2    "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
3    "id": "3.2.1-targEWR.json",
4    "assertionType": "may",
5    "expectedResult": "valid",
6    "onUnexpectedResult" : "passAndContinue",
7    "errorMessage": "An External Web Resource target may be used as an Annotation Target.",
8    "title": "Implements **External Web Resource** with **_id_ key** as a target of the Annotation  [model 3.2.1](https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/#bodies-and-targets)",
9    "description": "True when Annotation includes one or more External Web Resources as Annotation target(ies). (Section 3.2.1)",
10    "type": "object",
11    "properties":
12    {
13        "target":
14        {
15           "anyOf": [
16                      { "$ref": "bodyTarget.json#/definitions/externalWebResourceDetected"  },
17                      { "not": { "items": { "not": { "$ref": "bodyTarget.json#/definitions/externalWebResourceDetected" } } } },
18                      { "$ref": "bodyTarget.json#/definitions/sourceEwrDetected"  },
19                      { "not": { "items": { "not": { "$ref": "bodyTarget.json#/definitions/sourceEwrDetected" } } } },
20                      { "$ref": "bodyTarget.json#/definitions/itemEwrDetected"  },
21                      { "not": { "items": { "not": { "$ref": "bodyTarget.json#/definitions/itemEwrDetected" } } } }
22                     ]
23         }
24     },
25     "required": [ "target" ]