1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include <memory>
13 #include "common_types.h"  // NOLINT(build/include)
14 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_header_parser.h"
15 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_payload_registry.h"
16 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_receiver.h"
17 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
18 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/mocks/mock_rtp_rtcp.h"
19 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_receiver_impl.h"
20 #include "test/gmock.h"
21 #include "test/gtest.h"
23 namespace webrtc {
24 namespace {
26 using ::testing::NiceMock;
27 using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
29 const uint32_t kTestRate = 64000u;
30 const uint8_t kTestPayload[] = {'t', 'e', 's', 't'};
31 const uint8_t kPcmuPayloadType = 96;
32 const int64_t kGetSourcesTimeoutMs = 10000;
33 const uint32_t kSsrc1 = 123;
34 const uint32_t kSsrc2 = 124;
35 const uint32_t kCsrc1 = 111;
36 const uint32_t kCsrc2 = 222;
rtp_timestamp(int64_t time_ms)38 static uint32_t rtp_timestamp(int64_t time_ms) {
39   return static_cast<uint32_t>(time_ms * kTestRate / 1000);
40 }
42 }  // namespace
44 class RtpReceiverTest : public ::testing::Test {
45  protected:
RtpReceiverTest()46   RtpReceiverTest()
47       : fake_clock_(123456),
48         rtp_receiver_(
49             RtpReceiver::CreateAudioReceiver(&fake_clock_,
50                                              &mock_rtp_data_,
51                                              nullptr,
52                                              &rtp_payload_registry_)) {
53     rtp_receiver_->RegisterReceivePayload(kPcmuPayloadType,
54                                           SdpAudioFormat("PCMU", 8000, 1));
55   }
~RtpReceiverTest()56   ~RtpReceiverTest() {}
FindSourceByIdAndType(const std::vector<RtpSource> & sources,uint32_t source_id,RtpSourceType type,RtpSource * source)58   bool FindSourceByIdAndType(const std::vector<RtpSource>& sources,
59                              uint32_t source_id,
60                              RtpSourceType type,
61                              RtpSource* source) {
62     for (size_t i = 0; i < sources.size(); ++i) {
63       if (sources[i].source_id() == source_id &&
64           sources[i].source_type() == type) {
65         (*source) = sources[i];
66         return true;
67       }
68     }
69     return false;
70   }
72   SimulatedClock fake_clock_;
73   NiceMock<MockRtpData> mock_rtp_data_;
74   RTPPayloadRegistry rtp_payload_registry_;
75   std::unique_ptr<RtpReceiver> rtp_receiver_;
76 };
TEST_F(RtpReceiverTest,GetSources)78 TEST_F(RtpReceiverTest, GetSources) {
79   int64_t now_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
81   RTPHeader header;
82   header.payloadType = kPcmuPayloadType;
83   header.ssrc = kSsrc1;
84   header.timestamp = rtp_timestamp(now_ms);
85   header.numCSRCs = 2;
86   header.arrOfCSRCs[0] = kCsrc1;
87   header.arrOfCSRCs[1] = kCsrc2;
88   const PayloadUnion payload_specific{
89       AudioPayload{SdpAudioFormat("foo", 8000, 1), 0}};
91   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
92       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
93   auto sources = rtp_receiver_->GetSources();
94   // One SSRC source and two CSRC sources.
95   EXPECT_THAT(sources, UnorderedElementsAre(
96                            RtpSource(now_ms, kSsrc1, RtpSourceType::SSRC),
97                            RtpSource(now_ms, kCsrc1, RtpSourceType::CSRC),
98                            RtpSource(now_ms, kCsrc2, RtpSourceType::CSRC)));
100   // Advance the fake clock and the method is expected to return the
101   // contributing source object with same source id and updated timestamp.
102   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(1);
103   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
104       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
105   sources = rtp_receiver_->GetSources();
106   now_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
107   EXPECT_THAT(sources, UnorderedElementsAre(
108                            RtpSource(now_ms, kSsrc1, RtpSourceType::SSRC),
109                            RtpSource(now_ms, kCsrc1, RtpSourceType::CSRC),
110                            RtpSource(now_ms, kCsrc2, RtpSourceType::CSRC)));
112   // Test the edge case that the sources are still there just before the
113   // timeout.
