1# httpTest.tcl
3#	Test HTTP/1.1 concurrent requests including
4#	queueing, pipelining and retries.
6# Copyright (C) 2018 Keith Nash <kjnash@users.sourceforge.net>
8# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
9# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
11# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12# "Package" httpTest for analysis of Log output of http requests.
13# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14# This is a specialised test kit for examining the presence, ordering, and
15# overlap of multiple HTTP transactions over a persistent ("Keep-Alive")
16# connection; and also for testing reconnection in accordance with RFC 7230 when
17# the connection is lost.
19# This kit is probably not useful for other purposes.  It depends on the
20# presence of specific Log commands in the http library, and it interprets the
21# logs that these commands create.
22# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24package require http
26namespace eval ::http {
27    variable TestStartTimeInMs [clock milliseconds]
28#    catch {puts stdout "Start time (zero ms) is $TestStartTimeInMs"}
31namespace eval ::httpTest {
32    variable testResults {}
33    variable testOptions
34    array set testOptions {
35        -verbose 0
36        -dotted  1
37    }
38    # -verbose - 0 quiet 1 write to stdout 2 write more
39    # -dotted  - (boolean) use dots for absences in lists of transactions
42proc httpTest::Puts {txt} {
43    variable testOptions
44    if {$testOptions(-verbose) > 0} {
45        puts stdout $txt
46        flush stdout
47    }
48    return
51# http::Log
53# A special-purpose logger used for running tests.
54# - Processes Log calls that have "^" in their arguments, and records them in
55#   variable ::httpTest::testResults.
56# - Also writes them to stdout (using Puts) if ($testOptions(-verbose) > 0).
57# - Also writes Log calls that do not have "^", if ($testOptions(-verbose) > 1).
59proc http::Log {args} {
60    variable TestStartTimeInMs
61    set time [expr {[clock milliseconds] - $TestStartTimeInMs}]
62    set txt [list $time {*}$args]
63    if {[string first ^ $txt] >= 0} {
64        ::httpTest::LogRecord $txt
65        ::httpTest::Puts $txt
66    } elseif {$::httpTest::testOptions(-verbose) > 1} {
67        ::httpTest::Puts $txt
68    }
69    return
71# The http::Log routine above needs the variable ::httpTest::testOptions
72# Set up to destroy it when that variable goes away.
73trace add variable ::httpTest::testOptions unset {apply {args {
74    proc ::http::Log args {}
77# Called by http::Log (the "testing" version) to record logs for later analysis.
79proc httpTest::LogRecord {txt} {
80    variable testResults
82    set pos [string first ^ $txt]
83    set len [string length  $txt]
84    if {$pos > $len - 3} {
85        puts stdout "Logging Error: $txt"
86        puts stdout "Fix this call to Log in http-*.tm so it has ^ then\
87		a letter then a numeral."
88        flush stdout
89    } elseif {$pos < 0} {
90        # Called by mistake.
91    } else {
92        set letter [string index $txt [incr pos]]
93        set number [string index $txt [incr pos]]
94        # Max 9 requests!
95        lappend testResults [list $letter $number]
96    }
98    return
102# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
103# Commands for analysing the logs recorded when calling http::geturl.
104# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
106# httpTest::TestOverlaps --
108# The main test for correct behaviour of pipelined and sequential
109# (non-pipelined) transactions.  Other tests should be run first to detect
110# any inconsistencies in the data (e.g. absence of the elements that are
111# examined here).
113# Examine the sequence $someResults for each transaction from 1 to $n,
114# ignoring any that are listed in $badTrans.
115# Determine whether the elements "B" to $term for one transaction overlap
116# elements "B" to $term for the previous and following transactions.
118# Transactions in the list $badTrans are not included in "clean" or
119# "dirty", but their possible overlap with other transactions is noted.
120# Transactions in the list $notPiped are a subset of $badTrans, and
121# their possible overlap with other transactions is NOT noted.
123# Arguments:
124# someResults - list of results, each of the form {letter numeral}
125# n           - number of HTTP transactions
126# term        - letter that indicated end of search range. "E" for testing
127#               overlaps from start of request to end of response headers.
128#               "F" to extend to the end of the response body.
129# msg         - the cumulative message from sanity checks.  Append to it only
130#               to report a test failure.
131# badTrans    - list of transaction numbers not to be assessed as "clean" or
132#               "dirty"
133# notPiped    - subset of badTrans.  List of transaction numbers that cannot
134#               taint another transaction by overlapping with it, because it
135#               used a different socket.
