1\name{residuals.nlrq} 2\alias{residuals.nlrq} 3\title{ Return residuals of an nlrq object } 4\description{ 5Set algorithmic parameters for nlrq (nonlinear quantile regression function) 6} 7\usage{ 8\method{residuals}{nlrq}(object, type = c("response", "rho"), ...) 9} 10\arguments{ 11 \item{object}{an `nlrq' object as returned by function `nlrq'} 12 \item{type}{the type of residuals to return: "response" is the distance 13 between observed and predicted values; "rho" is the weighted distance used 14 to calculate the objective function in the minimisation algorithm as 15 tau * pmax(resid, 0) + (1 - tau) * pmin(resid, 0), where resid are the 16 simple residuals as above (with type="response"). 17 } 18 \item{...}{further arguments passed to or from other methods.} 19} 20\seealso{ \code{\link{nlrq}} } 21 22\keyword{models} 23\keyword{regression} 24\keyword{nonlinear} 25