1#  File src/library/tools/R/QC.R
2#  Part of the R package, https://www.R-project.org
4#  Copyright (C) 1995-2021 The R Core Team
6#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9#  (at your option) any later version.
11#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14#  GNU General Public License for more details.
16#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
17#  https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/
19## R CMD check uses
20## .find_charset
21## .check_namespace
22## .check_package_depends
23## .check_demo_index
24## .check_vignette_index
25## .check_package_subdirs
26## .check_citation
27## .check_package_ASCII_code
28## .check_package_code_syntax
29## .check_packages_used
30## .check_package_code_shlib
31## .check_package_code_startup_functions
32## .check_package_code_assign_to_globalenv
33## .check_package_code_attach
34## .check_package_code_data_into_globalenv
35## .check_code_usage_in_package
36## .check_bogus_return
37## .check_dotInternal
38## .check_package_parseRd
39## .check_Rd_xrefs
40## undoc
41## codoc
42## codocData
43## codocClasses
44## checkDocFiles
45## checkDocStyle
46## checkFF
47## checkS3methods
48## checkReplaceFuns
49## .check_package_datasets
50## .check_package_compact_datasets
51## .check_package_compact_sysdata
52## .check_make_vars
53## .createExdotR (testing.R)
54## .runPackageTestsR (testing.R)
55## .get_LaTeX_errors_from_log_file
56## .check_package_CRAN_incoming
57## checkRdContents
59## R CMD build uses .check_package_subdirs
61## NB: 'tools' cannot use NAMESPACE imports from utils, as it exists first
63## "The language elements" : all are .Primitive *and* print as .Primitive("...")
64langElts <- c("(", "{", ":", "~",
65	      "<-", "<<-", "=",
66	      "[", "[[", "[[<-", "[<-", "@", "@<-", "$", "$<-",
67	      "&&", "||",
68	      "break", "for", "function", "if", "next", "repeat", "return", "while")
70## Code "existing conceptually" in base,
71## typically function names of default methods for .Primitive s:
72conceptual_base_code <- c("c.default")
74##' a "default" print method (see NAMESPACE):
75.print.via.format <- function(x, ...) {
76    writeLines(format(x, ...))
77    invisible(x)
80## utility for whether Rd sources are available.
81.haveRds <- function(dir)
83    ## either source package or pre-2.10.0 installed package
84    dir.exists (file.path(dir, "man")) ||
85    file.exists(file.path(dir, "help", "paths.rds"))
88### * undoc/F/out
90undoc <-
91function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)
93    ## Argument handling.
94    ## <NOTE>
95    ## Earlier versions used to give an error if there were no Rd
96    ## objects.  This is not right: if there is code or data but no
97    ## documentation, everything is undocumented ...
98    ## </NOTE>
99    if(!missing(package)) {
100        if(length(package) != 1L)
101            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
102        dirdir <- dirname(dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc))
103        ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ...
104        is_base <- package == "base"
106        all_doc_topics <- Rd_aliases(package, lib.loc = dirdir)
108        ## Load package into code_env.
109        if(!is_base)
110            .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc)
111        code_env <- .package_env(package)
113        code_objs <- ls(envir = code_env, all.names = TRUE)
114        pkgname <- package
115    }
116    else {
117        if(missing(dir))
118            stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'")
119        pkgname <- basename(dir)
120        dirdir  <- dirname(dir)
121        ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ...
122        if(!dir.exists(dir))
123            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir),
124                 domain = NA)
125        else
126            dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
127        is_base <- pkgname == "base"
129        all_doc_topics <- Rd_aliases(dir = dir)
131        code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
132        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
133        if(dir.exists(code_dir)) {
134            dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
135            meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile))
136                .read_description(dfile)
137            else
138                character()
139            .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta)
140            sys_data_file <- file.path(code_dir, "sysdata.rda")
141            if(file_test("-f", sys_data_file))
142                load(sys_data_file, code_env)
143        }
145        code_objs <- ls(envir = code_env, all.names = TRUE)
147        ## Does the package have a NAMESPACE file?  Note that when
148        ## working on the sources we (currently?) cannot deal with the
149        ## (experimental) alternative way of specifying the namespace.
150        if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE"))) {
151            nsInfo <- parseNamespaceFile(pkgname, dirdir)
152            ## Look only at exported objects (and not declared S3
153            ## methods).
154            OK <- intersect(code_objs, nsInfo$exports)
155            for(p in nsInfo$exportPatterns)
156                OK <- c(OK, grep(p, code_objs, value = TRUE))
157            code_objs <- unique(OK)
158        }
159    }
161    ## Find the data sets to work on.
162    data_dir <- file.path(dir, "data")
163    data_objs <- if(dir.exists(data_dir))
164	unlist(.try_quietly(list_data_in_pkg(dir = dir)),
165	       use.names = FALSE)
166    else
167        character()
169    ## There was a time when packages contained code or data (or both).
170    ## But not anymore ...
171    if(!missing(package) && !length(code_objs) && !length(data_objs)
172       && getOption("verbose"))
173        message("neither code nor data objects found")
175    if(!is_base) {
176        ## Code objects in add-on packages with names starting with a
177        ## dot are considered 'internal' (not user-level) by
178        ## convention.
179        code_objs <- grep("^[^.].*", code_objs, value = TRUE)
180        ## Note that this also allows us to get rid of S4 meta objects
181        ## (with names starting with '.__C__' or '.__M__'; well, as long
182        ## as there are none in base).
184        ## Implicit generic functions exist to turn method dispatch on
185        ## in this package, but their definition and documentation belongs
186        ## to the package in their package slot, so eliminate any
187        ## foreign generic functions from code_objs
188        if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) {
189            is <- methods::is           # speed
190            code_objs <-
191                Filter(function(f) {
192                    fdef <- code_env[[f]] # faster than get()
193                    ## Running methods::is() on data sets can trigger
194                    ## loading additional packages for which startup
195                    ## messages et al need suppressing ...
196                    if(suppressMessages(is(fdef, "genericFunction")))
197                        fdef@package == pkgname
198                    else
199                        TRUE
200                },
201                code_objs)
202        }
204        ## Allow group generics to be undocumented other than in base.
205        ## In particular, those from methods partially duplicate base
206        ## and are documented in base's groupGenerics.Rd.
207        code_objs <- setdiff(code_objs,
208                             c("Arith", "Compare", "Complex", "Logic",
209                               "Math", "Math2", "Ops", "Summary"))
210    }
212    undoc_things <-
213        list("code objects" =
214             unique(setdiff(code_objs, all_doc_topics)),
215             "data sets" =
216             unique(setdiff(data_objs, all_doc_topics)))
218    if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) {
219        ## Undocumented S4 classes?
220        S4_classes <- methods::getClasses(code_env)
221        ## <NOTE>
222        ## There is no point in worrying about exportClasses directives
223        ## in a NAMESPACE file when working on a package source dir, as
224        ## we only source the assignments, and hence do not get any
225        ## S4 classes or methods.
226        ## </NOTE>
227        ## The bad ones:
228        S4_classes <-
229            S4_classes[vapply(S4_classes, utils:::topicName, " ",
230                              type = "class", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
231                       %notin% all_doc_topics]
232        undoc_things <-
233            c(undoc_things, list("S4 classes" = unique(S4_classes)))
234    }
236    if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) {
237        ## Undocumented S4 methods?
238        ## <NOTE>
239        ## There is no point in worrying about exportMethods directives
240        ## in a NAMESPACE file when working on a package source dir, as
241        ## we only source the assignments, and hence do not get any
242        ## S4 classes or methods.
243        ## </NOTE>
244        .make_S4_method_siglist <- function(g) {
245            mlist <- .get_S4_methods_list(g, code_env)
246            sigs <- .make_siglist(mlist) #  s/#/,/g
247            if(length(sigs))
248                paste0(g, ",", sigs)
249            else
250                character()
251        }
252        S4_methods <- lapply(.get_S4_generics(code_env),
253                             .make_S4_method_siglist)
254        S4_methods <- as.character(unlist(S4_methods, use.names = FALSE))
256        ## The bad ones:
257        S4_methods <-
258	    S4_methods[vapply(S4_methods, utils:::topicName, " ",
259			       type="method", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
260                       %notin% all_doc_topics]
261        undoc_things <-
262            c(undoc_things,
263              list("S4 methods" =
264                   unique(sub("([^,]*),(.*)",
265                              "generic '\\1' and siglist '\\2'",
266                              S4_methods))))
267    }
268    if(is_base) {
269        ## We use .ArgsEnv and .GenericArgsEnv in checkS3methods() and
270        ## codoc(), so we check here that the set of primitives has not
271        ## been changed.
272	ff <- as.list(baseenv(), all.names=TRUE)
273	prims <- names(ff)[vapply(ff, is.primitive, logical(1L))]
274        prototypes <- sort(c(names(.ArgsEnv), names(.GenericArgsEnv)))
275        extras <- setdiff(prototypes, prims)
276        if(length(extras))
277            undoc_things <- c(undoc_things, list(prim_extra=extras))
278        miss <- setdiff(prims, c(langElts, prototypes))
279        if(length(miss))
280            undoc_things <- c(undoc_things, list(primitives=miss))
281    }
283    class(undoc_things) <- "undoc"
284    undoc_things
287format.undoc <-
288function(x, ...)
290    .fmt <- function(i) {
291        tag <- names(x)[i]
292        msg <- switch(tag,
293                      "code objects" =
294                      gettext("Undocumented code objects:"),
295                      "data sets" =
296                      gettext("Undocumented data sets:"),
297                      "S4 classes" =
298                      gettext("Undocumented S4 classes:"),
299                      "S4 methods" =
300                      gettext("Undocumented S4 methods:"),
301                      prim_extra =
302                      gettext("Prototyped non-primitives:"),
303                      gettextf("Undocumented %s:", tag))
304        c(msg,
305          ## We avoid markup for indicating S4 methods, hence need to
306          ## special-case output for these ...
307          if(tag == "S4 methods") {
308              strwrap(x[[i]], indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)
309          } else {
310              .pretty_format(x[[i]])
311          })
312    }
314    as.character(unlist(lapply(which(lengths(x) > 0L), .fmt)))
317### * codoc
320is_data_for_dataset <- function(e) ## trigger for data(foo) or data(foo, package="bar") and similar
321    length(e) >= 2L && e[[1L]] == quote(data) && e[[2L]] != quote(...) && length(e) <= 4L
323codoc <-
324function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL,
325         use.values = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose"))
327    has_namespace <- FALSE
329    ## Argument handling.
330    if(!missing(package)) {
331        if(length(package) != 1L)
332            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
333        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
334        ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ...
335        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
336        if(!dir.exists(code_dir))
337            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir),
338                 domain = NA)
339        if(!.haveRds(dir))
340            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain Rd objects", dir),
341                 domain = NA)
342        is_base <- basename(dir) == "base"
344        ## Load package into code_env.
345        if(!is_base)
346            .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc)
347        code_env <- .package_env(package)
349        objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env))
351        dirdir <- dirname(dir)
352        ## Does the package have a namespace?
353        if(packageHasNamespace(package, dirdir)) {
354            has_namespace <- TRUE
355            ns_env <- asNamespace(package)
356            S3Table <- get(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = ns_env)
357            functions_in_S3Table <- ls(S3Table, all.names = TRUE)
358            objects_in_ns <-
359                setdiff(sort(names(ns_env)),
360                        c(".__NAMESPACE__.", ".__S3MethodsTable__."))
361            ns_S3_methods_db <- getNamespaceInfo(package, "S3methods")
362            ns_S3_methods <- if(is.null(ns_S3_methods_db))
363                                 character()
364                             else
365                                 paste(ns_S3_methods_db[, 1L],
366                                       ns_S3_methods_db[, 2L],
367                                       sep = ".")
368            objects_in_code_or_namespace <-
369                unique(c(objects_in_code, objects_in_ns, ns_S3_methods))
370            objects_in_ns <- setdiff(objects_in_ns, objects_in_code)
371        }
372	else { ## typically only 'base'
373	    objects_in_code_or_namespace <- objects_in_code
374	}
375        package_name <- package
376    }
377    else {
378        if(missing(dir))
379            stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'")
380        ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ...
381        if(!dir.exists(dir))
382            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA)
383        ## else
384        package_name <- basename(dir) # early, before resolving sym.links etc in next line:
385        dirdir <- dirname(dir)        # early, ...
386        dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
387        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
388        if(!dir.exists(code_dir))
389            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir),
390                 domain = NA)
391        if(!.haveRds(dir))
392            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain Rd objects", dir),
393                 domain = NA)
394        is_base <- package_name == "base"
396        code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
397        dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
398        meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile)) .read_description(dfile) else character()
399        .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta)
400        sys_data_file <- file.path(code_dir, "sysdata.rda")
401        if(file_test("-f", sys_data_file)) load(sys_data_file, code_env)
403        objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env))
404        objects_in_code_or_namespace <- objects_in_code
406        ## Does the package have a NAMESPACE file?  Note that when
407        ## working on the sources we (currently?) cannot deal with the
408        ## (experimental) alternative way of specifying the namespace.
409        ## Also, do not attempt to find S3 methods.
410        if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE"))) {
411            has_namespace <- TRUE
412            objects_in_ns <- objects_in_code
413            functions_in_S3Table <- character()
414            ns_env <- code_env
415            nsInfo <- parseNamespaceFile(package_name, dirdir)
416            ## Look only at exported objects.
417            OK <- intersect(objects_in_code, nsInfo$exports)
418            for(p in nsInfo$exportPatterns)
419                OK <- c(OK, grep(p, objects_in_code, value = TRUE))
420            objects_in_code <- unique(OK)
421        }
422    }
424    ## Find the data sets to work on.
425    data_dir <- file.path(dir, "data")
426    if(dir.exists(data_dir)) {
427        data_sets_in_code_variables <-
428            .try_quietly(list_data_in_pkg(dir = dir))
429        data_sets_in_code <- names(data_sets_in_code_variables)
430    } else
431        data_sets_in_code <- data_sets_in_code_variables <- character()
433    ## Find the function objects to work on.
434    functions_in_code <-
435        Filter(function(f) {
436                   ## This is expensive
437                   f <- get(f, envir = code_env)
438                   typeof(f) == "closure"
439               },
440               objects_in_code)
441    ## Sourcing all R code files in the package is a problem for base,
442    ## where this misses the .Primitive functions.  Hence, when checking
443    ## base for objects shown in \usage but missing from the code, we
444    ## get the primitive functions from the version of R we are using.
445    ## Maybe one day we will have R code for the primitives as well ...
446    ## As from R 2.5.0 we do for most generics.
447    if(is_base) {
448        objects_in_base <-
449            sort(names(baseenv()))
450        objects_in_code <-
451            c(objects_in_code,
452	      conceptual_base_code,
453              Filter(.is_primitive_in_base, objects_in_base),
454              c(".First.lib", ".Last.lib", ".Random.seed",
455                ".onLoad", ".onAttach", ".onDetach", ".onUnload"))
456        objects_in_code_or_namespace <- objects_in_code
457        known_env <- .make_S3_primitive_generic_env(code_env, fixup=TRUE)
458        extras <- ls(known_env, all.names = TRUE)
459        functions_in_code <- c(functions_in_code, extras)
460        code_env <- known_env
461        known_env <- .make_S3_primitive_nongeneric_env(code_env)
462        extras <- ls(known_env, all.names = TRUE)
463        functions_in_code <- c(functions_in_code, extras)
464        code_env <- known_env
465    }
467    ## Build a list with the formals of the functions in the code
468    ## indexed by the names of the functions.
469    function_args_in_code <-
470        lapply(functions_in_code,
471               function(f) formals(get(f, envir = code_env))) # get is expensive
472    names(function_args_in_code) <- functions_in_code
473    if(has_namespace) {
474        functions_in_ns <-
475            Filter(function(f) {
476                       f <- get(f, envir = ns_env) # get is expensive
477                       is.function(f) && (length(formals(f)) > 0L)
478                   },
479                   objects_in_ns)
480        function_args_in_ns <-
481            lapply(functions_in_ns,
482                   function(f) formals(get(f, envir = ns_env)))
483        names(function_args_in_ns) <- functions_in_ns
485        function_args_in_S3Table <-
486            lapply(functions_in_S3Table,
487                   function(f) formals(get(f, envir = S3Table)))
488        names(function_args_in_S3Table) <- functions_in_S3Table
490        tmp <- c(function_args_in_code, function_args_in_S3Table,
491                 function_args_in_ns)
492        keep <- !duplicated(names(tmp))
493        function_args_in_code <- tmp[keep]
494        functions_in_code <- names(function_args_in_code)
495    }
496    if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) {
497        ## <NOTE>
498        ## There is no point in worrying about exportMethods directives
499        ## in a NAMESPACE file when working on a package source dir, as
500        ## we only source the assignments, and hence do not get any
501        ## S4 classes or methods.
502        ## </NOTE>
503        ## <NOTE>
504        ## In principle, we can get codoc checking for S4 methods
505        ## documented explicitly using the \S4method{GENERIC}{SIGLIST}
506        ## markup by adding the corresponding "pseudo functions" using
507        ## the Rd markup as their name.  However note that the formals
508        ## recorded in the methods db only pertain to the signature, not
509        ## to the ones of the function actually registered ... hence we
510        ## use methods::unRematchDefinition() which knows how to extract
511        ## the formals in the method definition from the
512        ##   function(ARGLIST) {
513        ##     .local <- function(FORMALS) BODY
514        ##     .local(ARGLIST)
515        ##   }
516        ## redefinitions obtained by methods::rematchDefinition().
517        ## </NOTE>
518        check_S4_methods <-
519            !isFALSE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CODOC_S4_METHODS_")))
520        if(check_S4_methods) {
521            unRematchDef <- methods::unRematchDefinition
522            get_formals_from_method_definition <- function(m)
523		formals(unRematchDef(m))
524            lapply(.get_S4_generics(code_env),
525                   function(f) {
526                       mlist <- .get_S4_methods_list(f, code_env)
527                       sigs <- .make_siglist(mlist)
528                       if(!length(sigs)) return()
529                       nm <- sprintf("\\S4method{%s}{%s}", f, sigs)
530                       args <- lapply(mlist,
531                                      get_formals_from_method_definition)
532                       names(args) <- nm
533                       functions_in_code <<-
534                           c(functions_in_code, nm)
535                       function_args_in_code <<-
536                           c(function_args_in_code, args)
537                   })
538        }
539    }
541    check_codoc <- function(fName, ffd) {
542        ## Compare the formals of the function in the code named 'fName'
543        ## and formals 'ffd' obtained from the documentation.
544        ffc <- function_args_in_code[[fName]]
545        ident <- if(isFALSE(use.values)) {
546                     ffc <- names(ffc)
547                     ffd <- names(ffd)
548                     identical(ffc, ffd)
549                 } else {
550                     identical(names(ffc), names(ffd)) &&
551                         {
552                             vffc <- as.character(ffc) # values
553                             vffd <- as.character(ffd) # values
554                             if(!isTRUE(use.values)) {
555                                 ind <- nzchar(vffd)
556                                 vffc <- vffc[ind]
557                                 vffd <- vffd[ind]
558                             }
559                             identical(vffc, vffd)
560                         }
561                 }
562        if(!ident)
563            list(list(name = fName, code = ffc, docs = ffd))
564    } #{check_codoc}
566    db <- if(!missing(package))
567        Rd_db(package, lib.loc = dirdir)
568    else
569        Rd_db(dir = dir)
571    names(db) <- db_names <- .Rd_get_names_from_Rd_db(db)
573    ## pkg-defunct.Rd is not expected to list arguments
574    ind <- db_names %in% paste0(package_name, "-defunct")
575    db <- db[!ind]
576    db_names <- db_names[!ind]
578    db_usages <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_section, "usage")
579    ## FIXME: all db_usages entries are full of "srcref" which are never used
580    db_usages <- lapply(db_usages, .parse_usage_as_much_as_possible)
581    ind <- vapply(db_usages,
582                  function(x) !is.null(attr(x, "bad_lines")), NA, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
583    bad_lines <- lapply(db_usages[ind], attr, "bad_lines")
585    bad_doc_objects <- list()
586    functions_in_usages <- character()
587    variables_in_usages <- character()
588    data_sets_in_usages <- character()
589    functions_in_usages_not_in_code <- list()
590    data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code <- list()
591    variables_in_usages_not_in_code <- list()
592    objects_as_in <- c(objects_in_code_or_namespace
593                     , names(compatibilityEnv()) # objects in other platforms
594                     , if(missing(package) && str_parse_logic(meta["LazyData"], FALSE))
595                           unlist(data_sets_in_code_variables, use.names = FALSE)
596                     , if(is_base)
597                           c("NA", "NULL", "Inf", "NaN", "TRUE", "FALSE", ".Autoloaded")
598                       )
600    for(docObj in db_names) {
601        exprs <- db_usages[[docObj]]
602        if(!length(exprs)) next
604        ## Get variable names and data set usages first, mostly for
605        ## curiosity.
606        ind <- vapply(exprs, is.name, NA, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
607        if(any(ind)) {
608            variables <- sapply(exprs[ind], deparse)
609            variables_in_usages <- c(variables_in_usages, variables)
610            variables <- setdiff(variables, objects_as_in)
611            if(length(variables))
612                variables_in_usages_not_in_code[[docObj]] <- variables
613            exprs <- exprs[!ind]
614        }
616        exprs <- exprs[vapply(exprs, is.call, NA, USE.NAMES=FALSE)]
618        ind <- vapply(exprs, is_data_for_dataset, NA, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
619        if(any(ind)) {
620            data_sets <- sapply(exprs[ind],
621                                function(e) as.character(e[[2L]]))
622            data_sets_in_usages <- c(data_sets_in_usages, data_sets)
623            data_sets <- setdiff(data_sets, data_sets_in_code)
624            if(length(data_sets))
625                data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code[[docObj]] <- data_sets
626            exprs <- exprs[!ind]
627        }
628        ## Split out replacement function usages.
629        ind <- vapply(exprs, .is_call_from_replacement_function_usage, NA, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
630        replace_exprs <- exprs[ind]
631        exprs <- exprs[!ind]
632        ## Ordinary functions.
633        functions <- vapply(exprs, function(e) as.character(e[[1L]]), "")
634        ## Catch assignments: checkDocFiles() will report these, so drop
635        ## them here.
636        ## And also unary/binary operators
637        ind <- (functions %notin% c("<-", "=", "+", "-"))
638        exprs <- exprs[ind]
639        functions <- functions[ind]
640        functions <- .transform_S3_method_markup(as.character(functions))
641        ind <- functions %in% functions_in_code
642        bad_functions <-
643            mapply(functions[ind],
644                   exprs[ind],
645                   FUN = function(x, y)
646                   check_codoc(x, as.pairlist(as.alist.call(y[-1L]))),
647                   SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
648        ## Replacement functions.
649        if(length(replace_exprs)) {
650            replace_funs <-
651                paste0(sapply(replace_exprs,
652                             function(e) as.character(e[[2L]][[1L]])),
653                       "<-")
654            replace_funs <- .transform_S3_method_markup(replace_funs)
655            functions <- c(functions, replace_funs)
656            ind <- (replace_funs %in% functions_in_code)
657            if(any(ind)) {
658                bad_replace_funs <-
659                    mapply(replace_funs[ind],
660                           replace_exprs[ind],
661                           FUN = function(x, y)
662                           check_codoc(x,
663                                      as.pairlist(c(as.alist.call(y[[2L]][-1L]),
664                                                    as.alist.symbol(y[[3L]])))),
665                           SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
666                bad_functions <-
667                    c(bad_functions, bad_replace_funs)
668            }
669        }
671        bad_functions <- do.call("c", bad_functions)
672        if(length(bad_functions))
673            bad_doc_objects[[docObj]] <- bad_functions
675        ## Determine functions with a \usage entry in the documentation
676        ## but 'missing from the code'.  If a package has a namespace, we
677        ## really need to look at all objects in the namespace (hence
678        ## 'objects_as_in' contains 'objects_in_code_or_namespace'),
679        ## as one can access the internal
680        ## symbols via ':::' and hence package developers might want to
681        ## provide function usages for some of the internal functions.
682        ## <FIXME>
683        ## We may still have \S4method{}{} entries in functions, which
684        ## cannot have a corresponding object in the code.  Hence, we
685        ## remove these function entries, but should really do better,
686        ## by comparing the explicit \usage entries for S4 methods to
687        ## what is actually in the code.  We most likely also should do
688        ## something similar for S3 methods.
689        ind <- grepl(.S4_method_markup_regexp, functions)
690        if(any(ind))
691            functions <- functions[!ind]
692        ## </FIXME>
693        bad_functions <- setdiff(functions, objects_as_in)
694        if(length(bad_functions))
695            functions_in_usages_not_in_code[[docObj]] <- bad_functions
697        functions_in_usages <- c(functions_in_usages, functions)
698    }
700    ## Determine (function) objects in the code without a \usage entry.
701    ## Of course, these could still be 'documented' via \alias.
702    ## </NOTE>
703    ## Older versions only printed this information without returning it
704    ## (in case 'verbose' was true).  We now add this as an attribute to
705    ## the bad_doc_objects returned.
706    ## </NOTE>
707    objects_in_code_not_in_usages <-
708        setdiff(objects_in_code,
709                c(functions_in_usages, variables_in_usages))
710    functions_in_code_not_in_usages <-
711        intersect(functions_in_code, objects_in_code_not_in_usages)
712    ## (Note that 'functions_in_code' does not necessarily contain all
713    ## (exported) functions in the package.)
