1 // Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <unordered_map>
9 #include <vector>
11 #include "src/heap/base/worklist.h"
12 #include "src/heap/marking.h"
13 #include "src/objects/heap-object.h"
15 namespace v8 {
16 namespace internal {
18 // The index of the main thread task used by concurrent/parallel GC.
19 const int kMainThreadTask = 0;
21 using MarkingWorklist = ::heap::base::Worklist<HeapObject, 64>;
22 using EmbedderTracingWorklist = ::heap::base::Worklist<HeapObject, 16>;
24 // We piggyback on marking to compute object sizes per native context that is
25 // needed for the new memory measurement API. The algorithm works as follows:
26 // 1) At the start of marking we create a marking worklist for each context.
27 //    The existing shared, on_hold, and embedder worklists continue to work
28 //    as they did before, but they hold objects that are not attributed to any
29 //    context yet.
30 // 2) Each marker has an active worklist where it pushes newly discovered
31 //    objects. Initially the shared worklist is set as active for all markers.
32 // 3) When a marker pops an object from the active worklist:
33 //    a) It checks if the object has a known context (e.g. JSObjects, Maps,
34 //       Contexts know the context they belong to). If that's the case, then
35 //       the marker changes its active worklist to the worklist corresponding
36 //       to the context of the object.
37 //    b) It account the size of object to the active context.
38 //    c) It visits all pointers in the object and pushes new objects onto the
39 //       active worklist.
40 // 4) When the active worklist becomes empty the marker selects any other
41 //    non-empty worklist as the active worklist.
42 // 5) The write barrier pushes onto the shared worklist.
43 //
44 // The main invariant for context worklists:
45 //    If object X is in the worklist of context C, then either
46 //    a) X has a context and that context is C.
47 //    b) X is retained by object Y that has context C.
48 //
49 // The algorithm allows us to attribute context-independent objects such as
50 // strings, numbers, FixedArrays to their retaining contexts. The algorithm is
51 // not precise for context-independent objects that are shared between multiple
52 // contexts. Such objects may be attributed to any retaining context.
54 // Named pair of native context address and its marking worklist.
55 // Since native contexts are allocated in the old generation, their addresses
56 // a stable across Scavenges and stay valid throughout the marking phase.
57 struct ContextWorklistPair {
58   Address context;
59   MarkingWorklist* worklist;
60 };
62 // A helper class that owns all global marking worklists.
63 class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE MarkingWorklists {
64  public:
65   class Local;
66   // Fake addresses of special contexts used for per-context accounting.
67   // - kSharedContext is for objects that are not attributed to any context.
68   // - kOtherContext is for objects that are attributed to contexts that are
69   //   not being measured.
70   static const Address kSharedContext = 0;
71   static const Address kOtherContext = 8;
73   MarkingWorklists() = default;
74   ~MarkingWorklists();
76   // Calls the specified callback on each element of the deques and replaces
77   // the element with the result of the callback. If the callback returns
78   // nullptr then the element is removed from the deque.
79   // The callback must accept HeapObject and return HeapObject.
80   template <typename Callback>
81   void Update(Callback callback);
shared()83   MarkingWorklist* shared() { return &shared_; }
on_hold()84   MarkingWorklist* on_hold() { return &on_hold_; }
embedder()85   EmbedderTracingWorklist* embedder() { return &embedder_; }
87   // A list of (context, worklist) pairs that was set up at the start of
88   // marking by CreateContextWorklists.
context_worklists()89   const std::vector<ContextWorklistPair>& context_worklists() const {
90     return context_worklists_;
91   }
92   // This should be invoked at the start of marking with the list of contexts
93   // that require object size accounting.
94   void CreateContextWorklists(const std::vector<Address>& contexts);
95   // This should be invoked at the end of marking. All worklists must be
96   // empty at that point.
97   void ReleaseContextWorklists();
99   void Clear();
100   void Print();
102  private:
103   // Prints the stats about the global pool of the worklist.
104   void PrintWorklist(const char* worklist_name, MarkingWorklist* worklist);
106   // Worklist used for most objects.
107   MarkingWorklist shared_;
109   // Concurrent marking uses this worklist to bail out of marking objects
110   // in new space's linear allocation area. Used to avoid black allocation
111   // for new space. This allow the compiler to remove write barriers
112   // for freshly allocatd objects.
113   MarkingWorklist on_hold_;
115   // Worklist for objects that potentially require embedder tracing, i.e.,
116   // these objects need to be handed over to the embedder to find the full
117   // transitive closure.
118   EmbedderTracingWorklist embedder_;
120   // Per-context worklists.
121   std::vector<ContextWorklistPair> context_worklists_;
122   // This is used only for lifetime management of the per-context worklists.
123   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MarkingWorklist>> worklists_;
125   // Worklist used for objects that are attributed to contexts that are
126   // not being measured.
127   MarkingWorklist other_;
128 };
130 // A thread-local view of the marking worklists. It owns all local marking
131 // worklists and keeps track of the currently active local marking worklist
132 // for per-context marking. In order to avoid additional indirections for
133 // pushing and popping entries, the active_ worklist is not a pointer to
134 // Local but an actual instance of Local with the following invariants:
135 // - active_owner == worlist_by_context[active_context_].get()
136 // - *active_owner is empty (all fields are null) because its content has
137 //   been moved to active_.
138 class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE MarkingWorklists::Local {
139  public:
140   static const Address kSharedContext = MarkingWorklists::kSharedContext;
141   static const Address kOtherContext = MarkingWorklists::kOtherContext;
143   explicit Local(MarkingWorklists* global);
144   ~Local();
146   inline void Push(HeapObject object);
147   inline bool Pop(HeapObject* object);
149   inline void PushOnHold(HeapObject object);
150   inline bool PopOnHold(HeapObject* object);
152   inline void PushEmbedder(HeapObject object);
153   inline bool PopEmbedder(HeapObject* object);
155   void Publish();
156   bool IsEmpty();
157   bool IsEmbedderEmpty() const;
158   // Publishes the local active marking worklist if its global worklist is
159   // empty. In the per-context marking mode it also publishes the shared
160   // worklist.
161   void ShareWork();
162   // Merges the on-hold worklist to the shared worklist.
163   void MergeOnHold();
165   // Returns the context of the active worklist.
Context()166   Address Context() const { return active_context_; }
167   inline Address SwitchToContext(Address context);
168   inline Address SwitchToShared();
IsPerContextMode()169   bool IsPerContextMode() const { return is_per_context_mode_; }
171  private:
172   bool PopContext(HeapObject* object);
173   Address SwitchToContextSlow(Address context);
174   inline void SwitchToContext(Address context,
175                               MarkingWorklist::Local* worklist);
176   MarkingWorklist::Local on_hold_;
177   EmbedderTracingWorklist::Local embedder_;
178   MarkingWorklist::Local active_;
179   Address active_context_;
180   MarkingWorklist::Local* active_owner_;
181   bool is_per_context_mode_;
182   std::unordered_map<Address, std::unique_ptr<MarkingWorklist::Local>>
183       worklist_by_context_;
184 };
186 }  // namespace internal
187 }  // namespace v8
189 #endif  // V8_HEAP_MARKING_WORKLIST_H_