114   int64_t prev_time_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
115   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(kGetSourcesTimeoutMs);
116   sources = rtp_receiver_->GetSources();
117   EXPECT_THAT(sources,
118               UnorderedElementsAre(
119                   RtpSource(prev_time_ms, kSsrc1, RtpSourceType::SSRC),
120                   RtpSource(prev_time_ms, kCsrc1, RtpSourceType::CSRC),
121                   RtpSource(prev_time_ms, kCsrc2, RtpSourceType::CSRC)));
123   // Time out.
124   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(1);
125   sources = rtp_receiver_->GetSources();
126   // All the sources should be out of date.
127   ASSERT_EQ(0u, sources.size());
128 }
130 // Test the case that the SSRC is changed.
TEST_F(RtpReceiverTest,GetSourcesChangeSSRC)131 TEST_F(RtpReceiverTest, GetSourcesChangeSSRC) {
132   int64_t prev_time_ms = -1;
133   int64_t now_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
135   RTPHeader header;
136   header.payloadType = kPcmuPayloadType;
137   header.ssrc = kSsrc1;
138   header.timestamp = rtp_timestamp(now_ms);
139   const PayloadUnion payload_specific{
140       AudioPayload{SdpAudioFormat("foo", 8000, 1), 0}};
142   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
143       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
144   auto sources = rtp_receiver_->GetSources();
145   EXPECT_THAT(sources, UnorderedElementsAre(
146                            RtpSource(now_ms, kSsrc1, RtpSourceType::SSRC)));
148   // The SSRC is changed and the old SSRC is expected to be returned.
149   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(100);
150   prev_time_ms = now_ms;
151   now_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
152   header.ssrc = kSsrc2;
153   header.timestamp = rtp_timestamp(now_ms);
154   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
155       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
156   sources = rtp_receiver_->GetSources();
157   EXPECT_THAT(sources, UnorderedElementsAre(
158                            RtpSource(prev_time_ms, kSsrc1, RtpSourceType::SSRC),
159                            RtpSource(now_ms, kSsrc2, RtpSourceType::SSRC)));
161   // The SSRC is changed again and happen to be changed back to 1. No
162   // duplication is expected.
163   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(100);
164   header.ssrc = kSsrc1;
165   header.timestamp = rtp_timestamp(now_ms);
166   prev_time_ms = now_ms;
167   now_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
168   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
169       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
170   sources = rtp_receiver_->GetSources();
171   EXPECT_THAT(sources, UnorderedElementsAre(
172                            RtpSource(prev_time_ms, kSsrc2, RtpSourceType::SSRC),
173                            RtpSource(now_ms, kSsrc1, RtpSourceType::SSRC)));
175   // Old SSRC source timeout.
176   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(kGetSourcesTimeoutMs);
177   now_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
178   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
179       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
180   sources = rtp_receiver_->GetSources();
181   EXPECT_THAT(sources, UnorderedElementsAre(
182                            RtpSource(now_ms, kSsrc1, RtpSourceType::SSRC)));
183 }
TEST_F(RtpReceiverTest,GetSourcesRemoveOutdatedSource)185 TEST_F(RtpReceiverTest, GetSourcesRemoveOutdatedSource) {
186   int64_t now_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
188   RTPHeader header;
189   header.payloadType = kPcmuPayloadType;
190   header.timestamp = rtp_timestamp(now_ms);
191   const PayloadUnion payload_specific{
192       AudioPayload{SdpAudioFormat("foo", 8000, 1), 0}};
193   header.numCSRCs = 1;
194   size_t kSourceListSize = 20;
196   for (size_t i = 0; i < kSourceListSize; ++i) {
197     header.ssrc = i;
198     header.arrOfCSRCs[0] = (i + 1);
199     EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
200         header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
201   }
203   RtpSource source(0, 0, RtpSourceType::SSRC);
204   auto sources = rtp_receiver_->GetSources();
205   // Expect |kSourceListSize| SSRC sources and |kSourceListSize| CSRC sources.