715    ## Determine functions which have no usage but really should have.
716    ## If there is no namespace (including base), we have no idea.
717    ## If there is one, everything "exported" (in the package env)
718    ## should also have a \usage, apart from
719    ## * Defunct functions
720    ## * S4 generics.  Note that as per R-exts,
721    ##     exporting methods on a generic in the namespace will also
722    ##     export the generic, and exporting a generic in the namespace
723    ##     will also export its methods.
724    ##   so it seems there is really no way to figure out whether an
725    ##   exported S4 generic should have a \usage entry or not ...
726    functions_missing_from_usages <-
727        if(!has_namespace) character() else {
728            functions <- functions_in_code_not_in_usages
729            if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) {
730                ## Drop the functions which have S4 methods.
731                functions <-
732                    setdiff(functions, names(.get_S4_generics(code_env)))
733            }
734            ## Drop the defunct functions.
735            is_defunct <- function(f) {
736                f <- get(f, envir = code_env) # get is expensive
737                is.function(f) &&
738                    is.call(b <- body(f)) &&
739                    identical(as.character(b[[1L]]), ".Defunct")
740            }
741            functions[!vapply(functions, is_defunct, NA, USE.NAMES=FALSE)]
742        }
743    objects_missing_from_usages <-
744        if(!has_namespace) character() else {
745            c(functions_missing_from_usages,
746              setdiff(objects_in_code_not_in_usages,
747                      c(functions_in_code, data_sets_in_code)))
748                                       }
750    attr(bad_doc_objects, "objects_in_code_not_in_usages") <-
751        objects_in_code_not_in_usages
752    attr(bad_doc_objects, "functions_in_code_not_in_usages") <-
753        functions_in_code_not_in_usages
754    attr(bad_doc_objects, "functions_in_usages_not_in_code") <-
755        functions_in_usages_not_in_code
756    attr(bad_doc_objects, "function_args_in_code") <-
757        function_args_in_code
758    attr(bad_doc_objects, "data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code") <-
759        data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code
760    if(config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CODOC_VARIABLES_IN_USAGES_",
761                                        "FALSE"))) {
762        attr(bad_doc_objects, "variables_in_usages_not_in_code") <-
763            variables_in_usages_not_in_code
764    }
765    attr(bad_doc_objects, "objects_missing_from_usages") <-
766        objects_missing_from_usages
767    attr(bad_doc_objects, "functions_missing_from_usages") <-
768        functions_missing_from_usages
769    attr(bad_doc_objects, "has_namespace") <- has_namespace
770    attr(bad_doc_objects, "bad_lines") <- bad_lines
771    class(bad_doc_objects) <- "codoc"
772    bad_doc_objects
775print.codoc <-
776function(x, ...)
778    functions_in_usages_not_in_code <-
779        attr(x, "functions_in_usages_not_in_code")
780    if(length(functions_in_usages_not_in_code)) {
781        for(fname in names(functions_in_usages_not_in_code)) {
782            writeLines(gettextf("Functions or methods with usage in documentation object '%s' but not in code:",
783                                fname))
784            .pretty_print(sQuote(unique(functions_in_usages_not_in_code[[fname]])))
785            writeLines("")
786        }
787    }
789    data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code <-
790        attr(x, "data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code")
791    if(length(data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code)) {
792        for(fname in names(data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code)) {
793            writeLines(gettextf("Data with usage in documentation object '%s' but not in code:",
794                                fname))
795            .pretty_print(sQuote(unique(data_sets_in_usages_not_in_code[[fname]])))
796            writeLines("")
797        }
798    }
800    variables_in_usages_not_in_code <-
801        attr(x, "variables_in_usages_not_in_code")
802    if(length(variables_in_usages_not_in_code)) {
803        for(fname in names(variables_in_usages_not_in_code)) {
804            writeLines(gettextf("Variables with usage in documentation object '%s' but not in code:",
805                                fname))
806            .pretty_print(sQuote(unique(variables_in_usages_not_in_code[[fname]])))
807            writeLines("")
808        }
809    }
811    ## In general, functions in the code which only have an \alias but
812    ## no \usage entry are not necessarily a problem---they might be
813    ## mentioned in other parts of the Rd object documenting them, or be
814    ## 'internal'.  However, if a package has a namespace, then all
815    ## *exported* functions should have \usage entries (apart from
816    ## defunct functions and S4 generics, see the above comments for
817    ## functions_missing_from_usages).  Currently, this information is
818    ## returned in the codoc object but not shown.  Eventually, we might
819    ## add something like
820    ##     functions_missing_from_usages <-
821    ##         attr(x, "functions_missing_from_usages")
822    ##     if(length(functions_missing_from_usages)) {
823    ##         writeLines("Exported functions without usage information:")
824    ##         .pretty_print(functions_in_code_not_in_usages)
825    ##         writeLines("")
826    ##     }
827    ## similar to the above.
829    if(!length(x))
830        return(invisible(x))
832    has_only_names <- is.character(x[[1L]][[1L]][["code"]])
834    format_args <- function(s) {
835        if(!length(s))
836            "function()"
837        else if(has_only_names)
838	    paste0("function(", paste(s, collapse = ", "), ")")
839        else {
840            s <- paste(deparse(s), collapse = "")
841            s <- gsub(" = ([,\\)])", "\\1", s)
842            s <- gsub("<unescaped bksl>", "\\", s, fixed = TRUE)
843            s <- gsub("^pairlist", "function", s)
844            gsub("^as.pairlist\\(alist\\((.*)\\)\\)$", "function(\\1)", s)
845        }
846    }
848    summarize_mismatches_in_names <- function(nfc, nfd) {
849        if(length(nms <- setdiff(nfc, nfd)))
850            writeLines(c(gettext("  Argument names in code not in docs:"),
851                         strwrap(paste(nms, collapse = " "),
852                                 indent = 4L, exdent = 4L)))
853        if(length(nms <- setdiff(nfd, nfc)))
854            writeLines(c(gettext("  Argument names in docs not in code:"),
855                         strwrap(paste(nms, collapse = " "),
856                                 indent = 4L, exdent = 4L)))
857        len <- min(length(nfc), length(nfd))
858        if(len) {
859            len <- seq_len(len)
860            nfc <- nfc[len]
861            nfd <- nfd[len]
862            ind <- which(nfc != nfd)
863            len <- length(ind)
864            if(len) {
865                if(len > 3L) {
866                    writeLines(gettext("  Mismatches in argument names (first 3):"))
867                    ind <- ind[1L:3L]
868                } else {
869                    writeLines(gettext("  Mismatches in argument names:"))
870                }
871                for(i in ind) {
872                    writeLines(sprintf("    Position: %d Code: %s Docs: %s",
873                                       i, nfc[i], nfd[i]))
874                }
875            }
876        }
877    }
879    summarize_mismatches_in_values <- function(ffc, ffd) {
880        ## Be nice, and match arguments by names first.
881        nms <- intersect(names(ffc), names(ffd))
882        vffc <- ffc[nms]
883        vffd <- ffd[nms]
884        ind <- which(as.character(vffc) != as.character(vffd))
885        len <- length(ind)
886        if(len) {
887            if(len > 3L) {
888                writeLines(gettext("  Mismatches in argument default values (first 3):"))
889                ind <- ind[1L:3L]
890            } else {
891                writeLines(gettext("  Mismatches in argument default values:"))
892            }
893            for(i in ind) {
894                multiline <- FALSE
895                cv <- deparse(vffc[[i]])
896                if(length(cv) > 1L) {
897                    cv <- paste(cv, collapse = "\n      ")
898                    multiline <- TRUE
899                }
900                dv <- deparse(vffd[[i]])
901                if(length(dv) > 1L) {
902                    dv <- paste(dv, collapse = "\n      ")
903                    multiline <- TRUE
904                }
905                dv <- gsub("<unescaped bksl>", "\\", dv, fixed = TRUE)
906                sep <- if(multiline) "\n    " else " "
907                writeLines(sprintf("    Name: '%s'%sCode: %s%sDocs: %s",
908                                   nms[i], sep, cv, sep, dv))
909            }
910        }
911    }
913    summarize_mismatches <- function(ffc, ffd) {
914        if(has_only_names)
915            summarize_mismatches_in_names(ffc, ffd)
916        else {
917            summarize_mismatches_in_names(names(ffc), names(ffd))
918            summarize_mismatches_in_values(ffc, ffd)
919        }
920    }
922    for(fname in names(x)) {
923        writeLines(gettextf("Codoc mismatches from documentation object '%s':",
924                            fname))
925        xfname <- x[[fname]]
926        for(i in seq_along(xfname)) {
927            ffc <- xfname[[i]][["code"]]
928            ffd <- xfname[[i]][["docs"]]
929            writeLines(c(xfname[[i]][["name"]],
930                         strwrap(gettextf("Code: %s", format_args(ffc)),
931                                 indent = 2L, exdent = 17L),
932                         strwrap(gettextf("Docs: %s", format_args(ffd)),
933                                 indent = 2L, exdent = 17L)))
934            summarize_mismatches(ffc, ffd)
935        }
936        writeLines("")
937    }
939    invisible(x)
942### * codocClasses
944codocClasses <-
945function(package, lib.loc = NULL)
947    ## Compare the 'structure' of S4 classes in an installed package
948    ## between code and documentation.
949    ## Currently, only compares the slot names.
951    ## <NOTE>
952    ## This is patterned after the current codoc().
953    ## It would be useful to return the whole information on class slot
954    ## names found in the code and matching documentation (rather than
955    ## just the ones with mismatches).
956    ## Currently, we only return the names of all classes checked.
957    ## </NOTE>
959    bad_Rd_objects <- structure(list(), class = "codocClasses")
961    ## Argument handling.
962    if(length(package) != 1L)
963        stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
964    dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
965    if(!dir.exists(file.path(dir, "R")))
966        stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code", dir),
967             domain = NA)
968    if(!.haveRds(dir))
969        stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain Rd objects", dir),
970             domain = NA)
971    is_base <- basename(dir) == "base"
973    ## Load package into code_env.
974    if(!is_base)
975        .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc)
976    code_env <- .package_env(package)
978    if(!.isMethodsDispatchOn())
979        return(bad_Rd_objects)
981    S4_classes <- methods::getClasses(code_env)
982    if(!length(S4_classes)) return(bad_Rd_objects)
984    sApply <- function(X, FUN, ...) ## fast and special case - only
985        unlist(lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...), recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
986    ## Build Rd data base.
987    db <- Rd_db(package, lib.loc = dirname(dir))
989    ## Need some heuristics now.  When does an Rd object document just
990    ## one S4 class so that we can compare (at least) the slot names?
991    ## Try the following:
992    ## 1) \docType{} identical to "class";
993    ## 2) either exactly one \alias{} or only one ending in "-class"
994    ## 3) a non-empty user-defined section 'Slots'.
996    ## As going through the db to extract sections can take some time,
997    ## we do the vectorized metadata computations first, and try to
998    ## subscript whenever possible.
1000    idx <- vapply(lapply(db, .Rd_get_doc_type), identical, NA, "class",
1002    if(!any(idx)) return(bad_Rd_objects)
1003    db <- db[idx]
1004    stats <- c(n.S4classes = length(S4_classes), n.db = length(db))
1006    aliases <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_metadata, "alias")
1007    named_class <- lapply(aliases, endsWith, suffix="-class")
1008    nClass <- sApply(named_class, sum)
1009    oneAlias <- lengths(aliases, use.names=FALSE) == 1L
1010    idx <- oneAlias | nClass == 1L
1011    if(!any(idx)) return(bad_Rd_objects)
1012    db <- db[idx]
1013    stats["n.cl"] <- length(db)
1015    ## keep only the foo-class alias in case there was more than one:
1016    multi <- idx & !oneAlias
1017    aliases[multi] <-
1018        mapply(`[`, aliases[multi], named_class[multi],
1019               SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
1020    aliases <- unlist(aliases[idx], use.names = FALSE)
1022    Rd_slots <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_section, "Slots", FALSE)
1023    idx <- lengths(Rd_slots) > 0L
1024    if(!any(idx)) return(bad_Rd_objects)
1025    db <- db[idx]; aliases <- aliases[idx]; Rd_slots <- Rd_slots[idx]
1026    stats["n.final"] <- length(db)
1028    db_names <- .Rd_get_names_from_Rd_db(db)
1030    .get_slot_names <- function(x) {
1031        ## Get \describe (inside user-defined section 'Slots'):
1032        ## Should this allow for several \describe blocks?
1033        x <- .Rd_get_section(x, "describe")
1034        ## Get the \item tags inside \describe.
1035        txt <- .Rd_get_item_tags(x)
1036        if(!length(txt)) return(character())
1037        txt <- gsub("\\\\l?dots", "...", txt)
1038        ## And now strip enclosing '\code{...}:'
1039        txt <- gsub("\\\\code\\{([^}]*)\\}:?", "\\1", as.character(txt))
1040        txt <- unlist(strsplit(txt, ", *"))
1041        trimws(txt)
1042    }
1044    .inheritedSlotNames <- function(ext) {
1045	supcl <- methods::.selectSuperClasses(ext)
1046	unique(unlist(lapply(lapply(supcl, methods::getClassDef),
1047			     methods::slotNames),
1048		      use.names=FALSE))
1049    }
1051    S4topics <- vapply(S4_classes, utils:::topicName, " ",
1052                       type="class", USE.NAMES=FALSE)
1053    S4_checked <- S4_classes[has.a <- S4topics %in% aliases]
1054    idx <- match(S4topics[has.a], aliases)
1055    for(icl in seq_along(S4_checked)) {
1056        cl <- S4_checked[icl]
1057        cld <- methods::getClass(cl, where = code_env)
1058        ii <- idx[icl]
1059        ## Add sanity checking later ...
1060        scld <- methods::slotNames(cld)
1061        codeSlots <- if(!is.null(scld)) sort(scld) else character()
1062        docSlots  <- sort(.get_slot_names(Rd_slots[[ii]]))
1063        superSlots <- .inheritedSlotNames(cld@contains)
1064        if(length(superSlots)) ## allow '\dots' in docSlots
1065            docSlots <-
1066                docSlots[docSlots %notin% c("...", "\\dots")]
1067        ## was if(!identical(slots_in_code, slots_in_docs)) {
1068        if(!all(docSlots %in% codeSlots) ||
1069           !all(setdiff(codeSlots, superSlots) %in% docSlots) ) {
1070            bad_Rd_objects[[db_names[ii]]] <-
1071                list(name = cl,
1072                     code = codeSlots,
1073                     inherited = superSlots,
1074                     docs = docSlots)
1075        }
1076    }
1078    attr(bad_Rd_objects, "S4_classes_checked") <- S4_checked
1079    attr(bad_Rd_objects, "stats") <- stats
1080    bad_Rd_objects
1081} ## end{ codocClasses }
1083format.codocClasses <-
1084function(x, ...)
1086    .fmt <- function(nm) {
1087        wrapPart <- function(nam) {
1088            capWord <- function(w) sub("\\b(\\w)", "\\U\\1", w, perl = TRUE)
1090            if(length(O <- docObj[[nam]]))
1091                strwrap(sprintf("%s: %s", gettextf(capWord(nam)),
1092                                paste(O, collapse = " ")),
1093                        indent = 2L, exdent = 8L)
1094        }
1096        docObj <- x[[nm]]
1097        c(gettextf("S4 class codoc mismatches from documentation object '%s':",
1098                   nm),
1099          gettextf("Slots for class '%s'", docObj[["name"]]),
1100          wrapPart("code"),
1101          wrapPart("inherited"),
1102          wrapPart("docs"),
1103          "")
1104    }
1106    as.character(unlist(lapply(names(x), .fmt)))
1109### * codocData
1111codocData <-
1112function(package, lib.loc = NULL)
1114    ## Compare the 'structure' of 'data' objects (variables or data
1115    ## sets) in an installed package between code and documentation.
1116    ## Currently, only compares the variable names of data frames found.
1118    ## <NOTE>
1119    ## This is patterned after the current codoc().
1120    ## It would be useful to return the whole information on data frame
1121    ## variable names found in the code and matching documentation
1122    ## (rather than just the ones with mismatches).
1123    ## Currently, we only return the names of all data frames checked.
1124    ## </NOTE>
1126    bad_Rd_objects <- structure(list(), class = "codocData")
1128    ## Argument handling.
1129    if(length(package) != 1L)
1130        stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
1132    dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
1134    ## Build Rd data base.
1135    db <- Rd_db(package, lib.loc = dirname(dir))
1137    is_base <- basename(dir) == "base"
1138    has_namespace <- !is_base && packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir))
1140    ## Load package into code_env.
1141    if(!is_base)
1142        .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc)
1143    code_env <- .package_env(package)
1144    if(has_namespace) ns_env <- asNamespace(package)
1146    ## Could check here whether the package has any variables or data
1147    ## sets (and return if not).
1150    ## Need some heuristics now.  When does an Rd object document a
1151    ## data.frame (could add support for other classes later) variable
1152    ## or data set so that we can compare (at least) the names of the
1153    ## variables in the data frame?  Try the following:
1154    ## * just one \alias{};
1155    ## * if documentation was generated via prompt, there is a \format
1156    ##   section starting with 'A data frame with' (but many existing Rd
1157    ##   files instead have 'This data frame contains' and containing
1158    ##   one or more \describe sections inside.
1160    ## As going through the db to extract sections can take some time,
1161    ## we do the vectorized metadata computations first, and try to
1162    ## subscript whenever possible.
1163    aliases <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_metadata, "alias")
1164    idx <- lengths(aliases) == 1L
1165    if(!any(idx)) return(bad_Rd_objects)
1166    db <- db[idx]
1167    aliases <- aliases[idx]
1169    names(db) <- .Rd_get_names_from_Rd_db(db)
1171    .get_var_names_from_item_tags <- function(s, nice = TRUE) {
1172        if(!length(s)) return(character())
1174        nms <- character()
1175        ## Handle trailing colons and leading/trailing white space.
1176        s <- sub("^ *", "", sub("( *:)? *$", "", s))
1177        ## Handle \samp entries: need to match until the first unescaped
1178        ## rbrace.
1179        re <- "\\\\samp\\{(([^\\}]|[\\].)*)\\}( *, *)?"
1180        m <- gregexpr(re, s)
1181        if(any(unlist(m) > -1)) {
1182            nms <- sub(re, "\\1", unlist(regmatches(s, m)))
1183            ## Unescape Rd escapes.
1184            nms <- gsub("\\\\([{}%])", "\\1", nms)
1185            regmatches(s, m) <- ""
1186        }
1187        ## Handle \code entries, assuming that they can be taken literally
1188        ## (no escaping or quoting to obtain valid R syntax).
1189        re <- "\\\\code\\{([^}]*)\\}( *, *)?"
1190        m <- gregexpr(re, s)
1191        add <- regmatches(s, m)
1192        lens <- lengths(add)
1193        add <- sub(re, "\\1", unlist(add))
1194        ## The old code base simply dropped the \code markup via
1195        ##   gsub("\\\\code\\{(.*)\\}:?", "\\1", s)
1196        ## unescaped underscores and stripped whitespace.
1197        ## Let us be nice about such whitespace inside a single \code (by
1198        ## default), as this should always render ok in the manual, but not
1199        ## about escaped underscores e.g.,
1200        ##   ElemStatLearn/man/marketing.Rd: Dual\_Income
1201        ## and comma-separated lists inside
1202        ## \code, e.g.,
1203        ##   prefmod/man/trdel.Rd: \code{V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8,V9,V10}
1204        ## as these will not render correctly.
1205        if(nice) {
1206            ind <- rep.int(lens == 1L, lens)
1207            add[ind] <- trimws(add[ind])
1208        }
1209        nms <- c(nms, add)
1210        regmatches(s, m) <- ""
1211        ## Handle rest.
1212        nms <- c(nms, unlist(strsplit(s, " *, *")))
1213        nms
1214    }
1216    .get_data_frame_var_names <- function(x) {
1217        ## Make sure that there is exactly one format section:
1218        ## using .Rd_get_section() would get the first one.
1219        x <- x[RdTags(x) == "\\format"]
1220        if(length(x) != 1L) return(character())
1221        ## Drop comments.
1222        ## <FIXME>
1223        ## Remove calling .Rd_drop_comments() eventually.
1224        x <- .Rd_drop_comments(x[[1L]])
1225        ## </FIXME>
1226        ## What did the format section start with?
1227        if(!grepl("^[ \n\t]*(A|This) data frame",
1228                  .Rd_deparse(x, tag = FALSE)))
1229            return(character())
1230        ## Get \describe inside \format.
1231        ## Should this allow for several \describe blocks?
1232        x <- .Rd_get_section(x, "describe")
1233        ## Get the \item tags inside \describe.
1234        x <- .Rd_get_item_tags(x)
1235        ## And extract the variable names from these.
1236        .get_var_names_from_item_tags(x)
1237    }
1239    Rd_var_names <- lapply(db, .get_data_frame_var_names)
1241    idx <- (lengths(Rd_var_names) > 0L)
1242    if(!length(idx)) return(bad_Rd_objects)
1243    aliases <- unlist(aliases[idx])
1244    Rd_var_names <- Rd_var_names[idx]
1246    db_names <- names(db)[idx]
1248    data_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
1249    data_dir <- file.path(dir, "data")
1250    ## with lazy data we have data() but don't need to use it.
1251    has_data <- dir.exists(data_dir) &&
1252        !file_test("-f", file.path(data_dir, "Rdata.rdb"))
1253    data_exts <- .make_file_exts("data")
1255    ## Now go through the aliases.
1256    data_frames_checked <- character()
1257    for(i in seq_along(aliases)) {
1258        ## Store the documented variable names.
1259        var_names_in_docs <- sort(Rd_var_names[[i]])
1260        ## Try finding the variable or data set given by the alias.
1261        al <- aliases[i]
1262	if(!is.null(A <- get0(al, envir = code_env, mode = "list", inherits = FALSE)))
1263	    al <- A
1264	else if(has_namespace &&
1265		!is.null(A <- get0(al, envir = ns_env, mode = "list", inherits = FALSE)))
1266	    al <- A
1267	else if(has_data) {
1268            ## Should be a data set.
1269            if(!length(dir(data_dir)
1270                       %in% paste(al, data_exts, sep = "."))) {
1271                next                    # What the hell did we pick up?
1272            }
1273            ## Try loading the data set into data_env.
1274            utils::data(list = al, envir = data_env)
1275            if(!is.null(A <- get0(al, envir = data_env, mode = "list", inherits = FALSE)))
1276		al <- A
1278            ## And clean up data_env.
1279            rm(list = ls(envir = data_env, all.names = TRUE),
1280               envir = data_env)
1281        }
1282        if(!is.data.frame(al)) next
1283        ## Now we should be ready:
1284        data_frames_checked <- c(data_frames_checked, aliases[i])
1285        var_names_in_code <- sort(names(al))
1286        if(!identical(var_names_in_code, var_names_in_docs))
1287            bad_Rd_objects[[db_names[i]]] <-
1288                list(name = aliases[i],
1289                     code = var_names_in_code,
1290                     docs = var_names_in_docs)
1291    }
1293    attr(bad_Rd_objects, "data_frames_checked") <-
1294        as.character(data_frames_checked)
1295    bad_Rd_objects
1298format.codocData <-
1299function(x, ...)
1301    format_args <- function(s) paste(s, collapse = " ")
1303    .fmt <- function(nm) {
1304        docObj <- x[[nm]]
1305        ## FIXME singular or plural?
1306        c(gettextf("Data codoc mismatches from documentation object '%s':", nm),
1307          gettextf("Variables in data frame '%s'", docObj[["name"]]),
1308          strwrap(gettextf("Code: %s", format_args(docObj[["code"]])),
1309                  indent = 2L, exdent = 8L),
1310          strwrap(gettextf("Docs: %s", format_args(docObj[["docs"]])),
1311                  indent = 2L, exdent = 8L),
1312          "")
1313    }
1315    as.character(unlist(lapply(names(x), .fmt)))
1318### * checkDocFiles
1320checkDocFiles <-
1321function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, chkInternal = FALSE)
1323    ## Argument handling.
1324    if(!missing(package)) {
1325        if(length(package) != 1L)
1326            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
1327        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
1328        ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ...
1329    }
1330    else {
1331        if(missing(dir))
1332            stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'")
1333        ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ...
1334        if(!dir.exists(dir))
1335            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir),
1336                 domain = NA)
1337        else
1338            dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
1339    }
1341    db <- if(!missing(package))
1342              Rd_db(package, lib.loc = dirname(dir))
1343          else
1344              Rd_db(dir = dir)
1346    db_aliases  <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_metadata, "alias")
1347    db_keywords <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_metadata, "keyword")
1349    db_names <- .Rd_get_names_from_Rd_db(db)
1350    names(db) <- names(db_aliases) <- db_names
1352    db_usages <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_section, "usage")
1353    ## We traditionally also use the usage "texts" for some sanity
1354    ## checking ...
1355    ## <FIXME>
1356    ## Remove calling .Rd_drop_comments() eventually.
