1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 extern crate xpcom;
7 use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
8 use error::KeyValueError;
9 use moz_task::Task;
10 use nserror::{nsresult, NS_ERROR_FAILURE};
11 use nsstring::nsCString;
12 use owned_value::owned_to_variant;
13 use rkv::backend::{BackendInfo, SafeMode, SafeModeDatabase, SafeModeEnvironment};
14 use rkv::{Migrator, OwnedValue, StoreError, StoreOptions, Value};
15 use std::{
16     path::Path,
17     str,
18     sync::{Arc, RwLock},
19 };
20 use storage_variant::VariantType;
21 use xpcom::{
22     interfaces::{
23         nsIKeyValueDatabaseCallback, nsIKeyValueEnumeratorCallback, nsIKeyValueVariantCallback,
24         nsIKeyValueVoidCallback, nsIVariant,
25     },
26     RefPtr, ThreadBoundRefPtr,
27 };
28 use KeyValueDatabase;
29 use KeyValueEnumerator;
30 use KeyValuePairResult;
32 type Manager = rkv::Manager<SafeModeEnvironment>;
33 type Rkv = rkv::Rkv<SafeModeEnvironment>;
34 type SingleStore = rkv::SingleStore<SafeModeDatabase>;
36 /// A macro to generate a done() implementation for a Task.
37 /// Takes one argument that specifies the type of the Task's callback function:
38 ///   value: a callback function that takes a value
39 ///   void: the callback function doesn't take a value
40 ///
41 /// The "value" variant calls self.convert() to convert a successful result
42 /// into the value to pass to the callback function.  So if you generate done()
43 /// for a callback that takes a value, ensure you also implement convert()!
44 macro_rules! task_done {
45     (value) => {
46         fn done(&self) -> Result<(), nsresult> {
47             // If TaskRunnable.run() calls Task.done() to return a result
48             // on the main thread before TaskRunnable.run() returns on the database
49             // thread, then the Task will get dropped on the database thread.
50             //
51             // But the callback is an nsXPCWrappedJS that isn't safe to release
52             // on the database thread.  So we move it out of the Task here to ensure
53             // it gets released on the main thread.
54             let threadbound = self.callback.swap(None).ok_or(NS_ERROR_FAILURE)?;
55             let callback = threadbound.get_ref().ok_or(NS_ERROR_FAILURE)?;
57             match self.result.swap(None) {
58                 Some(Ok(value)) => unsafe { callback.Resolve(self.convert(value)?.coerce()) },
59                 Some(Err(err)) => unsafe { callback.Reject(&*nsCString::from(err.to_string())) },
60                 None => unsafe { callback.Reject(&*nsCString::from("unexpected")) },
61             }
62             .to_result()
63         }
64     };
66     (void) => {
67         fn done(&self) -> Result<(), nsresult> {
68             // If TaskRunnable.run() calls Task.done() to return a result
69             // on the main thread before TaskRunnable.run() returns on the database
70             // thread, then the Task will get dropped on the database thread.
71             //
72             // But the callback is an nsXPCWrappedJS that isn't safe to release
73             // on the database thread.  So we move it out of the Task here to ensure
74             // it gets released on the main thread.
75             let threadbound = self.callback.swap(None).ok_or(NS_ERROR_FAILURE)?;
76             let callback = threadbound.get_ref().ok_or(NS_ERROR_FAILURE)?;
78             match self.result.swap(None) {
79                 Some(Ok(())) => unsafe { callback.Resolve() },
80                 Some(Err(err)) => unsafe { callback.Reject(&*nsCString::from(err.to_string())) },
81                 None => unsafe { callback.Reject(&*nsCString::from("unexpected")) },
82             }
83             .to_result()
84         }
85     };
86 }
88 /// A tuple comprising an Arc<RwLock<Rkv>> and a SingleStore, which is
89 /// the result of GetOrCreateTask.  We declare this type because otherwise
90 /// Clippy complains "error: very complex type used. Consider factoring
91 /// parts into `type` definitions" (i.e. clippy::type-complexity) when we
92 /// declare the type of `GetOrCreateTask::result`.
93 type RkvStoreTuple = (Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>, SingleStore);
95 // The threshold for active resizing.
96 const RESIZE_RATIO: f32 = 0.85;
98 /// The threshold (50 MB) to switch the resizing policy from the double size to
99 /// the constant increment for active resizing.
