1# $Id: tconfig.tcl 1204 2009-02-02 19:54:23Z hubert@u.washington.edu $
2# ========================================================================
3# Copyright 2006 University of Washington
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# ========================================================================
13#  tconfig.tcl
15#  Purpose:  CGI script to configure features/variables
17#  Input:
18set conf_vars {
19  {newconf {} 0}
20  {oncancel "Nothing set for oncancel"}
21  {wv      "" general}
22  {vlavar  "" ""}
25#  Output:
28# read config
29source genvars.tcl
31set confs {
32  {general General g genconf}
33  {msgl "Message List" ml mlconf}
34  {msgv "Message View" mv mvconf}
35  {composer Composer c compconf}
36  {address "Address Books" ab abconf}
37  {folder "Folders" f fldrconf}
38  {rule  "Rules" r ruleconf}
42set var_menu {
43  {
44    {}
45    {
46      {
47	# * * * * Save Config * * * *
48	#cgi_image_button save=[WPimg but_save] border=0 alt="Save Config"
49	cgi_submit_button save=Save
50      }
51    }
52  }
53  {
54    {}
55    {
56      {
57	# * * * * Close * * * *
58	#cgi_image_button cancel=[WPimg but_cancel] border=0 alt="Cancel"
59	cgi_submit_button cancel=Cancel
60      }
61    }
62  }
65## read vars
66foreach item $conf_vars {
67  if {[catch {cgi_import [lindex $item 0].x}]} {
68    if {[catch {eval WPImport $item} result]} {
69      if {[llength $item] > 2} {
70	set [lindex $item 0] [lindex $item 2]
71      } else {
72	error [list _action [lindex $item 1] $result]
73      }
74    }
75  } else {
76    set [lindex $item 0] 1
77  }
80set type $wv
81WPCmd set conf_page $type
82switch -- $type {
83  msgl {
84    set goodvars $msglist_vars
85  }
86  msgv {
87    set goodvars $msgview_vars
88  }
89  address {
90    set goodvars $address_vars
91  }
92  folder {
93    set goodvars $folder_vars
94  }
95  composer {
96    set goodvars $composer_vars
97  }
98  general {
99    set goodvars $general_vars
100  }
101  rule {
102    set goodvars $rule_vars
103  }
105set typeexp "General"
107proc button_text {but butno fg bg text} {
108  if {[string length $fg]} {
109    set fg "color: #${fg};"
110  }
112  if {[string length $bg]} {
113    set bg "background-color: #${bg}"
114  }
116  cgi_puts "<script><!-- "
117  cgi_puts "document.write('<a href=\\\'#\\\' style=\\\"text-decoration: none;\\\" onClick=\"return setop(\\\'${but}\\\',$butno)\">');// -->"
118  cgi_puts "</script>"
120  cgi_put [cgi_span "style=$fg $bg" $text]
122  cgi_puts "<script><!-- "
123  cgi_puts "document.write('</a>');// -->"
124  cgi_puts "</script>"
127proc button_checked {def but} {
128  if {[string compare $def $but]} {
129    return ""
130  } else {
131    return checked
132  }
135foreach conf $confs {
136  if {[string compare $type [lindex $conf 0]] == 0} {
137    append ttitle [cgi_imglink "[lindex $conf 2]tab"]
138    lappend conftitle [list [cgi_imglink "[lindex $conf 2]tab"] {} {}]
139    set typeexp [lindex $conf 1]
140    set _wp(helpname) [lindex $conf 3]
141  } else {
142    append ttitle "<input type=image name=\"[lindex $conf 2]tab\" src=\"[WPimg "tabs/[lindex $conf 2]dtab"]\" border=0 alt=\"[lindex $conf 1]\">";
143  }
146cgi_http_head {
147  WPStdHttpHdrs
150if {$newconf == 1} {
151  WPCmd PEConfig newconf
154cgi_html {
155  cgi_head {
156    WPStdHtmlHdr "Configuration"
157    WPStyleSheets
159    cgi_put  "<style type='text/css'>"
160    cgi_put  ".vtext { font-size: 10pt; font-family: courier, 'new courier', monospace ; font-weight: medium ; padding-left: 6; border-left: 1px solid black}"
161    cgi_put  ".instr { font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold}"
162    cgi_puts "</style>"
164    cgi_javascript {
165      cgi_put "function setop(b,i){"
166      cgi_put " eval('document.varconfig.'+b+'\['+i+'\].checked = true');"
167      cgi_put " return false;"
168      cgi_put "}"
169    }
170  }
172  cgi_body BGCOLOR="$_wp(bordercolor)" {
173    set postjs ""
175    cgi_form $_wp(appdir)/$_wp(ui1dir)/wp method=post name=varconfig enctype=multipart/form-data target=_top {
176      cgi_text "oncancel=$oncancel" type=hidden notab
177      cgi_text "cid=[WPCmd PEInfo key]" type=hidden notab
178      cgi_text "page=conf_process" type=hidden notab
180      cgi_table width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 {
181	cgi_table_row {
182	  cgi_table_data width=112 bgcolor=$_wp(menucolor) {
183	    cgi_puts [cgi_img [WPimg dot2] width=1 height=1]
184	  }
185	  cgi_table_data align=right nowrap background="[WPimg [file join tabs tabbg]]" {