206   ASSERT_EQ(2 * kSourceListSize, sources.size());
207   for (size_t i = 0; i < kSourceListSize; ++i) {
208     // The SSRC source IDs are expected to be 19, 18, 17 ... 0
209     ASSERT_TRUE(
210         FindSourceByIdAndType(sources, i, RtpSourceType::SSRC, &source));
211     EXPECT_EQ(now_ms, source.timestamp_ms());
213     // The CSRC source IDs are expected to be 20, 19, 18 ... 1
214     ASSERT_TRUE(
215         FindSourceByIdAndType(sources, (i + 1), RtpSourceType::CSRC, &source));
216     EXPECT_EQ(now_ms, source.timestamp_ms());
217   }
219   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(kGetSourcesTimeoutMs);
220   for (size_t i = 0; i < kSourceListSize; ++i) {
221     // The SSRC source IDs are expected to be 19, 18, 17 ... 0
222     ASSERT_TRUE(
223         FindSourceByIdAndType(sources, i, RtpSourceType::SSRC, &source));
224     EXPECT_EQ(now_ms, source.timestamp_ms());
226     // The CSRC source IDs are expected to be 20, 19, 18 ... 1
227     ASSERT_TRUE(
228         FindSourceByIdAndType(sources, (i + 1), RtpSourceType::CSRC, &source));
229     EXPECT_EQ(now_ms, source.timestamp_ms());
230   }
232   // Timeout. All the existing objects are out of date and are expected to be
233   // removed.
234   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(1);
235   header.ssrc = kSsrc1;
236   header.arrOfCSRCs[0] = kCsrc1;
237   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
238       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
239   auto rtp_receiver_impl = static_cast<RtpReceiverImpl*>(rtp_receiver_.get());
240   auto ssrc_sources = rtp_receiver_impl->ssrc_sources_for_testing();
241   ASSERT_EQ(1u, ssrc_sources.size());
242   EXPECT_EQ(kSsrc1, ssrc_sources.begin()->source_id());
243   EXPECT_EQ(RtpSourceType::SSRC, ssrc_sources.begin()->source_type());
244   EXPECT_EQ(fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds(),
245             ssrc_sources.begin()->timestamp_ms());
247   auto csrc_sources = rtp_receiver_impl->csrc_sources_for_testing();
248   ASSERT_EQ(1u, csrc_sources.size());
249   EXPECT_EQ(kCsrc1, csrc_sources.begin()->source_id());
250   EXPECT_EQ(RtpSourceType::CSRC, csrc_sources.begin()->source_type());
251   EXPECT_EQ(fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds(),
252             csrc_sources.begin()->timestamp_ms());
253 }
255 // The audio level from the RTPHeader extension should be stored in the
256 // RtpSource with the matching SSRC.
TEST_F(RtpReceiverTest,GetSourcesContainsAudioLevelExtension)257 TEST_F(RtpReceiverTest, GetSourcesContainsAudioLevelExtension) {
258   RTPHeader header;
259   int64_t time1_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
260   header.payloadType = kPcmuPayloadType;
261   header.ssrc = kSsrc1;
262   header.timestamp = rtp_timestamp(time1_ms);
263   header.extension.hasAudioLevel = true;
264   header.extension.audioLevel = 10;
265   const PayloadUnion payload_specific{
266       AudioPayload{SdpAudioFormat("foo", 8000, 1), 0}};
268   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
269       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
270   auto sources = rtp_receiver_->GetSources();
271   EXPECT_THAT(sources, UnorderedElementsAre(RtpSource(
272                            time1_ms, kSsrc1, RtpSourceType::SSRC, 10)));
274   // Receive a packet from a different SSRC with a different level and check
275   // that they are both remembered.
276   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(1);
277   int64_t time2_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
278   header.ssrc = kSsrc2;
279   header.timestamp = rtp_timestamp(time2_ms);
280   header.extension.hasAudioLevel = true;
281   header.extension.audioLevel = 20;
283   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
284       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
285   sources = rtp_receiver_->GetSources();
286   EXPECT_THAT(sources,
287               UnorderedElementsAre(
288                   RtpSource(time1_ms, kSsrc1, RtpSourceType::SSRC, 10),
289                   RtpSource(time2_ms, kSsrc2, RtpSourceType::SSRC, 20)));
291   // Receive a packet from the first SSRC again and check that the level is
292   // updated.