100 const INCREMENTAL_RESIZE_THRESHOLD: usize = 52_428_800;
102 /// The incremental resize step (5 MB)
103 const INCREMENTAL_RESIZE_STEP: usize = 5_242_880;
105 /// The RKV disk page size and mask.
106 const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 4096;
107 const PAGE_SIZE_MASK: usize = 0b_1111_1111_1111;
109 /// Round the non-zero size to the multiple of page size greater or equal.
110 ///
111 /// It does not handle the special cases such as size zero and overflow,
112 /// because even if that happens (extremely unlikely though), RKV will
113 /// ignore the new size if it's smaller than the current size.
114 ///
115 /// E.g:
116 ///     [   1 -  4096] -> 4096,
117 ///     [4097 -  8192] -> 8192,
118 ///     [8193 - 12286] -> 12286,
round_to_pagesize(size: usize) -> usize119 fn round_to_pagesize(size: usize) -> usize {
120     if size & PAGE_SIZE_MASK == 0 {
121         size
122     } else {
123         (size & !PAGE_SIZE_MASK) + PAGE_SIZE
124     }
125 }
127 /// Kvstore employes two auto resizing strategies: active and passive resizing.
128 /// They work together to liberate consumers from having to guess the "proper"
129 /// size of the store upfront. See more detail about this in Bug 1543861.
130 ///
131 /// Active resizing that is performed at the store startup.
132 ///
133 /// It either increases the size in double, or by a constant size if its size
135 ///
136 /// Note that on Linux / MAC OSX, the increased size would only take effect if
137 /// there is a write transaction committed afterwards.
active_resize(env: &Rkv) -> Result<(), StoreError>138 fn active_resize(env: &Rkv) -> Result<(), StoreError> {
139     let info = env.info()?;
140     let current_size = info.map_size();
142     let size = if current_size < INCREMENTAL_RESIZE_THRESHOLD {
143         current_size << 1
144     } else {
145         current_size + INCREMENTAL_RESIZE_STEP
146     };
148     env.set_map_size(size)?;
149     Ok(())
150 }
152 /// Passive resizing that is performed when the MAP_FULL error occurs. It
153 /// increases the store with a `wanted` size.
154 ///
155 /// Note that the `wanted` size must be rounded to a multiple of page size
156 /// by using `round_to_pagesize`.
passive_resize(env: &Rkv, wanted: usize) -> Result<(), StoreError>157 fn passive_resize(env: &Rkv, wanted: usize) -> Result<(), StoreError> {
158     let info = env.info()?;
159     let current_size = info.map_size();
160     env.set_map_size(current_size + wanted)?;
161     Ok(())
162 }
164 pub struct GetOrCreateTask {
165     callback: AtomicCell<Option<ThreadBoundRefPtr<nsIKeyValueDatabaseCallback>>>,
166     path: nsCString,
167     name: nsCString,
168     result: AtomicCell<Option<Result<RkvStoreTuple, KeyValueError>>>,
169 }
171 impl GetOrCreateTask {
new( callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueDatabaseCallback>, path: nsCString, name: nsCString, ) -> GetOrCreateTask172     pub fn new(
173         callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueDatabaseCallback>,
174         path: nsCString,
175         name: nsCString,
176     ) -> GetOrCreateTask {
177         GetOrCreateTask {
178             callback: AtomicCell::new(Some(ThreadBoundRefPtr::new(callback))),
179             path,
180             name,
181             result: AtomicCell::default(),
182         }
183     }
convert(&self, result: RkvStoreTuple) -> Result<RefPtr<KeyValueDatabase>, KeyValueError>185     fn convert(&self, result: RkvStoreTuple) -> Result<RefPtr<KeyValueDatabase>, KeyValueError> {
186         Ok(KeyValueDatabase::new(result.0, result.1)?)
187     }
188 }
190 impl Task for GetOrCreateTask {
run(&self)191     fn run(&self) {
192         // We do the work within a closure that returns a Result so we can
193         // use the ? operator to simplify the implementation.
