1 /*
2  * $Id: elliptic.i,v 1.2 2007-11-10 20:03:49 dhmunro Exp $
3  * elliptic functions
4  */
5 /* Copyright (c) 2005, The Regents of the University of California.
6  * All rights reserved.
7  * This file is part of yorick (http://yorick.sourceforge.net).
8  * Read the accompanying LICENSE file for details.
9  */
11 /* Abramowitz and Stegun, sections 16.4, 17.2.17-19, 17.6 */
13 local elliptic;
14 /* DOCUMENT elliptic, ell_am, ell_f, ell_e, dn_, ellip_k, ellip_e
16      The elliptic integral of the first kind is:
18         u = integral[0 to phi]( dt / sqrt(1-m*sin(t)^2) )
20      The functions ell_f and ell_am compute this integral and its
21      inverse:
23         u   = ell_f(phi, m)
24         phi = ell_am(u, m)
26      The Jacobian elliptic functions can be computed from the
27      "amplitude" ell_am by means of:
29         sn(u|m) = sin(ell_am(u,m))
30         cn(u|m) = cos(ell_am(u,m))
31         dn(u|m) = dn_(ell_am(u,m)) = sqrt(1-m*sn(u|m)^2)
33      The other nine functions are sc=sn/cn, cs=cn/sn, nd=1/dn,
34      cd=cn/dn, dc=dn/cn, ns=1/sn, sd=sn/dn, nc=1/cn, and ds=dn/sn.
35      (The notation u|m does not means yorick's | operator; it is
36      the mathematical notation, not valid yorick code!)
38      The parameter M is given in three different notations:
39        as M, the "parameter",
40        as k, the "modulus", or
41        as alpha, the "modular angle",
42      which are related by: M = k^2 = sin(alpha)^2.  The yorick elliptic
43      functions in terms of M may need to be written
44        ell_am(u,k^2) or ell_am(u,sin(alpha)^2)
45      in order to agree with the definitions in other references.
46      Sections 17.2.17-19 of Abramowitz and Stegun explains these notations,
47      and chapters 16 and 17 present a compact overview of the subject of
48      elliptic functions in general.
50      The parameter M must be a scalar; U may be an array.  The
51      exceptions are the complete elliptic integrals ellip_k and
52      ellip_e which accept an array of M values.
54      The ell_am function uses the external variable ell_m if M is
55      omitted, otherwise stores M in ell_m.  Hence, you may set ell_m,
56      then simply call ell_am(u) if you have a series of calls with
57      the same value of M; this also allows the dn_ function to work
58      without a second specification of M.
60      The elliptic integral of the second kind is:
62         u = integral[0 to phi]( dt * sqrt(1-m*sin(t)^2) )
64      The function ell_e computes this integral:
66         u   = ell_e(phi, m)
68      The special values ell_f(pi/2,m) and ell_e(pi/2,m) are the complete
69      elliptic integrals of the first and second kinds; separate functions
70      ellip_k and ellip_e are provided to compute them.
72      Note that the function ellip_k is infinite for M=1 and for large
73      negative M.  The "natural" range for M is 0<=M<=1; all other real
74      values can be "reduced" to this range by various transformations;
75      the logarithmic singularity of ellip_k is actually very mild, and
76      other functions such as ell_am are perfectly well-defined there.
