
2735      * digits.
2736      */
2737     retval = ckalloc(len + 1);
2738     if (ilim == 0) {
2739 	d -= 5.;
2740 	if (d > eps.d) {
2741 	    *retval = '1';
2742 	    *decpt = k;
2743 	    return retval;
2744 	} else if (d < -eps.d) {
2745 	    *decpt = k;
2746 	    return retval;
2747 	} else {
2748 	    ckfree(retval);
2749 	    return NULL;
2750 	}
2751     }
2753     /* Format the digit string */
2755     if (flags & TCL_DD_SHORTEN_FLAG) {
2756 	end = ShorteningQuickFormat(d, k, ilim, eps.d, retval, decpt);
2757     } else {
2758 	end = StrictQuickFormat(d, k, ilim, eps.d, retval, decpt);
2759     }
2760     if (end == NULL) {
2761 	ckfree(retval);
2762 	return NULL;
2763     }
2764     *end = '\0';
2765     if (endPtr != NULL) {
2766 	*endPtr = end;
2767     }
2768     return retval;
2769 }
2771 /*
2772  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2773  *
2774  * CastOutPowersOf2 --
2775  *
2776  *	Adjust the factors 'b2', 'm2', and 's2' to cast out common powers
2777  *	of 2 from numerator and denominator in preparation for the 'bignum'
2778  *	method of floating point conversion.
2779  *
2780  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2781  */
2783 inline static void
CastOutPowersOf2(int * b2,int * m2,int * s2)2784 CastOutPowersOf2(int* b2,	/* Power of 2 to multiply the significand  */
2785 		 int* m2,	/* Power of 2 to multiply 1/2 ulp  */
2786 		 int* s2)	/* Power of 2 to multiply the common
2787 				 * denominator */
2788 {
2789     int i;
2790     if (*m2 > 0 && *s2 > 0) {	/* Find the smallest power of 2 in the
2791 				 * numerator */
2792         if (*m2 < *s2) {	/* Find the lowest common denominatorr */
2793 	    i = *m2;
2794 	} else {
2795 	    i = *s2;
2796 	}
2797 	*b2 -= i;		/* Reduce to lowest terms */
2798 	*m2 -= i;
2799 	*s2 -= i;
2800     }
2801 }
2803 /*
2804  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2805  *
2806  * ShorteningInt64Conversion --
2807  *
2808  *	Converts a double-precision number to the shortest string of
2809  *	digits that reconverts exactly to the given number, or to
2810  *	'ilim' digits if that will yield a shorter result. The numerator and
2811  *	denominator in David Gay's conversion algorithm are known to fit
2812  *	in Tcl_WideUInt, giving considerably faster arithmetic than mp_int's.
2813  *
2814  * Results:
2815  *	Returns the string of significant decimal digits, in newly
2816  *	allocated memory
2817  *
2818  * Side effects:
2819  *	Stores the location of the decimal point in '*decpt' and the
2820  *      location of the terminal null byte in '*endPtr'.
2821  *
2822  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2823  */
2825 inline static char*
ShorteningInt64Conversion(Double * dPtr,int convType,Tcl_WideUInt bw,int b2,int b5,int m2plus,int m2minus,int m5,int s2,int s5,int k,int len,int ilim,int ilim1,int * decpt,char ** endPtr)2826 ShorteningInt64Conversion(Double* dPtr,
2827 				/* Original number to convert */
2828 			  int convType,
2829 				/* Type of conversion (shortest, Steele,
2830 				   E format, F format) */
2831 			  Tcl_WideUInt bw,
2832 				/* Integer significand */
2833 			  int b2, int b5,
2834 				/* Scale factor for the significand
2835 				 * in the numerator */
2836 			  int m2plus, int m2minus, int m5,
2837 				/* Scale factors for 1/2 ulp in
2838 				 * the numerator (will be different if
2839 				 * bw == 1 */
2840 			  int s2, int s5,
2841 				/* Scale factors for the denominator */
2842 			  int k,
2843 				/* Number of output digits before the decimal
2844 				 * point */
2845 			  int len,
2846 				/* Number of digits to allocate */
2847 			  int ilim,
2848 				/* Number of digits to convert if b >= s */
2849 			  int ilim1,
2850 				/* Number of digits to convert if b < s */
2851 			  int* decpt,
2852 				/* OUTPUT: Position of the decimal point */
2853 			  char** endPtr)
2854 				/* OUTPUT: Position of the terminal '\0'
2855 				 *         at the end of the returned string */
2856 {
2858     char* retval = ckalloc(len + 1);
2859 				/* Output buffer */
2860     Tcl_WideUInt b = (bw * wuipow5[b5]) << b2;
2861 				/* Numerator of the fraction being converted */
2862     Tcl_WideUInt S = wuipow5[s5] << s2;
2863 				/* Denominator of the fraction being
2864 				 * converted */
2865     Tcl_WideUInt mplus, mminus;	/* Ranges for testing whether the result
2866 				 * is within roundoff of being exact */
2867     int digit;			/* Current output digit */
2868     char* s = retval;		/* Cursor in the output buffer */
2869     int i;			/* Current position in the output buffer */
2871     /* Adjust if the logarithm was guessed wrong */
2873     if (b < S) {
2874 	b = 10 * b;
2875 	++m2plus; ++m2minus; ++m5;
2876 	ilim = ilim1;
2877 	--k;
2878     }
2880     /* Compute roundoff ranges */
2882     mplus = wuipow5[m5] << m2plus;
2883     mminus = wuipow5[m5] << m2minus;
2885     /* Loop through the digits */
2887     i = 1;
2888     for (;;) {
2889 	digit = (int)(b / S);
2890 	if (digit > 10) {
2891 	    Tcl_Panic("wrong digit!");
2892 	}
2893 	b = b % S;
2895 	/*
2896 	 * Does the current digit put us on the low side of the exact value
2897 	 * but within within roundoff of being exact?
2898 	 */
2899 	if (b < mplus
2900 	    || (b == mplus
2901 		&& convType != TCL_DD_STEELE0
2902 		&& (dPtr->w.word1 & 1) == 0)) {
2903 	    /*
2904 	     * Make sure we shouldn't be rounding *up* instead,
2905 	     * in case the next number above is closer
2906 	     */
2907 	    if (2 * b > S
2908 		|| (2 * b == S
2909 		    && (digit & 1) != 0)) {
2910 		++digit;
2911 		if (digit == 10) {
2912 		    *s++ = '9';
2913 		    s = BumpUp(s, retval, &k);
2914 		    break;
2915 		}
2916 	    }
2918 	    /* Stash the current digit */
2920 	    *s++ = '0' + digit;
2921 	    break;
2922 	}
2924 	/*
2925 	 * Does one plus the current digit put us within roundoff of the
2926 	 * number?
2927 	 */
2928 	if (b > S - mminus
2929 	    || (b == S - mminus
2930 		&& convType != TCL_DD_STEELE0
2931 		&& (dPtr->w.word1 & 1) == 0)) {
2932 	    if (digit == 9) {
2933 		*s++ = '9';
2934 		s = BumpUp(s, retval, &k);
2935 		break;
2936 	    }
2937 	    ++digit;
2938 	    *s++ = '0' + digit;
2939 	    break;
2940 	}
2942 	/*
2943 	 * Have we converted all the requested digits?
2944 	 */
2945 	*s++ = '0' + digit;
2946 	if (i == ilim) {
2947 	    if (2*b > S
2948 		|| (2*b == S && (digit & 1) != 0)) {
2949 		s = BumpUp(s, retval, &k);
2950 	    }
2951 	    break;
2952 	}
2954 	/* Advance to the next digit */
2956 	b = 10 * b;
2957 	mplus = 10 * mplus;
2958 	mminus = 10 * mminus;
2959 	++i;
2960     }
2962     /*
2963      * Endgame - store the location of the decimal point and the end of the
2964      * string.
2965      */
2966     *s = '\0';
2967     *decpt = k;
2968     if (endPtr) {
2969 	*endPtr = s;
2970     }
2971     return retval;
2972 }
2974 /*
2975  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2976  *
2977  * StrictInt64Conversion --
2978  *
2979  *	Converts a double-precision number to a fixed-length string of
2980  *	'ilim' digits that reconverts exactly to the given number.
2981  *	('ilim' should be replaced with 'ilim1' in the case where
2982  *	log10(d) has been overestimated).  The numerator and
2983  *	denominator in David Gay's conversion algorithm are known to fit
2984  *	in Tcl_WideUInt, giving considerably faster arithmetic than mp_int's.
2985  *
2986  * Results:
2987  *	Returns the string of significant decimal digits, in newly
2988  *	allocated memory
2989  *
2990  * Side effects:
2991  *	Stores the location of the decimal point in '*decpt' and the
2992  *      location of the terminal null byte in '*endPtr'.
2993  *
2994  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2995  */
2997 inline static char*
StrictInt64Conversion(Double * dPtr,int convType,Tcl_WideUInt bw,int b2,int b5,int s2,int s5,int k,int len,int ilim,int ilim1,int * decpt,char ** endPtr)2998 StrictInt64Conversion(Double* dPtr,
2999 				/* Original number to convert */
3000 		      int convType,
3001 				/* Type of conversion (shortest, Steele,
3002 				   E format, F format) */
3003 		      Tcl_WideUInt bw,
3004 				/* Integer significand */
3005 		      int b2, int b5,
3006 				/* Scale factor for the significand
3007 				 * in the numerator */
3008 		      int s2, int s5,
3009 				/* Scale factors for the denominator */
3010 		      int k,
3011 				/* Number of output digits before the decimal
3012 				 * point */
3013 		      int len,
3014 				/* Number of digits to allocate */
3015 		      int ilim,
3016 				/* Number of digits to convert if b >= s */
3017 		      int ilim1,
3018 				/* Number of digits to convert if b < s */
3019 		      int* decpt,
3020 				/* OUTPUT: Position of the decimal point */
3021 		      char** endPtr)
3022 				/* OUTPUT: Position of the terminal '\0'
3023 				 *         at the end of the returned string */
3024 {
3026     char* retval = ckalloc(len + 1);
3027 				/* Output buffer */
3028     Tcl_WideUInt b = (bw * wuipow5[b5]) << b2;
3029 				/* Numerator of the fraction being converted */
3030     Tcl_WideUInt S = wuipow5[s5] << s2;
3031 				/* Denominator of the fraction being
3032 				 * converted */
3033     int digit;			/* Current output digit */
3034     char* s = retval;		/* Cursor in the output buffer */
3035     int i;			/* Current position in the output buffer */
3037     /* Adjust if the logarithm was guessed wrong */
3039     if (b < S) {
3040 	b = 10 * b;
3041 	ilim = ilim1;
3042 	--k;
3043     }
3045     /* Loop through the digits */
3047     i = 1;
3048     for (;;) {
3049 	digit = (int)(b / S);
3050 	if (digit > 10) {
3051 	    Tcl_Panic("wrong digit!");
3052 	}
3053 	b = b % S;
3055 	/*
3056 	 * Have we converted all the requested digits?
