2# $Id: filtedit.tcl 1204 2009-02-02 19:54:23Z hubert@u.washington.edu $
3# ========================================================================
4# Copyright 2006 University of Washington
6# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8# You may obtain a copy of the License at
10#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12# ========================================================================
14#  filtedit.tcl
16#  Purpose:  CGI script to generate html form editing of a single filter
19# include common filter info
20source filter.tcl
23#  Input:
24set filtedit_vars {
25  {cid     "No cid"}
26  {oncancel "No oncancel"}
27  {onfiltcancel {} ""}
28  {fno     {}  -1}
29  {add     {}  0}
30  {filterrtext {}  ""}
31  {filtedit_score {}  0}
32  {filtedit_indexcolor {}  0}
33  {fg {}  ""}
34  {bg {}  ""}
37#  Output:
40## read vars
41foreach item $filtedit_vars {
42  if {[catch {cgi_import [lindex $item 0].x}]} {
43    if {[catch {eval WPImport $item} result]} {
44      if {[llength $item] > 2} {
45	set [lindex $item 0] [lindex $item 2]
46      } else {
47	error [list _action [lindex $item 1] $result]
48      }
49    }
50  } else {
51    set [lindex $item 0] 1
52  }
55if {$filtedit_score} {
56  set filttype score
57  set filttypename Score
58} elseif {$filtedit_indexcolor} {
59  set filttype indexcolor
60  set filttypename "Index Color"
61} else {
62  set filttype filt
63  set filttypename Filter
66if {[info exists filtedit_add]} {
67  set add $filtedit_add
70if {[info exists filtedit_fno]} {
71  set fno $filtedit_fno
74if {[info exists filtedit_onfiltcancel]} {
75  set onfiltcancel $filtedit_onfiltcancel
78if {[info exists filtedit_filterrtext]} {
79  set filterrtext $filtedit_filterrtext
82set filterr 0
83if {[string length $filterrtext]} {
84  set filterr 1
87set filtedit_menu {
88  {
89    {}
90    {
91      {
92	# * * * * OK * * * *
93	#cgi_image_button filt_save=[WPimg but_save] border=0 alt="Save Config"
94	cgi_submit_button "${filttype}_save=Save"
95      }
96    }
97  }
98  {
99    {}
100    {
101      {
102	# * * * * CANCEL * * * *
103	cgi_submit_button filtcancel=Cancel
104      }
105    }
106  }
107  {
108    {}
109    {
110      {
111	# * * * * HELP * * * *
112	cgi_submit_button "${filttype}help=Get Help"
113      }
114    }
115  }
119proc wpGetVarAs {_var _varas} {
120  upvar $_varas varas
122  if {[catch {cgi_import_as $_var varas} result]} {
123    set varas ""
124  }
127proc freetext_cell {intro varname varval} {
128  cgi_table_data align=right {
129    cgi_puts [cgi_bold "$intro :[cgi_nbspace][cgi_nbspace]"]
130  }
131  cgi_table_data align=left {
132    cgi_text "$varname=$varval" "style=margin:2"
133  }
137array set idvarnames $pattern_id
138array set idvarvals {}
139array set patvarnames $pattern_fields
140array set patvarvals {}
141array set actionvarnames $pattern_actions
142array set colvarnames $pattern_colors
143array set scorevarnames $pattern_scores
145array set actionvals {}
147cgi_http_head {
148  cgi_content_type
149  cgi_pragma no-cache
152cgi_html {
153  cgi_head {
154    WPStdHtmlHdr "$filttypename List Configuration"
155    WPStyleSheets
156  }
158  if {$add == 0} {
159    if {$filtedit_score} {
160      set actions $pattern_scores
161      set fext [WPCmd PEConfig scoreextended $fno]
162    } elseif {$filtedit_indexcolor} {
163      set actions $pattern_colors
164      set fext [WPCmd PEConfig indexcolorextended $fno]
165    } else {
166      set actions $pattern_actions
167      set fext [WPCmd PEConfig filtextended $fno]
168    }
170    foreach fvar $fext {
171      switch -- [lindex $fvar 0] {
172	id {
173	  foreach idvar [lindex $fvar 1] {
174	    set idname [lindex $idvar 0]
175	    if {[info exists idvarnames($idname)]} {
176	      set idvarvals($idname) [lindex $idvar 1]
177	    }
178	  }
179	}
180	pattern {
181	  foreach patternvar [lindex $fvar 1] {
182	    set patname [lindex $patternvar 0]
183	    if {[info exists patvarnames($patname)]} {
184	      set patvarvals($patname) [lindex $patternvar 1]
185	    }
186	  }
187	}
188	filtaction {
189	  foreach actionvar [lindex $fvar 1] {
190	    set actionname [lindex $actionvar 0]
191	    if {[info exists actionvarnames($actionname)]} {
192	      set actionvals($actionname) [lindex $actionvar 1]
193	    }
194	  }
195	}
196	indexcolors {
197	  foreach colvar [lindex $fvar 1] {
198	    set colname [lindex $colvar 0]
