1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<package packagerversion="1.9.3" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
3 <name>Mail_Queue</name>
4 <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
5 <summary>Class for put mails in queue and send them later in background.</summary>
6 <description>Class to handle mail queue managment.
7Wrapper for PEAR::Mail and PEAR::DB (or PEAR::MDB/MDB2). It can load, save and send saved mails in background and also backup some mails.
9The Mail_Queue class puts mails in a temporary container, waiting to be fed to the MTA (Mail Transport Agent), and sends them later (e.g. a certain amount of mails every few minutes) by crontab or in other way.</description>
10 <lead>
11  <name>Lorenzo Alberton</name>
12  <user>quipo</user>
13  <email>l.alberton@quipo.it</email>
14  <active>yes</active>
15 </lead>
16 <lead>
17  <name>Till Klampaeckel</name>
18  <user>till</user>
19  <email>till@php.net</email>
20  <active>yes</active>
21 </lead>
22 <lead>
23  <name>Radek Maciaszek</name>
24  <user>chief</user>
25  <email>radek.maciaszek@gmail.com</email>
26  <active>no</active>
27 </lead>
28 <lead>
29  <name>Marco Kaiser</name>
30  <user>bate</user>
31  <email>bate@php.net</email>
32  <active>no</active>
33 </lead>
34 <date>2011-06-30</date>
35 <time>14:48:04</time>
36 <version>
37  <release>1.2.7</release>
38  <api>1.2.2</api>
39 </version>
40 <stability>
41  <release>stable</release>
42  <api>stable</api>
43 </stability>
44 <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
45 <notes>
46* Implement Feature #18256: Addition to Mail Queue Tutorial [quipo]
47 * Implement Feature #18038: Reaching the set limit should not generate an error [till]
48 </notes>
49 <contents>
50  <dir baseinstalldir="/" name="/">
51   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="8c598fc6e30f201865220c539e46a78f" name="docs/add_example.php" role="doc" />
52   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="15b03e126909147ff27d9050daaf78de" name="docs/base.php" role="doc" />
53   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="efabd375ac99c09662e53cc07f891dac" name="docs/mdb_mail_queue_schema.xml" role="doc" />
54   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="e5a3a2a3864ba31eae795f1fe19168e8" name="docs/mysql.sql" role="doc" />
55   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="12aa942db92d3de26baf9e3014cff456" name="docs/pgsql.sql" role="doc" />
56   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="ba157529073f10c4ca3ae1448f4dfb68" name="docs/README" role="doc" />
57   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="1e6d4a0c63baa9928694c79e52e05f95" name="docs/send_example.php" role="doc" />
58   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="81368437d669d13c0b827e4b0e01413a" name="docs/TODO" role="doc" />
59   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="4460ea10ccbfc2d76ff17dbb098b4667" name="Mail/Queue/Container/creole.php" role="php" />
60   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="e1a50e20df4b887cd3d6f0a988bdcb11" name="Mail/Queue/Container/db.php" role="php" />
61   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="103d9348b67ac1f24b9ab9375b16df4d" name="Mail/Queue/Container/mdb.php" role="php" />
62   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="a6e7c792b5f3274811d44a63978ab383" name="Mail/Queue/Container/mdb2.php" role="php" />
63   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="450cf0d5980d2920de4b95fe583f0b4e" name="Mail/Queue/Body.php" role="php" />
64   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="c43653c01e5695916a9c309a44a85ad8" name="Mail/Queue/Container.php" role="php" />
65   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="d7a68febd3c392172616f0740862650f" name="Mail/Queue/Error.php" role="php" />
66   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="5e780fae89f8bce7c1e2fc54b9b544e0" name="Mail/Queue.php" role="php" />
67   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="57857f9ef7b987896a4ad38078431cb0" name="tests/Mail/Queue/ContainerTest.php" role="test" />
68   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="ae358de686f5c6dccd1d95bdd829adfd" name="tests/Mail/QueueAbstract.php" role="test" />
69   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="f3a9c919616fa5ad2f2056ec89c2f137" name="tests/Mail/QueueTest.php" role="test" />
70   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="43ab41be9ded804f55c10628eb46756e" name="tests/phpunit.xml" role="test" />
71   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="4947b6145cfb9e14441d1bb89668bf62" name="tests/TestInit.php" role="test" />
72  </dir>
73 </contents>
74 <dependencies>
75  <required>
76   <php>
77    <min>4.0.0</min>
78   </php>
79   <pearinstaller>
80    <min>1.4.0b1</min>
81   </pearinstaller>
82   <package>
83    <name>Mail</name>
84    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
85   </package>
86   <package>
87    <name>Mail_Mime</name>
88    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
89   </package>
90  </required>
91  <optional>
92   <package>
93    <name>creole</name>
94    <channel>pear.phpdb.org</channel>
95   </package>
96   <package>
97    <name>DB</name>
98    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
99   </package>
100   <package>
101    <name>jargon</name>
102    <channel>pear.phpdb.org</channel>
103   </package>
104   <package>
105    <name>MDB</name>
106    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
107   </package>
108   <package>
109    <name>MDB2</name>
110    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
111   </package>
112  </optional>
113 </dependencies>
114 <phprelease />
115 <changelog>
116  <release>
117   <version>
118    <release>0.9</release>
119    <api>0.9</api>
120   </version>
121   <stability>
122    <release>beta</release>
123    <api>beta</api>
124   </stability>
125   <date>2002-09-21</date>
126   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
127   <notes>
128This is the initial release of the Mail_Queue package.
