1package Sisimai::Lhost::Facebook;
2use parent 'Sisimai::Lhost';
3use feature ':5.10';
4use strict;
5use warnings;
7sub description { 'Facebook: https://www.facebook.com' }
8sub make {
9    # Detect an error from Facebook
10    # @param    [Hash] mhead    Message headers of a bounce email
11    # @param    [String] mbody  Message body of a bounce email
12    # @return   [Hash]          Bounce data list and message/rfc822 part
13    # @return   [Undef]         failed to parse or the arguments are missing
14    # @since v4.0.0
15    my $class = shift;
16    my $mhead = shift // return undef;
17    my $mbody = shift // return undef;
19    return undef unless $mhead->{'from'} eq 'Facebook <mailer-daemon@mx.facebook.com>';
20    return undef unless $mhead->{'subject'} eq 'Sorry, your message could not be delivered';
22    state $indicators = __PACKAGE__->INDICATORS;
23    state $rebackbone = qr|^Content-Disposition:[ ]inline|m;
24    state $startingof = { 'message' => ['This message was created automatically by Facebook.'] };
25    state $errorcodes = {
26        # http://postmaster.facebook.com/response_codes
28        'userunknown' => [
29            'RCP-P1',   # The attempted recipient address does not exist.
30            'INT-P1',   # The attempted recipient address does not exist.
31            'INT-P3',   # The attempted recpient group address does not exist.
32            'INT-P4',   # The attempted recipient address does not exist.
33        ],
34        'filtered' => [
35            'RCP-P2',   # The attempted recipient's preferences prevent messages from being delivered.
36            'RCP-P3',   # The attempted recipient's privacy settings blocked the delivery.
37        ],
38        'mesgtoobig' => [
39            'MSG-P1',   # The message exceeds Facebook's maximum allowed size.
40            'INT-P2',   # The message exceeds Facebook's maximum allowed size.
41        ],
42        'contenterror' => [
43            'MSG-P2',   # The message contains an attachment type that Facebook does not accept.
44            'MSG-P3',   # The message contains multiple instances of a header field that can only be present once. Please see RFC 5322, section 3.6 for more information
45            'POL-P6',   # The message contains a url that has been blocked by Facebook.
46            'POL-P7',   # The message does not comply with Facebook's abuse policies and will not be accepted.
47        ],
48        'securityerror' => [
49            'POL-P1',   # Your mail server's IP Address is listed on the Spamhaus PBL.
50            'POL-P2',   # Facebook will no longer accept mail from your mail server's IP Address.
51            'POL-P5',   # The message contains a virus.
52            'POL-P7',   # The message does not comply with Facebook's Domain Authentication requirements.
53        ],
54        'notaccept' => [
55            'POL-P3',   # Facebook is not accepting messages from your mail server. This will persist for 4 to 8 hours.
56            'POL-P4',   # Facebook is not accepting messages from your mail server. This will persist for 24 to 48 hours.
57            'POL-T1',   # Facebook is not accepting messages from your mail server, but they may be retried later. This will persist for 1 to 2 hours.
58            'POL-T2',   # Facebook is not accepting messages from your mail server, but they may be retried later. This will persist for 4 to 8 hours.
59            'POL-T3',   # Facebook is not accepting messages from your mail server, but they may be retried later. This will persist for 24 to 48 hours.
60        ],
61        'rejected' => [
62            'DNS-P1',   # Your SMTP MAIL FROM domain does not exist.
63            'DNS-P2',   # Your SMTP MAIL FROM domain does not have an MX record.
64            'DNS-T1',   # Your SMTP MAIL FROM domain exists but does not currently resolve.
65            'DNS-P3',   # Your mail server does not have a reverse DNS record.
66            'DNS-T2',   # You mail server's reverse DNS record does not currently resolve.
67        ],
68        'systemerror' => [
69            'CON-T1',   # Facebook's mail server currently has too many connections open to allow another one.
70        ],
71        'toomanyconn' => [
72            'CON-T3',   # Your mail server has opened too many new connections to Facebook's mail servers in a short period of time.
73        ],
74        'suspend' => [
75            'RCP-T4',   # The attempted recipient address is currently deactivated. The user may or may not reactivate it.
76        ],
77        'undefined' => [
78            'RCP-T1',   # The attempted recipient address is not currently available due to an internal system issue. This is a temporary condition.
79            'MSG-T1',   # The number of recipients on the message exceeds Facebook's allowed maximum.
80            'CON-T2',   # Your mail server currently has too many connections open to Facebook's mail servers.
81            'CON-T4',   # Your mail server has exceeded the maximum number of recipients for its current connection.
82        ],
83    };
85    require Sisimai::RFC1894;
86    my $fieldtable = Sisimai::RFC1894->FIELDTABLE;
87    my $permessage = {};    # (Hash) Store values of each Per-Message field
89    my $dscontents = [__PACKAGE__->DELIVERYSTATUS];
90    my $emailsteak = Sisimai::RFC5322->fillet($mbody, $rebackbone);
91    my $readcursor = 0;     # (Integer) Points the current cursor position
92    my $recipients = 0;     # (Integer) The number of 'Final-Recipient' header
93    my $fbresponse = '';    # (String) Response code from Facebook
94    my $v = undef;
95    my $p = '';
97    for my $e ( split("\n", $emailsteak->[0]) ) {
98        # Read error messages and delivery status lines from the head of the email
99        # to the previous line of the beginning of the original message.
