2local path implementation.
4from __future__ import with_statement
6from contextlib import contextmanager
7import sys, os, atexit, io, uuid
8import py
9from py._path import common
10from py._path.common import iswin32, fspath
11from stat import S_ISLNK, S_ISDIR, S_ISREG
13from os.path import abspath, normpath, isabs, exists, isdir, isfile, islink, dirname
15if sys.version_info > (3,0):
16    def map_as_list(func, iter):
17        return list(map(func, iter))
19    map_as_list = map
21ALLOW_IMPORTLIB_MODE = sys.version_info > (3,5)
23    import importlib
26class Stat(object):
27    def __getattr__(self, name):
28        return getattr(self._osstatresult, "st_" + name)
30    def __init__(self, path, osstatresult):
31        self.path = path
32        self._osstatresult = osstatresult
34    @property
35    def owner(self):
36        if iswin32:
37            raise NotImplementedError("XXX win32")
38        import pwd
39        entry = py.error.checked_call(pwd.getpwuid, self.uid)
40        return entry[0]
42    @property
43    def group(self):
44        """ return group name of file. """
45        if iswin32:
46            raise NotImplementedError("XXX win32")
47        import grp
48        entry = py.error.checked_call(grp.getgrgid, self.gid)
49        return entry[0]
51    def isdir(self):
52        return S_ISDIR(self._osstatresult.st_mode)
54    def isfile(self):
55        return S_ISREG(self._osstatresult.st_mode)
57    def islink(self):
58        st = self.path.lstat()
59        return S_ISLNK(self._osstatresult.st_mode)
61class PosixPath(common.PathBase):
62    def chown(self, user, group, rec=0):
63        """ change ownership to the given user and group.
64            user and group may be specified by a number or
65            by a name.  if rec is True change ownership
66            recursively.
67        """
68        uid = getuserid(user)
69        gid = getgroupid(group)
70        if rec:
71            for x in self.visit(rec=lambda x: x.check(link=0)):
72                if x.check(link=0):
73                    py.error.checked_call(os.chown, str(x), uid, gid)
74        py.error.checked_call(os.chown, str(self), uid, gid)
76    def readlink(self):
77        """ return value of a symbolic link. """
78        return py.error.checked_call(os.readlink, self.strpath)
80    def mklinkto(self, oldname):
81        """ posix style hard link to another name. """
82        py.error.checked_call(os.link, str(oldname), str(self))
84    def mksymlinkto(self, value, absolute=1):
85        """ create a symbolic link with the given value (pointing to another name). """
86        if absolute:
87            py.error.checked_call(os.symlink, str(value), self.strpath)
88        else:
89            base = self.common(value)
90            # with posix local paths '/' is always a common base
91            relsource = self.__class__(value).relto(base)
92            reldest = self.relto(base)
93            n = reldest.count(self.sep)
94            target = self.sep.join(('..', )*n + (relsource, ))
95            py.error.checked_call(os.symlink, target, self.strpath)
97def getuserid(user):
98    import pwd
99    if not isinstance(user, int):
100        user = pwd.getpwnam(user)[2]
101    return user
103def getgroupid(group):
104    import grp
105    if not isinstance(group, int):
106        group = grp.getgrnam(group)[2]
107    return group
109FSBase = not iswin32 and PosixPath or common.PathBase
111class LocalPath(FSBase):
112    """ object oriented interface to os.path and other local filesystem
113        related information.
114    """
115    class ImportMismatchError(ImportError):
116        """ raised on pyimport() if there is a mismatch of __file__'s"""
118    sep = os.sep
119    class Checkers(common.Checkers):
120        def _stat(self):
121            try:
122                return self._statcache
123            except AttributeError:
124                try:
125                    self._statcache = self.path.stat()
126                except py.error.ELOOP:
127                    self._statcache = self.path.lstat()
128                return self._statcache
130        def dir(self):
131            return S_ISDIR(self._stat().mode)
133        def file(self):
134            return S_ISREG(self._stat().mode)
136        def exists(self):
137            return self._stat()
139        def link(self):
140            st = self.path.lstat()
141            return S_ISLNK(st.mode)
143    def __init__(self, path=None, expanduser=False):
144        """ Initialize and return a local Path instance.