3057 	 */
3058 	*s++ = '0' + digit;
3059 	if (i == ilim) {
3060 	    if (2*b > S
3061 		|| (2*b == S && (digit & 1) != 0)) {
3062 		s = BumpUp(s, retval, &k);
3063 	    } else {
3064 		while (*--s == '0') {
3065 		    /* do nothing */
3066 		}
3067 		++s;
3068 	    }
3069 	    break;
3070 	}
3072 	/* Advance to the next digit */
3074 	b = 10 * b;
3075 	++i;
3076     }
3078     /*
3079      * Endgame - store the location of the decimal point and the end of the
3080      * string.
3081      */
3082     *s = '\0';
3083     *decpt = k;
3084     if (endPtr) {
3085 	*endPtr = s;
3086     }
3087     return retval;
3088 }
3090 /*
3091  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3092  *
3093  * ShouldBankerRoundUpPowD --
3094  *
3095  *	Test whether bankers' rounding should round a digit up. Assumption
3096  *	is made that the denominator of the fraction being tested is
3097  *	a power of 2**DIGIT_BIT.
3098  *
3099  * Results:
3100  *	Returns 1 iff the fraction is more than 1/2, or if the fraction
3101  *	is exactly 1/2 and the digit is odd.
3102  *
3103  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3104  */
3106 inline static int
ShouldBankerRoundUpPowD(mp_int * b,int sd,int isodd)3107 ShouldBankerRoundUpPowD(mp_int* b,
3108 				/* Numerator of the fraction */
3109 			int sd,	/* Denominator is 2**(sd*DIGIT_BIT) */
3110 			int isodd)
3111 				/* 1 if the digit is odd, 0 if even */
3112 {
3113     int i;
3114     static const mp_digit topbit = (1<<(DIGIT_BIT-1));
3115     if (b->used < sd || (b->dp[sd-1] & topbit) == 0) {
3116 	return 0;
3117     }
3118     if (b->dp[sd-1] != topbit) {
3119 	return 1;
3120     }
3121     for (i = sd-2; i >= 0; --i) {
3122 	if (b->dp[i] != 0) {
3123 	    return 1;
3124 	}
3125     }
3126     return isodd;
3127 }
3129 /*
3130  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3131  *
3132  * ShouldBankerRoundUpToNextPowD --
3133  *
3134  *	Tests whether bankers' rounding will round down in the
3135  *	"denominator is a power of 2**MP_DIGIT" case.
3136  *
3137  * Results:
3138  *	Returns 1 if the rounding will be performed - which increases the
3139  *	digit by one - and 0 otherwise.
3140  *
3141  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3142  */
3144 inline static int
ShouldBankerRoundUpToNextPowD(mp_int * b,mp_int * m,int sd,int convType,int isodd,mp_int * temp)3145 ShouldBankerRoundUpToNextPowD(mp_int* b,
3146 				/* Numerator of the fraction */
3147 			      mp_int* m,
3148 				/* Numerator of the rounding tolerance */
3149 			      int sd,
3150 				/* Common denominator is 2**(sd*DIGIT_BIT) */
3151 			      int convType,
3152 				/* Conversion type: STEELE defeats
3153 				 * round-to-even (Not sure why one wants to
3154 				 * do this; I copied it from Gay) FIXME */
3155 			      int isodd,
3156 				/* 1 if the integer significand is odd */
3157 			      mp_int* temp)
3158 				/* Work area for the calculation */
3159 {
3160     int i;
3162     /*
3163      * Compare B and S-m -- which is the same as comparing B+m and S --
3164      * which we do by computing b+m and doing a bitwhack compare against
3165      * 2**(DIGIT_BIT*sd)
3166      */
3167     mp_add(b, m, temp);
3168     if (temp->used <= sd) {	/* too few digits to be > S */
3169 	return 0;
3170     }
3171     if (temp->used > sd+1 || temp->dp[sd] > 1) {
3172 				/* >= 2s */
3173 	return 1;
3174     }
3175     for (i = sd-1; i >= 0; --i) {
3176 				/* check for ==s */
3177 	if (temp->dp[i] != 0) {	/* > s */
3178 	    return 1;
3179 	}
3180     }
3181     if (convType == TCL_DD_STEELE0) {
3182 				/* biased rounding */
3183 	return 0;
3184     }
3185     return isodd;
3186 }
3188 /*
3189  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3190  *
3191  * ShorteningBignumConversionPowD --
3192  *
3193  *	Converts a double-precision number to the shortest string of
3194  *	digits that reconverts exactly to the given number, or to
3195  *	'ilim' digits if that will yield a shorter result. The denominator
3196  *	in David Gay's conversion algorithm is known to be a power of
3197  *	2**DIGIT_BIT, and hence the division in the main loop may be replaced
3198  *	by a digit shift and mask.
3199  *
3200  * Results:
3201  *	Returns the string of significant decimal digits, in newly
3202  *	allocated memory
3203  *
3204  * Side effects:
3205  *	Stores the location of the decimal point in '*decpt' and the
3206  *      location of the terminal null byte in '*endPtr'.
3207  *
3208  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3209  */
3211 inline static char*
ShorteningBignumConversionPowD(Double * dPtr,int convType,Tcl_WideUInt bw,int b2,int b5,int m2plus,int m2minus,int m5,int sd,int k,int len,int ilim,int ilim1,int * decpt,char ** endPtr)3212 ShorteningBignumConversionPowD(Double* dPtr,
3213 				/* Original number to convert */
3214 			       int convType,
3215 				/* Type of conversion (shortest, Steele,
3216 				   E format, F format) */
3217 			       Tcl_WideUInt bw,
3218 				/* Integer significand */
3219 			       int b2, int b5,
3220 				/* Scale factor for the significand
3221 				 * in the numerator */
3222 			       int m2plus, int m2minus, int m5,
3223 				/* Scale factors for 1/2 ulp in
3224 				 * the numerator (will be different if
3225 				 * bw == 1 */
3226 			       int sd,
3227 				/* Scale factor for the denominator */
3228 			       int k,
3229 				/* Number of output digits before the decimal
3230 				 * point */
3231 			       int len,
3232 				/* Number of digits to allocate */
3233 			       int ilim,
3234 				/* Number of digits to convert if b >= s */
3235 			       int ilim1,
3236 				/* Number of digits to convert if b < s */
3237 			       int* decpt,
3238 				/* OUTPUT: Position of the decimal point */
3239 			       char** endPtr)
3240 				/* OUTPUT: Position of the terminal '\0'
3241 				 *         at the end of the returned string */
3242 {
3244     char* retval = ckalloc(len + 1);
3245 				/* Output buffer */
3246     mp_int b;			/* Numerator of the fraction being converted */
3247     mp_int mplus, mminus;	/* Bounds for roundoff */
3248     mp_digit digit;		/* Current output digit */
3249     char* s = retval;		/* Cursor in the output buffer */
3250     int i;			/* Index in the output buffer */
3251     mp_int temp;
3252     int r1;
3254     /*
3255      * b = bw * 2**b2 * 5**b5
3256      * mminus = 5**m5
3257      */
3259     TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(&b, bw);
3260     mp_init_set_int(&mminus, 1);
3261     MulPow5(&b, b5, &b);
3262     mp_mul_2d(&b, b2, &b);
3264     /* Adjust if the logarithm was guessed wrong */
3266     if (b.used <= sd) {
3267 	mp_mul_d(&b, 10, &b);
3268 	++m2plus; ++m2minus; ++m5;
3269 	ilim = ilim1;
3270 	--k;
3271     }
3273     /*
3274      * mminus = 5**m5 * 2**m2minus
3275      * mplus = 5**m5 * 2**m2plus
3276      */
3278     mp_mul_2d(&mminus, m2minus, &mminus);
3279     MulPow5(&mminus, m5, &mminus);
3280     if (m2plus > m2minus) {
3281 	mp_init_copy(&mplus, &mminus);
3282 	mp_mul_2d(&mplus, m2plus-m2minus, &mplus);
3283     }
3284     mp_init(&temp);
3286     /* Loop through the digits. Do division and mod by s == 2**(sd*DIGIT_BIT)
3287      * by mp_digit extraction */
3289     i = 0;
3290     for (;;) {
3291 	if (b.used <= sd) {
3292 	    digit = 0;
3293 	} else {
3294 	    digit = b.dp[sd];
3295 	    if (b.used > sd+1 || digit >= 10) {
3296 		Tcl_Panic("wrong digit!");
3297 	    }
3298 	    --b.used; mp_clamp(&b);
3299 	}
3301 	/*
3302 	 * Does the current digit put us on the low side of the exact value
3303 	 * but within within roundoff of being exact?
