1\name{bandwidth.rq} 2\alias{bandwidth.rq} 3\title{ bandwidth selection for rq functions } 4\description{ 5 function to compute bandwidth for sparsity estimation 6} 7\usage{ 8bandwidth.rq(p, n, hs=TRUE, alpha=0.05) 9} 10\arguments{ 11 \item{p}{ quantile(s) of interest } 12 \item{n}{ sample size } 13 \item{hs}{ flag for hall-sheather method } 14 \item{alpha}{ alpha level for intended confidence intervals } 15} 16\details{ If hs=TRUE (default) then the Hall-Sheather(1988) rule \eqn{O(n^{-1/3})} 17is used, if hs=FALSE then the Bofinger \eqn{O(n^{-1/5})} is used. 18} 19\value{ 20returns a vector of bandwidths corresponding to the argument p. 21} 22\references{ Hall and Sheather(1988, JRSS(B)),Bofinger (1975, Aus. J. Stat)} 23\author{ Roger Koenker rkoenker@uiuc.edu} 24\keyword{ regression } 25