1# Copyright (C) 1998-2018 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
5# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
6# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11# GNU General Public License for more details.
13# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
16# USA.
18"""Handle delivery bounces."""
20import sys
21import time
22from types import StringType
24from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
25from email.MIMEMessage import MIMEMessage
27from Mailman import mm_cfg
28from Mailman import Utils
29from Mailman import Message
30from Mailman import MemberAdaptor
31from Mailman import Pending
32from Mailman.Errors import MMUnknownListError
33from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog
34from Mailman import i18n
38# This constant is supposed to represent the day containing the first midnight
39# after the epoch.  We'll add (0,)*6 to this tuple to get a value appropriate
40# for time.mktime().
41ZEROHOUR_PLUSONEDAY = time.localtime(mm_cfg.days(1))[:3]
43def D_(s): return s
44_ = D_
46REASONS = {MemberAdaptor.BYBOUNCE: _('due to excessive bounces'),
47           MemberAdaptor.BYUSER: _('by yourself'),
48           MemberAdaptor.BYADMIN: _('by the list administrator'),
49           MemberAdaptor.UNKNOWN: _('for unknown reasons'),
50           }
52_ = i18n._
56class _BounceInfo:
57    def __init__(self, member, score, date, noticesleft):
58        self.member = member
59        self.cookie = None
60        self.reset(score, date, noticesleft)
62    def reset(self, score, date, noticesleft):
63        self.score = score
64        self.date = date
65        self.noticesleft = noticesleft
66        self.lastnotice = ZEROHOUR_PLUSONEDAY
68    def __repr__(self):
69        # For debugging
70        return """\
71<bounce info for member %(member)s
72        current score: %(score)s
73        last bounce date: %(date)s
74        email notices left: %(noticesleft)s
75        last notice date: %(lastnotice)s
76        confirmation cookie: %(cookie)s
77        >""" % self.__dict__
81class Bouncer:
82    def InitVars(self):
83        # Configurable...
84        self.bounce_processing = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_BOUNCE_PROCESSING
85        self.bounce_score_threshold = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_BOUNCE_SCORE_THRESHOLD
86        self.bounce_info_stale_after = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_BOUNCE_INFO_STALE_AFTER
87        self.bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings = \
89        self.bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings_interval = \
91        self.bounce_unrecognized_goes_to_list_owner = \
93        self.bounce_notify_owner_on_bounce_increment = \
95        self.bounce_notify_owner_on_disable = \
97        self.bounce_notify_owner_on_removal = \
99        # Not configurable...
100        #
101        # This holds legacy member related information.  It's keyed by the
102        # member address, and the value is an object containing the bounce
103        # score, the date of the last received bounce, and a count of the
104        # notifications left to send.
105        self.bounce_info = {}
106        # New style delivery status
107        self.delivery_status = {}
109    def registerBounce(self, member, msg, weight=1.0, day=None, sibling=False):
110        if not self.isMember(member):
111            # check regular_include_lists, only one level
112            if not self.regular_include_lists or sibling:
113                return
114            from Mailman.MailList import MailList
115            for listaddr in self.regular_include_lists:
116                listname, hostname = listaddr.split('@')
117                listname = listname.lower()
118                if listname == self.internal_name():
119                    syslog('error',
120                           'Bouncer: %s: Include list self reference',
121                           listname)
122                    continue
123                try:
124                    siblist = None
125                    try:
126                        siblist = MailList(listname)
127                    except MMUnknownListError:
128                        syslog('error',
129                               'Bouncer: %s: Include list "%s" not found.',
130                               self.real_name,
131                               listname)
132                        continue
133                    siblist.registerBounce(member, msg, weight, day,
134                                           sibling=True)
135                    siblist.Save()
136                finally:
137                    if siblist and siblist.Locked():
138                        siblist.Unlock()
139            return
140        info = self.getBounceInfo(member)
141        first_today = True
142        if day is None:
143            # Use today's date
144            day = time.localtime()[:3]
145        if not isinstance(info, _BounceInfo):
146            # This is the first bounce we've seen from this member
147            info = _BounceInfo(member, weight, day,
148                               self.bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings)
149            # setBounceInfo is now called below after check phase.
150            syslog('bounce', '%s: %s bounce score: %s', self.internal_name(),
151                   member, info.score)
152            # Continue to the check phase below
153        elif self.getDeliveryStatus(member) <> MemberAdaptor.ENABLED:
154            # The user is already disabled, so we can just ignore subsequent
155            # bounces.  These are likely due to residual messages that were
156            # sent before disabling the member, but took a while to bounce.