146        Path can be relative to the current directory.
147        If path is None it defaults to the current working directory.
148        If expanduser is True, tilde-expansion is performed.
149        Note that Path instances always carry an absolute path.
150        Note also that passing in a local path object will simply return
151        the exact same path object. Use new() to get a new copy.
152        """
153        if path is None:
154            self.strpath = py.error.checked_call(os.getcwd)
155        else:
156            try:
157                path = fspath(path)
158            except TypeError:
159                raise ValueError("can only pass None, Path instances "
160                                 "or non-empty strings to LocalPath")
161            if expanduser:
162                path = os.path.expanduser(path)
163            self.strpath = abspath(path)
165    def __hash__(self):
166        s = self.strpath
167        if iswin32:
168            s = s.lower()
169        return hash(s)
171    def __eq__(self, other):
172        s1 = fspath(self)
173        try:
174            s2 = fspath(other)
175        except TypeError:
176            return False
177        if iswin32:
178            s1 = s1.lower()
179            try:
180                s2 = s2.lower()
181            except AttributeError:
182                return False
183        return s1 == s2
185    def __ne__(self, other):
186        return not (self == other)
188    def __lt__(self, other):
189        return fspath(self) < fspath(other)
191    def __gt__(self, other):
192        return fspath(self) > fspath(other)
194    def samefile(self, other):
195        """ return True if 'other' references the same file as 'self'.
196        """
197        other = fspath(other)
198        if not isabs(other):
199            other = abspath(other)
200        if self == other:
201            return True
202        if not hasattr(os.path, "samefile"):
203            return False
204        return py.error.checked_call(
205                os.path.samefile, self.strpath, other)
207    def remove(self, rec=1, ignore_errors=False):
208        """ remove a file or directory (or a directory tree if rec=1).
209        if ignore_errors is True, errors while removing directories will
210        be ignored.
211        """
212        if self.check(dir=1, link=0):
213            if rec:
214                # force remove of readonly files on windows
215                if iswin32:
216                    self.chmod(0o700, rec=1)
217                import shutil
218                py.error.checked_call(
219                    shutil.rmtree, self.strpath,
220                    ignore_errors=ignore_errors)
221            else:
222                py.error.checked_call(os.rmdir, self.strpath)
223        else:
224            if iswin32:
225                self.chmod(0o700)
226            py.error.checked_call(os.remove, self.strpath)
228    def computehash(self, hashtype="md5", chunksize=524288):
229        """ return hexdigest of hashvalue for this file. """
230        try:
231            try:
232                import hashlib as mod
233            except ImportError:
234                if hashtype == "sha1":
235                    hashtype = "sha"
236                mod = __import__(hashtype)
237            hash = getattr(mod, hashtype)()
238        except (AttributeError, ImportError):
239            raise ValueError("Don't know how to compute %r hash" %(hashtype,))
240        f = self.open('rb')
241        try:
242            while 1:
243                buf = f.read(chunksize)
244                if not buf:
245                    return hash.hexdigest()
246                hash.update(buf)
247        finally:
248            f.close()
250    def new(self, **kw):
251        """ create a modified version of this path.