1357    db_usage_texts <-
1358        lapply(db_usages,
1359               function(e) .Rd_deparse(.Rd_drop_comments(e)))
1360    ## </FIXME>
1361    db_usages <- lapply(db_usages, .parse_usage_as_much_as_possible)
1362    ind <- vapply(db_usages,
1363                  function(x) !is.null(attr(x, "bad_lines")),
1364                  NA)
1365    bad_lines <- lapply(db_usages[ind], attr, "bad_lines")
1367    if(!chkInternal &&
1368       any(ind <- vapply(db_keywords, function(x) "internal" %in% x, NA))) {
1369        ## exclude them
1370        db         <- db        [!ind]
1371        db_names   <- db_names  [!ind]
1372        db_aliases <- db_aliases[!ind]
1373    }
1375    db_argument_names <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_argument_names)
1377    bad_doc_objects <- list()
1379    for(docObj in db_names) {
1381        exprs <- db_usages[[docObj]]
1382        if(!length(exprs)) next
1384        aliases <- db_aliases[[docObj]]
1385        arg_names_in_arg_list <- db_argument_names[[docObj]]
1387        ## Determine function names ('functions') and corresponding
1388        ## arguments ('arg_names_in_usage') in the \usage.  Note how we
1389        ## try to deal with data set documentation.
1390        ind <- vapply(exprs,
1391                      function(e)
1392                          length(e) > 1L && !is_data_for_dataset(e),
1393                      NA, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
1394        exprs <- exprs[ind]
1395        ## Split out replacement function usages.
1396        ind <- vapply(exprs, .is_call_from_replacement_function_usage,
1397                      NA, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
1398        replace_exprs <- exprs[ind]
1399        exprs <- exprs[!ind]
1400        ## Ordinary functions.
1401        functions <- as.character(sapply(exprs,
1402                                         function(e)
1403                                         as.character(e[[1L]])))
1404        ## Catch assignments.
1405        ind <- functions %in% c("<-", "=")
1406        assignments <- exprs[ind]
1407        if(any(ind)) {
1408            exprs     <- exprs    [!ind]
1409            functions <- functions[!ind]
1410        }
1411        ## (Note that as.character(sapply(exprs, "[[", 1L)) does not do
1412        ## what we want due to backquotifying.)
1413        arg_names_in_usage <-
1414            unlist(lapply(exprs,
1415                          function(e) .arg_names_from_call(e[-1L])))
1416        ## Replacement functions.
1417        if(length(replace_exprs)) {
1418            replace_funs <-
1419                paste0(vapply(replace_exprs,
1420			      function(e) as.character(e[[2L]][[1L]]), ""),
1421		       "<-")
1422            functions <- c(functions, replace_funs)
1423            arg_names_in_usage <-
1424                c(arg_names_in_usage,
1425                  unlist(lapply(replace_exprs,
1426                                function(e)
1427                                c(.arg_names_from_call(e[[2L]][-1L]),
1428                                  .arg_names_from_call(e[[3L]])))))
1429        }
1430        ## And finally transform the S3 \method{}{} markup into the
1431        ## usual function names ...
1432        ## <NOTE>
1433        ## If we were really picky, we would worry about possible
1434        ## namespace renaming.
1435        functions <- .transform_S3_method_markup(functions)
1436        ## </NOTE>
1437        ## Also transform the markup for S4 replacement methods.
1438        functions <- .transform_S4_method_markup(functions)
1440        ## Now analyze what we found.
1441        arg_names_in_usage_missing_in_arg_list <-
1442            setdiff(arg_names_in_usage, arg_names_in_arg_list)
1443        arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage <-
1444            setdiff(arg_names_in_arg_list, arg_names_in_usage)
1445        if(length(arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage)) {
1446            usage_text <- db_usage_texts[[docObj]]
1447            bad_args <- character()
1448            ## In the case of 'over-documented' arguments, try to be
1449            ## defensive and reduce to arguments which either are not
1450            ## syntactically valid names or do not match the \usage text
1451            ## (modulo word boundaries).
1452            bad <- !grepl("^[[:alnum:]._]+$",
1453                          arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage)
1454            if(any(bad)) {
1455                bad_args <- arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage[bad]
1456                arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage <-
1457                    arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage[!bad]
1458            }
1459            bad <- vapply(arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage,
1460                          function(x)
1461                              !grepl(paste0("(^|\\W)",
1462                                            reQuote(x),
1463                                            "($|\\W)"),
1464                                     gsub("\\\\dots", "...",
1465                                          usage_text)),
1466                          NA)
1467            arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage <-
1468                c(bad_args,
1469                  arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage[as.logical(bad)])
1470            ## Note that the fact that we can parse the raw \usage does
1471            ## not imply that over-documented arguments are a problem:
1472            ## this works for Rd files documenting e.g. shell utilities
1473            ## but fails for files with special syntax (Extract.Rd).
1474        }
1476        ## Also test whether the objects we found from the \usage all
1477        ## have aliases, provided that there is no alias which ends in
1478        ## '-deprecated' (see e.g. base-deprecated.Rd).
1479        functions_not_in_aliases <-
1480            if(!any(endsWith(aliases, "-deprecated"))) {
1481                ## Argh.  There are good reasons for keeping \S4method{}{}
1482                ## as is, but of course this is not what the aliases use ...
1483                ## <FIXME>
1484                ## Should maybe use utils:::topicName(), but in any case, we
1485                ## should have functions for converting between the two
1486                ## forms, see also the code for undoc().
1487                aliases <- sub("([^,]+),(.+)-method$",
1488                               "\\\\S4method{\\1}{\\2}",
1489                               aliases)
1490                ## </FIXME>
1491                aliases <- gsub("\\%", "%", aliases, fixed=TRUE)
1492                setdiff(functions, aliases)
1493            }
1494            else character()
1496        if((length(arg_names_in_usage_missing_in_arg_list))
1497           || anyDuplicated(arg_names_in_arg_list)
1498           || (length(arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage))
1499           || (length(functions_not_in_aliases))
1500           || (length(assignments)))
1501            bad_doc_objects[[docObj]] <-
1502                list(missing = arg_names_in_usage_missing_in_arg_list,
1503                     duplicated =
1504                     arg_names_in_arg_list[duplicated(arg_names_in_arg_list)],
1505                     overdoc = arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage,
1506                     unaliased = functions_not_in_aliases,
1507                     assignments = assignments)
1508    } # for(..)
1510    structure(bad_doc_objects, class = "checkDocFiles",
1511	      "bad_lines" = bad_lines)
1514format.checkDocFiles <-
1515function(x, ...)
1517    .fmt <- function(nm) {
1518        c(character(),
1519          if(length(arg_names_in_usage_missing_in_arg_list <-
1520                    x[[nm]][["missing"]])) {
1521              c(gettextf("Undocumented arguments in documentation object '%s'",
1522                         nm),
1523                .pretty_format(unique(arg_names_in_usage_missing_in_arg_list)))
1524          },
1525          if(length(duplicated_args_in_arg_list <-
1526                    x[[nm]][["duplicated"]])) {
1527              c(gettextf("Duplicated \\argument entries in documentation object '%s':",
1528                         nm),
1529                .pretty_format(duplicated_args_in_arg_list))
1530          },
1531          if(length(arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage <-
1532                    x[[nm]][["overdoc"]])) {
1533              c(gettextf("Documented arguments not in \\usage in documentation object '%s':",
1534                         nm),
1535                .pretty_format(unique(arg_names_in_arg_list_missing_in_usage)))
1536          },
1537          if(length(functions_not_in_aliases <-
1538                    x[[nm]][["unaliased"]])) {
1539              c(gettextf("Objects in \\usage without \\alias in documentation object '%s':",
1540                         nm),
1541                .pretty_format(unique(functions_not_in_aliases)))
1542          },
1543          if(length(assignments <-
1544                    x[[nm]][["assignments"]])) {
1545              c(gettextf("Assignments in \\usage in documentation object '%s':",
1546                         nm),
1547                sprintf("  %s", unlist(lapply(assignments, format))))
1548          },
1549          "")
1550    }
1552    y <- as.character(unlist(lapply(names(x), .fmt)))
1554    if(length(bad_lines <- attr(x, "bad_lines")))
1555        y <- c(y,
1556               unlist(lapply(names(bad_lines),
1557                             function(nm) {
1558                                 c(gettextf("Bad \\usage lines found in documentation object '%s':",
1559                                            nm),
1560                                   paste0("  ", bad_lines[[nm]]))
1561                             })),
1562               "")
1564    y
1567### * checkDocStyle
1569checkDocStyle <-
1570function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)
1572    has_namespace <- FALSE
1574    ## Argument handling.
1575    if(!missing(package)) {
1576        if(length(package) != 1L)
1577            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
1578        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
1579        ## Using package installed in 'dir' ...
1580        dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
1581        meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile))
1582            .read_description(dfile)
1583        else
1584            character()
1585        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
1586        if(!dir.exists(code_dir))
1587            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code",
1588                          dir),
1589                 domain = NA)
1590        if(!.haveRds(dir))
1591            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain Rd objects", dir),
1592                 domain = NA)
1593        package_name <- package
1594        is_base <- package_name == "base"
1596        ## Load package into code_env.
1597        if(!is_base)
1598            .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc)
1599        code_env <- .package_env(package)
1601        objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env))
1603        ## Does the package have a namespace?
1604        ## These days all packages have namespaces, but some are
1605        ## auto-generated.
1606        if(packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir))) {
1607            has_namespace <- TRUE
1608            ## Determine names of declared S3 methods and associated S3
1609            ## generics.
1610            ns_S3_methods_db <- getNamespaceInfo(package, "S3methods")
1611            ns_S3_generics <- as.character(ns_S3_methods_db[, 1L])
1612            ns_S3_methods <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 3L]
1613            if(!is.character(ns_S3_methods)) {
1614                ## As of 2018-07, direct calls to registerS3method()
1615                ## could have registered a function object (not name).
1616                ind <- vapply(ns_S3_methods, is.character, NA)
1617                ns_S3_methods[!ind] <- ""
1618                ns_S3_methods <- as.character(ns_S3_methods)
1619            }
1620        }
1621    }
1622    else {
1623        if(missing(dir))
1624            stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'")
1625        package_name <- basename(dir) # early, before resolving sym.links
1626        ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ...
1627        if(!dir.exists(dir))
1628            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir),
1629                 domain = NA)
1630        else
1631            dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
1632        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
1633        if(!dir.exists(code_dir))
1634            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code",
1635                          dir),
1636                 domain = NA)
1637        if(!.haveRds(dir))
1638            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain Rd objects", dir),
1639                 domain = NA)
1640        is_base <- package_name == "base"
1642        code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
1643        dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
1644        meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile)) .read_description(dfile) else character()
1645        .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta)
1646        sys_data_file <- file.path(code_dir, "sysdata.rda")
1647        if(file_test("-f", sys_data_file)) load(sys_data_file, code_env)
1649        objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env))
1651        ## Do the package sources have a NAMESPACE file?
1652        if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE"))) {
1653            has_namespace <- TRUE
1654            nsInfo <- parseNamespaceFile(package_name, dirname(dir))
1655            ## Determine exported objects.
1656            OK <- intersect(objects_in_code, nsInfo$exports)
1657            for(p in nsInfo$exportPatterns)
1658                OK <- c(OK, grep(p, objects_in_code, value = TRUE))
1659            objects_in_code <- unique(OK)
1660            ## Determine names of declared S3 methods and associated S3
1661            ## generics.
1662            ns_S3_methods_db <- .get_namespace_S3_methods_db(nsInfo)
1663            ns_S3_generics <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 1L]
1664            ns_S3_methods  <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 3L]
1665        }
1667    }
1669    ## Find the function objects in the given package.
1670    functions_in_code <-
1671        Filter(function(f) is.function(get(f, envir = code_env)),  # get is expensive
1672               objects_in_code)
1674    ## Find all S3 generics "as seen from the package".
1675    all_S3_generics <-
1676        unique(c(Filter(function(f) .is_S3_generic(f, envir = code_env),
1677                        functions_in_code),
1678                 .get_S3_generics_as_seen_from_package(dir,
1679                                                       !missing(package),
1680                                                       TRUE),
1681                 .get_S3_group_generics()))
1682    ## <FIXME>
1683    ## Not yet:
1684    code_env <- .make_S3_group_generic_env(parent = code_env)
1685    ## </FIXME>
1687    ## Find all methods in the given package for the generic functions
1688    ## determined above.  Store as a list indexed by the names of the
1689    ## generic functions.
1690    ## Change in 3.0.0: we only look for methods named generic.class,
1691    ## not those registered by a 3-arg S3method().
1692    methods_stop_list <- nonS3methods(package_name)
1693    methods_in_package <-
1694        Map(function(g) {
1695                ## This isn't really right: it assumes the generics are
1696                ## visible.
1697                if(!exists(g, envir = code_env)) return(character())
1698                ## <FIXME>
1699                ## We should really determine the name g dispatches for,
1700                ## see a current version of methods() [2003-07-07].
1701                ## (Care is needed for internal generics and group
1702                ## generics.)
1703                name <- paste0(g, ".")
1704                methods <-
1705                    functions_in_code[startsWith(functions_in_code, name)]
1706                ## </FIXME>
1707                methods <- setdiff(methods, methods_stop_list)
1708                if(has_namespace) {
1709                    ## Find registered methods for generic g.
1710                    methods2 <- ns_S3_methods[ns_S3_generics == g]
1711                    ## but for these purposes check name.
1712                    OK <- startsWith(methods2, name)
1713                    methods <- c(methods, methods2[OK])
1714                }
1715                methods
1716            },
1717            all_S3_generics)
1718    all_methods_in_package <- unlist(methods_in_package)
1719    ## There are situations where S3 methods might be documented as
1720    ## functions (i.e., with their full name), if they do something
1721    ## useful also for arguments not inheriting from the class they
1722    ## provide a method for.
1723    ## But then they should be exported under another name, and
1724    ## registered as an S3 method.
1725    ## Prior to 2.14.0 we used to allow this in the case the
1726    ## package has a namespace and the method is exported (even though
1727    ## we strongly prefer using FOO(as.BAR(x)) to FOO.BAR(x) for such
1728    ## cases).
1729    ## But this caused discontinuities with adding namespaces.
1730    ## Historical exception
1731    if(package_name == "cluster")
1732        all_methods_in_package <-
1733    	    setdiff(all_methods_in_package, functions_in_code)
1735    db <- if(!missing(package))
1736        Rd_db(package, lib.loc = dirname(dir))
1737    else
1738        Rd_db(dir = dir)
1740    names(db) <- db_names <- .Rd_get_names_from_Rd_db(db)
1742    ## Ignore pkg-deprecated.Rd and pkg-defunct.Rd.
1743    ind <- db_names %in% paste(package_name, c("deprecated", "defunct"),
1744                               sep = "-")
1745    db <- db[!ind]
1746    db_names <- db_names[!ind]
1748    db_usages <-
1749        lapply(db,
1750               function(Rd) {
1751                   Rd <- .Rd_get_section(Rd, "usage")
1752                   .parse_usage_as_much_as_possible(Rd)
1753               })
1754    ind <- vapply(db_usages,
1755                  function(x) !is.null(attr(x, "bad_lines")),
1756                  NA)
1757    bad_lines <- lapply(db_usages[ind], attr, "bad_lines")
1759    bad_doc_objects <- list()
1761    for(docObj in db_names) {
1763        ## Determine function names in the \usage.
1764        exprs <- db_usages[[docObj]]
1765        exprs <- exprs[lengths(exprs) > 1L]
1766        ## Ordinary functions.
1767        functions <-
1768            as.character(sapply(exprs,
1769                                function(e) as.character(e[[1L]])))
1770        ## (Note that as.character(sapply(exprs, "[[", 1L)) does not do
1771        ## what we want due to backquotifying.)
1772        ## Replacement functions.
1773        ind <- vapply(exprs, .is_call_from_replacement_function_usage, NA)
1774        if(any(ind)) {
1775            replace_funs <-
1776                paste0(sapply(exprs[ind],
1777                              function(e) as.character(e[[2L]][[1L]])),
1778                       "<-")
1779            functions <- c(functions, replace_funs)
1780        }
1782        methods_with_full_name <-
1783            intersect(functions, all_methods_in_package)
1785        functions <- .transform_S3_method_markup(functions)
1787        methods_with_generic <-
1788            Map(function(g)
1789                    intersect(functions, methods_in_package[[g]]),
1790                intersect(functions, all_S3_generics))
1792        if((length(methods_with_generic)) ||
1793           (length(methods_with_full_name)))
1794            bad_doc_objects[[docObj]] <-
1795                list(withGeneric  = methods_with_generic,
1796                     withFullName = methods_with_full_name)
1798    }
1800    attr(bad_doc_objects, "bad_lines") <- bad_lines
1801    class(bad_doc_objects) <- "checkDocStyle"
1802    bad_doc_objects
1805format.checkDocStyle <-
1806function(x, ...)
1808    .fmt <- function(nm) {
1809        ## <NOTE>
1810        ## With \method{GENERIC}{CLASS} now being transformed to show
1811        ## both GENERIC and CLASS info, documenting S3 methods on the
1812        ## same page as their generic is not necessarily a problem any
1813        ## more (as one can refer to the generic or the methods in the
1814        ## documentation, in particular for the primary argument).
1815        ## Hence, even if we still provide information about this, we
1816        ## no longer print it by default.  One can still access it via
1817        ##   lapply(checkDocStyle("foo"), "[[", "withGeneric")
1818        ## (but of course it does not print that nicely anymore),
1819        ## </NOTE>
1820        methods_with_full_name <- x[[nm]][["withFullName"]]
1821        if(length(methods_with_full_name)) {
1822            c(gettextf("S3 methods shown with full name in documentation object '%s':",
1823                       nm),
1824              .pretty_format(methods_with_full_name),
1825              "")
1826        } else {
1827            character()
1828        }
1829    }
1831    as.character(unlist(lapply(names(x), .fmt)))
1835### * checkFF
1837checkFF <-
1838function(package, dir, file, lib.loc = NULL,
1839         registration = FALSE, check_DUP = FALSE,
1840         verbose = getOption("verbose"))
1842    allow_suppress <- !nzchar(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_FF_AS_CRAN_"))
1843    suppressCheck <- function(e)
1844        allow_suppress &&
1845            length(e) == 2L && is.call(e) && is.symbol(e[[1L]]) &&
1846                as.character(e[[1L]]) == "dontCheck"
1848    has_namespace <- FALSE
1849    is_installed_msg <- is_installed <- FALSE
1850    ## Argument handling.
1851    if(!missing(package)) {
1852        if(length(package) != 1L)
1853            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
1854        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
1855        dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
1856        db <- .read_description(dfile)
1857        pkg <- pkgDLL <- basename(dir)
1858        ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ...
1859        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
1860        if(!dir.exists(code_dir))
1861            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code",
1862                          dir),
1863                 domain = NA)
1864        have_registration <- FALSE
1865        if(basename(dir) != "base") {
1866            .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc)
1867            code_env <- asNamespace(package)
1868            if(!is.null(DLLs <- get0("DLLs", envir = code_env$.__NAMESPACE__.))) {
1869                ## fake installs have this, of class DLLInfoList
1870                if(length(DLLs)) has_namespace <- TRUE
1871                if(length(DLLs) && inherits(DLLs[[1L]], "DLLInfo")) {
1872                    pkgDLL <- unclass(DLLs[[1L]])$name # different for data.table
1873                    if(registration) {
1874                        reg <- getDLLRegisteredRoutines(DLLs[[1L]])
1875                        have_registration <- sum(lengths(reg)) > 0L
1876                    }
1877                }
1878            }
1879        } else {
1880            has_namespace <- have_registration <- TRUE
1881            code_env <-.package_env(package)
1882        }
1883        is_installed <- TRUE
1884    }
1885    else if(!missing(dir)) {
1886        have_registration <- FALSE
1887        ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ...
1888        if(!dir.exists(dir))
1889            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir),
1890                 domain = NA)
1891        else
1892            dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
1893        pkg <- pkgDLL <- basename(dir)
1894        dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
1895        enc <- NA; db <- NULL
1896        if(file.exists(dfile)) {
1897            db <- .read_description(dfile)
1898            enc <- db["Encoding"]
1899        }
1900        if(pkg == "base") has_namespace <- TRUE
1901        if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE"))) {
1902            nm <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir))
1903            has_namespace <- length(nm$dynlibs) > 0L
1904        }
1905        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
1906        if(!dir.exists(code_dir))
1907            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code",
1908                          dir),
1909                 domain = NA)
1910        file <- tempfile()
1911        on.exit(unlink(file))
1912        if(!file.create(file)) stop("unable to create ", file, domain = NA)
1913        if(!all(.file_append_ensuring_LFs(file,
1914                                          list_files_with_type(code_dir,
1915                                                               "code"))))
1916            stop("unable to write code files", domain = NA)
1917    }
1918    else if(!missing(file)) {
1919        pkg <- enc <- NA
1920    } else
1921        stop("you must specify 'package', 'dir' or 'file'")
1923    if(missing(package) && !file_test("-f", file))
1924        stop(gettextf("file '%s' does not exist", file),
1925             domain = NA)
1927    ## Should there really be a 'verbose' argument?
1928    ## It may be useful to extract all foreign function calls but then
1929    ## we would want the calls back ...
1930    ## What we currently do is the following: if 'verbose' is true, we
1931    ## show all foreign function calls in abbreviated form with the line
1932    ## ending in either 'OK' or 'MISSING', and we return the list of
1933    ## 'bad' FF calls (i.e., where the 'PACKAGE' argument is missing)
1934    ## *invisibly* (so that output is not duplicated).
1935    ## Otherwise, if not verbose, we return the list of bad FF calls.
1937    bad_exprs <- empty_exprs <- wrong_pkg <- other_problem <- list()
1938    other_desc <- character()
1939    bad_pkg <- character()
1940    dup_false <- list()
1941    FF_funs <- FF_fun_names <- c(".C", ".Fortran", ".Call", ".External",
1942                                 ".Call.graphics", ".External.graphics")
1943    ## As pointed out by DTL, packages could use non-base FF calls for
1944    ## which missing 'PACKAGE' arguments are not necessarily a problem.
1945    if(!missing(package)) {
1946        is_FF_fun_from_base <-
1947            vapply(FF_funs,
1948                   function(f) {
1949                       e <- .find_owner_env(f, code_env)
1950                       (identical(e, baseenv())
1951                        || identical(e, .BaseNamespaceEnv))
1952                   },
1953                   NA)
1954        FF_funs <- FF_funs[is_FF_fun_from_base]
1955    }
1956    ## Also, need to handle base::.Call() etc ...
1957    FF_funs <- c(FF_funs, sprintf("base::%s", FF_fun_names))
1959    check_registration <- function(e, fr) {
1960    	sym <- e[[2L]]
1961    	name <- deparse(sym, nlines = 1L)
1962        if (name == "...")
1963            return ("SYMBOL OK") # we cannot check this, e.g. RProtoBuf
1965        if (is.character(sym)) {
1966            if (!have_registration) return ("SYMBOL OK")
1967            FF_fun <- as.character(e[[1L]])
1968            sym <- reg[[FF_fun]][[sym]]
1969            if(is.null(sym)) return ("SYMBOL OK")
1970        }
1972        if (!is_installed) {
1973            if (!is_installed_msg) {
1974        	other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e)
1975        	other_desc <<- c(other_desc, "foreign function registration not tested, as package was not installed")
1976        	is_installed_msg <<- TRUE
1977            }
1978            return("OTHER") # registration checks need the package to be installed
1979        }
1980    	if (is.symbol(sym)) { # it might be something like pkg::sym (that's a call)
1981	    if (!exists(name, code_env, inherits = FALSE)) {
1982		if (allow_suppress &&
1983                    name %in% utils::suppressForeignCheck(, package))
1984		    return ("SYMBOL OK") # skip false positives
1985                if (have_registration) {
1986                    if (name %in% fr) {
1987                        other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e)
1988                        other_desc <<-
1989                            c(other_desc,
1990                              sprintf("symbol %s in the local frame",
1991                                      sQuote(name)))
1992                    } else {
1993                        other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e)
1994                        other_desc <<-
1995                            c(other_desc,
1996                              sprintf("symbol %s not in namespace",
1997                                      sQuote(name)))
1998                    }
1999                }
2000    	    	return("OTHER")
2001    	    }
2002    	} else if (suppressCheck(sym))
2003    	    return("SKIPPED")
2005    	sym <- tryCatch(eval(sym, code_env), error = function(e) e)
2006    	if (inherits(sym, "error")) {
2007            if (have_registration || !allow_suppress)  {
2008                other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e)
2009                other_desc <<-
2010                    c(other_desc, sprintf("Evaluating %s during check gives error\n%s",
2011                                          sQuote(name), sQuote(sym$message)))
2012            }
2013    	    return("OTHER")
2014    	}
2016        FF_fun <- as.character(e[[1L]])
2017        ## lmom's sym evaluate to character, so try to look up.
2018        ## FIXME: maybe check this is not PACKAGE = "another package"
2019        if (is.character(sym)) {
2020            if (!have_registration) return ("SYMBOL OK")
2021            sym <- reg[[FF_fun]][[sym]]
2022            if(is.null(sym)) return ("SYMBOL OK")
2023        }
2025        ## These are allowed and used by SU's packages so skip for now
2026    	if (inherits(sym, "RegisteredNativeSymbol")
2027            || inherits(sym, "NativeSymbol"))
2028            return ("SYMBOL OK")
2030        if (!inherits(sym, "NativeSymbolInfo")) {
2031    	    other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e)
2032            ## other_desc <<- c(other_desc, sprintf("\"%s\" is not of class \"%s\"", name, "NativeSymbolInfo"))
2033    	    other_desc <<- c(other_desc, sprintf("%s is of class \"%s\"",
2034                                                 sQuote(name), class(sym)))
2035    	    return("OTHER")
2036    	}
2037        ## This might be symbol from another (base?) package.