186	    cgi_put $ttitle
187	  }
188	}
189      }
190      if {0} {
191      cgi_division align=right  {
192	cgi_put $ttitle
193      }
194      }
195      cgi_table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" height="100%" {
197	cgi_table_row {
198	  #
199	  # next comes the menu down the left side
200	  #
201	  eval {
202	    cgi_table_data $_wp(menuargs) rowspan=4 {
203	      WPTFCommandMenu var_menu {}
204	    }
205	  }
207	  #
208	  # In main body of screen goe confg list
209	  #
210	  cgi_table_data valign=top width="100%" class=dialog "style=\"padding-left: 6\"" {
211	    cgi_h2 [cgi_bold "${typeexp} configuration settings:"]
212	    switch -- $type {
213	      msgl {
214		cgi_text "wv=msgl" type=hidden notab
215	      }
216	      msgv {
217		cgi_text "wv=msgv" type=hidden notab
218	      }
219	      address {
220		cgi_text "wv=address" type=hidden notab
221	      }
222	      folder {
223		cgi_text "wv=folder" type=hidden notab
224	      }
225	      composer {
226		cgi_text "wv=composer" type=hidden notab
227	      }
228	      general {
229		cgi_text "wv=general" type=hidden notab
230	      }
231	      rule {
232		cgi_text "wv=rule" type=hidden notab
233	      }
234	    }
235	    set setfeatures [WPCmd PEConfig featuresettings]
236	    set icnt 0
237	    cgi_table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=98% {
238	      foreach tmpvar $goodvars {
239		set vtypeinp [lindex $tmpvar 0]
240		set varname [lindex $tmpvar 1]
241		set vardesc [lindex $tmpvar 2]
243		if {[catch {WPCmd PEConfig varget $varname}  section] == 0} {
244		  set varvals [lindex $section 0]
245		  set vartype [lindex $section 1]
246		  set vtvals [lindex $section 2]
247		  set v_is_default [lindex $section 3]
248		  set v_is_fixed [lindex $section 4]
249		} else {
250		  # UNKNOWN VAR: configure disabled?
251		  continue
252		}
254		switch -- $vtypeinp {
255		  var {
256		    cgi_table_row {
258		      cgi_table_data align=right valign=top nowrap width=50% {
259			if {[info exists varname]} {
260			  # set script "help.tcl?vn=$varname"
261			  # set js "cOpen('$script', 'help', 'scrollbars=yes', 600, 400); return false;"
262			  # set js "return vh('$varname')"
263			  # cgi_puts [WPurl null "" $varname "" onClick=$js]
264			  # cgi_puts [WPurl null "" $vardesc "" onClick=$js]
265			  # cgi_submit_button varhelp=$vardesc class=lnkbt
266			  cgi_puts [cgi_font class=cfvn $vardesc]
267			}
268		      }
269		      cgi_table_data valign=top {
270			cgi_image_button "hlp.$varname=[WPimg cf_help]" alt="Help for $vardesc"
271		      }
272		      cgi_table_data align=left colspan=2 width=50% {
273			switch -- $vartype {
274			  listbox {
275			    cgi_select $varname align=left {
276			      foreach tmpvt $vtvals {
277				set tmpvttxt [lindex $tmpvt 0]
278				set tmpvtval $tmpvttxt
279				if {[llength $tmpvt] > 1} {
280				  set tmpvtval [lindex $tmpvt 1]
281				}
282				if {[string compare $tmpvtval [lindex $varvals 0]]} {
283				  if {[llength $tmpvt] > 1} {
284				    cgi_option "${tmpvttxt}" "value=${tmpvtval}"
285				  } else {
286				    cgi_option "${tmpvttxt}" "value=${tmpvttxt}"
287				  }
288				} else {
289				  if {[llength $tmpvt] > 1} {
290				    cgi_option "$tmpvttxt" "value=${tmpvtval}" selected
291				  } else {
292				    cgi_option "$tmpvttxt" selected
293				  }
294				}
295			      }
296			    }
297			  }
298			  textarea {
299			    cgi_table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 {
300			      set addfield 0
301			      set tiwidth 30
302			      foreach varval $varvals {
303				if {[string length $varval] > [expr {[info exists maxwidth] ? $maxwidth : 0}]} {
304				  set maxwidth [string length $varval]
305				  incr maxwidth 5
306				}
307			      }
308			      if {[info exists maxwidth]} {
309				set tiwidth $maxwidth
310			      }
311			      if {$tiwidth < 20} {
312				set tiwidth 20
313			      } elseif {$tiwidth > 50} {
314				set tiwidth 50
315			      }
316			      cgi_table_row {
317				cgi_table_data colspan=4 {
318				  cgi_image_button vla.$varname=[WPimg cf_add] alt="Add Value"
319				}
320			      }
321			      if {[string compare $vlavar $varname] == 0} {
322				set addfield 1
323				cgi_table_row {
324				  cgi_table_data {
325				    cgi_text "varlistadd=$varname" type=hidden notab
326				    cgi_text "$varname-add=" type=text size=$tiwidth
327				  }
328				  cgi_table_data colspan=3 {
329				    cgi_puts [cgi_font class=cfntc "(The value entered here will be added.)"]