252            the following keyword arguments modify various path parts::
254              a:/some/path/to/a/file.ext
255              xx                           drive
256              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx            dirname
257                                xxxxxxxx   basename
258                                xxxx       purebasename
259                                     xxx   ext
260        """
261        obj = object.__new__(self.__class__)
262        if not kw:
263            obj.strpath = self.strpath
264            return obj
265        drive, dirname, basename, purebasename,ext = self._getbyspec(
266             "drive,dirname,basename,purebasename,ext")
267        if 'basename' in kw:
268            if 'purebasename' in kw or 'ext' in kw:
269                raise ValueError("invalid specification %r" % kw)
270        else:
271            pb = kw.setdefault('purebasename', purebasename)
272            try:
273                ext = kw['ext']
274            except KeyError:
275                pass
276            else:
277                if ext and not ext.startswith('.'):
278                    ext = '.' + ext
279            kw['basename'] = pb + ext
281        if ('dirname' in kw and not kw['dirname']):
282            kw['dirname'] = drive
283        else:
284            kw.setdefault('dirname', dirname)
285        kw.setdefault('sep', self.sep)
286        obj.strpath = normpath(
287            "%(dirname)s%(sep)s%(basename)s" % kw)
288        return obj
290    def _getbyspec(self, spec):
291        """ see new for what 'spec' can be. """
292        res = []
293        parts = self.strpath.split(self.sep)
295        args = filter(None, spec.split(',') )
296        append = res.append
297        for name in args:
298            if name == 'drive':
299                append(parts[0])
300            elif name == 'dirname':
301                append(self.sep.join(parts[:-1]))
302            else:
303                basename = parts[-1]
304                if name == 'basename':
305                    append(basename)
306                else:
307                    i = basename.rfind('.')
308                    if i == -1:
309                        purebasename, ext = basename, ''
310                    else:
311                        purebasename, ext = basename[:i], basename[i:]
312                    if name == 'purebasename':
313                        append(purebasename)
314                    elif name == 'ext':
315                        append(ext)
316                    else:
317                        raise ValueError("invalid part specification %r" % name)
318        return res
320    def dirpath(self, *args, **kwargs):
321        """ return the directory path joined with any given path arguments.  """
322        if not kwargs:
323            path = object.__new__(self.__class__)
324            path.strpath = dirname(self.strpath)
325            if args:
326                path = path.join(*args)
327            return path
328        return super(LocalPath, self).dirpath(*args, **kwargs)
330    def join(self, *args, **kwargs):
331        """ return a new path by appending all 'args' as path
332        components.  if abs=1 is used restart from root if any
333        of the args is an absolute path.
334        """
335        sep = self.sep
336        strargs = [fspath(arg) for arg in args]
337        strpath = self.strpath
338        if kwargs.get('abs'):
339            newargs = []
340            for arg in reversed(strargs):
341                if isabs(arg):
342                    strpath = arg
343                    strargs = newargs
344                    break
345                newargs.insert(0, arg)
346        # special case for when we have e.g. strpath == "/"
347        actual_sep = "" if strpath.endswith(sep) else sep
348        for arg in strargs:
349            arg = arg.strip(sep)
350            if iswin32:
351                # allow unix style paths even on windows.
352                arg = arg.strip('/')
353                arg = arg.replace('/', sep)
354            strpath = strpath + actual_sep + arg
355            actual_sep = sep
356        obj = object.__new__(self.__class__)
357        obj.strpath = normpath(strpath)
358        return obj
360    def open(self, mode='r', ensure=False, encoding=None):
361        """ return an opened file with the given mode.
363        If ensure is True, create parent directories if needed.
364        """
365        if ensure:
366            self.dirpath().ensure(dir=1)
367        if encoding:
368            return py.error.checked_call(io.open, self.strpath, mode, encoding=encoding)
369        return py.error.checked_call(open, self.strpath, mode)
371    def _fastjoin(self, name):
372        child = object.__new__(self.__class__)
373        child.strpath = self.strpath + self.sep + name
374        return child
376    def islink(self):
377        return islink(self.strpath)
379    def check(self, **kw):
380        if not kw:
381            return exists(self.strpath)
382        if len(kw) == 1:
383            if "dir" in kw:
384                return not kw["dir"] ^ isdir(self.strpath)
385            if "file" in kw:
386                return not kw["file"] ^ isfile(self.strpath)
387        return super(LocalPath, self).check(**kw)
389    _patternchars = set("*?[" + os.path.sep)
390    def listdir(self, fil=None, sort=None):
391        """ list directory contents, possibly filter by the given fil func
392            and possibly sorted.