137# Return value: [list $msg $clean $dirty]
138# msg   - warning messages: nothing will be appended to argument $msg if there
139#         is an error with the test.
140# clean - list of transactions that have no overlap with other transactions
141# dirty - list of transactions that have YES overlap with other transactions
143proc httpTest::TestOverlaps {someResults n term msg badTrans notPiped} {
144    variable testOptions
146    # Check whether transactions overlap:
147    set clean {}
148    set dirty {}
149    for {set i 1} {$i <= $n} {incr i} {
150        if {$i in $badTrans} {
151            continue
152        }
153        set myStart   [lsearch -exact $someResults [list B $i]]
154        set myEnd     [lsearch -exact $someResults [list $term $i]]
156        if {($myStart < 0 || $myEnd < 0)} {
157            set res "Cannot find positions of transaction $i"
158	    append msg $res \n
159	    Puts $res
160        }
162	set overlaps {}
163	for {set j $myStart} {$j <= $myEnd} {incr j} {
164	    lassign [lindex $someResults $j] letter number
165	    if {$number != $i && $letter ne "A" && $number ni $notPiped} {
166		lappend overlaps $number
167	    }
168	}
170        if {[llength $overlaps] == 0} {
171	    set res "Transaction $i has no overlaps"
172	    Puts $res
173	    lappend clean $i
174	    if {$testOptions(-dotted)} {
175		# N.B. results from different segments are concatenated.
176		lappend dirty .
177	    } else {
178	    }
179        } else {
180	    set res "Transaction $i overlaps with [join $overlaps { }]"
181	    Puts $res
182	    lappend dirty $i
183	    if {$testOptions(-dotted)} {
184		# N.B. results from different segments are concatenated.
185		lappend clean .
186	    } else {
187	    }
188        }
189    }
190    return [list $msg $clean $dirty]
193# httpTest::PipelineNext --
195# Test whether prevPair, pair are valid as consecutive elements of a pipelined
196# sequence (Start 1), (End 1), (Start 2), (End 2) ...
197# Numbers are integers increasing (by 1 if argument "any" is false), and need
198# not begin with 1.
199# The first element of the sequence has prevPair {} and is always passed as
200# valid.
202# Arguments;
203# Start        - string that labels the start of a segment
204# End          - string that labels the end of a segment
205# prevPair     - previous "pair" (list of string and number) element of a
206#                sequence, or {} if argument "pair" is the first in the
207#                sequence.
208# pair         - current "pair" (list of string and number) element of a
209#                sequence
210# any          - (boolean) iff true, accept any increasing sequence of integers.
211#                If false, integers must increase by 1.
213# Return value - boolean, true iff the two pairs are valid consecutive elements.
215proc httpTest::PipelineNext {Start End prevPair pair any} {
216    if {$prevPair eq {}} {
217        return 1
218    }
220    lassign $prevPair letter number
221    lassign $pair newLetter newNumber
222    if {$letter eq $Start} {
223	return [expr {($newLetter eq $End) && ($newNumber == $number)}]
224    } elseif {$any} {
225        set nxt [list $Start [expr {$number + 1}]]
226	return [expr {($newLetter eq $Start) && ($newNumber > $number)}]
227    } else {
228        set nxt [list $Start [expr {$number + 1}]]
229	return [expr {($newLetter eq $Start) && ($newNumber == $number + 1)}]
230    }
233# httpTest::TestPipeline --
235# Given a sequence of "pair" elements, check that the elements whose string is
236# $Start or $End form a valid pipeline. Ignore other elements.
238# Return value: {} if valid pipeline, otherwise a non-empty error message.
240proc httpTest::TestPipeline {someResults n Start End msg desc badTrans} {
241    set sequence {}
242    set prevPair {}
243    set ok 1
244    set any [llength $badTrans]
245    foreach pair $someResults {
246        lassign $pair letter number
247        if {($letter in [list $Start $End]) && ($number ni $badTrans)} {
248            lappend sequence $pair
249            if {![PipelineNext $Start $End $prevPair $pair $any]} {
250		set ok 0
251		break
252            }
253            set prevPair $pair
254        }
255    }
257    if {!$ok} {
258        set res "$desc are not pipelined: {$sequence}"
259        append msg $res \n
260        Puts $res
261    }
262    return $msg
265# httpTest::TestSequence --
267# Examine each transaction from 1 to $n, ignoring any that are listed
268# in $badTrans.