330				  }
331				}
332			      }
333			      set i 0
334			      set vvsz [llength $varvals]
335			      foreach varval $varvals {
336				cgi_table_row {
337				  cgi_table_data {
338				    cgi_text vle.$varname.$i=$varval type=text size=$tiwidth
339				  }
340				  cgi_table_data {
341				    cgi_image_button vld.$varname.$i=[WPimg cf_delete] alt="Delete Value"
342				  }
343				  cgi_table_data {
344				    if {$i < [expr {$vvsz - 1}]} {
345				      cgi_image_button vlsd.$varname.$i=[WPimg cf_shdown] alt="Shuffle Down"
346				    } else {
347				      cgi_puts [cgi_nbspace]
348				    }
349				  }
350				  cgi_table_data width=50% {
351				    if {$i || $addfield} {
352				      cgi_image_button vlsu.$varname.$i=[WPimg cf_shup] alt="Shuffle Up"
353				    } else {
354				      cgi_puts [cgi_nbspace]
355				    }
356				  }
357				}
358				incr i
359			      }
360			      cgi_text "$varname-sz=$i" type=hidden notab
361			    }
362			  }
363			  default {
364			    set size [string length [lindex $varvals 0]]
365			    if {$size == 0} {
366			      set size 20
367			    } else {
368			      incr size 5
369			    }
370			    cgi_text "$varname=[lindex $varvals 0]" type=text size=$size tableindex=1
371			  }
372			}
373		      }
374		    }
375		  }
376		  feat {
377		    cgi_table_row {
378		      cgi_table_data align=right width=50% {
379			if {[info exists varname]} {
380			  # cgi_submit_button feathelp=$vardesc class=lnkbt
381			  cgi_puts [cgi_font class=cfvn $vardesc]
382			}
383		      }
384		      cgi_table_data {
385			cgi_image_button "hlp.$varname=[WPimg cf_help]" alt="Help for $vardesc"
386		      }
387		      cgi_table_data align=left colspan=3 width=50% {
388			if {[lsearch $setfeatures $varname] >= 0} {
389			  cgi_checkbox $varname checked class=dialog
390			} else {
391			  cgi_checkbox $varname class=dialog
392			}
393		      }
394		    }
396		  }
397		  special {
398		    switch -- $varname {
399		      wp-columns {
400			cgi_table_row {
401			  cgi_table_data align=right valign=top nowrap {
402			    cgi_puts [cgi_font class=cfvn $vardesc]
403			  }
404			  cgi_table_data valign=top {
405			    cgi_image_button "hlp.${varname}=[WPimg cf_help]" alt="Help for $vardesc"
406			  }
407			  cgi_table_data align=left colspan=2 {
408			    set cols [WPCmd PEConfig columns]
409			    cgi_select columns align=left {
410			      for {set i 20} {$i <= 128} {incr i 4} {
411				if {$i == $cols} {
412				  cgi_option $i "value=$i" selected
413				} else {
414				  cgi_option $i "value=$i"
415				}
416			      }
417			    }
418			  }
419			}
420		      }
421		      left-column-folders {
422			cgi_table_row {
423			  cgi_table_data align=right valign=top nowrap {
424			    cgi_puts [cgi_font class=cfvn $vardesc]
425			  }
426			  cgi_table_data valign=top {
427			    cgi_puts [cgi_nbspace]
428			  }
429			  cgi_table_data align=left colspan=2 {
430			    if {[catch {WPSessionState left_column_folders} cols]} {
431			      set cols $_wp(fldr_cache_def)
432			    }
434			    cgi_select fcachel align=left {
435			      for {set i 0} {$i <= $_wp(fldr_cache_max)} {incr i} {
436				if {$i == $cols} {
437				  cgi_option $i "value=$i" selected
438				} else {
439				  cgi_option $i "value=$i"
440				}
441			      }
442			    }
443			  }
444			}
445		      }
446		      signature {
447			cgi_table_row {
448			  cgi_table_data colspan=4 align=center {
449			    cgi_puts "<fieldset>"
450			    cgi_puts "<legend>Signature</legend>"
452			    set rawsig [join [WPCmd PEConfig rawsig] "\n"]
453			    cgi_textarea signature=$rawsig rows=8 cols=80 wrap=off
455			    cgi_puts "</fieldset>"
456			  }
457			}
459		      }
460		      filters -
461		      scores -
462		      indexcolor -
463		      collections {
464			set flt 0
465			set cll 0
466			switch $varname {
467			  filters {
468			    set flt 1
469			    set descsing "Filter"
470			    set filts [WPCmd PEConfig filters]
471			    set lvals $filts
472			    set varhelp 1
473			  }
474			  scores {
475			    set flt 1
476			    set descsing "Scores"
477			    set filts [WPCmd PEConfig scores]
478			    set lvals $filts
479			    set varhelp 1
480			  }
481			  indexcolor {
482			    set flt 1
483			    set descsing "Index Colors"
484			    set filts [WPCmd PEConfig indexcolors]
485			    set lvals $filts
486			    set varhelp 1
487			  }
488			  default {
489			    set cll 1
490			    set descsing "Collection"
491			    set colls [WPCmd PEConfig collections]
492			    set lvals $colls
493			  }
494			}
495			set tasize [llength $lvals]
496			cgi_table_row {
497			  cgi_table_data align=center colspan=4 width=50% {
498			    cgi_table border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width=100% {
499			      cgi_table_row {
500				cgi_table_data width=50%  {
501				  cgi_puts [cgi_bold $vardesc]