129   </notes>
130  </release>
131  <release>
132   <version>
133    <release>1.0</release>
134    <api>1.0</api>
135   </version>
136   <stability>
137    <release>stable</release>
138    <api>stable</api>
139   </stability>
140   <date>2002-12-13</date>
141   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
142   <notes>
143First stable release. Added Lorenzo Alberton to the list of contributors.
144Fixed getMailById() in db.php.
145Added new container: Mail_Queue_Container_mdb - Storage driver for fetching mail
146queue data from a PEAR_MDB database.
147   </notes>
148  </release>
149  <release>
150   <version>
151    <release>1.1</release>
152    <api>1.1</api>
153   </version>
154   <stability>
155    <release>stable</release>
156    <api>stable</api>
157   </stability>
158   <date>2004-03-05</date>
159   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
160   <notes>
161- Error management has been rewritten. New error constants are used,
162  so custom error mgmt is now possible.
163- Added a &quot;pearErrorMode&quot; option to specify what to do with Pear_Error
164  (was: PEAR_ERROR_PRINT by default)
165- Added a &quot;sequence&quot; container option to specify the name of the sequence table.
166- Moved Mail_Queue_Error class from Mail/Queue/Error.php to Mail/Queue.php.
167- Preloading management has been rewritten. The amount of memory used by the
168  internal buffer can be limited to any chosen value via the setBufferSize() method.
169- The put() methods now returns last_inserted_id instead of true
170- Fixed error in factorySendMail()
171- Fixed: mails weren&apos;t set as send when bypassing the queue using sendMailById()
172- Fixed: Mail_Queue_Container_mdb didn&apos;t accept a &apos;dsn&apos; as option
173- PHP 5 fixes
174   </notes>
175  </release>
176  <release>
177   <version>
178    <release>1.1.1</release>
179    <api>1.1.1</api>
180   </version>
181   <stability>
182    <release>stable</release>
183    <api>stable</api>
184   </stability>
185   <date>2004-07-22</date>
186   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
187   <notes>
188- Fixed a buggy implementation of the preload() method
189  which was causing several problems
190- Use DB::modifyLimitQuery() instead of a mysql-specific
191  LIMIT clause in the DB container
192- Added a new MDB2 container
193   </notes>
194  </release>
195  <release>
196   <version>
197    <release>1.1.2</release>
198    <api>1.1.2</api>
199   </version>
200   <stability>
201    <release>stable</release>
202    <api>stable</api>
203   </stability>
204   <date>2004-07-22</date>
205   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
206   <notes>
207- Use PHP&apos;s date() function instead of a mysql-specific
208  NOW() call in the DB container
209- Added pgsql schema in the /docs/ dir (thanks Alan Knowles)
210- Fixed integer quoting in the DB container (bug #1917) (thanks Alan Knowles)
211- DB error reporting now uses toString() (bug #1918) (thanks Alan Knowles)
212   </notes>
213  </release>
214  <release>
215   <version>
216    <release>1.1.3</release>
217    <api>1.1.3</api>
218   </version>
219   <stability>
220    <release>stable</release>
221    <api>stable</api>
222   </stability>
223   <date>2004-11-04</date>
224   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
225   <notes>
226- fix wrong parameter order for PEAR::raiseError() in sendMailsInQueue()
227  [bug #1990] - thanks Alan Knowles
228- some cleanup
229- php5 fix: Mail_Queue_Body::try() =&gt; _try()  [bug #2098]
230   </notes>
231  </release>
232  <release>
233   <version>
234    <release>1.2.1</release>
235    <api>1.2.0</api>
236   </version>
237   <stability>
238    <release>stable</release>
239    <api>stable</api>
240   </stability>
241   <date>2007-09-13</date>
242   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
243   <notes>
244- rollout after some month of cvs commit and a new maintainer
245- fixed bug #2911: Using an invalid db account results
246  in a call to undefined function
247- the DB container doesn&apos;t use DB protected methods anymore
248  (related to bug #4028)
249- removed any MySQL-specific functions from the SQL queries
250  in the DB container.