2038        ## Allow for Rcpp modules
2039        parg <- unclass(sym$dll)$name
2040        if(length(parg) == 1L && parg %notin% c("Rcpp", pkgDLL)) {
2041            wrong_pkg <<- c(wrong_pkg, e)
2042            bad_pkg <<- c(bad_pkg, parg)
2043        }
2044    	numparms <- sym$numParameters
2045        if (length(numparms) && numparms >= 0) {
2046            ## We have to be careful if ... is in the call.
2047            if (any(as.character(e) == "...")) {
2048                other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e)
2049                other_desc <<-
2050                    c(other_desc,
2051                      sprintf("call includes ..., expected %d %s",
2052                              numparms,
2053                              if(numparms > 1L) "parameters" else "parameter"))
2054            } else {
2055                callparms <- length(e) - 2L
2056                if ("PACKAGE" %in% names(e)) callparms <- callparms - 1L
2057                if (FF_fun %in% c(".C", ".Fortran"))
2058                    callparms <- callparms - length(intersect(names(e), c("NAOK", "DUP", "ENCODING")))
2059                if (!is.null(numparms) && numparms >= 0L && numparms != callparms) {
2060                    other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e)
2061                    other_desc <<-
2062                        c(other_desc,
2063                          sprintf("call to %s with %d %s, expected %d",
2064                                  sQuote(name), callparms,
2065                                  if(callparms > 1L) "parameters" else "parameter",
2066                                  numparms))
2067                    return("OTHER")
2068                }
2069            }
2070        }
2071    	if (inherits(sym, "CallRoutine") &&
2072            (FF_fun %notin% c(".Call", ".Call.graphics"))) {
2073    	    other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e)
2074    	    other_desc <<- c(other_desc, sprintf("%s registered as %s, but called with %s", sQuote(name), ".Call", FF_fun))
2075    	    return("OTHER")
2076    	}
2077    	if (inherits(sym, "ExternalRoutine") && !(FF_fun %in% c(".External", ".External.graphics"))) {
2078	    other_problem <<- c(other_problem, e)
2079	    other_desc <<- c(other_desc, sprintf("%s registered as %s, but called with %s", sQuote(name), ".External", FF_fun))
2080	    return("OTHER")
2081	}
2083        "SYMBOL OK"
2084    }
2086    find_bad_exprs <- function(e) {
2087        if(is.call(e) || is.expression(e)) {
2088            ## <NOTE>
2089            ## This picks up all calls, e.g. a$b, and they may convert
2090            ## to a vector.  The function is the first element in all
2091            ## the calls we are interested in.
2092            ## BDR 2002-11-28
2093            ## </NOTE>
2094            if(deparse(e[[1L]])[1L] %in% FF_funs) {
2095                if(registration) check_registration(e, fr)
2096                dup <- e[["DUP"]]
2097                if(!is.null(dup) && !isTRUE(dup))
2098                    dup_false <<- c(dup_false, e)
2099                this <- ""
2100                this <- parg <- e[["PACKAGE"]]
2101                if (!is.na(pkg) && is.character(parg) &&
2102                    nzchar(parg) && parg != pkgDLL) {
2103                    wrong_pkg <<- c(wrong_pkg, e)
2104                    bad_pkg <<- c(bad_pkg, this)
2105                }
2106                parg <- if(!is.null(parg) && (nzchar(parg))) "OK"
2107                else if(identical(parg, "")) {
2108                    empty_exprs <<- c(empty_exprs, e)
2109                    "EMPTY"
2110                } else if(!is.character(sym <- e[[2L]])) {
2111                    if (!registration) {
2112                        sym <- tryCatch(eval(sym, code_env),
2113                                        error = function(e) e)
2114                        if (inherits(sym, "NativeSymbolInfo")) {
2115                            ## This might be symbol from another package.
2116                            ## Allow for Rcpp modules
2117                            parg <- unclass(sym$dll)$name
2118                            if(length(parg) == 1L &&
2119                               parg %notin% c("Rcpp", pkgDLL)) {
2120                                wrong_pkg <<- c(wrong_pkg, e)
2121                                bad_pkg <<- c(bad_pkg, parg)
2122                            }
2123                        }
2124                    }
2125                    "Called with symbol"
2126                } else if(!has_namespace) {
2127                    bad_exprs <<- c(bad_exprs, e)
2128                    "MISSING"
2129                } else "MISSING but in a function in a namespace"
2130                if(verbose)
2131                    if(is.null(this))
2132                        cat(deparse(e[[1L]]), "(", deparse(e[[2L]]),
2133                            ", ... ): ", parg, "\n", sep = "")
2134                    else
2135                        cat(deparse(e[[1L]]), "(", deparse(e[[2L]]),
2136                            ", ..., PACKAGE = \"", this, "\"): ",
2137                            parg, "\n", sep = "")
2138            } else if (deparse(e[[1L]])[1L] %in% "<-") {
2139                fr <<- c(fr, as.character(e[[2L]]))
2140            }
2141            for(i in seq_along(e)) Recall(e[[i]])
2142        }
2143    }
2145    if(!missing(package)) {
2146        checkFFmy <- function(f)
2147            if(typeof(f) == "closure") {
2148                env <- environment(f)
2149                if(isNamespace(env)) {
2150                    nm <- getNamespaceName(env)
2151                    if (nm == package) body(f) else NULL
2152                } else body(f)
2153            } # else NULL
2154        exprs <- lapply(ls(envir = code_env, all.names = TRUE),
2155                        function(f) checkFFmy(get(f, envir = code_env))) # get is expensive
2156        if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) {
2157            ## Also check the code in S4 methods.
2158            ## This may find things twice if a setMethod() with a bad FF
2159            ## call is from inside a function (e.g., InitMethods()).
2160            for(f in .get_S4_generics(code_env)) {
2161                mlist <- .get_S4_methods_list(f, code_env)
2162                exprs <- c(exprs, lapply(mlist, body))
2163            }
2164            refs <- .get_ref_classes(code_env)
2165            if(length(refs)) {
2166                exprs2 <- lapply(unlist(refs, FALSE), checkFFmy)
2167                exprs <- c(exprs, exprs2)
2168            }
2169        }
2170    } else {
2171        if(!is.na(enc) &&
2172           (Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %notin% c("C", "POSIX"))) {
2173            ## FIXME: what if conversion fails on e.g. UTF-8 comments
2174	    con <- file(file, encoding=enc)
2175            on.exit(close(con))
2176	} else con <- file
2177        exprs <-
2178            tryCatch(parse(file = con, n = -1L),
2179                     error = function(e)
2180                     stop(gettextf("parse error in file '%s':\n%s",
2181                                   file,
2182                                   .massage_file_parse_error_message(conditionMessage(e))),
2183                          domain = NA, call. = FALSE))
2184    }
2185    for(i in seq_along(exprs)) {
2186        fr <- character()
2187        find_bad_exprs(exprs[[i]])
2188    }
2189    attr(bad_exprs, "wrong_pkg") <- wrong_pkg
2190    attr(bad_exprs, "bad_pkg") <- bad_pkg
2191    attr(bad_exprs, "empty") <- empty_exprs
2192    attr(bad_exprs, "other_problem") <- other_problem
2193    attr(bad_exprs, "other_desc") <- other_desc
2194    if(check_DUP) attr(bad_exprs, "dup_false") <- dup_false
2195    if (length(bad_pkg)) {              # check against dependencies.
2196        bases <- .get_standard_package_names()$base
2197        bad <- bad_pkg %w/o% bases
2198        if (length(bad)) {
2199            depends <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Depends")
2200            imports <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Imports")
2201            suggests <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Suggests")
2202            enhances <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Enhances")
2203            bad <- bad %w/o% c(depends, imports, suggests, enhances)
2204            attr(bad_exprs, "undeclared") <- bad
2205        }
2206    }
2207    class(bad_exprs) <- "checkFF"
2208    if(verbose)
2209        invisible(bad_exprs)
2210    else
2211        bad_exprs
2214format.checkFF <-
2215function(x, ...)
2217    xx <- attr(x, "empty")
2218    y <- attr(x, "wrong_pkg")
2219    z <- attr(x, "bad_pkg")
2220    zz <- attr(x, "undeclared")
2221    other_problem <- attr(x, "other_problem")
2223    res <- character()
2224    if (length(x)) {
2225        .fmt <- function(x)
2226            paste0("  ", deparse(x[[1L]]), "(", deparse(x[[2L]]), ", ...)")
2227        msg <- ngettext(length(x),
2228                        "Foreign function call without 'PACKAGE' argument:",
2229                        "Foreign function calls without 'PACKAGE' argument:",
2230                        domain = NA)
2231        res <- c(msg, unlist(lapply(x, .fmt)))
2232    }
2233    if (length(xx)) {
2234        .fmt <- function(x)
2235            paste0("  ", deparse(x[[1L]]), "(", deparse(x[[2L]]), ", ...)")
2236        msg <- ngettext(length(x),
2237                        "Foreign function call with empty 'PACKAGE' argument:",
2238                        "Foreign function calls with empty 'PACKAGE' argument:",
2239                        domain = NA)
2240       res <- c(res, msg, unlist(lapply(xx, .fmt)))
2241    }
2243    if (length(y)) {
2244        bases <- .get_standard_package_names()$base
2245        .fmt2 <- function(x, z) {
2246            if("PACKAGE" %in% names(x))
2247                paste0("  ", deparse(x[[1L]]), "(", deparse(x[[2L]]),
2248                       ", ..., PACKAGE = \"", z, "\")")
2249            else
2250                paste0("  ", deparse(x[[1L]]), "(", deparse(x[[2L]]), ", ...)")
2251        }
2252        base <- z %in% bases
2253        if(any(base)) {
2254            xx <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(y)[base],
2255                                function(i) .fmt2(y[[i]], z[i])))
2256            xx <- unique(xx)
2257            msg <- ngettext(length(xx),
2258                            "Foreign function call to a base package:",
2259                            "Foreign function calls to a base package:",
2260                            domain = NA)
2261            res <- c(res, msg, sort(xx))
2262        }
2263        if(any(!base)) {
2264            xx <-  unlist(lapply(seq_along(y)[!base],
2265                                 function(i) .fmt2(y[[i]], z[i])))
2266            xx <- unique(xx)
2267            msg <- ngettext(length(xx),
2268                            "Foreign function call to a different package:",
2269                            "Foreign function calls to a different package:",
2270                            domain = NA)
2271            res <- c(res, msg, sort(xx))
2272        }
2273    }
2274    if (length(zz)) {
2275        zz <- unique(zz)
2276        msg <- ngettext(length(zz),
2277                        "Undeclared package in foreign function calls:",
2278                        "Undeclared packages in foreign function calls:",
2279                        domain = NA)
2280        res <- c(res, msg, paste("  ", paste(sQuote(sort(zz)), collapse = ", ")))
2281    }
2282    if (length(other_problem)) {
2283    	msg <- ngettext(length(other_problem),
2284    		        "Registration problem:",
2285    		        "Registration problems:",
2286    		        domain = NA)
2287        res <- c(res, msg)
2288        other_desc <- attr(x, "other_desc")
2289        for (i in seq_along(other_problem)) {
2290            res <- c(res, paste0("  ", other_desc[i], ":"),
2291                          paste0("   ", deparse(other_problem[[i]])))
2292        }
2293    }
2294    z3 <- attr(x, "dup_false")
2295     if (length(z3)) {
2296    	msg <- ngettext(length(z3),
2297    		        "Call with DUP:",
2298    		        "Calls with DUP:",
2299    		        domain = NA)
2300        res <- c(res, msg)
2301        for (i in seq_along(z3)) {
2302            res <- c(res, paste0("   ", deparse(z3[[i]])))
2303        }
2304    }
2305   res
2308### * checkS3methods
2310checkS3methods <-
2311function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)
2313    has_namespace <- FALSE
2314    ## If an installed package has a namespace, we need to record the S3
2315    ## methods which are registered but not exported (so that we can
2316    ## get() them from the right place).
2317    S3_reg <- character()
2319    ## Argument handling.
2320    if(!missing(package)) {
2321        if(length(package) != 1L)
2322            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
2323        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
2324        ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ...
2325        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
2326        if(!dir.exists(code_dir))
2327            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code",
2328                          dir),
2329                 domain = NA)
2330        is_base <- basename(dir) == "base"
2332        ## Load package into code_env.
2333        if(!is_base)
2334            .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc)
2335        code_env <- .package_env(package)
2337        objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env))
2339        ## Does the package have a namespace?
2340        if(packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir))) {
2341            has_namespace <- TRUE
2342            ## Determine names of declared S3 methods and associated S3
2343            ## generics.
2344            ns_S3_methods_db <- getNamespaceInfo(package, "S3methods")
2345            ns_S3_generics <- as.character(ns_S3_methods_db[, 1L])
2346            ## We really need the GENERIC.CLASS method names used in the
2347            ## registry:
2348            ns_S3_methods <-
2349                paste(ns_S3_generics,
2350                      as.character(ns_S3_methods_db[, 2L]),
2351                      sep = ".")
2352            ## Determine unexported but declared S3 methods.
2353            S3_reg <- setdiff(ns_S3_methods, objects_in_code)
2354        }
2355    }
2356    else {
2357        if(missing(dir))
2358            stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'")
2359        ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ...
2360        if(!dir.exists(dir))
2361            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir),
2362                 domain = NA)
2363        else
2364            dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
2365        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
2366        if(!dir.exists(code_dir))
2367            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code",
2368                          dir),
2369                 domain = NA)
2370        is_base <- basename(dir) == "base"
2372        code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
2373        dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
2374        meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile))
2375            .read_description(dfile)
2376        else
2377            character()
2378        .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta)
2379        sys_data_file <- file.path(code_dir, "sysdata.rda")
2380        if(file_test("-f", sys_data_file)) load(sys_data_file, code_env)
2382        objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env))
2384        ## Does the package have a NAMESPACE file?
2385        if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE"))) {
2386            has_namespace <- TRUE
2387            nsInfo <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir))
2388            ## Determine exported objects.
2389            OK <- intersect(objects_in_code, nsInfo$exports)
2390            for(p in nsInfo$exportPatterns)
2391                OK <- c(OK, grep(p, objects_in_code, value = TRUE))
2392            objects_in_code <- unique(OK)
2393            ## Determine names of declared S3 methods and associated S3
2394            ## generics.
2395            ns_S3_methods_db <- .get_namespace_S3_methods_db(nsInfo)
2396            ns_S3_generics <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 1L]
2397            ns_S3_methods <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 3L]
2398        }
2400    }
2402    ## Find the function objects in the given package.
2403    functions_in_code <-
2404        Filter(function(f) is.function(code_env[[f]]),
2405               objects_in_code)
2407    ## This is the virtual group generics, not the members
2408    S3_group_generics <- .get_S3_group_generics()
2409    ## This includes the primitive group generics as from R 2.6.0
2410    S3_primitive_generics <- .get_S3_primitive_generics()
2412    checkArgs <- function(g, m) {
2413        ## Do the arguments of method m (in code_env) 'extend' those of
2414        ## the generic g as seen from code_env?  The method must have all
2415        ## arguments the generic has, with positional arguments of g in
2416        ## the same positions for m.
2417        ## Exception: '...' in the method swallows anything.
2418	if(identical(g, "round") && m == "round.POSIXt") return() # exception
2419        genfun <- get(g, envir = code_env)
2420        gArgs <- names(formals(genfun))
2421        if(identical(g, "plot")) gArgs <- gArgs[-2L] # drop "y"
2422        ogArgs <- gArgs
2423        gm <- if(m %in% S3_reg) {
2424            ## See registerS3method() in ../../base/R/namespace.R.
2425            defenv <-
2426                if (g %in% S3_group_generics || g %in% S3_primitive_generics)
2427                    .BaseNamespaceEnv
2428                else {
2429                    if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()
2430                       && methods::is(genfun, "genericFunction"))
2431                        genfun <- methods::finalDefaultMethod(genfun@default)
2432                    if (typeof(genfun) == "closure") environment(genfun)
2433                    else .BaseNamespaceEnv
2434                }
2435            if(is.null(S3Table <- get0(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = defenv,
2436                                       inherits = FALSE))) {
2437                ## Happens e.g. if for some reason, we get "plot" as
2438                ## standardGeneric for "plot" defined from package
2439                ## "graphics" with its own environment which does not
2440                ## contain an S3 methods table ...
2441                return(NULL)
2442            }
2443            if(is.null(mm <- get0(m, envir = S3Table))) {
2444                warning(gettextf("declared S3 method '%s' not found", m),
2445                        domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
2446                return(NULL)
2447            } else mm
2448        } else get(m, envir = code_env)
2449        mArgs <- omArgs <- names(formals(gm))
2450        ## If m is a formula method, its first argument *may* be called
2451        ## formula.  (Note that any argument name mismatch throws an
2452        ## error in current S-PLUS versions.)
2453        if(endsWith(m, ".formula")) {
2454            if(gArgs[1L] != "...") gArgs <- gArgs[-1L]
2455            if(mArgs[1L] != "...") mArgs <- mArgs[-1L]
2456        }
2457        dotsPos <- which(gArgs == "...")
2458        ipos <- if(length(dotsPos))
2459            seq_len(dotsPos[1L] - 1L)
2460        else
2461            seq_along(gArgs)
2463        ## careful, this could match multiply in incorrect funs.
2464        dotsPos <- which(mArgs == "...")
2465        if(length(dotsPos))
2466	    ipos <- ipos[seq_len(dotsPos[1L] - 1L)]
2467        posMatchOK <- identical(gArgs[ipos], mArgs[ipos])
2468        argMatchOK <- all(gArgs %in% mArgs) || length(dotsPos) > 0L
2469        margMatchOK <- all(mArgs %in% c("...", gArgs)) || "..." %in% ogArgs
2470        if(posMatchOK && argMatchOK && margMatchOK)
2471            NULL
2472        else if (g %in% c("+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "%%", "%/%", "&", "|",
2473                          "!", "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">")
2474                 && (length(ogArgs) == length(omArgs)) )
2475            NULL
2476        else {
2477            l <- list(ogArgs, omArgs)
2478            names(l) <- c(g, m)
2479            list(l)
2480        }
2481    } ## end{ checkArgs() }
2483    all_S3_generics <-
2484        unique(c(Filter(function(f) .is_S3_generic(f, envir = code_env),
2485                        functions_in_code),
2486                 .get_S3_generics_as_seen_from_package(dir,
2487                                                       !missing(package),
2488                                                       TRUE),
2489                 ## This had 'FALSE' for a long time, in which case we
2490                 ## miss the primitive generics regarded as language
2491                 ## elements.
2492                 S3_group_generics, S3_primitive_generics))
2493    ## <FIXME>
2494    ## Not yet:
2495    code_env <- .make_S3_group_generic_env(parent = code_env)
2496    ## </FIXME>
2497    code_env <- .make_S3_primitive_generic_env(parent = code_env)
2499    ## Now determine the 'bad' methods in the function objects of the
2500    ## package.
2501    bad_methods <- list()
2502    methods_stop_list <- nonS3methods(basename(dir))
2503    ## some packages export S4 generics derived from other packages ....
2504    methods_stop_list <-
2505        c(methods_stop_list,
2506          "all.equal", "all.names", "all.vars", "fitted.values", "qr.Q",
2507          "qr.R", "qr.X", "qr.coef", "qr.fitted", "qr.qty", "qr.qy",
2508          "qr.resid", "qr.solve", "rep.int", "seq.int", "sort.int",
2509          "sort.list", "t.test")
2510    methods_not_registered_but_exported <- character()
2511    ## <FIXME>
2512    ## Seems we currently cannot get these, because we only look at
2513    ## *exported* functions in addition to the S3 registry.
2514    methods_not_registered_not_exported <- character()
2515    ## </FIXME>
2516    for(g in all_S3_generics) {
2517        if(!exists(g, envir = code_env)) next
2518        ## Find all methods in functions_in_code for S3 generic g.
2519        ## <FIXME>
2520        ## We should really determine the name g dispatches for, see
2521        ## a current version of methods() [2003-07-07].  (Care is
2522        ## needed for internal generics and group generics.)
2523        name <- paste0(g, ".")
2524        methods <-
2525            functions_in_code[startsWith(functions_in_code, name)]
2526        ## </FIXME>
2527        methods <- setdiff(methods, methods_stop_list)
2528        if(has_namespace) {
2529            ## Find registered methods for generic g.
2530            methods <- c(methods, ns_S3_methods[ns_S3_generics == g])
2531            if(length(delta <- setdiff(methods, ns_S3_methods))) {
2532                methods_not_registered_but_exported <-
2533                    c(methods_not_registered_but_exported,
2534                      intersect(delta, objects_in_code))
2535                methods_not_registered_not_exported <-
2536                    c(methods_not_registered_not_exported,
2537                      setdiff(delta, objects_in_code))
2538            }
2539        }
2541        if(any(g == langElts)) next
2543        for(m in methods)
2544            ## Both all() and all.equal() are generic.
2545            bad_methods <- if(g == "all") {
2546                m1 <- m[!startsWith(m, "all.equal")]
2547                c(bad_methods, if(length(m1)) checkArgs(g, m1))
2548            } else c(bad_methods, checkArgs(g, m))
2549    }
2551    if(length(methods_not_registered_but_exported))
2552        attr(bad_methods, "methods_not_registered_but_exported") <-
2553            methods_not_registered_but_exported
2554    if(length(methods_not_registered_not_exported))
2555        attr(bad_methods, "methods_not_registered_not_exported") <-
2556            methods_not_registered_not_exported
2558    class(bad_methods) <- "checkS3methods"
2559    bad_methods
2562format.checkS3methods <-
2563function(x, ...)
2565    format_args <- function(s)
2566        paste0("function(", paste(s, collapse = ", "), ")")
2568    .fmt <- function(entry) {
2569        c(paste0(names(entry)[1L], ":"),
2570          strwrap(format_args(entry[[1L]]), indent = 2L, exdent = 11L),
2571          paste0(names(entry)[2L], ":"),
2572          strwrap(format_args(entry[[2L]]), indent = 2L, exdent = 11L),
2573          "")
2574    }
2576    report_S3_methods_not_registered <-
2577        config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_S3_METHODS_NOT_REGISTERED_",
2578                                         "TRUE"))
2580    c(as.character(unlist(lapply(x, .fmt))),
2581      if(report_S3_methods_not_registered &&
2582         length(methods <- attr(x, "methods_not_registered_but_exported"))) {
2583          c("Found the following apparent S3 methods exported but not registered:",
2584            strwrap(paste(sort(methods), collapse = " "),
2585                    exdent = 2L, indent = 2L))
2586      }
2587      )
2590### * checkReplaceFuns
2592checkReplaceFuns <-
2593function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)
2595    has_namespace <- FALSE
2597    ## Argument handling.
2598    if(!missing(package)) {
2599        if(length(package) != 1L)
2600            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
2601        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
2602        ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ...
2603        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
2604        if(!dir.exists(code_dir))
2605            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code",
2606                          dir),
2607                 domain = NA)
2608        is_base <- basename(dir) == "base"
2610        ## Load package into code_env.
2611        if(!is_base)
2612            .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc)
2613        ## In case the package has a namespace, we really want to check
2614        ## all replacement functions in the package.  (If not, we need
2615        ## to change the code for the non-installed case to only look at
2616        ## exported (replacement) functions.)
2617        if(packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir))) {
2618            has_namespace <- TRUE
2619            code_env <- asNamespace(package)
2620            ns_S3_methods_db <- .getNamespaceInfo(code_env, "S3methods")
2621        }
2622        else
2623            code_env <- .package_env(package)
2624    } else { # missing(package)
2625        if(missing(dir))
2626            stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'")
2627        ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ...
2628        if(!dir.exists(dir))
2629            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir),
2630                 domain = NA)
2631        else
2632            dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
2633        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
2634        if(!dir.exists(code_dir))
2635            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code",
2636                          dir),
2637                 domain = NA)
2638        is_base <- basename(dir) == "base"
2640        code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
2641        dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
2642        meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile))
2643            .read_description(dfile)
2644        else
2645            character()
2646        .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta)
2647        sys_data_file <- file.path(code_dir, "sysdata.rda")
2648        if(file_test("-f", sys_data_file)) load(sys_data_file, code_env)
2650        ## Does the package have a NAMESPACE file?  Note that when
2651        ## working on the sources we (currently?) cannot deal with the
2652        ## (experimental) alternative way of specifying the namespace.
2653        if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE"))) {
2654            has_namespace <- TRUE
2655            nsInfo <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir))
2656            ns_S3_methods_db <- .get_namespace_S3_methods_db(nsInfo)
2657        }
2658    }
2660    objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env))
2661    replace_funs <- character()
2663    if(has_namespace) {
2664        ns_S3_generics <- as.character(ns_S3_methods_db[, 1L])
2665        ns_S3_methods <- ns_S3_methods_db[, 3L]
2666        if(!is.character(ns_S3_methods)) {
2667            ## As of 2018-07, direct calls to registerS3method()
2668            ## could have registered a function object (not name).
