1const std = @import("std");
2const os = std.os;
3const mem = std.mem;
4const elf = std.elf;
5const math = std.math;
6const assert = std.debug.assert;
7const native_arch = @import("builtin").cpu.arch;
9// This file implements the two TLS variants [1] used by ELF-based systems.
11// The variant I has the following layout in memory:
12// -------------------------------------------------------
13// |   DTV   |     Zig     |   DTV   | Alignment |  TLS  |
14// | storage | thread data | pointer |           | block |
15// ------------------------^------------------------------
16//                         `-- The thread pointer register points here
18// In this case we allocate additional space for our control structure that's
19// placed _before_ the DTV pointer together with the DTV.
21// NOTE: Some systems such as power64 or mips use this variant with a twist: the
22// alignment is not present and the tp and DTV addresses are offset by a
23// constant.
25// On the other hand the variant II has the following layout in memory:
26// ---------------------------------------
27// |  TLS  | TCB |     Zig     |   DTV   |
28// | block |     | thread data | storage |
29// --------^------------------------------
30//         `-- The thread pointer register points here
32// The structure of the TCB is not defined by the ABI so we reserve enough space
33// for a single pointer as some architectures such as i386 and x86_64 need a
34// pointer to the TCB block itself at the address pointed by the tp.
36// In this case the control structure and DTV are placed one after another right
37// after the TLS block data.
39// At the moment the DTV is very simple since we only support static TLS, all we
40// need is a two word vector to hold the number of entries (1) and the address
41// of the first TLS block.
43// [1] https://www.akkadia.org/drepper/tls.pdf
45const TLSVariant = enum {
46    VariantI,
47    VariantII,
50const tls_variant = switch (native_arch) {
51    .arm, .armeb, .thumb, .aarch64, .aarch64_be, .riscv32, .riscv64, .mips, .mipsel, .powerpc, .powerpc64, .powerpc64le => TLSVariant.VariantI,
52    .x86_64, .i386, .sparcv9 => TLSVariant.VariantII,
53    else => @compileError("undefined tls_variant for this architecture"),
56// Controls how many bytes are reserved for the Thread Control Block
57const tls_tcb_size = switch (native_arch) {
58    // ARM EABI mandates enough space for two pointers: the first one points to
59    // the DTV while the second one is unspecified but reserved
60    .arm, .armeb, .thumb, .aarch64, .aarch64_be => 2 * @sizeOf(usize),
61    // One pointer-sized word that points either to the DTV or the TCB itself
62    else => @sizeOf(usize),
65// Controls if the TP points to the end of the TCB instead of its beginning
66const tls_tp_points_past_tcb = switch (native_arch) {
67    .riscv32, .riscv64, .mips, .mipsel, .powerpc, .powerpc64, .powerpc64le => true,
68    else => false,
71// Some architectures add some offset to the tp and dtv addresses in order to
72// make the generated code more efficient
74const tls_tp_offset = switch (native_arch) {
75    .mips, .mipsel, .powerpc, .powerpc64, .powerpc64le => 0x7000,
76    else => 0,
79const tls_dtv_offset = switch (native_arch) {
80    .mips, .mipsel, .powerpc, .powerpc64, .powerpc64le => 0x8000,
81    .riscv32, .riscv64 => 0x800,
82    else => 0,
85// Per-thread storage for Zig's use
86const CustomData = struct {
87    dummy: usize,
90// Dynamic Thread Vector
91const DTV = extern struct {
92    entries: usize,
93    tls_block: [1][*]u8,
96// Holds all the information about the process TLS image
97const TLSImage = struct {
98    init_data: []const u8,
99    alloc_size: usize,
100    alloc_align: usize,
101    tcb_offset: usize,
102    dtv_offset: usize,
103    data_offset: usize,
104    data_size: usize,
105    // Only used on the i386 architecture
106    gdt_entry_number: usize,
109pub var tls_image: TLSImage = undefined;
