1% File src/library/base/man/timezones.Rd
2% Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
3% Copyright 1995-2021 R Core Team
4% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
11\alias{time zone}
12\alias{time zones}
17\title{Time Zones}
19  Information about time zones in \R.  \code{Sys.timezone} returns
20  the name of the current time zone.
24Sys.timezone(location = TRUE)
26OlsonNames(tzdir = NULL)
30  \item{location}{logical: defunct: ignored, with a warning for false values.}
32  \item{tzdir}{The time-zone database to be used: the default is to try
33    known locations until one is found.}
37  Time zones are a system-specific topic, but these days almost all \R
38  platforms use similar underlying code, used by Linux, macOS, Solaris,
39  AIX and FreeBSD, and installed with \R on Windows.  (Unfortunately
40  there are many system-specific errors in the implementations.)  It is
41  possible to use the \R sources' version of the code on Unix-alikes as
42  well as on Windows: this is the default for macOS and recommended for
43  Solaris.
45  It should be possible to set the current time zone via the environment
46  variable \env{TZ}: see the section on \sQuote{Time zone names} for
47  suitable values.  \code{Sys.timezone()} will return the value of
48  \env{TZ} if set initially (and on some OSes it is always set),
49  otherwise it will try to retrieve from the OS a value which if set for
50  \env{TZ} would give the initial time zone. (\sQuote{Initially} means
51  before any time-zone functions are used: if \env{TZ} is being set to
52  override the OS setting or if the \sQuote{try} does not get this
53  right, it should be set before the \R process is started or (probably
54  early enough) in file \code{\link{.Rprofile}}).
56  %% glibc silently uses UTC but uses the invalid name as the
57  %% abbreviations.  tzcode as used by R warns and uses UTC.
58  If \env{TZ} is set but invalid, most platforms default to \samp{UTC},
59  the time zone colloquially known as \samp{GMT} (see
60  \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time}).
61  (Some but not all platforms will give a warning for invalid values.)
62  If it is unset or empty the \emph{system} time zone is used (the one
63  returned by \code{Sys.timezone}).
65  %% arguably, 'railway time' in the UK in 1840 was earliest.
66  Time zones did not come into use until the middle of the nineteenth
67  century and were not widely adopted until the twentieth, and
68  \emph{daylight saving time} (DST, also known as \emph{summer time})
69  was first introduced in the early twentieth century, most widely in
70  1916.  Over the last 100 years places have changed their affiliation
71  between major time zones, have opted out of (or in to) DST in various
72  years or adopted DST rule changes late or not at all.  (The UK
73  experimented with DST throughout 1971, only.)  In a few countries (one
74  is the Irish Republic) it is the summer time which is the
75  \sQuote{standard} time and a different name is used in winter.  And
76  there can be multiple changes during a year, for example for Ramadan.
78  A quite common system implementation of \code{POSIXct} is as signed
79  32-bit integers and so only goes back to the end of 1901: on such
80  systems \R assumes that dates prior to that are in the same time zone
81  as they were in 1902.  Most of the world had not adopted time zones by
82  1902 (so used local \sQuote{mean time} based on longitude) but for a
83  few places there had been time-zone changes before then.  64-bit
84  representations are becoming common; unfortunately on some 64-bit OSes
85  the database information is 32-bit and so only available for the range
86  1901--2038, and incompletely for the end years.
88  As from \R 3.5.0, when a time zone location is first found in a
89  session, its value is cached in object \code{.sys.timezone} in the
90  base environment.
94  \code{Sys.timezone} returns an OS-specific character string, possibly
95  \code{NA} or an empty string (which on some OSes means \samp{UTC}).
96  This will be a location such as \code{"Europe/London"} if one can be
97  ascertained.
99  A time zone region may be known by several names: for example
100  \samp{"Europe/London"} is also known as \samp{GB}, \samp{GB-Eire},
101  \samp{Europe/Belfast}, \samp{Europe/Guernsey},
102  \samp{Europe/Isle_of_Man} and \samp{Europe/Jersey}.  A few regions
103  are also known by a summary of their time zone,
104  e.g.\sspace{}\samp{PST8PDT} is an alias for
105  \samp{America/Los_Angeles}.
107  \code{OlsonNames} returns a character vector, see the examples for
108  typical cases.  It may have an attribute \code{"Version"}, something
109  like \samp{"2020a"}.
112\section{Time zone names}{
113  Names \code{"UTC"} and its synonym \code{"GMT"} are accepted on all
114  platforms.
116  Where OSes describe their valid time zones can be obscure.  The help
117  for the C function \code{tzset} can be helpful, but it can also be
118  inaccurate.  There is a cumbersome POSIX specification (listed under
119  environment variable \env{TZ} at
120  \url{https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap08.html#tag_08}),
121  which is often at least partially supported, but there are other more
122  user-friendly ways to specify time zones.