269# Check that each transaction has elements A to F, in alphabetical order.
271proc httpTest::TestSequence {someResults n msg badTrans} {
272    variable testOptions
274    for {set i 1} {$i <= $n} {incr i} {
275        if {$i in $badTrans} {
276	    continue
277        }
278        set sequence {}
279        foreach pair $someResults {
280            lassign $pair letter number
281            if {$number == $i} {
282                lappend sequence $letter
283            }
284        }
285        if {$sequence eq {A B C D E F}} {
286        } else {
287            set res "Wrong sequence for token ::http::$i - {$sequence}"
288	    append msg $res \n
289	    Puts $res
290            if {"X" in $sequence} {
291                set res "- and error(s) X"
292		append msg $res \n
293		Puts $res
294            }
295            if {"Y" in $sequence} {
296                set res "- and warnings(s) Y"
297		append msg $res \n
298		Puts $res
299            }
300        }
301    }
302    return $msg
306# Arguments:
307# someResults  - list of elements, each a list of a letter and a number
308# n            - (positive integer) the number of HTTP requests
309# msg          - accumulated warning messages
310# skipOverlaps - (boolean) whether to skip testing of transaction overlaps
311# badTrans     - list of transaction numbers not to be assessed as "clean" or
312#                "dirty" by their overlaps
313#   for 1/2 includes all transactions
314#   for 3/4 includes an increasing (with recursion) set that will not be included in the list because they are already handled.
315# notPiped     - subset of badTrans.  List of transaction numbers that cannot
316#                taint another transaction by overlapping with it, because it
317#                used a different socket.
319# Return value: [list $msg $cleanE $cleanF $dirtyE $dirtyF]
320# msg    - warning messages: nothing will be appended to argument $msg if there
321#          is no error with the test.
322# cleanE - list of transactions that have no overlap with other transactions
323#          (not considering response body)
324# dirtyE - list of transactions that have YES overlap with other transactions
325#          (not considering response body)
326# cleanF - list of transactions that have no overlap with other transactions
327#          (including response body)
328# dirtyF - list of transactions that have YES overlap with other transactions
329#          (including response body)
331proc httpTest::MostAnalysis {someResults n msg skipOverlaps badTrans notPiped} {
332    variable testOptions
334    # Check that stages for "good" transactions are all present and correct:
335    set msg [TestSequence $someResults $n $msg $badTrans]
337    # Check that requests are pipelined:
338    set msg [TestPipeline $someResults $n B C $msg Requests $notPiped]
340    # Check that responses are pipelined:
341    set msg [TestPipeline $someResults $n D F $msg Responses $notPiped]
343    if {$skipOverlaps} {
344	set cleanE {}
345	set dirtyE {}
346	set cleanF {}
347	set dirtyF {}
348    } else {
349	Puts "Overlaps including response body (test for non-pipelined case)"
350	lassign [TestOverlaps $someResults $n F $msg $badTrans $notPiped] msg cleanF dirtyF
352	Puts "Overlaps without response body (test for pipelined case)"
353	lassign [TestOverlaps $someResults $n E $msg $badTrans $notPiped] msg cleanE dirtyE
354    }
356    return [list $msg $cleanE $cleanF $dirtyE $dirtyF]
359# httpTest::ProcessRetries --
361# Command to examine results for socket-changing records [PQR],
362# divide the results into segments for each connection, and analyse each segment
363# individually.
364# (Could add $sock to the logging to simplify this, but never mind.)
366# In each segment, identify any transactions that are not included, and
367# any that are aborted, to assist subsequent testing.
369# Prepend A records (socket-independent) to each segment for transactions that
370# were scheduled (by A) but not completed (by F).  Pass each segment to
371# MostAnalysis for processing.
373proc httpTest::ProcessRetries {someResults n msg skipOverlaps notIncluded notPiped} {
374    variable testOptions
376    set nextRetry [lsearch -glob -index 0 $someResults {[PQR]}]
377    if {$nextRetry < 0} {
378        return [MostAnalysis $someResults $n $msg $skipOverlaps $notIncluded $notPiped]
379    }
380    set badTrans $notIncluded
381    set tryCount 0
382    set try $nextRetry
383    incr tryCount
384    lassign [lindex $someResults $try] letter number
385    Puts "Processing retry [lindex $someResults $try]"
386    set beforeTry [lrange $someResults 0 $try-1]
387    Puts [join $beforeTry \n]
388    set afterTry [lrange $someResults $try+1 end]
390    set dummyTry   {}
391    for {set i 1} {$i <= $n} {incr i} {
392        set first [lsearch -exact $beforeTry [list A $i]]
393        set last  [lsearch -exact $beforeTry [list F $i]]
394        if {$first < 0} {
395	    set res "Transaction $i was not started in connection number $tryCount"
396	    # So lappend it to badTrans and don't include it in the call below of MostAnalysis.