2669            ind <- vapply(ns_S3_methods, is.character, NA)
2670            ns_S3_methods[!ind] <- ""
2671            ns_S3_methods <- as.character(ns_S3_methods)
2672        }
2673        ## S3 replacement methods from namespace registration?
2674        replace_funs <- ns_S3_methods[endsWith(ns_S3_generics, "<-")]
2675        ## Now remove the functions registered as S3 methods.
2676        objects_in_code <- setdiff(objects_in_code, ns_S3_methods)
2677    }
2679    replace_funs <-
2680        c(replace_funs, grep("<-", objects_in_code, value = TRUE))
2681    ## Drop %xxx% binops.
2682    ## Spotted by Hugh Parsonage <hugh.parsonage@gmail.com>.
2683    replace_funs <-
2684        replace_funs[!(startsWith(replace_funs, "%") &
2685                       endsWith(replace_funs, "%"))]
2687    .check_last_formal_arg <- function(f) {
2688        arg_names <- names(formals(f))
2689        if(!length(arg_names))
2690            TRUE                        # most likely a .Primitive()
2691        else
2692            identical(arg_names[length(arg_names)], "value")
2693    }
2695    ## Find the replacement functions (which have formal arguments) with
2696    ## last arg not named 'value'.
2697    bad_replace_funs <- if(length(replace_funs)) {
2698        Filter(function(f) {
2699                   ## Always get the functions from code_env ...
2700                   ## Should maybe get S3 methods from the registry ...
2701                   f <- get(f, envir = code_env)  # get is expensive
2702                   is.function(f) && ! .check_last_formal_arg(f)
2703               },
2704               replace_funs)
2705    } else character()
2707    if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) {
2708        S4_generics <- .get_S4_generics(code_env)
2709        ## Assume that the ones with names ending in '<-' are always
2710        ## replacement functions.
2711        S4_generics <- S4_generics[endsWith(names(S4_generics), "<-")]
2712        bad_S4_replace_methods <-
2713            lapply(S4_generics,
2714                   function(f) {
2715                       mlist <- .get_S4_methods_list(f, code_env)
2716                       ind <- !vapply(mlist, .check_last_formal_arg, NA)
2717                       if(!any(ind))
2718                           character()
2719                       else {
2720                           sigs <- .make_siglist(mlist[ind])
2721                           sprintf("\\S4method{%s}{%s}", f, sigs)
2722                       }
2723                   })
2724        bad_replace_funs <-
2725            c(bad_replace_funs,
2726              unlist(bad_S4_replace_methods, use.names = FALSE))
2727    }
2729    class(bad_replace_funs) <- "checkReplaceFuns"
2730    bad_replace_funs
2733format.checkReplaceFuns <-
2734function(x, ...)
2736    if(length(x))
2737        .pretty_format(unclass(x))
2738    else
2739        character()
2742### * checkTnF
2744checkTnF <-
2745function(package, dir, file, lib.loc = NULL)
2747    code_files <- docs_files <- character()
2749    ## Argument handling.
2750    if(!missing(package)) {
2751        if(length(package) != 1L)
2752            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
2753        ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ...
2754        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
2755        if(file.exists(file.path(dir, "R", "all.rda"))) {
2756            warning("cannot check R code installed as image")
2757        }
2758        code_file <- file.path(dir, "R", package)
2759        if(file.exists(code_file))      # could be data-only
2760            code_files <- code_file
2761        example_dir <- file.path(dir, "R-ex")
2762        if(dir.exists(example_dir)) {
2763            code_files <- c(code_files,
2764                            list_files_with_exts(example_dir, "R"))
2765        }
2766    }
2767    else if(!missing(dir)) {
2768        ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ...
2769        if(!dir.exists(dir))
2770            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir),
2771                 domain = NA)
2772        else
2773            dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
2774        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
2775        if(dir.exists(code_dir))   # could be data-only
2776            code_files <- list_files_with_type(code_dir, "code")
2777        docs_dir <- file.path(dir, "man")
2778        if(dir.exists(docs_dir))
2779            docs_files <- list_files_with_type(docs_dir, "docs")
2780    }
2781    else if(!missing(file)) {
2782        if(!file_test("-f", file))
2783            stop(gettextf("file '%s' does not exist", file),
2784                 domain = NA)
2785        else
2786            code_files <- file
2787    }
2788    else
2789        stop("you must specify 'package', 'dir' or 'file'")
2791    find_TnF_in_code <- function(file, txt) {
2792        ## If 'txt' is given, it contains the extracted examples from
2793        ## the R documentation file 'file'.  Otherwise, 'file' gives a
2794        ## file with (just) R code.
2795        matches <- list()
2796        TnF <- c("T", "F")
2797        find_bad_exprs <- function(e, p) {
2798            if(is.name(e)
2799               && (as.character(e) %in% TnF)
2800               && !is.null(p)) {
2801                ## Need the 'list()' to deal with T/F in function
2802                ## arglists which are pairlists ...
2803                matches <<- c(matches, list(p))
2804            }
2805            else if(is.recursive(e)) {
2806                for(i in seq_along(e)) Recall(e[[i]], e)
2807            }
2808        }
2809        exprs <- if(missing(txt))
2810            tryCatch(parse(file = file, n = -1L),
2811                     error = function(e)
2812                     stop(gettextf("parse error in file '%s':\n",
2813                                   file,
2814                                   .massage_file_parse_error_message(conditionMessage(e))),
2815                          domain = NA, call. = FALSE))
2816        else
2817            tryCatch(str2expression(txt),
2818                     error = function(e)
2819                     stop(gettextf("parse error in examples from file '%s':\n",
2820                                   file, conditionMessage(e)),
2821                          domain = NA, call. = FALSE))
2822        for(i in seq_along(exprs))
2823            find_bad_exprs(exprs[[i]], NULL)
2824        matches
2825    }
2827    bad_exprs <- list()
2828    for(file in code_files) {
2829        exprs <- find_TnF_in_code(file)
2830        if(length(exprs)) {
2831            exprs <- list(exprs)
2832            names(exprs) <- file
2833            bad_exprs <- c(bad_exprs, exprs)
2834        }
2835    }
2836    for(file in docs_files) {
2837        Rd <- prepare_Rd(file, defines = .Platform$OS.type)
2838        txt <- .Rd_get_example_code(Rd)
2839        exprs <- find_TnF_in_code(file, txt)
2840        if(length(exprs)) {
2841            exprs <- list(exprs)
2842            names(exprs) <- file
2843            bad_exprs <- c(bad_exprs, exprs)
2844        }
2845    }
2846    class(bad_exprs) <- "checkTnF"
2847    bad_exprs
2850format.checkTnF <-
2851function(x, ...)
2853    .fmt <- function(fname) {
2854        xfname <- x[[fname]]
2855        c(gettextf("File '%s':", fname),
2856          unlist(lapply(seq_along(xfname),
2857                        function(i) {
2858                            strwrap(gettextf("found T/F in %s",
2859                                             paste(deparse(xfname[[i]]),
2860                                                   collapse = "")),
2861                                    exdent = 4L)
2862                        })),
2863          "")
2864    }
2866    as.character(unlist(lapply(names(x), .fmt)))
2869### * .check_package_depends
2871## changed in 2.3.0 to refer to a source dir.
2873.check_package_depends <-
2874function(dir, force_suggests = TRUE, check_incoming = FALSE,
2875         ignore_vignettes = FALSE)
2877    .check_dependency_cycles <-
2878        function(db, available = utils::available.packages(),
2879                 dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"))
2880        {
2881            ## given a package, find its recursive dependencies.
2882            ## We want the dependencies of the current package,
2883            ## not of a version on the repository.
2884##            pkg <- db[["Package"]]
2885            this <- db[dependencies]; names(this) <- dependencies
2886            ## FIXME: .extract_dependency_package_names
2887            known <- utils:::.clean_up_dependencies(this)
2888            info <- available[, dependencies, drop = FALSE]
2889            rn <- rownames(info)
2890            deps <- function(p) {
2891                if(p %notin% rn) return(character())
2892                ## FIXME: .extract_dependency_package_names
2893                utils:::.clean_up_dependencies(info[p, ])
2894            }
2895            extra <- known
2896            repeat {
2897                extra <- unlist(lapply(extra, deps))
2898                extra <- setdiff(extra, known)
2899                if(!length(extra)) break
2900                known <- c(known, extra)
2901            }
2902            known
2903        }
2905    if(length(dir) != 1L)
2906        stop("The package 'dir' argument must be of length 1")
2908    ## We definitely need a valid DESCRIPTION file.
2909    db <- .read_description(file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION"))
2911    dir_name <- basename(dir)
2912    package_name <- db["Package"]
2913    if(!identical(package_name, dir_name) &&
2914       (!is.character(package_name) || !nzchar(package_name))) {
2915	message(sprintf(
2916            "package name '%s' seems invalid; using directory name '%s' instead",
2917            package_name, dir_name))
2918	package_name <- dir_name
2919    }
2921    bad_depends <- list()
2922    ## and we cannot have cycles
2923    ## this check needs a package db from repository(s), so
2924    repos <- getOption("repos")
2925    if(any(grepl("@CRAN@", repos)))
2926        repos <- .get_standard_repository_URLs()
2927    if(!any(grepl("@CRAN@", repos))) {
2928        ## Not getting here should no longer be possble ...
2929        available <- utils::available.packages(repos = repos)
2930        ad <- .check_dependency_cycles(db, available)
2931        pkgname <- db[["Package"]]
2932        if(pkgname %in% ad)
2933            bad_depends$all_depends <- setdiff(ad, pkgname)
2934    } else if (check_incoming)
2935        bad_depends$skipped <-
2936            "  No repository set, so cyclic dependency check skipped"
2938    ldepends <-  .get_requires_with_version_from_package_db(db, "Depends")
2939    limports <-  .get_requires_with_version_from_package_db(db, "Imports")
2940    llinks <-  .get_requires_with_version_from_package_db(db, "LinkingTo")
2941    lsuggests <- .get_requires_with_version_from_package_db(db, "Suggests")
2942    ## NB: no one checks version for 'Enhances'.
2943    lenhances <- .get_requires_with_version_from_package_db(db, "Enhances")
2944    ## VignetteBuilder packages are needed to ascertain what is a vignette.
2945    VB <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "VignetteBuilder")
2947    ## FIXME: use vapply to get a character vector.
2948    depends <- sapply(ldepends, `[[`, 1L)
2949    imports <- sapply(limports, `[[`, 1L)
2950    links <- sapply(llinks, `[[`, 1L)
2951    suggests <- sapply(lsuggests, `[[`, 1L)
2953    standard_package_names <- .get_standard_package_names()
2955    ## Are all packages listed in Depends/Suggests/Imports/LinkingTo installed?
2956    lreqs <- c(ldepends, limports, llinks,
2957               if(force_suggests) lsuggests)
2958    lreqs2 <- c(if(!force_suggests) lsuggests, lenhances)
2959    if(length(c(lreqs, lreqs2))) {
2960        ## Do this directly for speed.
2961        installed <- character()
2962        installed_in <- character()
2963        for(lib in .libPaths()) {
2964            pkgs <- list.files(lib)
2965            pkgs <- pkgs[file.access(file.path(lib, pkgs, "DESCRIPTION"), 4) == 0]
2966            installed <- c(installed, pkgs)
2967            installed_in <- c(installed_in, rep.int(lib, length(pkgs)))
2968        }
2969        if (length(lreqs)) {
2970            reqs <- unique(sapply(lreqs, `[[`, 1L))
2971            reqs <- setdiff(reqs, installed)
2972            m <- reqs %in% standard_package_names$stubs
2973            if(length(reqs[!m])) {
2974                bad <- reqs[!m]
2975                ## EDanalysis has a package in all of Depends, Imports, Suggests.
2976                bad1 <-  bad[bad %in% c(depends, imports, links)]
2977                if(length(bad1))
2978                    bad_depends$required_but_not_installed <- bad1
2979                bad2 <-  setdiff(bad, bad1)
2980                if(length(bad2))
2981                    bad_depends$suggested_but_not_installed <- bad2
2982            }
2983            if(length(reqs[m]))
2984                bad_depends$required_but_stub <- reqs[m]
2985            ## now check versions
2986            have_ver <- vapply(lreqs, function(x) length(x) == 3L, NA)
2987            lreqs3 <- lreqs[have_ver]
2988            if(length(lreqs3)) {
2989                bad <- character()
2990                for (r in lreqs3) {
2991                    pkg <- r[[1L]]
2992                    op <- r[[2L]]
2993                    where <- which(installed == pkg)
2994                    if(!length(where)) next
2995                    ## want the first one
2996                    desc <- readRDS(file.path(installed_in[where[1L]], pkg,
2997                                              "Meta", "package.rds"))
2998                    current <- desc$DESCRIPTION["Version"]
2999                    target <- as.package_version(r[[3L]])
3000                    if(!do.call(op, list(current, target)))
3001                        bad <- c(bad, pkg)
3002                }
3003                if(length(bad))
3004                    bad_depends$required_but_obsolete <- bad
3005            }
3006        }
3007        if (length(lenhances) &&
3008            !config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_DEPENDS_IGNORE_MISSING_ENHANCES_",
3009                                             "FALSE"))) {
3010            m <- setdiff(sapply(lenhances, `[[`, 1L), installed)
3011            if(length(m))
3012                bad_depends$enhances_but_not_installed <- m
3013        }
3014        if (!force_suggests && length(lsuggests)) {
3015            m <- setdiff(sapply(lsuggests, `[[`, 1L), installed)
3016            if(length(m))
3017                bad_depends$suggests_but_not_installed <- m
3018        }
3019        if (!ignore_vignettes && length(VB)) {
3020            ## These need both to be declared and installed
3021            ## If people explicitly state 'utils' they ought really to
3022            ## declare it, but skip for now.
3023            bad <- VB %w/o% c(package_name, "utils", depends, imports, suggests)
3024            if(length(bad))
3025                bad_depends$required_for_checking_but_not_declared <- bad
3026            bad2 <- VB %w/o% c(package_name, installed)
3027            bad2 <- setdiff(bad2, bad)
3028            if(length(bad2))
3029                bad_depends$required_for_checking_but_not_installed <- bad2
3030        }
3031    }
3032    ## FIXME: is this still needed now we do dependency analysis?
3033    ## Are all vignette dependencies at least suggested or equal to
3034    ## the package name?
3036    ## This is a check for old-location vignettes.
3037    ## If the package itself is the VignetteBuilder,
3038    ## we may not have installed it yet.
3039    defer <- package_name %in%  db["VignetteBuilder"]
3040    vigns <- pkgVignettes(dir = dir, subdirs = file.path("inst", "doc"),
3041                          check = !defer)
3043    if(length(vigns$msg))
3044        bad_depends$bad_engine <- vigns$msg
3045    if (!is.null(vigns) && length(vigns$docs) > 0L) {
3046        reqs <- unique(unlist(.build_vignette_index(vigns)$Depends))
3047        ## For the time being, ignore base packages missing from the
3048        ## DESCRIPTION dependencies even if explicitly given as vignette
3049        ## dependencies.
3050        reqs <- setdiff(reqs,
3051                        c(depends, imports, suggests, package_name,
3052                          standard_package_names$base))
3053        if(length(reqs))
3054            bad_depends$missing_vignette_depends <- reqs
3055    }
3057    ## Are all namespace dependencies listed as package dependencies?
3058    if(file_test("-f", file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE"))) {
3059        reqs <- .get_namespace_package_depends(dir)
3060        ## <FIXME>
3061        ## Not clear whether we want to require *all* namespace package
3062        ## dependencies listed in DESCRIPTION, or e.g. just the ones on
3063        ## non-base packages.  Do the latter for time being ...
3064        ## Actually we need to know at least about S4-using packages,
3065        ## since we need to reinstall if those change.
3066        allowed_imports <-
3067            setdiff(standard_package_names$base, c("methods", "stats4"))
3068        reqs <- setdiff(reqs, c(imports, depends, allowed_imports))
3069        if(length(reqs))
3070            bad_depends$missing_namespace_depends <- reqs
3071    }
3073    ## Check for excessive 'Depends'
3074    deps <- setdiff(depends, c("R", "base", "datasets", "grDevices",
3075                               "graphics", "methods", "utils", "stats"))
3076    if(length(deps) > 5L) bad_depends$many_depends <- deps
3078    ## and Imports
3079    lim <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_EXCESSIVE_IMPORTS_", "0"))
3080    imps <- setdiff(imports, standard_package_names$base)
3081    if(!is.na(lim) && lim > 0 && length(imps) > lim)
3082        bad_depends$many_imports <- imps
3084    ## check header-only packages
3085    if (check_incoming) {
3086        hdOnly <- c("BH", "RcppArmadillo", "RcppEigen")
3087        hd <- setdiff(intersect(hdOnly, c(depends, imports)),
3088                      .get_namespace_package_depends(dir, TRUE))
3089        if(length(hd)) bad_depends$hdOnly <- hd
3090    }
3092    ## Check RdMacros.
3093    RM <- setdiff(.get_requires_from_package_db(db, "RdMacros"),
3094                  c(imports, depends))
3095    if(length(RM)) bad_depends$missing_rdmacros_depends <- RM
3097    ## (added in 4.0.0) Check for orphaned packages.
3098    if (config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_ORPHANED_", "FALSE"))) {
3099        ## empty fields are list().
3100        strict <- setdiff(unique(c(as.character(depends),
3101                                   as.character(imports),
3102                                   as.character(links))),
3103                           bad_depends$required_but_not_installed)
3105        ## (4.1.0) This needs to be recursive, since a package
3106        ## strictly depends on everything required to load it.
3107        ## All of those should be installed, so we only look at those which are.
3108        ## We include LinkingTo as if a dependency links to an
3109        ## orphaned package, it becomes uninstallable if the linked-to
3110        ## package is, or if it is removed.
3111        dependencies <- .expand_dependency_type_spec("strong")
3112        av <- utils::installed.packages()[, dependencies, drop = FALSE]
3113        rn <- row.names(av)
3114        new <- strict0 <- strict
3115        ex <- "bit" # since an update is promised.
3116        repeat {
3117            new <- intersect(new, rn) # avoid NAs in the next line
3118            need <- unname(unlist(apply(av[new, , drop = FALSE], 1L,
3119                                        utils:::.clean_up_dependencies)))
3120            new <- setdiff(need, c(strict, ex))
3121            if(!length(new)) break
3122            strict <- union(strict, new)
3123        }
3125        ## First use dependencies which are installed: strict dependencies
3126        ## need to be for a full check.
3127        ## Suggests might not even exist, so we suppress warnings.
3128        mt <- utils::maintainer
3129        strict2 <- sapply(strict, function(x) suppressWarnings(mt(x)))
3130        miss1 <- is.na(strict2)
3131        weak <- setdiff(as.character(suggests),
3132                        bad_depends$suggested_but_not_installed)
3133        weak2 <- sapply(weak, function(x) suppressWarnings(mt(x)))
3134        miss2 <- is.na(weak2)
3135        if (any(miss1) || any(miss2)) {
3136            ## This may not be local and needs a complete CRAN mirror
3137            db <- CRAN_package_db()[, c("Package", "Maintainer")]
3138            orphaned <- db[db$Maintainer == "ORPHANED" , 1L]
3139            s2 <- intersect(strict[miss1], orphaned)
3140            w2 <- intersect(weak[miss2], orphaned)
3141        } else s2 <- w2 <- character()
3142        strict <- c(strict[!miss1 & strict2 == "ORPHANED"], s2)
3143        if(length(strict)) {
3144            strict0 <- sort(intersect(strict, strict0))
3145            strict1 <- sort(setdiff(strict, strict0))
3146            if(length(strict0)) bad_depends$orphaned <- strict0
3147            if(length(strict1)) bad_depends$orphaned1 <- strict1
3148        }
3149        weak <- c(weak[!miss2 & weak2 == "ORPHANED"], w2)
3150        if(length(weak)) bad_depends$orphaned2 <- sort(weak)
3151    }
3153    class(bad_depends) <- "check_package_depends"
3154    bad_depends
3157format.check_package_depends <-
3158function(x, ...)
3160    c(character(),
3161      if(length(x$skipped)) c(x$skipped, ""),
3162      if(length(x$all_depends)) {
3163          c("There is circular dependency in the installation order:",
3164            .pretty_format2("  One or more packages in", x$all_depends),
3165            "  depend on this package (for the versions on the repositories).",
3166            "")
3167      },
3168      if(length(bad <- x$required_but_not_installed) > 1L) {
3169          c(.pretty_format2("Packages required but not available:", bad), "")
3170      } else if(length(bad)) {
3171          c(sprintf("Package required but not available: %s", sQuote(bad)), "")
3172      },
3173      if(length(bad <- x$suggested_but_not_installed) > 1L) {
3174          c(.pretty_format2("Packages suggested but not available:", bad), "")
3175      } else if(length(bad)) {
3176          c(sprintf("Package suggested but not available: %s", sQuote(bad)), "")
3177      },
3178      if(length(bad <- x$required_but_obsolete) > 1L) {
3179          c(.pretty_format2("Packages required and available but unsuitable versions:",
3180                            bad),
3181            "")
3182      } else if(length(bad)) {
3183          c(sprintf("Package required and available but unsuitable version: %s", sQuote(bad)),
3184            "")
3185      },
3186      if(length(bad <- x$required_but_stub) > 1L) {
3187          c("Former standard packages required but now defunct:",
3188            .pretty_format(bad),
3189            "")
3190      } else if(length(bad)) {
3191          c(sprintf("Former standard package required but now defunct: %s",
3192                    sQuote(bad)), "")
3193      },
3194      if(length(bad <- x$suggests_but_not_installed) > 1L) {
3195          c(.pretty_format2("Packages suggested but not available for checking:",
3196                            bad),
3197            "")
3198      } else if(length(bad)) {
3199          c(sprintf("Package suggested but not available for checking: %s",
3200                     sQuote(bad)),
3201            "")
3202      },
3203      if(length(bad <- x$enhances_but_not_installed) > 1L) {
3204          c(.pretty_format2("Packages which this enhances but not available for checking:",
3205                            bad),
3206            "")
3207      } else if(length(bad)) {
3208          c(sprintf("Package which this enhances but not available for checking: %s", sQuote(bad)),
3209            "")
3210      },
3211      if(length(bad <- x$required_for_checking_but_not_declared) > 1L) {
3212          c(.pretty_format2("VignetteBuilder packages not declared:", bad), "")
3213      } else if(length(bad)) {
3214          c(sprintf("VignetteBuilder package not declared: %s", sQuote(bad)), "")
3215      },
3216      if(length(bad <- x$required_for_checking_but_not_installed) > 1L) {
3217          c(.pretty_format2("VignetteBuilder packages required for checking but not installed:", bad), "")
3218      } else if(length(bad)) {
3219          c(sprintf("VignetteBuilder package required for checking but not installed: %s", sQuote(bad)), "")
3220      },
3221      if(length(bad <- x$missing_vignette_depends)) {
3222          c(if(length(bad) > 1L) {
3223                c("Vignette dependencies not required:", .pretty_format(bad))
3224            } else {
3225                sprintf("Vignette dependency not required: %s", sQuote(bad))
3226            },
3227            strwrap(gettextf("Vignette dependencies (%s entries) must be contained in the DESCRIPTION Depends/Suggests/Imports entries.",
3228                             "\\VignetteDepends{}")),
3229            "")
3230      },
3231      if(length(bad <- x$missing_rdmacros_depends)) {
3232          c(if(length(bad) > 1L)
3233                .pretty_format2("RdMacros packages not required:", bad)
3234            else
3235                sprintf("RdMacros package not required: %s", sQuote(bad)),
3236            strwrap("RdMacros packages must be contained in the DESCRIPTION Imports/Depends entries."),
3237            "")
3238      },
3239      if(length(bad <- x$missing_namespace_depends)) {
3240          error_str <- "missing from DESCRIPTION Imports/Depends entries:"
3241          c(if(length(bad) > 1L)
3242                .pretty_format2(paste("Namespace dependencies", error_str), bad)
3243            else
3244                sprintf("Namespace dependency %s %s", error_str, sQuote(bad)),
3245          "")
3246      },
3247      if(length(y <- x$many_depends)) {
3248          c(.pretty_format2("Depends: includes the non-default packages:", y),
3249            strwrap(paste("Adding so many packages to the search path",
3250                          "is excessive",
3251                          "and importing selectively is preferable."
3252                          , collapse = ", ")),
3253            "")
3254      },
3255      if(ly <- length(x$many_imports)) {
3256          c(sprintf("Imports includes %d non-default packages.", ly),
3257            strwrap(paste("Importing from so many packages",
3258                          "makes the package vulnerable to any of them",
3259                          "becoming unavailable.  Move as many as possible to",
3260                          "Suggests and use conditionally."
