1/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5/* This file looks to Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org>'s Mozilla Labs snowl
6 * project's (https://hg.mozilla.org/labs/snowl/) modules/GlodaDatastore.jsm
7 * for inspiration and idioms (and also a name :).
8 */
10const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["GlodaDatastore"];
12const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
14const {
15  GlodaAttributeDBDef,
16  GlodaConversation,
17  GlodaFolder,
18  GlodaMessage,
19  GlodaContact,
20  GlodaIdentity,
21} = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/gloda/GlodaDataModel.jsm");
22const { GlodaDatabind } = ChromeUtils.import(
23  "resource:///modules/gloda/GlodaDatabind.jsm"
25const { GlodaCollection, GlodaCollectionManager } = ChromeUtils.import(
26  "resource:///modules/gloda/Collection.jsm"
29var MIN_CACHE_SIZE = 8 * 1048576;
30var MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 64 * 1048576;
31var MEMSIZE_FALLBACK_BYTES = 256 * 1048576;
33var PCH_LOG = console.createInstance({
34  prefix: "gloda.ds.pch",
35  maxLogLevel: "Warn",
36  maxLogLevelPref: "gloda.loglevel",
40 * Commit async handler; hands off the notification to
41 *  |GlodaDatastore._asyncCompleted|.
42 */
43function PostCommitHandler(aCallbacks) {
44  this.callbacks = aCallbacks;
45  GlodaDatastore._pendingAsyncStatements++;
48PostCommitHandler.prototype = {
49  handleResult(aResultSet) {},
51  handleError(aError) {
52    PCH_LOG.error("database error:" + aError);
53  },
55  handleCompletion(aReason) {
56    // just outright bail if we are shutdown
57    if (GlodaDatastore.datastoreIsShutdown) {
58      return;
59    }
61    if (aReason == Ci.mozIStorageStatementCallback.REASON_FINISHED) {
62      for (let callback of this.callbacks) {
63        try {
64          callback();
65        } catch (ex) {
66          PCH_LOG.error(
67            "PostCommitHandler callback (" +
68              ex.fileName +
69              ":" +
70              ex.lineNumber +
71              ") threw: " +
72              ex
73          );
74        }
75      }
76    }
77    try {
78      GlodaDatastore._asyncCompleted();
79    } catch (e) {
80      PCH_LOG.error("Exception in handleCompletion:", e);
81    }
82  },
85var QFQ_LOG = console.createInstance({
86  prefix: "gloda.ds.qfq",
87  maxLogLevel: "Warn",
88  maxLogLevelPref: "gloda.loglevel",
92 * Singleton collection listener used by |QueryFromQueryCallback| to assist in
93 *  the loading of referenced noun instances.  Which is to say, messages have
94 *  identities (specific e-mail addresses) associated with them via attributes.
95 *  And these identities in turn reference / are referenced by contacts (the
96 *  notion of a person).
97 *
98 * This listener is primarily concerned with fixing up the references in each
99 *  noun instance to its referenced instances once they have been loaded.  It
100 *  also deals with caching so that our identity invariant is maintained: user
101 *  code should only ever see one distinct instance of a thing at a time.
102 */
103var QueryFromQueryResolver = {
104  onItemsAdded(aIgnoredItems, aCollection, aFake) {
105    let originColl = aCollection.dataStack
106      ? aCollection.dataStack.pop()
107      : aCollection.data;
108    // QFQ_LOG.debug("QFQR: originColl: " + originColl);
109    if (aCollection.completionShifter) {
110      aCollection.completionShifter.push(originColl);
111    } else {
112      aCollection.completionShifter = [originColl];
113    }
115    if (!aFake) {
116      originColl.deferredCount--;
117      originColl.resolvedCount++;
118    }
120    // bail if we are still pending on some other load completion
121    if (originColl.deferredCount > 0) {
122      // QFQ_LOG.debug("QFQR: bailing " + originColl._nounDef.name);
123      return;
124    }
126    let referencesByNounID = originColl.masterCollection.referencesByNounID;
127    let inverseReferencesByNounID =
128      originColl.masterCollection.inverseReferencesByNounID;
130    if (originColl.pendingItems) {
131      for (let item of originColl.pendingItems) {
132        // QFQ_LOG.debug("QFQR: loading deferred " + item.NOUN_ID + ":" + item.id);
133        GlodaDatastore.loadNounDeferredDeps(
134          item,
135          referencesByNounID,
136          inverseReferencesByNounID
137        );
138      }
140      // we need to consider the possibility that we are racing a collection very
141      //  much like our own.  as such, this means we need to perform cache
142      //  unification as our last step.
143      GlodaCollectionManager.cacheLoadUnify(
144        originColl._nounDef.id,
145        originColl.pendingItems,
146        false
147      );
149      // just directly tell the collection about the items.  we know the query
150      //  matches (at least until we introduce predicates that we cannot express
151      //  in SQL.)
152      // QFQ_LOG.debug(" QFQR: about to trigger listener: " + originColl._listener +
153      //    "with collection: " + originColl._nounDef.name);
154      originColl._onItemsAdded(originColl.pendingItems);
155      delete originColl.pendingItems;
156      delete originColl._pendingIdMap;
157    }
158  },
159  onItemsModified() {},
160  onItemsRemoved() {},
161  onQueryCompleted(aCollection) {
162    let originColl = aCollection.completionShifter
163      ? aCollection.completionShifter.shift()
164      : aCollection.data;
165    // QFQ_LOG.debug(" QFQR about to trigger completion with collection: " +
166    //  originColl._nounDef.name);
167    if (originColl.deferredCount <= 0) {
168      originColl._onQueryCompleted();
169    }
170  },
174 * Handles the results from a GlodaDatastore.queryFromQuery call in cooperation
175 *  with the |QueryFromQueryResolver| collection listener.  We do a lot of
176 *  legwork related to satisfying references to other noun instances on the
177 *  noun instances the user directly queried.  Messages reference identities
178 *  reference contacts which in turn (implicitly) reference identities again.
179 *  We have to spin up those other queries and stitch things together.
180 *
181 * While the code is generally up to the existing set of tasks it is called to
182 *  handle, I would not be surprised for it to fall down if things get more
183 *  complex.  Some of the logic here 'evolved' a bit and could benefit from
184 *  additional documentation and a fresh go-through.
185 */
186function QueryFromQueryCallback(aStatement, aNounDef, aCollection) {
187  this.statement = aStatement;
188  this.nounDef = aNounDef;
189  this.collection = aCollection;
191  // QFQ_LOG.debug("Creating QFQCallback for noun: " + aNounDef.name);
193  // the master collection holds the referencesByNounID
194  this.referencesByNounID = {};
195  this.masterReferencesByNounID = this.collection.masterCollection.referencesByNounID;
196  this.inverseReferencesByNounID = {};
197  this.masterInverseReferencesByNounID = this.collection.masterCollection.inverseReferencesByNounID;
198  // we need to contribute our references as we load things; we need this
199  //  because of the potential for circular dependencies and our inability to
200  //  put things into the caching layer (or collection's _idMap) until we have
201  //  fully resolved things.
202  if (this.nounDef.id in this.masterReferencesByNounID) {
203    this.selfReferences = this.masterReferencesByNounID[this.nounDef.id];
204  } else {
205    this.selfReferences = this.masterReferencesByNounID[this.nounDef.id] = {};
206  }
207  if (this.nounDef.parentColumnAttr) {
208    if (this.nounDef.id in this.masterInverseReferencesByNounID) {
209      this.selfInverseReferences = this.masterInverseReferencesByNounID[
210        this.nounDef.id
211      ];
212    } else {
213      this.selfInverseReferences = this.masterInverseReferencesByNounID[
214        this.nounDef.id
215      ] = {};
216    }
217  }
219  this.needsLoads = false;
221  GlodaDatastore._pendingAsyncStatements++;
224QueryFromQueryCallback.prototype = {
225  handleResult(aResultSet) {
226    try {
227      // just outright bail if we are shutdown
228      if (GlodaDatastore.datastoreIsShutdown) {
229        return;
230      }
232      let pendingItems = this.collection.pendingItems;
233      let pendingIdMap = this.collection._pendingIdMap;
234      let row;
235      let nounDef = this.nounDef;
236      let nounID = nounDef.id;
237      while ((row = aResultSet.getNextRow())) {
238        let item = nounDef.objFromRow.call(nounDef.datastore, row);
239        if (this.collection.stashedColumns) {
240          let stashed = (this.collection.stashedColumns[item.id] = []);
241          for (let iCol of this.collection.query.options.stashColumns) {
242            stashed.push(GlodaDatastore._getVariant(row, iCol));
243          }
244        }
245        // try and replace the item with one from the cache, if we can
246        let cachedItem = GlodaCollectionManager.cacheLookupOne(
247          nounID,
248          item.id,
249          false
250        );
252        // if we already have a copy in the pending id map, skip it
253        if (item.id in pendingIdMap) {
254          continue;
255        }
257        // QFQ_LOG.debug("loading item " + nounDef.id + ":" + item.id + " existing: " +
258        //    this.selfReferences[item.id] + " cached: " + cachedItem);
259        if (cachedItem) {
260          item = cachedItem;
261        } else if (this.selfReferences[item.id] != null) {
262          // We may already have been loaded by this process.
263          item = this.selfReferences[item.id];
264        } else {
265          // Perform loading logic which may produce reference dependencies.
266          this.needsLoads =
267            GlodaDatastore.loadNounItem(
268              item,
269              this.referencesByNounID,
270              this.inverseReferencesByNounID
271            ) || this.needsLoads;
272        }
274        // add ourself to the references by our id
275        // QFQ_LOG.debug("saving item " + nounDef.id + ":" + item.id + " to self-refs");
276        this.selfReferences[item.id] = item;
278        // if we're tracking it, add ourselves to our parent's list of children
279        //  too
280        if (this.selfInverseReferences) {
281          let parentID = item[nounDef.parentColumnAttr.idStorageAttributeName];
282          let childrenList = this.selfInverseReferences[parentID];
283          if (childrenList === undefined) {
284            childrenList = this.selfInverseReferences[parentID] = [];
285          }
286          childrenList.push(item);
287        }
289        pendingItems.push(item);
290        pendingIdMap[item.id] = item;
291      }
292    } catch (e) {
293      GlodaDatastore._log.error("Exception in handleResult:", e);
294    }
295  },
297  handleError(aError) {
298    GlodaDatastore._log.error(
299      "Async queryFromQuery error: " + aError.result + ": " + aError.message
300    );
301  },
303  handleCompletion(aReason) {
304    try {
305      try {
306        this.statement.finalize();
307        this.statement = null;
309        // just outright bail if we are shutdown
310        if (GlodaDatastore.datastoreIsShutdown) {
311          return;
312        }
314        // QFQ_LOG.debug("handleCompletion: " + this.collection._nounDef.name);
316        if (this.needsLoads) {
317          for (let nounID in this.referencesByNounID) {
318            let references = this.referencesByNounID[nounID];
319            if (nounID == this.nounDef.id) {
320              continue;
321            }
322            let nounDef = GlodaDatastore._nounIDToDef[nounID];
323            // QFQ_LOG.debug("  have references for noun: " + nounDef.name);
324            // try and load them out of the cache/existing collections.  items in the
325            //  cache will be fully formed, which is nice for us.
326            // XXX this mechanism will get dubious when we have multiple paths to a
327            //  single noun-type.  For example, a -> b -> c, a-> c; two paths to c
328            //  and we're looking at issuing two requests to c, the latter of which
329            //  will be a superset of the first one.  This does not currently pose
330            //  a problem because we only have a -> b -> c -> b, and sequential
331            //  processing means no alarms and no surprises.
332            let masterReferences = this.masterReferencesByNounID[nounID];
333            if (masterReferences === undefined) {
334              masterReferences = this.masterReferencesByNounID[nounID] = {};
335            }
336            let outReferences;
337            if (nounDef.parentColumnAttr) {
338              outReferences = {};
339            } else {
340              outReferences = masterReferences;
341            }
342            let [
343              ,
344              notFoundCount,
345              notFound,
346            ] = GlodaCollectionManager.cacheLookupMany(
347              nounDef.id,
348              references,
349              outReferences
350            );
352            if (nounDef.parentColumnAttr) {
353              let inverseReferences;
354              if (nounDef.id in this.masterInverseReferencesByNounID) {
355                inverseReferences = this.masterInverseReferencesByNounID[
356                  nounDef.id
357                ];
358              } else {
359                inverseReferences = this.masterInverseReferencesByNounID[
360                  nounDef.id
361                ] = {};
362              }
364              for (let key in outReferences) {
365                let item = outReferences[key];
366                masterReferences[item.id] = item;
367                let parentID =
368                  item[nounDef.parentColumnAttr.idStorageAttributeName];
369                let childrenList = inverseReferences[parentID];
370                if (childrenList === undefined) {
371                  childrenList = inverseReferences[parentID] = [];
372                }
373                childrenList.push(item);
374              }
375            }
377            // QFQ_LOG.debug("  found: " + foundCount + " not found: " + notFoundCount);
378            if (notFoundCount === 0) {
379              this.collection.resolvedCount++;
380            } else {
381              this.collection.deferredCount++;
382              let query = new nounDef.queryClass();
383              query.id.apply(query, Object.keys(notFound));
385              // we fully expect/allow for there being no such subcollection yet.
386              let subCollection =
387                nounDef.id in this.collection.masterCollection.subCollections
388                  ? this.collection.masterCollection.subCollections[nounDef.id]
389                  : undefined;
390              this.collection.masterCollection.subCollections[
391                nounDef.id
392              ] = GlodaDatastore.queryFromQuery(
393                query,
394                QueryFromQueryResolver,
395                this.collection,
396                subCollection,
397                this.collection.masterCollection,
398                { becomeExplicit: true }
399              );
400            }
401          }
403          for (let nounID in this.inverseReferencesByNounID) {
404            let inverseReferences = this.inverseReferencesByNounID[nounID];
405            this.collection.deferredCount++;
406            let nounDef = GlodaDatastore._nounIDToDef[nounID];
408            // QFQ_LOG.debug("Want to load inverse via " + nounDef.parentColumnAttr.boundName);
410            let query = new nounDef.queryClass();
411            // we want to constrain using the parent column
412            let queryConstrainer = query[nounDef.parentColumnAttr.boundName];
413            queryConstrainer.apply(query, Object.keys(inverseReferences));
414            // we fully expect/allow for there being no such subcollection yet.
415            let subCollection =
416              nounDef.id in this.collection.masterCollection.subCollections
417                ? this.collection.masterCollection.subCollections[nounDef.id]
418                : undefined;
419            this.collection.masterCollection.subCollections[
420              nounDef.id
421            ] = GlodaDatastore.queryFromQuery(
422              query,
423              QueryFromQueryResolver,
424              this.collection,
425              subCollection,
426              this.collection.masterCollection,
427              { becomeExplicit: true }
428            );
429          }
430        } else {
431          this.collection.deferredCount--;
432          this.collection.resolvedCount++;
433        }
435        // QFQ_LOG.debug("  defer: " + this.collection.deferredCount +
436        //              " resolved: " + this.collection.resolvedCount);
438        // process immediately and kick-up to the master collection...
439        if (this.collection.deferredCount <= 0) {
440          // this guy will resolve everyone using referencesByNounID and issue the
441          //  call to this.collection._onItemsAdded to propagate things to the
442          //  next concerned subCollection or the actual listener if this is the
443          //  master collection.  (Also, call _onQueryCompleted).
444          QueryFromQueryResolver.onItemsAdded(
445            null,
446            { data: this.collection },
447            true
448          );
449          QueryFromQueryResolver.onQueryCompleted({ data: this.collection });
450        }
451      } catch (e) {
452        Cu.reportError(e);
453        QFQ_LOG.error("Exception:", e);
454      }
455    } finally {
456      GlodaDatastore._asyncCompleted();
457    }
458  },
462 * Used by |GlodaDatastore.folderCompactionPassBlockFetch| to accumulate the
463 *  results and pass them back in to the compaction process in
464 *  |GlodaMsgIndexer._worker_folderCompactionPass|.
465 */
466function CompactionBlockFetcherHandler(aCallback) {
467  this.callback = aCallback;
468  this.idsAndMessageKeys = [];
469  GlodaDatastore._pendingAsyncStatements++;
471CompactionBlockFetcherHandler.prototype = {
472  handleResult(aResultSet) {
473    let row;
474    while ((row = aResultSet.getNextRow())) {
475      this.idsAndMessageKeys.push([
476        row.getInt64(0), // id
477        row.getInt64(1), // messageKey
478        row.getString(2), // headerMessageID
479      ]);
480    }
481  },
482  handleError(aError) {
483    GlodaDatastore._log.error(
484      "CompactionBlockFetcherHandler error: " +
485        aError.result +
486        ": " +
487        aError.message
488    );
489  },
490  handleCompletion(aReason) {
491    GlodaDatastore._asyncCompleted();
492    this.callback(this.idsAndMessageKeys);
493  },
497 * Use this as the callback handler when you have a SQL query that returns a
498 *  single row with a single integer column value, like a COUNT() query.
499 */
500function SingletonResultValueHandler(aCallback) {
501  this.callback = aCallback;
502  this.result = null;
503  GlodaDatastore._pendingAsyncStatements++;
505SingletonResultValueHandler.prototype = {
506  handleResult(aResultSet) {
507    let row;
508    while ((row = aResultSet.getNextRow())) {
509      this.result = row.getInt64(0);
510    }
511  },
512  handleError(aError) {
513    GlodaDatastore._log.error(
514      "SingletonResultValueHandler error: " +
515        aError.result +
516        ": " +
517        aError.message
518    );
519  },
520  handleCompletion(aReason) {
521    GlodaDatastore._asyncCompleted();
522    this.callback(this.result);
523  },
527 * Wrapper that duplicates actions taken on a real statement to an explain
528 *  statement.  Currently only fires an explain statement once.
529 */
530function ExplainedStatementWrapper(
531  aRealStatement,
532  aExplainStatement,
533  aSQLString,
534  aExplainHandler
535) {
536  this.real = aRealStatement;
537  this.explain = aExplainStatement;
538  this.sqlString = aSQLString;
539  this.explainHandler = aExplainHandler;
540  this.done = false;
542ExplainedStatementWrapper.prototype = {
543  bindByIndex(aColIndex, aValue) {
544    this.real.bindByIndex(aColIndex, aValue);
545    if (!this.done) {
546      this.explain.bindByIndex(aColIndex, aValue);
547    }
548  },
549  executeAsync(aCallback) {
550    if (!this.done) {
551      this.explainHandler.sqlEnRoute(this.sqlString);
552      this.explain.executeAsync(this.explainHandler);
553      this.explain.finalize();
554      this.done = true;
555    }
556    return this.real.executeAsync(aCallback);
557  },
558  finalize() {
559    if (!this.done) {
560      this.explain.finalize();
561    }
562    this.real.finalize();
563  },
567 * Writes a single JSON document to the provide file path in a streaming
568 *  fashion.  At startup we open an array to place the queries in and at
569 *  shutdown we close it.
570 */
571function ExplainedStatementProcessor(aDumpPath) {
572  Services.obs.addObserver(this, "quit-application");
574  this._sqlStack = [];
575  this._curOps = [];
576  this._objsWritten = 0;
578  let filePath = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
579  filePath.initWithPath(aDumpPath);
581  this._ostream = Cc[
582    "@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"
583  ].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream);
584  this._ostream.init(filePath, -1, -1, 0);
586  let s = '{"queries": [';
587  this._ostream.write(s, s.length);
589ExplainedStatementProcessor.prototype = {
590  sqlEnRoute(aSQLString) {
591    this._sqlStack.push(aSQLString);
592  },
593  handleResult(aResultSet) {
594    let row;
595    // addr  opcode (s)      p1    p2    p3    p4 (s)   p5   comment (s)
596    while ((row = aResultSet.getNextRow())) {
597      this._curOps.push([
598        row.getInt64(0), // addr
599        row.getString(1), // opcode
600        row.getInt64(2), // p1
601        row.getInt64(3), // p2
602        row.getInt64(4), // p3
603        row.getString(5), // p4
604        row.getString(6), // p5
605        row.getString(7), // comment
606      ]);
607    }
608  },
609  handleError(aError) {
610    Cu.reportError("Unexpected error in EXPLAIN handler: " + aError);
611  },
612  handleCompletion(aReason) {
613    let obj = {
614      sql: this._sqlStack.shift(),
615      operations: this._curOps,
616    };
617    let s = (this._objsWritten++ ? ", " : "") + JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2);
618    this._ostream.write(s, s.length);
620    this._curOps = [];
621  },
623  observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
624    if (aTopic == "quit-application") {
625      this.shutdown();
626    }
627  },
629  shutdown() {
630    let s = "]}";
631    this._ostream.write(s, s.length);
632    this._ostream.close();
634    Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "quit-application");
635  },
638// See the documentation on GlodaDatastore._schemaVersion to understand these:
646 * Database abstraction layer.  Contains explicit SQL schemas for our
647 *  fundamental representations (core 'nouns', if you will) as well as
648 *  specialized functions for then dealing with each type of object.  At the
649 *  same time, we are beginning to support extension-provided tables, which
650 *  call into question whether we really need our hand-rolled code, or could
651 *  simply improve the extension-provided table case to work for most of our
652 *  hand-rolled cases.