199	    if {[info exists colvarnames($colname)]} {
200	      set actionvals($colname) [lindex $colvar 1]
201	    }
202	  }
203	}
204	scores {
205	  foreach colvar [lindex $fvar 1] {
206	    set actionvals([lindex $colvar 0]) [lindex $colvar 1]
207	  }
208	}
209      }
210    }
211  } else {
212    if {$filtedit_score} {
213      set actions $pattern_scores
214    } elseif {$filtedit_indexcolor} {
215      set actions $pattern_colors
216    } else {
217      set actions $pattern_actions
218    }
219  }
221  cgi_body BGCOLOR="$_wp(bordercolor)" {
222    cgi_form $_wp(appdir)/$_wp(ui1dir)/wp method=get name=filtconfig target=_top {
223      cgi_text "page=conf_process" type=hidden notab
224      cgi_text "cp_op=${filttype}config" type=hidden notab
225      cgi_text "cid=$cid" type=hidden notab
226      cgi_text "oncancel=$oncancel" type=hidden notab
227      cgi_table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" height="100%" {
228	cgi_table_row {
229	  #
230	  # next comes the menu down the left side
231	  #
232	  eval {
233	    cgi_table_data $_wp(menuargs) rowspan=4 {
234	      WPTFCommandMenu filtedit_menu {}
235	    }
236	  }
238	  #
239	  # In main body of screen goes confg list
240	  #
241	  cgi_table_data valign=top width="100%" class=dialog {
242	    if {[string length $onfiltcancel]} {
243	      cgi_text "onfiltcancel=$onfiltcancel" type=hidden notab
244	    }
245	    cgi_text "fno=$fno" type=hidden notab
246	    cgi_text "subop=[expr {$add ? "add" : "edit"}]" type=hidden notab
247	    cgi_table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 {
248	      # pattern title
249	      cgi_table_row {
250		cgi_table_data {
251		  cgi_puts "<fieldset>"
252		  cgi_puts "<legend style=\"font-weight:bold;font-size:bigger\">$filttypename Identification</legend>"
253		  cgi_table {
254		    foreach {idname idtype} $pattern_id {
255		      if {[info exists idvarvals($idname)]} {
256			set val $idvarvals($idname)
257		      } else {
258			wpGetVarAs $idname val
259		      }
260		      cgi_table_row {
261			freetext_cell "$filttypename [lindex $idtype 0]" $idname $val
262		      }
263		    }
264		  }
265		  cgi_puts "</fieldset>"
266		}
267	      }
269	      # Folder Conditions
270	      wpGetVarAs folder folder
271	      wpGetVarAs ftype ftype
272	      cgi_table_row {
273		cgi_table_data colspan=2 {
274		  cgi_puts "<fieldset>"
275		  cgi_puts "<legend style=\"font-weight:bold;font-size:bigger\">Folder Conditions</legend>"
276		  cgi_table {
277		    cgi_table_row {
278		      cgi_table_data align=right valign=top {
279			cgi_puts [cgi_bold "Current Folder Type :"]
280		      }
281		      cgi_table_data align=left {
282			cgi_table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 {
283			  cgi_table_row {
284			    cgi_table_data width=50 {
285			      cgi_puts "[cgi_nbspace]"
286			    }
287			    cgi_table_data {
288			      cgi_table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 {
289				foreach type {any news email specific} {
290				  cgi_table_row {
291				    cgi_table_data {
292				      cgi_radio_button ftype=$type [expr {[string compare $ftype $type] == 0 ? "checked" : ""}] style="background-color:$_wp(dialogcolor)"
293				    }
294				    cgi_table_data {
295				      switch -- $type {
296					any -
297					news -
298					email {
299					  cgi_puts "[string toupper [string range $type 0 0]][string range $type 1 end]"
300					}
301					specific {
302					  cgi_puts "Specific Folder List :"
303					  cgi_text "folder=$folder"
304					}
305				      }
306				    }
307				  }
308				}
309			      }
310			    }
311			  }
312			}
313		      }
314		    }
315		  }
316		  cgi_puts "</fieldset>"
317		}
318	      }
320	      # Message Conditions
322	      cgi_table_row {
323		cgi_table_data {
324		  cgi_puts "<fieldset>"
325		  cgi_puts "<legend style=\"font-weight:bold;font-size:bigger\">Message Conditions</legend>"
326		  cgi_table border=0 {
327		    foreach {pvarname parvarval} $pattern_fields {
329		      if {$filterr} {
330			wpGetVarAs $pvarname pvarval
331		      } elseif {[info exists patvarvals($pvarname)]} {
332			set pvarval $patvarvals($pvarname)
333		      } else {
334			set pvarval ""
335		      }
337		      cgi_table_row {
338			switch -- [lindex $patvarnames($pvarname) 1] {
339			  freetext {
340			    freetext_cell [lindex $patvarnames($pvarname) 0] $pvarname $pvarval
341			  }
342			  status {
343			    cgi_table_data align=right {