3261                          , collapse = ", ")),
3262            "")
3263      },
3264      if(length(y <- x$bad_engine)) {
3265          c(y, "")
3266      },
3267      if(length(bad <- x$hdOnly)) {
3268          c(if(length(bad) > 1L)
3269            c("Packages in Depends/Imports which should probably only be in LinkingTo:", .pretty_format(bad))
3270          else
3271            sprintf("Package in Depends/Imports which should probably only be in LinkingTo: %s", sQuote(bad)),
3272            "")
3273      },
3274      if(length(bad <- x[["orphaned"]])) {
3275          c(if(length(bad) > 1L)
3276            c("Requires orphaned packages:", .pretty_format(bad))
3277          else
3278            sprintf("Requires orphaned package: %s", sQuote(bad)),
3279          "")
3280      },
3281      if(length(bad <- x[["orphaned1"]])) {
3282          c(if(length(bad) > 1L)
3283            c("Requires (indirectly) orphaned packages:", .pretty_format(bad))
3284          else
3285            sprintf("Requires (indirectly) orphaned package: %s", sQuote(bad)),
3286            "")
3287      },
3288      if(length(bad <- x[["orphaned2"]])) {
3289          c(if(length(bad) > 1L)
3290            c("Suggests orphaned packages:", .pretty_format(bad))
3291          else
3292            sprintf("Suggests orphaned package: %s", sQuote(bad)),
3293            "")
3294      }
3295      )
3298### * .check_package_description
3300.check_package_description <-
3301function(dfile, strict = FALSE, db = NULL)
3303    if(is.null(db)) {
3304        dfile <- file_path_as_absolute(dfile)
3305        db <- .read_description(dfile)
3306    }
3308    standard_package_names <- .get_standard_package_names()
3310    valid_package_name_regexp <-
3311        .standard_regexps()$valid_package_name
3312    valid_package_version_regexp <-
3313        .standard_regexps()$valid_package_version
3315    is_base_package <-
3316        !is.na(priority <- db["Priority"]) && priority == "base"
3318    out <- list()                       # For the time being ...
3320    ## Check encoding-related things first.
3322    ## All field tags must be ASCII.
3323    if(any(ind <- !.is_ASCII(names(db))))
3324        out$fields_with_non_ASCII_tags <- names(db)[ind]
3325    ## For all fields used by the R package management system, values
3326    ## must be ASCII as well (so that the RPM works in a C locale).
3327    ASCII_fields <- c(.get_standard_repository_db_fields(),
3328                      "Encoding", "License")
3329    ASCII_fields <- intersect(ASCII_fields, names(db))
3330    if(any(ind <- !.is_ASCII(db[ASCII_fields])))
3331        out$fields_with_non_ASCII_values <- ASCII_fields[ind]
3333    ## Determine encoding and re-encode if necessary and possible.
3334    if("Encoding" %in% names(db)) {
3335        encoding <- db["Encoding"]
3336        if(Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %notin% c("C", "POSIX"))
3337            db <- iconv(db, encoding, sub = "byte")
3338    }
3339    else if(!all(.is_ISO_8859(db))) {
3340        ## No valid Encoding metadata.
3341        ## Determine whether we can assume Latin1.
3342        out$missing_encoding <- TRUE
3343    }
3345    if(anyNA(nchar(db, "c", TRUE))) {
3346        ## Ouch, invalid in the current locale.
3347        ## (Can only happen in a MBCS locale.)
3348        ## Try re-encoding from Latin1.
3349        db <- iconv(db, "latin1")
3350    }
3352    ## Check Authors@R and expansion if needed.
3353    if(!is.na(aar <- db["Authors@R"]) &&
3354       (is.na(db["Author"]) || is.na(db["Maintainer"]))) {
3355        res <- .check_package_description_authors_at_R_field(aar)
3356        if(is.na(db["Author"]) &&
3357           !is.null(s <- attr(res, "Author")))
3358            db["Author"] <- s
3359        if(is.na(db["Maintainer"]) &&
3360           !is.null(s <- attr(res, "Maintainer")))
3361            db["Maintainer"] <- s
3362        mostattributes(res) <- NULL     # Keep names.
3363        out <- c(out, res)
3364    }
3366    val <- package_name <- db["Package"]
3367    if(!is.na(val)) {
3368        tmp <- character()
3369        ## We allow 'R', which is not a valid package name.
3370        if(!grepl(sprintf("^(R|%s)$", valid_package_name_regexp), val))
3371            tmp <- c(tmp, gettext("Malformed package name"))
3372        if(!is_base_package) {
3373            if(val %in% standard_package_names$base)
3374                tmp <- c(tmp,
3375                         c("Invalid package name.",
3376                           "This is the name of a base package."))
3377            else if(val %in% standard_package_names$stubs)
3378                tmp <- c(tmp,
3379                         c("Invalid package name.",
3380                           "This name was used for a base package and is remapped by library()."))
3381        }
3382        if(length(tmp))
3383            out$bad_package <- tmp
3384    }
3385    if(!is.na(val <- db["Version"])
3386       && !is_base_package
3387       && !grepl(sprintf("^%s$", valid_package_version_regexp), val))
3388        out$bad_version <- val
3389    if(!is.na(val <- db["Maintainer"])
3390       && !grepl(.valid_maintainer_field_regexp, val))
3391        out$bad_maintainer <- val
3393    ## Optional entries in DESCRIPTION:
3394    ##   Depends/Suggests/Imports/Enhances, Namespace, Priority.
3395    ## These must be correct if present.
3397    val <- db[match(c("Depends", "Suggests", "Imports", "Enhances"),
3398                    names(db), nomatch = 0L)]
3399    if(length(val)) {
3400        depends <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(val, ",")))
3401        bad_dep_entry <- bad_dep_op <- bad_dep_version <- character()
3402        dep_regexp <-
3403            paste0("^[[:space:]]*",
3404                   paste0("(R|", valid_package_name_regexp, ")"),
3405                   "([[:space:]]*\\(([^) ]+)[[:space:]]+([^) ]+)\\))?",
3406                   "[[:space:]]*$")
3407        for(dep in depends) {
3408            if(!grepl(dep_regexp, dep)) {
3409                ## Entry does not match the regexp.
3410                bad_dep_entry <- c(bad_dep_entry, dep)
3411                next
3412            }
3413            if(nzchar(sub(dep_regexp, "\\2", dep))) {
3414                ## If not just a valid package name ...
3415                if(sub(dep_regexp, "\\3", dep) %notin%
3416                   c("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "==", "!="))
3417                    bad_dep_op <- c(bad_dep_op, dep)
3418                else if(grepl("^[[:space:]]*R", dep)) {
3419                    if(!grepl(sprintf("^(r[0-9]+|%s)$",
3420                                      valid_package_version_regexp),
3421                              sub(dep_regexp, "\\4", dep)))
3422                    bad_dep_version <- c(bad_dep_version, dep)
3423                } else if(!grepl(sprintf("^%s$",
3424                                         valid_package_version_regexp),
3425                                 sub(dep_regexp, "\\4", dep)))
3426                    bad_dep_version <- c(bad_dep_version, dep)
3427            }
3428        }
3429        if(length(c(bad_dep_entry, bad_dep_op, bad_dep_version)))
3430            out$bad_depends_or_suggests_or_imports <-
3431                list(bad_dep_entry = bad_dep_entry,
3432                     bad_dep_op = bad_dep_op,
3433                     bad_dep_version = bad_dep_version)
3434    }
3435    if(strict && !is.na(val <- db["VignetteBuilder"])) {
3436        depends <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(val, ",")))
3437        if(length(depends) < 1L || !all(grepl("^[[:alnum:].]*$", depends)))
3438            out$bad_vignettebuilder <- TRUE
3439    }
3440    if(!is.na(val <- db["Priority"])
3441       && !is.na(package_name)
3442       && (tolower(val) %in% c("base", "recommended", "defunct-base"))
3443       && (package_name %notin% unlist(standard_package_names)))
3444        out$bad_priority <- val
3446    ## Minimal check (so far) of Title and Description.
3447    if(strict && !is.na(val <- db["Title"])
3448       && endsWith(val, ".")
3449       && !grepl("[[:space:]][.][.][.]|et[[:space:]]al[.]", trimws(val)))
3450        out$bad_Title <- TRUE
3451    ## some people put punctuation inside quotes, some outside.
3452    if(strict && !is.na(val <- db["Description"])
3453       && !grepl("[.!?]['\")]?$", trimws(val)))
3454        out$bad_Description <- TRUE
3456    class(out) <- "check_package_description"
3457    out
3460format.check_package_description <-
3461function(x, ...)
3463    fmt <- function(x) {
3464        if(length(x)) paste(x, collapse = "\n") else character()
3465    }
3467    ## <FIXME>
3468    ## Currently, check_meta() will give an error unless all output
3469    ## matches "^Malformed (Title|Description)", so for now need to
3470    ## avoid the pointer to R-exts in these cases.
3471    xx <- x; xx$bad_Title <- xx$bad_Description <- NULL
3472    ## </FIXME>
3474    c(character(),
3475      if(length(x$missing_encoding))
3476          gettext("Unknown encoding"),
3477      if(length(y <- x$fields_with_non_ASCII_tags))
3478          paste(c(gettext("Fields with non-ASCII tags:"),
3479                  .strwrap22(y),
3480                  gettext("All field tags must be ASCII.")),
3481                collapse = "\n"),
3482      if(length(y <- x$fields_with_non_ASCII_values))
3483          paste(c(gettext("Fields with non-ASCII values:"),
3484                  .strwrap22(y),
3485                  gettext("These fields must have ASCII values.")),
3486                collapse = "\n"),
3487      fmt(.format_check_package_description_authors_at_R_field_results(x)),
3488      ## if(length(y <- x$missing_required_fields))
3489      ##     paste(c(gettext("Required fields missing or empty:"),
3490      ##             .strwrap22(y)),
3491      ##           collapse = "\n"),
3492      if(length(x$bad_package))
3493          paste(x$bad_package, collapse = "\n"),
3494      if(length(x$bad_version))
3495          gettext("Malformed package version."),
3496      if(length(x$bad_maintainer))
3497          gettext("Malformed maintainer field."),
3498      if(any(as.integer(lengths(x$bad_depends_or_suggests_or_imports)) > 0L )) {
3499          bad <- x$bad_depends_or_suggests_or_imports
3500          paste(c(gettext("Malformed Depends or Suggests or Imports or Enhances field."),
3501                  if(length(y <- bad$bad_dep_entry))
3502                      c(gettext("Offending entries:"),
3503                        paste0("  ", y),
3504                        strwrap(gettextf("Entries must be names of packages optionally followed by '<=' or '>=', white space, and a valid version number in parentheses."))),
3505                  if(length(y <- bad$bad_dep_op))
3506                      c(gettext("Entries with infeasible comparison operator:"),
3507                        paste0("  ", y),
3508                        strwrap(gettextf("Only operators '<=' and '>=' are possible."))),
3509                  if(length(y <- bad$bad_dep_version))
3510                      c(gettext("Entries with infeasible version number:"),
3511                        paste0("  ", y),
3512                        strwrap(gettextf("Version numbers must be sequences of at least two non-negative integers, separated by single '.' or '-'.")))),
3513                collapse = "\n")
3514      },
3515      if(isTRUE(x$bad_vignettebuilder))
3516          paste(c(gettext("Invalid VignetteBuilder field."),
3517                  strwrap(gettextf("This field must contain one or more packages (and no version requirement)."))),
3518                collapse = "\n"),
3519      if(length(x$bad_priority))
3520          paste(c(gettext("Invalid Priority field."),
3521                  strwrap(gettextf("Packages with priorities 'base' or 'recommended' or 'defunct-base' must already be known to R."))),
3522                collapse = "\n"),
3523      fmt(c(if(isTRUE(x$bad_Title))
3524                gettext("Malformed Title field: should not end in a period."),
3525            if(isTRUE(x$bad_Description))
3526                gettext("Malformed Description field: should contain one or more complete sentences."))),
3527      if(any(as.integer(lengths(xx)) > 0L))
3528          paste(c(strwrap(gettext("See section 'The DESCRIPTION file' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual."))),
3529                collapse = "\n"))
3532print.check_package_description <-
3533function(x, ...)
3535    if(length(y <- format(x, ...)))
3536        writeLines(paste(y, collapse = "\n\n"))
3537    invisible(x)
3541### * .check_package_description2
3543.check_package_description2 <-
3546    dfile <- file_path_as_absolute(dfile)
3547    db <- .read_description(dfile)
3548    depends <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Depends")
3549    imports <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Imports")
3550    suggests <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Suggests")
3551    enhances <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Enhances")
3552    allpkgs <- c(depends, imports, suggests, enhances)
3553    out <- unique(allpkgs[duplicated(allpkgs)])
3554    links <- missing_incs <- character()
3555    llinks <-  .get_requires_with_version_from_package_db(db, "LinkingTo")
3556    have_src <- TRUE # dummy
3557    if(length(llinks)) {
3558        ## This is pointless unless there is compilable code
3559        have_src <- dir.exists(file.path(dirname(dfile), "src"))
3561        ## See if this is installable under 3.0.1:
3562        ## if so check for versioned specs
3563        deps <- .split_description(db, verbose = TRUE)$Rdepends2
3564        status <- 0L
3565        current <- as.numeric_version("3.0.1")
3566        for(depends in deps) {
3567            if(depends$op %notin% c("<=", ">=", "<", ">", "==", "!=")) next
3568            status <- if(inherits(depends$version, "numeric_version"))
3569                !do.call(depends$op, list(current, depends$version))
3570            else {
3571                ver <- R.version
3572                if (ver$status %in% c("", "Patched")) FALSE
3573                else !do.call(depends$op,
3574                              list(ver[["svn rev"]],
3575                                   as.numeric(sub("^r", "", depends$version))))
3576            }
3577        }
3578        if(!status) {
3579            llinks <- llinks[lengths(llinks) > 1L]
3580            if(length(llinks)) links <- sapply(llinks, `[[`, 1L)
3581        }
3582        ## and check if we can actually link to these.
3583        llinks <-  .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "LinkingTo")
3584        incs <- lapply(llinks, function(x) system.file("include", package = x))
3585        missing_incs <- as.vector(llinks[!nzchar(incs)])
3586    }
3587    out <- list(duplicates = unique(allpkgs[duplicated(allpkgs)]),
3588                bad_links = links, missing_incs = missing_incs,
3589                have_src = have_src)
3590    class(out) <- "check_package_description2"
3591    out
3594format.check_package_description2 <- function(x, ...)
3596    c(if(length(xx <- x$duplicates)) {
3597        c(if(length(xx) > 1L)
3598          "Packages listed in more than one of Depends, Imports, Suggests, Enhances:"
3599        else
3600          "Package listed in more than one of Depends, Imports, Suggests, Enhances:",
3601          paste(c(" ", sQuote(xx)), collapse = " "),
3602          "A package should be listed in only one of these fields.")
3603    },
3604      if(!x$have_src) "'LinkingTo' field is unused: package has no 'src' directory",
3605      if(length(xx <- x$bad_links)) {
3606          if(length(xx) > 1L)
3607              c("Versioned 'LinkingTo' values for",
3608                paste(c(" ", sQuote(xx)), collapse = " "),
3609                "are only usable in R >= 3.0.2")
3610          else
3611              sprintf("Versioned 'LinkingTo' value for %s is only usable in R >= 3.0.2",
3612                      sQuote(xx))
3613      },
3614      if(x$have_src && length(xx <- x$missing_incs)) {
3615          if(length(xx) > 1L)
3616              c("'LinkingTo' for",
3617                paste(c(" ", sQuote(xx)), collapse = " "),
3618                "are unused as they have no 'include' directory")
3619          else
3620              sprintf("'LinkingTo' for %s is unused as it has no 'include' directory", sQuote(xx))
3621      })
3624.check_package_description_authors_at_R_field <-
3625function(aar, strict = FALSE)
3627    out <- list()
3628    if(is.na(aar)) return(out)
3629    aar <- tryCatch(utils:::.read_authors_at_R_field(aar),
3630                    error = identity)
3631    if(inherits(aar, "error")) {
3632        out$bad_authors_at_R_field <- conditionMessage(aar)
3633    } else {
3634        ## Check whether we can expand to something non-empty.
3635        s <- tryCatch(utils:::.format_authors_at_R_field_for_author(aar),
3636                      error = identity)
3637        if(inherits(s, "error")) {
3638            out$bad_authors_at_R_field_for_author <-
3639                conditionMessage(s)
3640        } else {
3641            if(s == "")
3642                out$bad_authors_at_R_field_has_no_author <- TRUE
3643            else {
3644                attr(out, "Author") <- s
3645                if(strict >= 1L) {
3646                    has_no_name <-
3647                        vapply(aar,
3648                               function(e)
3649                               is.null(e$given) && is.null(e$family),
3650                               NA)
3651                    if(any(has_no_name)) {
3652                        out$bad_authors_at_R_field_has_persons_with_no_name <-
3653                            format(aar[has_no_name])
3654                    }
3655                    has_no_role <-
3656                        vapply(aar,
3657                               function(e) is.null(e$role),
3658                               NA)
3659                    if(any(has_no_role)) {
3660                        out$bad_authors_at_R_field_has_persons_with_no_role <-
3661                            format(aar[has_no_role])
3662                    }
3663                }
3664                if(strict >= 2L) {
3665                    if(all(has_no_name |
3666                           vapply(aar, function(e) "aut" %notin% e$role, NA)))
3667                        out$bad_authors_at_R_field_has_no_author_roles <- TRUE
3668                    has_bad_ORCID_identifiers <-
3669                        vapply(aar,
3670                               function(e) {
3671                                   e <- e$comment
3672                                   e <- e[names(e) == "ORCID"]
3673                                   any(!grepl(.ORCID_iD_variants_regexp,
3674                                              e))
3675                               },
3676                               NA)
3677                    if(any(has_bad_ORCID_identifiers))
3678                        out$bad_authors_at_R_field_has_persons_with_bad_ORCID_identifiers <-
3679                            format(aar[has_bad_ORCID_identifiers])
3680                }
3681                if(strict >= 3L) {
3682                    non_standard_roles <-
3683                        lapply(aar$role, setdiff,
3684                               utils:::MARC_relator_db_codes_used_with_R)
3685                    ind <- lengths(non_standard_roles) > 0L
3686                    if(any(ind)) {
3687                        out$authors_at_R_field_has_persons_with_nonstandard_roles <-
3688                            sprintf("%s: %s",
3689                                    format(aar[ind]),
3690                                    vapply(non_standard_roles[ind], paste,
3691                                           collapse = ", ",
3692                                           FUN.VALUE = ""))
3693                    }
3694                }
3695            }
3696        }
3697        s <- tryCatch(utils:::.format_authors_at_R_field_for_maintainer(aar),
3698                      error = identity)
3699        if(inherits(s, "error")) {
3700            out$bad_authors_at_R_field_for_maintainer <-
3701                conditionMessage(s)
3702        } else {
3703            ## R-exts says
3704            ##   The mandatory 'Maintainer' field should give a _single_
3705            ##   name followed by a _valid_ (RFC 2822) email address in
3706            ##   angle brackets.
3707            ## Hence complain when Authors@R
3708            ## * has more than one person with a cre role
3709            ## * has no person with a cre role, "valid" email address
3710            ##   and a non-empty name.
3711            bad <- FALSE
3712            p <- Filter(function(e) "cre" %in% e$role,
3713                        aar)
3714            if(length(p) > 1L) {
3715                bad <- TRUE
3716                out$bad_authors_at_R_field_too_many_maintainers <-
3717                    format(p)
3718            }
3719            p <- Filter(function(e) {
3720                (!is.null(e$given) || !is.null(e$family)) && !is.null(e$email)
3721            },
3722                        p)
3723            if(!length(p)) {
3724                bad <- TRUE
3725                out$bad_authors_at_R_field_has_no_valid_maintainer <- TRUE
3726            }
3727            ## s should now be non-empty iff bad is FALSE.
3728            if(!bad) attr(out, "Maintainer") <- s
3729        }
3730    }
3731    out
3734.format_check_package_description_authors_at_R_field_results <-
3737    c(character(),
3738      if(length(bad <- x[["bad_authors_at_R_field"]])) {
3739          c(gettext("Malformed Authors@R field:"),
3740            paste0("  ", bad))
3741      },
3742      if(length(bad <- x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_for_author"]])) {
3743          c(gettext("Cannot extract Author field from Authors@R field:"),
3744            paste0("  ", bad))
3745      },
3746      if(length(x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_has_no_author"]])) {
3747          gettext("Authors@R field gives no person with name and roles.")
3748      },
3749      if(length(bad <-
3750                x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_has_persons_with_no_name"]])) {
3751          c(gettext("Authors@R field gives persons with no name:"),
3752            paste0("  ", bad))
3753      },
3754      if(length(bad <-
3755                x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_has_persons_with_no_role"]])) {
3756          c(gettext("Authors@R field gives persons with no role:"),
3757            paste0("  ", bad))
3758      },
3759      if(length(x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_has_no_author_roles"]])) {
3760          gettext("Authors@R field gives no person with name and author role")
3761      },
3762      ## if(length(bad <-
3763      ##           x[["authors_at_R_field_has_persons_with_nonstandard_roles"]])) {
3764      ##     c(gettext("Authors@R field gives persons with non-standard roles:"),
3765      ##       paste0("  ", bad))
3766      ## },
3767      if(length(bad <- x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_for_maintainer"]])) {
3768          c(gettext("Cannot extract Maintainer field from Authors@R field:"),
3769            paste0("  ", bad))
3770      },
3771      if(length(bad <-
3772                x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_too_many_maintainers"]])) {
3773          c(gettext("Authors@R field gives more than one person with maintainer role:"),
3774            paste0("  ", bad))
3775      },
3776      if(length(x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_has_no_valid_maintainer"]])) {
3777          strwrap(gettext("Authors@R field gives no person with maintainer role, valid email address and non-empty name."))
3778      },
3779      if(length(bad <- x[["bad_authors_at_R_field_has_persons_with_bad_ORCID_identifiers"]])) {
3780          c(gettext("Authors@R field gives persons with invalid ORCID identifiers:"),
3781            paste0("  ", bad))
3782      }
3783      )
3786### * .check_package_description_encoding
3788.check_package_description_encoding <-
3791    dfile <- file_path_as_absolute(dfile)
3792    db <- .read_description(dfile)
3793    out <- list()
3795    ## Check encoding-related things.
3797    ## All field tags must be ASCII.
3798    if(any(ind <- !.is_ASCII(names(db))))
3799        out$fields_with_non_ASCII_tags <- names(db)[ind]
3801    if("Encoding" %notin% names(db)) {
3802        ind <- !.is_ASCII(db)
3803        if(any(ind)) {
3804            out$missing_encoding <- TRUE
3805            out$fields_with_non_ASCII_values <- names(db)[ind]
3806        }
3807    } else {
3808        enc <- db[["Encoding"]]
3809        if (enc %notin% c("latin1", "latin2", "UTF-8"))
3810            out$non_portable_encoding <- enc
3811    }
3813    class(out) <- "check_package_description_encoding"
3814    out
3817format.check_package_description_encoding <-
3818function(x, ...)
3820    c(character(),
3821      if(length(x$non_portable_encoding)) {
3822          c(gettextf("Encoding '%s' is not portable",
3823                     x$non_portable_encoding),
3824            "")
3825      },
3826      if(length(x$missing_encoding)) {
3827          gettext("Unknown encoding with non-ASCII data")
3828      },
3829      if(length(x$fields_with_non_ASCII_tags)) {
3830          c(gettext("Fields with non-ASCII tags:"),
3831            .pretty_format(x$fields_with_non_ASCII_tags),
3832            gettext("All field tags must be ASCII."),
3833            "")
3834      },
3835      if(length(x$fields_with_non_ASCII_values)) {
3836          c(gettext("Fields with non-ASCII values:"),
3837            .pretty_format(x$fields_with_non_ASCII_values))
3838      },
3839      if(any(as.integer(lengths(x)) > 0L)) {
3840          c(strwrap(gettextf("See section 'The DESCRIPTION file' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.")),
3841            "")
3842      })
3845### * .check_package_license
3847.check_package_license <-
3848function(dfile, dir)
3850    dfile <- file_path_as_absolute(dfile)
3851    db <- .read_description(dfile)
3853    if(missing(dir))
3854        dir <- dirname(dfile)
3856    ## Analyze the license information here.
3857    ## Cannot easily do this in .check_package_description(), as R CMD
3858    ## check's R::Utils::check_package_description() takes any output
3859    ## from this as indication of an error.
3861    out <- list()
3862    if(!is.na(val <- db["License"])) {
3863        ## If there is no License field, .check_package_description()
3864        ## will give an error.
3865        status <- analyze_license(val)
3866        ok <- status$is_canonical
3867        ## This analyzes the license specification but does not verify
3868        ## whether pointers exist, so let us do this here.
3869        if(length(pointers <- status$pointers)) {
3870            bad_pointers <-
3871                pointers[!file_test("-f", file.path(dir, pointers))]
3872            if(length(bad_pointers)) {
3873                status$bad_pointers <- bad_pointers
3874                ok <- FALSE
3875            }
3876        }
3877        patt <- "(^Modified BSD License$|^BSD$|^CC BY.* [23][.]0)"
3878        if(any(ind <- grepl(patt, status$component))) {
3879            status$deprecated <- status$components[ind]
3880            ok <- FALSE
3881        }
3882        ## Components with extensions but not extensible:
3883        if(length(extensions <- status$extensions) &&
3884           any(ind <- !extensions$extensible)) {
3885            status$bad_extensions <- extensions$components[ind]
3886            ok <- FALSE
3887        }
3888        ## Components which need extensions (note that such components
3889        ## could use the name or abbrev from the license db):
3890        if(any(ind <- status$components %in%
3891               c("MIT License", "MIT",
3892                 "BSD 2-clause License", "BSD_2_clause",
3893                 "BSD 3-clause License", "BSD_3_clause"))) {
3894            status$miss_extension <- status$components[ind]
3895            ok <- FALSE
3896        }
3897        ## Could always return the analysis results and not print them
3898        ## if ok, but it seems more standard to only return trouble.