653 * For now, the argument can probably be made that our explicit schemas and code
654 *  is readable/intuitive (not magic) and efficient (although generic stuff
655 *  could also be made efficient, if slightly evil through use of eval or some
656 *  other code generation mechanism.)
657 *
658 * === Data Model Interaction / Dependencies
659 *
660 * Dependent on and assumes limited knowledge of the GlodaDataModel.jsm
661 *  implementations.  GlodaDataModel.jsm actually has an implicit dependency on
662 *  our implementation, reaching back into the datastore via the _datastore
663 *  attribute which we pass into every instance we create.
664 * We pass a reference to ourself as we create the GlodaDataModel.jsm instances (and
665 *  they store it as _datastore) because of a half-implemented attempt to make
666 *  it possible to live in a world where we have multiple datastores.  This
667 *  would be desirable in the cases where we are dealing with multiple SQLite
668 *  databases.  This could be because of per-account global databases or
669 *  some other segmentation.  This was abandoned when the importance of
670 *  per-account databases was diminished following public discussion, at least
671 *  for the short-term, but no attempted was made to excise the feature or
672 *  preclude it.  (Merely a recognition that it's too much to try and implement
673 *  correct right now, especially because our solution might just be another
674 *  (aggregating) layer on top of things, rather than complicating the lower
675 *  levels.)
676 *
677 * === Object Identity / Caching
678 *
679 * The issue of object identity is handled by integration with the Collection.jsm
680 *  provided GlodaCollectionManager.  By "Object Identity", I mean that we only
681 *  should ever have one object instance alive at a time that corresponds to
682 *  an underlying database row in the database.  Where possible we avoid
683 *  performing database look-ups when we can check if the object is already
684 *  present in memory; in practice, this means when we are asking for an object
685 *  by ID.  When we cannot avoid a database query, we attempt to make sure that
686 *  we do not return a duplicate object instance, instead replacing it with the
687 *  'live' copy of the object.  (Ideally, we would avoid any redundant
688 *  construction costs, but that is not currently the case.)
689 * Although you should consult the GlodaCollectionManager for details, the
690 *  general idea is that we have 'collections' which represent views of the
691 *  database (based on a query) which use a single mechanism for double duty.
692 *  The collections are registered with the collection manager via weak
693 *  reference.  The first 'duty' is that since the collections may be desired
694 *  to be 'live views' of the data, we want them to update as changes occur.
695 *  The weak reference allows the collection manager to track the 'live'
696 *  collections and update them.  The second 'duty' is the caching/object
697 *  identity duty.  In theory, every live item should be referenced by at least
698 *  one collection, making it reachable for object identity/caching purposes.
699 * There is also an explicit (inclusive) caching layer present to both try and
700 *  avoid poor performance from some of the costs of this strategy, as well as
701 *  to try and keep track of objects that are being worked with that are not
702 *  (yet) tracked by a collection.  Using a size-bounded cache is clearly not
703 *  a guarantee of correctness for this, but is suspected will work quite well.
704 *  (Well enough to be dangerous because the inevitable failure case will not be
705 *  expected.)
706 *
707 * The current strategy may not be the optimal one, feel free to propose and/or
708 *  implement better ones, especially if you have numbers.
709 * The current strategy is not fully implemented in this file, but the common
710 *  cases are believed to be covered.  (Namely, we fail to purge items from the
711 *  cache as they are purged from the database.)
712 *
713 * === Things That May Not Be Obvious (Gotchas)
714 *
715 * Although the schema includes "triggers", they are currently not used
716 *  and were added when thinking about implementing the feature.  We will
717 *  probably implement this feature at some point, which is why they are still
718 *  in there.
719 *
720 * We, and the layers above us, are not sufficiently thorough at cleaning out
721 *  data from the database, and may potentially orphan it _as new functionality
722 *  is added in the future at layers above us_.  That is, currently we should
723 *  not be leaking database rows, but we may in the future.  This is because
724 *  we/the layers above us lack a mechanism to track dependencies based on
725 *  attributes.  Say a plugin exists that extracts recipes from messages and
726 *  relates them via an attribute.  To do so, it must create new recipe rows
727 *  in its own table as new recipes are discovered.  No automatic mechanism
728 *  will purge recipes as their source messages are purged, nor does any
729 *  event-driven mechanism explicitly inform the plugin.  (It could infer
730 *  such an event from the indexing/attribute-providing process, or poll the
731 *  states of attributes to accomplish this, but that is not desirable.)  This
732 *  needs to be addressed, and may be best addressed at layers above
733 *  GlodaDatastore.jsm.
734 * @namespace
735 */
736var GlodaDatastore = {
737  _log: null,
739  /* see Gloda's documentation for these constants */
740  kSpecialNotAtAll: 0,
741  kSpecialColumn: 16,
742  kSpecialColumnChildren: 16 | 1,
743  kSpecialColumnParent: 16 | 2,
744  kSpecialString: 32,
745  kSpecialFulltext: 64,
746  IGNORE_FACET: {},
748  kConstraintIdIn: 0,
749  kConstraintIn: 1,
750  kConstraintRanges: 2,
751  kConstraintEquals: 3,
752  kConstraintStringLike: 4,
753  kConstraintFulltext: 5,
755  /* ******************* SCHEMA ******************* */
757  /**
758   * Schema version policy. IMPORTANT!  We expect the following potential things
759   *  to happen in the life of gloda that can impact our schema and the ability
760   *  to move between different versions of Thunderbird:
761   *
762   * - Fundamental changes to the schema so that two versions of Thunderbird
763   *    cannot use the same global database.  To wit, Thunderbird N+1 needs to
764   *    blow away the database of Thunderbird N and reindex from scratch.
765   *    Likewise, Thunderbird N will need to blow away Thunderbird N+1's
766   *    database because it can't understand it.  And we can't simply use a
767   *    different file because there would be fatal bookkeeping losses.
768   *
769   * - Bidirectional minor schema changes (rare).
770   *    Thunderbird N+1 does something that does not affect Thunderbird N's use
771   *    of the database, and a user switching back to Thunderbird N will not be
772   *    negatively impacted.  It will also be fine when they go back to N+1 and
773   *    N+1 will not be missing any vital data.  The historic example of this is
774   *    when we added a missing index that was important for performance.  In
775   *    that case, Thunderbird N could have potentially left the schema revision
776   *    intact (if there was a safe revision), rather than swapping it on the
777   *    downgrade, compelling N+1 to redo the transform on upgrade.
778   *
779   * - Backwards compatible, upgrade-transition minor schema changes.
780   *    Thunderbird N+1 does something that does not require nuking the
781   *    database / a full re-index, but does require processing on upgrade from
782   *    a version of the database previously used by Thunderbird.  These changes
783   *    do not impact N's ability to use the database.  For example, adding a
784   *    new indexed attribute that affects a small number of messages could be
785   *    handled by issuing a query on upgrade to dirty/index those messages.
786   *    However, if the user goes back to N from N+1, when they upgrade to N+1
787   *    again, we need to re-index.  In this case N would need to have downgrade
788   *    the schema revision.
789   *
790   * - Backwards incompatible, minor schema changes.
791   *    Thunderbird N+1 does something that does not require nuking the database
792   *    but will break Thunderbird N's ability to use the database.
793   *
794   * - Regression fixes.  Sometimes we may land something that screws up
795   *    databases, or the platform changes in a way that breaks our code and we
796   *    had insufficient unit test coverage and so don't detect it until some
797   *    databases have gotten messed up.
798   *
799   * Accordingly, every version of Thunderbird has a concept of potential schema
800   *  versions with associated semantics to prepare for the minor schema upgrade
801   *  cases were inter-op is possible.  These ranges and their semantics are:
802   * - accepts and leaves intact.  Covers:
803   *    - regression fixes that no longer exist with the landing of the upgrade
804   *       code as long as users never go back a build in the given channel.
805   *    - bidirectional minor schema changes.
806   * - accepts but downgrades version to self.  Covers:
807   *    - backwards compatible, upgrade-transition minor schema changes.
808   * - nuke range (anything beyond a specific revision needs to be nuked):
809   *    - backwards incompatible, minor scheme changes
810   *    - fundamental changes
811   *
812   *
814   *
815   * Use the ranges below for Thunderbird 11 as a guide, bumping things as little
816   *  as possible.  If we start to use up the "accepts and leaves intact" range
817   *  without majorly changing things up, re-do the numbering acceptance range
818   *  to give us additional runway.
819   *
820   * Also, if we keep needing non-nuking upgrades, consider adding an additional
821   *  table to the database that can tell older versions of Thunderbird what to
822   *  do when confronted with a newer database and where it can set flags to tell
823   *  the newer Thunderbird what the older Thunderbird got up to.  For example,
824   *  it would be much easier if we just tell Thunderbird N what to do when it's
825   *  confronted with the database.
826   *
827   *
829   *
830   * Thunderbird 11: uses 30 (regression fix from 26)
831   * - accepts and leaves intact: 31-34
832   * - accepts and downgrades by 5: 35-39
833   * - nukes: 40+
834   */
835  _schemaVersion: 30,
836  // what is the schema in the database right now?
837  _actualSchemaVersion: 0,
838  _schema: {
839    tables: {
840      // ----- Messages
841      folderLocations: {
842        columns: [
843          ["id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY"],
844          ["folderURI", "TEXT NOT NULL"],
845          ["dirtyStatus", "INTEGER NOT NULL"],
846          ["name", "TEXT NOT NULL"],
847          ["indexingPriority", "INTEGER NOT NULL"],
848        ],
850        triggers: {
851          delete: "DELETE from messages WHERE folderID = OLD.id",
852        },
853      },
855      conversations: {
856        columns: [
857          ["id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY"],
858          ["subject", "TEXT NOT NULL"],
859          ["oldestMessageDate", "INTEGER"],
860          ["newestMessageDate", "INTEGER"],
861        ],
863        indices: {
864          subject: ["subject"],
865          oldestMessageDate: ["oldestMessageDate"],
866          newestMessageDate: ["newestMessageDate"],
867        },
869        fulltextColumns: [["subject", "TEXT"]],
871        triggers: {
872          delete: "DELETE from messages WHERE conversationID = OLD.id",
873        },
874      },
876      /**
877       * A message record correspond to an actual message stored in a folder
878       *  somewhere, or is a ghost record indicating a message that we know
879       *  should exist, but which we have not seen (and which we may never see).
880       *  We represent these ghost messages by storing NULL values in the
881       *  folderID and messageKey fields; this may need to change to other
882       *  sentinel values if this somehow impacts performance.
883       */
884      messages: {
885        columns: [
886          ["id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY"],
887          ["folderID", "INTEGER"],
888          ["messageKey", "INTEGER"],
889          // conversationID used to have a REFERENCES but I'm losing it for
890          //  presumed performance reasons and it doesn't do anything for us.
891          ["conversationID", "INTEGER NOT NULL"],
892          ["date", "INTEGER"],
893          // we used to have the parentID, but because of the very real
894          //  possibility of multiple copies of a message with a given
895          //  message-id, the parentID concept is unreliable.
896          ["headerMessageID", "TEXT"],
897          ["deleted", "INTEGER NOT NULL default 0"],
898          ["jsonAttributes", "TEXT"],
899          // Notability attempts to capture the static 'interestingness' of a
900          //  message as a result of being starred/flagged, labeled, read
901          //  multiple times, authored by someone in your address book or that
902          //  you converse with a lot, etc.
903          ["notability", "INTEGER NOT NULL default 0"],
904        ],
906        indices: {
907          messageLocation: ["folderID", "messageKey"],
908          headerMessageID: ["headerMessageID"],
909          conversationID: ["conversationID"],
910          date: ["date"],
911          deleted: ["deleted"],
912        },
914        // note: if reordering the columns, you need to change this file's
915        //  row-loading logic, GlodaMsgSearcher.jsm's ranking usages and also the
916        //  column saturations in nsGlodaRankerFunction
917        fulltextColumns: [
918          ["body", "TEXT"],
919          ["subject", "TEXT"],
920          ["attachmentNames", "TEXT"],
921          ["author", "TEXT"],
922          ["recipients", "TEXT"],
923        ],
925        triggers: {
926          delete: "DELETE FROM messageAttributes WHERE messageID = OLD.id",
927        },
928      },
930      // ----- Attributes
931      attributeDefinitions: {
932        columns: [
933          ["id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY"],
934          ["attributeType", "INTEGER NOT NULL"],
935          ["extensionName", "TEXT NOT NULL"],
936          ["name", "TEXT NOT NULL"],
937          ["parameter", "BLOB"],
938        ],
940        triggers: {
941          delete: "DELETE FROM messageAttributes WHERE attributeID = OLD.id",
942        },
943      },
945      messageAttributes: {
946        columns: [
947          // conversationID and messageID used to have REFERENCES back to their
948          //  appropriate types.  I removed it when removing attributeID for
949          //  better reasons and because the code is not capable of violating
950          //  this constraint, so the check is just added cost.  (And we have
951          //  unit tests that sanity check my assertions.)
952          ["conversationID", "INTEGER NOT NULL"],
953          ["messageID", "INTEGER NOT NULL"],
954          // This used to be REFERENCES attributeDefinitions(id) but then we
955          //  introduced sentinel values and it's hard to justify the effort
956          //  to compel injection of the record or the overhead to do the
957          //  references checking.
958          ["attributeID", "INTEGER NOT NULL"],
959          ["value", "NUMERIC"],
960        ],
962        indices: {
963          attribQuery: [
964            "attributeID",
965            "value",
966            /* covering: */ "conversationID",
967            "messageID",
968          ],
969          // This is required for deletion of a message's attributes to be
970          // performant.  We could optimize this index away if we changed our
971          // deletion logic to issue specific attribute deletions based on the
972          // information it already has available in the message's JSON blob.
973          // The rub there is that if we screwed up we could end up leaking
974          // attributes and there is a non-trivial performance overhead to
975          // the many requests it would cause (which can also be reduced in
976          // the future by changing our SQL dispatch code.)
977          messageAttribFastDeletion: ["messageID"],
978        },
979      },
981      // ----- Contacts / Identities
983      /**
984       * Corresponds to a human being and roughly to an address book entry.
985       *  Contrast with an identity, which is a specific e-mail address, IRC
986       *  nick, etc.  Identities belong to contacts, and this relationship is
987       *  expressed on the identityAttributes table.
988       */
989      contacts: {
990        columns: [
991          ["id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY"],
992          ["directoryUUID", "TEXT"],
993          ["contactUUID", "TEXT"],
994          ["popularity", "INTEGER"],
995          ["frecency", "INTEGER"],
996          ["name", "TEXT"],
997          ["jsonAttributes", "TEXT"],
998        ],
999        indices: {
1000          popularity: ["popularity"],
1001          frecency: ["frecency"],
1002        },
1003      },
1005      contactAttributes: {
1006        columns: [
1007          ["contactID", "INTEGER NOT NULL"],
1008          ["attributeID", "INTEGER NOT NULL"],
1009          ["value", "NUMERIC"],
1010        ],
1011        indices: {
1012          contactAttribQuery: [
1013            "attributeID",
1014            "value",
1015            /* covering: */ "contactID",
1016          ],
1017        },
1018      },
1020      /**
1021       * Identities correspond to specific e-mail addresses, IRC nicks, etc.
1022       */
1023      identities: {
1024        columns: [
1025          ["id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY"],
1026          ["contactID", "INTEGER NOT NULL"],
1027          ["kind", "TEXT NOT NULL"], // ex: email, irc, etc.
1028          ["value", "TEXT NOT NULL"], // ex: e-mail address, irc nick/handle...
1029          ["description", "NOT NULL"], // what makes this identity different
1030          // from the others? (ex: home, work, etc.)
1031          ["relay", "INTEGER NOT NULL"], // is the identity just a relay
1032          // mechanism? (ex: mailing list, twitter 'bouncer', IRC gateway, etc.)
1033        ],
1035        indices: {
1036          contactQuery: ["contactID"],
1037          valueQuery: ["kind", "value"],
1038        },
1039      },
1040    },
1041  },
1043  /* ******************* LOGIC ******************* */
1044  /**
1045   * We only have one connection; this name exists for legacy reasons but helps
1046   *  track when we are intentionally doing synchronous things during startup.
1047   *  We do nothing synchronous once our setup has completed.
1048   */
1049  syncConnection: null,
1050  /**
1051   * We only have one connection and we only do asynchronous things after setup;
1052   *  this name still exists mainly for legacy reasons.
1053   */
1054  asyncConnection: null,
1056  /**
1057   * Our "mailnews.database.global.datastore." preferences branch for debug
1058   * notification handling.  We register as an observer against this.
1059   */
1060  _prefBranch: null,
1062  /**
1063   * The unique ID assigned to an index when it has been built. This value
1064   * changes once the index has been rebuilt.
1065   */
1066  _datastoreID: null,
1068  /**
1069   * Initialize logging, create the database if it doesn't exist, "upgrade" it
1070   *  if it does and it's not up-to-date, fill our authoritative folder uri/id
1071   *  mapping.
1072   */
1073  _init(aNounIDToDef) {
1074    this._log = console.createInstance({
1075      prefix: "gloda.datastore",
1076      maxLogLevel: "Warn",
1077      maxLogLevelPref: "gloda.loglevel",
1078    });
1079    this._log.debug("Beginning datastore initialization.");
1081    this._nounIDToDef = aNounIDToDef;
1083    let branch = Services.prefs.getBranch(
1084      "mailnews.database.global.datastore."
1085    );
1086    this._prefBranch = branch;
1088    // Not sure the weak reference really makes a difference given that we are a
1089    // GC root.
1090    branch.addObserver("", this);
1091    // claim the pref changed so we can centralize our logic there.
1092    this.observe(null, "nsPref:changed", "explainToPath");
1094    // Get the path to our global database
1095    var dbFile = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile);
1096    dbFile.append("global-messages-db.sqlite");
1098    var dbConnection;
1100    // Report about the size of the database through telemetry (if there's a
1101    // database, naturally).
1102    if (dbFile.exists()) {
1103      try {
1104        let h = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(
1106        );
1107        h.add(dbFile.fileSize / 1048576);
1108      } catch (e) {
1109        this._log.warn("Couldn't report telemetry", e);
1110      }
1111    }
1113    // Create the file if it does not exist
1114    if (!dbFile.exists()) {
1115      this._log.debug("Creating database because it doesn't exist.");
1116      dbConnection = this._createDB(dbFile);
1117    } else {
1118      // It does exist, but we (someday) might need to upgrade the schema
1119      // (Exceptions may be thrown if the database is corrupt)
1120      try {
1121        dbConnection = Services.storage.openUnsharedDatabase(dbFile);
1122        let cacheSize = this._determineCachePages(dbConnection);
1123        // see _createDB...
1124        dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("PRAGMA cache_size = " + cacheSize);
1125        dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("PRAGMA synchronous = FULL");
1127        // Register custom tokenizer to index all language text
1128        var tokenizer = Cc["@mozilla.org/messenger/fts3tokenizer;1"].getService(
1129          Ci.nsIFts3Tokenizer
1130        );
1131        tokenizer.registerTokenizer(dbConnection);
1133        // -- database schema changes
1134        let dbSchemaVersion = (this._actualSchemaVersion =
1135          dbConnection.schemaVersion);
1136        // - database from the future!
