1	-*- org -*-->  Emacs [Tab] key + [Org] menu; C-c C-o follows links
2* Very Short Term
3** TODO 61) Q: Why is quantile() so slow [hence summary() very slow!]?  A: because sort() |--> rank() is so slow (in C code!)
4   l2x <- seqMpfr(mpfr(4, 1024), 513, by=1/16) # 8000 numbers of 1024 bits
5   system.time(ql2x <- quantile(l2x, names=FALSE)) # user: 10.735 (nb-mm5, Nov.2020)
6*** quantile() -> sort(*, partial=.) -> xtfrm.default() -> rank(l2x) is so slow
7*** Partial SOLUTION (not yet implemented):  use  is.unsorted(.) which is *fast* FALSE for sorted vetors (as 'l2x' above)
8** TODO 55b) possibly more documentation on .mpfr* functions, e.g. .getSign(), at least *internally* (roxygen)
9** TODO 31) Valgrind problems + leaks: Brian's e-mail 2014-06-19; ~/R/Pkgs/Rmpfr.Rcheck_valgrind/
10** TODO 11) format() method for "mpfr", "mpfrArray" (and hence "mpfrMatrix") which nicely
11    and correctly *jointly* formats (for "mpfr") and aligns columns !
12    Then,  formatDec()  would be unnecessary.  drop0trailing is not really sensible there.
13** TODO 19) outer() now works  always ? {as rep() now S3 dispatches
14    ---> need systematic checks *AND* docu changes!
15** TODO 17b) see 'Ops' in R/Arith.R  ,  Rmpfr:::.Math.codes,  and
16     design a "test all Ops" with all combinations of "mpfr", "numeric","logical"
17     (and possibly more).
20* Short or Mid Term
21*** TODO Split this section into  Short | Mid  (?)
22** TODO 60) Should have *exact* as.bigq.mpfr(), i.e, "mpfr" --> "bigq". (R's "bigq" is C 'mpq')
23** TODO 62) integrateR(): option 'all.sums=TRUE' --> R/integrate-Romberg.R
24***  Inside the GMP library, have
25# -- Function: void mpq_set_f (mpq_t ROP, const mpf_t OP)
26#      Set ROP to the value of OP.  There is no rounding, this conversion is exact.
27***  MPFR documents 'mpf2mpfr.h' after which you can compile any mpf_ program..
28** DONE 63) R interface to mpfr's functions `mpfr_get_ld_2exp()` and `mpfr_frexp()`
29   compatibly to DPQ's `ldexp(f, E)` and `frexp(x)`: -> frexpMpfr() and ldexpMpfr().
30** TODO 53) plogis() {and dlogis, qlogis} are "easy": do use <R>/src/nmath/[dpq]logis.c, as they
31 already use all the numerical tricks including R_Log1_Exp(x) .. :
32 R_Log1_Exp(x) := ((x) > -M_LN2 ? log(-expm1(x)) : log1p(-exp(x)))
33** TODO 54) zapsmall() would be nice, base::zapsmall() fails
34** DONE 59) *exact* dhyper(), phyper().. -> in package 'DPQmpfr' dhyperQ() etc exact via 'gmp' exact rationals
35** TODO 35) tests/bit-repr.R : Bits() fails to work with 2^k
37** TODO 37) mpfrXport()/*Import() should work for arrays.  Test Windows-portability:
38 -  as save() seems not portable; see ~/R/MM/Pkg-ex/Rmpfr/save-load-ex.R
39** TODO 2) Now have working  "mpfrMatrix", dim(.) <- ..; t(), %*%, crossprod()...