157            syslog('bounce', '%s: %s residual bounce received',
158                   self.internal_name(), member)
159            return
160        elif info.date == day:
161            # We've already scored any bounces for this day, so ignore it.
162            first_today = False
163            syslog('bounce', '%s: %s already scored a bounce for date %s',
164                   self.internal_name(), member,
165                   time.strftime('%d-%b-%Y', day + (0,0,0,0,1,0)))
166            # Continue to check phase below
167        else:
168            # See if this member's bounce information is stale.
169            now = Utils.midnight(day)
170            lastbounce = Utils.midnight(info.date)
171            if lastbounce + self.bounce_info_stale_after < now:
172                # Information is stale, so simply reset it
173                info.reset(weight, day, self.bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings)
174                syslog('bounce', '%s: %s has stale bounce info, resetting',
175                       self.internal_name(), member)
176            else:
177                # Nope, the information isn't stale, so add to the bounce
178                # score and take any necessary action.
179                info.score += weight
180                info.date = day
181                syslog('bounce', '%s: %s current bounce score: %s',
182                       self.internal_name(), member, info.score)
183            # Continue to the check phase below
184        #
185        # Now that we've adjusted the bounce score for this bounce, let's
186        # check to see if the disable-by-bounce threshold has been reached.
187        if info.score >= self.bounce_score_threshold:
188            if mm_cfg.VERP_PROBES:
189                syslog('bounce',
190                   'sending %s list probe to: %s (score %s >= %s)',
191                   self.internal_name(), member, info.score,
192                   self.bounce_score_threshold)
193                self.sendProbe(member, msg)
194                info.reset(0, info.date, info.noticesleft)
195            else:
196                self.disableBouncingMember(member, info, msg)
197        elif self.bounce_notify_owner_on_bounce_increment and first_today:
198            self.__sendAdminBounceNotice(member, msg,
199                                         did=_('bounce score incremented'))
200        # We've set/changed bounce info above.  We now need to tell the
201        # MemberAdaptor to set/update it.  We do it here in case the
202        # MemberAdaptor stores bounce info externally to the list object to
203        # be sure updated information is stored, but we have to be sure the
204        # member wasn't removed.
205        if self.isMember(member):
206            self.setBounceInfo(member, info)
208    def disableBouncingMember(self, member, info, msg):
209        # Initialize their confirmation cookie.  If we do it when we get the
210        # first bounce, it'll expire by the time we get the disabling bounce.
211        cookie = self.pend_new(Pending.RE_ENABLE, self.internal_name(), member)
212        info.cookie = cookie
213        # In case the MemberAdaptor stores bounce info externally to
214        # the list, we need to tell it to save the cookie
215        self.setBounceInfo(member, info)
216        # Disable them
217        if mm_cfg.VERP_PROBES:
218            syslog('bounce', '%s: %s disabling due to probe bounce received',
219                   self.internal_name(), member)
220        else:
221            syslog('bounce', '%s: %s disabling due to bounce score %s >= %s',
222                   self.internal_name(), member,
223                   info.score, self.bounce_score_threshold)
224        self.setDeliveryStatus(member, MemberAdaptor.BYBOUNCE)
225        self.sendNextNotification(member)
226        if self.bounce_notify_owner_on_disable:
227            self.__sendAdminBounceNotice(member, msg)
229    def __sendAdminBounceNotice(self, member, msg, did=None):
230        # BAW: This is a bit kludgey, but we're not providing as much
231        # information in the new admin bounce notices as we used to (some of
232        # it was of dubious value).  However, we'll provide empty, strange, or
233        # meaningless strings for the unused %()s fields so that the language
234        # translators don't have to provide new templates.
235        if did is None:
236            did = _('disabled')
237        siteowner = Utils.get_site_email(self.host_name)
238        text = Utils.maketext(
239            'bounce.txt',
240            {'listname' : self.real_name,
241             'addr'     : member,
242             'negative' : '',
243             'did'      : did,
244             'but'      : '',
245             'reenable' : '',
246             'owneraddr': siteowner,
247             }, mlist=self)
248        subject = _('Bounce action notification')
249        umsg = Message.UserNotification(self.GetOwnerEmail(),
250                                        siteowner, subject,
251                                        lang=self.preferred_language)
252        # BAW: Be sure you set the type before trying to attach, or you'll get
253        # a MultipartConversionError.