502				}
503				if {[info exists varhelp]} {
504				  cgi_table_data valign=top {
505				    cgi_image_button "hlp.$varname=[WPimg cf_help]" alt="Help for $vardesc"
506				  }
507				}
508				cgi_table_data "style=\"padding-left: 10px\"" {
509				  cgi_image_button vla.$varname=[WPimg cf_add] alt="Add $descsing"
510				}
511			      }
512			      set i 0
513			      foreach lval $lvals {
514				cgi_table_row {
515				  cgi_table_data "style=\"padding-left: 8px\"" {
516				    if {$flt} {
517				      cgi_puts [cgi_font class=cfvn "[cgi_nbspace]$lval"]
518				    } else {
519				      cgi_puts "[cgi_font class=cfvn [lindex $lval 0]]<br>[cgi_span class=cfval "style=margin-left: 8px" [lindex $lval 1]]"
520				    }
521				  }
523				  cgi_table_data "style=\"padding-left: 10px\"" valign=top width=30% {
524				    cgi_unbreakable {
525				      cgi_image_button vle.$varname.$i=[WPimg cf_edit] alt="Edit $descsing"
527				      cgi_image_button vld.$varname.$i=[WPimg cf_delete] alt="Delete $descsing"
529				      if {$i < [expr {$tasize - 1}]} {
530					cgi_image_button vlsd.$varname.$i=[WPimg cf_shdown] alt="Shuffle Down"
531				      } else {
532					cgi_puts [cgi_img [WPimg dot2] width=18]
533				      }
535				      if {$i} {
536					cgi_image_button vlsu.$varname.$i=[WPimg cf_shup] alt="Shuffle Up"
537				      }
538				    }
539				  }
540				}
541				incr i
542			      }
543			      cgi_text "$varname-sz=$i" type=hidden notab
544			    }
545			  }
546			}
547		      }
548		      index-format {
549			cgi_table_row {
550			  cgi_table_data align=left colspan=4 {
551			    cgi_puts "<fieldset style=\"margin-left:1%; margin-right:1%\">"
552			    #set helpbut [cgi_buffer {cgi_image_button "hlp.$varname=[WPimg cf_help]" alt="Help for $vardesc"}]
553			    cgi_puts "<legend>Message Line Format</legend>"
555			    set varval [WPCmd PEConfig varget $varname]
556			    if {[llength [lindex $varval 0]]} {
557			      set fmt ""
558			      foreach fms [lindex [lindex $varval 0] 0] {
559				if {[regexp {^([a-zA-Z]+[0-9]*)\(([0-9]+[%]?)\)$} $fms dummy f w]} {
560				  lappend fmt [list $f $w]
561				} elseif {[regexp {^([a-zA-Z]+[0-9]*)$} $fms dummy f]} {
562				  lappend fmt [list $f ""]
563				}
564			      }
565			    } else {
566			      set fmt [WPCmd PEMailbox indexformat]
567			    }
569			    cgi_text "index-format=$fmt" type=hidden notab
571			    cgi_table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% align=center "bgcolor=#999999" "style=\"border: 1px solid black \"" border=0 {
572			      cgi_table_row "bgcolor=#999999" {
573				if {[WPCmd PEInfo feature enable-aggregate-command-set]} {
574				  cgi_td [cgi_img [WPimg dot2]]
575				  cgi_td width=1 [cgi_img [WPimg dot2] width=1]
576				}
578				foreach fme $fmt {
579				  set f [lindex $fme 0]
580				  set w [lindex $fme 1]
581				  cgi_td xcolspan=3 [cgi_span "style=font-size: 10px; color: white;" $f]
582				  if {[regexp {[0123456789]+[%]} $w]} {
583				    cgi_td xcolspan=2 align=right [cgi_span "style=font-size: 10px; color: white; padding-right: 4" "(${w})"]
584				  } else {
585				    cgi_td width=1 [cgi_img [WPimg dot2] width=1]
586				  }
588				  cgi_td width=1 [cgi_img [WPimg dot2] width=1]
589				}
590			      }
592			      cgi_table_row {
593				if {[WPCmd PEInfo feature enable-aggregate-command-set]} {
594				  cgi_table_data background="[WPimg bg_index]" align=center valign=middle "style=\"padding-left: 4; padding-right: 4\"" {
595				    cgi_checkbox bogus
596				  }
598				  cgi_td width=1 [cgi_img [WPimg dot2] width=1]
599				}
601				foreach fme $fmt {
602				  set f [lindex $fme 0]
603				  set w [lindex $fme 1]
605				  switch -regexp $w {
606				    [0123456789]+[%] {
607				      set width width=$w
608				    }
609				    "" {
610				      set r [WPTFIndexWidthRatio $fmt $f]
611				      switch $r {
612					1 { set width "" }
613					default {
614					  set width "width=[expr {round((100/[llength $fmt]) * $r)}]%"
615					}
616				      }
617				    }
618				  }
620				  set align ""
621				  set class ""
622				  switch [string toupper [lindex $f 0]] {
623				    TO {
624				      set varval [WPCmd PEConfig varget personal-name]
625				      if {[string length [lindex $varval 0]]} {
626					set ftext "To: [lindex $varval 0]"
627				      } else {
628					set ftext "To: <sender@foo.bar.com>"
629				      }
630				    }
631				    FROM -
632				    FROMORTO {
633				      set varval [WPCmd PEConfig varget personal-name]
634				      if {[string length [lindex $varval 0]]} {
635					set ftext [lindex $varval 0]
636				      } else {
637					set ftext "<sender@foo.bar.com>"
638				      }
639				    }
640				    FULLSTATUS -
641				    IMAPSTATUS -
642				    STATUS {
643				      set ftext "+N"
644				      set align "align=center"
645				    }
646				    MSGNO {
