1 // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
3 /*
4 *****************************************************************************************
5 * Copyright (C) 2010-2012, International Business Machines
6 * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
7 *****************************************************************************************
8 */
10 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
14 #include "unicode/upluralrules.h"
15 #include "unicode/plurrule.h"
16 #include "unicode/locid.h"
17 #include "unicode/unistr.h"
18 #include "unicode/unum.h"
19 #include "unicode/numfmt.h"
20 #include "unicode/unumberformatter.h"
21 #include "number_decimalquantity.h"
22 #include "number_utypes.h"
23 #include "numrange_impl.h"
27 namespace {
29 /**
30  * Given a number and a format, returns the keyword of the first applicable
31  * rule for the PluralRules object.
32  * @param rules The plural rules.
33  * @param obj The numeric object for which the rule should be determined.
34  * @param fmt The NumberFormat specifying how the number will be formatted
35  *        (this can affect the plural form, e.g. "1 dollar" vs "1.0 dollars").
36  * @param status  Input/output parameter. If at entry this indicates a
37  *                failure status, the method returns immediately; otherwise
38  *                this is set to indicate the outcome of the call.
39  * @return The keyword of the selected rule. Undefined in the case of an error.
40  */
select(const PluralRules & rules,const Formattable & obj,const NumberFormat & fmt,UErrorCode & status)41 UnicodeString select(const PluralRules &rules, const Formattable& obj, const NumberFormat& fmt, UErrorCode& status) {
42     if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
43         const DecimalFormat *decFmt = dynamic_cast<const DecimalFormat *>(&fmt);
44         if (decFmt != NULL) {
45             number::impl::DecimalQuantity dq;
46             decFmt->formatToDecimalQuantity(obj, dq, status);
47             if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
48                 return rules.select(dq);
49             }
50         } else {
51             double number = obj.getDouble(status);
52             if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
53                 return rules.select(number);
54             }
55         }
56     }
57     return UnicodeString();
58 }
60 }  // namespace
62 U_CAPI UPluralRules* U_EXPORT2
uplrules_open(const char * locale,UErrorCode * status)63 uplrules_open(const char *locale, UErrorCode *status)
64 {
65     return uplrules_openForType(locale, UPLURAL_TYPE_CARDINAL, status);
66 }
68 U_CAPI UPluralRules* U_EXPORT2
uplrules_openForType(const char * locale,UPluralType type,UErrorCode * status)69 uplrules_openForType(const char *locale, UPluralType type, UErrorCode *status)
70 {
71     return (UPluralRules*)PluralRules::forLocale(Locale(locale), type, *status);
72 }
74 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2
uplrules_close(UPluralRules * uplrules)75 uplrules_close(UPluralRules *uplrules)
76 {
77     delete (PluralRules*)uplrules;
78 }
80 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uplrules_select(const UPluralRules * uplrules,double number,UChar * keyword,int32_t capacity,UErrorCode * status)81 uplrules_select(const UPluralRules *uplrules,
82                 double number,
83                 UChar *keyword, int32_t capacity,
84                 UErrorCode *status)
85 {
86     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
87         return 0;
88     }
89     if (keyword == NULL ? capacity != 0 : capacity < 0) {
90         *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
91         return 0;
92     }
93     UnicodeString result = ((PluralRules*)uplrules)->select(number);
94     return result.extract(keyword, capacity, *status);
95 }
97 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uplrules_selectFormatted(const UPluralRules * uplrules,const UFormattedNumber * number,UChar * keyword,int32_t capacity,UErrorCode * status)98 uplrules_selectFormatted(const UPluralRules *uplrules,
99                 const UFormattedNumber* number,
100                 UChar *keyword, int32_t capacity,
101                 UErrorCode *status)
102 {
103     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
104         return 0;
105     }
106     if (keyword == NULL ? capacity != 0 : capacity < 0) {
107         *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
108         return 0;
109     }
110     const number::impl::DecimalQuantity* dq =
111         number::impl::validateUFormattedNumberToDecimalQuantity(number, *status);
112     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
113         return 0;
114     }
115     UnicodeString result = ((PluralRules*)uplrules)->select(*dq);
116     return result.extract(keyword, capacity, *status);
117 }
119 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uplrules_selectForRange(const UPluralRules * uplrules,const UFormattedNumberRange * urange,UChar * keyword,int32_t capacity,UErrorCode * status)120 uplrules_selectForRange(const UPluralRules *uplrules,
121                 const UFormattedNumberRange* urange,
122                 UChar *keyword, int32_t capacity,
123                 UErrorCode *status)
124 {
125     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
126         return 0;
127     }
128     if (keyword == NULL ? capacity != 0 : capacity < 0) {
129         *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
130         return 0;
131     }
132     const number::impl::UFormattedNumberRangeData* impl =
133         number::impl::validateUFormattedNumberRange(urange, *status);
134     UnicodeString result = ((PluralRules*)uplrules)->select(impl, *status);
135     return result.extract(keyword, capacity, *status);
136 }
138 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
uplrules_selectWithFormat(const UPluralRules * uplrules,double number,const UNumberFormat * fmt,UChar * keyword,int32_t capacity,UErrorCode * status)139 uplrules_selectWithFormat(const UPluralRules *uplrules,
140                           double number,
141                           const UNumberFormat *fmt,
142                           UChar *keyword, int32_t capacity,
143                           UErrorCode *status)
144 {
145     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
146         return 0;
147     }
148     const PluralRules* plrules = reinterpret_cast<const PluralRules*>(uplrules);
149     const NumberFormat* nf = reinterpret_cast<const NumberFormat*>(fmt);
150     if (plrules == NULL || nf == NULL || ((keyword == NULL)? capacity != 0 : capacity < 0)) {
151         *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
152         return 0;
153     }
154     Formattable obj(number);
155     UnicodeString result = select(*plrules, obj, *nf, *status);
156     return result.extract(keyword, capacity, *status);
157 }
159 U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
uplrules_getKeywords(const UPluralRules * uplrules,UErrorCode * status)160 uplrules_getKeywords(const UPluralRules *uplrules,
161                      UErrorCode *status)
162 {
163     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
164         return NULL;
165     }
166     const PluralRules* plrules = reinterpret_cast<const PluralRules*>(uplrules);
167     if (plrules == NULL) {
168         *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
169         return NULL;
170     }
171     StringEnumeration *senum = plrules->getKeywords(*status);
172     if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
173         return NULL;
174     }
175     if (senum == NULL) {
176         *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
177         return NULL;
178     }
179     return uenum_openFromStringEnumeration(senum, status);
180 }
182 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */