1 #include "stdafx.h"
EuclidianDistance(TPoint & x,TPoint & y)3 double EuclidianDistance(TPoint& x, TPoint& y){
4 	double accu = 0;
5 	for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++){
6 		accu += pow(x[i] - y[i], 2);
7 	}
8 	return sqrt(accu);
9 }
EuclidianDistance2(TPoint & x,TPoint & y)11 double EuclidianDistance2(TPoint& x, TPoint& y){
12   double accu = 0;
13 	for (int i = 0; i< x.size(); i++){
14 		accu += pow(x[i] - y[i], 2);
15 	}
16 	return (accu);
17 }
19 // alpha - kernel sharpness. sharp - a more
EDKernel(TPoint & x,TPoint & y,double a)20 double EDKernel (TPoint& x, TPoint& y, double a){
21 	return 1/(1+a*EuclidianDistance2(x, y));
22 }
24 // ss - sigma squared. sharp - a less
GKernel(TPoint & x,TPoint & y,double ss)25 double GKernel (TPoint& x, TPoint& y, double ss){
26   int d = x.size();
27 	return pow((2*PI*ss), - d/2) * exp(-EuclidianDistance2(x, y) / (2*ss));   //04.04.2014  added power d
28 }
30 // ss - sigma squared. sharp - a less
VarGKernel(TPoint & x,TPoint & y,double ss)31 double VarGKernel(TPoint& x, TPoint& y, double ss){
32 	int d = x.size();
33 	return pow((2 * PI*ss), -d / 2) * exp(-EuclidianDistance2(x, y) / (2 * ss));   //04.04.2014  added power d
34 }
36 // alpha - kernel sharpness. sharp - a more
EKernel(TPoint & x,TPoint & y,double a)37 double EKernel (TPoint& x, TPoint& y, double a){
38 	return exp(-a*EuclidianDistance(x, y));
39 }
41 // alpha - triangle sharpness. sharp - a more. a in (0..pi/2)
TriangleKernel(TPoint & x,TPoint & y,double a)42 double TriangleKernel (TPoint& x, TPoint& y, double a){
43 	return 1/(EuclidianDistance(x, y)+0.000001)*tan(a);
44 }
PotentialDepths(TMatrix & points,TVariables & cardinalities,TMatrix & depths,double (* Kernel)(TPoint & x,TPoint & y,double a),double a)46 void PotentialDepths(TMatrix& points, TVariables& cardinalities, /*OUT*/ TMatrix& depths, double (*Kernel) (TPoint& x, TPoint& y, double a), double a){
47 	PotentialDepths(points, cardinalities, points, depths, Kernel, a, 0);
48 }
PotentialDepths(TMatrix & points,TVariables & cardinalities,TMatrix & testpoints,TMatrix & depths,double (* Kernel)(TPoint & x,TPoint & y,double ss),double ss,int ignoreself)50 void PotentialDepths(TMatrix& points, TVariables& cardinalities, TMatrix& testpoints, /*OUT*/ TMatrix& depths, double (*Kernel) (TPoint& x, TPoint& y, double ss), double ss, int ignoreself){
51 	int classBeginning = 0;
53 	bool var = Kernel == VarGKernel;
54 	double weight = 1;
55 	TMatrix* classPoints;
56 	TPoint* classPointsDepths;
57 	int error;
59 	// loop classes
60 	for (int i = 0; i < cardinalities.size(); classBeginning += cardinalities[i], i++){
62 		if (var){
63 			if (classPoints) delete[] classPoints;
64 			classPoints = new TMatrix(points.begin() + classBeginning, points.begin() + classBeginning + cardinalities[i]);
65 			if (!classPointsDepths)
66 				classPointsDepths = new TPoint(cardinalities[i]);
67 			else if (classPointsDepths->size() < cardinalities[i])
68 				classPointsDepths->resize(cardinalities[i]);
70 			for (int c = 0; c < cardinalities[i]; c++){
71 				(*classPointsDepths)[c] = 1 - ZonoidDepth(*classPoints, points[classBeginning + c], error);
72 			}
73 		}
75 		// loop all the points, find their potential relatively to class i
76 		for (int p = 0; p < testpoints.size(); p++){
77 			double pointDepth = 0;
79 			// loop the points of i-th class, find the point's potential
80 			for (int c = 0; c < cardinalities[i]; c++){
81 				//      if (ignoreself && p == classBeginning + c) // ignore the potential created by this point
82 				//        continue;
84 				if (var)
85 					weight = (*classPointsDepths)[c];
87 				pointDepth += Kernel(testpoints[p], points[classBeginning + c], ss*weight);
88 			}
89 			depths[p][i] = pointDepth;
90 		}
92 		if (false) {  //28.05.2014 no normalization
93 			int n = ignoreself ? points.size() - 1 : points.size();
95 			// normalize
96 			for (int p = 0; p < testpoints.size(); p++){
97 				depths[p][i] *= 1.0 / n;  //04.04.2014   1.0*cardinalities[i]/points.size()/Kernel(points[0], points[0], a);
98 			}
99 		}
100 	}
102 	if (var){
103 		delete[] classPoints;
104 		delete[] classPointsDepths;
105 	}
106 }