111pub fn setThreadPointer(addr: usize) void {
112    switch (native_arch) {
113        .i386 => {
114            var user_desc = std.os.linux.user_desc{
115                .entry_number = tls_image.gdt_entry_number,
116                .base_addr = addr,
117                .limit = 0xfffff,
118                .seg_32bit = 1,
119                .contents = 0, // Data
120                .read_exec_only = 0,
121                .limit_in_pages = 1,
122                .seg_not_present = 0,
123                .useable = 1,
124            };
125            const rc = std.os.linux.syscall1(.set_thread_area, @ptrToInt(&user_desc));
126            assert(rc == 0);
128            const gdt_entry_number = user_desc.entry_number;
129            // We have to keep track of our slot as it's also needed for clone()
130            tls_image.gdt_entry_number = gdt_entry_number;
131            // Update the %gs selector
132            asm volatile ("movl %[gs_val], %%gs"
133                :
134                : [gs_val] "r" (gdt_entry_number << 3 | 3),
135            );
136        },
137        .x86_64 => {
138            const rc = std.os.linux.syscall2(.arch_prctl, std.os.linux.ARCH.SET_FS, addr);
139            assert(rc == 0);
140        },
141        .aarch64 => {
142            asm volatile (
143                \\ msr tpidr_el0, %[addr]
144                :
145                : [addr] "r" (addr),
146            );
147        },
148        .arm, .thumb => {
149            const rc = std.os.linux.syscall1(.set_tls, addr);
150            assert(rc == 0);
151        },
152        .riscv64 => {
153            asm volatile (
154                \\ mv tp, %[addr]
155                :
156                : [addr] "r" (addr),
157            );
158        },
159        .mips, .mipsel => {
160            const rc = std.os.linux.syscall1(.set_thread_area, addr);
161            assert(rc == 0);
162        },
163        .powerpc => {
164            asm volatile (
165                \\ mr 2, %[addr]
166                :
167                : [addr] "r" (addr),
168            );
169        },
170        .powerpc64, .powerpc64le => {
171            asm volatile (
172                \\ mr 13, %[addr]
173                :
174                : [addr] "r" (addr),
175            );
176        },
177        .sparcv9 => {
178            asm volatile (
179                \\ mov %[addr], %%g7
180                :
181                : [addr] "r" (addr),
182            );
183        },
184        else => @compileError("Unsupported architecture"),
185    }
188fn initTLS(phdrs: []elf.Phdr) void {
189    var tls_phdr: ?*elf.Phdr = null;
190    var img_base: usize = 0;
192    for (phdrs) |*phdr| {
193        switch (phdr.p_type) {
194            elf.PT_PHDR => img_base = @ptrToInt(phdrs.ptr) - phdr.p_vaddr,
195            elf.PT_TLS => tls_phdr = phdr,
196            else => {},
197        }
198    }
200    var tls_align_factor: usize = undefined;
201    var tls_data: []const u8 = undefined;
202    var tls_data_alloc_size: usize = undefined;
203    if (tls_phdr) |phdr| {
204        // The effective size in memory is represented by p_memsz, the length of
205        // the data stored in the PT_TLS segment is p_filesz and may be less
206        // than the former
207        tls_align_factor = phdr.p_align;
208        tls_data = @intToPtr([*]u8, img_base + phdr.p_vaddr)[0..phdr.p_filesz];
209        tls_data_alloc_size = phdr.p_memsz;
210    } else {
211        tls_align_factor = @alignOf(usize);
212        tls_data = &[_]u8{};
213        tls_data_alloc_size = 0;
214    }
216    // Offsets into the allocated TLS area
217    var tcb_offset: usize = undefined;
218    var dtv_offset: usize = undefined;
219    var data_offset: usize = undefined;
220    // Compute the total size of the ABI-specific data plus our own control
221    // structures. All the offset calculated here assume a well-aligned base
222    // address.