293   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(1);
294   int64_t time3_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
295   header.ssrc = kSsrc1;
296   header.timestamp = rtp_timestamp(time3_ms);
297   header.extension.hasAudioLevel = true;
298   header.extension.audioLevel = 30;
300   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
301       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
302   sources = rtp_receiver_->GetSources();
303   EXPECT_THAT(sources,
304               UnorderedElementsAre(
305                   RtpSource(time3_ms, kSsrc1, RtpSourceType::SSRC, 30),
306                   RtpSource(time2_ms, kSsrc2, RtpSourceType::SSRC, 20)));
307 }
TEST_F(RtpReceiverTest,MissingAudioLevelHeaderExtensionClearsRtpSourceAudioLevel)309 TEST_F(RtpReceiverTest,
310        MissingAudioLevelHeaderExtensionClearsRtpSourceAudioLevel) {
311   RTPHeader header;
312   int64_t time1_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
313   header.payloadType = kPcmuPayloadType;
314   header.ssrc = kSsrc1;
315   header.timestamp = rtp_timestamp(time1_ms);
316   header.extension.hasAudioLevel = true;
317   header.extension.audioLevel = 10;
318   const PayloadUnion payload_specific{
319       AudioPayload{SdpAudioFormat("foo", 8000, 1), 0}};
321   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
322       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
323   auto sources = rtp_receiver_->GetSources();
324   EXPECT_THAT(sources, UnorderedElementsAre(RtpSource(
325                            time1_ms, kSsrc1, RtpSourceType::SSRC, 10)));
327   // Receive a second packet without the audio level header extension and check
328   // that the audio level is cleared.
329   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(1);
330   int64_t time2_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
331   header.timestamp = rtp_timestamp(time2_ms);
332   header.extension.hasAudioLevel = false;
334   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
335       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
336   sources = rtp_receiver_->GetSources();
337   EXPECT_THAT(sources, UnorderedElementsAre(
338                            RtpSource(time2_ms, kSsrc1, RtpSourceType::SSRC)));
339 }
TEST_F(RtpReceiverTest,UpdatesTimestampsIfAndOnlyIfPacketArrivesInOrder)341 TEST_F(RtpReceiverTest, UpdatesTimestampsIfAndOnlyIfPacketArrivesInOrder) {
342   RTPHeader header;
343   int64_t time1_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
344   header.payloadType = kPcmuPayloadType;
345   header.ssrc = kSsrc1;
346   header.timestamp = rtp_timestamp(time1_ms);
347   header.extension.hasAudioLevel = true;
348   header.extension.audioLevel = 10;
349   header.sequenceNumber = 0xfff0;
351   const PayloadUnion payload_specific{
352       AudioPayload{SdpAudioFormat("foo", 8000, 1), 0}};
353   uint32_t latest_timestamp;
354   int64_t latest_receive_time_ms;
356   // No packet received yet.
357   EXPECT_FALSE(rtp_receiver_->GetLatestTimestamps(&latest_timestamp,
358                                                   &latest_receive_time_ms));
359   // Initial packet
360   const uint32_t timestamp_1 = header.timestamp;
361   const int64_t receive_time_1 = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
362   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
363       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
364   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->GetLatestTimestamps(&latest_timestamp,
365                                                  &latest_receive_time_ms));
366   EXPECT_EQ(latest_timestamp, timestamp_1);
367   EXPECT_EQ(latest_receive_time_ms, receive_time_1);
369   // Late packet, timestamp not recorded.
370   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(10);
371   header.timestamp -= 900;
372   header.sequenceNumber -= 2;
374   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
375       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
376   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->GetLatestTimestamps(&latest_timestamp,
377                                                  &latest_receive_time_ms));
378   EXPECT_EQ(latest_timestamp, timestamp_1);
379   EXPECT_EQ(latest_receive_time_ms, receive_time_1);
381   // New packet, still late, no wraparound.