397	    # append msg $res \n
398	    Puts $res
399	    if {$i ni $badTrans} {
400		lappend badTrans $i
401	    } else {
402	    }
403        } elseif {$last < 0} {
404	    set res "Transaction $i was started but unfinished in connection number $tryCount"
405	    # So lappend it to badTrans and don't include it in the call below of MostAnalysis.
406	    # append msg $res \n
407	    Puts $res
408	    lappend badTrans $i
409	    lappend dummyTry [list A $i]
410        } else {
411	    set res "Transaction $i was started and finished in connection number $tryCount"
412	    # So include it in the call below of MostAnalysis.
413	    # So lappend it to notIncluded and don't include it in the recursive call of
414	    # ProcessRetries which handles the later connections.
415	    # append msg $res \n
416	    Puts $res
417	    lappend notIncluded $i
418        }
419    }
421    # Analyse the part of the results before the first replay:
422    set HeadResults [MostAnalysis $beforeTry $n $msg $skipOverlaps $badTrans $notPiped]
423    lassign $HeadResults msg cleanE1 cleanF1 dirtyE1 dirtyF1
425    # Pass the rest of the results to be processed recursively.
426    set afterTry [concat $dummyTry $afterTry]
427    set TailResults [ProcessRetries $afterTry $n $msg $skipOverlaps $notIncluded $notPiped]
428    lassign $TailResults msg cleanE2 cleanF2 dirtyE2 dirtyF2
430    set cleanE [concat $cleanE1 $cleanE2]
431    set cleanF [concat $cleanF1 $cleanF2]
432    set dirtyE [concat $dirtyE1 $dirtyE2]
433    set dirtyF [concat $dirtyF1 $dirtyF2]
434    return [list $msg $cleanE $cleanF $dirtyE $dirtyF]
437# httpTest::logAnalyse --
439#	The main command called to analyse logs for a single test.
441# Arguments:
442# n            - (positive integer) the number of HTTP requests
443# skipOverlaps - (boolean) whether to skip testing of transaction overlaps
444# notIncluded  - list of transaction numbers not to be assessed as "clean" or
445#                "dirty" by their overlaps
446# notPiped     - subset of notIncluded.  List of transaction numbers that cannot
447#                taint another transaction by overlapping with it, because it
448#                used a different socket.
450# Return value: [list $msg $cleanE $cleanF $dirtyE $dirtyF]
451# msg    - warning messages: {} if there is no error with the test.
452# cleanE - list of transactions that have no overlap with other transactions
453#          (not considering response body)
454# dirtyE - list of transactions that have YES overlap with other transactions
455#          (not considering response body)
456# cleanF - list of transactions that have no overlap with other transactions
457#          (including response body)
458# dirtyF - list of transactions that have YES overlap with other transactions
459#          (including response body)
461proc httpTest::logAnalyse {n skipOverlaps notIncluded notPiped} {
462    variable testResults
463    variable testOptions
465    # Check that each data item has the correct form {letter numeral}.
466    set ii 0
467    set ok 1
468    foreach pair $testResults {
469	lassign $pair letter number
470	if {    [string match {[A-Z]} $letter]
471	     && [string match {[0-9]} $number]
472	} {
473	    # OK
474	} else {
475	    set ok 0
476	    set res "Error: testResults has bad element {$pair} at position $ii"
477	    append msg $res \n
478	    Puts $res
479	}
480	incr ii
481    }
483    if {!$ok} {
484	return $msg
485    }
486    set msg {}
488    Puts [join $testResults \n]
489    ProcessRetries $testResults $n $msg $skipOverlaps $notIncluded $notPiped
490    # N.B. Implicit Return.
493proc httpTest::cleanupHttpTest {} {
494    variable testResults
495    set testResults {}
496    return
499proc httpTest::setHttpTestOptions {key args} {
500    variable testOptions
501    if {$key ni {-dotted -verbose}} {
502        return -code error {valid options are -dotted, -verbose}
503    }
504    set testOptions($key) {*}$args
507namespace eval httpTest {
508    namespace export cleanupHttpTest logAnalyse setHttpTestOptions