78      Here are the sum formulas for elliptic functions:
80        sn(u+v) = ( sn(u)*cn(v)*dn(v) + sn(v)*cn(u)*dn(u) ) /
81                  ( 1 - m*sn(u)^2*sn(v)^2 )
82        cn(u+v) = ( cn(u)*cn(v) - sn(u)*dn(u)*sn(v)*dn(v) ) /
83                  ( 1 - m*sn(u)^2*sn(v)^2 )
84        dn(u+v) = ( dn(u)*dn(v) - m*sn(u)*cn(u)*sn(v)*cn(v) ) /
85                  ( 1 - m*sn(u)^2*sn(v)^2 )
87      And the formulas for pure imaginary values:
89        sn(1i*u,m) = 1i * sc(u,1-m)
90        cn(1i*u,m) = nc(u,1-m)
91        dn(1i*u,m) = dc(u,1-m)
93    SEE ALSO: ell_am, ell_f, ell_e, dn_, ellip_k, ellip_e
94  */
ell_am(u,m)96 func ell_am(u,m)
97 /* DOCUMENT ell_am(u)
98          or ell_am(u,m)
100      returns the "amplitude" (an angle in radians) for the Jacobi
101      elliptic functions at U, with parameter M.  That is,
102         phi = ell_am(u,m)
103      means that
104         u = integral[0 to phi]( dt / sqrt(1-m*sin(t)^2) )
106      Thus ell_am is the inverse of the incomplete elliptic function
107      of the first kind ell_f.  See help,elliptic for more.
109    SEE ALSO: elliptic
110  */
111 {
112   if (structof(u)==complex || structof(m)==complex)
113     error, "elliptic function not valid for complex";
114   /* set up the arithmetic-geometric mean scale */
115   extern ell_m, _agm_m, _agm_n, _agm_coa, _agm_a, _agm_sn;
116   if (is_void(m)) m= ell_m;
117   if (m != ell_m) {
118     ell_m= m= double(m);
119     if (m<0.) {
120       _agm_sn= 1./(1.-m);
121       m*= -_agm_sn;
122       _agm_sn= sqrt(_agm_sn);
123     } else if (m>1.) {
124       m= 1./m;
125       _agm_sn= sqrt(m);
126     }
127     _agm_m= m;
128     _agm_coa()= 0.;
129     _agm_n= 0;
130     _agm_a= 1.;
131     if (m!=1.) {
132       b= sqrt(1.-m);
133       for (;;) {         /* maximum of 8 passes for 64-bit double */
134         c= 0.5*(_agm_a-b);
135         if (!c) break;
136         am= _agm_a-c;         /* arithmetic mean */
137         _agm_coa(++_agm_n)= c/am;
138         if (am==_agm_a) break;
139         b= sqrt(_agm_a*b);    /* geometric mean */
140         _agm_a= am;
141       }
142       _agm_a*= 2.^_agm_n;
143     }
144   }
146   phi= _agm_a*u;
147   if (m<0. || m>1.) phi/= _agm_sn;
148   if (m!=1.)
149     for (n=_agm_n ; n>0 ; n--) phi= 0.5*(phi+asin(_agm_coa(n)*sin(phi)));
150   else
151     phi= atan(tanh(phi), sech(phi));
152   if (m<0.) {
153     cn= cos(phi);
154     phi= sin(phi);
155     nd= 1./sqrt(1.-m*phi*phi);
156     phi= atan(_agm_sn*phi*nd, cn*nd);
157   } else if (m>1.) {
158     phi= sin(phi);
159     phi= atan(_agm_sn*phi, sqrt(1.-_agm_m*phi*phi));
160   }
161   return phi;
162 }
164 _agm_coa= array(0.,16);
165 _agm_n= 0;
166 _agm_m= 0.0;
167 _agm_a= 1.0;
168 _agm_sn= 1.0;
169 ell_m= 0.0;
dn_(phi,m)171 func dn_(phi, m)
172 /* DOCUMENT dn_(ell_am(u,m))
174      return the Jacobian elliptic function dn(u|m).  The external
175      variable ell_m must be set properly before calling dn_.
177    SEE ALSO: elliptic, ell_am
178  */
179 {
180   if (is_void(m)) m= ell_m;
181   phi= sin(phi);
182   return sqrt(1.-m*phi*phi);
183 }
ell_f(phi,m)185 func ell_f(phi,m)
186 /* DOCUMENT ell_f(phi,m)
188      returns the incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind F(phi|M).