393        """
394        if fil is None and sort is None:
395            names = py.error.checked_call(os.listdir, self.strpath)
396            return map_as_list(self._fastjoin, names)
397        if isinstance(fil, py.builtin._basestring):
398            if not self._patternchars.intersection(fil):
399                child = self._fastjoin(fil)
400                if exists(child.strpath):
401                    return [child]
402                return []
403            fil = common.FNMatcher(fil)
404        names = py.error.checked_call(os.listdir, self.strpath)
405        res = []
406        for name in names:
407            child = self._fastjoin(name)
408            if fil is None or fil(child):
409                res.append(child)
410        self._sortlist(res, sort)
411        return res
413    def size(self):
414        """ return size of the underlying file object """
415        return self.stat().size
417    def mtime(self):
418        """ return last modification time of the path. """
419        return self.stat().mtime
421    def copy(self, target, mode=False, stat=False):
422        """ copy path to target.
424            If mode is True, will copy copy permission from path to target.
425            If stat is True, copy permission, last modification
426            time, last access time, and flags from path to target.
427        """
428        if self.check(file=1):
429            if target.check(dir=1):
430                target = target.join(self.basename)
431            assert self!=target
432            copychunked(self, target)
433            if mode:
434                copymode(self.strpath, target.strpath)
435            if stat:
436                copystat(self, target)
437        else:
438            def rec(p):
439                return p.check(link=0)
440            for x in self.visit(rec=rec):
441                relpath = x.relto(self)
442                newx = target.join(relpath)
443                newx.dirpath().ensure(dir=1)
444                if x.check(link=1):
445                    newx.mksymlinkto(x.readlink())
446                    continue
447                elif x.check(file=1):
448                    copychunked(x, newx)
449                elif x.check(dir=1):
450                    newx.ensure(dir=1)
451                if mode:
452                    copymode(x.strpath, newx.strpath)
453                if stat:
454                    copystat(x, newx)
456    def rename(self, target):
457        """ rename this path to target. """
458        target = fspath(target)
459        return py.error.checked_call(os.rename, self.strpath, target)
461    def dump(self, obj, bin=1):
462        """ pickle object into path location"""
463        f = self.open('wb')
464        import pickle
465        try:
466            py.error.checked_call(pickle.dump, obj, f, bin)
467        finally:
468            f.close()
470    def mkdir(self, *args):
471        """ create & return the directory joined with args. """
472        p = self.join(*args)
473        py.error.checked_call(os.mkdir, fspath(p))
474        return p
476    def write_binary(self, data, ensure=False):
477        """ write binary data into path.   If ensure is True create
478        missing parent directories.
479        """
480        if ensure:
481            self.dirpath().ensure(dir=1)
482        with self.open('wb') as f:
483            f.write(data)
485    def write_text(self, data, encoding, ensure=False):
486        """ write text data into path using the specified encoding.
487        If ensure is True create missing parent directories.
488        """
489        if ensure:
490            self.dirpath().ensure(dir=1)
491        with self.open('w', encoding=encoding) as f:
492            f.write(data)
494    def write(self, data, mode='w', ensure=False):
495        """ write data into path.   If ensure is True create
496        missing parent directories.
497        """
498        if ensure:
499            self.dirpath().ensure(dir=1)
500        if 'b' in mode:
501            if not py.builtin._isbytes(data):
502                raise ValueError("can only process bytes")
503        else:
504            if not py.builtin._istext(data):
505                if not py.builtin._isbytes(data):
506                    data = str(data)
507                else:
508                    data = py.builtin._totext(data, sys.getdefaultencoding())
509        f = self.open(mode)
510        try:
511            f.write(data)
512        finally:
513            f.close()
515    def _ensuredirs(self):
516        parent = self.dirpath()
517        if parent == self:
518            return self
519        if parent.check(dir=0):
520            parent._ensuredirs()
521        if self.check(dir=0):
522            try:
523                self.mkdir()
524            except py.error.EEXIST:
525                # race condition: file/dir created by another thread/process.
526                # complain if it is not a dir
527                if self.check(dir=0):
528                    raise
529        return self
531    def ensure(self, *args, **kwargs):
532        """ ensure that an args-joined path exists (by default as
533            a file). if you specify a keyword argument 'dir=True'
534            then the path is forced to be a directory path.