1137        if (dbSchemaVersion > this._schemaVersion) {
1138          if (
1139            dbSchemaVersion >= DB_SCHEMA_ACCEPT_LEAVE_LOW &&
1140            dbSchemaVersion <= DB_SCHEMA_ACCEPT_LEAVE_HIGH
1141          ) {
1142            this._log.debug(
1143              "db from the future in acceptable range; leaving " +
1144                "version at: " +
1145                dbSchemaVersion
1146            );
1147          } else if (
1148            dbSchemaVersion >= DB_SCHEMA_ACCEPT_DOWNGRADE_LOW &&
1149            dbSchemaVersion <= DB_SCHEMA_ACCEPT_DOWNGRADE_HIGH
1150          ) {
1151            let newVersion = dbSchemaVersion - DB_SCHEMA_DOWNGRADE_DELTA;
1152            this._log.debug(
1153              "db from the future in downgrade range; setting " +
1154                "version to " +
1155                newVersion +
1156                " down from " +
1157                dbSchemaVersion
1158            );
1159            dbConnection.schemaVersion = this._actualSchemaVersion = newVersion;
1160          } else {
1161            // too far from the future, nuke it.
1162            dbConnection = this._nukeMigration(dbFile, dbConnection);
1163          }
1164        } else if (dbSchemaVersion < this._schemaVersion) {
1165          // - database from the past!  migrate it, possibly.
1166          this._log.debug(
1167            "Need to migrate database.  (DB version: " +
1168              this._actualSchemaVersion +
1169              " desired version: " +
1170              this._schemaVersion
1171          );
1172          dbConnection = this._migrate(
1173            dbFile,
1174            dbConnection,
1175            this._actualSchemaVersion,
1176            this._schemaVersion
1177          );
1178          this._log.debug("Migration call completed.");
1179        }
1180        // else: this database is juuust right.
1182        // If we never had a datastore ID, make sure to create one now.
1183        if (!this._prefBranch.prefHasUserValue("id")) {
1184          this._datastoreID = this._generateDatastoreID();
1185          this._prefBranch.setCharPref("id", this._datastoreID);
1186        } else {
1187          this._datastoreID = this._prefBranch.getCharPref("id");
1188        }
1189      } catch (ex) {
1190        // Handle corrupt databases, other oddities
1191        if (ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED) {
1192          this._log.warn("Database was corrupt, removing the old one.");
1193          dbFile.remove(false);
1194          this._log.warn("Removed old database, creating a new one.");
1195          dbConnection = this._createDB(dbFile);
1196        } else {
1197          this._log.error(
1198            "Unexpected error when trying to open the database:",
1199            ex
1200          );
1201          throw ex;
1202        }
1203      }
1204    }
1206    this.syncConnection = dbConnection;
1207    this.asyncConnection = dbConnection;
1209    this._log.debug("Initializing folder mappings.");
1210    this._getAllFolderMappings();
1211    // we need to figure out the next id's for all of the tables where we
1212    //  manage that.
1213    this._log.debug("Populating managed id counters.");
1214    this._populateAttributeDefManagedId();
1215    this._populateConversationManagedId();
1216    this._populateMessageManagedId();
1217    this._populateContactManagedId();
1218    this._populateIdentityManagedId();
1220    // create the timer we use to periodically drop our references to folders
1221    //  we no longer need XPCOM references to (or more significantly, their
1222    //  message databases.)
1223    this._folderCleanupTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(
1224      Ci.nsITimer
1225    );
1227    this._log.debug("Completed datastore initialization.");
1228  },
1230  observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
1231    if (aTopic != "nsPref:changed") {
1232      return;
1233    }
1235    if (aData == "explainToPath") {
1236      let explainToPath = null;
1237      try {
1238        explainToPath = this._prefBranch.getCharPref("explainToPath");
1239        if (explainToPath.trim() == "") {
1240          explainToPath = null;
1241        }
1242      } catch (ex) {
1243        // don't care if the pref is not there.
1244      }
1246      // It is conceivable that the name is changing and this isn't a boolean
1247      // toggle, so always clean out the explain processor.
1248      if (this._explainProcessor) {
1249        this._explainProcessor.shutdown();
1250        this._explainProcessor = null;
1251      }
1253      if (explainToPath) {
1254        this._createAsyncStatement = this._createExplainedAsyncStatement;
1255        this._explainProcessor = new ExplainedStatementProcessor(explainToPath);
1256      } else {
1257        this._createAsyncStatement = this._realCreateAsyncStatement;
1258      }
1259    }
1260  },
1262  datastoreIsShutdown: false,
1264  /**
1265   * Perform datastore shutdown.
1266   */
1267  shutdown() {
1268    // Clear out any pending transaction by committing it.
1269    // The indexer has been shutdown by this point; it no longer has any active
1270    //  indexing logic and it no longer has active event listeners capable of
1271    //  generating new activity.
1272    // Semantic consistency of the database is guaranteed by the indexer's
1273    //  strategy of only yielding control at coherent times.  Although it takes
1274    //  multiple calls and multiple SQL operations to update the state of our
1275    //  database representations, the generator does not yield until it has
1276    //  issued all the database statements required for said update.  As such,
1277    //  this commit will leave us in a good way (and the commit will happen
1278    //  because closing the connection will drain the async execution queue.)
1279    while (this._transactionDepth) {
1280      this._log.info("Closing pending transaction out for shutdown.");
1281      // just schedule this function to be run again once the transaction has
1282      //  been closed out.
1283      this._commitTransaction();
1284    }
1286    this.datastoreIsShutdown = true;
1288    // shutdown our folder cleanup timer, if active and null it out.
1289    if (this._folderCleanupActive) {
1290      this._folderCleanupTimer.cancel();
1291    }
1292    this._folderCleanupTimer = null;
1294    this._log.info("Closing db connection");
1296    // we do not expect exceptions, but it's a good idea to avoid having our
1297    //  shutdown process explode.
1298    try {
1299      this._cleanupAsyncStatements();
1300      this._cleanupSyncStatements();
1301    } catch (ex) {
1302      this._log.debug("Unexpected exception during statement cleanup: " + ex);
1303    }
1305    // it's conceivable we might get a spurious exception here, but we really
1306    //  shouldn't get one.  again, we want to ensure shutdown runs to completion
1307    //  and doesn't break our caller.
1308    try {
1309      // This currently causes all pending asynchronous operations to be run to
1310      //  completion.  this simplifies things from a correctness perspective,
1311      //  and, honestly, is a lot easier than us tracking all of the async
1312      //  event tasks so that we can explicitly cancel them.
1313      // This is a reasonable thing to do because we don't actually ever have
1314      //  a huge number of statements outstanding.  The indexing process needs
1315      //  to issue async requests periodically, so the most we have in-flight
1316      //  from a write perspective is strictly less than the work required to
1317      //  update the database state for a single message.
1318      // However, the potential for multiple pending expensive queries does
1319      //  exist, and it may be advisable to attempt to track and cancel those.
1320      //  For simplicity we don't currently do this, and I expect this should
1321      //  not pose a major problem, but those are famous last words.
1322      // Note: asyncClose does not spin a nested event loop, but the thread
1323      //  manager shutdown code will spin the async thread's event loop, so it
1324      //  nets out to be the same.
1325      this.asyncConnection.asyncClose();
1326    } catch (ex) {
1327      this._log.debug(
1328        "Potentially expected exception during connection closure: " + ex
1329      );
1330    }
1332    this.asyncConnection = null;
1333    this.syncConnection = null;
1334  },
1336  /**
1337   * Generates and returns a UUID.
1338   *
1339   * @return a UUID as a string, ex: "c4dd0159-9287-480f-a648-a4613e147fdb"
1340   */
1341  _generateDatastoreID() {
1342    let uuidGen = Cc["@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1"].getService(
1343      Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator
1344    );
1345    let uuid = uuidGen.generateUUID().toString();
1346    // We snip off the { and } from each end of the UUID.
1347    return uuid.substring(1, uuid.length - 2);
1348  },
1350  _determineCachePages(aDBConn) {
1351    try {
1352      // For the details of the computations, one should read
1353      //  nsNavHistory::InitDB. We're slightly diverging from them in the sense
1354      //  that we won't allow gloda to use insane amounts of memory cache, and
1355      //  we start with 1% instead of 6% like them.
1356      let pageStmt = aDBConn.createStatement("PRAGMA page_size");
1357      pageStmt.executeStep();
1358      let pageSize = pageStmt.row.page_size;
1359      pageStmt.finalize();
1360      let cachePermillage = this._prefBranch.getIntPref(
1361        "cache_to_memory_permillage"
1362      );
1363      cachePermillage = Math.min(cachePermillage, 50);
1364      cachePermillage = Math.max(cachePermillage, 0);
1365      let physMem = Services.sysinfo.getPropertyAsInt64("memsize");
1366      if (physMem == 0) {
1367        physMem = MEMSIZE_FALLBACK_BYTES;
1368      }
1369      let cacheSize = Math.round((physMem * cachePermillage) / 1000);
1370      cacheSize = Math.max(cacheSize, MIN_CACHE_SIZE);
1371      cacheSize = Math.min(cacheSize, MAX_CACHE_SIZE);
1372      let cachePages = Math.round(cacheSize / pageSize);
1373      return cachePages;
1374    } catch (ex) {
1375      this._log.warn("Error determining cache size: " + ex);
1376      // A little bit lower than on my personal machine, will result in ~40M.
1377      return 1000;
1378    }
1379  },
1381  /**
1382   * Create our database; basically a wrapper around _createSchema.
1383   */
1384  _createDB(aDBFile) {
1385    var dbConnection = Services.storage.openUnsharedDatabase(aDBFile);
1386    // We now follow the Firefox strategy for places, which mainly consists in
1387    //  picking a default 32k page size, and then figuring out the amount of
1388    //  cache accordingly. The default 32k come from mozilla/toolkit/storage,
1389    //  but let's get it directly from sqlite in case they change it.
1390    let cachePages = this._determineCachePages(dbConnection);
1391    // This is a maximum number of pages to be used.  If the database does not
1392    //  get this large, then the memory does not get used.
1393    // Do not forget to update the code in _init if you change this value.
1394    dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("PRAGMA cache_size = " + cachePages);
1395    // The mozStorage default is NORMAL which shaves off some fsyncs in the
1396    //  interest of performance.  Since everything we do after bootstrap is
1397    //  async, we do not care about the performance, but we really want the
1398    //  correctness.  Bug reports and support avenues indicate a non-zero number
1399    //  of corrupt databases.  Note that this may not fix everything; OS X
1400    //  also supports an F_FULLSYNC flag enabled by PRAGMA fullfsync that we are
1401    //  not enabling that is much more comprehensive.  We can think about
1402    //  turning that on after we've seen how this reduces our corruption count.
1403    dbConnection.executeSimpleSQL("PRAGMA synchronous = FULL");
1404    // Register custom tokenizer to index all language text
1405    var tokenizer = Cc["@mozilla.org/messenger/fts3tokenizer;1"].getService(
1406      Ci.nsIFts3Tokenizer
1407    );
1408    tokenizer.registerTokenizer(dbConnection);
1410    // We're creating a new database, so let's generate a new ID for this
1411    // version of the datastore. This way, indexers can know when the index
1412    // has been rebuilt in the event that they need to rebuild dependent data.
1413    this._datastoreID = this._generateDatastoreID();
1414    this._prefBranch.setCharPref("id", this._datastoreID);
1416    dbConnection.beginTransaction();
1417    try {
1418      this._createSchema(dbConnection);
1419      dbConnection.commitTransaction();
1420    } catch (ex) {
1421      dbConnection.rollbackTransaction();
1422      throw ex;
1423    }
1425    return dbConnection;
1426  },
1428  _createTableSchema(aDBConnection, aTableName, aTableDef) {
1429    // - Create the table
1430    this._log.info("Creating table: " + aTableName);
1431    let columnDefs = [];
1432    for (let [column, type] of aTableDef.columns) {
1433      columnDefs.push(column + " " + type);
1434    }
1435    aDBConnection.createTable(aTableName, columnDefs.join(", "));
1437    // - Create the fulltext table if applicable
1438    if (aTableDef.fulltextColumns) {
1439      let columnDefs = [];
1440      for (let [column, type] of aTableDef.fulltextColumns) {
1441        columnDefs.push(column + " " + type);
1442      }
1443      let createFulltextSQL =
1444        "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE " +
1445        aTableName +
1446        "Text" +
1447        " USING fts3(tokenize mozporter, " +
1448        columnDefs.join(", ") +
1449        ")";
1450      this._log.info("Creating fulltext table: " + createFulltextSQL);
1451      aDBConnection.executeSimpleSQL(createFulltextSQL);
1452    }
1454    // - Create its indices
1455    if (aTableDef.indices) {
1456      for (let indexName in aTableDef.indices) {
1457        let indexColumns = aTableDef.indices[indexName];
1458        aDBConnection.executeSimpleSQL(
1459          "CREATE INDEX " +
1460            indexName +
1461            " ON " +
1462            aTableName +
1463            "(" +
1464            indexColumns.join(", ") +
1465            ")"
1466        );
1467      }
1468    }
1470    // - Create the attributes table if applicable
1471    if (aTableDef.genericAttributes) {
1472      aTableDef.genericAttributes = {
1473        columns: [
1474          ["nounID", "INTEGER NOT NULL"],
1475          ["attributeID", "INTEGER NOT NULL"],
1476          ["value", "NUMERIC"],
1477        ],
1478        indices: {},
1479      };
1480      aTableDef.genericAttributes.indices[aTableName + "AttribQuery"] = [
1481        "attributeID",
1482        "value",
1483        /* covering: */ "nounID",
1484      ];
1485      // let's use this very function!  (since we created genericAttributes,
1486      //  explodey recursion is avoided.)
1487      this._createTableSchema(
1488        aDBConnection,
1489        aTableName + "Attributes",
1490        aTableDef.genericAttributes
1491      );
1492    }
1493  },
1495  /**
1496   * Create our database schema assuming a newly created database.  This
1497   *  comes down to creating normal tables, their full-text variants (if
1498   *  applicable), and their indices.
1499   */
1500  _createSchema(aDBConnection) {
1501    // -- For each table...
1502    for (let tableName in this._schema.tables) {
1503      let tableDef = this._schema.tables[tableName];
1504      this._createTableSchema(aDBConnection, tableName, tableDef);
1505    }
1507    aDBConnection.schemaVersion = this._actualSchemaVersion = this._schemaVersion;
1508  },
1510  /**
1511   * Create a table for a noun, replete with data binding.
1512   */
1513  createNounTable(aNounDef) {
1514    // give it a _jsonText attribute if appropriate...
1515    if (aNounDef.allowsArbitraryAttrs) {
1516      aNounDef.schema.columns.push(["jsonAttributes", "STRING", "_jsonText"]);
1517    }
1518    // check if the table exists
1519    if (!this.asyncConnection.tableExists(aNounDef.tableName)) {
1520      // it doesn't! create it (and its potentially many variants)
1521      try {
1522        this._createTableSchema(
1523          this.asyncConnection,
1524          aNounDef.tableName,
1525          aNounDef.schema
1526        );
1527      } catch (ex) {
1528        this._log.error(
1529          "Problem creating table " +
1530            aNounDef.tableName +
1531            " " +
1532            "because: " +
1533            ex +
1534            " at " +
1535            ex.fileName +
1536            ":" +
1537            ex.lineNumber
1538        );
1539        return;
1540      }
1541    }
1543    aNounDef._dataBinder = new GlodaDatabind(aNounDef, this);
1544    aNounDef.datastore = aNounDef._dataBinder;
1545    aNounDef.objFromRow = aNounDef._dataBinder.objFromRow;
1546    aNounDef.objInsert = aNounDef._dataBinder.objInsert;
1547    aNounDef.objUpdate = aNounDef._dataBinder.objUpdate;
1548    aNounDef.dbAttribAdjuster = aNounDef._dataBinder.adjustAttributes;
1550    if (aNounDef.schema.genericAttributes) {
1551      aNounDef.attrTableName = aNounDef.tableName + "Attributes";
1552      aNounDef.attrIDColumnName = "nounID";
1553    }
1554  },
1556  _nukeMigration(aDBFile, aDBConnection) {
1557    aDBConnection.close();
1558    aDBFile.remove(false);
1559    this._log.warn(
1560      "Global database has been purged due to schema change.  " +
1561        "old version was " +
1562        this._actualSchemaVersion +
1563        ", new version is: " +
1564        this._schemaVersion
1565    );
1566    return this._createDB(aDBFile);
1567  },
1569  /**
1570   * Migrate the database _to the latest version_ from an older version.  We
1571   *  only keep enough logic around to get us to the recent version.  This code
1572   *  is not a time machine!  If we need to blow away the database to get to the
1573   *  most recent version, then that's the sum total of the migration!
1574   */
1575  _migrate(aDBFile, aDBConnection, aCurVersion, aNewVersion) {
1576    // version 12:
1577    // - notability column added
1578    // version 13:
1579    // - we are adding a new fulltext index column. blow away!
1580    // - note that I screwed up and failed to mark the schema change; apparently
1581    //   no database will claim to be version 13...
1582    // version 14ish, still labeled 13?:
1583    // - new attributes: forwarded, repliedTo, bcc, recipients
1584    // - altered fromMeTo and fromMeCc to fromMe
1585    // - altered toMe and ccMe to just be toMe
1586    // - exposes bcc to cc-related attributes
1587    // - MIME type DB schema overhaul
1588    // version 15ish, still labeled 13:
1589    // - change tokenizer to mozporter to support CJK
1590    // (We are slip-streaming this so that only people who want to test CJK
1591    //  have to test it.  We will properly bump the schema revision when the
1592    //  gloda correctness patch lands.)
1593    // version 16ish, labeled 14 and now 16
1594    // - gloda message id's start from 32 now
1595    // - all kinds of correctness changes (blow away)
1596    // version 17
1597    // - more correctness fixes. (blow away)
1598    // version 18
1599    // - significant empty set support (blow away)
1600    // version 19
1601    // - there was a typo that was resulting in deleted getting set to the
1602    //  numeric value of the javascript undefined value.  (migrate-able)
1603    // version 20
1604    // - tokenizer changes to provide for case/accent-folding. (blow away)
1605    // version 21
1606    // - add the messagesAttribFastDeletion index we thought was already covered
1607    //  by an index we removed a while ago (migrate-able)
1608    // version 26
1609    // - bump page size and also cache size (blow away)
1610    // version 30
1611    // - recover from bug 732372 that affected TB 11 beta / TB 12 alpha / TB 13
1612    //    trunk.  The fix is bug 734507.  The revision bump happens
1613    //    asynchronously. (migrate-able)
1615    // nuke if prior to 26
1616    if (aCurVersion < 26) {
1617      return this._nukeMigration(aDBFile, aDBConnection);
1618    }
1620    // They must be desiring our "a.contact is undefined" fix!
1621    // This fix runs asynchronously as the first indexing job the indexer ever
1622    //  performs.  It is scheduled by the enabling of the message indexer and
1623    //  it is the one that updates the schema version when done.
1625    // return the same DB connection since we didn't create a new one or do
1626    //  anything.
1627    return aDBConnection;
1628  },
1630  /**
1631   * Asynchronously update the schema version; only for use by in-tree callers
1632   *  who asynchronously perform migration work triggered by their initial
1633   *  indexing sweep and who have properly updated the schema version in all
1634   *  the appropriate locations in this file.
1635   *
1636   * This is done without doing anything about the current transaction state,
1637   *  which is desired.
1638   */
1639  _updateSchemaVersion(newSchemaVersion) {
1640    this._actualSchemaVersion = newSchemaVersion;
1641    let stmt = this._createAsyncStatement(
1642      // we need to concat; pragmas don't like "?1" binds
1643      "PRAGMA user_version = " + newSchemaVersion,
1644      true
1645    );
1646    stmt.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
1647    stmt.finalize();
1648  },
1650  _outstandingAsyncStatements: [],
1652  /**
1653   * Unless debugging, this is just _realCreateAsyncStatement, but in some
1654   *  debugging modes this is instead the helpful wrapper
1655   *  _createExplainedAsyncStatement.