3899        if(!ok)
3900            out <- c(list(license = val), status)
3901    }
3903    class(out) <- "check_package_license"
3904    out
3907format.check_package_license <-
3908function(x, ...)
3910    if(!length(x))
3911        return(character())
3913    check <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LICENSE_")
3914    check <- if(check %in% c("maybe", ""))
3915        (!(x$is_standardizable)
3916         || length(x$bad_pointers)
3917         || length(x$bad_extensions))
3918    else
3919        isTRUE(as.logical(check))
3920    if(!check)
3921        return(character())
3923    c(character(),
3924      if(!(x$is_canonical)) {
3925          c(gettext("Non-standard license specification:"),
3926            strwrap(x$license, indent = 2L, exdent = 2L),
3927            gettextf("Standardizable: %s", x$is_standardizable),
3928            if(x$is_standardizable) {
3929                c(gettext("Standardized license specification:"),
3930                  strwrap(x$standardization, indent = 2L, exdent = 2L))
3931            })
3932      },
3933      if(length(y <- x$deprecated)) {
3934          c(gettextf("Deprecated license: %s",
3935                     paste(y, collapse = " ")))
3936      },
3937      if(length(y <- x$bad_pointers)) {
3938          c(gettextf("Invalid license file pointers: %s",
3939                     paste(y, collapse = " ")))
3940      },
3941      if(length(y <- x$bad_extensions)) {
3942          c(gettext("License components with restrictions not permitted:"),
3943            paste0("  ", y))
3944      },
3945      if(length(y <- x$miss_extension)) {
3946          c(gettext("License components which are templates and need '+ file LICENSE':"),
3947            paste0("  ", y))
3948      }
3949      )
3952### * .check_make_vars
3954.check_make_vars <-
3955function(dir, makevars = c("Makevars.in", "Makevars"))
3957    bad_flags <- list()
3958    class(bad_flags) <- "check_make_vars"
3960    paths <- file.path(dir, makevars)
3961    paths <- paths[file_test("-f", paths)]
3962    if(!length(paths)) return(bad_flags)
3963    bad_flags$paths <- file.path("src", basename(paths))
3964    ## Makevars could be used with --no-configure
3965    ## and maybe configure does not even use src/Makevars.in
3966    mfile <- paths[1L]
3967    make <- Sys.getenv("MAKE")
3968    if(make == "") make <- "make"
3969    ## needs a target to avoid targets in src/Makevars
3970    command <- sprintf("%s -f %s -f %s -f %s makevars_test",
3971                       make,
3972                       shQuote(file.path(R.home("share"), "make",
3973                                         "check_vars_ini.mk")),
3974                       shQuote(mfile),
3975                       shQuote(file.path(R.home("share"), "make",
3976                                         "check_vars_out.mk")))
3977    lines <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(system(command, intern = TRUE,
3978                                              ignore.stderr = TRUE),
3979                                       error = identity))
3980    if(!length(lines) || inherits(lines, "error"))
3981        return(bad_flags)
3983    prefixes <- c("CPP", "C", "CXX", "CXX98", "CXX11", "CXX14", "CXX17",
3984                  "CXX20", "F", "FC", "OBJC", "OBJCXX")
3986    uflags_re <- sprintf("^(%s)FLAGS: *(.*)$",
3987                         paste(prefixes, collapse = "|"))
3988    pos <- grep(uflags_re, lines)
3989    ind <- (sub(uflags_re, "\\2", lines[pos]) != "-o /dev/null")
3990    if(any(ind))
3991        bad_flags$uflags <- lines[pos[ind]]
3993    ## Try to be careful ...
3994    pflags_re <- sprintf("^PKG_(%s)FLAGS: ",
3995                         paste(prefixes, collapse = "|"))
3996    lines <- lines[grepl(pflags_re, lines)]
3997    names <- sub(":.*", "", lines)
3998    lines <- sub(pflags_re, "", lines)
3999    flags <- strsplit(lines, "[[:space:]]+")
4000    ## Bad flags:
4001    ##   -O*
4002    ##      (BDR: for example Sun Fortran compilers used to accept -O
4003    ##      but not -O2, and VC++ accepts -Ox (literal x) but not -O.)
4004    ##   -Wall -pedantic -ansi -traditional -std* -f* -m* [GCC]
4005    ##   -x [Solaris]
4006    ##   -q [AIX]
4007    ## It is hard to think of anything apart from -I* and -D* that is
4008    ## safe for general use ...
4009    bad_flags_regexp <-
4010        sprintf("^-(%s)$",
4011                paste(c("O.*",
4012                        "W", # same as -Wextra in GCC.
4013                        "w", # GCC, Solaris inhibit all warnings
4014                        "W[^l].*", # -Wl, might just be portable
4015                        "ansi", "pedantic", "traditional",
4016                        "f.*", "m.*", "std.*", # includes -fopenmp
4017                        "isystem", # gcc and clones
4018                        "x",
4019                        "cpp", # gfortran
4020                        "g",  # not portable, waste of space
4021                        "q"),
4022                      collapse = "|"))
4023    for(i in seq_along(lines)) {
4024        bad <- grep(bad_flags_regexp, flags[[i]], value = TRUE)
4025        if(length(bad))
4026            bad_flags$pflags <-
4027                c(bad_flags$pflags,
4028                  structure(list(bad), names = names[i]))
4029    }
4031    ## The above does not know about GNU extensions like
4032    ## target.o: PKG_CXXFLAGS = -mavx
4033    ## so grep files directly.
4034    for (f in paths) {
4035        lines <- readLines(f, warn = FALSE)
4036        pflags_re2 <- sprintf(".*[.o]: +PKG_(%s)FLAGS *=",
4037                              paste(prefixes, collapse = "|"))
4038        lines <- grep(pflags_re2, lines, value = TRUE)
4039        lines <- sub(pflags_re2, "", lines)
4040        flags <- strsplit(lines, "[[:space:]]+")
4041        bad <- character()
4042        for(i in seq_along(lines))
4043            bad <- c(bad, grep(bad_flags_regexp, flags[[i]], value = TRUE))
4045        if(length(bad))
4046            bad_flags$p2flags <-
4047                c(bad_flags$p2flags,
4048                  structure(list(bad), names = file.path("src", basename(f))))
4049    }
4051    bad_flags
4054format.check_make_vars <-
4055function(x, ...)
4057    .fmt <- function(x) {
4058        s <- Map(c,
4059                 gettextf("Non-portable flags in variable '%s':",
4060                          names(x)),
4061                 sprintf("  %s", lapply(x, paste, collapse = " ")))
4062        as.character(unlist(s))
4063    }
4065    .fmt2 <- function(x) {
4066        s <- Map(c,
4067                 gettextf("Non-portable flags in file '%s':",
4068                          names(x)),
4069                 sprintf("  %s", lapply(x, paste, collapse = " ")))
4070        as.character(unlist(s))
4071    }
4073    c(character(),
4074      if(length(bad <- x$pflags)) .fmt(bad),
4075      if(length(bad <- x$p2flags)) .fmt2(bad),
4076      if(length(bad <- x$uflags)) {
4077          c(gettextf("Variables overriding user/site settings:"),
4078            sprintf("  %s", bad))
4079      },
4080      if(length(x$paths) > 1L) {
4081          c(sprintf("Package has both %s and %s.",
4082                  sQuote("src/Makevars.in"), sQuote("src/Makevars")),
4083            strwrap(sprintf("Installation with --no-configure' is unlikely to work.  If you intended %s to be used on Windows, rename it to %s otherwise remove it.  If %s created %s, you need a %s script.",
4084                            sQuote("src/Makevars"),
4085                            sQuote("src/Makevars.win"),
4086                            sQuote("configure"),
4087                            sQuote("src/Makevars"),
4088                            sQuote("cleanup"))))
4089      })
4092### * .check_code_usage_in_package
4094## First, its auxiliaries
4096## - .unix_only_proto_objects
4097## - .windows_only_proto_objects
4098## - compatibilityEnv ()        -- used also in codoc()
4100.unix_only_proto_objects <- as.environment(list(
4101    nsl = function(hostname) {}
4102  , X11Font = function(font) {}
4103  , X11Fonts = function(...) {}
4104  , X11.options = function(..., reset = TRUE) {}
4105  , quartz = function(title, width, height, pointsize, family,
4106                      fontsmooth, antialias, type, file = NULL,
4107                      bg, canvas, dpi) {}
4108  , quartzFont = function(family) {}
4109  , quartzFonts = function(...) {}
4110  , quartz.options = function(..., reset = TRUE) {}
4111  , quartz.save = function(file, type = "png", device = dev.cur(),
4112                           dpi = 100, ...) {}
4115.windows_only_proto_objects <- as.environment(list(
4116    arrangeWindows = function(action = c("vertical", "horizontal",
4117                                         "cascade", "minimize", "restore"),
4118                              windows, preserve = TRUE, outer = FALSE) {}
4119  , askYesNoWinDialog = function(msg, ...) {}
4120  , bringToTop = function(which = grDevices::dev.cur(), stay = FALSE) {}
4121  , choose.dir = function(default = "", caption = "Select folder") {}
4122  , choose.files = function(default = "", caption = "Select files", multi = TRUE,
4123                            filters = Filters, index = nrow(Filters)) {
4124      Filters <- NULL }
4125  , Filters = NULL
4126  , close.winProgressBar = function(con, ...) {}
4127  , DLL.version = function(path) {}
4128  , .fixupGFortranStderr = function() {}
4129  , .fixupGFortranStdout = function() {}
4130  , getClipboardFormats = function(numeric = FALSE) {}
4131  , getIdentification = function() {}
4132  , getWindowsHandle = function(which = "Console") {}
4133  , getWindowsHandles = function(which = "R", pattern = "", minimized = FALSE) {}
4134  , getWindowTitle = function() {}
4135  , getWinProgressBar = function(pb) {}
4136  , .install.winbinary = function(pkgs, lib, repos = getOption("repos"),
4137                                  contriburl = utils::contrib.url(repos),
4138                                  method, available = NULL, destdir = NULL,
4139                                  dependencies = FALSE, libs_only = FALSE, ...) {}
4140  , loadRconsole = function(file = choose.files(file.path(
4141                                Sys.getenv("R_USER"), "Rconsole"))) {}
4142  , msgWindow = function(type = c("minimize", "restore", "maximize", "hide",
4143                                  "recordOn", "recordOff"),
4144                         which = dev.cur()) {}
4145  , readClipboard = function(format = 1, raw = FALSE) {}
4146  , readRegistry = function(key,
4147                            hive = c("HLM", "HCR", "HCU", "HU", "HCC", "HPD"),
4148                            maxdepth = 1,
4149                            view = c("default", "32-bit", "64-bit")) {}
4150  ## Exists on all platforms though with differing formals :
4151  ## , savePlot = function(filename = "Rplot",
4152  ##                       type = c("wmf", "emf", "png", "jpeg", "jpg",
4153  ##                                "bmp", "ps", "eps", "pdf"),
4154  ##                       device = grDevices::dev.cur(), restoreConsole = TRUE) {}
4155  , setStatusBar = function(text) {}
4156  , setWindowTitle = function(suffix, title = paste(utils::getIdentification(),
4157                                                    suffix)) {}
4158  , setWinProgressBar = function(pb, value, title=NULL, label=NULL) {}
4159  , shell = function(cmd, shell, flag = "/c", intern = FALSE,
4160                     wait = TRUE, translate = FALSE, mustWork = FALSE, ...) {}
4161  , shell.exec = function(file) {}
4162  , shortPathName = function(path) {}
4163  , Sys.junction = function(from, to) {}
4164  , win.graph = function(width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12,
4165                         restoreConsole = FALSE) {}
4166  , win.metafile = function(filename = "", width = 7, height = 7,
4167                            pointsize = 12, family = "",
4168                            restoreConsole = TRUE) {}
4169  , win.print = function(width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12,
4170                         printer = "", family = "", antialias = "default",
4171                         restoreConsole = TRUE) {}
4172  , win.version = function() {}
4173  , windows = function(width, height, pointsize,
4174                       record, rescale, xpinch, ypinch,
4175                       bg, canvas, gamma, xpos, ypos,
4176                       buffered, title, restoreConsole, clickToConfirm,
4177                       fillOddEven, family = "", antialias) {}
4178  , windowsFont = function(font) {}
4179  , windowsFonts = function(...) {}
4180  , windows.options = function(..., reset = TRUE) {}
4181  , winDialog = function(type = "ok", message) {}
4182  , winDialogString = function(message, default) {}
4183  , winMenuAdd = function(menuname) {}
4184  , winMenuAddItem = function(menuname, itemname, action) {}
4185  , winMenuDel = function(menuname) {}
4186  , winMenuDelItem = function(menuname, itemname) {}
4187  , winMenuNames = function() {}
4188  , winMenuItems = function(menuname) {}
4189  , winProgressBar = function(title = "R progress bar", label = "",
4190                              min = 0, max = 1, initial = 0, width = 300) {}
4191  , writeClipboard = function(str, format = 1L) {}
4192  , zip.unpack = function(zipname, dest) {}
4195compatibilityEnv <- function() {
4196    ## (this formulation allows more than two OS.type s)
4197    switch(.Platform$OS.type,
4198           "windows" = .unix_only_proto_objects,
4199           "unix" = .windows_only_proto_objects,
4200           ## in such a future case, possibly the "union" of these environments:
4201           stop(gettextf("invalid 'OS.type' \"%s\".  Should not happen")))
4204.check_code_usage_in_package <-
4205function(package, lib.loc = NULL)
4207    is_base <- package == "base"
4209    check_without_loading <-
4210        config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CODE_USAGE_VIA_NAMESPACES_",
4211                                         "TRUE"))
4213    if(!is_base) {
4214        if(!check_without_loading) {
4215            .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc)
4216            .eval_with_capture({
4217                ## avoid warnings about code in other packages the package
4218                ## uses
4219                desc <- readRDS(file.path(find.package(package, NULL),
4220                                          "Meta", "package.rds"))
4221                pkgs1 <- sapply(desc$Suggests, "[[", "name")
4222                pkgs2 <- sapply(desc$Enhances, "[[", "name")
4223                for(pkg in unique(c(pkgs1, pkgs2)))
4224                    ## tcltk warns if no DISPLAY variable
4225                    ##, errors if not compiled in
4226                    suppressMessages(
4227                        tryCatch(require(pkg, character.only = TRUE,
4228                                         quietly = TRUE),
4229                                 error  = function(.) NULL,
4230                                 warning= function(.) NULL))
4231            }, type = "output")
4232        }
4233        if(is.null(.GlobalEnv$.Random.seed)) # create .Random.seed if necessary
4234            stats::runif(1)
4235        attach(compatibilityEnv(), name="compat", pos = length(search()),
4236               warn.conflicts = FALSE)
4237        on.exit(detach("compat"))
4238    }
4240    ## A simple function for catching the output from the codetools
4241    ## analysis using the checkUsage report mechanism.
4242    out <- character()
4243    foo <- function(x) out <<- c(out, x)
4244    ## (Simpler than using a variant of capture.output().)
4245    ## Of course, it would be nice to return a suitably structured
4246    ## result, but we can always do this by suitably splitting the
4247    ## messages on the double colons ...
4249    ## Not only check function definitions, but also S4 methods
4250    ## [a version of this should be part of codetools eventually] :
4251    checkMethodUsageEnv <- function(env, ...) {
4252	for(g in .get_S4_generics(env))
4253	    for(m in .get_S4_methods_list(g, env)) {
4254		fun <- methods::unRematchDefinition(methods::getDataPart(m))
4255		signature <- paste(m@generic,
4256				   paste(m@target, collapse = "-"),
4257				   sep = ",")
4258		codetools::checkUsage(fun, signature, ...)
4259	    }
4260    }
4261    checkMethodUsagePackage <- function (pack, ...) {
4262	pname <- paste0("package:", pack)
4263	if (pname %notin% search())
4264	    stop("package must be loaded", domain = NA)
4265	checkMethodUsageEnv(if (isNamespaceLoaded(pack))
4266			    getNamespace(pack) else as.environment(pname), ...)
4267    }
4269    ## Allow specifying a codetools "profile" for checking via the
4270    ## environment variable _R_CHECK_CODETOOLS_PROFILE_, used as e.g.
4271    ##   _R_CHECK_CODETOOLS_PROFILE_="suppressLocalUnused=FALSE"
4272    ## (where the values get converted to logicals "the usual way").
4273    args <- list(skipWith = TRUE,
4274                 suppressPartialMatchArgs = FALSE,
4275                 suppressLocalUnused = TRUE)
4276    opts <- unlist(strsplit(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CODETOOLS_PROFILE_"),
4277                            "[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*"))
4278    if(length(opts)) {
4279        args[sub("[[:space:]]*=.*", "", opts)] <-
4280            lapply(sub(".*=[[:space:]]*", "", opts),
4281                   config_val_to_logical)
4282    }
4283    if(check_without_loading)
4284        env <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(getNamespace(package)))
4285    ## look for globalVariables declaration in package
4286    ## (This loads the namespace if not already loaded.)
4287    .glbs <- suppressMessages(utils::globalVariables(, package))
4288    if(length(.glbs)) {
4289        ## Cannot use globalVariables() for base
4290        ## (and potentially tools and utils)
4291        dflt <- c(if(package == "base") "last.dump",
4292                  ".Generic", ".Method", ".Class")
4293        args$suppressUndefined <- c(dflt, .glbs)
4294    }
4296    if(check_without_loading) {
4297        args <- c(list(env, report = foo), args)
4298        suppressMessages(do.call(codetools::checkUsageEnv, args))
4299        suppressMessages(do.call(checkMethodUsageEnv, args))
4300    } else {
4301        args <- c(list(package, report = foo), args)
4302        suppressMessages(do.call(codetools::checkUsagePackage, args))
4303        suppressMessages(do.call(checkMethodUsagePackage, args))
4304    }
4306    out <- unique(out)
4307    class(out) <- "check_code_usage_in_package"
4308    out
4311format.check_code_usage_in_package <-
4312function(x, ...)
4314    if(length(x)) {
4315        ## There seems no easy we can gather usage diagnostics by type,
4316        ## so try to rearrange to some extent when formatting.
4317        ind <- grepl(": partial argument match of", x, fixed = TRUE)
4318        if(any(ind)) x <- c(x[ind], x[!ind])
4319    }
4320    if(length(x)) {
4321        ## Provide a summary listing of the undefined globals:
4322        y <- .canonicalize_quotes(x)
4323        m <- regexec("no visible global function definition for '(.*)'", y)
4324        funs <- vapply(Filter(length, regmatches(y, m)), `[`, "", 2L)
4325        m <- regexec("no visible binding for global variable '(.*)'", y)
4326        vars <- vapply(Filter(length, regmatches(y, m)), `[`, "", 2L)
4327        y <- sort(unique(c(funs, vars)))
4328        c(strwrap(x, indent = 0L, exdent = 2L),
4329          if(length(y)) {
4330              c("Undefined global functions or variables:",
4331                strwrap(paste(y, collapse = " "),
4332                        indent = 2L, exdent = 2L))
4333          })
4334    } else character()
4337### * .check_Rd_xrefs
4339.check_Rd_xrefs <-
4340function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)
4342    ## Build a db with all possible link targets (aliases) in the base
4343    ## and recommended packages.
4344    base <- unlist(.get_standard_package_names()[c("base", "recommended")],
4345                   use.names = FALSE)
4346    ## May not have recommended packages
4347    base <- base[dir.exists(file.path(.Library, base))]
4348    aliases <- lapply(base, Rd_aliases, lib.loc = NULL)
4349    ## (Don't use lib.loc = .Library, as recommended packages may have
4350    ## been installed to a different place.)
4352    ## Now find the aliases in packages it depends on
4353    if(!missing(package)) {
4354        pfile <- system.file("Meta", "package.rds", package = package,
4355                             lib.loc = lib.loc)
4356        pkgInfo <- readRDS(pfile)
4357    } else {
4358        outDir <- file.path(tempdir(), "fake_pkg")
4359        dir.create(file.path(outDir, "Meta"), FALSE, TRUE)
4360        .install_package_description(dir, outDir)
4361        pfile <- file.path(outDir, "Meta", "package.rds")
4362        pkgInfo <- readRDS(pfile)
4363        unlink(outDir, recursive = TRUE)
4364    }
4365    ## only 'Depends' are guaranteed to be on the search path, but
4366    ## 'Imports' have to be installed and hence help there will be found
4367    deps <- c(names(pkgInfo$Depends), names(pkgInfo$Imports))
4368    pkgs <- setdiff(unique(deps), base)
4369    try_Rd_aliases <- function(...) tryCatch(Rd_aliases(...), error = identity)
4370    aliases <- c(aliases, lapply(pkgs, try_Rd_aliases, lib.loc = lib.loc))
4371    aliases[vapply(aliases, inherits, "error", FUN.VALUE = NA)] <- NULL
4373    ## Add the aliases from the package itself, and build a db with all
4374    ## (if any) \link xrefs in the package Rd objects.
4375    if(!missing(package)) {
4376        aliases1 <- Rd_aliases(package, lib.loc = lib.loc)
4377        if(!length(aliases1))
4378            return(structure(list(), class = "check_Rd_xrefs"))
4379        aliases <- c(aliases, list(aliases1))
4380        db <- .build_Rd_xref_db(package, lib.loc = lib.loc)
4381    } else {
4382        aliases1 <- Rd_aliases(dir = dir)
4383        if(!length(aliases1))
4384            return(structure(list(), class = "check_Rd_xrefs"))
4385        aliases <- c(aliases, list(aliases1))
4386        db <- .build_Rd_xref_db(dir = dir)
4387    }
4389    ## Flatten the xref db into one big matrix.
4390    db <- cbind(do.call("rbind", db),
4391                File = rep.int(names(db), vapply(db, NROW, 0L)))
4392    if(nrow(db) == 0L)
4393        return(structure(list(), class = "check_Rd_xrefs"))
4395    ## fixup \link[=dest] form
4396    anchor <- db[, 2L]
4397    have_equals <- startsWith(anchor, "=")
4398    if(any(have_equals))
4399        db[have_equals, 1:2] <- cbind(sub("^=", "", anchor[have_equals]), "")
4401    db <- cbind(db, bad = FALSE, report = db[, 1L])
4402    have_anchor <- nzchar(anchor <- db[, 2L])
4403    db[have_anchor, "report"] <-
4404        paste0("[", db[have_anchor, 2L], "]{", db[have_anchor, 1L], "}")
4406    ## Check the targets from the non-anchored xrefs.
4407    db[!have_anchor, "bad"] <- db[!have_anchor, 1L] %notin% unlist(aliases)
4409    ## and then check the anchored ones if we can.
4410    have_colon <- grepl(":", anchor, fixed = TRUE)
4411    unknown <- character()
4412    thispkg <- anchor
4413    thisfile <- db[, 1L]
4414    thispkg [have_colon] <- sub("([^:]*):(.*)", "\\1", anchor[have_colon])
4415    thisfile[have_colon] <- sub("([^:]*):(.*)", "\\2", anchor[have_colon])
4417    use_aliases_from_CRAN <-
4418        config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_XREFS_USE_ALIASES_FROM_CRAN_",
4419                                         "FALSE"))
4420    if(use_aliases_from_CRAN) {
4421        aliases_db <- NULL
4422    }
4424    anchors <- unique(thispkg[have_anchor])
4426    ## added in 4.1.0: are anchors declared?
4427    check_anchors <-
4428        config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_XREFS_PKGS_ARE_DECLARED_",
4429                                         "FALSE"))
4430    if(check_anchors) {
4431        deps2 <- c(names(pkgInfo$Depends), names(pkgInfo$Imports),
4432                   names(pkgInfo$Suggests))
4433        ## people link to the package itself, although never needed.
4434        undeclared <- setdiff(anchors, c(unique(deps2), package, base))
4435        if(length(undeclared)) {
4436            ## Now dig out Enhances
4437            DESC <- pkgInfo$DESCRIPTION
4438            if("Enhances" %in% names(DESC)) {
4439                enh <- names(.split_dependencies(DESC[["Enhances"]]))
4440                undeclared <- setdiff(undeclared, enh)
4441            }
4442        }
4443        if(length(undeclared))
4444            message(sprintf(ngettext(length(undeclared),
4445                                     "Undeclared package %s in Rd xrefs",
4446                                     "Undeclared packages %s in Rd xrefs"),
4447                            paste(sQuote(undeclared), collapse = ", ")),
4448                    domain = NA)
4449    }
4451    mind_suspects <-
4452        config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_XREFS_MIND_SUSPECT_ANCHORS_",
4453                                         "FALSE"))
4454    if(mind_suspects) {
4455        db <- cbind(db, suspect = FALSE)
4456    }
4458    for (pkg in anchors) {
4459        ## we can't do this on the current uninstalled package!