124  Almost all \R platforms make use of a time-zone database originally
125  compiled by Arthur David Olson and now managed by IANA, in which the
126  preferred way to refer to a time zone is by a location (typically of a
127  city), e.g., \code{Europe/London}, \code{America/Los_Angeles},
128  \code{Pacific/Easter} within a \sQuote{time zone region}.  Some
129  traditional designations are also allowed such as \code{EST5EDT} or
130  \code{GB}.  (Beware that some of these designations may not be what
131  you expect: in particular \code{EST} is a time zone used in Canada
132  \emph{without} daylight saving time, and not \code{EST5EDT} nor
133  (Australian) Eastern Standard Time.)  The designation can also be an
134  optional colon prepended to the path to a file giving complied zone
135  information (and the examples above are all files in a system-specific
136  location).  See \url{https://data.iana.org/time-zones/tz-link.html}
137  for more details and references.  By convention, regions with a unique
138  time-zone history since 1970 have specific names in the database, but
139  those with different earlier histories may not.  Each time zone has
140  one or two (the second for DST) \emph{abbreviations} used when
141  formatting times.
143  The abbreviations used have changed over the years: for example France
144  used \samp{PMT} (\sQuote{Paris Mean Time}) from 1891 to 1911 then
145  \samp{WET/WEST} up to 1940 and \samp{CET/CEST} from 1946.  (In almost
146  all time zones the abbreviations have been stable since 1970.)  The
147  POSIX standard allows only one or two abbreviations per time zone, so
148  you may see the current abbreviation(s) used for older times.
150  For some time zones abbreviations are like \samp{-03} and
151  \samp{+0845}: this is done when there is no official abbreviation.
152  (Negative values are behind (West of) UTC, as for the \code{"\%z"}
153  format for \code{\link{strftime}}.)
155  The function \code{OlsonNames} returns the time-zone names known to
156  the currently selected Olson/IANA database.  The system-specific
157  location in the file system varies,
158  e.g.\sspace{}\file{/usr/share/zoneinfo} (Linux, macOS, FreeBSD),
159  \file{/usr/share/lib/zoneinfo} (Solaris, AIX), \ldots.  It is likely
160  that there is a file named something like \file{zone1970.tab} or
161  (older) \file{zone.tab} under that directory listing the locations
162  known as time-zone names (but not for example \code{EST5EDT}).  See
163  also \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone.tab}.
165  Where \R was configured with option \option{--with-internal-tzcode}
166  (the default on Windows: recommended on Solaris), the database at
167  \code{file.path(R.home("share"), "zoneinfo")} is used by default: file
168  \file{VERSION} in that directory states the version.  That option is
169  also the default on macOS but there whichever is more recent of the
170  system database at \file{/var/db/timezone/zoneinfo} and that
171  distributed with \R is used by default.  Environment variable
172  \env{TZDIR} can be used to point to a different \file{zoneinfo}
173  database: value \code{"internal"} indicates the database from the
174  \R sources and \code{"macOS"} indicates the system database. (Setting
175  either of those values would not be recognized by other software using
176  \env{TZDIR}.)
178  Setting \env{TZDIR} is also supported by the native services on some
179  OSes, e.g.\sspace{}Linux using \code{glibc} except in secure modes.
180  %% But not Linux with musl
182  Time zones given by name (\emph{via} environment variable \env{TZ}, in
183  \code{tz} arguments to functions such as \code{\link{as.POSIXlt}} and
184  perhaps the system time zone) are loaded from the currently selected
185  \file{zoneinfo} database.
186#ifdef windows
188  An attempt is made (once only per session) to map Windows' idea of the
189  current time zone to a location, following a version of
190  \url{http://unicode.org/repos/cldr/trunk/common/supplemental/windowsZones.xml}
191  with additional values deduced from the Windows Registry and documentation.
192  It can be overridden by setting the \env{TZ} environment variable
193  before any date-times are used in the session.
196  Most platforms support time zones of the form \samp{Etc/GMT+n} and
197  \samp{Etc/GMT-n} (possibly also without prefix \samp{Etc/}), which
198  assume a fixed offset from UTC (hence no DST).  Contrary to some
199  expectations (but consistent with names such as \samp{PST8PDT}),
200  negative offsets are times ahead of (east of) UTC, positive offsets
201  are times behind (west of) UTC.
203  Immediately prior to the advent of legislated time zones, most people
204  used time based on their longitude (or that of a nearby town), known
205  as \sQuote{Local Mean Time} and abbreviated as \samp{LMT} in the
206  databases: in many countries that was codified with a specific name
207  before the switch to a standard time.  For example, Paris codified its
208  LMT as \sQuote{Paris Mean Time} in 1891 (to be used throughout
209  mainland France) and switched to \samp{GMT+0} in 1911.
211  %% it is a ksh script so could well pop up elsewhere.
212  Some systems (notably Linux) have a \command{tzselect} command which
213  allows the interactive selection of a supported time zone name.  On
214  systems using \command{systemd} (notably Linux), the OS command
215  \command{timedatectl list-timezones} will list all available time zone
216  names.