647				      set ftext [WPcomma [WPCmd PEMailbox messagecount]]
648				      set align "align=center"
649				    }
650				    SIZE {
651				      set ftext [cgi_span class=isize "(1234)"]
652				      set class class=isize
653				      set align "align=center"
654				    }
655				    KSIZE {
656				      set ftext [cgi_span class=isize "(1K)"]
657				      set class class=isize
658				      set align "align=center"
659				    }
660				    SIZECOMMA {
661				      set ftext [cgi_span class=isize "(1,234)"]
662				      set class class=isize
663				      set align "align=center"
664				    }
665				    DESCRIPSIZE {
666				      set ftext "(short+)"
667				      set align "align=center"
668				    }
669				    SIZENARROW {
670					set ftext (1K)
671				    }
672				    DATE {
673				      set ftext [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%b %d"]
674				      set align "align=center"
675				    }
676				    DATEISO {
677				      set ftext [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d"]
678				      set align "align=center"
679				    }
680				    SHORTDATE1 {
681				      set ftext [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%m/%d/%y"]
682				      set align "align=center"
683				    }
684				    SHORTDATE2 {
685				      set ftext [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%d/%m/%y"]
686				      set align "align=center"
687				    }
688				    SHORTDATE3 {
689				      set ftext [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%d.%m.%y"]
690				      set align "align=center"
691				    }
692				    SHORTDATE4 {
693				      set ftext [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%y.%m.%d"]
694				      set align "align=center"
695				    }
696				    SHORTDATEISO {
697				      set ftext [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%y-%m-%d"]
698				      set align "align=center"
699				    }
700				    SMARTTIME -
701				    SMARTDATETIME -
702				    TIME12 {
703				      regsub {^0*(.*)$} [string tolower [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%I:%M%p"]] {\1} ftext
704				      set align "align=center"
705				    }
706				    TIME24 {
707				      set ftext [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M"]
708				      set align "align=center"
709				    }
710				    TIMEZONE {
711				      set ftext [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%z"]
712				      set align "align=center"
713				    }
714				    SUBJECT {
715				      set ftext "Re: Config changes..."
716				    }
717				    ATT {
718				      set ftext "1"
719				    }
720				    CC {
721				      set ftext "user@domain"
722				    }
724				      set ftext "news.group"
725				    }
726				    LONGDATE {
727				      set ftext [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%b %d, %Y"]
728				      set align "align=center"
729				    }
730				    MONTHABBREV {
731				      set ftext [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%b"]
732				      set align "align=center"
733				    }
734				    NEWS {
735					set ftext "news.group"
736				    }
737				    SENDER -
738				    RECIPS -
739				    NEWSANDTO -
740				    RECIPSANDNEWS -
741				    NEWSANDRECIPS {
742					set ftext "user@domain"
743				    }
744				    SCORE {
745					set ftext "50"
746				    }
747				    SMARTDATE {
748					set ftext "Today"
749				    }
750				    TOANDNEWS {
751					set ftext TOANDNEWS
752				    }
753				    default {
754				      set ftext [lindex $f 0]
755				    }
756				  }
757				  cgi_td $align $class $width nowrap height=34 colspan=2 "style=\"padding-right: 4; padding-left: 4\"" background="[WPimg bg_index]" $ftext
758				  cgi_td width=1 [cgi_img [WPimg dot2] width=1]
759				}
760			      }
762			      cgi_table_row {
763				if {[WPCmd PEInfo feature enable-aggregate-command-set]} {
764				  cgi_table_data "bgcolor=#ffffff" {
765				    cgi_put [cgi_img [WPimg dot2]]
766				  }
768				  cgi_td width=1 [cgi_img [WPimg dot2] width=1]
770				  set cols 2
771				} else {
772				  set cols 0
773				}
775				set fmturl "wp.tcl?page=conf_process&wv=msgl&adjust=Change&cid=[WPCmd PEInfo key]&oncancel=$oncancel&index-format=[WPPercentQuote $fmt]"
776				foreach fme $fmt {
777				  cgi_table_data colspan=2 nowrap "bgcolor=#ffffff" align=center valign=middle {
778				    set cellurl "${fmturl}&ifield=[lindex $fme 0]"
779				    cgi_puts [cgi_url [cgi_img [WPimg if_left] border=0 "alt=Move Field Left" height=11 width=11] "${cellurl}&iop=left" target=_top]
780				    cgi_puts [cgi_url [cgi_img [WPimg if_wider] border=0 "alt=Widen Field" height=11 width=11] "${cellurl}&iop=widen" target=_top]
781				    cgi_puts [cgi_url [cgi_img [WPimg if_remove] border=0 "alt=Remove Field" height=11 width=11] "${cellurl}&iop=remove" target=_top]
782				    cgi_puts [cgi_url [cgi_img [WPimg if_narrow2] border=0 "alt=Narrow Field" height=11 width=11] "${cellurl}&iop=narrow" target=_top]