3304 	 */
3306 	r1 = mp_cmp_mag(&b, (m2plus > m2minus)? &mplus : &mminus);
3307 	if (r1 == MP_LT
3308 	    || (r1 == MP_EQ
3309 		&& convType != TCL_DD_STEELE0
3310 		&& (dPtr->w.word1 & 1) == 0)) {
3311 	    /*
3312 	     * Make sure we shouldn't be rounding *up* instead,
3313 	     * in case the next number above is closer
3314 	     */
3315 	    if (ShouldBankerRoundUpPowD(&b, sd, digit&1)) {
3316 		++digit;
3317 		if (digit == 10) {
3318 		    *s++ = '9';
3319 		    s = BumpUp(s, retval, &k);
3320 		    break;
3321 		}
3322 	    }
3324 	    /* Stash the last digit */
3326 	    *s++ = '0' + digit;
3327 	    break;
3328 	}
3330 	/*
3331 	 * Does one plus the current digit put us within roundoff of the
3332 	 * number?
3333 	 */
3335 	if (ShouldBankerRoundUpToNextPowD(&b, &mminus, sd,
3336 					   convType, dPtr->w.word1 & 1,
3337 					   &temp)) {
3338 	    if (digit == 9) {
3339 		*s++ = '9';
3340 		s = BumpUp(s, retval, &k);
3341 		break;
3342 	    }
3343 	    ++digit;
3344 	    *s++ = '0' + digit;
3345 	    break;
3346 	}
3348 	/*
3349 	 * Have we converted all the requested digits?
3350 	 */
3351 	*s++ = '0' + digit;
3352 	if (i == ilim) {
3353 	    if (ShouldBankerRoundUpPowD(&b, sd, digit&1)) {
3354 		s = BumpUp(s, retval, &k);
3355 	    }
3356 	    break;
3357 	}
3359 	/* Advance to the next digit */
3361 	mp_mul_d(&b, 10, &b);
3362 	mp_mul_d(&mminus, 10, &mminus);
3363 	if (m2plus > m2minus) {
3364 	    mp_mul_2d(&mminus, m2plus-m2minus, &mplus);
3365 	}
3366 	++i;
3367     }
3369     /*
3370      * Endgame - store the location of the decimal point and the end of the
3371      * string.
3372      */
3373     if (m2plus > m2minus) {
3374 	mp_clear(&mplus);
3375     }
3376     mp_clear_multi(&b, &mminus, &temp, NULL);
3377     *s = '\0';
3378     *decpt = k;
3379     if (endPtr) {
3380 	*endPtr = s;
3381     }
3382     return retval;
3383 }
3385 /*
3386  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3387  *
3388  * StrictBignumConversionPowD --
3389  *
3390  *	Converts a double-precision number to a fixed-lengt string of
3391  *	'ilim' digits (or 'ilim1' if log10(d) has been overestimated.)
3392  *	The denominator in David Gay's conversion algorithm is known to
3393  *	be a power of 2**DIGIT_BIT, and hence the division in the main
3394  *	loop may be replaced by a digit shift and mask.
3395  *
3396  * Results:
3397  *	Returns the string of significant decimal digits, in newly
3398  *	allocated memory.
3399  *
3400  * Side effects:
3401  *	Stores the location of the decimal point in '*decpt' and the
3402  *      location of the terminal null byte in '*endPtr'.
3403  *
3404  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3405  */
3407 inline static char*
StrictBignumConversionPowD(Double * dPtr,int convType,Tcl_WideUInt bw,int b2,int b5,int sd,int k,int len,int ilim,int ilim1,int * decpt,char ** endPtr)3408 StrictBignumConversionPowD(Double* dPtr,
3409 				/* Original number to convert */
3410 			   int convType,
3411 				/* Type of conversion (shortest, Steele,
3412 				   E format, F format) */
3413 			   Tcl_WideUInt bw,
3414 				/* Integer significand */
3415 			   int b2, int b5,
3416 				/* Scale factor for the significand
3417 				 * in the numerator */
3418 			   int sd,
3419 				/* Scale factor for the denominator */
3420 			   int k,
3421 				/* Number of output digits before the decimal
3422 				 * point */
3423 			   int len,
3424 				/* Number of digits to allocate */
3425 			   int ilim,
3426 				/* Number of digits to convert if b >= s */
3427 			   int ilim1,
3428 				/* Number of digits to convert if b < s */
3429 			   int* decpt,
3430 				/* OUTPUT: Position of the decimal point */
3431 			   char** endPtr)
3432 				/* OUTPUT: Position of the terminal '\0'
3433 				 *         at the end of the returned string */
3434 {
3436     char* retval = ckalloc(len + 1);
3437 				/* Output buffer */
3438     mp_int b;			/* Numerator of the fraction being converted */
3439     mp_digit digit;		/* Current output digit */
3440     char* s = retval;		/* Cursor in the output buffer */
3441     int i;			/* Index in the output buffer */
3442     mp_int temp;
3444     /*
3445      * b = bw * 2**b2 * 5**b5
3446      */
3448     TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(&b, bw);
3449     MulPow5(&b, b5, &b);
3450     mp_mul_2d(&b, b2, &b);
3452     /* Adjust if the logarithm was guessed wrong */
3454     if (b.used <= sd) {
3455 	mp_mul_d(&b, 10, &b);
3456 	ilim = ilim1;
3457 	--k;
3458     }
3459     mp_init(&temp);
3461     /*
3462      * Loop through the digits. Do division and mod by s == 2**(sd*DIGIT_BIT)
3463      * by mp_digit extraction
3464      */
3466     i = 1;
3467     for (;;) {
3468 	if (b.used <= sd) {
3469 	    digit = 0;
3470 	} else {
3471 	    digit = b.dp[sd];
3472 	    if (b.used > sd+1 || digit >= 10) {
3473 		Tcl_Panic("wrong digit!");
3474 	    }
3475 	    --b.used; mp_clamp(&b);
3476 	}
3478 	/*
3479 	 * Have we converted all the requested digits?
3480 	 */
3481 	*s++ = '0' + digit;
3482 	if (i == ilim) {
3483 	    if (ShouldBankerRoundUpPowD(&b, sd, digit&1)) {
3484 		s = BumpUp(s, retval, &k);
3485 	    } else {
3486 		while (*--s == '0') {
3487 		    /* do nothing */
3488 		}
3489 		++s;
3490 	    }
3491 	    break;
3492 	}
3494 	/* Advance to the next digit */
3496 	mp_mul_d(&b, 10, &b);
3497 	++i;
3498     }
3500     /*
3501      * Endgame - store the location of the decimal point and the end of the
3502      * string.
3503      */
3504     mp_clear_multi(&b, &temp, NULL);
3505     *s = '\0';
3506     *decpt = k;
3507     if (endPtr) {
3508 	*endPtr = s;
3509     }
3510     return retval;
3511 }
3513 /*
3514  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3515  *
3516  * ShouldBankerRoundUp --
3517  *
3518  *	Tests whether a digit should be rounded up or down when finishing
3519  *	bignum-based floating point conversion.
3520  *
3521  * Results:
3522  *	Returns 1 if the number needs to be rounded up, 0 otherwise.
3523  *
3524  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3525  */
3527 inline static int
ShouldBankerRoundUp(mp_int * twor,mp_int * S,int isodd)3528 ShouldBankerRoundUp(mp_int* twor,
3529 				/* 2x the remainder from thd division that
3530 				 * produced the last digit */
3531 		    mp_int* S,	/* Denominator */
3532 		    int isodd)	/* Flag == 1 if the last digit is odd */
3533 {
3534     int r = mp_cmp_mag(twor, S);
3535     switch (r) {
3536     case MP_LT:
3537 	return 0;
3538     case MP_EQ:
3539 	return isodd;
3540     case MP_GT:
3541 	return 1;
3542     }
3543     Tcl_Panic("in ShouldBankerRoundUp, trichotomy fails!");
3544     return 0;
3545 }
3547 /*
3548  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3549  *
3550  * ShouldBankerRoundUpToNext --
3551  *
3552  *	Tests whether the remainder is great enough to force rounding
3553  *	to the next higher digit.
3554  *
3555  * Results:
3556  *	Returns 1 if the number should be rounded up, 0 otherwise.
3557  *
3558  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3559  */
3561 inline static int
ShouldBankerRoundUpToNext(mp_int * b,mp_int * m,mp_int * S,int convType,int isodd,mp_int * temp)3562 ShouldBankerRoundUpToNext(mp_int* b,
3563 				/* Remainder from the division that produced
3564 				 * the last digit. */
3565 			  mp_int* m,
3566 				/* Numerator of the rounding tolerance */
3567 			  mp_int* S,
3568 				/* Denominator */
3569 			  int convType,
3570 				/* Conversion type: STEELE0 defeats
3571 				 * round-to-even. (Not sure why one would
3572 				 * want this; I coped it from Gay. FIXME */
3573 			  int isodd,
3574 				/* 1 if the integer significand is odd */
3575 			  mp_int* temp)
3576 				/* Work area needed for the calculation */
3577 {
3578     int r;
3579     /* Compare b and S-m: this is the same as comparing B+m and S. */
3580     mp_add(b, m, temp);
3581     r = mp_cmp_mag(temp, S);
3582     switch(r) {
3583     case MP_LT:
3584 	return 0;
3585     case MP_EQ:
3586 	if (convType == TCL_DD_STEELE0) {
3587 	    return 0;
3588 	} else {
3589 	    return isodd;
3590 	}
3591     case MP_GT:
3592 	return 1;
3593     }
3594     Tcl_Panic("in ShouldBankerRoundUpToNext, trichotomy fails!");
3595     return 0;
3596 }
3598 /*
3599  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3600  *
3601  * ShorteningBignumConversion --
3602  *
3603  *	Convert a floating point number to a variable-length digit string
3604  *	using the multiprecision method.
3605  *
3606  * Results:
3607  *	Returns the string of digits.
3608  *
3609  * Side effects:
3610  *	Stores the position of the decimal point in *decpt.
3611  *	Stores a pointer to the end of the number in *endPtr.
