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Name Date Size #Lines LOC




.gitignoreH A D10-Nov-201783 98

COPYRIGHTH A D10-Nov-20171.4 KiB2923

MakefileH A D07-Nov-20182.7 KiB8363

Makefile.oldH A D07-Nov-20182.7 KiB8363

PatchVersionH A D10-Nov-2017360 1713

exmhH A D07-Nov-20184.5 KiB14275

exmh-asyncH A D07-Nov-2018850 3212

exmh-async.MASTERH A D10-Nov-2017841 3225

exmh-bgH A D07-Nov-20186.5 KiB231151

exmh-bg.MASTERH A D10-Nov-20175.5 KiB203187

exmh-stripH A D07-Nov-201814 KiB503361

exmh-strip.MASTERH A D10-Nov-201713 KiB475414

exmh.BUGSH A D10-Nov-20178.3 KiB331247

exmh.CHANGESH A D07-Nov-2018222.2 KiB4,7504,302

exmh.MASTERH A D10-Nov-20173.6 KiB11497

exmh.READMEH A D07-Nov-20181.6 KiB4537

exmh.README.oldH A D10-Nov-20171.6 KiB4537

exmh.TODOH A D10-Nov-201710.7 KiB413328

exmh.installH A D07-Nov-201810.6 KiB240197

exmh.lH A D10-Nov-201734.7 KiB825822

exmhcompH A D10-Nov-2017567 2620

ftp.expectH A D07-Nov-2018518 2823

ftp.expect.MASTERH A D10-Nov-2017509 2825

inc.expectH A D07-Nov-20181.7 KiB8042

inc.expect.MASTERH A D10-Nov-20171.7 KiB8067

install.tclH A D10-Nov-201725.6 KiB953874

my.todo.listH A D22-Oct-20181.7 KiB4538

version.bashH A D10-Nov-2017529 2110

version.cshH A D10-Nov-2017526 209

version.sedH A D10-Nov-201732 32


1Sun Jan  2 20:56:42 PST 2005
4exmh is a TCL/TK based interface to the MH mail system.
5MH can be found at http://www.mhost.com/nmh/
6Version 2.7.2 requires Tcl/Tk 8.3 or higher - works with
7the latest (8.4.5)
9All the docs have moved into html and are viewable from within
10the installer as well as from within a running exmh.
11The exmh home page is
13Exmh builds on many related software packages:
15Exmh sources live at SourceForge under
18To install, run
20wish exmh.install
22You can send me email with the word "exmh" in the subject,
23but you may get better response from the exmh-users mailing list.
24Subscribe via "exmh-users-request@redhat.com"
25Send a message whose subject line reads 'subscribe' and whose
26From or Reply-To line contains the email address to add.
28Thanks to the dozen or so folks that have write access to
29the CVS code base who continue to add features and fix bugs.
30You see these folks listed in the exmh.CHANGES file:
32cwg		Chris Garrigues <cwg-exmh@DeepEddy.Com>
33iko		Anders Hammarquist <iko@cd.chalmers.se>
34haldevore	Hal DeVore <haldevore@earthling.net>
35jbeck		John Beck <jbeck@eng.sun.com>
36slipcon		Scott Lipcon <slipcon@mercea.net>
37gruber		Markus Gruber <gruber@eikon.tum.de>
38jrennie		Jason Rennie <jrennie@justresearch.com>
39valdis		Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu
40bmah		bmah@CA.Sandia.GOV (Bruce A. Mah)
41kchrist		Kevin.Christian@lsil.com
42jmorzins	Jacob Morzinski <jmorzins@MIT.EDU>
43aer		Anders Eriksson	<aer@users.sourceforge.net>
44stanton		Scott Stanton <stanton@users.sourceforge.net>