254        umsg.set_type('multipart/mixed')
255        umsg.attach(
256            MIMEText(text, _charset=Utils.GetCharSet(self.preferred_language)))
257        if isinstance(msg, StringType):
258            umsg.attach(MIMEText(msg))
259        else:
260            umsg.attach(MIMEMessage(msg))
261        umsg.send(self)
263    def sendNextNotification(self, member):
264        global _
265        info = self.getBounceInfo(member)
266        if info is None:
267            return
268        reason = self.getDeliveryStatus(member)
269        if info.noticesleft <= 0:
270            # BAW: Remove them now, with a notification message
271            _ = D_
272            self.ApprovedDeleteMember(
273                member, _('disabled address'),
274                admin_notif=self.bounce_notify_owner_on_removal,
275                userack=1)
276            _ = i18n._
277            # Expunge the pending cookie for the user.  We throw away the
278            # returned data.
279            self.pend_confirm(info.cookie)
280            if reason == MemberAdaptor.BYBOUNCE:
281                syslog('bounce', '%s: %s deleted after exhausting notices',
282                       self.internal_name(), member)
283            syslog('subscribe', '%s: %s auto-unsubscribed [reason: %s]',
284                   self.internal_name(), member,
285                   {MemberAdaptor.BYBOUNCE: 'BYBOUNCE',
286                    MemberAdaptor.BYUSER: 'BYUSER',
287                    MemberAdaptor.BYADMIN: 'BYADMIN',
288                    MemberAdaptor.UNKNOWN: 'UNKNOWN'}.get(
289                reason, 'invalid value'))
290            return
291        # Send the next notification
292        confirmurl = '%s/%s' % (self.GetScriptURL('confirm', absolute=1),
293                                info.cookie)
294        optionsurl = self.GetOptionsURL(member, absolute=1)
295        reqaddr = self.GetRequestEmail()
296        lang = self.getMemberLanguage(member)
297        txtreason = REASONS.get(reason)
298        if txtreason is None:
299            txtreason = _('for unknown reasons')
300        else:
301            txtreason = _(txtreason)
302        # Give a little bit more detail on bounce disables
303        if reason == MemberAdaptor.BYBOUNCE:
304            date = time.strftime('%d-%b-%Y',
305                                 time.localtime(Utils.midnight(info.date)))
306            extra = _(' The last bounce received from you was dated %(date)s')
307            txtreason += extra
308        text = Utils.maketext(
309            'disabled.txt',
310            {'listname'   : self.real_name,
311             'noticesleft': info.noticesleft,
312             'confirmurl' : confirmurl,
313             'optionsurl' : optionsurl,
314             'password'   : self.getMemberPassword(member),
315             'owneraddr'  : self.GetOwnerEmail(),
316             'reason'     : txtreason,
317             }, lang=lang, mlist=self)
318        msg = Message.UserNotification(member, reqaddr, text=text, lang=lang)
319        # BAW: See the comment in MailList.py ChangeMemberAddress() for why we
320        # set the Subject this way.
321        del msg['subject']
322        msg['Subject'] = 'confirm ' + info.cookie
323        # Send without Precedence: bulk.  Bug #808821.
324        msg.send(self, noprecedence=True)
325        info.noticesleft -= 1
326        info.lastnotice = time.localtime()[:3]
327        # In case the MemberAdaptor stores bounce info externally to
328        # the list, we need to tell it to update
329        self.setBounceInfo(member, info)
331    def BounceMessage(self, msg, msgdata, e=None):
332        # Bounce a message back to the sender, with an error message if
333        # provided in the exception argument.
334        sender = msg.get_sender()
335        subject = msg.get('subject', _('(no subject)'))
336        subject = Utils.oneline(subject,
337                                Utils.GetCharSet(self.preferred_language))
338        if e is None:
339            notice = _('[No bounce details are available]')
340        else:
341            notice = _(e.notice())
342        # Currently we always craft bounces as MIME messages.
343        bmsg = Message.UserNotification(msg.get_sender(),
344                                        self.GetOwnerEmail(),
345                                        subject,
346                                        lang=self.preferred_language)
347        # BAW: Be sure you set the type before trying to attach, or you'll get
348        # a MultipartConversionError.
349        bmsg.set_type('multipart/mixed')
350        txt = MIMEText(notice,
351                       _charset=Utils.GetCharSet(self.preferred_language))
352        bmsg.attach(txt)
353        bmsg.attach(MIMEMessage(msg))
354        bmsg.send(self)