1656   */
1657  _createAsyncStatement: null,
1659  _realCreateAsyncStatement(aSQLString, aWillFinalize) {
1660    let statement = null;
1661    try {
1662      statement = this.asyncConnection.createAsyncStatement(aSQLString);
1663    } catch (ex) {
1664      throw new Error(
1665        "error creating async statement " +
1666          aSQLString +
1667          " - " +
1668          this.asyncConnection.lastError +
1669          ": " +
1670          this.asyncConnection.lastErrorString +
1671          " - " +
1672          ex
1673      );
1674    }
1676    if (!aWillFinalize) {
1677      this._outstandingAsyncStatements.push(statement);
1678    }
1680    return statement;
1681  },
1683  /**
1684   * The ExplainedStatementProcessor instance used by
1685   *  _createExplainedAsyncStatement.  This will be null if
1686   *  _createExplainedAsyncStatement is not being used as _createAsyncStatement.
1687   */
1688  _explainProcessor: null,
1690  /**
1691   * Wrapped version of _createAsyncStatement that EXPLAINs the statement.  When
1692   *  used this decorates _createAsyncStatement, in which case we are found at
1693   *  that name and the original is at _orig_createAsyncStatement.  This is
1694   *  controlled by the explainToPath preference (see |_init|).
1695   */
1696  _createExplainedAsyncStatement(aSQLString, aWillFinalize) {
1697    let realStatement = this._realCreateAsyncStatement(
1698      aSQLString,
1699      aWillFinalize
1700    );
1701    // don't wrap transaction control statements.
1702    if (
1703      aSQLString == "COMMIT" ||
1704      aSQLString == "BEGIN TRANSACTION" ||
1705      aSQLString == "ROLLBACK"
1706    ) {
1707      return realStatement;
1708    }
1710    let explainSQL = "EXPLAIN " + aSQLString;
1711    let explainStatement = this._realCreateAsyncStatement(explainSQL);
1713    return new ExplainedStatementWrapper(
1714      realStatement,
1715      explainStatement,
1716      aSQLString,
1717      this._explainProcessor
1718    );
1719  },
1721  _cleanupAsyncStatements() {
1722    this._outstandingAsyncStatements.forEach(stmt => stmt.finalize());
1723  },
1725  _outstandingSyncStatements: [],
1727  _createSyncStatement(aSQLString, aWillFinalize) {
1728    let statement = null;
1729    try {
1730      statement = this.syncConnection.createStatement(aSQLString);
1731    } catch (ex) {
1732      throw new Error(
1733        "error creating sync statement " +
1734          aSQLString +
1735          " - " +
1736          this.syncConnection.lastError +
1737          ": " +
1738          this.syncConnection.lastErrorString +
1739          " - " +
1740          ex
1741      );
1742    }
1744    if (!aWillFinalize) {
1745      this._outstandingSyncStatements.push(statement);
1746    }
1748    return statement;
1749  },
1751  _cleanupSyncStatements() {
1752    this._outstandingSyncStatements.forEach(stmt => stmt.finalize());
1753  },
1755  /**
1756   * Perform a synchronous executeStep on the statement, handling any
1757   *  SQLITE_BUSY fallout that could conceivably happen from a collision on our
1758   *  read with the async writes.
1759   * Basically we keep trying until we succeed or run out of tries.
1760   * We believe this to be a reasonable course of action because we don't
1761   *  expect this to happen much.
1762   */
1763  _syncStep(aStatement) {
1764    let tries = 0;
1765    while (tries < 32000) {
1766      try {
1767        return aStatement.executeStep();
1768      } catch (e) {
1769        // SQLITE_BUSY becomes NS_ERROR_FAILURE
1770        if (e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE) {
1771          tries++;
1772          // we really need to delay here, somehow.  unfortunately, we can't
1773          //  allow event processing to happen, and most of the things we could
1774          //  do to delay ourselves result in event processing happening.  (Use
1775          //  of a timer, a synchronous dispatch, etc.)
1776          // in theory, nsIThreadEventFilter could allow us to stop other events
1777          //  that aren't our timer from happening, but it seems slightly
1778          //  dangerous and 'notxpcom' suggests it ain't happening anyways...
1779          // so, let's just be dumb and hope that the underlying file I/O going
1780          //  on makes us more likely to yield to the other thread so it can
1781          //  finish what it is doing...
1782        } else {
1783          throw e;
1784        }
1785      }
1786    }
1787    this._log.error("Synchronous step gave up after " + tries + " tries.");
1788    return false;
1789  },
1791  _bindVariant(aStatement, aIndex, aVariant) {
1792    aStatement.bindByIndex(aIndex, aVariant);
1793  },
1795  /**
1796   * Helper that uses the appropriate getter given the data type; should be
1797   *  mooted once we move to 1.9.2 and can use built-in variant support.
1798   */
1799  _getVariant(aRow, aIndex) {
1800    let typeOfIndex = aRow.getTypeOfIndex(aIndex);
1801    if (typeOfIndex == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL) {
1802      // XPConnect would just end up going through an intermediary double stage
1803      // for the int64 case anyways...
1804      return null;
1805    }
1806    if (
1807      typeOfIndex == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER ||
1808      typeOfIndex == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE
1809    ) {
1810      return aRow.getDouble(aIndex);
1811    }
1812    // typeOfIndex == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_TEXT
1813    return aRow.getString(aIndex);
1814  },
1816  /** Simple nested transaction support as a performance optimization. */
1817  _transactionDepth: 0,
1818  _transactionGood: false,
1820  /**
1821   * Self-memoizing BEGIN TRANSACTION statement.
1822   */
1823  get _beginTransactionStatement() {
1824    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement("BEGIN TRANSACTION");
1825    this.__defineGetter__("_beginTransactionStatement", () => statement);
1826    return this._beginTransactionStatement;
1827  },
1829  /**
1830   * Self-memoizing COMMIT statement.
1831   */
1832  get _commitTransactionStatement() {
1833    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement("COMMIT");
1834    this.__defineGetter__("_commitTransactionStatement", () => statement);
1835    return this._commitTransactionStatement;
1836  },
1838  /**
1839   * Self-memoizing ROLLBACK statement.
1840   */
1841  get _rollbackTransactionStatement() {
1842    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement("ROLLBACK");
1843    this.__defineGetter__("_rollbackTransactionStatement", () => statement);
1844    return this._rollbackTransactionStatement;
1845  },
1847  _pendingPostCommitCallbacks: null,
1848  /**
1849   * Register a callback to be invoked when the current transaction's commit
1850   *  completes.
1851   */
1852  runPostCommit(aCallback) {
1853    this._pendingPostCommitCallbacks.push(aCallback);
1854  },
1856  /**
1857   * Begin a potentially nested transaction; only the outermost transaction gets
1858   *  to be an actual transaction, and the failure of any nested transaction
1859   *  results in a rollback of the entire outer transaction.  If you really
1860   *  need an atomic transaction
1861   */
1862  _beginTransaction() {
1863    if (this._transactionDepth == 0) {
1864      this._pendingPostCommitCallbacks = [];
1865      this._beginTransactionStatement.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
1866      this._transactionGood = true;
1867    }
1868    this._transactionDepth++;
1869  },
1870  /**
1871   * Commit a potentially nested transaction; if we are the outer-most
1872   *  transaction and no sub-transaction issues a rollback
1873   *  (via _rollbackTransaction) then we commit, otherwise we rollback.
1874   */
1875  _commitTransaction() {
1876    this._transactionDepth--;
1877    if (this._transactionDepth == 0) {
1878      try {
1879        if (this._transactionGood) {
1880          this._commitTransactionStatement.executeAsync(
1881            new PostCommitHandler(this._pendingPostCommitCallbacks)
1882          );
1883        } else {
1884          this._rollbackTransactionStatement.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
1885        }
1886      } catch (ex) {
1887        this._log.error("Commit problem:", ex);
1888      }
1889      this._pendingPostCommitCallbacks = [];
1890    }
1891  },
1892  /**
1893   * Abort the commit of the potentially nested transaction.  If we are not the
1894   *  outermost transaction, we set a flag that tells the outermost transaction
1895   *  that it must roll back.
1896   */
1897  _rollbackTransaction() {
1898    this._transactionDepth--;
1899    this._transactionGood = false;
1900    if (this._transactionDepth == 0) {
1901      try {
1902        this._rollbackTransactionStatement.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
1903      } catch (ex) {
1904        this._log.error("Rollback problem:", ex);
1905      }
1906    }
1907  },
1909  _pendingAsyncStatements: 0,
1910  /**
1911   * The function to call, if any, when we hit 0 pending async statements.
1912   */
1913  _pendingAsyncCompletedListener: null,
1914  _asyncCompleted() {
1915    if (--this._pendingAsyncStatements == 0) {
1916      if (this._pendingAsyncCompletedListener !== null) {
1917        this._pendingAsyncCompletedListener();
1918        this._pendingAsyncCompletedListener = null;
1919      }
1920    }
1921  },
1922  _asyncTrackerListener: {
1923    handleResult() {},
1924    handleError(aError) {
1925      GlodaDatastore._log.error(
1926        "got error in _asyncTrackerListener.handleError(): " +
1927          aError.result +
1928          ": " +
1929          aError.message
1930      );
1931    },
1932    handleCompletion() {
1933      try {
1934        // the helper method exists because the other classes need to call it too
1935        GlodaDatastore._asyncCompleted();
1936      } catch (e) {
1937        this._log.error("Exception in handleCompletion:", e);
1938      }
1939    },
1940  },
1941  /**
1942   * Increments _pendingAsyncStatements and returns a listener that will
1943   *  decrement the value when the statement completes.
1944   */
1945  trackAsync() {
1946    this._pendingAsyncStatements++;
1947    return this._asyncTrackerListener;
1948  },
1950  /* ********** Attribute Definitions ********** */
1951  /** Maps (attribute def) compound names to the GlodaAttributeDBDef objects. */
1952  _attributeDBDefs: {},
1953  /** Map attribute ID to the definition and parameter value that produce it. */
1954  _attributeIDToDBDefAndParam: {},
1956  /**
1957   * This attribute id indicates that we are encoding that a non-singular
1958   *  attribute has an empty set.  The value payload that goes with this should
1959   *  the attribute id of the attribute we are talking about.
1960   */
1961  kEmptySetAttrId: 1,
1963  /**
1964   * We maintain the attributeDefinitions next id counter mainly because we can.
1965   *  Since we mediate the access, there's no real risk to doing so, and it
1966   *  allows us to keep the writes on the async connection without having to
1967   *  wait for a completion notification.
1968   *
1969   * Start from 32 so we can have a number of sentinel values.
1970   */
1971  _nextAttributeId: 32,
1973  _populateAttributeDefManagedId() {
1974    let stmt = this._createSyncStatement(
1975      "SELECT MAX(id) FROM attributeDefinitions",
1976      true
1977    );
1978    if (stmt.executeStep()) {
1979      // no chance of this SQLITE_BUSY on this call
1980      // 0 gets returned even if there are no messages...
1981      let highestSeen = stmt.getInt64(0);
1982      if (highestSeen != 0) {
1983        this._nextAttributeId = highestSeen + 1;
1984      }
1985    }
1986    stmt.finalize();
1987  },
1989  get _insertAttributeDefStatement() {
1990    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
1991      "INSERT INTO attributeDefinitions (id, attributeType, extensionName, \
1992                                  name, parameter) \
1993              VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5)"
1994    );
1995    this.__defineGetter__("_insertAttributeDefStatement", () => statement);
1996    return this._insertAttributeDefStatement;
1997  },
1999  /**
2000   * Create an attribute definition and return the row ID.  Special/atypical
2001   *  in that it doesn't directly return a GlodaAttributeDBDef; we leave that up
2002   *  to the caller since they know much more than actually needs to go in the
2003   *  database.
2004   *
2005   * @return The attribute id allocated to this attribute.
2006   */
2007  _createAttributeDef(aAttrType, aExtensionName, aAttrName, aParameter) {
2008    let attributeId = this._nextAttributeId++;
2010    let iads = this._insertAttributeDefStatement;
2011    iads.bindByIndex(0, attributeId);
2012    iads.bindByIndex(1, aAttrType);
2013    iads.bindByIndex(2, aExtensionName);
2014    iads.bindByIndex(3, aAttrName);
2015    this._bindVariant(iads, 4, aParameter);
2017    iads.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2019    return attributeId;
2020  },
2022  /**
2023   * Sync-ly look-up all the attribute definitions, populating our authoritative
2024   *  _attributeDBDefss and _attributeIDToDBDefAndParam maps.  (In other words,
2025   *  once this method is called, those maps should always be in sync with the
2026   *  underlying database.)
2027   */
2028  getAllAttributes() {
2029    let stmt = this._createSyncStatement(
2030      "SELECT id, attributeType, extensionName, name, parameter \
2031         FROM attributeDefinitions",
2032      true
2033    );
2035    // map compound name to the attribute
2036    let attribs = {};
2037    // map the attribute id to [attribute, parameter] where parameter is null
2038    //  in cases where parameter is unused.
2039    let idToAttribAndParam = {};
2041    this._log.info("loading all attribute defs");
2043    while (stmt.executeStep()) {
2044      // no chance of this SQLITE_BUSY on this call
2045      let rowId = stmt.getInt64(0);
2046      let rowAttributeType = stmt.getInt64(1);
2047      let rowExtensionName = stmt.getString(2);
2048      let rowName = stmt.getString(3);
2049      let rowParameter = this._getVariant(stmt, 4);
2051      let compoundName = rowExtensionName + ":" + rowName;
2053      let attrib;
2054      if (compoundName in attribs) {
2055        attrib = attribs[compoundName];
2056      } else {
2057        attrib = new GlodaAttributeDBDef(
2058          this,
2059          /* aID */ null,
2060          compoundName,
2061          rowAttributeType,
2062          rowExtensionName,
2063          rowName
2064        );
2065        attribs[compoundName] = attrib;
2066      }
2067      // if the parameter is null, the id goes on the attribute def, otherwise
2068      //  it is a parameter binding and goes in the binding map.
2069      if (rowParameter == null) {
2070        this._log.debug(compoundName + " primary: " + rowId);
2071        attrib._id = rowId;
2072        idToAttribAndParam[rowId] = [attrib, null];
2073      } else {
2074        this._log.debug(
2075          compoundName + " binding: " + rowParameter + " = " + rowId
2076        );
2077        attrib._parameterBindings[rowParameter] = rowId;
2078        idToAttribAndParam[rowId] = [attrib, rowParameter];
2079      }
2080    }
2081    stmt.finalize();
2083    this._log.info("done loading all attribute defs");
2085    this._attributeDBDefs = attribs;
2086    this._attributeIDToDBDefAndParam = idToAttribAndParam;
2087  },
2089  /**
2090   * Helper method for GlodaAttributeDBDef to tell us when their bindParameter
2091   *  method is called and they have created a new binding (using
2092   *  GlodaDatastore._createAttributeDef).  In theory, that method could take
2093   *  an additional argument and obviate the need for this method.
2094   */
2095  reportBinding(aID, aAttrDef, aParamValue) {
2096    this._attributeIDToDBDefAndParam[aID] = [aAttrDef, aParamValue];
2097  },
2099  /* ********** Folders ********** */
2100  /** next folder (row) id to issue, populated by _getAllFolderMappings. */
2101  _nextFolderId: 1,
2103  get _insertFolderLocationStatement() {
2104    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
2105      "INSERT INTO folderLocations (id, folderURI, dirtyStatus, name, \
2106                                    indexingPriority) VALUES \
2107        (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5)"
2108    );
2109    this.__defineGetter__("_insertFolderLocationStatement", () => statement);
2110    return this._insertFolderLocationStatement;
2111  },
2113  /**
2114   * Authoritative map from folder URI to folder ID.  (Authoritative in the
2115   *  sense that this map exactly represents the state of the underlying
2116   *  database.  If it does not, it's a bug in updating the database.)
2117   */
2118  _folderByURI: {},
2119  /** Authoritative map from folder ID to folder URI */
2120  _folderByID: {},
2122  /** Initialize our _folderByURI/_folderByID mappings, called by _init(). */
2123  _getAllFolderMappings() {
2124    let stmt = this._createSyncStatement(
2125      "SELECT id, folderURI, dirtyStatus, name, indexingPriority \
2126        FROM folderLocations",
2127      true
2128    );
2130    while (stmt.executeStep()) {
2131      // no chance of this SQLITE_BUSY on this call
2132      let folderID = stmt.getInt64(0);
2133      let folderURI = stmt.getString(1);
2134      let dirtyStatus = stmt.getInt32(2);
2135      let folderName = stmt.getString(3);
2136      let indexingPriority = stmt.getInt32(4);
2138      let folder = new GlodaFolder(
2139        this,
2140        folderID,
2141        folderURI,
2142        dirtyStatus,
2143        folderName,
2144        indexingPriority
2145      );
2147      this._folderByURI[folderURI] = folder;
2148      this._folderByID[folderID] = folder;
2150      if (folderID >= this._nextFolderId) {
2151        this._nextFolderId = folderID + 1;
2152      }
2153    }
2154    stmt.finalize();
2155  },
2157  _folderKnown(aFolder) {
2158    let folderURI = aFolder.URI;
2159    return folderURI in this._folderByURI;
2160  },
2162  _folderIdKnown(aFolderID) {
2163    return aFolderID in this._folderByID;
2164  },
2166  /**
2167   * Return the default messaging priority for a folder of this type, based
2168   * on the folder's flags. If aAllowSpecialFolderIndexing is true, then
2169   * folders suchs as Trash and Junk will be indexed.
2170   *
2171   * @param {nsIMsgFolder} aFolder
2172   * @param {boolean} aAllowSpecialFolderIndexing
2173   * @returns {Number}
2174   */
2175  getDefaultIndexingPriority(aFolder, aAllowSpecialFolderIndexing) {
2176    let indexingPriority = GlodaFolder.prototype.kIndexingDefaultPriority;
2177    // Do not walk into trash/junk folders, unless the user is explicitly
2178    //  telling us to do so.
2179    let specialFolderFlags =
2180      Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Trash | Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Junk;
2181    if (aFolder.isSpecialFolder(specialFolderFlags, true)) {
2182      indexingPriority = aAllowSpecialFolderIndexing
2183        ? GlodaFolder.prototype.kIndexingDefaultPriority
2184        : GlodaFolder.prototype.kIndexingNeverPriority;
2185    } else if (
2186      aFolder.flags &
2187      (Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Queue | Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Newsgroup)
2188      // In unit testing at least folders can be
2189      // confusingly labeled ImapPublic when they
2190      // should not be.  Or at least I don't think they
2191      // should be.  So they're legit for now.
2192      // | Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.ImapPublic
2193      // | Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.ImapOtherUser
2194    ) {
2195      // Queue folders should always be ignored just because messages should not
2196      // spend much time in there.
2197      // We hate newsgroups, and public IMAP folders are similar.
2198      // Other user IMAP folders should be ignored because it's not this user's
2199      // mail.
2200      indexingPriority = GlodaFolder.prototype.kIndexingNeverPriority;
2201    } else if (aFolder.flags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Inbox) {
2202      indexingPriority = GlodaFolder.prototype.kIndexingInboxPriority;
2203    } else if (aFolder.flags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.SentMail) {
2204      indexingPriority = GlodaFolder.prototype.kIndexingSentMailPriority;
2205    } else if (aFolder.flags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Favorite) {
2206      indexingPriority = GlodaFolder.prototype.kIndexingFavoritePriority;
2207    } else if (aFolder.flags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.CheckNew) {
2208      indexingPriority = GlodaFolder.prototype.kIndexingCheckNewPriority;
2209    }
2211    return indexingPriority;
2212  },
2214  /**
2215   * Map a folder URI to a GlodaFolder instance, creating the mapping if it does
2216   *  not yet exist.
2217   *
2218   * @param aFolder The nsIMsgFolder instance you would like the GlodaFolder
2219   *     instance for.
2220   * @returns The existing or newly created GlodaFolder instance.
2221   */
2222  _mapFolder(aFolder) {
2223    let folderURI = aFolder.URI;
2224    if (folderURI in this._folderByURI) {
2225      return this._folderByURI[folderURI];
2226    }
2228    let folderID = this._nextFolderId++;
2230    // if there's an indexingPriority stored on the folder, just use that
2231    let indexingPriority;
2232    let stringPrio = aFolder.getStringProperty("indexingPriority");
2233    if (stringPrio.length) {
2234      indexingPriority = parseInt(stringPrio);
2235    } else {
2236      // Otherwise, fall back to the default for folders of this type.
2237      indexingPriority = this.getDefaultIndexingPriority(aFolder);
2238    }
2240    // If there are messages in the folder, it is filthy.  If there are no
2241    //  messages, it can be clean.
