1/* # */
2/* # This file contains all the word, phrases and sentences that are output */
3/* # to a user by MailScanner. They are all here so that you can translate */
4/* # them into your language. */
5/* # You should only edit what is on the right of each "=". */
6/* # If you set the "Language Strings" option in MailScanner.conf to be a */
7/* # ruleset (or even a function!) then you can output responses in different */
8/* # languages to different users and customers. */
9/* # */
10/* # Used in spam header */
11"Blacklisted" = "blacklisted";
12"Whitelisted" = "whitelisted";
13"NotSpam" = "geen spam";
14"Spam" = "spam";
15/* # used when creating VirusWarning.txt */
16"TheEntireMessage" = "het gehele bericht";
17"NotNamed" = "niet benoemd";
18/* # used for sysadmin notifications */
19"NoticeSubject" = "Waarschuwing: E-mail virussen gedetecteerd";
20"FullHeadersAre" = "De volledige headers zijn";
21/* # used for delivering truly disinfected attachments */
22"Disinfected" = "Gedesinfecteerd";
23/* # used for virus report in unparsable messages */
24"CantAnalyze" = "Kon het bericht niet analyseren";
25/* # used for virus report in unparsable TNEF messages */
26"BadTNEF" = "Kon de Outlook Rich Text bijlage niet verwerken";
27/* # used for creating sysadmin notifications */
28"NoticeHeading" = "De volgende e-mail berichten zijn gedetecteerd als besmet met een virus";
29/* # used when SpamAssassin has timed out too often */
30"SADisabled" = "Uitgeschakeld vanwege %d opeenvolgende timeouts";
31/* # used when message size exceeds configured SpamAssassin max message size */
32"SATooLarge" = "Bericht groter dan maximale grootte voor spam test";
33/* # used when trying to use SpamAssassin on a bad message with no headers */
34"SANoHeaders" = "Bericht bevatte geen headers";
35/* # used when creating SpamAssassin results header */
36"score" = "score";
37"required" = "vereist";
38"SATimedOut" = "timed out";
39/* # used when creating reports for messages with dangerous content */
40"PartialMessage" = "Gefragmenteerde berichten kunnen niet worden geanalyseerd en zijn daarom verwijderd";
41"FoundIFrame" = "Gevaarlijke IFrame tag in HTML bericht gevonden";
42"FoundForm" = "Het bericht bevat een HTML formulier";
43"FoundScript" = "Gevaarlijke Script tag in HTMl bericht gevonden";
44"FoundObject" = "Gevaarlijke Object Codebase/Data tag in HTML bericht gevonden";
45"ExternalBody" = "Externe bericht inhoud kan niet worden gescanned en zijn daarom verwijderd";
46"EudoraLongMIME" = "Eudora long-MIME-boundary aanval";
47/* # used when detecting denial-of-service attacks */
48"DOSAttack" = "Denial of Service aanval in bericht!";
49/* # used when detecting+blocking (un)encrypted messages */
50"encrypted" = "Bericht was encrypted";
51"unencrypted" = "Bericht was niet encrypted";
52/* # used in spam reports */
53"SpamAssassin" = "SpamAssassin";
54/* # Used in virus reports */
55"Report" = "Bericht";
56/* # Used in virus reports */
57"TooBig" = "Bericht is te groot";
58"AttachmentTooLarge" = "Bijlage is te groot";
59"AttachmentTooSmall" = "Attachment is too small";
60"TooManyAttachments" = "Te veel bijlagen in bericht";
61/* # Used in filename/filetype/content reports */
62"MailScanner" = "MailScanner";
63/* # Used in MCP checks */
64"MCP" = "MCP";
65"MCPSpamAssassin" = "MCP-Checker";
66"MCPnotspam" = "MCP-Clean";
67"MCPspam" = "MCP-Trapped";
68"MCPblacklisted" = "MCP-Blacklisted";
69"MCPwhitelisted" = "MCP-Whitelisted";
70"MCPsadisabled" = "MCP disabled";
71"MCPsanoheaders" = "MCP Message had no headers";
72"MCPsatimedout" = "MCP timed out";
73/* # Used in passworded-archives checks */
74"UnreadableArchive" = "Het bericht bevat een archief dat niet gelezen kan worden";
75"PasswordedArchive" = "Het bericht bevat een archief dat met een wachtwoord is beveiligd";
76"NonPasswordedArchive" = "Message contained archive which was not password-protected";
77"ArchiveTooDeep" = "Message contained archive nested too deeply";
78/* # Used in Postmaster notices */
79"NoticeVirusInfected" = "Virus Detected";
80"NoticeFilenameInfected" = "Bad Filename Detected";
81"NoticeOtherInfected" = "Other Bad Content Detected";
82"NoticePasswordProtected" = "Password-protected Archive Detected";
83"NoticeNonPasswordProtected" = "Non-password-protected Archive Detected";
84"NoticePrefix" = "The following e-mails were found to have";
85/* # Used in Phishing Fraud attack detections. The "End" must close all the */
86/* # HTML highlighting done in the "Start". */
87"PossibleFraudStart" = "<font color=\"red\"><b> MailScanner heeft een e-mail met mogelijk een poging tot fraude gevonden van";
88"PossibleFraudEnd" = "</b></font>";
89"NumericLinkWarning" = "<font color=\"red\"><b>MailScanner warning: numerical links are often malicious:</b></font>";
90/* # Used in "From:" header of many reports */
91"PostmasterName" = "MailScanner";
92"GSDisabled" = "Custom Spam Scanner disabled due to repeated failures";
93/* # Used in simple filename allow/deny rules (not filename.rules.conf) */
94"FoundBlockedFilename" = "Blocked Filename Detected";
95"FoundBlockedFiletype" = "Blocked Filetype Detected";
96/* # Used in SpamAssassin cache results headers */
97"cached" = "cached";
98"notcached" = "not cached";
99/* # Used when testing message size against Max Spam Check Size */
100"skippedastoobig" = "not spam (too large)";
101/* # Used in the watermarking spam report */
102"watermarked" = "watermarked";
103"NoticeSizeInfected" = "Attachment detected outside size limits";
104/* # Used in Phishing Fraud attack detections. The "End" must close all the */
105/* # HTML highlighting done in the "Start". */
106"DefiniteFraudStart" = "<font color=\"red\"><b>MailScanner has detected definite fraud in the website at";
107"DefiniteFraudEnd" = ". Do <i>not</i> trust this website:</b></font>";
108/* # Used in reports of attacks on HTML::Parser (used for analysing HTML messages) */
109"HTMLParserAttack" = "MailScanner was attacked by a Denial Of Service attack, and has therefore \ndeleted this part of the message. Please contact your e-mail providers \nfor more information if you need it, giving them the whole of this report.";
110/* # Used in reports of messages that have caused MailScanner to crash */
111"KilledMailScanner" = "Message attempted to kill MailScanner";
112"HiddenLinkWarningStart" = "<font color=\"red\"><b>MailScanner has detected that this item links to ";
113"HiddenLinkWarningEnd" = ". Use Caution and only open this link if it is trustworthy.</b></font>";
114/* # QP DOS Detection */
115"QPDOSFail" = "Suspected QP DOS, checks failed, could not read file"
116"QPDOSFound" = "Suspected QP DOS, found blank space line of length"