1% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand 2% Please edit documentation in R/db.R, R/sfc.R, R/wkb.R, R/wkt.R, R/sp.R, 3% R/maps.R, R/s2.R 4\name{st_as_sfc} 5\alias{st_as_sfc} 6\alias{st_as_sfc.pq_geometry} 7\alias{st_as_sfc.list} 8\alias{st_as_sfc.blob} 9\alias{st_as_sfc.bbox} 10\alias{st_as_sfc.WKB} 11\alias{st_as_sfc.raw} 12\alias{st_as_sfc.character} 13\alias{st_as_sfc.factor} 14\alias{st_as_sfc.SpatialPoints} 15\alias{st_as_sfc.SpatialPixels} 16\alias{st_as_sfc.SpatialMultiPoints} 17\alias{st_as_sfc.SpatialLines} 18\alias{st_as_sfc.SpatialPolygons} 19\alias{st_as_sfc.map} 20\alias{st_as_sfc.s2_geography} 21\title{Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object} 22\usage{ 23\method{st_as_sfc}{pq_geometry}( 24 x, 25 ..., 26 EWKB = TRUE, 27 spatialite = FALSE, 28 pureR = FALSE, 29 crs = NA_crs_ 30) 31 32\method{st_as_sfc}{list}(x, ..., crs = NA_crs_) 33 34\method{st_as_sfc}{blob}(x, ...) 35 36\method{st_as_sfc}{bbox}(x, ...) 37 38\method{st_as_sfc}{WKB}( 39 x, 40 ..., 41 EWKB = FALSE, 42 spatialite = FALSE, 43 pureR = FALSE, 44 crs = NA_crs_ 45) 46 47\method{st_as_sfc}{raw}(x, ...) 48 49\method{st_as_sfc}{character}(x, crs = NA_integer_, ..., GeoJSON = FALSE) 50 51\method{st_as_sfc}{factor}(x, ...) 52 53st_as_sfc(x, ...) 54 55\method{st_as_sfc}{SpatialPoints}(x, ..., precision = 0) 56 57\method{st_as_sfc}{SpatialPixels}(x, ..., precision = 0) 58 59\method{st_as_sfc}{SpatialMultiPoints}(x, ..., precision = 0) 60 61\method{st_as_sfc}{SpatialLines}(x, ..., precision = 0, forceMulti = FALSE) 62 63\method{st_as_sfc}{SpatialPolygons}(x, ..., precision = 0, forceMulti = FALSE) 64 65\method{st_as_sfc}{map}(x, ...) 66 67\method{st_as_sfc}{s2_geography}( 68 x, 69 ..., 70 crs = st_crs(4326), 71 endian = match(.Platform$endian, c("big", "little")) - 1L 72) 73} 74\arguments{ 75\item{x}{object to convert} 76 77\item{...}{further arguments} 78 79\item{EWKB}{logical; if TRUE, parse as EWKB (extended WKB; PostGIS: ST_AsEWKB), otherwise as ISO WKB (PostGIS: ST_AsBinary)} 80 81\item{spatialite}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, WKB is assumed to be in the spatialite dialect, see \url{https://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/BLOB-Geometry.html}; this is only supported in native endian-ness (i.e., files written on system with the same endian-ness as that on which it is being read).} 82 83\item{pureR}{logical; if TRUE, use only R code, if FALSE, use compiled (C++) code; use TRUE when the endian-ness of the binary differs from the host machine (\code{.Platform$endian}).} 84 85\item{crs}{coordinate reference system to be assigned; object of class \code{crs}} 86 87\item{GeoJSON}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, try to read geometries from GeoJSON text strings 88geometry, see \code{\link[=st_crs]{st_crs()}}} 89 90\item{precision}{precision value; see \link{st_as_binary}} 91 92\item{forceMulti}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, force coercion into \code{MULTIPOLYGON} or \code{MULTILINE} objects, else autodetect} 93 94\item{endian}{integer; 0 or 1: defaults to the endian of the native machine} 95} 96\description{ 97Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object 98} 99\details{ 100When converting from WKB, the object \code{x} is either a character vector such as typically obtained from PostGIS (either with leading "0x" or without), or a list with raw vectors representing the features in binary (raw) form. 101 102If \code{x} is a character vector, it should be a vector containing 103\href{https://www.ogc.org/standards/wkt-crs}{well-known-text}, or 104Postgis EWKT or GeoJSON representations of a single geometry for each vector element. 105 106If \code{x} is a \code{factor}, it is converted to \code{character}. 107} 108\examples{ 109wkb = structure(list("01010000204071000000000000801A064100000000AC5C1441"), class = "WKB") 110st_as_sfc(wkb, EWKB = TRUE) 111wkb = structure(list("0x01010000204071000000000000801A064100000000AC5C1441"), class = "WKB") 112st_as_sfc(wkb, EWKB = TRUE) 113st_as_sfc(st_as_binary(st_sfc(st_point(0:1)))[[1]], crs = 4326) 114st_as_sfc("SRID=3978;LINESTRING(1663106 -105415,1664320 -104617)") 115} 116