2242    let dirtyStatus = aFolder.getTotalMessages(false)
2243      ? GlodaFolder.prototype.kFolderFilthy
2244      : GlodaFolder.prototype.kFolderClean;
2245    let folder = new GlodaFolder(
2246      this,
2247      folderID,
2248      folderURI,
2249      dirtyStatus,
2250      aFolder.prettyName,
2251      indexingPriority
2252    );
2254    this._insertFolderLocationStatement.bindByIndex(0, folder.id);
2255    this._insertFolderLocationStatement.bindByIndex(1, folder.uri);
2256    this._insertFolderLocationStatement.bindByIndex(2, folder.dirtyStatus);
2257    this._insertFolderLocationStatement.bindByIndex(3, folder.name);
2258    this._insertFolderLocationStatement.bindByIndex(4, folder.indexingPriority);
2259    this._insertFolderLocationStatement.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2261    this._folderByURI[folderURI] = folder;
2262    this._folderByID[folderID] = folder;
2263    this._log.debug("!! mapped " + folder.id + " from " + folderURI);
2264    return folder;
2265  },
2267  /**
2268   * Map an integer gloda folder ID to the corresponding GlodaFolder instance.
2269   *
2270   * @param aFolderID The known valid gloda folder ID for which you would like
2271   *     a GlodaFolder instance.
2272   * @return The GlodaFolder instance with the given id.  If no such instance
2273   *     exists, we will throw an exception.
2274   */
2275  _mapFolderID(aFolderID) {
2276    if (aFolderID === null) {
2277      return null;
2278    }
2279    if (aFolderID in this._folderByID) {
2280      return this._folderByID[aFolderID];
2281    }
2282    throw new Error("Got impossible folder ID: " + aFolderID);
2283  },
2285  /**
2286   * Mark the gloda folder as deleted for any outstanding references to it and
2287   *  remove it from our tables so we don't hand out any new references.  The
2288   *  latter is especially important in the case a folder with the same name
2289   *  is created afterwards; we don't want to confuse the new one with the old
2290   *  one!
2291   */
2292  _killGlodaFolderIntoTombstone(aGlodaFolder) {
2293    aGlodaFolder._deleted = true;
2294    delete this._folderByURI[aGlodaFolder.uri];
2295    delete this._folderByID[aGlodaFolder.id];
2296  },
2298  get _updateFolderDirtyStatusStatement() {
2299    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
2300      "UPDATE folderLocations SET dirtyStatus = ?1 \
2301              WHERE id = ?2"
2302    );
2303    this.__defineGetter__("_updateFolderDirtyStatusStatement", () => statement);
2304    return this._updateFolderDirtyStatusStatement;
2305  },
2307  updateFolderDirtyStatus(aFolder) {
2308    let ufds = this._updateFolderDirtyStatusStatement;
2309    ufds.bindByIndex(1, aFolder.id);
2310    ufds.bindByIndex(0, aFolder.dirtyStatus);
2311    ufds.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2312  },
2314  get _updateFolderIndexingPriorityStatement() {
2315    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
2316      "UPDATE folderLocations SET indexingPriority = ?1 \
2317              WHERE id = ?2"
2318    );
2319    this.__defineGetter__(
2320      "_updateFolderIndexingPriorityStatement",
2321      () => statement
2322    );
2323    return this._updateFolderIndexingPriorityStatement;
2324  },
2326  updateFolderIndexingPriority(aFolder) {
2327    let ufip = this._updateFolderIndexingPriorityStatement;
2328    ufip.bindByIndex(1, aFolder.id);
2329    ufip.bindByIndex(0, aFolder.indexingPriority);
2330    ufip.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2331  },
2333  get _updateFolderLocationStatement() {
2334    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
2335      "UPDATE folderLocations SET folderURI = ?1 \
2336              WHERE id = ?2"
2337    );
2338    this.__defineGetter__("_updateFolderLocationStatement", () => statement);
2339    return this._updateFolderLocationStatement;
2340  },
2342  /**
2343   * Non-recursive asynchronous folder renaming based on the URI.
2344   *
2345   * @TODO provide a mechanism for recursive folder renames or have a higher
2346   *     layer deal with it and remove this note.
2347   */
2348  renameFolder(aOldFolder, aNewURI) {
2349    if (!(aOldFolder.URI in this._folderByURI)) {
2350      return;
2351    }
2352    let folder = this._mapFolder(aOldFolder); // ensure the folder is mapped
2353    let oldURI = folder.uri;
2354    this._folderByURI[aNewURI] = folder;
2355    folder._uri = aNewURI;
2356    this._log.info("renaming folder URI " + oldURI + " to " + aNewURI);
2357    this._updateFolderLocationStatement.bindByIndex(1, folder.id);
2358    this._updateFolderLocationStatement.bindByIndex(0, aNewURI);
2359    this._updateFolderLocationStatement.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2361    delete this._folderByURI[oldURI];
2362  },
2364  get _deleteFolderByIDStatement() {
2365    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
2366      "DELETE FROM folderLocations WHERE id = ?1"
2367    );
2368    this.__defineGetter__("_deleteFolderByIDStatement", () => statement);
2369    return this._deleteFolderByIDStatement;
2370  },
2372  deleteFolderByID(aFolderID) {
2373    let dfbis = this._deleteFolderByIDStatement;
2374    dfbis.bindByIndex(0, aFolderID);
2375    dfbis.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2376  },
2378  /**
2379   * This timer drives our folder cleanup logic that is in charge of dropping
2380   *  our folder references and more importantly the folder's msgDatabase
2381   *  reference, but only if they are no longer in use.
2382   * This timer is only active when we have one or more live gloda folders (as
2383   *  tracked by _liveGlodaFolders).  Although we choose our timer interval to
2384   *  be power-friendly, it doesn't really matter because unless the user or the
2385   *  indexing process is actively doing things, all of the folders will 'die'
2386   *  and so we will stop scheduling the timer.
2387   */
2388  _folderCleanupTimer: null,
2390  /**
2391   * When true, we have a folder cleanup timer event active.
2392   */
2393  _folderCleanupActive: false,
2395  /**
2396   * Interval at which we call the folder cleanup code, in milliseconds.
2397   */
2398  _folderCleanupTimerInterval: 2000,
2400  /**
2401   * Maps the id of 'live' GlodaFolders to the instances.  If a GlodaFolder is
2402   *  in here, it means that it has a reference to its nsIMsgDBFolder which
2403   *  should have an open nsIMsgDatabase that we will need to close.  This does
2404   *  not count folders that are being indexed unless they have also been used
2405   *  for header retrieval.
2406   */
2407  _liveGlodaFolders: {},
2409  /**
2410   * Mark a GlodaFolder as having a live reference to its nsIMsgFolder with an
2411   *  implied opened associated message database.  GlodaFolder calls this when
2412   *  it first acquires its reference.  It is removed from the list of live
2413   *  folders only when our timer check calls the GlodaFolder's
2414   *  forgetFolderIfUnused method and that method returns true.
2415   */
2416  markFolderLive(aGlodaFolder) {
2417    this._liveGlodaFolders[aGlodaFolder.id] = aGlodaFolder;
2418    if (!this._folderCleanupActive) {
2419      this._folderCleanupTimer.initWithCallback(
2420        this._performFolderCleanup,
2421        this._folderCleanupTimerInterval,
2422        Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_REPEATING_SLACK
2423      );
2424      this._folderCleanupActive = true;
2425    }
2426  },
2428  /**
2429   * Timer-driven folder cleanup logic.  For every live folder tracked in
2430   *  _liveGlodaFolders, we call their forgetFolderIfUnused method each time
2431   *  until they return true indicating they have cleaned themselves up.
2432   * This method is called without a 'this' context!
2433   */
2434  _performFolderCleanup() {
2435    // we only need to keep going if there is at least one folder in the table
2436    //  that is still alive after this pass.
2437    let keepGoing = false;
2438    for (let id in GlodaDatastore._liveGlodaFolders) {
2439      let glodaFolder = GlodaDatastore._liveGlodaFolders[id];
2440      // returns true if it is now 'dead' and doesn't need this heartbeat check
2441      if (glodaFolder.forgetFolderIfUnused()) {
2442        delete GlodaDatastore._liveGlodaFolders[glodaFolder.id];
2443      } else {
2444        keepGoing = true;
2445      }
2446    }
2448    if (!keepGoing) {
2449      GlodaDatastore._folderCleanupTimer.cancel();
2450      GlodaDatastore._folderCleanupActive = false;
2451    }
2452  },
2454  /* ********** Conversation ********** */
2455  /** The next conversation id to allocate.  Initialize at startup. */
2456  _nextConversationId: 1,
2458  _populateConversationManagedId() {
2459    let stmt = this._createSyncStatement(
2460      "SELECT MAX(id) FROM conversations",
2461      true
2462    );
2463    if (stmt.executeStep()) {
2464      // no chance of this SQLITE_BUSY on this call
2465      this._nextConversationId = stmt.getInt64(0) + 1;
2466    }
2467    stmt.finalize();
2468  },
2470  get _insertConversationStatement() {
2471    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
2472      "INSERT INTO conversations (id, subject, oldestMessageDate, \
2473                                  newestMessageDate) \
2474              VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4)"
2475    );
2476    this.__defineGetter__("_insertConversationStatement", () => statement);
2477    return this._insertConversationStatement;
2478  },
2480  get _insertConversationTextStatement() {
2481    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
2482      "INSERT INTO conversationsText (docid, subject) \
2483              VALUES (?1, ?2)"
2484    );
2485    this.__defineGetter__("_insertConversationTextStatement", () => statement);
2486    return this._insertConversationTextStatement;
2487  },
2489  /**
2490   * Asynchronously create a conversation.
2491   */
2492  createConversation(aSubject, aOldestMessageDate, aNewestMessageDate) {
2493    // create the data row
2494    let conversationID = this._nextConversationId++;
2495    let ics = this._insertConversationStatement;
2496    ics.bindByIndex(0, conversationID);
2497    ics.bindByIndex(1, aSubject);
2498    if (aOldestMessageDate == null) {
2499      ics.bindByIndex(2, null);
2500    } else {
2501      ics.bindByIndex(2, aOldestMessageDate);
2502    }
2503    if (aNewestMessageDate == null) {
2504      ics.bindByIndex(3, null);
2505    } else {
2506      ics.bindByIndex(3, aNewestMessageDate);
2507    }
2508    ics.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2510    // create the fulltext row, using the same rowid/docid
2511    let icts = this._insertConversationTextStatement;
2512    icts.bindByIndex(0, conversationID);
2513    icts.bindByIndex(1, aSubject);
2514    icts.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2516    // create it
2517    let conversation = new GlodaConversation(
2518      this,
2519      conversationID,
2520      aSubject,
2521      aOldestMessageDate,
2522      aNewestMessageDate
2523    );
2524    // it's new! let the collection manager know about it.
2525    GlodaCollectionManager.itemsAdded(conversation.NOUN_ID, [conversation]);
2526    // return it
2527    return conversation;
2528  },
2530  get _deleteConversationByIDStatement() {
2531    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
2532      "DELETE FROM conversations WHERE id = ?1"
2533    );
2534    this.__defineGetter__("_deleteConversationByIDStatement", () => statement);
2535    return this._deleteConversationByIDStatement;
2536  },
2538  /**
2539   * Asynchronously delete a conversation given its ID.
2540   */
2541  deleteConversationByID(aConversationID) {
2542    let dcbids = this._deleteConversationByIDStatement;
2543    dcbids.bindByIndex(0, aConversationID);
2544    dcbids.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2546    GlodaCollectionManager.itemsDeleted(GlodaConversation.prototype.NOUN_ID, [
2547      aConversationID,
2548    ]);
2549  },
2551  _conversationFromRow(aStmt) {
2552    let oldestMessageDate, newestMessageDate;
2553    if (aStmt.getTypeOfIndex(2) == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL) {
2554      oldestMessageDate = null;
2555    } else {
2556      oldestMessageDate = aStmt.getInt64(2);
2557    }
2558    if (aStmt.getTypeOfIndex(3) == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL) {
2559      newestMessageDate = null;
2560    } else {
2561      newestMessageDate = aStmt.getInt64(3);
2562    }
2563    return new GlodaConversation(
2564      this,
2565      aStmt.getInt64(0),
2566      aStmt.getString(1),
2567      oldestMessageDate,
2568      newestMessageDate
2569    );
2570  },
2572  /* ********** Message ********** */
2573  /**
2574   * Next message id, managed because of our use of asynchronous inserts.
2575   * Initialized by _populateMessageManagedId called by _init.
2576   *
2577   * Start from 32 to leave us all kinds of magical sentinel values at the
2578   *  bottom.
2579   */
2580  _nextMessageId: 32,
2582  _populateMessageManagedId() {
2583    let stmt = this._createSyncStatement("SELECT MAX(id) FROM messages", true);
2584    if (stmt.executeStep()) {
2585      // no chance of this SQLITE_BUSY on this call
2586      // 0 gets returned even if there are no messages...
2587      let highestSeen = stmt.getInt64(0);
2588      if (highestSeen != 0) {
2589        this._nextMessageId = highestSeen + 1;
2590      }
2591    }
2592    stmt.finalize();
2593  },
2595  get _insertMessageStatement() {
2596    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
2597      "INSERT INTO messages (id, folderID, messageKey, conversationID, date, \
2598                             headerMessageID, jsonAttributes, notability) \
2599              VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8)"
2600    );
2601    this.__defineGetter__("_insertMessageStatement", () => statement);
2602    return this._insertMessageStatement;
2603  },
2605  get _insertMessageTextStatement() {
2606    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
2607      "INSERT INTO messagesText (docid, subject, body, attachmentNames, \
2608                                 author, recipients) \
2609              VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6)"
2610    );
2611    this.__defineGetter__("_insertMessageTextStatement", () => statement);
2612    return this._insertMessageTextStatement;
2613  },
2615  /**
2616   * Create a GlodaMessage with the given properties.  Because this is only half
2617   *  of the process of creating a message (the attributes still need to be
2618   *  completed), it's on the caller's head to call GlodaCollectionManager's
2619   *  itemAdded method once the message is fully created.
2620   *
2621   * This method uses the async connection, any downstream logic that depends on
2622   *  this message actually existing in the database must be done using an
2623   *  async query.
2624   */
2625  createMessage(
2626    aFolder,
2627    aMessageKey,
2628    aConversationID,
2629    aDatePRTime,
2630    aHeaderMessageID
2631  ) {
2632    let folderID;
2633    if (aFolder != null) {
2634      folderID = this._mapFolder(aFolder).id;
2635    } else {
2636      folderID = null;
2637    }
2639    let messageID = this._nextMessageId++;
2641    let message = new GlodaMessage(
2642      this,
2643      messageID,
2644      folderID,
2645      aMessageKey,
2646      aConversationID,
2647      /* conversation */ null,
2648      aDatePRTime ? new Date(aDatePRTime / 1000) : null,
2649      aHeaderMessageID,
2650      /* deleted */ false,
2651      /* jsonText */ undefined,
2652      /* notability*/ 0
2653    );
2655    // We would love to notify the collection manager about the message at this
2656    //  point (at least if it's not a ghost), but we can't yet.  We need to wait
2657    //  until the attributes have been indexed, which means it's out of our
2658    //  hands.  (Gloda.processMessage does it.)
2660    return message;
2661  },
2663  insertMessage(aMessage) {
2664    let ims = this._insertMessageStatement;
2665    ims.bindByIndex(0, aMessage.id);
2666    if (aMessage.folderID == null) {
2667      ims.bindByIndex(1, null);
2668    } else {
2669      ims.bindByIndex(1, aMessage.folderID);
2670    }
2671    if (aMessage.messageKey == null) {
2672      ims.bindByIndex(2, null);
2673    } else {
2674      ims.bindByIndex(2, aMessage.messageKey);
2675    }
2676    ims.bindByIndex(3, aMessage.conversationID);
2677    if (aMessage.date == null) {
2678      ims.bindByIndex(4, null);
2679    } else {
2680      ims.bindByIndex(4, aMessage.date * 1000);
2681    }
2682    ims.bindByIndex(5, aMessage.headerMessageID);
2683    if (aMessage._jsonText) {
2684      ims.bindByIndex(6, aMessage._jsonText);
2685    } else {
2686      ims.bindByIndex(6, null);
2687    }
2688    ims.bindByIndex(7, aMessage.notability);
2690    try {
2691      ims.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2692    } catch (ex) {
2693      throw new Error(
2694        "error executing statement... " +
2695          this.asyncConnection.lastError +
2696          ": " +
2697          this.asyncConnection.lastErrorString +
2698          " - " +
2699          ex
2700      );
2701    }
2703    // we create the full-text row for any message that isn't a ghost,
2704    // whether we have the body or not
2705    if (aMessage.folderID !== null) {
2706      this._insertMessageText(aMessage);
2707    }
2708  },
2710  /**
2711   * Inserts a full-text row. This should only be called if you're sure you want
2712   * to insert a row into the table.
2713   */
2714  _insertMessageText(aMessage) {
2715    if (aMessage._content && aMessage._content.hasContent()) {
2716      aMessage._indexedBodyText = aMessage._content.getContentString(true);
2717    } else if (aMessage._bodyLines) {
2718      aMessage._indexedBodyText = aMessage._bodyLines.join("\n");
2719    } else {
2720      aMessage._indexedBodyText = null;
2721    }
2723    let imts = this._insertMessageTextStatement;
2724    imts.bindByIndex(0, aMessage.id);
2725    imts.bindByIndex(1, aMessage._subject);
2726    if (aMessage._indexedBodyText == null) {
2727      imts.bindByIndex(2, null);
2728    } else {
2729      imts.bindByIndex(2, aMessage._indexedBodyText);
2730    }
2731    if (aMessage._attachmentNames === null) {
2732      imts.bindByIndex(3, null);
2733    } else {
2734      imts.bindByIndex(3, aMessage._attachmentNames.join("\n"));
2735    }
2737    // if (aMessage._indexAuthor)
2738    imts.bindByIndex(4, aMessage._indexAuthor);
2739    // if (aMessage._indexRecipients)
2740    imts.bindByIndex(5, aMessage._indexRecipients);
2742    try {
2743      imts.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2744    } catch (ex) {
2745      throw new Error(
2746        "error executing fulltext statement... " +
2747          this.asyncConnection.lastError +
2748          ": " +
2749          this.asyncConnection.lastErrorString +
2750          " - " +
2751          ex
2752      );
2753    }
2754  },
2756  get _updateMessageStatement() {
2757    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
2758      "UPDATE messages SET folderID = ?1, \
2759                           messageKey = ?2, \
2760                           conversationID = ?3, \
2761                           date = ?4, \
2762                           headerMessageID = ?5, \
2763                           jsonAttributes = ?6, \
2764                           notability = ?7, \
2765                           deleted = ?8 \
2766              WHERE id = ?9"
2767    );
2768    this.__defineGetter__("_updateMessageStatement", () => statement);
2769    return this._updateMessageStatement;
2770  },
2772  get _updateMessageTextStatement() {
2773    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
2774      "UPDATE messagesText SET body = ?1, \
2775                               attachmentNames = ?2 \
2776              WHERE docid = ?3"
2777    );
2779    this.__defineGetter__("_updateMessageTextStatement", () => statement);
2780    return this._updateMessageTextStatement;
2781  },
2783  /**
2784   * Update the database row associated with the message. If the message is
2785   * not a ghost and has _isNew defined, messagesText is affected.
2786   *
2787   * aMessage._isNew is currently equivalent to the fact that there is no
2788   * full-text row associated with this message, and we work with this
2789   * assumption here. Note that if aMessage._isNew is not defined, then
2790   * we don't do anything.