220%% glibc and macOS have _POSIX_TZNAME_MAX and define it as 6.
221%% Earlier versions of R's code assumed 10, and it was discovered
222%% that some implemntations did not abbreviate unusual names, thereby
223%% exceeding this.
224%% Olson's tzcode has a limit of 255 and does not check: this has been
225%% corrected in R's copy.
226%% sysconf(_SC_TZNAME_MAX) might allow it to be checked:
227%% that gives 27 on macOS.  However, seems it is dynamic on glibc.
228  There is a system-specific upper limit on the number of bytes in
229  (abbreviated) time-zone names which can be as low as 6 (as required by
230  POSIX).  Some OSes allow the setting of time zones with names which
231  exceed their limit, and that can crash the \R session.
233  \code{OlsonNames} tries to find an Olson database in known locations.
234  It might not succeed (when it returns an empty vector with a warning)
235  and even if it does it might not locate the database used by the
236  date-time code linked into \R.  Fortunately names are added rarely
237  and most databases are pretty complete.
241  Since 2007 there has been considerable disruption over changes to the
242  timings of the DST transitions, originally aimed at energy
243  conservation.  These often have short notice and time-zone databases
244  may not be up to date.  (Morocco in 2013 announced a change to the end
245  of DST at \emph{a days} notice, and in 2015 North Korea gave imprecise
246  information about a change a week in advance.)
248  On platforms with case-insensitive file systems, time zone names will be
249  case-insensitive.  They may or may not be on other platforms and so,
250  for example, \code{"gmt"} is valid on some platforms and not on others.
252  Note that except where replaced, the operation of time zones is an OS
253  service, and even where replaced a third-party database is used and
254  can be updated (see the section on \sQuote{Time zone names}).
255  Incorrect results will never be an \R issue, so please ensure that you
256  have the courtesy not to blame \R for them.
258% Unlike Tony Plate and John Pfuntner
260#ifdef unix
261\section{How the system time zone is found}{
262  This section is of background interest for users of a Unix-alike, but
263  may help if an \code{NA} value is returned unexpectedly.
265  Commercial Unixen such as Solaris and AIX set \env{TZ}, so the value
266  when \R is started is used.
268  All other common platforms (Linux, macOS, *BSD) use similar schemes,
269  either derived from \code{tzcode} (currently distributed from
270  \url{https://www.iana.org/time-zones}) or independently coded
271  (\code{glibc}, \code{musl-libc}).  Such systems read the time-zone
272  information from a file \file{localtime}, usually under \file{/etc}
273  (but possibly under \file{/usr/local/etc} or
274  \file{/usr/local/etc/zoneinfo}).  As the usual Linux manual page for
275  \code{localtime} says
277  \sQuote{Because the time zone identifier is extracted from the symlink
278    target name of \file{/etc/localtime}, this file may not be a normal
279    file or hardlink.}
281  Nevertheless, some Linux distributions (including the one from which
282  that quote was taken) or sysadmins have chosen to copy a time-zone file
283  to \file{localtime}.  For a non-symlink, the ultimate fallback is to
284  compare that file to all files in the time-zone database.
286  Some Linux platforms provide two other mechanisms which are tried in
287  turn before looking at \file{/etc/localtime}.
288  \itemize{
289    \item \sQuote{Modern} Linux systems use \code{systemd} which
290    provides mechanisms to set and retrieve the time zone (amongst other
291    things).  There is a command \command{timedatectl} to give details.
292    (Unfortunately RHEL/Centos 6.x are not \sQuote{modern}.)
294    \item Debian-derived systems since \emph{ca} 2007 have supplied a
295    file \file{/etc/timezone}.  Its format is undocumented but
296    empirically it contains a single line of text naming the time zone.
297  }
298  In each case a sanity check is performed that the time-zone name is the
299  name of a file in the time-zone database.  (The systems probably use
300  the time-zone file (symlinked to) \file{/etc/localtime}, but the
301  \code{Sys.timezone} code does not check that is the same as the named
302  file in the database.  This is deliberate as they may be from
303  different dates.)
308  \code{\link{Sys.time}}, \code{\link{as.POSIXlt}}.
310  \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_zone} and
311  \url{https://data.iana.org/time-zones/tz-link.html}
312  for extensive sets of links.
314  \url{https://data.iana.org/time-zones/theory.html} for the
315  \sQuote{rules} of the Olson/IANA database.
321str(OlsonNames()) ## typically close to six hundred names,
322## typically some acronyms/aliases such as "UTC", "NZ", "MET", "Eire", ..., but
323## mostly pairs (and triplets) such as "Pacific/Auckland"
324table(sl <- grepl("/", OlsonNames()))
325OlsonNames()[ !sl ] # the simple ones
326head(Osl <- strsplit(OlsonNames()[sl], "/"))
327(tOS1 <- table(vapply(Osl, `[[`, "", 1))) # Continents, countries, ...
328table(lengths(Osl))# most are pairs, some triplets
329str(Osl[lengths(Osl) >= 3])# "America" South and North ...