2ssanova                     Fitting smoothing spline ANOVA models
3predict.ssanova             Predicting from ssanova fits
4predict1.ssanova            Predicting from ssanova fits
5summary.ssanova             Summarizing ssanova fits
6project.ssanova             Projecting ssanova fits for model diagnostic
7ssanova9                    Fitting smoothing spline ANOVA models with correlated data
8summary.ssanova9            Summarizing ssanova9 fits
9project.ssanova9            Projecting ssanova9 fits for model diagnostic
10ssanova0                    Fitting smoothing spline ANOVA models
11predict.ssanova0            Predicting from ssanova0 fits
12summary.ssanova0            Summarizing ssanova0 fits
13residuals.ssanova           Extracting the residuals from ssanova objects
14fitted.ssanova              Extracting the fitted values from ssanova objects
15print.ssanova               Print function for ssanova objects
16print.ssanova0              Print function for ssanova0 objects
17print.summary.ssanova       Print function for summary.ssanova objects
19gssanova                    Fitting smoothing spline ANOVA models with non Gaussian data
20gssanova1                   Fitting smoothing spline ANOVA models with non Gaussian data
21predict9.gssanova           Predicting from gssanova fits
22summary.gssanova            Summarizing gssanova fits
23project.gssanova            Projecting gssanova1 fits for model diagnostic
24gssanova0                   Fitting smoothing spline ANOVA models with non Gaussian data
25summary.gssanova0           Summarizing gssanova0 fits
26residuals.gssanova          Extracting the residuals from gssanova objects
27fitted.gssanova             Extracting the fitted values from gssanova objects
28print.gssanova              Print function for gssanova objects
29print.summary.gssanova      Print function for summary.gssanova objects
30print.summary.gssanova0     Print function for summary.gssanova0 objects
32ssden                       Estimating probability density using smoothing splines
33d.ssden                     Evaluating pdf of ssden estimates
34project.ssden               Projecting ssden fits for model diagnostic
35ssden1                      Estimating probability density using smoothing splines
36d.ssden1                    Evaluating pdf of ssden1 estimates
37project.ssden1              Projecting ssden1 fits for model diagnostic
38dssden                      Evaluating pdf of ssden estimates
39pssden                      Evaluating cdf of 1-D ssden estimates
40qssden                      Evaluating quantiles of 1-D ssden estimates
41cdssden                     Evaluating conditional pdf of ssden estimates
42cpssden                     Evaluating 1-D conditional cdf of ssden estimates
43cqssden                     Evaluating 1-D conditional quantiles of ssden estimates
44print.ssden                 Print function for ssden objects
45sscomp                      Estimating composition with one sample
46sscomp2                     Estimating composition with multiple samples
48sscden                      Estimating conditional density using smoothing splines
49d.sscden                    Evaluating pdf of sscden estimates
50project.sscden              Projecting sscden fits for model diagnostic
51sscden1                     Estimating conditional density using smoothing splines
52d.sscden1                   Evaluating pdf of sscden1 estimates
53project.sscden1             Projecting sscden1 fits for model diagnostic
54dsscden                     Evaluating pdf of sscden estimates
55psscden                     Evaluating cdf of sscden estimates with 1-D Y
56qsscden                     Evaluating quantiles of ssden estimates with 1-D Y
57cdsscden                    Evaluating conditional pdf of sscden estimates
58cpsscden                    Evaluating 1-D conditional cdf of sscden estimates
59cqsscden                    Evaluating 1-D conditional quantiles of sscden estimates
60print.sscden                Print function for sscden objects
62ssllrm                      Fitting smoothing spline log-linear regression models
63predict.ssllrm              Evaluating log-linear regression model fits
64project.ssllrm              Projecting ssllrm fits for model diagnostic
65print.ssllrm                Print function for ssllrm objects
67sshzd                       Estimating hazard function using smoothing splines
68project.sshzd               Projecting sshzd fits for model diagnostic
69sshzd1                      Estimating hazard function using smoothing splines
70project.sshzd1              Projecting sshzd1 fits for model diagnostic
71hzdrate.sshzd               Evaluating hazard estimates
72hzdcurve.sshzd              Evaluating hazard curves
73survexp.sshzd               Computing expected survivals
74print.sshzd                 Print function for sshzd objects
76sscox                       Estimating relative risk using smoothing splines
77predict.sscox               Projecting sscox fits for model diagnostic
78project.sscox               Predicting from sscox fits
79print.sscox                 Print function for sscox objects
82sscopu                      Fitting copula density using smoothing splines
83sscopu2                     Fitting 2-D copula density using smoothing splines