344			      cgi_puts "[cgi_bold [lindex $patvarnames($pvarname) 0]] :[cgi_nbspace][cgi_nbspace]"
345			    }
346			    cgi_table_data align=left {
347			      cgi_select $pvarname "style=margin:2" {
348				cgi_option "Don't care, always matches" "value=either"
349				cgi_option "Yes" "value=yes" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "yes"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
350				cgi_option "No" "value=no" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "no"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
351			      }
352			    }
353			  }
354			  addrbook {
355			    cgi_table_data align=right valign=top {
356			      cgi_puts "[cgi_bold [lindex $patvarnames($pvarname) 0]] :[cgi_nbspace][cgi_nbspace]"
357			    }
358			    cgi_table_data align=left {
359			      cgi_select addrbook "style=margin:2" {
360				cgi_option "Don't care, always matches" "value=either" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "either"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
361				cgi_option "Yes, in any address book" "value=yes" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "yes"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
362				cgi_option "No, not in any addressbook" "value=no" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "no"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
363				cgi_option "Yes, in specific address book" "value=yesspecific" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "yesspecific"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
364				cgi_option "No, not in specific address book" "value=nospecific" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "nospecific"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
365			      }
366			      cgi_br
367			      cgi_puts "Specific Addressbook:"
368			      cgi_text "specificabook=" "style=margin:4"
369			      cgi_br
370			      cgi_puts "Types of addresses to check for in address book:"
371			      cgi_table style=margin-left:30 {
372				cgi_table_row {
373				  cgi_table_data nowrap {
374				    cgi_checkbox abookfrom [expr {[string compare $pvarval "no"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
375				    cgi_puts "From"
376				  }
378				  cgi_table_data nowrap {
379				    cgi_checkbox abookreplyto
380				    cgi_puts "Reply-To"
381				  }
382				}
383				cgi_table_row {
384				  cgi_table_data nowrap {
385				    cgi_checkbox abooksender
386				    cgi_puts "Sender"
387				  }
389				  cgi_table_data nowrap {
390				    cgi_checkbox abookto
391				    cgi_puts "To"
392				  }
393				}
394				cgi_table_row {
395				  cgi_table_data nowrap {
396				    cgi_checkbox abookcc
397				    cgi_puts "Cc"
398				  }
399				}
400			      }
401			    }
402			  }
403			  headers {
404			    cgi_table_data align=right valign=top {
405			      cgi_put "[cgi_bold [lindex $patvarnames($pvarname) 0]] :[cgi_nbspace][cgi_nbspace]"
406			    }
407			    cgi_table_data align=left {
408			      cgi_table {
409				set hdrnum 0
411				if {[llength $pvarval] > 0} {
412				  for {set n 0} {$n < [llength $pvarval]} {incr n} {
413				    cgi_table_row {
414				      cgi_table_data align=left nowrap {
415					cgi_text "hdrfld${n}=[lindex [lindex $pvarval $n] 0]" "style=margin:2"
416					cgi_put ":"
417					cgi_text "hdrval${n}=[lindex [lindex $pvarval $n] 1]" "style=margin:2"
418					cgi_submit_button "rmheader${n}=Remove"
419				      }
420				    }
421				  }
423				  cgi_text "header_total=$n" type=hidden notab
424				}
426				cgi_table_row {
427				  cgi_table_data align=left nowrap {
428				    cgi_submit_button "addheader=Add Header"
429				  }
430				}
431			      }
432			    }
433			  }
434			}
435		      }
436		    }
437		  }
438		  cgi_puts "</fieldset>"
439		}
440	      }
442	      cgi_table_row {
443		cgi_table_data "style=\"padding-bottom: 40\"" {
444		  cgi_puts "<fieldset>"
445		  cgi_puts "<legend style=\"font-weight:bold;font-size:bigger\">Filter Actions</legend>"
446		  foreach {avarname patval} $actions {
447		    switch -- $avarname {
448		      indexcolor {
449			set ih [WPIndexLineHeight]
450			set iformat [WPCmd PEMailbox indexformat]
451			set num 0
452			cgi_division "width=100%" align=center "style=\"font-size: bigger; font-weight: bold; margin: 0 0 12 0 \"" {
453			  cgi_puts "Choose Index Line Colors"
454			}
