1 /*
2  * $Id: hash.h,v 1.1 2005-09-18 22:04:07 dhmunro Exp $
3  * Declare interface to hash routines
4  */
5 /* Copyright (c) 2005, The Regents of the University of California.
6  * All rights reserved.
7  * This file is part of yorick (http://yorick.sourceforge.net).
8  * Read the accompanying LICENSE file for details.
9  */
11 #ifndef HASH_H
12 #define HASH_H
14 #include "plugin.h"
16 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
18 typedef struct HashTable HashTable;
20 PLUG_API long hashIndex;  /* set by HashFind, HashAdd, etc. */
22 PLUG_API int HashFind(const HashTable *table, const char *name, long n);
23 /* Note-- n is the exact length of name, or n==0 to use strlen(name)
24    Usage:
25      if (HashFind(table, name, n)) {
26        ... name exists in table, and was the hashIndex +1st item
27            added to the table ...
28      } else {
29        ... name does not exist, and hashIndex is the value of the
30            hashing function (a slot index) ...
31      }
32  */
34 PLUG_API int HashAdd(HashTable *table, const char *name, long n);
35 /* Note-- n is the exact length of name, or n==0 to use strlen(name)
36    Usage:
37      if (HashAdd(table, name, n)) {
38        ... name existed previously in table, as the hashIndex +1st item
39            added to the table ...
40      } else {
41        ... name did not exist previously, and is now the hashIndex +1st
42            item added to the table ...
43        ... use the HASH_MANAGE macro to manage any lists associated with
44            this hash table, in case they need to be lengthened ...
45      }
46    Note well: The name is copied if added to the table, so the caller
47               should dispose of it as appropriate.
48  */
50 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
52 PLUG_API int hashRealloc;  /* set by HashAdd if it returned 0 and if
53                               the call forced table->maxItems to grow */
55 #define HASH_MANAGE(table, type, list) \
56   if (hashRealloc) (list)= p_realloc((list), (table).maxItems*sizeof(type))
57 /* NOTE: If you use this, you need to include defmem.h or otherwise
58          declare Yrealloc (same semantics as ANSI standard realloc).
59    Usage:
60      HashTable table;   == associates name with index into table.names ==
61      Object *list;      == typically, one or more lists in addition to
62                            table.names are maintained representing the
63                            objects which bear the names ==
64      ...
65      if (HashAdd(&table, name, n)) {
66        == often, it is an error to add a duplicate name ==
67      } else {
68        HASH_MANAGE(table, Object, list);  == lengthen list if reqd ==
69        list[hashIndex]= value_of_name;
70      }
71  */
73 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
75 PLUG_API void HashInit(HashTable *table, int estSize);
76 /* Pass HashInit the estimated final nItems for the table to bypass
77    the rehashing which otherwise takes place every with every factor
78    of two size increase.  A HashTable with all its members 0 is also
79    a legal initialization; this is the situation after HashClear.  */
81 PLUG_API void HashClear(HashTable *table);
82 /* Clear a hash table, freeing all associated memory.  */
84 PLUG_API void HashShrink(HashTable *table);
85 /* Shrink maxItems to nItems, and rehash if the number of slots
86    can be reduced.  Follow this with the HASH_MANAGE macro if the
87    table has associated lists.  */
89 PLUG_API void HashRemove(HashTable *table, long index0);
90 /* Removing an item from a hash table is a very expensive operation,
91    unless it is one of the few elements most recently added to the
92    table.  The index0 must have been returned as the hashIndex for a
93    previous call to HashFind or HashAdd.  */
95 PLUG_API void HashSwap(HashTable *table, long index0, long index1);
96 /* Swaps the item->index and names corresponding to the two
97    entries, to reorder the names list after an incorrectly ordered
98    sequence of calls to HashAdd.  */
100 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
102 typedef struct HashItem HashItem;
104 struct HashTable {
105   long nItems, maxItems;  /* used and actual length of names array */
106   char **names;
107   long nSlots;            /* length of items, or number of hash slots */
108   HashItem **items;
109 };
111 struct HashItem {
112   HashItem *next;  /* next item in this hash slot */
113   long index;      /* index into names array in associated HashTable */
114 };
116 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
118 typedef struct HashXTable HashXTable;
119 struct HashXTable {
120   long nItems, maxItems;  /* used and actual length of names array */
121   long nSlots;            /* length of items, or number of hash slots */
122   HashItem **items;
123 };
125 PLUG_API int HashXFind(const HashXTable *table, const void *key, long n,
126                        int (*Compare)(void *keyTable,
127                                       long index, const void *key),
128                        void *keyTable);
129 /* Notes-- 1. n>0 is the exact length of key (uses HashN)
130            2. Compare(keyTable, index, key) should return 0 when
131               the key matches the index-th entry of the keyTable
132    Usage:
133      if (HashXFind(table, key, n, Compare, keyTable)) {
134        ... key exists in (table,keyTable), and was the hashIndex +1st
135            item added to the table ...
136      } else {
137        ... key does not exist, and hashIndex is the value of the
138            hashing function (a slot index) ...
139      }
140  */
142 PLUG_API int HashXAdd(HashXTable *table, const char *key, long n,
143                       int (*Compare)(void *keyTable,
144                                      long index, const void *key),
145                       void *(*Index)(void *keyTable, long index),
146                       void *keyTable);
147 /* Notes-- 1. n>0 is the exact length of key (uses HashN)
148            2. Compare(keyTable, index, key) should return 0 when
149               the key matches the index-th entry of the keyTable
150            3. Index(keyTable, index) should return the key for
151               the index-th entry of the keyTable (required for rehash)
152    Usage:
153      HashXTable *table;
154      KeyedObject *keyTable;
155      ...
156      if (HashXAdd(table, name, n, Compare, Index, keyTable)) {
157        ... key existed previously in table, as the hashIndex +1st item
158            added to the table ...
159      } else {
160        ... key did not exist previously, and is now the hashIndex +1st
161            item added to the table ...
162        HASH_MANAGE(*table, KeyedObject, keyTable);
163        keyTable[hashIndex]= object_corresponding_to_key;
164        ... use the HASH_MANAGE macro to manage other lists associated with
165            this hash table, in case they need to be lengthened ...
166      }
167  */
169 PLUG_API void HashXClear(HashXTable *table);
170 /* Clear a hash table, freeing all associated memory.  */
172 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
174 #endif