3612  *
3613  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3614  */
3616 inline static char*
ShorteningBignumConversion(Double * dPtr,int convType,Tcl_WideUInt bw,int b2,int m2plus,int m2minus,int s2,int s5,int k,int len,int ilim,int ilim1,int * decpt,char ** endPtr)3617 ShorteningBignumConversion(Double* dPtr,
3618 				/* Original number being converted */
3619 			   int convType,
3620 				/* Conversion type */
3621 			   Tcl_WideUInt bw,
3622 				/* Integer significand and exponent */
3623 			   int b2,
3624 				/* Scale factor for the significand */
3625 			   int m2plus, int m2minus,
3626 				/* Scale factors for 1/2 ulp in numerator */
3627 			   int s2, int s5,
3628 				/* Scale factors for denominator */
3629 			   int k,
3630 				/* Guessed position of the decimal point */
3631 			   int len,
3632 				/* Size of the digit buffer to allocate */
3633 			   int ilim,
3634 				/* Number of digits to convert if b >= s */
3635 			   int ilim1,
3636 				/* Number of digits to convert if b < s */
3637 			   int* decpt,
3638 				/* OUTPUT: Position of the decimal point */
3639 			   char** endPtr)
3640 				/* OUTPUT: Pointer to the end of the number */
3641 {
3642     char* retval = ckalloc(len+1);
3643 				/* Buffer of digits to return */
3644     char* s = retval;		/* Cursor in the return value */
3645     mp_int b;			/* Numerator of the result */
3646     mp_int mminus;		/* 1/2 ulp below the result */
3647     mp_int mplus;		/* 1/2 ulp above the result */
3648     mp_int S;			/* Denominator of the result */
3649     mp_int dig;			/* Current digit of the result */
3650     int digit;			/* Current digit of the result */
3651     mp_int temp;		/* Work area */
3652     int minit = 1;		/* Fudge factor for when we misguess k */
3653     int i;
3654     int r1;
3656     /*
3657      * b = bw * 2**b2 * 5**b5
3658      * S = 2**s2 * 5*s5
3659      */
3661     TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(&b, bw);
3662     mp_mul_2d(&b, b2, &b);
3663     mp_init_set_int(&S, 1);
3664     MulPow5(&S, s5, &S); mp_mul_2d(&S, s2, &S);
3666     /*
3667      * Handle the case where we guess the position of the decimal point
3668      * wrong.
3669      */
3671     if (mp_cmp_mag(&b, &S) == MP_LT) {
3672 	mp_mul_d(&b, 10, &b);
3673 	minit = 10;
3674 	ilim =ilim1;
3675 	--k;
3676     }
3678     /* mminus = 2**m2minus * 5**m5 */
3680     mp_init_set_int(&mminus, minit);
3681     mp_mul_2d(&mminus, m2minus, &mminus);
3682     if (m2plus > m2minus) {
3683 	mp_init_copy(&mplus, &mminus);
3684 	mp_mul_2d(&mplus, m2plus-m2minus, &mplus);
3685     }
3686     mp_init(&temp);
3688     /* Loop through the digits */
3690     mp_init(&dig);
3691     i = 1;
3692     for (;;) {
3693 	mp_div(&b, &S, &dig, &b);
3694 	if (dig.used > 1 || dig.dp[0] >= 10) {
3695 	    Tcl_Panic("wrong digit!");
3696 	}
3697 	digit = dig.dp[0];
3699 	/*
3700 	 * Does the current digit leave us with a remainder small enough to
3701 	 * round to it?
3702 	 */
3704 	r1 = mp_cmp_mag(&b, (m2plus > m2minus)? &mplus : &mminus);
3705 	if (r1 == MP_LT
3706 	    || (r1 == MP_EQ
3707 		&& convType != TCL_DD_STEELE0
3708 		&& (dPtr->w.word1 & 1) == 0)) {
3709 	    mp_mul_2d(&b, 1, &b);
3710 	    if (ShouldBankerRoundUp(&b, &S, digit&1)) {
3711 		++digit;
3712 		if (digit == 10) {
3713 		    *s++ = '9';
3714 		    s = BumpUp(s, retval, &k);
3715 		    break;
3716 		}
3717 	    }
3718 	    *s++ = '0' + digit;
3719 	    break;
3720 	}
3722 	/*
3723 	 * Does the current digit leave us with a remainder large enough
3724 	 * to commit to rounding up to the next higher digit?
3725 	 */
3727 	if (ShouldBankerRoundUpToNext(&b, &mminus, &S, convType,
3728 				      dPtr->w.word1 & 1, &temp)) {
3729 	    ++digit;
3730 	    if (digit == 10) {
3731 		*s++ = '9';
3732 		s = BumpUp(s, retval, &k);
3733 		break;
3734 	    }
3735 	    *s++ = '0' + digit;
3736 	    break;
3737 	}
3739 	/* Have we converted all the requested digits? */
3741 	*s++ = '0' + digit;
3742 	if (i == ilim) {
3743 	    mp_mul_2d(&b, 1, &b);
3744 	    if (ShouldBankerRoundUp(&b, &S, digit&1)) {
3745 		s = BumpUp(s, retval, &k);
3746 	    }
3747 	    break;
3748 	}
3750 	/* Advance to the next digit */
3752 	if (s5 > 0) {
3754 	    /* Can possibly shorten the denominator */
3755 	    mp_mul_2d(&b, 1, &b);
3756 	    mp_mul_2d(&mminus, 1, &mminus);
3757 	    if (m2plus > m2minus) {
3758 		mp_mul_2d(&mplus, 1, &mplus);
3759 	    }
3760 	    mp_div_d(&S, 5, &S, NULL);
3761 	    --s5;
3762 	    /*
3763 	     * IDEA: It might possibly be a win to fall back to
3764 	     *       int64 arithmetic here if S < 2**64/10. But it's
3765 	     *       a win only for a fairly narrow range of magnitudes
3766 	     *       so perhaps not worth bothering. We already know that
3767 	     *       we shorten the denominator by at least 1 mp_digit, perhaps
3768 	     *       2. as we do the conversion for 17 digits of significance.
3769 	     * Possible savings:
3770 	     * 10**26   1 trip through loop before fallback possible
3771 	     * 10**27   1 trip
3772 	     * 10**28   2 trips
3773 	     * 10**29   3 trips
3774 	     * 10**30   4 trips
3775 	     * 10**31   5 trips
3776 	     * 10**32   6 trips
3777 	     * 10**33   7 trips
3778 	     * 10**34   8 trips
3779 	     * 10**35   9 trips
3780 	     * 10**36  10 trips
3781 	     * 10**37  11 trips
3782 	     * 10**38  12 trips
3783 	     * 10**39  13 trips
3784 	     * 10**40  14 trips
3785 	     * 10**41  15 trips
3786 	     * 10**42  16 trips
3787 	     * thereafter  no gain.
3788 	     */
3789 	} else {
3790 	    mp_mul_d(&b, 10, &b);
3791 	    mp_mul_d(&mminus, 10, &mminus);
3792 	    if (m2plus > m2minus) {
3793 		mp_mul_2d(&mplus, 10, &mplus);
3794 	    }
3795 	}
3797 	++i;
3798     }
3801     /*
3802      * Endgame - store the location of the decimal point and the end of the
3803      * string.
3804      */
3805     if (m2plus > m2minus) {
3806 	mp_clear(&mplus);
3807     }
3808     mp_clear_multi(&b, &mminus, &temp, &dig, &S, NULL);
3809     *s = '\0';
3810     *decpt = k;
3811     if (endPtr) {
3812 	*endPtr = s;
3813     }
3814     return retval;
3816 }
3818 /*
3819  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3820  *
3821  * StrictBignumConversion --
3822  *
3823  *	Convert a floating point number to a fixed-length digit string
3824  *	using the multiprecision method.
3825  *
3826  * Results:
3827  *	Returns the string of digits.
3828  *
3829  * Side effects:
3830  *	Stores the position of the decimal point in *decpt.
3831  *	Stores a pointer to the end of the number in *endPtr.
3832  *
3833  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3834  */
3836 inline static char*
StrictBignumConversion(Double * dPtr,int convType,Tcl_WideUInt bw,int b2,int s2,int s5,int k,int len,int ilim,int ilim1,int * decpt,char ** endPtr)3837 StrictBignumConversion(Double* dPtr,
3838 				/* Original number being converted */
3839 		       int convType,
3840 				/* Conversion type */
3841 		       Tcl_WideUInt bw,
3842 				/* Integer significand and exponent */
3843 		       int b2,	/* Scale factor for the significand */
3844 		       int s2, int s5,
3845 				/* Scale factors for denominator */
3846 		       int k,	/* Guessed position of the decimal point */
3847 		       int len,	/* Size of the digit buffer to allocate */
3848 		       int ilim,
3849 				/* Number of digits to convert if b >= s */
3850 		       int ilim1,
3851 				/* Number of digits to convert if b < s */
3852 		       int* decpt,
3853 				/* OUTPUT: Position of the decimal point */
3854 		       char** endPtr)
3855 				/* OUTPUT: Pointer to the end of the number */
3856 {
3857     char* retval = ckalloc(len+1);
3858 				/* Buffer of digits to return */
3859     char* s = retval;		/* Cursor in the return value */
3860     mp_int b;			/* Numerator of the result */
3861     mp_int S;			/* Denominator of the result */
3862     mp_int dig;			/* Current digit of the result */
3863     int digit;			/* Current digit of the result */
3864     mp_int temp;		/* Work area */
3865     int g;			/* Size of the current digit groun */
3866     int i, j;
3868     /*
3869      * b = bw * 2**b2 * 5**b5
3870      * S = 2**s2 * 5*s5
3871      */
3873     mp_init_multi(&temp, &dig, NULL);
3874     TclBNInitBignumFromWideUInt(&b, bw);
3875     mp_mul_2d(&b, b2, &b);
3876     mp_init_set_int(&S, 1);
3877     MulPow5(&S, s5, &S); mp_mul_2d(&S, s2, &S);
3879     /*
3880      * Handle the case where we guess the position of the decimal point
3881      * wrong.
