1Jem Berkes [ www.sysdesign.ca ] is the original and primary author of
2renattach. Version 1.2.0 is a complete rewrite with all-original code.
4Many people around the world have helped test and improve this filter.
5In particular, I would like to thank the following people for their
6contributions to this project:
8Stefan A. Deutscher <sad@mailaps.org> has helped improve renattach so it
9builds smoothly on a wider variety of platforms (including OS/2). He has
10also contributed FreeBSD and other ports.
12Richard Gadsden, at the Medical University of South Carolina, has
13suggested and debugged many software improvements over the years. He has
14also tested renattach on a major mail server and provided valuable
15feedback about bugs.
17Hal Murray <hmurray@suespammers.org> contributed a collection of real
18email viruses and worms that helped verify the filter's effectiveness.
20Colin McKinnon suggested several features and contributed code to the
211.1.x series. The improved renaming technique and procmail-compatible
22filtering he suggested were built into version 1.2.0.