535        """
536        p = self.join(*args)
537        if kwargs.get('dir', 0):
538            return p._ensuredirs()
539        else:
540            p.dirpath()._ensuredirs()
541            if not p.check(file=1):
542                p.open('w').close()
543            return p
545    def stat(self, raising=True):
546        """ Return an os.stat() tuple. """
547        if raising == True:
548            return Stat(self, py.error.checked_call(os.stat, self.strpath))
549        try:
550            return Stat(self, os.stat(self.strpath))
551        except KeyboardInterrupt:
552            raise
553        except Exception:
554            return None
556    def lstat(self):
557        """ Return an os.lstat() tuple. """
558        return Stat(self, py.error.checked_call(os.lstat, self.strpath))
560    def setmtime(self, mtime=None):
561        """ set modification time for the given path.  if 'mtime' is None
562        (the default) then the file's mtime is set to current time.
564        Note that the resolution for 'mtime' is platform dependent.
565        """
566        if mtime is None:
567            return py.error.checked_call(os.utime, self.strpath, mtime)
568        try:
569            return py.error.checked_call(os.utime, self.strpath, (-1, mtime))
570        except py.error.EINVAL:
571            return py.error.checked_call(os.utime, self.strpath, (self.atime(), mtime))
573    def chdir(self):
574        """ change directory to self and return old current directory """
575        try:
576            old = self.__class__()
577        except py.error.ENOENT:
578            old = None
579        py.error.checked_call(os.chdir, self.strpath)
580        return old
583    @contextmanager
584    def as_cwd(self):
585        """
586        Return a context manager, which changes to the path's dir during the
587        managed "with" context.
588        On __enter__ it returns the old dir, which might be ``None``.
589        """
590        old = self.chdir()
591        try:
592            yield old
593        finally:
594            if old is not None:
595                old.chdir()
597    def realpath(self):
598        """ return a new path which contains no symbolic links."""
599        return self.__class__(os.path.realpath(self.strpath))
601    def atime(self):
602        """ return last access time of the path. """
603        return self.stat().atime
605    def __repr__(self):
606        return 'local(%r)' % self.strpath
608    def __str__(self):
609        """ return string representation of the Path. """
610        return self.strpath
612    def chmod(self, mode, rec=0):
613        """ change permissions to the given mode. If mode is an
614            integer it directly encodes the os-specific modes.
615            if rec is True perform recursively.
616        """
617        if not isinstance(mode, int):
618            raise TypeError("mode %r must be an integer" % (mode,))
619        if rec:
620            for x in self.visit(rec=rec):
621                py.error.checked_call(os.chmod, str(x), mode)
622        py.error.checked_call(os.chmod, self.strpath, mode)
624    def pypkgpath(self):
625        """ return the Python package path by looking for the last
626        directory upwards which still contains an __init__.py.
627        Return None if a pkgpath can not be determined.
628        """
629        pkgpath = None
630        for parent in self.parts(reverse=True):
631            if parent.isdir():
632                if not parent.join('__init__.py').exists():
633                    break
634                if not isimportable(parent.basename):
635                    break
636                pkgpath = parent
637        return pkgpath
639    def _ensuresyspath(self, ensuremode, path):
640        if ensuremode:
641            s = str(path)
642            if ensuremode == "append":
643                if s not in sys.path:
644                    sys.path.append(s)
645            else:
646                if s != sys.path[0]:
647                    sys.path.insert(0, s)
649    def pyimport(self, modname=None, ensuresyspath=True):
650        """ return path as an imported python module.
652        If modname is None, look for the containing package
653        and construct an according module name.
654        The module will be put/looked up in sys.modules.
655        if ensuresyspath is True then the root dir for importing
656        the file (taking __init__.py files into account) will
657        be prepended to sys.path if it isn't there already.
658        If ensuresyspath=="append" the root dir will be appended
659        if it isn't already contained in sys.path.
660        if ensuresyspath is False no modification of syspath happens.