783				    cgi_puts [cgi_url [cgi_img [WPimg if_right] border=0 "alt=Move Field Right" height=11 width=11] "${cellurl}&iop=right" target=_top]
784				  }
786				  cgi_td width=1 [cgi_img [WPimg dot2] width=1]
787				}
788			      }
789			    }
791			    if {[catch {WPCmd PEConfig indextokens} tokens] == 0} {
792			      cgi_division align=center {style="margin-top: 16; margin-bottom: 10"} {
793				cgi_submit_button "indexadd=Add Field"
794				cgi_image_button "hlp.index_tokens=[WPimg cf_help]" alt="Help for $vardesc"
795				cgi_select indexaddfield {
796				  cgi_option {[  Choose Field to Insert  ]} "value="
798				  foreach af [lsort -dictionary $tokens] {
799				    if {[lsearch $fmt $af] < 0} {
800				      if {[string compare $af MSGNO]} {
801					cgi_option $af "value=$af"
802				      } else {
803					cgi_option $af "value=$af" selected
804				      }
805				    }
806				  }
807				}
808			      }
809			    }
811			    cgi_puts "</fieldset>"
812			  }
813			}
814		      }
815		      view-colors {
816			cgi_table_row {
817			  cgi_table_data colspan=4 {
818			    cgi_puts "<fieldset style=\"margin-left:1%; margin-right:1%\">"
819			    #set helpbut [cgi_buffer {cgi_image_button "hlp.$varname=[WPimg cf_help]" alt="Help for $vardesc"}]
820			    cgi_puts "<legend>Color Settings </legend>"
822			    cgi_division class=instr "style=\"padding-bottom: 6\"" {
823			      cgi_put [cgi_span "style=padding: 2; background-color: #ffcc66; border: 1px solid black" "1"]
824			      cgi_put " Choose text below to color, or[cgi_nbspace]enter[cgi_nbspace]field[cgi_nbspace]"
825			      cgi_text newfield= class=instr size=12 maxlength=32
826			      cgi_put "[cgi_nbspace]to[cgi_nbspace]"
827			      cgi_submit_button "addfield=add to colored headers"
828			    }
830			    set std_hdrs [list Date From To Cc Subject]
831			    set samp_hdrs $std_hdrs
832			    set samp_text [list normal quote1 quote2 quote3]
833			    set colors {}
835			    foreach goodkolor $samp_text {
836			      set tcolor [WPCmd PEConfig colorget "${goodkolor}"]
837			      lappend colors [list $goodkolor [lindex $tcolor 0] [lindex $tcolor 1]]
838			    }
840			    set hcolors [WPCmd PEConfig colorget "viewer-hdr-colors"]
841			    set hi 0
842			    foreach hcolor $hcolors {
843			      set i 0
844			      set dhdr 0
845			      foreach samp_hdr $samp_hdrs {
846				if {[string compare [string tolower [lindex $hcolor 0]] [string tolower [lindex $samp_hdr 0]]] == 0} {
847				  if {[string length [lindex $hcolor 3]] == 0} {
848				    switch -- $samp_hdr {
849				      Date {
850					set samptxt [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"]
851				      }
852				      From {
853					set samptxt [WPCmd PECompose from]
854				      }
855				      Subject {
856					set samptxt "Your colors are Fabulous!"
857				      }
858				      default {
859					set samptxt Sample
860				      }
861				    }
862				    lappend samp_hdr [list [lindex $hcolor 1] [lindex $hcolor 2] $samptxt "" $hi]
863				    set samp_hdrs [lreplace $samp_hdrs $i $i $samp_hdr]
864				    set dhdr 1
865				    break
866				  } else {
867				    lappend samp_hdr [list [lindex $hcolor 1] [lindex $hcolor 2] [lindex $hcolor 3] [lindex $hcolor 3] $hi]
868				    set samp_hdrs [lreplace $samp_hdrs $i $i $samp_hdr]
869				    set dhdr 1
870				    break
871				  }
872				}
873				incr i
874			      }
875			      if {$dhdr == 0} {
876				set smptxt "Sample"
877				if {[string compare "" [lindex $hcolor 3]]} {
878				  set smptxt [lindex $hcolor 3]
879				}
880				lappend samp_hdrs [list [lindex $hcolor 0] [list [lindex $hcolor 1] [lindex $hcolor 2] $smptxt [lindex $hcolor 3] $hi]]
881			      }
882			      incr hi
883			    }
885			    set dfgc "ffffff"
886			    set dbgc "000000"
887			    set dq1fgc "ffffff"
888			    set dq1bgc "000000"
889			    set dq2fgc "ffffff"
890			    set dq2bgc "000000"
891			    set dq3fgc "ffffff"
892			    set dq3bgc "000000"
894			    foreach color $colors {
895			      switch -- [lindex $color 0] {
896				normal {
897				  set dfgc [lindex $color 1]
898				  set dbgc [lindex $color 2]
899				}
900				quote1 {
901				  set dq1fgc [lindex $color 1]
902				  set dq1bgc [lindex $color 2]
903				}
904				quote2 {
905				  set dq2fgc [lindex $color 1]
906				  set dq2bgc [lindex $color 2]
907				}
908				quote3 {
909				  set dq3fgc [lindex $color 1]
910				  set dq3bgc [lindex $color 2]
911				}
912			      }
914			      set colarr([lindex $color 0]) [list [lindex $color 1] [lindex $color 2]]
915			    }
917			    foreach hcolor $hcolors {
918			      set colarr([lindex $color 0]) [list [lindex $color 1] [lindex $color 2]]
919			    }
921			    set butno -1
922			    if {[catch {WPCmd PEInfo set config_defground} defground] || ![string length $defground]} {