456			cgi_table width=100% align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 "style=\"font-family: geneva, arial, sans-serif; height: ${ih}pix; width: 90%; background-color: white ; border: 1px solid black\"" {
457			  foreach l [list "Line One" "Sample Message" "Line Three"] {
458			    set iclass [lindex {i0 i1} [expr ([incr num] % 2)]]
459			    set istyle ""
460			    if {$num == 2} {
461			      wpGetVarAs fg fg
462			      if {[string length $fg] == 0} {
463				if {[info exists actionvals($avarname)]} {
464				  set fg [lindex $actionvals($avarname) 0]
465				}
466			      }
468			      cgi_text "fg=$fg" type=hidden notab
469			      append istyle "; color: $fg"
471			      wpGetVarAs bg bg
472			      if {[string length $bg] == 0} {
473				if {[info exists actionvals($avarname)]} {
474				  set bg [lindex $actionvals($avarname) 1]
475				}
476			      }
478			      cgi_text "bg=$bg" type=hidden notab
479			      append istyle "; background-color: $bg"
480			    }
482			    cgi_table_row {
483			      if {[WPCmd PEInfo feature enable-aggregate-command-set]} {
484				cgi_table_data height=${ih}pix class=$iclass "style=\"$istyle\"" {
485				  cgi_checkbox bogus
486				}
487			      }
489			      foreach fmt $iformat {
490				cgi_table_data height=${ih}pix width=[lindex $fmt 1]% nowrap class=$iclass "style=\"$istyle\"" {
491				  switch -regex [string tolower [lindex $fmt 0]] {
492				    number {
493				      cgi_puts "$num"
494				    }
495				    status {
496				      set n [expr {(int((10 * rand()))) % 5}]
497				      cgi_puts [lindex {N D F A { }} $n]
498				    }
499				    .*size.* {
500				      cgi_puts "([expr int((10000 * rand()))])"
501				    }
502				    from.* {
503				      cgi_puts "Some Sender"
504				    }
505				    subject {
506				      cgi_puts $l
507				    }
508				    date {
509				      cgi_puts [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%d %b"]
510				    }
511				    default {
512				      cgi_puts [lindex $fmt 0]
513				    }
514				  }
515				}
516			      }
517			    }
518			  }
519			}
520			cgi_table width=80% align=center {
521			  cgi_table_row {
522			    cgi_table_data align=center {
523			      cgi_table "style=\"background-color: #ffcc66\"" {
524				wpGetVarAs fgorbg fgorbg
525				cgi_table_row {
526				  cgi_table_data {
527				    if {[string length $fgorbg] == 0 || [string compare $fgorbg fg] == 0} {
528				      set checked checked=1
529				    } else {
530				      set checked ""
531				    }
533				    cgi_radio_button fgorbg=fg $checked
534				  }
535				  cgi_table_data "style=\"align: left; padding-left: 12\"" {
536				    cgi_puts "Foreground"
537				  }
538				}
539				cgi_table_row {
540				  cgi_table_data {
541				    if {[string length $checked]} {
542				      set checked ""
543				    } else {
544				      set checked checked=1
545				    }
547				    cgi_radio_button fgorbg=bg $checked
548				  }
549				  cgi_table_data "style=\"align: left; padding-left: 12\"" {
550				    cgi_puts "Background"
551				  }
552				}
553			      }
554			    }
555			    cgi_table_data align=center {
556			      cgi_image_button "colormap=[WPimg nondither10x10]" alt="Color Pattern" "style=\"border: 1px solid black\""
557			    }
558			  }
559			}
560		      }
561		      folder {
562			if {[info exists actionvals(kill)]} {
563			  set killit $actionvals(kill)
564			} else {
565			  set killit 0
566			}
568			if {$filterr} {
569			  wpGetVarAs action tval
570			  set killit [expr {([string compare $tval "delete"] == 0) ? 1 : 0}]
571			}
572			cgi_table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 {
573			  cgi_table_row {
574			    cgi_table_data width=50 align=right valign=top {
575			      cgi_puts [cgi_bold "Action:[cgi_nbspace]"]
576			    }
577			    cgi_table_data {
578			      cgi_table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 {
579				cgi_table_row {
580				  cgi_table_data valign=top {
581				    cgi_radio_button action=status [expr {$killit ? "checked" : ""}] style="background-color:$_wp(dialogcolor)"
582				  }
583				  cgi_table_data {
584				    cgi_puts "Set Message Status:"
585				    cgi_division "style=\"margin-left: .5in\"" {
586				      cgi_select actsetimp {
587					cgi_option "Don't change Important Status" "value=leave" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "either"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