382   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(10);
383   header.timestamp += 1800;
384   header.sequenceNumber += 1;
386   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
387       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
388   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->GetLatestTimestamps(&latest_timestamp,
389                                                  &latest_receive_time_ms));
390   EXPECT_EQ(latest_timestamp, timestamp_1);
391   EXPECT_EQ(latest_receive_time_ms, receive_time_1);
393   // New packet, new timestamp recorded
394   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(10);
395   header.timestamp += 900;
396   header.sequenceNumber += 2;
397   const uint32_t timestamp_2 = header.timestamp;
398   const int64_t receive_time_2 = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
399   const uint16_t seqno_2 = header.sequenceNumber;
401   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
402       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
403   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->GetLatestTimestamps(&latest_timestamp,
404                                                  &latest_receive_time_ms));
405   EXPECT_EQ(latest_timestamp, timestamp_2);
406   EXPECT_EQ(latest_receive_time_ms, receive_time_2);
408   // New packet, timestamp wraps around
409   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(10);
410   header.timestamp += 900;
411   header.sequenceNumber += 20;
412   const uint32_t timestamp_3 = header.timestamp;
413   const int64_t receive_time_3 = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
414   EXPECT_LT(header.sequenceNumber, seqno_2);  // Wrap-around
416   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
417       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
418   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->GetLatestTimestamps(&latest_timestamp,
419                                                  &latest_receive_time_ms));
420   EXPECT_EQ(latest_timestamp, timestamp_3);
421   EXPECT_EQ(latest_receive_time_ms, receive_time_3);
422 }
TEST_F(RtpReceiverTest,UpdatesTimestampsWhenStreamResets)424 TEST_F(RtpReceiverTest, UpdatesTimestampsWhenStreamResets) {
425   RTPHeader header;
426   int64_t time1_ms = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
427   header.payloadType = kPcmuPayloadType;
428   header.ssrc = kSsrc1;
429   header.timestamp = rtp_timestamp(time1_ms);
430   header.extension.hasAudioLevel = true;
431   header.extension.audioLevel = 10;
432   header.sequenceNumber = 0xfff0;
434   const PayloadUnion payload_specific{
435       AudioPayload{SdpAudioFormat("foo", 8000, 1), 0}};
436   uint32_t latest_timestamp;
437   int64_t latest_receive_time_ms;
439   // No packet received yet.
440   EXPECT_FALSE(rtp_receiver_->GetLatestTimestamps(&latest_timestamp,
441                                                   &latest_receive_time_ms));
442   // Initial packet
443   const uint32_t timestamp_1 = header.timestamp;
444   const int64_t receive_time_1 = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
445   const uint16_t seqno_1 = header.sequenceNumber;
446   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
447       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
448   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->GetLatestTimestamps(&latest_timestamp,
449                                                  &latest_receive_time_ms));
450   EXPECT_EQ(latest_timestamp, timestamp_1);
451   EXPECT_EQ(latest_receive_time_ms, receive_time_1);
453   // Packet with far in the past seqno, but unlikely to be a wrap-around.
454   // Treated as a seqno discontinuity, and timestamp is recorded.
455   fake_clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(10);
456   header.timestamp += 900;
457   header.sequenceNumber = 0x9000;
459   const uint32_t timestamp_2 = header.timestamp;
460   const int64_t receive_time_2 = fake_clock_.TimeInMilliseconds();
461   const uint16_t seqno_2 = header.sequenceNumber;
462   EXPECT_LT(seqno_1 - seqno_2, 0x8000);  // In the past.
464   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->IncomingRtpPacket(
465       header, kTestPayload, sizeof(kTestPayload), payload_specific));
466   EXPECT_TRUE(rtp_receiver_->GetLatestTimestamps(&latest_timestamp,
467                                                  &latest_receive_time_ms));
468   EXPECT_EQ(latest_timestamp, timestamp_2);
469   EXPECT_EQ(latest_receive_time_ms, receive_time_2);
470 }
472 }  // namespace webrtc