194         self.result
195             .store(Some(|| -> Result<RkvStoreTuple, KeyValueError> {
196                 let store;
197                 let mut manager = Manager::singleton().write()?;
198                 // Note that path canonicalization is diabled to work around crashes on Fennec:
199                 // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1531887
200                 let path = Path::new(str::from_utf8(&self.path)?);
201                 let rkv = manager.get_or_create(path, Rkv::new::<SafeMode>)?;
202                 Migrator::easy_migrate_lmdb_to_safe_mode(path, rkv.read()?)?;
203                 {
204                     let env = rkv.read()?;
205                     let load_ratio = env.load_ratio()?.unwrap_or(0.0);
206                     if load_ratio > RESIZE_RATIO {
207                         active_resize(&env)?;
208                     }
209                     store = env.open_single(str::from_utf8(&self.name)?, StoreOptions::create())?;
210                 }
211                 Ok((rkv, store))
212             }()));
213     }
215     task_done!(value);
216 }
218 pub struct PutTask {
219     callback: AtomicCell<Option<ThreadBoundRefPtr<nsIKeyValueVoidCallback>>>,
220     rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>,
221     store: SingleStore,
222     key: nsCString,
223     value: OwnedValue,
224     result: AtomicCell<Option<Result<(), KeyValueError>>>,
225 }
227 impl PutTask {
new( callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueVoidCallback>, rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>, store: SingleStore, key: nsCString, value: OwnedValue, ) -> PutTask228     pub fn new(
229         callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueVoidCallback>,
230         rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>,
231         store: SingleStore,
232         key: nsCString,
233         value: OwnedValue,
234     ) -> PutTask {
235         PutTask {
236             callback: AtomicCell::new(Some(ThreadBoundRefPtr::new(callback))),
237             rkv,
238             store,
239             key,
240             value,
241             result: AtomicCell::default(),
242         }
243     }
244 }
246 impl Task for PutTask {
run(&self)247     fn run(&self) {
248         // We do the work within a closure that returns a Result so we can
249         // use the ? operator to simplify the implementation.
250         self.result.store(Some(|| -> Result<(), KeyValueError> {
251             let env = self.rkv.read()?;
252             let key = str::from_utf8(&self.key)?;
253             let v = Value::from(&self.value);
254             let mut resized = false;
256             // Use a loop here in case we want to retry from a recoverable
257             // error such as `StoreError::MapFull`.
258             loop {
259                 let mut writer = env.write()?;
261                 match self.store.put(&mut writer, key, &v) {
262                     Ok(_) => (),
264                     // Only handle the first MapFull error via passive resizing.
265                     // Propogate the subsequent MapFull error.
266                     Err(StoreError::MapFull) if !resized => {
267                         // abort the failed transaction for resizing.
268                         writer.abort();
270                         // calculate the size of pairs and resize the store accordingly.
271                         let pair_size =
272                             key.len() + v.serialized_size().map_err(StoreError::from)? as usize;
273                         let wanted = round_to_pagesize(pair_size);
274                         passive_resize(&env, wanted)?;
275                         resized = true;
276                         continue;
277                     }
279                     Err(err) => return Err(KeyValueError::StoreError(err)),
280                 }
282                 writer.commit()?;
283                 break;
284             }
286             Ok(())
287         }()));
288     }
290     task_done!(void);
291 }
293 pub struct WriteManyTask {
294     callback: AtomicCell<Option<ThreadBoundRefPtr<nsIKeyValueVoidCallback>>>,
295     rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>,
296     store: SingleStore,
297     pairs: Vec<(nsCString, Option<OwnedValue>)>,
298     result: AtomicCell<Option<Result<(), KeyValueError>>>,
299 }
301 impl WriteManyTask {
new( callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueVoidCallback>, rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>, store: SingleStore, pairs: Vec<(nsCString, Option<OwnedValue>)>, ) -> WriteManyTask302     pub fn new(
303         callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueVoidCallback>,
304         rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>,
305         store: SingleStore,
306         pairs: Vec<(nsCString, Option<OwnedValue>)>,
307     ) -> WriteManyTask {
308         WriteManyTask {
309             callback: AtomicCell::new(Some(ThreadBoundRefPtr::new(callback))),
310             rkv,
311             store,
312             pairs,
313             result: AtomicCell::default(),
314         }
315     }
calc_pair_size(&self) -> Result<usize, StoreError>317     fn calc_pair_size(&self) -> Result<usize, StoreError> {
318         let mut total = 0;
320         for (key, value) in self.pairs.iter() {
321             if let Some(val) = value {
322                 total += key.len();
323                 total += Value::from(val)
324                     .serialized_size()
325                     .map_err(StoreError::from)? as usize;
326             }
327         }
329         Ok(total)
330     }
331 }
333 impl Task for WriteManyTask {
run(&self)334     fn run(&self) {
335         // We do the work within a closure that returns a Result so we can
336         // use the ? operator to simplify the implementation.