662        Special value of ensuresyspath=="importlib" is intended
663        purely for using in pytest, it is capable only of importing
664        separate .py files outside packages, e.g. for test suite
665        without any __init__.py file. It effectively allows having
666        same-named test modules in different places and offers
667        mild opt-in via this option. Note that it works only in
668        recent versions of python.
669        """
670        if not self.check():
671            raise py.error.ENOENT(self)
673        if ensuresyspath == 'importlib':
674            if modname is None:
675                modname = self.purebasename
676            if not ALLOW_IMPORTLIB_MODE:
677                raise ImportError(
678                    "Can't use importlib due to old version of Python")
679            spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
680                modname, str(self))
681            if spec is None:
682                raise ImportError(
683                    "Can't find module %s at location %s" %
684                    (modname, str(self))
685                )
686            mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
687            spec.loader.exec_module(mod)
688            return mod
690        pkgpath = None
691        if modname is None:
692            pkgpath = self.pypkgpath()
693            if pkgpath is not None:
694                pkgroot = pkgpath.dirpath()
695                names = self.new(ext="").relto(pkgroot).split(self.sep)
696                if names[-1] == "__init__":
697                    names.pop()
698                modname = ".".join(names)
699            else:
700                pkgroot = self.dirpath()
701                modname = self.purebasename
703            self._ensuresyspath(ensuresyspath, pkgroot)
704            __import__(modname)
705            mod = sys.modules[modname]
706            if self.basename == "__init__.py":
707                return mod # we don't check anything as we might
708                       # be in a namespace package ... too icky to check
709            modfile = mod.__file__
710            if modfile[-4:] in ('.pyc', '.pyo'):
711                modfile = modfile[:-1]
712            elif modfile.endswith('$py.class'):
713                modfile = modfile[:-9] + '.py'
714            if modfile.endswith(os.path.sep + "__init__.py"):
715                if self.basename != "__init__.py":
716                    modfile = modfile[:-12]
717            try:
718                issame = self.samefile(modfile)
719            except py.error.ENOENT:
720                issame = False
721            if not issame:
722                ignore = os.getenv('PY_IGNORE_IMPORTMISMATCH')
723                if ignore != '1':
724                    raise self.ImportMismatchError(modname, modfile, self)
725            return mod
726        else:
727            try:
728                return sys.modules[modname]
729            except KeyError:
730                # we have a custom modname, do a pseudo-import
731                import types
732                mod = types.ModuleType(modname)
733                mod.__file__ = str(self)
734                sys.modules[modname] = mod
735                try:
736                    py.builtin.execfile(str(self), mod.__dict__)
737                except:
738                    del sys.modules[modname]
739                    raise
740                return mod
742    def sysexec(self, *argv, **popen_opts):
743        """ return stdout text from executing a system child process,
744            where the 'self' path points to executable.
745            The process is directly invoked and not through a system shell.
746        """
747        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
748        argv = map_as_list(str, argv)
749        popen_opts['stdout'] = popen_opts['stderr'] = PIPE
750        proc = Popen([str(self)] + argv, **popen_opts)
751        stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
752        ret = proc.wait()
753        if py.builtin._isbytes(stdout):
754            stdout = py.builtin._totext(stdout, sys.getdefaultencoding())
755        if ret != 0:
756            if py.builtin._isbytes(stderr):
757                stderr = py.builtin._totext(stderr, sys.getdefaultencoding())
758            raise py.process.cmdexec.Error(ret, ret, str(self),
759                                           stdout, stderr,)
760        return stdout
762    def sysfind(cls, name, checker=None, paths=None):
763        """ return a path object found by looking at the systems
764            underlying PATH specification. If the checker is not None
765            it will be invoked to filter matching paths.  If a binary
766            cannot be found, None is returned
767            Note: This is probably not working on plain win32 systems
768            but may work on cygwin.
769        """
770        if isabs(name):
771            p = py.path.local(name)
772            if p.check(file=1):
773                return p
774        else:
775            if paths is None:
776                if iswin32:
777                    paths = os.environ['Path'].split(';')
778                    if '' not in paths and '.' not in paths:
779                        paths.append('.')