923			      set defground f
924			    }
926			    if {[catch {WPCmd PEInfo set config_deftext} deftext] || ![string length $deftext]} {
927			      set deftext normal
928			    }
930			    # paint example text
931			    cgi_table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% align=center border=0 {
932			      cgi_table_row {
933				cgi_table_data align=center {
935				  cgi_table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% align=center bgcolor=#${dbgc} "style=\"border-right: 1px solid black\"" {
937				    cgi_table_row {
938				      cgi_td class=dialog [cgi_img [WPimg dot2]]
939				      cgi_td height=1 "bgcolor=#000000" [cgi_img [WPimg dot2] height=1]
940				    }
942				    foreach samp_hdr $samp_hdrs {
943				      set field [string tolower [lindex $samp_hdr 0]]
944				      incr butno
945				      cgi_table_row {
946					cgi_table_data class=dialog align=center nowrap {
947					  cgi_radio_button text=hdr.${field} [button_checked $deftext ${field}]
948					  if {[llength $samp_hdr] == 1} {
949					    set hdrfg $dfgc
950					    set hdrbg $dbgc
951					  } else {
952					    set cp [lindex $samp_hdr end]
953					    set hdrfg [lindex $cp 0]
954					    set hdrbg [lindex $cp 1]
955					  }
957					  cgi_text "dfg.${field}=$hdrfg" type=hidden notab
958					  cgi_text "dbg.${field}=$hdrbg" type=hidden notab
959					}
961					cgi_table_data class=vtext "style=\"color: #${dfgc}\; background-color: #${dbgc};\"" {
962					  cgi_put "[lindex $samp_hdr 0]: "
964					  if {[llength $samp_hdr] == 1} {
965					    switch -- [lindex $samp_hdr 0] {
966					      Date {
967						set samptxt [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"]
968					      }
969					      From {
970						set samptxt [WPCmd PECompose from]
971					      }
972					      default {
973						set samptxt Sample
974					      }
975					    }
977					    button_text text $butno $dfgc $dbgc [cgi_quote_html $samptxt]
978					    cgi_text "add.${field}=1" type=hidden notab
979					  } else {
980					    cgi_text "hi.${field}=[lindex [lindex $samp_hdr end] end]" type=hidden notab
982					    set pref ""
983					    foreach cp [lrange $samp_hdr 1 end] {
984					      button_text text $butno $hdrfg $hdrbg [cgi_quote_html "${pref}[lindex $cp 2]"]
985					      set pref ", "
986					    }
987					  }
988					}
989				      }
990				    }
992				    if {0} {
993				    cgi_table_row {
994				      cgi_td class=dialog [cgi_nbspace]
995				      cgi_table_data {
996					cgi_text newfield= class=vtext
997					cgi_submit_button "addfield=Add New Header Field" class=vtext
998				      }
999				    }
1000				    }
1002				    cgi_table_row {
1003				      cgi_td class=dialog [cgi_nbspace]
1004				      cgi_td class=vtext [cgi_nbspace]
1005				    }
1007				    cgi_table_row {
1008				      cgi_table_data class=dialog align=center {
1009					incr butno
1010					cgi_radio_button text=normal [button_checked $deftext normal]
1011					cgi_text "dfg.normal=$dfgc" type=hidden notab
1012					cgi_text "dbg.normal=$dbgc" type=hidden notab
1013				      }
1015				      cgi_table_data class=vtext "style=\"color: #${dfgc}\; background-color: #${dbgc}\"" {
1016					button_text text $butno $dfgc $dbgc "This is a rather silly message."
1017				      }
1018				    }
1020				    cgi_table_row {
1021				      cgi_td class=dialog [cgi_nbspace]
1022				      cgi_td class=vtext [cgi_nbspace]
1023				    }
1025				    cgi_table_row {
1026				      cgi_td class=dialog [cgi_img [WPimg dot2]]
1027				      cgi_table_data colspan=2 class=vtext "style=\"color: #${dfgc}\; background-color: #${dbgc}\"" {
1028					cgi_put "On Apr 1, 2001, Sample wrote:</a>"
1029				      }
1030				    }
1032				    cgi_table_row {
1033				      cgi_table_data class=dialog align=center {
1034					incr butno
1035					cgi_radio_button text=quote3 [button_checked $deftext quote3]
1036					cgi_text "dfg.quote3=[lindex $colarr(quote3) 0]" type=hidden notab
1037					cgi_text "dbg.quote3=[lindex $colarr(quote3) 1]" type=hidden notab
1038				      }
1040				      cgi_table_data class=vtext "style=\"color: #${dfgc}\; background-color: #${dbgc}\"" {
1041					cgi_put [cgi_span "style=color: #[lindex $colarr(quote1) 0]; background-color: #[lindex $colarr(quote1) 1]" "&gt; "]
1042					cgi_put [cgi_span "style=color: #[lindex $colarr(quote2) 0]; background-color: #[lindex $colarr(quote2) 1]" "&gt; "]
1043					button_text text $butno [lindex $colarr(quote3) 0] [lindex $colarr(quote3) 1] "&gt; This is an example of text that is quoted 3 times"
1044				      }
1045				    }
1047				    cgi_table_row {
1048				      cgi_table_data class=dialog align=center {
1049					incr butno
1050					cgi_radio_button text=quote2 [button_checked $deftext quote2]
1051					cgi_text "dfg.quote2=[lindex $colarr(quote2) 0]" type=hidden notab