40 -  <mpfr> %*% <mpfr>    should work the same as with numeric vectors
41 -  <mpfr> %*% t(<mpfr>)  ditto
43  Note that matrix multiplication seems too slow --> ./Savicky-matrix-mult_tst.R
45 -  <mpfr>[i] & <mpfrMatrix>[i]  work
46    but   <mpfrMatrix> [i,j]  not yet
48 -->  want things to work like
49          which(<mpfrMatrix> == ., arr.ind = TRUE)  - ok
51 [No longer sure if this is true :]
52 For this, we must ensure that the methods are used, instead of the
53 .Primitive  base functions :
54 One way: --> see ~/R/MM/NUMERICS/bessel-large-x.R
55                  --------------------------------
56  ## really interesting is  bI(x., nu)  {for "mpfr" argument}:
57  ## it uses outer(), but that needs to dispatch on, e.g. "^",
58  ## i.e., not only look at "base"
59  environment(outer) <- as.environment("package:Rmpfr")
60  environment(dim) <- as.environment("package:Rmpfr")
61  environment(dimnames) <- as.environment("package:Rmpfr")
62  environment(`dim<-`) <- as.environment("package:Rmpfr")
63  environment(`dimnames<-`) <- as.environment("package:Rmpfr")
64  environment(which) <- as.environment("package:Rmpfr")
66** TODO 5) have seqMpfr(), but would like seq() methods, but that seems currently impossible because of
67   a "design infelicity" in base::seq.default  --- ???? E-mail to R-core ??
68   --> R/mpfr.R
69** TODO 6) It is "wrong" that the class "Mnumber" also extends "character", "list";
70   but it's not clear we can find better definitions, see R/AllClasses.R
72** TODO 7) Add tests for hypot() & atan2() to tests/special-fun-ex.R
74** TODO 8) round(x, .) & signif(x, .) currently return "mpfr" numbers of the same precision.
75   That *looks* ugly.
76   Potentially add a swith 'keepPrec = FALSE' -- i.e. by default *reduce*
77   precision to "match" 'digits' argument.
79** TODO 16) psigamma(x, n)  {and  digamma(), trigamma() aliases}
80    --> experiments in ~/R/MM/Pkg-ex/Rmpfr/psigamma.R )
81    Note that since, MPFR 3.0.0, there is a digamma(); .. which we now interface to
83** TODO 18) ifelse()  fails ... maybe I should mask it
84             {or "fix it" via assign*() in base ?? -- they will love that!}
85    or provide ifelse2() -- a fast simplified version ?
88** TODO 24) Bernoulli(): we use builtin zeta(); alternatively, use *exact*
89     rationals from 'gmp', using "bigq" (and "bigz") -- and R code from ~/R/Pkgs/copula/R/special-func.R
90** TODO 26) (?) Revert the decision to *not* care about rounding mode in Ops/function,
91    and rather expose that as in mpfr(), e.g., in R/Math.R  roundMpfr
92    -- see  MPFR_RNDN in src/utils.c and others; --> use src/convert.c  R_rnd2MP()
93    -- and all the SEXP functions get an additional   SEXP rnd_mode
94       argument, the same as   SEXP d2mpfr1() in src/convert.c has already.
95** TODO 29) Our sum() should use system mpfr_sum() :
96   mpfr_sum (mpfr_t ROP, mpfr_ptr const TAB[], unsigned long int N, mpfr_rnd_t RND)
97** TODO 32) Use ./LUP.R  to compute the lu() decomposition of an mpfrMatrix
98    ---> solve() and use this for determinant() for larger (n >= 4 ?) dimensions!
99** TODO 50) For *complex* arithmetic, build interface to the  "MPC" library
100   ---> http://www.multiprecision.org/mpc -- which is LGPL and itself
101   builds on MPFR and GMP.
102   Ubuntu now has 'libmpc-dev' (!)  {but there's no '*-doc' package yet;
103   	      	  	       	     on nb-mm, I've installed from source
104				     --> Info comes along}
105  One idea: Since the names are so much in parallel, try
106      to take each src/*.c file and mechanically  s/mpfr/mpc/  producing a
107      mpc version of that;
108      then "the same" for the R interface code.