100        unless( $readcursor ) {
101            # Beginning of the bounce message or message/delivery-status part
102            $readcursor |= $indicators->{'deliverystatus'} if index($e, $startingof->{'message'}->[0]) == 0;
103            next;
104        }
105        next unless $readcursor & $indicators->{'deliverystatus'};
106        next unless length $e;
108        if( my $f = Sisimai::RFC1894->match($e) ) {
109            # $e matched with any field defined in RFC3464
110            next unless my $o = Sisimai::RFC1894->field($e);
111            $v = $dscontents->[-1];
113            if( $o->[-1] eq 'addr' ) {
114                # Final-Recipient: rfc822; kijitora@example.jp
115                # X-Actual-Recipient: rfc822; kijitora@example.co.jp
116                if( $o->[0] eq 'final-recipient' ) {
117                    # Final-Recipient: rfc822; kijitora@example.jp
118                    if( $v->{'recipient'} ) {
119                        # There are multiple recipient addresses in the message body.
120                        push @$dscontents, __PACKAGE__->DELIVERYSTATUS;
121                        $v = $dscontents->[-1];
122                    }
123                    $v->{'recipient'} = $o->[2];
124                    $recipients++;
126                } else {
127                    # X-Actual-Recipient: rfc822; kijitora@example.co.jp
128                    $v->{'alias'} = $o->[2];
129                }
130            } elsif( $o->[-1] eq 'code' ) {
131                # Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 550 5.1.1 <userunknown@example.jp>... User Unknown
132                $v->{'spec'} = $o->[1];
133                $v->{'diagnosis'} = $o->[2];
135            } else {
136                # Other DSN fields defined in RFC3464
137                next unless exists $fieldtable->{ $o->[0] };
138                $v->{ $fieldtable->{ $o->[0] } } = $o->[2];
140                next unless $f == 1;
141                $permessage->{ $fieldtable->{ $o->[0] } } = $o->[2];
142            }
143        } else {
144            # Continued line of the value of Diagnostic-Code field
145            next unless index($p, 'Diagnostic-Code:') == 0;
146            next unless $e =~ /\A[ \t]+(.+)\z/;
147            $v->{'diagnosis'} .= ' '.$1;
148        }
149    } continue {
150        # Save the current line for the next loop
151        $p = $e;
152    }
153    return undef unless $recipients;
155    for my $e ( @$dscontents ) {
156        $e->{'lhost'}   ||= $permessage->{'lhost'};
157        $e->{'diagnosis'} = Sisimai::String->sweep($e->{'diagnosis'});
159        if( $e->{'diagnosis'} =~ /\b([A-Z]{3})[-]([A-Z])(\d)\b/ ) {
160            # Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.1.1 RCP-P2
161            $fbresponse = sprintf("%s-%s%d", $1, $2, $3);
162        }
164        SESSION: for my $r ( keys %$errorcodes ) {
165            # Verify each regular expression of session errors
166            PATTERN: for my $rr ( @{ $errorcodes->{ $r } } ) {
167                # Check each regular expression
168                next(PATTERN) unless $fbresponse eq $rr;
169                $e->{'reason'} = $r;
170                last(SESSION);
171            }
172        }
173        next if $e->{'reason'};
175        # http://postmaster.facebook.com/response_codes
176        #   Facebook System Resource Issues
177        #   These codes indicate a temporary issue internal to Facebook's
178        #   system. Administrators observing these issues are not required to
179        #   take any action to correct them.
180        #
181        # * INT-Tx
182        #
183        # https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/cdmix/eXfi4ddgYLQ
184        # This block has not been tested because we have no email sample
185        # including "INT-T?" error code.
186        next unless $fbresponse =~ /\AINT-T\d+\z/;
187        $e->{'reason'} = 'systemerror';
188    }
189    return { 'ds' => $dscontents, 'rfc822' => $emailsteak->[1] };
195=encoding utf-8
197=head1 NAME
199Sisimai::Lhost::Facebook - bounce mail parser class for C<Facebook>.
201=head1 SYNOPSIS
203    use Sisimai::Lhost::Facebook;
207Sisimai::Lhost::Facebook parses a bounce email which created by C<Facebook>.
208Methods in the module are called from only Sisimai::Message.
212=head2 C<B<description()>>
214C<description()> returns description string of this module.
216    print Sisimai::Lhost::Facebook->description;
218=head2 C<B<make(I<header data>, I<reference to body string>)>>
220C<make()> method parses a bounced email and return results as a array reference.
221See Sisimai::Message for more details.
223=head1 AUTHOR
227=head1 COPYRIGHT
229Copyright (C) 2014-2020 azumakuniyuki, All rights reserved.
231=head1 LICENSE
233This software is distributed under The BSD 2-Clause License.