337         self.result.store(Some(|| -> Result<(), KeyValueError> {
338             let env = self.rkv.read()?;
339             let mut resized = false;
341             // Use a loop here in case we want to retry from a recoverable
342             // error such as `StoreError::MapFull`.
343             'outer: loop {
344                 let mut writer = env.write()?;
346                 for (key, value) in self.pairs.iter() {
347                     let key = str::from_utf8(key)?;
348                     match value {
349                         // To put.
350                         Some(val) => {
351                             match self.store.put(&mut writer, key, &Value::from(val)) {
352                                 Ok(_) => (),
354                                 // Only handle the first MapFull error via passive resizing.
355                                 // Propogate the subsequent MapFull error.
356                                 Err(StoreError::MapFull) if !resized => {
357                                     // Abort the failed transaction for resizing.
358                                     writer.abort();
360                                     // Calculate the size of pairs and resize accordingly.
361                                     let pair_size = self.calc_pair_size()?;
362                                     let wanted = round_to_pagesize(pair_size);
363                                     passive_resize(&env, wanted)?;
364                                     resized = true;
365                                     continue 'outer;
366                                 }
368                                 Err(err) => return Err(KeyValueError::StoreError(err)),
369                             }
370                         }
371                         // To delete.
372                         None => {
373                             match self.store.delete(&mut writer, key) {
374                                 Ok(_) => (),
376                                 // RKV fails with an error if the key to delete wasn't found,
377                                 // and Rkv returns that error, but we ignore it, as we expect most
378                                 // of our consumers to want this behavior.
379                                 Err(StoreError::KeyValuePairNotFound) => (),
381                                 Err(err) => return Err(KeyValueError::StoreError(err)),
382                             };
383                         }
384                     }
385                 }
387                 writer.commit()?;
388                 break; // 'outer: loop
389             }
391             Ok(())
392         }()));
393     }
395     task_done!(void);
396 }
398 pub struct GetTask {
399     callback: AtomicCell<Option<ThreadBoundRefPtr<nsIKeyValueVariantCallback>>>,
400     rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>,
401     store: SingleStore,
402     key: nsCString,
403     default_value: Option<OwnedValue>,
404     result: AtomicCell<Option<Result<Option<OwnedValue>, KeyValueError>>>,
405 }
407 impl GetTask {
new( callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueVariantCallback>, rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>, store: SingleStore, key: nsCString, default_value: Option<OwnedValue>, ) -> GetTask408     pub fn new(
409         callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueVariantCallback>,
410         rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>,
411         store: SingleStore,
412         key: nsCString,
413         default_value: Option<OwnedValue>,
414     ) -> GetTask {
415         GetTask {
416             callback: AtomicCell::new(Some(ThreadBoundRefPtr::new(callback))),
417             rkv,
418             store,
419             key,
420             default_value,
421             result: AtomicCell::default(),
422         }
423     }
convert(&self, result: Option<OwnedValue>) -> Result<RefPtr<nsIVariant>, KeyValueError>425     fn convert(&self, result: Option<OwnedValue>) -> Result<RefPtr<nsIVariant>, KeyValueError> {
426         Ok(match result {
427             Some(val) => owned_to_variant(val)?,
428             None => ().into_variant(),
429         })
430     }
431 }
433 impl Task for GetTask {
run(&self)434     fn run(&self) {
435         // We do the work within a closure that returns a Result so we can
436         // use the ? operator to simplify the implementation.