110** TODO 51) Incomplete gamma, i.e. pgamma(), is being added to MPFR. -> do in Rmpfr!
111  ~/F/IN-lists--2016-08 :
112     From: paul zimmermann <Paul.Zimmermann@inria.fr>
113      Subject: [MPFR] incomplete Gamma function
114      Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2016 09:54:51 +0100
116      zimmerma@tomate:~/mpfr/tests$ ./tgamma_inc 60 30 100
117      1.3868299023788801161747839921242e80
119*** Will be in MPFR 3.2.x (Oct.2016: current is 3.1.5)
120*** MPFR-devel(svn): https://gforge.inria.fr/scm/viewvc.php/mpfr/trunk/src/gamma_inc.c?view=markup
121    - get: --> http://mpfr.loria.fr/gforge.html explains:
122    - svn checkout https://scm.gforge.inria.fr/anonscm/svn/mpfr/trunk mpfr
125* Accomplished
126** DONE 1) R: character -> mpfr   "3.14159265358979323846264" -> mpfr
128** DONE 3) "Arith" and "Compare" methods currently ``lose dim + dimnames''
129   for "mpfrArray" (& "mpfrMatrix")
131  The solution is a bit tedious because the Ops do recycling pretty
132  generously for vectors,
133  but pretty stringently when one of the operands is a matrix.
135  If the other part is a matrix their dim() must be identical,
136  if just a vector, its length must be a divisor of  length(<matrix>)
138** DONE 10b) a factorialMPFR() which automatically uses full precision for
139    integer-valued argument, notably using MPFR's mpfr_fac_ui; see also end
140    of man/mpfr-class.Rd
142** DONE 13) all the NOT_YET in src/Ops.c are implemented, *apart* from trigamma()
143    --> TODO 16)
145** DONE 14) Want to *change*  'precBits' of existing MPFR numbers;
146    MPFR has  mpfr_set_prec(X, PREC)  but that sets the value to NaN.
147    Manual:  "In case you want to keep the previous value stored in X, use
148               `mpfr_prec_round' instead."
150   --> fulfilled via  roundMpfr(x, precBits)
154** DONE 15) beta(.,.) and lbeta(.,.) .. using  my_mpfr_beta() in C.
155   Interestingly, the speedup is not dramatical
156    (50% for length 200; 300% for length 1)
158** DONE 4) format() got more (optional) arguments, along the format.default()
159   example.
160   Note that an option to "round() after decimal" should not be needed,
161   rather  format(round(..), digits= ., drop0trailing=TRUE) does work.
164** DONE 12) crossprod(), tcrossprod() (and more?) methods for "mpfrMatrix".
166** DONE 10) chooseMpfr(a,n) is now implemented --- *NOT* based on gamma(),
167    but rather n.
169** DONE 11b) No longer --- problem were missing  mpfr_clear() statements in src/utils.c :
170    format(<mpfr>) --> .mpfr2str() -> C mpfr2str()  still suffers from a
171    memory bug, inspite of my efforts in src/convert.c
172    I think this is the MPFR library just allocating memory that's in use
173    by R, but it seems hard to prove and or fix that.
176** DONE 17a) as(1, "mpfr") & TRUE : no longer gives infinite recursion error
178** DONE 17a) Write a 'Rmpfr-package' help page that mentions that we have *many*
179     Math etc functions, including  gamma, digamma, ....  {which are not
180     quickly visible on the help pages now}.
183** DONE 20) integrateR( ... rel.tol, verbose= TRUE) :
184    the precision of the output should be increased a bit,
185    (still depending  on rel.tol !)