189      That is,
190         u = ell_f(phi,m)
191      means that
192         u = integral[0 to phi]( dt / sqrt(1-m*sin(t)^2) )
194      See help,elliptic for more.
196    SEE ALSO: elliptic, ell_e
197  */
198 {
199   if (structof(phi)==complex || structof(m)==complex)
200     error, "elliptic integral not valid for complex";
201   orig_m= m= double(m);
202   if (m>1.) {
203     scale= sqrt(m);
204     phi= asin(scale*sin(phi));
205     m= 1./m;
206   } else if (m<0.) {
207     scale= sqrt(1.-m);
208     phi= 0.5*pi - phi;
209     m/= m-1.;
210   }
212   if (m==1.) {
213     phi= atanh(sin(phi));
214     a= 0.;
215   } else {          /* compute using arithmetic-geometric mean */
216     sgn= sign(phi);
217     phi= abs(phi);
218     a= 1.;
219     b= sqrt(1.-m);
220     twon= 1.0;
221     pi2= 0.5*pi;
222     for (;;) {      /* maximum of 8 passes for 64-bit double */
223       c= 0.5*(a-b);
224       if (!c) break;
225       phase= (phi+pi2)/pi;
226       cycle= floor(phase);
227       phi*= 1. + 1.e-15*(cycle==phase);
228       phi+= atan((b/a)*tan(phi)) + pi*cycle;
229       twon*= 2.0;
230       am= a-c;
231       if (am==a) break;
232       b= sqrt(a*b);
233       a= am;
234     }
235     phi/= twon*a*sgn;
236   }
238   if (orig_m>1.) {
239     phi/= scale;
240   } else if (orig_m<0.) {
241     phi= (0.5*pi/a - phi)/scale;
242   }
244   return phi;
245 }
ell_e(phi,m)247 func ell_e(phi,m)
248 /* DOCUMENT ell_e(phi,m)
250      returns the incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind E(phi|M).
251      That is,
252         u = ell_e(phi,m)
253      means that
254         u = integral[0 to phi]( dt * sqrt(1-m*sin(t)^2) )
256      See help,elliptic for more.
258    SEE ALSO: elliptic, ell_f
259  */
260 {
261   if (structof(phi)==complex || structof(m)==complex)
262     error, "elliptic integral not valid for complex";
263   orig_m= m= double(m);
264   if (m>1.) {
265     scale= sqrt(m);
266     phi= asin(scale*sin(phi));
267     m= 1./m;
268   } else if (m<0.) {
269     scale= sqrt(1.-m);
270     phi= 0.5*pi - phi;
271     m/= m-1.;
272   }
274   if (m==1.) {
275     per= floor((phi+0.5*pi)/pi);
276     phi= sin(phi)*sign(0.5-abs(per%2.)) + 2.*per;
277     a= 0.;
278   } else {          /* compute using arithmetic-geometric mean */
279     sgn= sign(phi);
280     phi= abs(phi);
281     a= 1.;
282     b= sqrt(1.-m);
283     eok= 1.-0.5*m;
284     cs= 0.;
285     twon= 1.0;
286     pi2= 0.5*pi;
287     for (;;) {      /* maximum of 8 passes for 64-bit double */
288       c= 0.5*(a-b);
289       if (!c) break;
290       phi+= atan((b/a)*tan(phi)) + pi*floor((phi+pi2)/pi);
291       cs+= c*sin(phi);
292       eok-= twon*c*c;
293       twon*= 2.0;
294       am= a-c;
295       if (am==a) break;
296       b= sqrt(a*b);
297       a= am;
298     }
299     f= sgn*phi/(twon*a);
300     phi= eok*f + sgn*cs;
301   }
303   if (orig_m>1.) {
304     phi= (phi-(1.-m)*f)/scale;
305   } else if (orig_m<0.) {
306     phi= (eok*0.5*pi/a - phi)*scale;
307   }
309   return phi;
310 }
ellip_k(m)312 func ellip_k(m)
313 /* DOCUMENT ellip_k(m)
315      returns the complete elliptic integral of the first kind K(M):