437         self.result
438             .store(Some(|| -> Result<Option<OwnedValue>, KeyValueError> {
439                 let key = str::from_utf8(&self.key)?;
440                 let env = self.rkv.read()?;
441                 let reader = env.read()?;
442                 let value = self.store.get(&reader, key)?;
444                 Ok(match value {
445                     Some(value) => Some(OwnedValue::from(&value)),
446                     None => match self.default_value {
447                         Some(ref val) => Some(val.clone()),
448                         None => None,
449                     },
450                 })
451             }()));
452     }
454     task_done!(value);
455 }
457 pub struct HasTask {
458     callback: AtomicCell<Option<ThreadBoundRefPtr<nsIKeyValueVariantCallback>>>,
459     rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>,
460     store: SingleStore,
461     key: nsCString,
462     result: AtomicCell<Option<Result<bool, KeyValueError>>>,
463 }
465 impl HasTask {
new( callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueVariantCallback>, rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>, store: SingleStore, key: nsCString, ) -> HasTask466     pub fn new(
467         callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueVariantCallback>,
468         rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>,
469         store: SingleStore,
470         key: nsCString,
471     ) -> HasTask {
472         HasTask {
473             callback: AtomicCell::new(Some(ThreadBoundRefPtr::new(callback))),
474             rkv,
475             store,
476             key,
477             result: AtomicCell::default(),
478         }
479     }
convert(&self, result: bool) -> Result<RefPtr<nsIVariant>, KeyValueError>481     fn convert(&self, result: bool) -> Result<RefPtr<nsIVariant>, KeyValueError> {
482         Ok(result.into_variant())
483     }
484 }
486 impl Task for HasTask {
run(&self)487     fn run(&self) {
488         // We do the work within a closure that returns a Result so we can
489         // use the ? operator to simplify the implementation.
490         self.result.store(Some(|| -> Result<bool, KeyValueError> {
491             let key = str::from_utf8(&self.key)?;
492             let env = self.rkv.read()?;
493             let reader = env.read()?;
494             let value = self.store.get(&reader, key)?;
495             Ok(value.is_some())
496         }()));
497     }
499     task_done!(value);
500 }
502 pub struct DeleteTask {
503     callback: AtomicCell<Option<ThreadBoundRefPtr<nsIKeyValueVoidCallback>>>,
504     rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>,
505     store: SingleStore,
506     key: nsCString,
507     result: AtomicCell<Option<Result<(), KeyValueError>>>,
508 }
510 impl DeleteTask {
new( callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueVoidCallback>, rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>, store: SingleStore, key: nsCString, ) -> DeleteTask511     pub fn new(
512         callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueVoidCallback>,
513         rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>,
514         store: SingleStore,
515         key: nsCString,
516     ) -> DeleteTask {
517         DeleteTask {
518             callback: AtomicCell::new(Some(ThreadBoundRefPtr::new(callback))),
519             rkv,
520             store,
521             key,
522             result: AtomicCell::default(),
523         }
524     }
525 }
527 impl Task for DeleteTask {
run(&self)528     fn run(&self) {
529         // We do the work within a closure that returns a Result so we can
530         // use the ? operator to simplify the implementation.
531         self.result.store(Some(|| -> Result<(), KeyValueError> {
532             let key = str::from_utf8(&self.key)?;
533             let env = self.rkv.read()?;
534             let mut writer = env.write()?;
536             match self.store.delete(&mut writer, key) {
537                 Ok(_) => (),
539                 // RKV fails with an error if the key to delete wasn't found,
540                 // and Rkv returns that error, but we ignore it, as we expect most
541                 // of our consumers to want this behavior.
542                 Err(StoreError::KeyValuePairNotFound) => (),
544                 Err(err) => return Err(KeyValueError::StoreError(err)),
545             };
547             writer.commit()?;
549             Ok(())
550         }()));
551     }
553     task_done!(void);
554 }
556 pub struct ClearTask {
557     callback: AtomicCell<Option<ThreadBoundRefPtr<nsIKeyValueVoidCallback>>>,
558     rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>,
559     store: SingleStore,
560     result: AtomicCell<Option<Result<(), KeyValueError>>>,
561 }
563 impl ClearTask {
new( callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueVoidCallback>, rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>, store: SingleStore, ) -> ClearTask564     pub fn new(
565         callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueVoidCallback>,
566         rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>,
567         store: SingleStore,
568     ) -> ClearTask {
569         ClearTask {
570             callback: AtomicCell::new(Some(ThreadBoundRefPtr::new(callback))),
571             rkv,
572             store,
573             result: AtomicCell::default(),
574         }
575     }
576 }
578 impl Task for ClearTask {
run(&self)579     fn run(&self) {
580         // We do the work within a closure that returns a Result so we can
581         // use the ? operator to simplify the implementation.