1052					cgi_text "dbg.quote2=[lindex $colarr(quote2) 1]" type=hidden notab
1053				      }
1055				      cgi_table_data class=vtext "style=\"color: #${dfgc}\; background-color: #${dbgc}\"" {
1056					cgi_put [cgi_span "style=color: #[lindex $colarr(quote1) 0]; background-color: #[lindex $colarr(quote1) 1]" "&gt; "]
1057					button_text text $butno [lindex $colarr(quote2) 0] [lindex $colarr(quote2) 1] "&gt; This is an example of text that is quoted 2 times"
1058				      }
1059				    }
1061				    cgi_table_row {
1062				      cgi_table_data class=dialog align=center {
1063					incr butno
1064					cgi_radio_button text=quote1 [button_checked $deftext quote1]
1065					cgi_text "dfg.quote1=[lindex $colarr(quote1) 0]" type=hidden notab
1066					cgi_text "dbg.quote1=[lindex $colarr(quote1) 1]" type=hidden notab
1067				      }
1068				      cgi_table_data class=vtext "style=\"color: #${dfgc}\; background-color: #${dbgc}\"" {
1069					button_text text $butno [lindex $colarr(quote1) 0] [lindex $colarr(quote1) 1] "&gt; This is an example of text that is quoted 1 time"
1070				      }
1071				    }
1073				    if {[llength [WPCmd PEInfo signature]]} {
1074				      cgi_table_row "style=\"border-right: 1px solid black\"" {
1075					cgi_td class=dialog [cgi_img [WPimg dot2]]
1076					cgi_table_data class=vtext "style=\"color: #${dfgc}\; background-color: #${dbgc}\"" {
1077					  foreach i [WPCmd PEInfo signature] {
1078					    cgi_puts "$i[cgi_nl]"
1079					  }
1080					}
1081				      }
1082				    }
1084				    cgi_table_row {
1085				      cgi_td class=dialog [cgi_img [WPimg dot2]]
1086				      cgi_td height=1 "bgcolor=#000000" [cgi_img [WPimg dot2] height=1]
1087				    }
1088				  }
1089				}
1090			      }
1092			      cgi_table_row {
1093				cgi_table_data align=center "style=\"padding-top: 16\"" {
1094				  cgi_table width=100% border=0 {
1096				    cgi_table_row colspan=2 {
1097				      cgi_td valign=top align=left xrowspan=3 class=instr "style=\"padding-right: 4; background-color: #ffcc66; border: 1px solid black\"" [cgi_span "style=padding: 2;" "2"]
1098				      cgi_td width=30% colspan=2 valign=top class=instr "Choose fore- or background..."
1099				      cgi_td rowspan=3 width=3% [cgi_img [WPimg dot2]]
1100				      cgi_td valign=top align=left xrowspan=3 class=instr "style=\"padding-right: 4; background-color: #ffcc66; border: 1px solid black\"" [cgi_span "style=padding: 2;" "3"]
1101				      cgi_table_data valign=middle class=instr nowrap {
1102					cgi_put "Choose item's color below, or[cgi_nbspace]"
1103					cgi_submit_button "reset=restore its default colors"
1104				      }
1105				    }
1107				    cgi_table_row {
1108				      cgi_td rowspan=2 [cgi_img [WPimg dot2]]
1109				      cgi_table_data align=right {
1110					if {[string compare $defground f] == 0} {
1111					  set checked checked
1112					} else {
1113					  set checked ""
1114					}
1116					cgi_radio_button ground=f $checked
1117				      }
1119				      cgi_table_data "style=\"font-size: 10pt\"" {
1120					button_text ground 0 "" "" Foreground
1121				      }
1123				      cgi_td rowspan=2 [cgi_img [WPimg dot2]]
1124				      cgi_table_data rowspan=2 {
1125					cgi_image_button "colormap=[WPimg nondither10x10]" alt="Color Pattern" "style=\"border: 1px solid black\""
1126				      }
1127				    }
1129				    cgi_table_row {
1130				      cgi_table_data align=right {
1131					if {[string compare $defground b] == 0} {
1132					  set checked checked
1133					} else {
1134					  set checked ""
1135					}
1137					cgi_radio_button ground=b $checked
1138				      }
1140				      cgi_table_data "style=\"font-size: 10pt\"" {
1141					button_text ground 1 "" "" [cgi_span "style=color: black; background-color: #FFCC66; padding: 4" "Background"]
1142				      }
1143				    }
1144				  }
1145				}
1146			      }
1148			      cgi_table_row {
1149				cgi_table_data colspan=2 align=center class=instr nowrap "style=\"padding-top: 16; padding-bottom: 10;\"" {
1150				  cgi_puts "Alternatively, you can also "
1151				  cgi_submit_button "reset=Restore All Color Defaults"
1152				}
1153			      }
1155			      if {0} {
1156			      cgi_table_row {
1157				cgi_table_data class=instr nowrap "style=\"padding-top: 16; padding-bottom: 10;\"" {
1158				  cgi_put [cgi_span "style=padding: 2; background-color: #ffcc66; border: 1px solid black" "OR"]
1159				  cgi_put " Enter header name[cgi_nbspace]"
1160				  cgi_text newfield= class=vtext
1161				  cgi_put "[cgi_nbspace]to[cgi_nbspace]"
1162				  cgi_submit_button "addfield=Add to Those Being Colored"
1163				}
1164			      }
1165			      }
1166			    }
1168			    cgi_puts "</fieldset>"
1169			  }
1170			}
1171		      }
1172		    }
1173		  }
1174		}
1175		incr icnt
1176	      }
1177	    }
1178	  }
1179	}
1180      }
1181    }
1182  }