2  {
3    "namespace": "manifest",
4    "types": [
5      {
6        "$extend": "PermissionNoPrompt",
7        "choices": [{
8          "type": "string",
9          "enum": [
10            "identity"
11          ]
12        }]
13      }
14    ]
15  },
16  {
17    "namespace": "identity",
18    "description": "Use the chrome.identity API to get OAuth2 access tokens. ",
19    "permissions": ["identity"],
20    "types": [
21      {
22        "id": "AccountInfo",
23        "type": "object",
24        "description": "An object encapsulating an OAuth account id.",
25        "properties": {
26          "id": {
27            "type": "string",
28            "description": "A unique identifier for the account. This ID will not change for the lifetime of the account. "
29          }
30        }
31      }
32    ],
33    "functions": [
34      {
35        "name": "getAccounts",
36        "type": "function",
37        "unsupported": true,
38        "description": "Retrieves a list of AccountInfo objects describing the accounts present on the profile.",
39        "async": "callback",
40        "parameters": [
41          {
42            "name": "callback",
43            "type": "function",
44            "parameters": [
45              {
46                "name": "results",
47                "type": "array",
48                "items": {
49                  "$ref": "AccountInfo"
50                }
51              }
52            ]
53          }
54        ]
55      },
56      {
57        "name": "getAuthToken",
58        "type": "function",
59        "unsupported": true,
60        "description": "Gets an OAuth2 access token using the client ID and scopes specified in the oauth2 section of manifest.json.",
61        "async": "callback",
62        "parameters": [
63          {
64            "name": "details",
65            "optional": true,
66            "type": "object",
67            "properties": {
68              "interactive": {
69                "optional": true,
70                "type": "boolean"
71              },
72              "account": {
73                "optional": true,
74                "$ref": "AccountInfo"
75              },
76              "scopes": {
77                "optional": true,
78                "type": "array",
79                "items": {
80                  "type": "string"
81                }
82              }
83            }
84          },
85          {
86            "name": "callback",
87            "optional": true,
88            "type": "function",
89            "parameters": [
90              {
91                "name": "results",
92                "type": "array",
93                "items": {
94                  "$ref": "AccountInfo"
95                }
96              }
97            ]
98          }
99        ]
100      },
101      {
102        "name": "getProfileUserInfo",
103        "type": "function",
104        "unsupported": true,
105        "description": "Retrieves email address and obfuscated gaia id of the user signed into a profile.",
106        "async": "callback",
107        "parameters": [
108          {
109            "name": "callback",
110            "type": "function",
111            "parameters": [
112              {
113                "name": "userinfo",
114                "type": "object",
115                "properties": {
116                  "email": {"type": "string"},
117                  "id": { "type": "string" }
118                }
119              }
120            ]
121          }
122        ]
123      },
124      {
125        "name": "removeCachedAuthToken",
126        "type": "function",
127        "unsupported": true,
128        "description": "Removes an OAuth2 access token from the Identity API's token cache.",
129        "async": "callback",
130        "parameters": [
131          {
132            "name": "details",
133            "type": "object",
134            "properties": {
135              "token": {"type": "string"}
136            }
137          },
138          {
139            "name": "callback",
140            "optional": true,
141            "type": "function",
142            "parameters": [
143              {
144                "name": "userinfo",
145                "type": "object",
146                "properties": {
147                  "email": {"type": "string"},
148                  "id": { "type": "string" }
149                }
150              }
151            ]
152          }
153        ]
154      },
155      {
156        "name": "launchWebAuthFlow",
157        "type": "function",
158        "description": "Starts an auth flow at the specified URL.",
159        "async": "callback",
160        "parameters": [
161          {
162            "name": "details",
163            "type": "object",
164            "properties": {
165              "url": {"$ref": "manifest.HttpURL"},
166              "interactive": {"type": "boolean", "optional": true}
167            }
168          },
169          {
170            "name": "callback",
171            "type": "function",
172            "parameters": [
173              {
174                "name": " responseUrl",
175                "type": "string",
176                "optional": true
177              }
178            ]
179          }
180        ]
181      },
182      {
183        "name": "getRedirectURL",
184        "type": "function",
185        "description": "Generates a redirect URL to be used in |launchWebAuthFlow|.",
186        "parameters": [
187          {
188            "name": "path",
189            "type": "string",
190            "default": "",
191            "optional": true,
192            "description": "The path appended to the end of the generated URL. "
193          }
194        ],
195        "returns": {
196          "type": "string"
197        }
198      }
199    ],
200    "events": [
201      {
202        "name": "onSignInChanged",
203        "unsupported": true,
204        "type": "function",
205        "description": "Fired when signin state changes for an account on the user's profile.",
206        "parameters": [
207          {
208            "name": "account",
209            "$ref": "AccountInfo"
210          },
211          {
212            "name": "signedIn",
213            "type": "boolean"
214          }
215        ]
216      }
217    ]
218  }