223    const alloc_size = switch (tls_variant) {
224        .VariantI => blk: {
225            var l: usize = 0;
226            dtv_offset = l;
227            l += @sizeOf(DTV);
228            // Add some padding here so that the thread pointer (tcb_offset) is
229            // aligned to p_align and the CustomData structure can be found by
230            // simply subtracting its @sizeOf from the tp value
231            const delta = (l + @sizeOf(CustomData)) & (tls_align_factor - 1);
232            if (delta > 0)
233                l += tls_align_factor - delta;
234            l += @sizeOf(CustomData);
235            tcb_offset = l;
236            l += mem.alignForward(tls_tcb_size, tls_align_factor);
237            data_offset = l;
238            l += tls_data_alloc_size;
239            break :blk l;
240        },
241        .VariantII => blk: {
242            var l: usize = 0;
243            data_offset = l;
244            l += mem.alignForward(tls_data_alloc_size, tls_align_factor);
245            // The thread pointer is aligned to p_align
246            tcb_offset = l;
247            l += tls_tcb_size;
248            // The CustomData structure is right after the TCB with no padding
249            // in between so it can be easily found
250            l += @sizeOf(CustomData);
251            l = mem.alignForward(l, @alignOf(DTV));
252            dtv_offset = l;
253            l += @sizeOf(DTV);
254            break :blk l;
255        },
256    };
258    tls_image = TLSImage{
259        .init_data = tls_data,
260        .alloc_size = alloc_size,
261        .alloc_align = tls_align_factor,
262        .tcb_offset = tcb_offset,
263        .dtv_offset = dtv_offset,
264        .data_offset = data_offset,
265        .data_size = tls_data_alloc_size,
266        .gdt_entry_number = @bitCast(usize, @as(isize, -1)),
267    };
270inline fn alignPtrCast(comptime T: type, ptr: [*]u8) *T {
271    return @ptrCast(*T, @alignCast(@alignOf(T), ptr));
274/// Initializes all the fields of the static TLS area and returns the computed
275/// architecture-specific value of the thread-pointer register
276pub fn prepareTLS(area: []u8) usize {
277    // Clear the area we're going to use, just to be safe
278    mem.set(u8, area, 0);
279    // Prepare the DTV
280    const dtv = alignPtrCast(DTV, area.ptr + tls_image.dtv_offset);
281    dtv.entries = 1;
282    dtv.tls_block[0] = area.ptr + tls_dtv_offset + tls_image.data_offset;
283    // Prepare the TCB
284    const tcb_ptr = alignPtrCast([*]u8, area.ptr + tls_image.tcb_offset);
285    tcb_ptr.* = switch (tls_variant) {
286        .VariantI => area.ptr + tls_image.dtv_offset,
287        .VariantII => area.ptr + tls_image.tcb_offset,
288    };
289    // Copy the data
290    mem.copy(u8, area[tls_image.data_offset..], tls_image.init_data);
292    // Return the corrected value (if needed) for the tp register.
293    // Overflow here is not a problem, the pointer arithmetic involving the tp
294    // is done with wrapping semantics.
295    return @ptrToInt(area.ptr) +% tls_tp_offset +%
296        if (tls_tp_points_past_tcb) tls_image.data_offset else tls_image.tcb_offset;
299// The main motivation for the size chosen here is this is how much ends up being
300// requested for the thread local variables of the std.crypto.random implementation.
301// I'm not sure why it ends up being so much; the struct itself is only 64 bytes.
302// I think it has to do with being page aligned and LLVM or LLD is not smart enough
303// to lay out the TLS data in a space conserving way. Anyway I think it's fine
304// because it's less than 3 pages of memory, and putting it in the ELF like this
305// is equivalent to moving the mmap call below into the kernel, avoiding syscall
306// overhead.
307var main_thread_tls_buffer: [0x2100]u8 align(mem.page_size) = undefined;
309pub fn initStaticTLS(phdrs: []elf.Phdr) void {
310    initTLS(phdrs);
312    const tls_area = blk: {
313        // Fast path for the common case where the TLS data is really small,
314        // avoid an allocation and use our local buffer.
315        if (tls_image.alloc_align <= mem.page_size and
316            tls_image.alloc_size <= main_thread_tls_buffer.len)
317        {
318            break :blk main_thread_tls_buffer[0..tls_image.alloc_size];
319        }
321        const alloc_tls_area = os.mmap(
322            null,
323            tls_image.alloc_size + tls_image.alloc_align - 1,
324            os.PROT.READ | os.PROT.WRITE,
325            os.MAP.PRIVATE | os.MAP.ANONYMOUS,
326            -1,
327            0,
328        ) catch os.abort();
330        // Make sure the slice is correctly aligned.
331        const begin_addr = @ptrToInt(alloc_tls_area.ptr);
332        const begin_aligned_addr = mem.alignForward(begin_addr, tls_image.alloc_align);
333        const start = begin_aligned_addr - begin_addr;
334        break :blk alloc_tls_area[start .. start + tls_image.alloc_size];
335    };
337    const tp_value = prepareTLS(tls_area);
338    setThreadPointer(tp_value);