588					cgi_option "Set Important status" "value=set" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "yes"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
589					cgi_option "Clear Important status" "value=clear" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "no"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
590				      }
592				      cgi_br
594				      cgi_select actsetnew {
595					cgi_option "Don't change New Status" "value=leave" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "either"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
596					cgi_option "Set New status" "value=set" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "yes"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
597					cgi_option "Clear New status" "value=clear" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "no"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
598				      }
600				      cgi_br
602				      cgi_select actsetdel {
603					cgi_option "Don't change Deleted Status" "value=leave" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "either"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
604					cgi_option "Set Deleted status" "value=set" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "yes"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
605					cgi_option "Clear Deleted status" "value=clear" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "no"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
606				      }
608				      cgi_br
610				      cgi_select actsetans {
611					cgi_option "Don't change Answered Status" "value=leave" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "either"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
612					cgi_option "Set Answered status" "value=set" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "yes"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
613					cgi_option "Clear Answered status" "value=clear" [expr {[string compare $pvarval "no"] == 0 ? "selected" : ""}]
614				      }
615				    }
616				  }
617				}
618				cgi_table_row {
619				  cgi_table_data valign=top {
620				    cgi_radio_button action=delete [expr {$killit ? "checked" : ""}] style="background-color:$_wp(dialogcolor)"
621				  }
622				  cgi_table_data {
623				    cgi_puts "Delete"
624				  }
625				}
626				cgi_table_row {
627				  cgi_table_data valign=top {
628				    cgi_radio_button action=move  [expr {$killit == 0 ? "checked" : ""}] style="background-color:$_wp(dialogcolor)"
629				  }
630				  cgi_table_data {
631				    cgi_puts "Move to Folder :"
632				    if {$filterr} {
633				      wpGetVarAs actionfolder tval
634				      cgi_text "actionfolder=$tval"
635				    } else {
636				      if {[info exists actionvals($avarname)]} {
637					set av $actionvals($avarname)
638				      } else {
639					set av 0
640				      }
642				      cgi_text "actionfolder=$av"
643				    }
644				    cgi_br
645				    if {$filterr} {
646				      wpGetVarAs moind moinval
647				      set tval [expr {([string compare $moinval on] == 0) ? "checked" : ""}]
648				    } else {
649				      if {[info exists actionvals($avarname)] && $actionvals($avarname) == 1} {
650					set tval checked
651				      } else {
652					set tval ""
653				      }
654				    }
655				    cgi_checkbox moind $tval
656				    cgi_puts "Move only if not deleted."
657				  }
658				}
659			      }
660			    }
661			  }
662			  cgi_table_row {
663			    wpGetVarAs setkeywords setkeywords
664			    freetext_cell "Set these Keywords" setkeywords $setkeywords
665			  }
666			  cgi_table_row {
667			    wpGetVarAs clearkeywords clearkeywords
668			    freetext_cell "Clear these Keywords" clearkeywords $clearkeywords
669			  }
670			}
671		      }
672		      scores {
673			cgi_table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 align=center {
674			  cgi_table_row {
675			    wpGetVarAs scoreval scoreval
676			    if {[string length $scoreval] == 0} {
677			      set scoreval $actionvals(scoreval)
678			    }
680			    freetext_cell "Score Value" scoreval $scoreval
681			  }
682			  cgi_table_row {
683			    wpGetVarAs scorehdr scorehdr
684			    if {[string length $scorehdr] == 0} {
685			      set scorehdr $actionvals(scorehdr)
686			    }
688			    freetext_cell "Score Header" scorehdr $scorehdr
689			  }
690			}
691		      }
692		    }
693		  }
695		  cgi_puts "</fieldset>"
696		}
697	      }
698	    }
699	  }
700	}
701      }
702    }
703  }