251- allow multiple recipients (Cc and Bcc) (requests #5707 and #5987)
252- fixed bug #7886: sendMailsInQueue: problem sending mails in the same second
253  they are stored (when sec_to_send = 0)
254- fixed bug #8378: disconnect from the SMTP server once it has
255  sent all the messages, when mail_options[&apos;persist&apos;] is set
256- fixed bug #8661: wrong date() format in Mail_queue::put()
257- fixed bug #9065: MDB2 uses nextID(), not nextId()
258- implemented request #2721: you can now use your Mail_Queue Container class
259- if there&apos;s an error in sendMailsInQueue(), the problematic mail is removed
260  from the internal sending buffer, and the next mail is processed (bugs #6538,
261  #9219). NB: the mail is not removed from the db since it could be a temporary
262  issue. If you want to remove it, you can do it manually with a custom error
263  handler.
264- added new Creole container (Randy Syring)
265- fixed bug #4092: flag a mail with setAsSent() method within the sendMail() method
266- minor fixes
267- switched to package.xml v.2
268   </notes>
269  </release>
270  <release>
271   <version>
272    <release>1.2.2</release>
273    <api>1.2.0</api>
274   </version>
275   <stability>
276    <release>stable</release>
277    <api>stable</api>
278   </stability>
279   <date>2008-05-07</date>
280   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
281   <notes>
282- fixed bug #6330: check for lost DB connection in _preload()
283- fixed bug #12521: NOTICE: undefined index
284- fixed bug #12768: On errors, sendMail() marks mail as sent anyway
285- added additional checks for factorySendMail() returned Mail
286- better error handling in the MDB2 container
287- code cleanup
288   </notes>
289  </release>
290  <release>
291   <version>
292    <release>1.2.3</release>
293    <api>1.2.1</api>
294   </version>
295   <stability>
296    <release>stable</release>
297    <api>stable</api>
298   </stability>
299   <date>2008-09-06</date>
300   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
301   <notes>
302* changed license from PHP to (new and simplyfied) BSD license
303* fixed bug #7850 (introduced new method &quot;factory&quot; and helpers getErrors(), hasErrors())
304* fixed bug #14626: alternative array container configuration not working
305* minor CS fixes (file, class comments)
306   </notes>
307  </release>
308  <release>
309   <version>
310    <release>1.2.4</release>
311    <api>1.2.2</api>
312   </version>
313   <stability>
314    <release>stable</release>
315    <api>stable</api>
316   </stability>
317   <date>2010-10-26</date>
318   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
319   <notes>
320Bug #17991 	Package installed in wrong directory
321   </notes>
322  </release>
323  <release>
324   <version>
325    <release>1.2.5</release>
326    <api>1.2.2</api>
327   </version>
328   <stability>
329    <release>stable</release>
330    <api>stable</api>
331   </stability>
332   <date>2010-10-26</date>
333   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
334   <notes>
335Bug #17991 	Package installed in wrong directory
336   </notes>
337  </release>
338  <release>
339   <version>
340    <release>1.2.6</release>
341    <api>1.2.2</api>
342   </version>
343   <stability>
344    <release>stable</release>
345    <api>stable</api>
346   </stability>
347   <date>2010-10-26</date>
348   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
349   <notes>
350Bug #17993 	Package installed in wrong directory
351   </notes>
352  </release>
353 </changelog>