187** DONE 21) What's the exponent range -- and possibly change it: R interface
188   in R/mpfr.R via  .mpfr_erange()  [and .mpfr_erange(.) <- v ]
189   to
190   - Function: mpfr_exp_t mpfr_get_emin (void)
191   - Function: mpfr_exp_t mpfr_get_emax (void)
193   - Function: int mpfr_set_emin (mpfr_exp_t exp)
194   - Function: int mpfr_set_emax (mpfr_exp_t exp)
196   - Function: mpfr_exp_t mpfr_get_emin_min (void)
197   - Function: mpfr_exp_t mpfr_get_emin_max (void)
198   - Function: mpfr_exp_t mpfr_get_emax_min (void)
199   - Function: mpfr_exp_t mpfr_get_emax_max (void)
201** DONE 22) apply(<mpfrArray>, .) --> S4 method
203** DONE 22x) *do* test rank(), sort(), order() : we claim they work in man/mpfr-class.Rd
204    quantile() should work from R 2.15.1 (June 2012) on       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
206** DONE 23) quantile(<mpfr>)  does not work ---- but will from R 2.15.1 with better quantile.default()
207    Reason: in stats::quantile.default(),
208      ifelse(h == 0, qs[i], (1 - h) * qs[i] + h * x[hi[i]])
209    produces a list of 'mpfr1' instead a real 'mpfr' vector.
210    -> Fixed in ~/R/D/r-devel/R/src/library/stats/R/quantile.R
212** DONE 23x) sumBinomMpfr()  accept  f.x
214** DONE 28) determinant() and hence det() "fail" (with a reasonable error message).
215    Easy: go via asNumeric(.) with a  warning() that can be suppressed
216    Standard R uses LAPACK's  LU() decomposition.  Would be cool to have
217    that in C (using MPFR).
218    Alternatively, do it for 2x2 and via recursion mxm for small m.
219    (but it is *really* inefficient: complexity  \propto  m! )
221** DONE 30) pmin() and pmax(), for simple cases pmin(x,n) are now, 2013-02, quite "fast",
222        (see also --> ~/R/MM/Pkg-ex/Rmpfr/SLOW-pmin.R)
223** DONE 33) asNumeric(mpfr(10, 99)^500) gives 1.797693e+308 without warning. Should (warn or) give Inf
224** DONE 36) got mpfrImport(), reading mpfrXport()
225** DONE 38) Define a norm() method.  For expm(*, "Higham08") need  solve() !
226** DONE 34) Can specify the rounding mode in mpfr() and roundMpfr(), since 2015-08-08
227** DONE 9) median(<mpfr>) now works, as does mean(<mpfr>, trim = *) and quantile() w/o warning.
228** DONE is.finite(.) etc: *Must* keep matrices -> src/utils.c
229** DONE 52) No longer use 'representation' but rather 'slots' in  'setClass(..)'
230** DONE 25) mpfr(<mpfr>, ...) should work: return argument unchanged *if* precision
231    and rounding mode are ok; otherwise use roundMpfr() *BUT* that needs an
232    additional rnd.mode  argument -- as mpfr
233** DONE 27) Now have simple sapplyMpfr()
234** DONE 57) Fix pnorm() bugs reported by Jerry Lewis (>> ~/R/MM/Pkg-ex/Rmpfr/pnorm-* )
235** DONE 58) print(<large Matrix>) somehow fails to use max.digits = 9999 [print.mpfr(*, max.digits = ...)] ???
236*** Why did we introduce 'max.digits' *and* allow  digits=NULL to use *all* digits before the decimal point?
237**** I now think max.digits is almost superfluous if  digits=NULL behaved as promised:
238    We have in R code comments  __digits = NULL : use as many digits "as needed"__ ,
239    and in help man/formatMpfr.Rd
240 __The default, \code{NULL}, uses enough digits to represent the full precision, often one or two digits more than you would expect.__
241** DONE 56) Add regr.tests for new dgamma(<mpfr>) !!
242** DONE 55a) .getPrec(), .mpfr_erange, .mpfr_erange_set, .mpfr_maxPrec, .mpfr_minPrec etc are documented now.