1% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand 2% Please edit documentation in R/distinct.R, R/group-by.r 3\name{distinct_prepare} 4\alias{distinct_prepare} 5\alias{group_by_prepare} 6\title{Same basic philosophy as group_by_prepare(): lazy_dots comes in, list of data and 7vars (character vector) comes out.} 8\usage{ 9distinct_prepare( 10 .data, 11 vars, 12 group_vars = character(), 13 .keep_all = FALSE, 14 caller_env = caller_env(2) 15) 16 17group_by_prepare( 18 .data, 19 ..., 20 caller_env = caller_env(2), 21 .add = FALSE, 22 .dots = deprecated(), 23 add = deprecated() 24) 25} 26\value{ 27A list 28\item{data}{Modified tbl} 29\item{groups}{Modified groups} 30} 31\description{ 32\verb{*_prepare()} performs standard manipulation that is needed prior 33to actual data processing. They are only be needed by packages 34that implement dplyr backends. 35} 36\keyword{internal} 37