582         self.result.store(Some(|| -> Result<(), KeyValueError> {
583             let env = self.rkv.read()?;
584             let mut writer = env.write()?;
585             self.store.clear(&mut writer)?;
586             writer.commit()?;
588             Ok(())
589         }()));
590     }
592     task_done!(void);
593 }
595 pub struct EnumerateTask {
596     callback: AtomicCell<Option<ThreadBoundRefPtr<nsIKeyValueEnumeratorCallback>>>,
597     rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>,
598     store: SingleStore,
599     from_key: nsCString,
600     to_key: nsCString,
601     result: AtomicCell<Option<Result<Vec<KeyValuePairResult>, KeyValueError>>>,
602 }
604 impl EnumerateTask {
new( callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueEnumeratorCallback>, rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>, store: SingleStore, from_key: nsCString, to_key: nsCString, ) -> EnumerateTask605     pub fn new(
606         callback: RefPtr<nsIKeyValueEnumeratorCallback>,
607         rkv: Arc<RwLock<Rkv>>,
608         store: SingleStore,
609         from_key: nsCString,
610         to_key: nsCString,
611     ) -> EnumerateTask {
612         EnumerateTask {
613             callback: AtomicCell::new(Some(ThreadBoundRefPtr::new(callback))),
614             rkv,
615             store,
616             from_key,
617             to_key,
618             result: AtomicCell::default(),
619         }
620     }
convert( &self, result: Vec<KeyValuePairResult>, ) -> Result<RefPtr<KeyValueEnumerator>, KeyValueError>622     fn convert(
623         &self,
624         result: Vec<KeyValuePairResult>,
625     ) -> Result<RefPtr<KeyValueEnumerator>, KeyValueError> {
626         Ok(KeyValueEnumerator::new(result))
627     }
628 }
630 impl Task for EnumerateTask {
run(&self)631     fn run(&self) {
632         // We do the work within a closure that returns a Result so we can
633         // use the ? operator to simplify the implementation.
634         self.result.store(Some(
635             || -> Result<Vec<KeyValuePairResult>, KeyValueError> {
636                 let env = self.rkv.read()?;
637                 let reader = env.read()?;
638                 let from_key = str::from_utf8(&self.from_key)?;
639                 let to_key = str::from_utf8(&self.to_key)?;
641                 let iterator = if from_key.is_empty() {
642                     self.store.iter_start(&reader)?
643                 } else {
644                     self.store.iter_from(&reader, &from_key)?
645                 };
647                 // Ideally, we'd enumerate pairs lazily, as the consumer calls
648                 // nsIKeyValueEnumerator.getNext(), which calls our
649                 // KeyValueEnumerator.get_next() implementation.  But KeyValueEnumerator
650                 // can't reference the Iter because Rust "cannot #[derive(xpcom)]
651                 // on a generic type," and the Iter requires a lifetime parameter,
652                 // which would make KeyValueEnumerator generic.
653                 //
654                 // Our fallback approach is to eagerly collect the iterator
655                 // into a collection that KeyValueEnumerator owns.  Fixing this so we
656                 // enumerate pairs lazily is bug 1499252.
657                 let pairs: Vec<KeyValuePairResult> = iterator
658                     // Convert the key to a string so we can compare it to the "to" key.
659                     // For forward compatibility, we don't fail here if we can't convert
660                     // a key to UTF-8.  Instead, we store the Err in the collection
661                     // and fail lazily in KeyValueEnumerator.get_next().
662                     .map(|result| match result {
663                         Ok((key, val)) => Ok((str::from_utf8(&key), val)),
664                         Err(err) => Err(err),
665                     })
666                     // Stop iterating once we reach the to_key, if any.
667                     .take_while(|result| match result {
668                         Ok((key, _val)) => {
669                             if to_key.is_empty() {
670                                 true
671                             } else {
672                                 match *key {
673                                     Ok(key) => key < to_key,
674                                     Err(_err) => true,
675                                 }
676                             }
677                         }
678                         Err(_) => true,
679                     })
680                     // Convert the key/value pair to owned.
681                     .map(|result| match result {
682                         Ok((key, val)) => match (key, val) {
683                             (Ok(key), val) => Ok((key.to_owned(), OwnedValue::from(&val))),
684                             (Err(err), _) => Err(err.into()),
685                         },
686                         Err(err) => Err(KeyValueError::StoreError(err)),
687                     })
688                     .collect();
690                 Ok(pairs)
691             }(),
692         ));
693     }
695     task_done!(value);
696 }