316         K(M) = integral[0 to pi/2]( dt / sqrt(1-M*sin(t)^2) )
318      See help,elliptic for more.
320    SEE ALSO: elliptic, ellip_e, ell_f
321  */
322 {
323   if (anyof(m>=1.)) error, "ellip_k(m) not computed for m>=1";
325   m= double(m);
326   mask= (m>=0.);
327   list= where(mask);
328   if (numberof(list)) scale= array(0.5*pi,numberof(list));
329   list= where(!mask);
330   if (numberof(list)) {
331     sm= 1./(1.-m(list));
332     m(list)*= -sm;
333     sm= 0.5*pi*sqrt(sm);
334   }
335   scale= merge(scale,sm,mask);
337   a= array(1.,dimsof(m));
338   b= sqrt(1.-m);
339   for (;;) {
340     c= 0.5*(a-b);
341     am= a-c;
342     if (allof(am==a)) break;
343     b= sqrt(a*b);
344     a= am;
345   }
347   return scale/a;
348 }
ellip_e(m)350 func ellip_e(m)
351 /* DOCUMENT ellip_e(m)
353      returns the complete elliptic integral of the second kind E(M):
354         E(M) = integral[0 to pi/2]( dt * sqrt(1-M*sin(t)^2) )
356      See help,elliptic for more.
358    SEE ALSO: elliptic, ellip_k, ell_e
359  */
360 {
361   if (anyof(m>1.)) error, "ellip_e(m) not computed for m>1";
363   m= double(m);
364   mask= (m>=0.);
365   list= where(mask);
366   if (numberof(list)) scale= array(0.5*pi,numberof(list));
367   list= where(!mask);
368   if (numberof(list)) {
369     sm= 1.-m(list);
370     m(list)/= -sm;
371     sm= 0.5*pi*sqrt(sm);
372   }
373   scale= merge(scale,sm,mask);
375   mask= (m!=1.);
376   list= where(mask);
377   if (numberof(list)) {
378     m= m(list);
379     a= array(1.,numberof(m));
380     b= sqrt(1.-m);
381     e= 1.-0.5*m;
382     twon= 1.0;
383     for (n=0 ;;) {  /* maximum of 8 passes for 64-bit double */
384       c= 0.5*(a-b);
385       am= a-c;
386       if (allof(am==a)) break;
387       e-= twon*c*c;
388       twon*= 2.0;
389       b= sqrt(a*b);
390       a= am;
391     }
392     e/= a;
393   }
394   list= where(!mask);
395   if (numberof(list)) em= array(2./pi,numberof(list));
397   return scale*merge(e,em,mask);
398 }
ellip2_k(m)400 func ellip2_k(m)
401 /* DOCUMENT ellip2_k(m)
403      returns the complete elliptic integral of the first kind K(M):
404         K(M) = integral[0 to pi/2]( dt / sqrt(1-M*sin(t)^2) )
405      accurate to 2e-8 for 0<=M<1
407    SEE ALSO: elliptic, ellip_e, ell_f
408  */
409 {
410   m= 1.-m;
411   return poly(m,1.38629436112,0.09666344259,0.03590092383,
412               0.03742563713,0.01451196212) +
413          log(1./m)*poly(m,0.5,0.12498593597,0.06880248576,
414                         0.03328355346,0.00441787012);
415 }
ellip2_e(m)417 func ellip2_e(m)
418 /* DOCUMENT ellip2_e(m)
420      returns the complete elliptic integral of the second kind E(M):
421         E(M) = integral[0 to pi/2]( dt * sqrt(1-M*sin(t)^2) )
422      accurate to 2e-8 for 0<=M<=1
424    SEE ALSO: elliptic, ellip_k, ell_e
425  */
426 {
427   m= 1.-m;
428   return poly(m,1.,0.44325141463,0.06260601220,
429               0.04757383546,0.01736506451) +
430          log(1./m)*poly(m,0.,0.24998368310,0.09200180037,
431                         0.04069697526,0.00526449639);
432 }