84dsscopu                     Evaluating pdf of sscopu estimates
85cdsscopu                    Evaluating 1-D conditional pdf of sscopu estimates
86cpsscopu                    Evaluating 1-D conditional cdf of sscopu estimates
87cqsscopu                    Evaluating 1-D conditional quantiles of sscopu estimates
88summary.sscopu              Calculating Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho of sscopu estimates
89print.sscopu                Print function for sscopu objects
91sshzd2d                     Estimating 2-D hazard function using smoothing splines
92sshzd2d1                    Estimating 2-D hazard function using smoothing splines
93hzdrate.sshzd2d             Evaluating 2-D hazard estimates
94survexp.sshzd2d             Evaluating 2-D survival estimates
95print.sshzd2d               Print function for sshzd2d objects
98mkterm                      Making model terms
99mkterm.copu                 Making model terms for sscopu/sscopu2
101mkphi.cubic                 Making phi function for cubic splines
102mkrk.cubic                  Making RK function for cubic splines
103mkrk.cubic.per              Making RK function for periodic cubic splines
104mkrk.linear                 Making RK function for linear splines
105mkrk.linear.per             Making RK function for periodic linear splines
107mkphi.tp                    Making phi functions for thin-plate splines
108mkphi.tp.p                  Making pseudo phi functions for thin-plate splines
109mkrk.tp                     Making RK functions for thin-plate splines
110mkrk.tp.p                   Making pseudo RK functions for thin-plate splines
111mkrk.sphere                 Making RK functions for spherical splines
113mkrk.nominal                Making RK function for nominal factors
114mkrk.ordinal                Making RK function for ordinal factors
116mkran                       Generating random effects in mixed-effect models
117mkran1                      Combining random effects in mixed-effect models
119mkcov.arma                  Making covariance function for ARMA models
120mkcov.long                  Making covariance function for longitudinal data
121mkcov.known                 Passing known covariance function to ssanova9
123mkint                       Generating integrals of basis terms for ssden1 suite
124mkint2                      Generating integrals of basis terms for ssden1 suite
127mkdata.binomial             Making pseudo data for logistic regression
128dev.resid.binomial          Deviance residuals for logistic regression
129dev.null.binomial           Null model deviance for logistic regression
130cv.binomial                 CV score for logistic regression
131y0.binomial                 Preparing for KL projection of logistic fit
132proj0.binomial              Making pseudo data for projection of logistic fit
133kl.binomial                 Computing KL distance between logistic fits
134cfit.binomial               Computing constant logistic fit
136mkdata.poisson              Making pseudo data for Poisson regression
137dev.resid.poisson           Deviance residuals for Poisson regression
138dev.null.poisson            Null model deviance for Poisson regression
139cv.poisson                  CV score for Poisson regression
140y0.poisson                  Preparing for KL projection of Poisson fit
141proj0.poisson               Making pseudo data for projection of Poisson fit
142kl.poisson                  Computing KL distance between Poisson fits
143cfit.poisson                Computing constant Poisson fit
145mkdata.Gamma                Making pseudo data for Gamma regression
146dev.resid.Gamma             Deviance residuals for Gamma regression
147dev.null.Gamma              Null model deviance for Gamma regression
148cv.Gamma                    CV score for Gamma regression
149y0.Gamma                    Preparing for KL projection of Gamma fit
150proj0.Gamma                 Making pseudo data for projection of Gamma fit
151kl.Gamma                    Computing KL distance between Gamma fits
152cfit.Gamma                  Computing constant Gamma fit
154mkdata.inverse.gaussian     Making pseudo data for IG regression
155dev.resid.inverse.gaussian  Deviance residuals for IG regression
156dev.null.inverse.gaussian   Null model deviance for IG regression
157cv.inverse.gaussian         CV score for IG regression
158y0.inverse.gaussian         Preparing for KL projection of IG fit
159proj0.inverse.gaussian      Making pseudo data for projection of IG fit
160kl.inverse.gaussian         Computing KL distance between IG fits
161cfit.inverse.gaussian       Computing constant IG fit
163mkdata.nbinomial            Making pseudo data for negative binomial regression
164dev.resid.nbinomial         Deviance residuals for negative binomial regression
165dev.null.nbinomial          Null model deviance for negative binomial regression
166cv.nbinomial                CV score for negative binomial regression
167y0.nbinomial                Preparing for KL projection of negative binomial fit
168proj0.nbinomial             Making pseudo data for projection of negative binomial fit
169kl.nbinomial                Computing KL distance between negative binomial fits
170cfit.nbinomial              Computing constant negative binomial fit