3882      */
3884     if (mp_cmp_mag(&b, &S) == MP_LT) {
3885 	mp_mul_d(&b, 10, &b);
3886 	ilim =ilim1;
3887 	--k;
3888     }
3890     /* Convert the leading digit */
3892     i = 0;
3893     mp_div(&b, &S, &dig, &b);
3894     if (dig.used > 1 || dig.dp[0] >= 10) {
3895 	Tcl_Panic("wrong digit!");
3896     }
3897     digit = dig.dp[0];
3899     /* Is a single digit all that was requested? */
3901     *s++ = '0' + digit;
3902     if (++i >= ilim) {
3903 	mp_mul_2d(&b, 1, &b);
3904 	if (ShouldBankerRoundUp(&b, &S, digit&1)) {
3905 	    s = BumpUp(s, retval, &k);
3906 	}
3907     } else {
3909 	for (;;) {
3911 	    /* Shift by a group of digits. */
3913 	    g = ilim - i;
3914 	    if (g > DIGIT_GROUP) {
3915 		g = DIGIT_GROUP;
3916 	    }
3917 	    if (s5 >= g) {
3918 		mp_div_d(&S, dpow5[g], &S, NULL);
3919 		s5 -= g;
3920 	    } else if (s5 > 0) {
3921 		mp_div_d(&S, dpow5[s5], &S, NULL);
3922 		mp_mul_d(&b, dpow5[g - s5], &b);
3923 		s5 = 0;
3924 	    } else {
3925 		mp_mul_d(&b, dpow5[g], &b);
3926 	    }
3927 	    mp_mul_2d(&b, g, &b);
3929 	    /*
3930 	     * As with the shortening bignum conversion, it's possible at
3931 	     * this point that we will have reduced the denominator to
3932 	     * less than 2**64/10, at which point it would be possible to
3933 	     * fall back to to int64 arithmetic. But the potential payoff
3934 	     * is tremendously less - unless we're working in F format -
3935 	     * because we know that three groups of digits will always
3936 	     * suffice for %#.17e, the longest format that doesn't introduce
3937 	     * empty precision.
3938 	     */
3940 	    /* Extract the next group of digits */
3942 	    mp_div(&b, &S, &dig, &b);
3943 	    if (dig.used > 1) {
3944 		Tcl_Panic("wrong digit!");
3945 	    }
3946 	    digit = dig.dp[0];
3947 	    for (j = g-1; j >= 0; --j) {
3948 		int t = itens[j];
3949 		*s++ = digit / t + '0';
3950 		digit %= t;
3951 	    }
3952 	    i += g;
3954 	    /* Have we converted all the requested digits? */
3956 	    if (i == ilim) {
3957 		mp_mul_2d(&b, 1, &b);
3958 		if (ShouldBankerRoundUp(&b, &S, digit&1)) {
3959 		    s = BumpUp(s, retval, &k);
3960 		} else {
3961 		    while (*--s == '0') {
3962 			/* do nothing */
3963 		    }
3964 		    ++s;
3965 		}
3966 	    break;
3967 	    }
3968 	}
3969     }
3970     /*
3971      * Endgame - store the location of the decimal point and the end of the
3972      * string.
3973      */
3974     mp_clear_multi(&b, &S, &temp, &dig, NULL);
3975     *s = '\0';
3976     *decpt = k;
3977     if (endPtr) {
3978 	*endPtr = s;
3979     }
3980     return retval;
3982 }
3984 /*
3985  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3986  *
3987  * TclDoubleDigits --
3988  *
3989  *	Core of Tcl's conversion of double-precision floating point numbers
3990  *	to decimal.
3991  *
3992  * Results:
3993  *	Returns a newly-allocated string of digits.
3994  *
3995  * Side effects:
3996  *	Sets *decpt to the index of the character in the string before the
3997  *	place that the decimal point should go. If 'endPtr' is not NULL,
3998  *	sets endPtr to point to the terminating '\0' byte of the string.
3999  *	Sets *sign to 1 if a minus sign should be printed with the number,
4000  *	or 0 if a plus sign (or no sign) should appear.
4001  *
4002  * This function is a service routine that produces the string of digits
4003  * for floating-point-to-decimal conversion. It can do a number of things
4004  * according to the 'flags' argument. Valid values for 'flags' include:
4005  *	TCL_DD_SHORTEST - This is the default for floating point conversion
4006  *		if ::tcl_precision is 0. It constructs the shortest string
4007  *		of digits that will reconvert to the given number when scanned.
4008  *		For floating point numbers that are exactly between two
4009  *		decimal numbers, it resolves using the 'round to even' rule.
4010  *		With this value, the 'ndigits' parameter is ignored.
4011  *	TCL_DD_STEELE - This value is not recommended and may be removed
4012  *		in the future. It follows the conversion algorithm outlined
4013  *		in "How to Print Floating-Point Numbers Accurately" by
4014  *		Guy L. Steele, Jr. and Jon L. White [Proc. ACM SIGPLAN '90,
4015  *		pp. 112-126]. This rule has the effect of rendering 1e23
4016  *		as 9.9999999999999999e22 - which is a 'better' approximation
4017  *		in the sense that it will reconvert correctly even if
4018  *		a subsequent input conversion is 'round up' or 'round down'
4019  *		rather than 'round to nearest', but is surprising otherwise.
4020  *	TCL_DD_E_FORMAT - This value is used to prepare numbers for %e
4021  *		format conversion (or for default floating->string if
4022  *		tcl_precision is not 0). It constructs a string of at most
4023  *		'ndigits' digits, choosing the one that is closest to the
4024  *		given number (and resolving ties with 'round to even').
4025  *		It is allowed to return fewer than 'ndigits' if the number
4026  *		converts exactly; if the TCL_DD_E_FORMAT|TCL_DD_SHORTEN_FLAG
4027  *		is supplied instead, it also returns fewer digits if the
4028  *		shorter string will still reconvert to the given input number.
4029  *		In any case, strings of trailing zeroes are suppressed.
4030  *	TCL_DD_F_FORMAT - This value is used to prepare numbers for %f
4031  *		format conversion. It requests that conversion proceed until
4032  *		'ndigits' digits after the decimal point have been converted.
4033  *		It is possible for this format to result in a zero-length
4034  *		string if the number is sufficiently small. Again, it
4035  *		is permissible for TCL_DD_F_FORMAT to return fewer digits
4036  *		for a number that converts exactly, and changing the
4037  *		argument to TCL_DD_F_FORMAT|TCL_DD_SHORTEN_FLAG will allow
4038  *		the routine also to return fewer digits if the shorter string
4039  *		will still reconvert without loss to the given input number.
4040  *		Strings of trailing zeroes are suppressed.
4041  *
4042  *	To any of these flags may be OR'ed TCL_DD_NO_QUICK; this flag
4043  *	requires all calculations to be done in exact arithmetic. Normally,
4044  *	E and F format with fewer than about 14 digits will be done with
4045  *	a quick floating point approximation and fall back on the exact
4046  *	arithmetic only if the input number is close enough to the
4047  *	midpoint between two decimal strings that more precision is needed
4048  *	to resolve which string is correct.
4049  *
4050  * The value stored in the 'decpt' argument on return may be negative
4051  * (indicating that the decimal point falls to the left of the string)
4052  * or greater than the length of the string.  In addition, the value -9999
4053  * is used as a sentinel to indicate that the string is one of the special
4054  * values "Infinity" and "NaN", and that no decimal point should be inserted.
4055  *
4056  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4057  */
4058 char*
TclDoubleDigits(double dv,int ndigits,int flags,int * decpt,int * sign,char ** endPtr)4059 TclDoubleDigits(double dv,	/* Number to convert */
4060 		int ndigits,	/* Number of digits requested */
4061 		int flags,	/* Conversion flags */
4062 		int* decpt,	/* OUTPUT: Position of the decimal point */
4063 		int* sign,	/* OUTPUT: 1 if the result is negative */
4064 		char** endPtr)	/* OUTPUT: If not NULL, receives a pointer
4065 				 *         to one character beyond the end
4066 				 *         of the returned string */
4067 {
4068     int convType = (flags & TCL_DD_CONVERSION_TYPE_MASK);
4069 				/* Type of conversion being performed
4070 				 * TCL_DD_SHORTEST0
4071 				 * TCL_DD_STEELE0
4072 				 * TCL_DD_E_FORMAT
4073 				 * TCL_DD_F_FORMAT */
4074     Double d;			/* Union for deconstructing doubles */
4075     Tcl_WideUInt bw;		/* Integer significand */
4076     int be;			/* Power of 2 by which b must be multiplied */
4077     int bbits;			/* Number of bits needed to represent b */
4078     int denorm;			/* Flag == 1 iff the input number was
4079 				 * denormalized */
4080     int k;			/* Estimate of floor(log10(d)) */
4081     int k_check;		/* Flag == 1 if d is near enough to a
4082 				 * power of ten that k must be checked */
4083     int b2, b5, s2, s5;		/* Powers of 2 and 5 in the numerator and
4084 				 * denominator of intermediate results */
4085     int ilim = -1, ilim1 = -1;	/* Number of digits to convert, and number
4086 				 * to convert if log10(d) has been
4087 				 * overestimated */
4088     char* retval;		/* Return value from this function */
4089     int i = -1;
4091     /* Put the input number into a union for bit-whacking */
4093     d.d = dv;
4095     /*
4096      * Handle the cases of negative numbers (by taking the absolute value:
4097      * this includes -Inf and -NaN!), infinity, Not a Number, and zero.
4098      */
4100     TakeAbsoluteValue(&d, sign);
4101     if ((d.w.word0 & EXP_MASK) == EXP_MASK) {
4102 	return FormatInfAndNaN(&d, decpt, endPtr);
4103     }
4104     if (d.d == 0.0) {
4105 	return FormatZero(decpt, endPtr);
4106     }
4108     /*
4109      * Unpack the floating point into a wide integer and an exponent.
4110      * Determine the number of bits that the big integer requires, and
4111      * compute a quick approximation (which may be one too high) of
4112      * ceil(log10(d.d)).