2791   */
2792  updateMessage(aMessage) {
2793    let ums = this._updateMessageStatement;
2794    ums.bindByIndex(8, aMessage.id);
2795    if (aMessage.folderID === null) {
2796      ums.bindByIndex(0, null);
2797    } else {
2798      ums.bindByIndex(0, aMessage.folderID);
2799    }
2800    if (aMessage.messageKey === null) {
2801      ums.bindByIndex(1, null);
2802    } else {
2803      ums.bindByIndex(1, aMessage.messageKey);
2804    }
2805    ums.bindByIndex(2, aMessage.conversationID);
2806    if (aMessage.date === null) {
2807      ums.bindByIndex(3, null);
2808    } else {
2809      ums.bindByIndex(3, aMessage.date * 1000);
2810    }
2811    ums.bindByIndex(4, aMessage.headerMessageID);
2812    if (aMessage._jsonText) {
2813      ums.bindByIndex(5, aMessage._jsonText);
2814    } else {
2815      ums.bindByIndex(5, null);
2816    }
2817    ums.bindByIndex(6, aMessage.notability);
2818    ums.bindByIndex(7, aMessage._isDeleted ? 1 : 0);
2820    ums.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2822    if (aMessage.folderID !== null) {
2823      if ("_isNew" in aMessage && aMessage._isNew === true) {
2824        this._insertMessageText(aMessage);
2825      } else {
2826        this._updateMessageText(aMessage);
2827      }
2828    }
2829  },
2831  /**
2832   * Updates the full-text row associated with this message. This only performs
2833   * the UPDATE query if the indexed body text has changed, which means that if
2834   * the body hasn't changed but the attachments have, we don't update.
2835   */
2836  _updateMessageText(aMessage) {
2837    let newIndexedBodyText;
2838    if (aMessage._content && aMessage._content.hasContent()) {
2839      newIndexedBodyText = aMessage._content.getContentString(true);
2840    } else if (aMessage._bodyLines) {
2841      newIndexedBodyText = aMessage._bodyLines.join("\n");
2842    } else {
2843      newIndexedBodyText = null;
2844    }
2846    // If the body text matches, don't perform an update
2847    if (newIndexedBodyText == aMessage._indexedBodyText) {
2848      this._log.debug(
2849        "in _updateMessageText, skipping update because body matches"
2850      );
2851      return;
2852    }
2854    aMessage._indexedBodyText = newIndexedBodyText;
2855    let umts = this._updateMessageTextStatement;
2856    umts.bindByIndex(2, aMessage.id);
2858    if (aMessage._indexedBodyText == null) {
2859      umts.bindByIndex(0, null);
2860    } else {
2861      umts.bindByIndex(0, aMessage._indexedBodyText);
2862    }
2864    if (aMessage._attachmentNames == null) {
2865      umts.bindByIndex(1, null);
2866    } else {
2867      umts.bindByIndex(1, aMessage._attachmentNames.join("\n"));
2868    }
2870    try {
2871      umts.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2872    } catch (ex) {
2873      throw new Error(
2874        "error executing fulltext statement... " +
2875          this.asyncConnection.lastError +
2876          ": " +
2877          this.asyncConnection.lastErrorString +
2878          " - " +
2879          ex
2880      );
2881    }
2882  },
2884  get _updateMessageLocationStatement() {
2885    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
2886      "UPDATE messages SET folderID = ?1, messageKey = ?2 WHERE id = ?3"
2887    );
2888    this.__defineGetter__("_updateMessageLocationStatement", () => statement);
2889    return this._updateMessageLocationStatement;
2890  },
2892  /**
2893   * Given a list of gloda message ids, and a list of their new message keys in
2894   *  the given new folder location, asynchronously update the message's
2895   *  database locations.  Also, update the in-memory representations.
2896   */
2897  updateMessageLocations(
2898    aMessageIds,
2899    aNewMessageKeys,
2900    aDestFolder,
2901    aDoNotNotify
2902  ) {
2903    let statement = this._updateMessageLocationStatement;
2904    let destFolderID =
2905      typeof aDestFolder == "number"
2906        ? aDestFolder
2907        : this._mapFolder(aDestFolder).id;
2909    // map gloda id to the new message key for in-memory rep transform below
2910    let cacheLookupMap = {};
2912    for (let iMsg = 0; iMsg < aMessageIds.length; iMsg++) {
2913      let id = aMessageIds[iMsg],
2914        msgKey = aNewMessageKeys[iMsg];
2915      statement.bindByIndex(0, destFolderID);
2916      statement.bindByIndex(1, msgKey);
2917      statement.bindByIndex(2, id);
2918      statement.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2920      cacheLookupMap[id] = msgKey;
2921    }
2923    // - perform the cache lookup so we can update in-memory representations
2924    // found in memory items, and converted to list form for notification
2925    let inMemoryItems = {},
2926      modifiedItems = [];
2927    GlodaCollectionManager.cacheLookupMany(
2928      GlodaMessage.prototype.NOUN_ID,
2929      cacheLookupMap,
2930      inMemoryItems,
2931      /* do not cache */ false
2932    );
2933    for (let glodaId in inMemoryItems) {
2934      let glodaMsg = inMemoryItems[glodaId];
2935      glodaMsg._folderID = destFolderID;
2936      glodaMsg._messageKey = cacheLookupMap[glodaId];
2937      modifiedItems.push(glodaMsg);
2938    }
2940    // tell the collection manager about the modified messages so it can update
2941    //  any existing views...
2942    if (!aDoNotNotify && modifiedItems.length) {
2943      GlodaCollectionManager.itemsModified(
2944        GlodaMessage.prototype.NOUN_ID,
2945        modifiedItems
2946      );
2947    }
2948  },
2950  get _updateMessageKeyStatement() {
2951    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
2952      "UPDATE messages SET messageKey = ?1 WHERE id = ?2"
2953    );
2954    this.__defineGetter__("_updateMessageKeyStatement", () => statement);
2955    return this._updateMessageKeyStatement;
2956  },
2958  /**
2959   * Update the message keys for the gloda messages with the given id's.  This
2960   *  is to be used in response to msgKeyChanged notifications and is similar to
2961   *  `updateMessageLocations` except that we do not update the folder and we
2962   *  do not perform itemsModified notifications (because message keys are not
2963   *  intended to be relevant to the gloda message abstraction).
2964   */
2965  updateMessageKeys(aMessageIds, aNewMessageKeys) {
2966    let statement = this._updateMessageKeyStatement;
2968    // map gloda id to the new message key for in-memory rep transform below
2969    let cacheLookupMap = {};
2971    for (let iMsg = 0; iMsg < aMessageIds.length; iMsg++) {
2972      let id = aMessageIds[iMsg],
2973        msgKey = aNewMessageKeys[iMsg];
2974      statement.bindByIndex(0, msgKey);
2975      statement.bindByIndex(1, id);
2976      statement.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
2978      cacheLookupMap[id] = msgKey;
2979    }
2981    // - perform the cache lookup so we can update in-memory representations
2982    let inMemoryItems = {};
2983    GlodaCollectionManager.cacheLookupMany(
2984      GlodaMessage.prototype.NOUN_ID,
2985      cacheLookupMap,
2986      inMemoryItems,
2987      /* do not cache */ false
2988    );
2989    for (let glodaId in inMemoryItems) {
2990      let glodaMsg = inMemoryItems[glodaId];
2991      glodaMsg._messageKey = cacheLookupMap[glodaId];
2992    }
2993  },
2995  /**
2996   * Asynchronously mutate message folder id/message keys for the given
2997   *  messages, indicating that we are moving them to the target folder, but
2998   *  don't yet know their target message keys.
2999   *
3000   * Updates in-memory representations too.
3001   */
3002  updateMessageFoldersByKeyPurging(aGlodaIds, aDestFolder) {
3003    let destFolderID = this._mapFolder(aDestFolder).id;
3005    let sqlStr =
3006      "UPDATE messages SET folderID = ?1, \
3007                                      messageKey = ?2 \
3008                   WHERE id IN (" +
3009      aGlodaIds.join(", ") +
3010      ")";
3011    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(sqlStr, true);
3012    statement.bindByIndex(0, destFolderID);
3013    statement.bindByIndex(1, null);
3014    statement.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
3015    statement.finalize();
3017    let cached = GlodaCollectionManager.cacheLookupManyList(
3018      GlodaMessage.prototype.NOUN_ID,
3019      aGlodaIds
3020    );
3021    for (let id in cached) {
3022      let glodaMsg = cached[id];
3023      glodaMsg._folderID = destFolderID;
3024      glodaMsg._messageKey = null;
3025    }
3026  },
3028  _messageFromRow(aRow) {
3029    let folderId,
3030      messageKey,
3031      date,
3032      jsonText,
3033      subject,
3034      indexedBodyText,
3035      attachmentNames;
3036    if (aRow.getTypeOfIndex(1) == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL) {
3037      folderId = null;
3038    } else {
3039      folderId = aRow.getInt64(1);
3040    }
3041    if (aRow.getTypeOfIndex(2) == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL) {
3042      messageKey = null;
3043    } else {
3044      messageKey = aRow.getInt64(2);
3045    }
3046    if (aRow.getTypeOfIndex(4) == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL) {
3047      date = null;
3048    } else {
3049      date = new Date(aRow.getInt64(4) / 1000);
3050    }
3051    if (aRow.getTypeOfIndex(7) == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL) {
3052      jsonText = undefined;
3053    } else {
3054      jsonText = aRow.getString(7);
3055    }
3056    // only queryFromQuery queries will have these columns
3057    if (aRow.numEntries >= 14) {
3058      if (aRow.getTypeOfIndex(10) == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL) {
3059        subject = undefined;
3060      } else {
3061        subject = aRow.getString(10);
3062      }
3063      if (aRow.getTypeOfIndex(9) == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL) {
3064        indexedBodyText = undefined;
3065      } else {
3066        indexedBodyText = aRow.getString(9);
3067      }
3068      if (aRow.getTypeOfIndex(11) == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL) {
3069        attachmentNames = null;
3070      } else {
3071        attachmentNames = aRow.getString(11);
3072        if (attachmentNames) {
3073          attachmentNames = attachmentNames.split("\n");
3074        } else {
3075          attachmentNames = null;
3076        }
3077      }
3078      // we ignore 12, author
3079      // we ignore 13, recipients
3080    }
3081    return new GlodaMessage(
3082      this,
3083      aRow.getInt64(0),
3084      folderId,
3085      messageKey,
3086      aRow.getInt64(3),
3087      null,
3088      date,
3089      aRow.getString(5),
3090      aRow.getInt64(6),
3091      jsonText,
3092      aRow.getInt64(8),
3093      subject,
3094      indexedBodyText,
3095      attachmentNames
3096    );
3097  },
3099  get _updateMessagesMarkDeletedByFolderID() {
3100    // When marking deleted clear the folderID and messageKey so that the
3101    //  indexing process can reuse it without any location constraints.
3102    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
3103      "UPDATE messages SET folderID = NULL, messageKey = NULL, \
3104              deleted = 1 WHERE folderID = ?1"
3105    );
3106    this.__defineGetter__(
3107      "_updateMessagesMarkDeletedByFolderID",
3108      () => statement
3109    );
3110    return this._updateMessagesMarkDeletedByFolderID;
3111  },
3113  /**
3114   * Efficiently mark all the messages in a folder as deleted.  Unfortunately,
3115   *  we obviously do not know the id's of the messages affected by this which
3116   *  complicates in-memory updates.  The options are sending out to the SQL
3117   *  database for a list of the message id's or some form of in-memory
3118   *  traversal.  I/O costs being what they are, users having a propensity to
3119   *  have folders with tens of thousands of messages, and the unlikeliness
3120   *  of all of those messages being gloda-memory-resident, we go with the
3121   *  in-memory traversal.
3122   */
3123  markMessagesDeletedByFolderID(aFolderID) {
3124    let statement = this._updateMessagesMarkDeletedByFolderID;
3125    statement.bindByIndex(0, aFolderID);
3126    statement.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
3128    // Have the collection manager generate itemsRemoved events for any
3129    //  in-memory messages in that folder.
3130    GlodaCollectionManager.itemsDeletedByAttribute(
3131      GlodaMessage.prototype.NOUN_ID,
3132      aMsg => aMsg._folderID == aFolderID
3133    );
3134  },
3136  /**
3137   * Mark all the gloda messages as deleted blind-fire.  Check if any of the
3138   *  messages are known to the collection manager and update them to be deleted
3139   *  along with the requisite collection notifications.
3140   */
3141  markMessagesDeletedByIDs(aMessageIDs) {
3142    // When marking deleted clear the folderID and messageKey so that the
3143    //  indexing process can reuse it without any location constraints.
3144    let sqlString =
3145      "UPDATE messages SET folderID = NULL, messageKey = NULL, " +
3146      "deleted = 1 WHERE id IN (" +
3147      aMessageIDs.join(",") +
3148      ")";
3150    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(sqlString, true);
3151    statement.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
3152    statement.finalize();
3154    GlodaCollectionManager.itemsDeleted(
3155      GlodaMessage.prototype.NOUN_ID,
3156      aMessageIDs
3157    );
3158  },
3160  get _countDeletedMessagesStatement() {
3161    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
3162      "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE deleted = 1"
3163    );
3164    this.__defineGetter__("_countDeletedMessagesStatement", () => statement);
3165    return this._countDeletedMessagesStatement;
3166  },
3168  /**
3169   * Count how many messages are currently marked as deleted in the database.
3170   */
3171  countDeletedMessages(aCallback) {
3172    let cms = this._countDeletedMessagesStatement;
3173    cms.executeAsync(new SingletonResultValueHandler(aCallback));
3174  },
3176  get _deleteMessageByIDStatement() {
3177    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
3178      "DELETE FROM messages WHERE id = ?1"
3179    );
3180    this.__defineGetter__("_deleteMessageByIDStatement", () => statement);
3181    return this._deleteMessageByIDStatement;
3182  },
3184  get _deleteMessageTextByIDStatement() {
3185    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
3186      "DELETE FROM messagesText WHERE docid = ?1"
3187    );
3188    this.__defineGetter__("_deleteMessageTextByIDStatement", () => statement);
3189    return this._deleteMessageTextByIDStatement;
3190  },
3192  /**
3193   * Delete a message and its fulltext from the database.  It is assumed that
3194   *  the message was already marked as deleted and so is not visible to the
3195   *  collection manager and so nothing needs to be done about that.
3196   */
3197  deleteMessageByID(aMessageID) {
3198    let dmbids = this._deleteMessageByIDStatement;
3199    dmbids.bindByIndex(0, aMessageID);
3200    dmbids.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
3202    this.deleteMessageTextByID(aMessageID);
3203  },
3205  deleteMessageTextByID(aMessageID) {
3206    let dmt = this._deleteMessageTextByIDStatement;
3207    dmt.bindByIndex(0, aMessageID);
3208    dmt.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
3209  },
3211  get _folderCompactionStatement() {
3212    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
3213      "SELECT id, messageKey, headerMessageID FROM messages \
3214        WHERE folderID = ?1 AND \
3215          messageKey >= ?2 AND +deleted = 0 ORDER BY messageKey LIMIT ?3"
3216    );
3217    this.__defineGetter__("_folderCompactionStatement", () => statement);
3218    return this._folderCompactionStatement;
3219  },
3221  folderCompactionPassBlockFetch(
3222    aFolderID,
3223    aStartingMessageKey,
3224    aLimit,
3225    aCallback
3226  ) {
3227    let fcs = this._folderCompactionStatement;
3228    fcs.bindByIndex(0, aFolderID);
3229    fcs.bindByIndex(1, aStartingMessageKey);
3230    fcs.bindByIndex(2, aLimit);
3231    fcs.executeAsync(new CompactionBlockFetcherHandler(aCallback));
3232  },
3234  /* ********** Message Attributes ********** */
3235  get _insertMessageAttributeStatement() {
3236    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
3237      "INSERT INTO messageAttributes (conversationID, messageID, attributeID, \
3238                             value) \
3239              VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4)"
3240    );
3241    this.__defineGetter__("_insertMessageAttributeStatement", () => statement);
3242    return this._insertMessageAttributeStatement;
3243  },
3245  get _deleteMessageAttributeStatement() {
3246    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
3247      "DELETE FROM messageAttributes WHERE attributeID = ?1 AND value = ?2 \
3248         AND conversationID = ?3 AND messageID = ?4"
3249    );
3250    this.__defineGetter__("_deleteMessageAttributeStatement", () => statement);
3251    return this._deleteMessageAttributeStatement;
3252  },
3254  /**
3255   * Insert and remove attributes relating to a GlodaMessage.  This is performed
3256   *  inside a pseudo-transaction (we create one if we aren't in one, using
3257   *  our _beginTransaction wrapper, but if we are in one, no additional
3258   *  meaningful semantics are added).
3259   * No attempt is made to verify uniqueness of inserted attributes, either
3260   *  against the current database or within the provided list of attributes.
3261   *  The caller is responsible for ensuring that unwanted duplicates are
3262   *  avoided.
3263   *
3264   * @param aMessage The GlodaMessage the attributes belong to.  This is used
3265   *     to provide the message id and conversation id.
3266   * @param aAddDBAttributes A list of attribute tuples to add, where each tuple
3267   *     contains an attribute ID and a value.  Lest you forget, an attribute ID
3268   *     corresponds to a row in the attribute definition table.  The attribute
3269   *     definition table stores the 'parameter' for the attribute, if any.
3270   *     (Which is to say, our frequent Attribute-Parameter-Value triple has
3271   *     the Attribute-Parameter part distilled to a single attribute id.)
3272   * @param aRemoveDBAttributes A list of attribute tuples to remove.
3273   */
3274  adjustMessageAttributes(aMessage, aAddDBAttributes, aRemoveDBAttributes) {
3275    let imas = this._insertMessageAttributeStatement;
3276    let dmas = this._deleteMessageAttributeStatement;
3277    this._beginTransaction();
3278    try {
3279      for (let iAttrib = 0; iAttrib < aAddDBAttributes.length; iAttrib++) {
3280        let attribValueTuple = aAddDBAttributes[iAttrib];
3282        imas.bindByIndex(0, aMessage.conversationID);
3283        imas.bindByIndex(1, aMessage.id);
3284        imas.bindByIndex(2, attribValueTuple[0]);
3285        // use 0 instead of null, otherwise the db gets upset.  (and we don't
3286        //  really care anyways.)
3287        if (attribValueTuple[1] == null) {
3288          imas.bindByIndex(3, 0);
3289        } else if (Math.floor(attribValueTuple[1]) == attribValueTuple[1]) {
3290          imas.bindByIndex(3, attribValueTuple[1]);
3291        } else {
3292          imas.bindByIndex(3, attribValueTuple[1]);
3293        }
3294        imas.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
3295      }
3297      for (let iAttrib = 0; iAttrib < aRemoveDBAttributes.length; iAttrib++) {
3298        let attribValueTuple = aRemoveDBAttributes[iAttrib];
3300        dmas.bindByIndex(0, attribValueTuple[0]);
3301        // use 0 instead of null, otherwise the db gets upset.  (and we don't
3302        //  really care anyways.)
3303        if (attribValueTuple[1] == null) {
3304          dmas.bindByIndex(1, 0);
3305        } else if (Math.floor(attribValueTuple[1]) == attribValueTuple[1]) {
3306          dmas.bindByIndex(1, attribValueTuple[1]);
3307        } else {
3308          dmas.bindByIndex(1, attribValueTuple[1]);
3309        }
3310        dmas.bindByIndex(2, aMessage.conversationID);
3311        dmas.bindByIndex(3, aMessage.id);
3312        dmas.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
3313      }
3315      this._commitTransaction();
3316    } catch (ex) {
3317      this._log.error("adjustMessageAttributes:", ex);
3318      this._rollbackTransaction();
3319      throw ex;
3320    }
3321  },
3323  get _deleteMessageAttributesByMessageIDStatement() {
3324    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
3325      "DELETE FROM messageAttributes WHERE messageID = ?1"
3326    );
3327    this.__defineGetter__(
3328      "_deleteMessageAttributesByMessageIDStatement",
3329      () => statement
3330    );
3331    return this._deleteMessageAttributesByMessageIDStatement;
3332  },
3334  /**
3335   * Clear all the message attributes for a given GlodaMessage.  No changes
3336   *  are made to the in-memory representation of the message; it is up to the
3337   *  caller to ensure that it handles things correctly.
3338   *
3339   * @param aMessage The GlodaMessage whose database attributes should be
3340   *     purged.