172mkdata.polr                 Making pseudo data for proportional odds regression
173dev.resid.polr              Deviance residuals for proportional odds regression
174dev.null.polr               Null model deviance for proportional odds regression
175cv.polr                     CV score for proportional odds regression
176y0.polr                     Preparing for KL projection of proportional odds fit
177proj0.polr                  Making pseudo data for projection of proportional odds fit
178kl.polr                     Computing KL distance between proportional odds fits
179cfit.polr                   Computing constant proportional odds fit
181mkdata.weibull              Making pseudo data for Weibull regression
182dev.resid.weibull           Deviance residuals for Weibull regression
183dev.null.weibull            Null model deviance for Weibull regression
184cv.weibull                  CV score for Weibull regression
185y0.weibull                  Preparing for KL projection of Weibull fit
186proj0.weibull               Making pseudo data for projection of Weibull fit
187kl.weibull                  Computing KL distance between Weibull fits
188cfit.weibull                Computing constant Weibull fit
190mkdata.lognorm              Making pseudo data for log normal regression
191dev.resid.lognorm           Deviance residuals for log normal regression
192dev0.resid.lognorm          Pseudo deviance residuals for log normal regression
193dev.null.lognorm            Null model deviance for log normal regression
194cv.lognorm                  CV score for log normal regression
195y0.lognorm                  Preparing for KL projection of log normal fit
196proj0.lognorm               Making pseudo data for projection of log normal fit
197kl.lognorm                  Computing KL distance between log normal fits
198cfit.lognorm                Computing constant log normal fit
200mkdata.loglogis             Making pseudo data for log logistic regression
201dev.resid.loglogis          Deviance residuals for log logistic regression
202dev0.resid.loglogis         Pseudo deviance residuals for log logistic regression
203dev.null.loglogis           Null model deviance for log logistic regression
204cv.loglogis                  CV score for log logistic regression
205y0.loglogis                  Preparing for KL projection of log logistic fit
206proj0.loglogis               Making pseudo data for projection of log logistic fit
207kl.loglogis                  Computing KL distance between log logistic fits
208cfit.loglogis                Computing constant log logistic fit
211gauss.quad                  Generating Gauss-Legendre quadrature
212smolyak.quad                Generating Smolyak cubature
213smolyak.size                Getting the size of Smolyak cubature
216nlm0                        Minimizing univariate functions on finite intervals
219sspreg0                     An interface to RKPACK driver DSIDR
220mspreg0                     An interface to RKPACK driver DMUDR
221sspregpoi                   Performance-oriented iteration using RKPACK driver DSIDR
222mspregpoi                   Performance-oriented iteration using RKPACK driver DMUDR
223getcrdr                     An interface to RKPACK utility DCRDR
224getsms                      An interface to RKPACK utility DSMS
226sspreg1                     Compute regression estimate with single smoothing parameter
227mspreg1                     Compute regression estimate with multiple smoothing parameters
228sspreg91                    Compute regression estimate with single smoothing parameter
229mspreg91                    Compute regression estimate with multiple smoothing parameters
230sspngreg                    Compute NG regression estimate with single smoothing parameter
231mspngreg                    Compute NG regression estimate with single smoothing parameter
232ngreg                       Newton iteration for NG regression with fixed smoothing parameter
233ngreg1                      Performance-oriented iteration using sspreg1 and mspreg1
234regaux                      Obtain auxiliary information needed for se calculation
235ngreg.proj                  Calculate Kullback-Leibler projection for NG regression
237sspdsty                     Compute density estimate with single smoothing parameter
238mspdsty                     Compute density estimate with multiple smoothing parameters
239sspdsty1                    Compute density estimate with single smoothing parameter
240mspdsty1                    Compute density estimate with multiple smoothing parameters
241mspcdsty                    Compute conditional density estimate
242mspcdsty1                   Compute conditional density estimate
243msphzd                      Compute hazard estimate with single or multiple smoothing parameters
244msphzd1                     Compute hazard estimate with single or multiple smoothing parameters
245sspcox                      Compute relative risk estimate with single smoothing parameter
246mspcox                      Compute relative risk estimate with multiple smoothing parameters
248mspllrm                     Compute log-linear regression model with multiple smoothing parameters
250mspcopu2                    Compute 2-D copula density estimate under censoring/truncation