4113      */
4114     denorm = ((d.w.word0 & EXP_MASK) == 0);
4115     DoubleToExpAndSig(d.d, &bw, &be, &bbits);
4116     k = ApproximateLog10(bw, be, bbits);
4117     k = BetterLog10(d.d, k, &k_check);
4119     /* At this point, we have:
4120      *	  d is the number to convert.
4121      *    bw are significand and exponent: d == bw*2**be,
4122      *    bbits is the length of bw: 2**bbits-1 <= bw < 2**bbits
4123      *	  k is either ceil(log10(d)) or ceil(log10(d))+1. k_check is 0
4124      *      if we know that k is exactly ceil(log10(d)) and 1 if we need to
4125      *	    check.
4126      *    We want a rational number
4127      *      r = b * 10**(1-k) = bw * 2**b2 * 5**b5 / (2**s2 / 5**s5),
4128      *    with b2, b5, s2, s5 >= 0.  Note that the most significant decimal
4129      *    digit is floor(r) and that successive digits can be obtained
4130      *    by setting r <- 10*floor(r) (or b <= 10 * (b % S)).
4131      *    Find appropriate b2, b5, s2, s5.
4132      */
4134     ComputeScale(be, k, &b2, &b5, &s2, &s5);
4136     /*
4137      * Correct an incorrect caller-supplied 'ndigits'.
4138      * Also determine:
4139      *	i = The maximum number of decimal digits that will be returned in the
4140      *      formatted string.  This is k + 1 + ndigits for F format, 18 for
4141      *	    shortest and Steele, and ndigits for E format.
4142      *  ilim = The number of significant digits to convert if
4143      *         k has been guessed correctly. This is -1 for shortest and Steele
4144      *         (which stop when all significance has been lost), 'ndigits'
4145      *	       for E format, and 'k + 1 + ndigits' for F format.
4146      *  ilim1 = The minimum number of significant digits to convert if
4147      *	        k has been guessed 1 too high. This, too, is -1 for shortest
4148      *	        and Steele, and 'ndigits' for E format, but it's 'ndigits-1'
4149      *	        for F format.
4150      */
4152     SetPrecisionLimits(convType, k, &ndigits, &i, &ilim, &ilim1);
4154     /*
4155      * Try to do low-precision conversion in floating point rather
4156      * than resorting to expensive multiprecision arithmetic
4157      */
4158     if (ilim >= 0 && ilim <= QUICK_MAX && !(flags & TCL_DD_NO_QUICK)) {
4159 	if ((retval = QuickConversion(d.d, k, k_check, flags,
4160 				      i, ilim, ilim1,
4161 				      decpt, endPtr)) != NULL) {
4162 	    return retval;
4163 	}
4164     }
4166     /*
4167      * For shortening conversions, determine the upper and lower bounds
4168      * for the remainder at which we can stop.
4169      *   m+ = (2**m2plus * 5**m5) / (2**s2 * 5**s5) is the limit on the
4170      *        high side, and
4171      *   m- = (2**m2minus * 5**m5) / (2**s2 * 5**s5) is the limit on the
4172      *        low side.
4173      *   We may need to increase s2 to put m2plus, m2minus, b2 over a
4174      *   common denominator.
4175      */
4177     if (flags & TCL_DD_SHORTEN_FLAG) {
4178 	int m2minus = b2;
4179 	int m2plus;
4180 	int m5 = b5;
4181 	int len = i;
4183 	/*
4184 	 * Find the quantity i so that (2**i*5**b5)/(2**s2*5**s5)
4185 	 * is 1/2 unit in the least significant place of the floating
4186 	 * point number.
4187 	 */
4188 	if (denorm) {
4189 	    i = be + EXPONENT_BIAS + (FP_PRECISION-1);
4190 	} else {
4191 	    i = 1 + FP_PRECISION - bbits;
4192 	}
4193 	b2 += i;
4194 	s2 += i;
4196 	/*
4197 	 * Reduce the fractions to lowest terms, since the above calculation
4198 	 * may have left excess powers of 2 in numerator and denominator
4199 	 */
4200 	CastOutPowersOf2(&b2, &m2minus, &s2);
4202 	/*
4203 	 * In the special case where bw==1, the nearest floating point number
4204 	 * to it on the low side is 1/4 ulp below it. Adjust accordingly.
4205 	 */
4206 	m2plus = m2minus;
4207 	if (!denorm && bw == 1) {
4208 	    ++b2;
4209 	    ++s2;
4210 	    ++m2plus;
4211 	}
4213 	if (s5+1 < N_LOG2POW5
4214 	    && s2+1 + log2pow5[s5+1] <= 64) {
4215 	    /*
4216 	     * If 10*2**s2*5**s5 == 2**(s2+1)+5**(s5+1) fits in a 64-bit
4217 	     * word, then all our intermediate calculations can be done
4218 	     * using exact 64-bit arithmetic with no need for expensive
4219 	     * multiprecision operations. (This will be true for all numbers
4220 	     * in the range [1.0e-3 .. 1.0e+24]).
4221 	     */
4223 	    return ShorteningInt64Conversion(&d, convType, bw, b2, b5,
4224 					     m2plus, m2minus, m5,
4225 					     s2, s5, k, len, ilim, ilim1,
4226 					     decpt, endPtr);
4227 	} else if (s5 == 0) {
4228 	    /*
4229 	     * The denominator is a power of 2, so we can replace division
4230 	     * by digit shifts. First we round up s2 to a multiple of
4231 	     * DIGIT_BIT, and adjust m2 and b2 accordingly. Then we launch
4232 	     * into a version of the comparison that's specialized for
4233 	     * the 'power of mp_digit in the denominator' case.
4234 	     */
4235 	    if (s2 % DIGIT_BIT != 0) {
4236 		int delta = DIGIT_BIT - (s2 % DIGIT_BIT);
4237 		b2 += delta;
4238 		m2plus += delta;
4239 		m2minus += delta;
4240 		s2 += delta;
4241 	    }
4242 	    return ShorteningBignumConversionPowD(&d, convType, bw, b2, b5,
4243 						  m2plus, m2minus, m5,
4244 						  s2/DIGIT_BIT, k, len,
4245 						  ilim, ilim1, decpt, endPtr);
4246 	} else {
4248 	    /*
4249 	     * Alas, there's no helpful special case; use full-up
4250 	     * bignum arithmetic for the conversion
4251 	     */
4253 	    return ShorteningBignumConversion(&d, convType, bw,
4254 					      b2, m2plus, m2minus,
4255 					      s2, s5, k, len,
4256 					      ilim, ilim1, decpt, endPtr);
4258 	}
4260     } else {
4262 	/* Non-shortening conversion */
4264 	int len = i;
4266 	/* Reduce numerator and denominator to lowest terms */
4268 	if (b2 >= s2 && s2 > 0) {
4269 	    b2 -= s2; s2 = 0;
4270 	} else if (s2 >= b2 && b2 > 0) {
4271 	    s2 -= b2; b2 = 0;
4272 	}
4274 	if (s5+1 < N_LOG2POW5
4275 	    && s2+1 + log2pow5[s5+1] <= 64) {
4276 	    /*
4277 	     * If 10*2**s2*5**s5 == 2**(s2+1)+5**(s5+1) fits in a 64-bit
4278 	     * word, then all our intermediate calculations can be done
4279 	     * using exact 64-bit arithmetic with no need for expensive
4280 	     * multiprecision operations.
4281 	     */
4283 	    return StrictInt64Conversion(&d, convType, bw, b2, b5,
4284 					 s2, s5, k, len, ilim, ilim1,
4285 					 decpt, endPtr);
4287 	} else if (s5 == 0) {
4288 	    /*
4289 	     * The denominator is a power of 2, so we can replace division
4290 	     * by digit shifts. First we round up s2 to a multiple of
4291 	     * DIGIT_BIT, and adjust m2 and b2 accordingly. Then we launch
4292 	     * into a version of the comparison that's specialized for
4293 	     * the 'power of mp_digit in the denominator' case.
4294 	     */
4295 	    if (s2 % DIGIT_BIT != 0) {
4296 		int delta = DIGIT_BIT - (s2 % DIGIT_BIT);
4297 		b2 += delta;
4298 		s2 += delta;
4299 	    }
4300 	    return StrictBignumConversionPowD(&d, convType, bw, b2, b5,
4301 					      s2/DIGIT_BIT, k, len,
4302 					      ilim, ilim1, decpt, endPtr);
4303 	} else {
4304 	    /*
4305 	     * There are no helpful special cases, but at least we know
4306 	     * in advance how many digits we will convert. We can run the
4307 	     * conversion in steps of DIGIT_GROUP digits, so as to
4308 	     * have many fewer mp_int divisions.
4309 	     */
4310 	    return StrictBignumConversion(&d, convType, bw, b2, s2, s5,
4311 					  k, len, ilim, ilim1, decpt, endPtr);
4312 	}
4313     }
4314 }
4317 /*
4318  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4319  *
4320  * TclInitDoubleConversion --
4321  *
4322  *	Initializes constants that are needed for conversions to and from
4323  *	'double'
4324  *
4325  * Results:
4326  *	None.
4327  *
4328  * Side effects:
4329  *	The log base 2 of the floating point radix, the number of bits in a
4330  *	double mantissa, and a table of the powers of five and ten are
4331  *	computed and stored.
4332  *
4333  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4334  */
4336 void
TclInitDoubleConversion(void)4337 TclInitDoubleConversion(void)
4338 {
4339     int i;
4340     int x;
4341     Tcl_WideUInt u;
4342     double d;
4345     union {
4346 	double dv;
4347 	Tcl_WideUInt iv;
4348     } bitwhack;
4349 #endif
4351 #if defined(__sgi) && defined(_COMPILER_VERSION)
4352     union fpc_csr mipsCR;
4354     mipsCR.fc_word = get_fpc_csr();
4355     mipsCR.fc_struct.flush = 0;
4356     set_fpc_csr(mipsCR.fc_word);
4357 #endif
4359     /*
4360      * Initialize table of powers of 10 expressed as wide integers.