3341   */
3342  clearMessageAttributes(aMessage) {
3343    if (aMessage.id != null) {
3344      this._deleteMessageAttributesByMessageIDStatement.bindByIndex(
3345        0,
3346        aMessage.id
3347      );
3348      this._deleteMessageAttributesByMessageIDStatement.executeAsync(
3349        this.trackAsync()
3350      );
3351    }
3352  },
3354  _stringSQLQuoter(aString) {
3355    return "'" + aString.replace(/\'/g, "''") + "'";
3356  },
3357  _numberQuoter(aNum) {
3358    return aNum;
3359  },
3361  /* ===== Generic Attribute Support ===== */
3362  adjustAttributes(aItem, aAddDBAttributes, aRemoveDBAttributes) {
3363    let nounDef = aItem.NOUN_DEF;
3364    let dbMeta = nounDef._dbMeta;
3365    if (dbMeta.insertAttrStatement === undefined) {
3366      dbMeta.insertAttrStatement = this._createAsyncStatement(
3367        "INSERT INTO " +
3368          nounDef.attrTableName +
3369          " (" +
3370          nounDef.attrIDColumnName +
3371          ", attributeID, value) " +
3372          " VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3)"
3373      );
3374      // we always create this at the same time (right here), no need to check
3375      dbMeta.deleteAttrStatement = this._createAsyncStatement(
3376        "DELETE FROM " +
3377          nounDef.attrTableName +
3378          " WHERE " +
3379          " attributeID = ?1 AND value = ?2 AND " +
3380          nounDef.attrIDColumnName +
3381          " = ?3"
3382      );
3383    }
3385    let ias = dbMeta.insertAttrStatement;
3386    let das = dbMeta.deleteAttrStatement;
3387    this._beginTransaction();
3388    try {
3389      for (let iAttr = 0; iAttr < aAddDBAttributes.length; iAttr++) {
3390        let attribValueTuple = aAddDBAttributes[iAttr];
3392        ias.bindByIndex(0, aItem.id);
3393        ias.bindByIndex(1, attribValueTuple[0]);
3394        // use 0 instead of null, otherwise the db gets upset.  (and we don't
3395        //  really care anyways.)
3396        if (attribValueTuple[1] == null) {
3397          ias.bindByIndex(2, 0);
3398        } else if (Math.floor(attribValueTuple[1]) == attribValueTuple[1]) {
3399          ias.bindByIndex(2, attribValueTuple[1]);
3400        } else {
3401          ias.bindByIndex(2, attribValueTuple[1]);
3402        }
3403        ias.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
3404      }
3406      for (let iAttr = 0; iAttr < aRemoveDBAttributes.length; iAttr++) {
3407        let attribValueTuple = aRemoveDBAttributes[iAttr];
3409        das.bindByIndex(0, attribValueTuple[0]);
3410        // use 0 instead of null, otherwise the db gets upset.  (and we don't
3411        //  really care anyways.)
3412        if (attribValueTuple[1] == null) {
3413          das.bindByIndex(1, 0);
3414        } else if (Math.floor(attribValueTuple[1]) == attribValueTuple[1]) {
3415          das.bindByIndex(1, attribValueTuple[1]);
3416        } else {
3417          das.bindByIndex(1, attribValueTuple[1]);
3418        }
3419        das.bindByIndex(2, aItem.id);
3420        das.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
3421      }
3423      this._commitTransaction();
3424    } catch (ex) {
3425      this._log.error("adjustAttributes:", ex);
3426      this._rollbackTransaction();
3427      throw ex;
3428    }
3429  },
3431  clearAttributes(aItem) {
3432    let nounDef = aItem.NOUN_DEF;
3433    let dbMeta = nounDef._dbMeta;
3434    if (dbMeta.clearAttrStatement === undefined) {
3435      dbMeta.clearAttrStatement = this._createAsyncStatement(
3436        "DELETE FROM " +
3437          nounDef.attrTableName +
3438          " WHERE " +
3439          nounDef.attrIDColumnName +
3440          " = ?1"
3441      );
3442    }
3444    if (aItem.id != null) {
3445      dbMeta.clearAttrstatement.bindByIndex(0, aItem.id);
3446      dbMeta.clearAttrStatement.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
3447    }
3448  },
3450  /**
3451   * escapeStringForLIKE is only available on statements, and sometimes we want
3452   *  to use it before we create our statement, so we create a statement just
3453   *  for this reason.
3454   */
3455  get _escapeLikeStatement() {
3456    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement("SELECT 0");
3457    this.__defineGetter__("_escapeLikeStatement", () => statement);
3458    return this._escapeLikeStatement;
3459  },
3461  *_convertToDBValuesAndGroupByAttributeID(aAttrDef, aValues) {
3462    let objectNounDef = aAttrDef.objectNounDef;
3463    if (!objectNounDef.usesParameter) {
3464      let dbValues = [];
3465      for (let iValue = 0; iValue < aValues.length; iValue++) {
3466        let value = aValues[iValue];
3467        // If the empty set is significant and it's an empty signifier, emit
3468        //  the appropriate dbvalue.
3469        if (value == null && aAttrDef.emptySetIsSignificant) {
3470          yield [this.kEmptySetAttrId, [aAttrDef.id]];
3471          // Bail if the only value was us; we don't want to add a
3472          //  value-posessing wildcard into the mix.
3473          if (aValues.length == 1) {
3474            return;
3475          }
3476          continue;
3477        }
3478        let dbValue = objectNounDef.toParamAndValue(value)[1];
3479        if (dbValue != null) {
3480          dbValues.push(dbValue);
3481        }
3482      }
3483      yield [aAttrDef.special ? undefined : aAttrDef.id, dbValues];
3484      return;
3485    }
3487    let curParam, attrID, dbValues;
3488    let attrDBDef = aAttrDef.dbDef;
3489    for (let iValue = 0; iValue < aValues.length; iValue++) {
3490      let value = aValues[iValue];
3491      // If the empty set is significant and it's an empty signifier, emit
3492      //  the appropriate dbvalue.
3493      if (value == null && aAttrDef.emptySetIsSignificant) {
3494        yield [this.kEmptySetAttrId, [aAttrDef.id]];
3495        // Bail if the only value was us; we don't want to add a
3496        //  value-posessing wildcard into the mix.
3497        if (aValues.length == 1) {
3498          return;
3499        }
3500        continue;
3501      }
3502      let [dbParam, dbValue] = objectNounDef.toParamAndValue(value);
3503      if (curParam === undefined) {
3504        curParam = dbParam;
3505        attrID = attrDBDef.bindParameter(curParam);
3506        if (dbValue != null) {
3507          dbValues = [dbValue];
3508        } else {
3509          dbValues = [];
3510        }
3511      } else if (curParam == dbParam) {
3512        if (dbValue != null) {
3513          dbValues.push(dbValue);
3514        }
3515      } else {
3516        yield [attrID, dbValues];
3517        curParam = dbParam;
3518        attrID = attrDBDef.bindParameter(curParam);
3519        if (dbValue != null) {
3520          dbValues = [dbValue];
3521        } else {
3522          dbValues = [];
3523        }
3524      }
3525    }
3526    if (dbValues !== undefined) {
3527      yield [attrID, dbValues];
3528    }
3529  },
3531  *_convertRangesToDBStringsAndGroupByAttributeID(
3532    aAttrDef,
3533    aValues,
3534    aValueColumnName
3535  ) {
3536    let objectNounDef = aAttrDef.objectNounDef;
3537    if (!objectNounDef.usesParameter) {
3538      let dbStrings = [];
3539      for (let iValue = 0; iValue < aValues.length; iValue++) {
3540        let [lowerVal, upperVal] = aValues[iValue];
3541        // they both can't be null.  that is the law.
3542        if (lowerVal == null) {
3543          dbStrings.push(
3544            aValueColumnName +
3545              " <= " +
3546              objectNounDef.toParamAndValue(upperVal)[1]
3547          );
3548        } else if (upperVal == null) {
3549          dbStrings.push(
3550            aValueColumnName +
3551              " >= " +
3552              objectNounDef.toParamAndValue(lowerVal)[1]
3553          );
3554        } else {
3555          // No one is null!
3556          dbStrings.push(
3557            aValueColumnName +
3558              " BETWEEN " +
3559              objectNounDef.toParamAndValue(lowerVal)[1] +
3560              " AND " +
3561              objectNounDef.toParamAndValue(upperVal)[1]
3562          );
3563        }
3564      }
3565      yield [aAttrDef.special ? undefined : aAttrDef.id, dbStrings];
3566      return;
3567    }
3569    let curParam, attrID, dbStrings;
3570    let attrDBDef = aAttrDef.dbDef;
3571    for (let iValue = 0; iValue < aValues.length; iValue++) {
3572      let [lowerVal, upperVal] = aValues[iValue];
3574      let dbString, dbParam, lowerDBVal, upperDBVal;
3575      // they both can't be null.  that is the law.
3576      if (lowerVal == null) {
3577        [dbParam, upperDBVal] = objectNounDef.toParamAndValue(upperVal);
3578        dbString = aValueColumnName + " <= " + upperDBVal;
3579      } else if (upperVal == null) {
3580        [dbParam, lowerDBVal] = objectNounDef.toParamAndValue(lowerVal);
3581        dbString = aValueColumnName + " >= " + lowerDBVal;
3582      } else {
3583        // no one is null!
3584        [dbParam, lowerDBVal] = objectNounDef.toParamAndValue(lowerVal);
3585        dbString =
3586          aValueColumnName +
3587          " BETWEEN " +
3588          lowerDBVal +
3589          " AND " +
3590          objectNounDef.toParamAndValue(upperVal)[1];
3591      }
3593      if (curParam === undefined) {
3594        curParam = dbParam;
3595        attrID = attrDBDef.bindParameter(curParam);
3596        dbStrings = [dbString];
3597      } else if (curParam === dbParam) {
3598        dbStrings.push(dbString);
3599      } else {
3600        yield [attrID, dbStrings];
3601        curParam = dbParam;
3602        attrID = attrDBDef.bindParameter(curParam);
3603        dbStrings = [dbString];
3604      }
3605    }
3606    if (dbStrings !== undefined) {
3607      yield [attrID, dbStrings];
3608    }
3609  },
3611  /* eslint-disable complexity */
3612  /**
3613   * Perform a database query given a GlodaQueryClass instance that specifies
3614   *  a set of constraints relating to the noun type associated with the query.
3615   *  A GlodaCollection is returned containing the results of the look-up.
3616   *  By default the collection is "live", and will mutate (generating events to
3617   *  its listener) as the state of the database changes.
3618   * This functionality is made user/extension visible by the Query's
3619   *  getCollection (asynchronous).
3620   *
3621   * @param [aArgs] See |GlodaQuery.getCollection| for info.
3622   */
3623  queryFromQuery(
3624    aQuery,
3625    aListener,
3626    aListenerData,
3627    aExistingCollection,
3628    aMasterCollection,
3629    aArgs
3630  ) {
3631    // when changing this method, be sure that GlodaQuery's testMatch function
3632    //  likewise has its changes made.
3633    let nounDef = aQuery._nounDef;
3635    let whereClauses = [];
3636    let unionQueries = [aQuery].concat(aQuery._unions);
3637    let boundArgs = [];
3639    // Use the dbQueryValidityConstraintSuffix to provide constraints that
3640    //  filter items down to those that are valid for the query mechanism to
3641    //  return.  For example, in the case of messages, deleted or ghost
3642    //  messages should not be returned by this query layer.  We require
3643    //  hand-rolled SQL to do that for now.
3644    let validityConstraintSuffix;
3645    if (
3646      nounDef.dbQueryValidityConstraintSuffix &&
3647      !aQuery.options.noDbQueryValidityConstraints
3648    ) {
3649      validityConstraintSuffix = nounDef.dbQueryValidityConstraintSuffix;
3650    } else {
3651      validityConstraintSuffix = "";
3652    }
3654    for (let iUnion = 0; iUnion < unionQueries.length; iUnion++) {
3655      let curQuery = unionQueries[iUnion];
3656      let selects = [];
3658      let lastConstraintWasSpecial = false;
3659      let curConstraintIsSpecial;
3661      for (
3662        let iConstraint = 0;
3663        iConstraint < curQuery._constraints.length;
3664        iConstraint++
3665      ) {
3666        let constraint = curQuery._constraints[iConstraint];
3667        let [constraintType, attrDef] = constraint;
3668        let constraintValues = constraint.slice(2);
3670        let tableName, idColumnName, valueColumnName;
3671        if (constraintType == this.kConstraintIdIn) {
3672          // we don't need any of the next cases' setup code, and we especially
3673          //  would prefer that attrDef isn't accessed since it's null for us.
3674        } else if (attrDef.special) {
3675          tableName = nounDef.tableName;
3676          idColumnName = "id"; // canonical id for a table is "id".
3677          valueColumnName = attrDef.specialColumnName;
3678          curConstraintIsSpecial = true;
3679        } else {
3680          tableName = nounDef.attrTableName;
3681          idColumnName = nounDef.attrIDColumnName;
3682          valueColumnName = "value";
3683          curConstraintIsSpecial = false;
3684        }
3686        let select = null,
3687          test = null;
3688        if (constraintType === this.kConstraintIdIn) {
3689          // this is somewhat of a trick.  this does mean that this can be the
3690          //  only constraint.  Namely, our idiom is:
3691          // SELECT * FROM blah WHERE id IN (a INTERSECT b INTERSECT c)
3692          //  but if we only have 'a', then that becomes "...IN (a)", and if
3693          //  'a' is not a select but a list of id's... tricky, no?
3694          select = constraintValues.join(",");
3695        } else if (constraintType === this.kConstraintIn) {
3696          // @testpoint gloda.datastore.sqlgen.kConstraintIn
3697          let clauses = [];
3698          for (let [
3699            attrID,
3700            values,
3701          ] of this._convertToDBValuesAndGroupByAttributeID(
3702            attrDef,
3703            constraintValues
3704          )) {
3705            let clausePart;
3706            if (attrID !== undefined) {
3707              clausePart =
3708                "(attributeID = " + attrID + (values.length ? " AND " : "");
3709            } else {
3710              clausePart = "(";
3711            }
3712            if (values.length) {
3713              // strings need to be escaped, we would use ? binding, except
3714              //  that gets mad if we have too many strings... so we use our
3715              //  own escaping logic.  correctly escaping is easy, but it still
3716              //  feels wrong to do it. (just double the quote character...)
3717              if (
3718                "special" in attrDef &&
3719                attrDef.special == this.kSpecialString
3720              ) {
3721                clausePart +=
3722                  valueColumnName +
3723                  " IN (" +
3724                  values
3725                    .map(v => "'" + v.replace(/\'/g, "''") + "'")
3726                    .join(",") +
3727                  "))";
3728              } else {
3729                clausePart +=
3730                  valueColumnName + " IN (" + values.join(",") + "))";
3731              }
3732            } else {
3733              clausePart += ")";
3734            }
3735            clauses.push(clausePart);
3736          }
3737          test = clauses.join(" OR ");
3738        } else if (constraintType === this.kConstraintRanges) {
3739          // @testpoint gloda.datastore.sqlgen.kConstraintRanges
3740          let clauses = [];
3741          for (let [
3742            attrID,
3743            dbStrings,
3744          ] of this._convertRangesToDBStringsAndGroupByAttributeID(
3745            attrDef,
3746            constraintValues,
3747            valueColumnName
3748          )) {
3749            if (attrID !== undefined) {
3750              clauses.push(
3751                "(attributeID = " +
3752                  attrID +
3753                  " AND (" +
3754                  dbStrings.join(" OR ") +
3755                  "))"
3756              );
3757            } else {
3758              clauses.push("(" + dbStrings.join(" OR ") + ")");
3759            }
3760          }
3761          test = clauses.join(" OR ");
3762        } else if (constraintType === this.kConstraintEquals) {
3763          // @testpoint gloda.datastore.sqlgen.kConstraintEquals
3764          let clauses = [];
3765          for (let [
3766            attrID,
3767            values,
3768          ] of this._convertToDBValuesAndGroupByAttributeID(
3769            attrDef,
3770            constraintValues
3771          )) {
3772            if (attrID !== undefined) {
3773              clauses.push(
3774                "(attributeID = " +
3775                  attrID +
3776                  " AND (" +
3777                  values.map(_ => valueColumnName + " = ?").join(" OR ") +
3778                  "))"
3779              );
3780            } else {
3781              clauses.push(
3782                "(" +
3783                  values.map(_ => valueColumnName + " = ?").join(" OR ") +
3784                  ")"
3785              );
3786            }
3787            boundArgs.push.apply(boundArgs, values);
3788          }
3789          test = clauses.join(" OR ");
3790        } else if (constraintType === this.kConstraintStringLike) {
3791          // @testpoint gloda.datastore.sqlgen.kConstraintStringLike
3792          let likePayload = "";
3793          for (let valuePart of constraintValues) {
3794            if (typeof valuePart == "string") {
3795              likePayload += this._escapeLikeStatement.escapeStringForLIKE(
3796                valuePart,
3797                "/"
3798              );
3799            } else {
3800              likePayload += "%";
3801            }
3802          }
3803          test = valueColumnName + " LIKE ? ESCAPE '/'";
3804          boundArgs.push(likePayload);
3805        } else if (constraintType === this.kConstraintFulltext) {
3806          // @testpoint gloda.datastore.sqlgen.kConstraintFulltext
3807          let matchStr = constraintValues[0];
3808          select =
3809            "SELECT docid FROM " +
3810            nounDef.tableName +
3811            "Text" +
3812            " WHERE " +
3813            attrDef.specialColumnName +
3814            " MATCH ?";
3815          boundArgs.push(matchStr);
3816        }
3818        if (curConstraintIsSpecial && lastConstraintWasSpecial && test) {
3819          selects[selects.length - 1] += " AND " + test;
3820        } else if (select) {
3821          selects.push(select);
3822        } else if (test) {
3823          select =
3824            "SELECT " + idColumnName + " FROM " + tableName + " WHERE " + test;
3825          selects.push(select);
3826        } else {
3827          this._log.warn(
3828            "Unable to translate constraint of type " +
3829              constraintType +
3830              " on attribute bound as " +
3831              nounDef.name
3832          );
3833        }
3835        lastConstraintWasSpecial = curConstraintIsSpecial;
3836      }
3838      if (selects.length) {
3839        whereClauses.push(
3840          "id IN (" +
3841            selects.join(" INTERSECT ") +
3842            ")" +
3843            validityConstraintSuffix
3844        );
3845      }
3846    }
3848    let sqlString = "SELECT * FROM " + nounDef.tableName;
3849    if (!aQuery.options.noMagic) {
3850      if (
3851        aQuery.options.noDbQueryValidityConstraints &&
3852        nounDef.dbQueryJoinMagicWithNoValidityConstraints
3853      ) {
3854        sqlString += nounDef.dbQueryJoinMagicWithNoValidityConstraints;
3855      } else if (nounDef.dbQueryJoinMagic) {
3856        sqlString += nounDef.dbQueryJoinMagic;
3857      }
3858    }
3860    if (whereClauses.length) {
3861      sqlString += " WHERE (" + whereClauses.join(") OR (") + ")";
3862    }
3864    if (aQuery.options.explicitSQL) {
3865      sqlString = aQuery.options.explicitSQL;
3866    }
3868    if (aQuery.options.outerWrapColumns) {
3869      sqlString =
3870        "SELECT *, " +
3871        aQuery.options.outerWrapColumns.join(", ") +
3872        " FROM (" +
3873        sqlString +
3874        ")";
3875    }
3877    if (aQuery._order.length) {
3878      let orderClauses = [];
3879      for (let colName of aQuery._order) {
3880        if (colName.startsWith("-")) {
3881          orderClauses.push(colName.substring(1) + " DESC");
3882        } else {
3883          orderClauses.push(colName + " ASC");
3884        }
3885      }
3886      sqlString += " ORDER BY " + orderClauses.join(", ");
3887    }
3889    if (aQuery._limit) {
3890      if (!("limitClauseAlreadyIncluded" in aQuery.options)) {
3891        sqlString += " LIMIT ?";
3892      }
3893      boundArgs.push(aQuery._limit);
3894    }
3896    this._log.debug("QUERY FROM QUERY: " + sqlString + " ARGS: " + boundArgs);
3898    // if we want to become explicit, replace the query (which has already
3899    //  provided our actual SQL query) with an explicit query.  This will be
3900    //  what gets attached to the collection in the event we create a new
3901    //  collection.  If we are reusing one, we assume that the explicitness,
3902    //  if desired, already happened.
3903    // (we do not need to pass an argument to the explicitQueryClass constructor
3904    //  because it will be passed in to the collection's constructor, which will
3905    //  ensure that the collection attribute gets set.)