780                    try:
781                        systemroot = os.environ['SYSTEMROOT']
782                    except KeyError:
783                        pass
784                    else:
785                        paths = [path.replace('%SystemRoot%', systemroot)
786                                 for path in paths]
787                else:
788                    paths = os.environ['PATH'].split(':')
789            tryadd = []
790            if iswin32:
791                tryadd += os.environ['PATHEXT'].split(os.pathsep)
792            tryadd.append("")
794            for x in paths:
795                for addext in tryadd:
796                    p = py.path.local(x).join(name, abs=True) + addext
797                    try:
798                        if p.check(file=1):
799                            if checker:
800                                if not checker(p):
801                                    continue
802                            return p
803                    except py.error.EACCES:
804                        pass
805        return None
806    sysfind = classmethod(sysfind)
808    def _gethomedir(cls):
809        try:
810            x = os.environ['HOME']
811        except KeyError:
812            try:
813                x = os.environ["HOMEDRIVE"] + os.environ['HOMEPATH']
814            except KeyError:
815                return None
816        return cls(x)
817    _gethomedir = classmethod(_gethomedir)
819    # """
820    # special class constructors for local filesystem paths
821    # """
822    @classmethod
823    def get_temproot(cls):
824        """ return the system's temporary directory
825            (where tempfiles are usually created in)
826        """
827        import tempfile
828        return py.path.local(tempfile.gettempdir())
830    @classmethod
831    def mkdtemp(cls, rootdir=None):
832        """ return a Path object pointing to a fresh new temporary directory
833            (which we created ourself).
834        """
835        import tempfile
836        if rootdir is None:
837            rootdir = cls.get_temproot()
838        return cls(py.error.checked_call(tempfile.mkdtemp, dir=str(rootdir)))
840    def make_numbered_dir(cls, prefix='session-', rootdir=None, keep=3,
841                          lock_timeout=172800):   # two days
842        """ return unique directory with a number greater than the current
843            maximum one.  The number is assumed to start directly after prefix.
844            if keep is true directories with a number less than (maxnum-keep)
845            will be removed. If .lock files are used (lock_timeout non-zero),
846            algorithm is multi-process safe.
847        """
848        if rootdir is None:
849            rootdir = cls.get_temproot()
851        nprefix = prefix.lower()
852        def parse_num(path):
853            """ parse the number out of a path (if it matches the prefix) """
854            nbasename = path.basename.lower()
855            if nbasename.startswith(nprefix):
856                try:
857                    return int(nbasename[len(nprefix):])
858                except ValueError:
859                    pass
861        def create_lockfile(path):
862            """ exclusively create lockfile. Throws when failed """
863            mypid = os.getpid()
864            lockfile = path.join('.lock')
865            if hasattr(lockfile, 'mksymlinkto'):
866                lockfile.mksymlinkto(str(mypid))
867            else:
868                fd = py.error.checked_call(os.open, str(lockfile), os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0o644)
869                with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as f:
870                    f.write(str(mypid))
871            return lockfile
873        def atexit_remove_lockfile(lockfile):
874            """ ensure lockfile is removed at process exit """
875            mypid = os.getpid()
876            def try_remove_lockfile():
877                # in a fork() situation, only the last process should
878                # remove the .lock, otherwise the other processes run the
879                # risk of seeing their temporary dir disappear.  For now
880                # we remove the .lock in the parent only (i.e. we assume
881                # that the children finish before the parent).