4361      */
4363     maxpow10_wide = (int)
4364 	    floor(sizeof(Tcl_WideUInt) * CHAR_BIT * log(2.) / log(10.));
4365     pow10_wide = (Tcl_WideUInt *)
4366 	    ckalloc((maxpow10_wide + 1) * sizeof(Tcl_WideUInt));
4367     u = 1;
4368     for (i = 0; i < maxpow10_wide; ++i) {
4369 	pow10_wide[i] = u;
4370 	u *= 10;
4371     }
4372     pow10_wide[i] = u;
4374     /*
4375      * Determine how many bits of precision a double has, and how many
4376      * decimal digits that represents.
4377      */
4379     if (frexp((double) FLT_RADIX, &log2FLT_RADIX) != 0.5) {
4380 	Tcl_Panic("This code doesn't work on a decimal machine!");
4381     }
4382     log2FLT_RADIX--;
4383     mantBits = DBL_MANT_DIG * log2FLT_RADIX;
4384     d = 1.0;
4386     /*
4387      * Initialize a table of powers of ten that can be exactly represented
4388      * in a double.
4389      */
4391     x = (int) (DBL_MANT_DIG * log((double) FLT_RADIX) / log(5.0));
4392     if (x < MAXPOW) {
4393 	mmaxpow = x;
4394     } else {
4395 	mmaxpow = MAXPOW;
4396     }
4397     for (i=0 ; i<=mmaxpow ; ++i) {
4398 	pow10vals[i] = d;
4399 	d *= 10.0;
4400     }
4402     /*
4403      * Initialize a table of large powers of five.
4404      */
4406     for (i=0; i<9; ++i) {
4407 	mp_init(pow5 + i);
4408     }
4409     mp_set(pow5, 5);
4410     for (i=0; i<8; ++i) {
4411 	mp_sqr(pow5+i, pow5+i+1);
4412     }
4413     mp_init_set_int(pow5_13, 1220703125);
4414     for (i = 1; i < 5; ++i) {
4415 	mp_init(pow5_13 + i);
4416 	mp_sqr(pow5_13 + i - 1, pow5_13 + i);
4417     }
4419     /*
4420      * Determine the number of decimal digits to the left and right of the
4421      * decimal point in the largest and smallest double, the smallest double
4422      * that differs from zero, and the number of mp_digits needed to represent
4423      * the significand of a double.
4424      */
4426     maxDigits = (int) ((DBL_MAX_EXP * log((double) FLT_RADIX)
4427 	    + 0.5 * log(10.)) / log(10.));
4428     minDigits = (int) floor((DBL_MIN_EXP - DBL_MANT_DIG)
4429 	    * log((double) FLT_RADIX) / log(10.));
4430     log10_DIGIT_MAX = (int) floor(DIGIT_BIT * log(2.) / log(10.));
4432     /*
4433      * Nokia 770's software-emulated floating point is "middle endian": the
4434      * bytes within a 32-bit word are little-endian (like the native
4435      * integers), but the two words of a 'double' are presented most
4436      * significant word first.
4437      */
4440     bitwhack.dv = 1.000000238418579;
4441 				/* 3ff0 0000 4000 0000 */
4442     if ((bitwhack.iv >> 32) == 0x3ff00000) {
4443 	n770_fp = 0;
4444     } else if ((bitwhack.iv & 0xffffffff) == 0x3ff00000) {
4445 	n770_fp = 1;
4446     } else {
4447 	Tcl_Panic("unknown floating point word order on this machine");
4448     }
4449 #endif
4450 }
4452 /*
4453  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4454  *
4455  * TclFinalizeDoubleConversion --
4456  *
4457  *	Cleans up this file on exit.
4458  *
4459  * Results:
4460  *	None
4461  *
4462  * Side effects:
4463  *	Memory allocated by TclInitDoubleConversion is freed.
4464  *
4465  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4466  */
4468 void
TclFinalizeDoubleConversion(void)4469 TclFinalizeDoubleConversion(void)
4470 {
4471     int i;
4473     ckfree((char *) pow10_wide);
4474     for (i=0; i<9; ++i) {
4475 	mp_clear(pow5 + i);
4476     }
4477 }
4479 /*
4480  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4481  *
4482  * Tcl_InitBignumFromDouble --
4483  *
4484  *	Extracts the integer part of a double and converts it to an arbitrary
4485  *	precision integer.
4486  *
4487  * Results:
4488  *	None.
4489  *
4490  * Side effects:
4491  *	Initializes the bignum supplied, and stores the converted number in
4492  *	it.
4493  *
4494  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4495  */
4497 int
Tcl_InitBignumFromDouble(Tcl_Interp * interp,double d,mp_int * b)4498 Tcl_InitBignumFromDouble(
4499     Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* For error message */
4500     double d,			/* Number to convert */
4501     mp_int *b)			/* Place to store the result */
4502 {
4503     double fract;
4504     int expt;
4506     /*
4507      * Infinite values can't convert to bignum.
4508      */
4510     if (TclIsInfinite(d)) {
4511 	if (interp != NULL) {
4512 	    const char *s = "integer value too large to represent";
4514 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(s, -1));
4515 	    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "ARITH", "IOVERFLOW", s, NULL);
4516 	}
4517 	return TCL_ERROR;
4518     }
4520     fract = frexp(d,&expt);
4521     if (expt <= 0) {
4522 	mp_init(b);
4523 	mp_zero(b);
4524     } else {
4525 	Tcl_WideInt w = (Tcl_WideInt) ldexp(fract, mantBits);
4526 	int shift = expt - mantBits;
4528 	TclBNInitBignumFromWideInt(b, w);
4529 	if (shift < 0) {
4530 	    mp_div_2d(b, -shift, b, NULL);
4531 	} else if (shift > 0) {
4532 	    mp_mul_2d(b, shift, b);
4533 	}
4534     }
4535     return TCL_OK;
4536 }
4538 /*
4539  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4540  *
4541  * TclBignumToDouble --
4542  *
4543  *	Convert an arbitrary-precision integer to a native floating point
4544  *	number.
4545  *
4546  * Results:
4547  *	Returns the converted number. Sets errno to ERANGE if the number is
4548  *	too large to convert.
4549  *
4550  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4551  */
4553 double
TclBignumToDouble(mp_int * a)4554 TclBignumToDouble(
4555     mp_int *a)			/* Integer to convert. */
4556 {
4557     mp_int b;
4558     int bits, shift, i, lsb;
4559     double r;
4562     /*
4563      * We need a 'mantBits'-bit significand.  Determine what shift will
4564      * give us that.
4565      */
4567     bits = mp_count_bits(a);
4568     if (bits > DBL_MAX_EXP*log2FLT_RADIX) {
4569 	errno = ERANGE;
4570 	if (a->sign == MP_ZPOS) {
4571 	    return HUGE_VAL;
4572 	} else {
4573 	    return -HUGE_VAL;
4574 	}
4575     }
4576     shift = mantBits - bits;
4578     /*
4579      * If shift > 0, shift the significand left by the requisite number of
4580      * bits.  If shift == 0, the significand is already exactly 'mantBits'
4581      * in length.  If shift < 0, we will need to shift the significand right
4582      * by the requisite number of bits, and round it. If the '1-shift'
4583      * least significant bits are 0, but the 'shift'th bit is nonzero,
4584      * then the significand lies exactly between two values and must be
4585      * 'rounded to even'.
4586      */
4588     mp_init(&b);
4589     if (shift == 0) {
4590 	mp_copy(a, &b);
4591     } else if (shift > 0) {
4592 	mp_mul_2d(a, shift, &b);
4593     } else if (shift < 0) {
4594 	lsb = mp_cnt_lsb(a);
4595 	if (lsb == -1-shift) {
4597 	    /*
4598 	     * Round to even
4599 	     */
4601 	    mp_div_2d(a, -shift, &b, NULL);
4602 	    if (mp_isodd(&b)) {
4603 		if (b.sign == MP_ZPOS) {
4604 		    mp_add_d(&b, 1, &b);
4605 		} else {
4606 		    mp_sub_d(&b, 1, &b);
4607 		}
4608 	    }
4609 	} else {
4611 	    /*
4612 	     * Ordinary rounding
4613 	     */
4615 	    mp_div_2d(a, -1-shift, &b, NULL);
4616 	    if (b.sign == MP_ZPOS) {
4617 		mp_add_d(&b, 1, &b);
4618 	    } else {
4619 		mp_sub_d(&b, 1, &b);
4620 	    }
4621 	    mp_div_2d(&b, 1, &b, NULL);
4622 	}
4623     }
4625     /*
4626      * Accumulate the result, one mp_digit at a time.
4627      */
4629     r = 0.0;
4630     for (i=b.used-1 ; i>=0 ; --i) {
4631 	r = ldexp(r, DIGIT_BIT) + b.dp[i];
4632     }
4633     mp_clear(&b);
4635     /*
4636      * Scale the result to the correct number of bits.
4637      */
4639     r = ldexp(r, bits - mantBits);
4641     /*
4642      * Return the result with the appropriate sign.
4643      */
4645     if (a->sign == MP_ZPOS) {
4646 	return r;
4647     } else {
4648 	return -r;
4649     }
4650 }
4652 /*
4653  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4654  *
4655  * TclCeil --
4656  *
4657  *	Computes the smallest floating point number that is at least the
4658  *	mp_int argument.
4659  *
4660  * Results:
4661  *	Returns the floating point number.