3906    if (aArgs && "becomeExplicit" in aArgs && aArgs.becomeExplicit) {
3907      aQuery = new nounDef.explicitQueryClass();
3908    } else if (aArgs && "becomeNull" in aArgs && aArgs.becomeNull) {
3909      aQuery = new nounDef.nullQueryClass();
3910    }
3912    return this._queryFromSQLString(
3913      sqlString,
3914      boundArgs,
3915      nounDef,
3916      aQuery,
3917      aListener,
3918      aListenerData,
3919      aExistingCollection,
3920      aMasterCollection
3921    );
3922  },
3923  /* eslint-enable complexity */
3925  _queryFromSQLString(
3926    aSqlString,
3927    aBoundArgs,
3928    aNounDef,
3929    aQuery,
3930    aListener,
3931    aListenerData,
3932    aExistingCollection,
3933    aMasterCollection
3934  ) {
3935    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(aSqlString, true);
3936    for (let [iBinding, bindingValue] of aBoundArgs.entries()) {
3937      this._bindVariant(statement, iBinding, bindingValue);
3938    }
3940    let collection;
3941    if (aExistingCollection) {
3942      collection = aExistingCollection;
3943    } else {
3944      collection = new GlodaCollection(
3945        aNounDef,
3946        [],
3947        aQuery,
3948        aListener,
3949        aMasterCollection
3950      );
3951      GlodaCollectionManager.registerCollection(collection);
3952      // we don't want to overwrite the existing listener or its data, but this
3953      //  does raise the question about what should happen if we get passed in
3954      //  a different listener and/or data.
3955      if (aListenerData !== undefined) {
3956        collection.data = aListenerData;
3957      }
3958    }
3959    if (aListenerData) {
3960      if (collection.dataStack) {
3961        collection.dataStack.push(aListenerData);
3962      } else {
3963        collection.dataStack = [aListenerData];
3964      }
3965    }
3967    statement.executeAsync(
3968      new QueryFromQueryCallback(statement, aNounDef, collection)
3969    );
3970    statement.finalize();
3971    return collection;
3972  },
3974  /* eslint-disable complexity */
3975  loadNounItem(aItem, aReferencesByNounID, aInverseReferencesByNounID) {
3976    let attribIDToDBDefAndParam = this._attributeIDToDBDefAndParam;
3978    let hadDeps = aItem._deps != null;
3979    let deps = aItem._deps || {};
3980    let hasDeps = false;
3982    for (let attrib of aItem.NOUN_DEF.specialLoadAttribs) {
3983      let objectNounDef = attrib.objectNounDef;
3985      if (
3986        "special" in attrib &&
3987        attrib.special === this.kSpecialColumnChildren
3988      ) {
3989        let invReferences = aInverseReferencesByNounID[objectNounDef.id];
3990        if (invReferences === undefined) {
3991          invReferences = aInverseReferencesByNounID[objectNounDef.id] = {};
3992        }
3993        // only contribute if it's not already pending or there
3994        if (
3995          !(attrib.id in deps) &&
3996          aItem[attrib.storageAttributeName] == null
3997        ) {
3998          // this._log.debug("   Adding inv ref for: " + aItem.id);
3999          if (!(aItem.id in invReferences)) {
4000            invReferences[aItem.id] = null;
4001          }
4002          deps[attrib.id] = null;
4003          hasDeps = true;
4004        }
4005      } else if (
4006        "special" in attrib &&
4007        attrib.special === this.kSpecialColumnParent
4008      ) {
4009        let references = aReferencesByNounID[objectNounDef.id];
4010        if (references === undefined) {
4011          references = aReferencesByNounID[objectNounDef.id] = {};
4012        }
4013        // nothing to contribute if it's already there
4014        if (
4015          !(attrib.id in deps) &&
4016          aItem[attrib.valueStorageAttributeName] == null
4017        ) {
4018          let parentID = aItem[attrib.idStorageAttributeName];
4019          if (!(parentID in references)) {
4020            references[parentID] = null;
4021          }
4022          // this._log.debug("   Adding parent ref for: " +
4023          //  aItem[attrib.idStorageAttributeName]);
4024          deps[attrib.id] = null;
4025          hasDeps = true;
4026        } else {
4027          this._log.debug(
4028            "  paranoia value storage: " +
4029              aItem[attrib.valueStorageAttributeName]
4030          );
4031        }
4032      }
4033    }
4035    // bail here if arbitrary values are not allowed, there just is no
4036    //  encoded json, or we already had dependencies for this guy, implying
4037    //  the json pass has already been performed
4038    if (!aItem.NOUN_DEF.allowsArbitraryAttrs || !aItem._jsonText || hadDeps) {
4039      if (hasDeps) {
4040        aItem._deps = deps;
4041      }
4042      return hasDeps;
4043    }
4045    // this._log.debug(" load json: " + aItem._jsonText);
4046    let jsonDict = JSON.parse(aItem._jsonText);
4047    delete aItem._jsonText;
4049    // Iterate over the attributes on the item
4050    for (let attribId in jsonDict) {
4051      let jsonValue = jsonDict[attribId];
4052      // It is technically impossible for attribute ids to go away at this
4053      //  point in time.  This would require someone to monkey around with
4054      //  our schema.  But we will introduce this functionality one day, so
4055      //  prepare for it now.
4056      if (!(attribId in attribIDToDBDefAndParam)) {
4057        continue;
4058      }
4059      // find the attribute definition that corresponds to this key
4060      let dbAttrib = attribIDToDBDefAndParam[attribId][0];
4062      let attrib = dbAttrib.attrDef;
4063      // The attribute definition will fail to exist if no one defines the
4064      //  attribute anymore.  This can happen for many reasons: an extension
4065      //  was uninstalled, an extension was changed and no longer defines the
4066      //  attribute, or patches are being applied/unapplied.  Ignore this
4067      //  attribute if missing.
4068      if (attrib == null) {
4069        continue;
4070      }
4071      let objectNounDef = attrib.objectNounDef;
4073      // If it has a tableName member but no fromJSON, then it's a persistent
4074      //  object that needs to be loaded, which also means we need to hold it in
4075      //  a collection owned by our collection.
4076      // (If it has a fromJSON method, then it's a special case like
4077      //  MimeTypeNoun where it is authoritatively backed by a table but caches
4078      //  everything into memory.  There is no case where fromJSON would be
4079      //  implemented but we should still be doing database lookups.)
4080      if (objectNounDef.tableName && !objectNounDef.fromJSON) {
4081        let references = aReferencesByNounID[objectNounDef.id];
4082        if (references === undefined) {
4083          references = aReferencesByNounID[objectNounDef.id] = {};
4084        }
4086        if (attrib.singular) {
4087          if (!(jsonValue in references)) {
4088            references[jsonValue] = null;
4089          }
4090        } else {
4091          for (let key in jsonValue) {
4092            let anID = jsonValue[key];
4093            if (!(anID in references)) {
4094              references[anID] = null;
4095            }
4096          }
4097        }
4099        deps[attribId] = jsonValue;
4100        hasDeps = true;
4101      } else if (objectNounDef.contributeObjDependencies) {
4102        /* if it has custom contribution logic, use it */
4103        if (
4104          objectNounDef.contributeObjDependencies(
4105            jsonValue,
4106            aReferencesByNounID,
4107            aInverseReferencesByNounID
4108          )
4109        ) {
4110          deps[attribId] = jsonValue;
4111          hasDeps = true;
4112        } else {
4113          // just propagate the value, it's some form of simple sentinel
4114          aItem[attrib.boundName] = jsonValue;
4115        }
4116      } else if (objectNounDef.fromJSON) {
4117        // otherwise, the value just needs to be de-persisted, or...
4118        if (attrib.singular) {
4119          // For consistency with the non-singular case, we don't assign the
4120          //  attribute if undefined is returned.
4121          let deserialized = objectNounDef.fromJSON(jsonValue, aItem);
4122          if (deserialized !== undefined) {
4123            aItem[attrib.boundName] = deserialized;
4124          }
4125        } else {
4126          // Convert all the entries in the list filtering out any undefined
4127          //  values. (TagNoun will do this if the tag is now dead.)
4128          let outList = [];
4129          for (let key in jsonValue) {
4130            let val = jsonValue[key];
4131            let deserialized = objectNounDef.fromJSON(val, aItem);
4132            if (deserialized !== undefined) {
4133              outList.push(deserialized);
4134            }
4135          }
4136          // Note: It's possible if we filtered things out that this is an empty
4137          //  list.  This is acceptable because this is somewhat of an unusual
4138          //  case and I don't think we want to further complicate our
4139          //  semantics.
4140          aItem[attrib.boundName] = outList;
4141        }
4142      } else {
4143        // it's fine as is
4144        aItem[attrib.boundName] = jsonValue;
4145      }
4146    }
4148    if (hasDeps) {
4149      aItem._deps = deps;
4150    }
4151    return hasDeps;
4152  },
4153  /* eslint-enable complexity */
4155  loadNounDeferredDeps(aItem, aReferencesByNounID, aInverseReferencesByNounID) {
4156    if (aItem._deps === undefined) {
4157      return;
4158    }
4160    let attribIDToDBDefAndParam = this._attributeIDToDBDefAndParam;
4162    for (let [attribId, jsonValue] of Object.entries(aItem._deps)) {
4163      let dbAttrib = attribIDToDBDefAndParam[attribId][0];
4164      let attrib = dbAttrib.attrDef;
4166      let objectNounDef = attrib.objectNounDef;
4167      let references = aReferencesByNounID[objectNounDef.id];
4168      if (attrib.special) {
4169        if (attrib.special === this.kSpecialColumnChildren) {
4170          let inverseReferences = aInverseReferencesByNounID[objectNounDef.id];
4171          // this._log.info("inverse assignment: " + objectNounDef.id +
4172          //    " of " + aItem.id)
4173          aItem[attrib.storageAttributeName] = inverseReferences[aItem.id];
4174        } else if (attrib.special === this.kSpecialColumnParent) {
4175          // this._log.info("parent column load: " + objectNounDef.id +
4176          //    " storage value: " + aItem[attrib.idStorageAttributeName]);
4177          aItem[attrib.valueStorageAttributeName] =
4178            references[aItem[attrib.idStorageAttributeName]];
4179        }
4180      } else if (objectNounDef.tableName) {
4181        if (attrib.singular) {
4182          aItem[attrib.boundName] = references[jsonValue];
4183        } else {
4184          aItem[attrib.boundName] = Object.keys(jsonValue).map(
4185            key => references[jsonValue[key]]
4186          );
4187        }
4188      } else if (objectNounDef.contributeObjDependencies) {
4189        aItem[attrib.boundName] = objectNounDef.resolveObjDependencies(
4190          jsonValue,
4191          aReferencesByNounID,
4192          aInverseReferencesByNounID
4193        );
4194      }
4195      // there is no other case
4196    }
4198    delete aItem._deps;
4199  },
4201  /* ********** Contact ********** */
4202  _nextContactId: 1,
4204  _populateContactManagedId() {
4205    let stmt = this._createSyncStatement("SELECT MAX(id) FROM contacts", true);
4206    if (stmt.executeStep()) {
4207      // no chance of this SQLITE_BUSY on this call
4208      this._nextContactId = stmt.getInt64(0) + 1;
4209    }
4210    stmt.finalize();
4211  },
4213  get _insertContactStatement() {
4214    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
4215      "INSERT INTO contacts (id, directoryUUID, contactUUID, name, popularity,\
4216                             frecency, jsonAttributes) \
4217              VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7)"
4218    );
4219    this.__defineGetter__("_insertContactStatement", () => statement);
4220    return this._insertContactStatement;
4221  },
4223  createContact(aDirectoryUUID, aContactUUID, aName, aPopularity, aFrecency) {
4224    let contactID = this._nextContactId++;
4225    let contact = new GlodaContact(
4226      this,
4227      contactID,
4228      aDirectoryUUID,
4229      aContactUUID,
4230      aName,
4231      aPopularity,
4232      aFrecency
4233    );
4234    return contact;
4235  },
4237  insertContact(aContact) {
4238    let ics = this._insertContactStatement;
4239    ics.bindByIndex(0, aContact.id);
4240    if (aContact.directoryUUID == null) {
4241      ics.bindByIndex(1, null);
4242    } else {
4243      ics.bindByIndex(1, aContact.directoryUUID);
4244    }
4245    if (aContact.contactUUID == null) {
4246      ics.bindByIndex(2, null);
4247    } else {
4248      ics.bindByIndex(2, aContact.contactUUID);
4249    }
4250    ics.bindByIndex(3, aContact.name);
4251    ics.bindByIndex(4, aContact.popularity);
4252    ics.bindByIndex(5, aContact.frecency);
4253    if (aContact._jsonText) {
4254      ics.bindByIndex(6, aContact._jsonText);
4255    } else {
4256      ics.bindByIndex(6, null);
4257    }
4259    ics.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
4261    return aContact;
4262  },
4264  get _updateContactStatement() {
4265    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
4266      "UPDATE contacts SET directoryUUID = ?1, \
4267                           contactUUID = ?2, \
4268                           name = ?3, \
4269                           popularity = ?4, \
4270                           frecency = ?5, \
4271                           jsonAttributes = ?6 \
4272                       WHERE id = ?7"
4273    );
4274    this.__defineGetter__("_updateContactStatement", () => statement);
4275    return this._updateContactStatement;
4276  },
4278  updateContact(aContact) {
4279    let ucs = this._updateContactStatement;
4280    ucs.bindByIndex(6, aContact.id);
4281    ucs.bindByIndex(0, aContact.directoryUUID);
4282    ucs.bindByIndex(1, aContact.contactUUID);
4283    ucs.bindByIndex(2, aContact.name);
4284    ucs.bindByIndex(3, aContact.popularity);
4285    ucs.bindByIndex(4, aContact.frecency);
4286    if (aContact._jsonText) {
4287      ucs.bindByIndex(5, aContact._jsonText);
4288    } else {
4289      ucs.bindByIndex(5, null);
4290    }
4292    ucs.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
4293  },
4295  _contactFromRow(aRow) {
4296    let directoryUUID, contactUUID, jsonText;
4297    if (aRow.getTypeOfIndex(1) == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL) {
4298      directoryUUID = null;
4299    } else {
4300      directoryUUID = aRow.getString(1);
4301    }
4302    if (aRow.getTypeOfIndex(2) == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL) {
4303      contactUUID = null;
4304    } else {
4305      contactUUID = aRow.getString(2);
4306    }
4307    if (aRow.getTypeOfIndex(6) == Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL) {
4308      jsonText = undefined;
4309    } else {
4310      jsonText = aRow.getString(6);
4311    }
4313    return new GlodaContact(
4314      this,
4315      aRow.getInt64(0),
4316      directoryUUID,
4317      contactUUID,
4318      aRow.getString(5),
4319      aRow.getInt64(3),
4320      aRow.getInt64(4),
4321      jsonText
4322    );
4323  },
4325  get _selectContactByIDStatement() {
4326    let statement = this._createSyncStatement(
4327      "SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE id = ?1"
4328    );
4329    this.__defineGetter__("_selectContactByIDStatement", () => statement);
4330    return this._selectContactByIDStatement;
4331  },
4333  /**
4334   * Synchronous contact lookup currently only for use by gloda's creation
4335   *  of the concept of "me".  It is okay for it to be doing synchronous work
4336   *  because it is part of the startup process before any user code could
4337   *  have gotten a reference to Gloda, but no one else should do this.
4338   */
4339  getContactByID(aContactID) {
4340    let contact = GlodaCollectionManager.cacheLookupOne(
4341      GlodaContact.prototype.NOUN_ID,
4342      aContactID
4343    );
4345    if (contact === null) {
4346      let scbi = this._selectContactByIDStatement;
4347      scbi.bindByIndex(0, aContactID);
4348      if (this._syncStep(scbi)) {
4349        contact = this._contactFromRow(scbi);
4350        GlodaCollectionManager.itemLoaded(contact);
4351      }
4352      scbi.reset();
4353    }
4355    return contact;
4356  },
4358  /* ********** Identity ********** */
4359  /** next identity id, managed for async use reasons. */
4360  _nextIdentityId: 1,
4361  _populateIdentityManagedId() {
4362    let stmt = this._createSyncStatement(
4363      "SELECT MAX(id) FROM identities",
4364      true
4365    );
4366    if (stmt.executeStep()) {
4367      // no chance of this SQLITE_BUSY on this call
4368      this._nextIdentityId = stmt.getInt64(0) + 1;
4369    }
4370    stmt.finalize();
4371  },
4373  get _insertIdentityStatement() {
4374    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
4375      "INSERT INTO identities (id, contactID, kind, value, description, relay) \
4376              VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6)"
4377    );
4378    this.__defineGetter__("_insertIdentityStatement", () => statement);
4379    return this._insertIdentityStatement;
4380  },
4382  createIdentity(aContactID, aContact, aKind, aValue, aDescription, aIsRelay) {
4383    let identityID = this._nextIdentityId++;
4384    let iis = this._insertIdentityStatement;
4385    iis.bindByIndex(0, identityID);
4386    iis.bindByIndex(1, aContactID);
4387    iis.bindByIndex(2, aKind);
4388    iis.bindByIndex(3, aValue);
4389    iis.bindByIndex(4, aDescription);
4390    iis.bindByIndex(5, aIsRelay ? 1 : 0);
4391    iis.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
4393    let identity = new GlodaIdentity(
4394      this,
4395      identityID,
4396      aContactID,
4397      aContact,
4398      aKind,
4399      aValue,
4400      aDescription,
4401      aIsRelay
4402    );
4403    GlodaCollectionManager.itemsAdded(identity.NOUN_ID, [identity]);
4404    return identity;
4405  },
4407  get _updateIdentityStatement() {
4408    let statement = this._createAsyncStatement(
4409      "UPDATE identities SET contactID = ?1, \
4410                             kind = ?2, \
4411                             value = ?3, \
4412                             description = ?4, \
4413                             relay = ?5 \
4414                         WHERE id = ?6"
4415    );
4416    this.__defineGetter__("_updateIdentityStatement", () => statement);
4417    return this._updateIdentityStatement;
4418  },
4420  updateIdentity(aIdentity) {
4421    let ucs = this._updateIdentityStatement;
4422    ucs.bindByIndex(5, aIdentity.id);
4423    ucs.bindByIndex(0, aIdentity.contactID);
4424    ucs.bindByIndex(1, aIdentity.kind);
4425    ucs.bindByIndex(2, aIdentity.value);
4426    ucs.bindByIndex(3, aIdentity.description);
4427    ucs.bindByIndex(4, aIdentity.relay ? 1 : 0);
4429    ucs.executeAsync(this.trackAsync());
4430  },
4432  _identityFromRow(aRow) {
4433    return new GlodaIdentity(
4434      this,
4435      aRow.getInt64(0),
4436      aRow.getInt64(1),
4437      null,
4438      aRow.getString(2),
4439      aRow.getString(3),
4440      aRow.getString(4),
4441      !!aRow.getInt32(5)
4442    );
4443  },
4445  get _selectIdentityByKindValueStatement() {
4446    let statement = this._createSyncStatement(
4447      "SELECT * FROM identities WHERE kind = ?1 AND value = ?2"
4448    );
4449    this.__defineGetter__(
4450      "_selectIdentityByKindValueStatement",
4451      () => statement
4452    );
4453    return this._selectIdentityByKindValueStatement;
4454  },
4456  /**
4457   * Synchronous lookup of an identity by kind and value, only for use by
4458   *  the legacy gloda core code that creates a concept of "me".
4459   *  Ex: (email, foo@example.com)
4460   */
4461  getIdentity(aKind, aValue) {
4462    let identity = GlodaCollectionManager.cacheLookupOneByUniqueValue(
4463      GlodaIdentity.prototype.NOUN_ID,
4464      aKind + "@" + aValue
4465    );
4467    let ibkv = this._selectIdentityByKindValueStatement;
4468    ibkv.bindByIndex(0, aKind);
4469    ibkv.bindByIndex(1, aValue);
4470    if (this._syncStep(ibkv)) {
4471      identity = this._identityFromRow(ibkv);
4472      GlodaCollectionManager.itemLoaded(identity);
4473    }
4474    ibkv.reset();
4476    return identity;
4477  },
4479GlodaAttributeDBDef.prototype._datastore = GlodaDatastore;
4480GlodaConversation.prototype._datastore = GlodaDatastore;
4481GlodaFolder.prototype._datastore = GlodaDatastore;
4482GlodaMessage.prototype._datastore = GlodaDatastore;
4483GlodaContact.prototype._datastore = GlodaDatastore;
4484GlodaIdentity.prototype._datastore = GlodaDatastore;