882                if os.getpid() != mypid:
883                    return
884                try:
885                    lockfile.remove()
886                except py.error.Error:
887                    pass
888            atexit.register(try_remove_lockfile)
890        # compute the maximum number currently in use with the prefix
891        lastmax = None
892        while True:
893            maxnum = -1
894            for path in rootdir.listdir():
895                num = parse_num(path)
896                if num is not None:
897                    maxnum = max(maxnum, num)
899            # make the new directory
900            try:
901                udir = rootdir.mkdir(prefix + str(maxnum+1))
902                if lock_timeout:
903                    lockfile = create_lockfile(udir)
904                    atexit_remove_lockfile(lockfile)
905            except (py.error.EEXIST, py.error.ENOENT, py.error.EBUSY):
906                # race condition (1): another thread/process created the dir
907                #                     in the meantime - try again
908                # race condition (2): another thread/process spuriously acquired
909                #                     lock treating empty directory as candidate
910                #                     for removal - try again
911                # race condition (3): another thread/process tried to create the lock at
912                #                     the same time (happened in Python 3.3 on Windows)
913                # https://ci.appveyor.com/project/pytestbot/py/build/1.0.21/job/ffi85j4c0lqwsfwa
914                if lastmax == maxnum:
915                    raise
916                lastmax = maxnum
917                continue
918            break
920        def get_mtime(path):
921            """ read file modification time """
922            try:
923                return path.lstat().mtime
924            except py.error.Error:
925                pass
927        garbage_prefix = prefix + 'garbage-'
929        def is_garbage(path):
930            """ check if path denotes directory scheduled for removal """
931            bn = path.basename
932            return bn.startswith(garbage_prefix)
934        # prune old directories
935        udir_time = get_mtime(udir)
936        if keep and udir_time:
937            for path in rootdir.listdir():
938                num = parse_num(path)
939                if num is not None and num <= (maxnum - keep):
940                    try:
941                        # try acquiring lock to remove directory as exclusive user
942                        if lock_timeout:
943                            create_lockfile(path)
944                    except (py.error.EEXIST, py.error.ENOENT, py.error.EBUSY):
945                        path_time = get_mtime(path)
946                        if not path_time:
947                            # assume directory doesn't exist now
948                            continue
949                        if abs(udir_time - path_time) < lock_timeout:
950                            # assume directory with lockfile exists
951                            # and lock timeout hasn't expired yet
952                            continue
954                    # path dir locked for exclusive use
955                    # and scheduled for removal to avoid another thread/process
956                    # treating it as a new directory or removal candidate
957                    garbage_path = rootdir.join(garbage_prefix + str(uuid.uuid4()))
958                    try:
959                        path.rename(garbage_path)
960                        garbage_path.remove(rec=1)
961                    except KeyboardInterrupt:
962                        raise
963                    except: # this might be py.error.Error, WindowsError ...
964                        pass
965                if is_garbage(path):
966                    try:
967                        path.remove(rec=1)
968                    except KeyboardInterrupt:
969                        raise
970                    except: # this might be py.error.Error, WindowsError ...
971                        pass
973        # make link...
974        try:
975            username = os.environ['USER']           #linux, et al
976        except KeyError:
977            try:
978                username = os.environ['USERNAME']   #windows
979            except KeyError:
980                username = 'current'
982        src  = str(udir)
983        dest = src[:src.rfind('-')] + '-' + username
984        try:
985            os.unlink(dest)
986        except OSError:
987            pass
988        try:
989            os.symlink(src, dest)
990        except (OSError, AttributeError, NotImplementedError):
991            pass
993        return udir
994    make_numbered_dir = classmethod(make_numbered_dir)
997def copymode(src, dest):
998    """ copy permission from src to dst. """
999    import shutil
1000    shutil.copymode(src, dest)
1003def copystat(src, dest):
1004    """ copy permission,  last modification time,
1005    last access time, and flags from src to dst."""
1006    import shutil
1007    shutil.copystat(str(src), str(dest))
1010def copychunked(src, dest):
1011    chunksize = 524288  # half a meg of bytes
1012    fsrc = src.open('rb')
1013    try:
1014        fdest = dest.open('wb')
1015        try:
1016            while 1:
1017                buf = fsrc.read(chunksize)
1018                if not buf:
1019                    break
1020                fdest.write(buf)
1021        finally:
1022            fdest.close()
1023    finally:
1024        fsrc.close()
1027def isimportable(name):
1028    if name and (name[0].isalpha() or name[0] == '_'):
1029        name = name.replace("_", '')
1030        return not name or name.isalnum()