4662  *
4663  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4664  */
4666 double
TclCeil(mp_int * a)4667 TclCeil(
4668     mp_int *a)			/* Integer to convert. */
4669 {
4670     double r = 0.0;
4671     mp_int b;
4673     mp_init(&b);
4674     if (mp_cmp_d(a, 0) == MP_LT) {
4675 	mp_neg(a, &b);
4676 	r = -TclFloor(&b);
4677     } else {
4678 	int bits = mp_count_bits(a);
4680 	if (bits > DBL_MAX_EXP*log2FLT_RADIX) {
4681 	    r = HUGE_VAL;
4682 	} else {
4683 	    int i, exact = 1, shift = mantBits - bits;
4685 	    if (shift > 0) {
4686 		mp_mul_2d(a, shift, &b);
4687 	    } else if (shift < 0) {
4688 		mp_int d;
4689 		mp_init(&d);
4690 		mp_div_2d(a, -shift, &b, &d);
4691 		exact = mp_iszero(&d);
4692 		mp_clear(&d);
4693 	    } else {
4694 		mp_copy(a, &b);
4695 	    }
4696 	    if (!exact) {
4697 		mp_add_d(&b, 1, &b);
4698 	    }
4699 	    for (i=b.used-1 ; i>=0 ; --i) {
4700 		r = ldexp(r, DIGIT_BIT) + b.dp[i];
4701 	    }
4702 	    r = ldexp(r, bits - mantBits);
4703 	}
4704     }
4705     mp_clear(&b);
4706     return r;
4707 }
4709 /*
4710  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4711  *
4712  * TclFloor --
4713  *
4714  *	Computes the largest floating point number less than or equal to
4715  *	the mp_int argument.
4716  *
4717  * Results:
4718  *	Returns the floating point value.
4719  *
4720  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4721  */
4723 double
TclFloor(mp_int * a)4724 TclFloor(
4725     mp_int *a)			/* Integer to convert. */
4726 {
4727     double r = 0.0;
4728     mp_int b;
4730     mp_init(&b);
4731     if (mp_cmp_d(a, 0) == MP_LT) {
4732 	mp_neg(a, &b);
4733 	r = -TclCeil(&b);
4734     } else {
4735 	int bits = mp_count_bits(a);
4737 	if (bits > DBL_MAX_EXP*log2FLT_RADIX) {
4738 	    r = DBL_MAX;
4739 	} else {
4740 	    int i, shift = mantBits - bits;
4742 	    if (shift > 0) {
4743 		mp_mul_2d(a, shift, &b);
4744 	    } else if (shift < 0) {
4745 		mp_div_2d(a, -shift, &b, NULL);
4746 	    } else {
4747 		mp_copy(a, &b);
4748 	    }
4749 	    for (i=b.used-1 ; i>=0 ; --i) {
4750 		r = ldexp(r, DIGIT_BIT) + b.dp[i];
4751 	    }
4752 	    r = ldexp(r, bits - mantBits);
4753 	}
4754     }
4755     mp_clear(&b);
4756     return r;
4757 }
4759 /*
4760  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4761  *
4762  * BignumToBiasedFrExp --
4763  *
4764  *	Convert an arbitrary-precision integer to a native floating point
4765  *	number in the range [0.5,1) times a power of two. NOTE: Intentionally
4766  *	converts to a number that's a few ulp too small, so that
4767  *	RefineApproximation will not overflow near the high end of the
4768  *	machine's arithmetic range.
4769  *
4770  * Results:
4771  *	Returns the converted number.
4772  *
4773  * Side effects:
4774  *	Stores the exponent of two in 'machexp'.
4775  *
4776  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4777  */
4779 static double
BignumToBiasedFrExp(mp_int * a,int * machexp)4780 BignumToBiasedFrExp(
4781     mp_int *a,			/* Integer to convert */
4782     int *machexp)		/* Power of two */
4783 {
4784     mp_int b;
4785     int bits;
4786     int shift;
4787     int i;
4788     double r;
4790     /*
4791      * Determine how many bits we need, and extract that many from the input.
4792      * Round to nearest unit in the last place.
4793      */
4795     bits = mp_count_bits(a);
4796     shift = mantBits - 2 - bits;
4797     mp_init(&b);
4798     if (shift > 0) {
4799 	mp_mul_2d(a, shift, &b);
4800     } else if (shift < 0) {
4801 	mp_div_2d(a, -shift, &b, NULL);
4802     } else {
4803 	mp_copy(a, &b);
4804     }
4806     /*
4807      * Accumulate the result, one mp_digit at a time.
4808      */
4810     r = 0.0;
4811     for (i=b.used-1; i>=0; --i) {
4812 	r = ldexp(r, DIGIT_BIT) + b.dp[i];
4813     }
4814     mp_clear(&b);
4816     /*
4817      * Return the result with the appropriate sign.
4818      */
4820     *machexp = bits - mantBits + 2;
4821     return ((a->sign == MP_ZPOS) ? r : -r);
4822 }
4824 /*
4825  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4826  *
4827  * Pow10TimesFrExp --
4828  *
4829  *	Multiply a power of ten by a number expressed as fraction and
4830  *	exponent.
4831  *
4832  * Results:
4833  *	Returns the significand of the result.
4834  *
4835  * Side effects:
4836  *	Overwrites the 'machexp' parameter with the exponent of the result.
4837  *
4838  * Assumes that 'exponent' is such that 10**exponent would be a double, even
4839  * though 'fraction*10**(machexp+exponent)' might overflow.
4840  *
4841  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4842  */
4844 static double
Pow10TimesFrExp(int exponent,double fraction,int * machexp)4845 Pow10TimesFrExp(
4846     int exponent,	 	/* Power of 10 to multiply by */
4847     double fraction,		/* Significand of multiplicand */
4848     int *machexp)		/* On input, exponent of multiplicand. On
4849 				 * output, exponent of result. */
4850 {
4851     int i, j;
4852     int expt = *machexp;
4853     double retval = fraction;
4855     if (exponent > 0) {
4856 	/*
4857 	 * Multiply by 10**exponent
4858 	 */
4860 	retval = frexp(retval * pow10vals[exponent&0xf], &j);
4861 	expt += j;
4862 	for (i=4; i<9; ++i) {
4863 	    if (exponent & (1<<i)) {
4864 		retval = frexp(retval * pow_10_2_n[i], &j);
4865 		expt += j;
4866 	    }
4867 	}
4868     } else if (exponent < 0) {
4869 	/*
4870 	 * Divide by 10**-exponent
4871 	 */
4873 	retval = frexp(retval / pow10vals[(-exponent) & 0xf], &j);
4874 	expt += j;
4875 	for (i=4; i<9; ++i) {
4876 	    if ((-exponent) & (1<<i)) {
4877 		retval = frexp(retval / pow_10_2_n[i], &j);
4878 		expt += j;
4879 	    }
4880 	}
4881     }
4883     *machexp = expt;
4884     return retval;
4885 }
4887 /*
4888  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4889  *
4890  * SafeLdExp --
4891  *
4892  *	Do an 'ldexp' operation, but handle denormals gracefully.
4893  *
4894  * Results:
4895  *	Returns the appropriately scaled value.
4896  *
4897  *	On some platforms, 'ldexp' fails when presented with a number too
4898  *	small to represent as a normalized double. This routine does 'ldexp'
4899  *	in two steps for those numbers, to return correctly denormalized
4900  *	values.
4901  *
4902  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4903  */
4905 static double
SafeLdExp(double fract,int expt)4906 SafeLdExp(
4907     double fract,
4908     int expt)
4909 {
4910     int minexpt = DBL_MIN_EXP * log2FLT_RADIX;
4911     volatile double a, b, retval;
4913     if (expt < minexpt) {
4914 	a = ldexp(fract, expt - mantBits - minexpt);
4915 	b = ldexp(1.0, mantBits + minexpt);
4916 	retval = a * b;
4917     } else {
4918 	retval = ldexp(fract, expt);
4919     }
4920     return retval;
4921 }
4923 /*
4924  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4925  *
4926  * TclFormatNaN --
4927  *
4928  *	Makes the string representation of a "Not a Number"
4929  *
4930  * Results:
4931  *	None.
4932  *
4933  * Side effects:
4934  *	Stores the string representation in the supplied buffer, which must be
4935  *	at least TCL_DOUBLE_SPACE characters.
4936  *
4937  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4938  */
4940 void
TclFormatNaN(double value,char * buffer)4941 TclFormatNaN(
4942     double value,		/* The Not-a-Number to format. */
4943     char *buffer)		/* String representation. */
4944 {
4946     strcpy(buffer, "NaN");
4947     return;
4948 #else
4949     union {
4950 	double dv;
4951 	Tcl_WideUInt iv;
4952     } bitwhack;
4954     bitwhack.dv = value;
4955     if (n770_fp) {
4956 	bitwhack.iv = Nokia770Twiddle(bitwhack.iv);
4957     }
4958     if (bitwhack.iv & ((Tcl_WideUInt) 1 << 63)) {
4959 	bitwhack.iv &= ~ ((Tcl_WideUInt) 1 << 63);
4960 	*buffer++ = '-';
4961     }
4962     *buffer++ = 'N';
4963     *buffer++ = 'a';
4964     *buffer++ = 'N';
4965     bitwhack.iv &= (((Tcl_WideUInt) 1) << 51) - 1;
4966     if (bitwhack.iv != 0) {
4967 	sprintf(buffer, "(%" TCL_LL_MODIFIER "x)", bitwhack.iv);
4968     } else {
4969 	*buffer = '\0';
4970     }
4971 #endif /* IEEE_FLOATING_POINT */
4972 }
4974 /*
4975  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4976  *
4977  * Nokia770Twiddle --
4978  *
4979  * 	Transpose the two words of a number for Nokia 770 floating
4980  *	point handling.
4981  *
4982  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4983  */
4985 static Tcl_WideUInt
Nokia770Twiddle(Tcl_WideUInt w)4986 Nokia770Twiddle(
4987     Tcl_WideUInt w)		/* Number to transpose */
4988 {
4989     return (((w >> 32) & 0xffffffff) | (w << 32));
4990 }
4992 /*
4993  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
4994  *
4995  * TclNokia770Doubles --
4996  *
4997  * 	Transpose the two words of a number for Nokia 770 floating
4998  *	point handling.
4999  *
5000  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
5001  */
5003 int
TclNokia770Doubles(void)5004 TclNokia770Doubles(void)
5005 {
5006     return n770_fp;
5007 }
5009 /*
5010  * Local Variables:
5011  * mode: c
5012  * c-basic-offset: 4
5013  * fill-column: 78
5014  * End:
5015  */