4460        if (missing(package) && pkg == basename(dir)) next
4461        this <- have_anchor & (thispkg %in% pkg)
4462        top <- system.file(package = pkg, lib.loc = lib.loc)
4463        if(nzchar(top)) {
4464            RdDB <- file.path(top, "help", "paths.rds")
4465            nm <- sub("\\.[Rr]d", "", basename(readRDS(RdDB)))
4466            good <- thisfile[this] %in% nm
4467            suspect <- if(any(!good)) {
4468                aliases1 <- if (pkg %in% names(aliases)) aliases[[pkg]]
4469                else Rd_aliases(pkg, lib.loc = lib.loc)
4470                !good & (thisfile[this] %in% aliases1)
4471            } else FALSE
4472            db[this, "bad"] <- !good & !suspect
4473            if(mind_suspects)
4474                db[this, "suspect"] <- suspect
4476        } else if(use_aliases_from_CRAN) {
4477            if(is.null(aliases_db)) {
4478                ## Not yet read in.
4479                aliases_db <- CRAN_aliases_db()
4480            }
4481            aliases <- aliases_db[[pkg]]
4482            if(is.null(aliases)) {
4483                unknown <- c(unknown, pkg)
4484                next
4485            }
4486            ## message(sprintf("Using aliases db for package %s", pkg))
4487            nm <- sub("\\.[Rr]d", "", basename(names(aliases)))
4488            good <- thisfile[this] %in% nm
4489            suspect <- if(any(!good)) {
4490                aliases1 <- unique(as.character(unlist(aliases,
4491                                                       use.names =
4492                                                       FALSE)))
4493                !good & (thisfile[this] %in% aliases1)
4494            } else FALSE
4495            db[this, "bad"] <- !good & !suspect
4496            if(mind_suspects)
4497                db[this, "suspect"] <- suspect
4498        }
4499        else
4500            unknown <- c(unknown, pkg)
4501    }
4503    unknown <- unique(unknown)
4504    if (length(unknown)) {
4505        repos <- .get_standard_repository_URLs()
4506        ## Also allow for additionally specified repositories.
4507        aurls <- pkgInfo[["DESCRIPTION"]]["Additional_repositories"]
4508        if(!is.na(aurls)) {
4509            repos <- c(repos, .read_additional_repositories_field(aurls))
4510        }
4511        known <-
4512            try(suppressWarnings(utils::available.packages(utils::contrib.url(repos, "source"),
4513               filters = c("R_version", "duplicates"))[, "Package"]))
4514        miss <- if(inherits(known, "try-error")) TRUE
4515        else unknown %in% c(known, c("GLMMGibbs", "survnnet", "yags"))
4516        ## from CRANextras
4517        if(any(miss))
4518            message(sprintf(ngettext(sum(miss),
4519                                     "Package unavailable to check Rd xrefs: %s",
4520                                     "Packages unavailable to check Rd xrefs: %s"),
4521                             paste(sQuote(unknown[miss]), collapse = ", ")),
4522                    domain = NA)
4523        if(any(!miss))
4524            message(sprintf(ngettext(sum(!miss),
4525                                     "Unknown package %s in Rd xrefs",
4526                                     "Unknown packages %s in Rd xrefs"),
4527                             paste(sQuote(unknown[!miss]), collapse = ", ")),
4528                    domain = NA)
4529    }
4530    ## The bad ones:
4531    bad <- db[, "bad"] == "TRUE"
4532    out <- list(bad = split(db[bad, "report"], db[bad, "File"]))
4533    if(mind_suspects && any(ind <- db[, "suspect"] == "TRUE")) {
4534        out <- c(out, list(suspect = split(db[ind, "report"],
4535                                           db[ind, "File"])))
4536    }
4537    structure(out, class = "check_Rd_xrefs")
4540format.check_Rd_xrefs <-
4541function(x, ...)
4543    xb <- x$bad
4544    xs <- x$suspect
4545    if(length(xb) || length(xs)) {
4546        .fmtb <- function(i) {
4547            c(gettextf("Missing link or links in documentation object '%s':",
4548                       names(xb)[i]),
4549              ## NB, link might be empty, and was in mvbutils
4550              .pretty_format(unique(xb[[i]])),
4551              "")
4552        }
4553        .fmts <- function(i) {
4554            c(gettextf("Non-file package-anchored link(s) in documentation object '%s':",
4555                       names(xs)[i]),
4556              .pretty_format(unique(xs[[i]])),
4557              "")
4558        }
4559        c(unlist(lapply(seq_along(xb), .fmtb)),
4560          unlist(lapply(seq_along(xs), .fmts)),
4561          strwrap(gettextf("See section 'Cross-references' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual."))
4562          )
4563    } else {
4564        character()
4565    }
4568### * .check_package_datasets
4570.check_package_datasets <-
4573    oLC_ct <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE"); on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", oLC_ct))
4574    Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "C")
4575    oop <- options(warn = -1)
4576    on.exit(options(oop), add = TRUE)
4577    check_one <- function(x, ds)
4578    {
4579        if(!length(x)) return()
4580        ## avoid as.list methods
4581        if(is.list(x)) lapply(unclass(x), check_one, ds = ds)
4582        if(is.character(x)) {
4583            xx <- unclass(x)
4584            enc <- Encoding(xx)
4585            latin1 <<- latin1 + sum(enc == "latin1")
4586            utf8 <<- utf8 + sum(enc == "UTF-8")
4587            bytes <<- bytes + sum(enc == "bytes")
4588            unk <- xx[enc == "unknown"]
4589            ind <- .Call(C_check_nonASCII2, unk)
4590            if(length(ind)) {
4591                non_ASCII <<- c(non_ASCII, unk[ind])
4592                where <<- c(where, rep.int(ds, length(ind)))
4593            }
4594        }
4595        a <- attributes(x)
4596        if(!is.null(a)) {
4597            lapply(a, check_one, ds = ds)
4598            check_one(names(a), ds)
4599        }
4600        invisible()
4601    }
4603    sink(tempfile()) ## suppress startup messages to stdout
4604    on.exit(sink(), add = TRUE)
4605    files <- list_files_with_type(file.path(pkgDir, "data"), "data")
4606    files <- unique(basename(file_path_sans_ext(files)))
4607    ans <- vector("list", length(files))
4608    dataEnv <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
4609    names(ans) <- files
4610    old <- setwd(pkgDir)
4612    ## formerly used .try_quietly which stops on error
4613    .try <- function (expr, msg) {
4614        oop <- options(warn = 1)
4615        on.exit(options(oop))
4616        outConn <- file(open = "w+")
4617        sink(outConn, type = "output")
4618        sink(outConn, type = "message")
4619        tryCatch(withRestarts(withCallingHandlers(expr, error = {
4620            function(e) invokeRestart("grmbl", e, sys.calls())
4621        }), grmbl = function(e, calls) {
4622            n <- length(sys.calls())
4623            calls <- calls[-seq.int(length.out = n - 1L)]
4624            calls <- rev(calls)[-c(1L, 2L)]
4625            tb <- lapply(calls, deparse)
4626            message(msg, conditionMessage(e), "\nCall sequence:\n",
4627                    paste(c(utils::head(.eval_with_capture(traceback(tb))$output, 5),
4628			    "  ..."),
4629                          collapse = "\n"),
4630                    "\n")
4631        }), error = identity, finally = {
4632            sink(type = "message")
4633            sink(type = "output")
4634            close(outConn)
4635        })
4636    }
4638    for(f in files) {
4639        msg <- sprintf("Error loading dataset %s: ", sQuote(f))
4640        .try(utils::data(list = f, package = character(), envir = dataEnv), msg)
4641    }
4642    setwd(old)
4644    non_ASCII <- where <- character()
4645    latin1 <- utf8 <- bytes <- 0L
4646    ## avoid messages about loading packages that started with r48409
4647    ## (and some more ...)
4648    ## add try() to ensure that all datasets are looked at
4649    ## (if not all of each dataset).
4650    for(ds in ls(envir = dataEnv, all.names = TRUE)) {
4651        if(inherits(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(try(check_one(get(ds, envir = dataEnv), ds), silent = TRUE))),
4652                    "try-error")) {
4653            msg <- sprintf("Error loading dataset %s:\n ", sQuote(ds))
4654            message(msg, geterrmessage())
4655        }
4656    }
4657    unknown <- unique(cbind(non_ASCII, where))
4658    structure(list(latin1 = latin1, utf8 = utf8, bytes = bytes,
4659                   unknown = unknown),
4660              class = "check_package_datasets")
4663format.check_package_datasets <-
4664function(x, ...)
4666    ## not sQuote as we have mucked about with locales.
4667    iconv0 <- function(x, ...) paste0("'", iconv(x, ...), "'")
4669    suppress_notes <-
4670        config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_DATASETS_SUPPRESS_NOTES_",
4671                                         "FALSE"))
4673    c(character(),
4674      if((n <- x$latin1) && !suppress_notes) {
4675          sprintf(
4676                  ngettext(n,
4677                   "Note: found %d marked Latin-1 string",
4678                   "Note: found %d marked Latin-1 strings"), n)
4679      },
4680      if((n <- x$utf8) && !suppress_notes) {
4681          sprintf(
4682                  ngettext(n,
4683                           "Note: found %d marked UTF-8 string",
4684                           "Note: found %d marked UTF-8 strings"), n)
4685      },
4686      if((n <- x$bytes) && !suppress_notes) {
4687          sprintf(
4688                  ngettext(n,
4689                           "Note: found %d string marked as \"bytes\"",
4690                           "Note: found %d strings marked as \"bytes\""), n)
4691      },
4692      if(nr <- nrow(x$unknown)) {
4693          msg <- ngettext(nr,
4694                          "Warning: found non-ASCII string",
4695                          "Warning: found non-ASCII strings",
4696                          domain = NA)
4697          c(msg,
4698            paste0(iconv0(x$unknown[, 1L], "", "ASCII", sub = "byte"),
4699                   " in object '", x$unknown[, 2L], "'"))
4700      })
4703### * .check_package_datasets2
4705.check_package_datasets2 <-
4706function(fileName, pkgname)
4708    oldSearch <- search()
4709    dataEnv <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
4710    suppressMessages(utils::data(list = fileName, package = pkgname,
4711                                 envir = dataEnv))
4712    if (!length((ls(dataEnv)))) message("No dataset created in 'envir'")
4713    if (!identical(search(), oldSearch)) message("Search path was changed")
4714    invisible(NULL)
4717### * .check_package_compact_datasets
4719.check_package_compact_datasets <-
4720function(pkgDir, thorough = FALSE)
4722    msg <- NULL
4723    rdas <- checkRdaFiles(file.path(pkgDir, "data"))
4724    row.names(rdas) <- basename(row.names(rdas))
4725    problems <- with(rdas, (ASCII | compress == "none") & (size > 1e5))
4726    if (any(rdas$compress %in% c("bzip2", "xz"))) {
4727        OK <- FALSE
4728        Rdeps <- .split_description(.read_description(file.path(pkgDir, "DESCRIPTION")))$Rdepends2
4729        for(dep in Rdeps) {
4730            if(dep$op != '>=') next
4731            if(dep$version >= package_version("2.10")) {OK <- TRUE; break;}
4732        }
4733        if(!OK) msg <- "Warning: package needs dependence on R (>= 2.10)"
4734    }
4735    if (sum(rdas$size) < 1e5 || # we don't report unless we get a 1e5 reduction
4736        any(rdas$compress %in% c("bzip2", "xz"))) # assume already optimized
4737        thorough <- FALSE
4738    sizes <- improve <- NULL
4739    if (thorough) {
4740        files <- Sys.glob(c(file.path(pkgDir, "data", "*.rda"),
4741                            file.path(pkgDir, "data", "*.RData")))
4742        ## Exclude .RData, which this may or may not match
4743        files <- files[!endsWith(files, "/.RData")]
4744        if (length(files)) {
4745            cpdir <- tempfile('cp')
4746            dir.create(cpdir)
4747            file.copy(files, cpdir)
4748            resaveRdaFiles(cpdir)
4749            rdas2 <- checkRdaFiles(cpdir)
4750            row.names(rdas2) <- basename(row.names(rdas2))
4751            diff2 <- (rdas2$ASCII != rdas$ASCII) | (rdas2$compress != rdas$compress)
4752            diff2 <- diff2 & (rdas$size > 1e4) & (rdas2$size < 0.9*rdas$size)
4753            sizes <- c(sum(rdas$size), sum(rdas2$size))
4754            improve <- data.frame(old_size = rdas$size,
4755                                  new_size = rdas2$size,
4756                                  compress = rdas2$compress,
4757                                  row.names = row.names(rdas))[diff2, ]
4758        }
4759    }
4760    structure(list(rdas = rdas[problems, 1:3], msg = msg,
4761                   sizes = sizes, improve = improve),
4762              class = "check_package_compact_datasets")
4765print.check_package_compact_datasets <-
4766function(x, ...)
4768    reformat <- function(x) {
4769        xx <- paste0(x, "b")
4770        ind1 <- (x >= 1024)
4771        xx[ind1] <- sprintf("%.0fKb", x[ind1]/1024)
4772        ind2 <- x >= 1024^2
4773        xx[ind2] <- sprintf("%.1fMb", x[ind2]/(1024^2))
4774        ind3 <- x >= 1024^3
4775        xx[ind3] <- sprintf("%.1fGb", x[ind3]/1024^3)
4776        xx
4777    }
4778    if(nr <- nrow(x$rdas)) {
4779        msg <- ngettext(nr,
4780                        "Warning: large data file saved inefficiently:",
4781                        "Warning: large data files saved inefficiently:",
4782                        domain = NA)
4783        writeLines(msg)
4784        rdas <- x$rdas
4785        rdas$size <- reformat(rdas$size)
4786        print(rdas)
4787    }
4788    if(!is.null(x$msg)) writeLines(x$msg)
4789    if(!is.null(s <- x$sizes) && s[1L] - s[2L] > 1e5  # save at least 100Kb
4790       && s[2L]/s[1L] < 0.9) { # and at least 10%
4791        writeLines(c("",
4792                     "Note: significantly better compression could be obtained",
4793                     "      by using R CMD build --resave-data"))
4794        if(nrow(x$improve)) {
4795            improve <- x$improve
4796            improve$old_size <- reformat(improve$old_size)
4797            improve$new_size <- reformat(improve$new_size)
4798            print(improve)
4799        }
4800    }
4801    invisible(x)
4804### * .check_package_compact_sysdata
4806.check_package_compact_sysdata <-
4807function(pkgDir, thorough = FALSE)
4809    msg <- NULL
4810    files <- file.path(pkgDir, "R", "sysdata.rda")
4811    rdas <- checkRdaFiles(files)
4812    row.names(rdas) <- basename(row.names(rdas))
4813    problems <- with(rdas, (ASCII | compress == "none") & (size > 1e5))
4814    if (any(rdas$compress %in% c("bzip2", "xz"))) {
4815        OK <- FALSE
4816        Rdeps <- .split_description(.read_description(file.path(pkgDir, "DESCRIPTION")))$Rdepends2
4817        for(dep in Rdeps) {
4818            if(dep$op != '>=') next
4819            if(dep$version >= package_version("2.10")) {OK <- TRUE; break;}
4820        }
4821        if(!OK) msg <- "Warning: package needs dependence on R (>= 2.10)"
4822    }
4823    if (sum(rdas$size) < 1e5 || # we don't report unless we get a 1e5 reduction
4824        any(rdas$compress %in% c("bzip2", "xz"))) # assume already optimized
4825        thorough <- FALSE
4826    if (thorough) {
4827        cpdir <- tempfile('cp')
4828        dir.create(cpdir)
4829        file.copy(files, cpdir)
4830        resaveRdaFiles(cpdir)
4831        rdas2 <- checkRdaFiles(cpdir)
4832        row.names(rdas2) <- basename(row.names(rdas2))
4833        diff2 <- (rdas2$ASCII != rdas$ASCII) | (rdas2$compress != rdas$compress)
4834        diff2 <- diff2 & (rdas$size > 1e4) & (rdas2$size < 0.9*rdas$size)
4835        sizes <- c(sum(rdas$size), sum(rdas2$size))
4836        improve <- data.frame(old_size = rdas$size,
4837                              new_size = rdas2$size,
4838                              compress = rdas2$compress,
4839                              row.names = row.names(rdas))[diff2, ]
4840    } else sizes <- improve <- NULL
4841    structure(list(rdas = rdas[problems, 1:3], msg = msg,
4842                   sizes = sizes, improve = improve),
4843              class = "check_package_compact_datasets")
4847### * .check_package_subdirs
4849## used by R CMD build
4850.check_package_subdirs <-
4851function(dir, doDelete = FALSE)
4853    OS_subdirs <- c("unix", "windows")
4855    mydir <- function(dir)
4856    {
4857        d <- list.files(dir, all.files = TRUE, full.names = FALSE)
4858        if(!length(d)) return(d)
4859        if(basename(dir) %in% c("R", "man"))
4860            for(os in OS_subdirs) {
4861                os_dir <- file.path(dir, os)
4862                if(dir.exists(os_dir))
4863                    d <- c(d,
4864                           file.path(os,
4865                                     list.files(os_dir,
4866                                                all.files = TRUE,
4867                                                full.names = FALSE)))
4868            }
4869        d[file_test("-f", file.path(dir, d))]
4870    }
4872    if(!dir.exists(dir))
4873        stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA)
4874    else
4875        dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
4877    wrong_things <- list(R = character(), man = character(),
4878                         demo = character(), `inst/doc` = character())
4880    code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
4881    if(dir.exists(code_dir)) {
4882        all_files <- mydir(code_dir)
4883        ## Under Windows, need a Makefile.win for methods.
4884        R_files <- c("sysdata.rda", "Makefile.win",
4885                     list_files_with_type(code_dir, "code",
4886                                          full.names = FALSE,
4887                                          OS_subdirs = OS_subdirs))
4888        wrong <- setdiff(all_files, R_files)
4889        ## now configure might generate files in this directory
4890        generated <- which(endsWith(wrong, ".in"))
4891        if(length(generated)) wrong <- wrong[-generated]
4892        if(length(wrong)) {
4893            wrong_things$R <- wrong
4894            if(doDelete) unlink(file.path(dir, "R", wrong))
4895        }
4896    }
4898    man_dir <- file.path(dir, "man")
4899    if(dir.exists(man_dir)) {
4900        all_files <- mydir(man_dir)
4901        man_files <- list_files_with_type(man_dir, "docs",
4902                                          full.names = FALSE,
4903                                          OS_subdirs = OS_subdirs)
4904        wrong <- setdiff(all_files, man_files)
4905        if(length(wrong)) {
4906            wrong_things$man <- wrong
4907            if(doDelete) unlink(file.path(dir, "man", wrong))
4908        }
4909    }
4911    demo_dir <- file.path(dir, "demo")
4912    if(dir.exists(demo_dir)) {
4913        all_files <- mydir(demo_dir)
4914        demo_files <- list_files_with_type(demo_dir, "demo",
4915                                           full.names = FALSE)
4916        wrong <- setdiff(all_files, c("00Index", demo_files))
4917        if(length(wrong)) {
4918            wrong_things$demo <- wrong
4919            if(doDelete) unlink(file.path(dir, "demo", wrong))
4920        }
4921    }
4923    ## check installed vignette material
4924    subdir <- file.path("inst", "doc")
4925    vigns <- pkgVignettes(dir = dir, subdirs = subdir)
4926    if (!is.null(vigns) && length(vigns$docs)) {
4927        vignettes <- basename(vigns$docs)
4929        ## Add vignette output files, if they exist
4930        tryCatch({
4931            vigns <- pkgVignettes(dir = dir, subdirs = subdir, output = TRUE)
4932            vignettes <- c(vignettes, basename(vigns$outputs))
4933        }, error = function(ex) {})
4935        ## 'the file names should start with an ASCII letter and be comprised
4936        ## entirely of ASCII letters or digits or hyphen or underscore'
4937        ## Do this in a locale-independent way.
4938        OK <- grep("^[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz][ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789._-]+$", vignettes)
4939        wrong <- vignettes
4940        if(length(OK)) wrong <- wrong[-OK]
4941        if(length(wrong)) wrong_things$`inst/doc` <- wrong
4942    }
4944    class(wrong_things) <- "subdir_tests"
4945    wrong_things
4948format.subdir_tests <-
4949function(x, ...)
4951    .fmt <- function(i) {
4952        tag <- names(x)[i]
4953        c(sprintf("Subdirectory '%s' contains invalid file names:",
4954                  tag),
4955          .pretty_format(x[[i]]))
4956    }
4958    as.character(unlist(lapply(which(lengths(x) > 0L), .fmt)))
4961### * .check_package_ASCII_code
4963.check_package_ASCII_code <-
4964function(dir, respect_quotes = FALSE)
4966    OS_subdirs <- c("unix", "windows")
4967    if(!dir.exists(dir))
4968        stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA)
4969    else
4970        dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
4972    code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
4973    wrong_things <- character()
4974    if(dir.exists(code_dir)) {
4975        R_files <- list_files_with_type(code_dir, "code",
4976                                        full.names = FALSE,
4977                                        OS_subdirs = OS_subdirs)
4978        for(f in R_files) {
4979            text <- readLines(file.path(code_dir, f), warn = FALSE)
4980            if(.Call(C_check_nonASCII, text, !respect_quotes))
4981                wrong_things <- c(wrong_things, f)
4982        }
4983    }
4984    if(length(wrong_things)) cat(wrong_things, sep = "\n")
4985    invisible(wrong_things)
4988### * .check_package_code_syntax
4990.check_package_code_syntax <-
4993    if(!dir.exists(dir))
4994        stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA)
4995    else
4996        dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
4997    dir_name <- basename(dir)
4999    dfile <- file.path(dirname(dir), "DESCRIPTION")
5000    enc <- if(file.exists(dfile))
5001        .read_description(dfile)["Encoding"] else NA
5003    ## This was always run in the C locale < 2.5.0
5004    ## However, what chars are alphabetic depends on the locale,
5005    ## so as from R 2.5.0 we try to set a locale.
5006    ## Any package with no declared encoding should have only ASCII R
5007    ## code.
5008    oLC_ct <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE"); on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", oLC_ct))
5009    if(!is.na(enc)) {  ## try to use the declared encoding
5010        if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
5011            ## "C" is in fact "en", and there are no UTF-8 locales
5012            switch(enc,
5013                   "latin2" = Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", 'polish'),
5014                   Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "C")
5015                   )
5016        } else {
5017            loc <- Sys.getenv("R_ENCODING_LOCALES", NA_character_)
5018            if(!is.na(loc)) {
5019                loc <- strsplit(strsplit(loc, ":")[[1L]], "=")
5020                nm <- lapply(loc, "[[", 1L)
5021                loc <- lapply(loc, "[[", 2L)
5022                names(loc) <- nm
5023                if(!is.null(l <- loc[[enc]]))
5024                    Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", l)
5025                else
5026                    Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "C")
5028            } else if(l10n_info()[["UTF-8"]]) {
5029                ## the hope is that the conversion to UTF-8 works and
5030                ## so we can validly test the code in the current locale.
5031            } else {
5032                ## these are the POSIX forms, but of course not all Unixen
5033                ## abide by POSIX.  These locales need not exist, but
5034                ## do in glibc.
5035                switch(enc,
5036                       "latin1" = Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "en_US"),
5037                       "utf-8"  =,  # not valid, but used
5038                       "UTF-8"  = Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "en_US.UTF-8"),
5039                       "latin2" = Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "pl_PL"),
5040                       "latin9" = Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE",
5041                       "fr_FR.iso885915@euro"),
5042                       Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "C")
5043                      )
5044            }
5045        }
5046    }
5048    collect_parse_woes <- function(f) {
5049        .error <- .warnings <- character()
5050        file <- file.path(dir, f)
5051        if(!is.na(enc) &&
5052           (Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %notin% c("C", "POSIX"))) {
5053            lines <- iconv(readLines(file, warn = FALSE), from = enc, to = "",
5054                           sub = "byte")
5055            withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(str2expression(lines),
5056                                         error = function(e)
5057                                         .error <<- conditionMessage(e)),
5058                                warning = function(e) {
5059                                    .warnings <<- c(.warnings,
5060                                                    conditionMessage(e))
5061                                    tryInvokeRestart("muffleWarning")
5062                                })
5063        } else {
5064            withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(parse(file),
5065                                         error = function(e)
5066                                         .error <<- conditionMessage(e)),
5067                                warning = function(e) {
5068                                    .warnings <<- c(.warnings,
5069                                                    conditionMessage(e))
5070                                    tryInvokeRestart("muffleWarning")
5071                                })
5072        }
5073        ## (We show offending file paths starting with the base of the
5074        ## given directory as this provides "nicer" output ...)
5075        if(length(.error) || length(.warnings))
5076            list(File = file.path(dir_name, f),
5077                 Error = .error, Warnings = .warnings)
5078        else
5079            NULL
5080    }
5082    out <-
5083        lapply(list_files_with_type(dir, "code", full.names = FALSE,
5084                                    OS_subdirs = c("unix", "windows")),
5085               collect_parse_woes)
5086    structure(out[lengths(out) > 0L],
5087              class = "check_package_code_syntax")
5090print.check_package_code_syntax <-
5091function(x, ...)
5093    first <- TRUE
5094    for(i in seq_along(x)) {
5095        if(!first) writeLines("") else first <- FALSE
5096        xi <- x[[i]]
5097        if(length(xi$Error)) {
5098            msg <- gsub("\n", "\n  ", sub("[^:]*: *", "", xi$Error),
5099			perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
5100            writeLines(c(sprintf("Error in file '%s':", xi$File),
5101                         paste0("  ", msg)))
5102        }
5103        if(len <- length(xi$Warnings))
5104            writeLines(c(sprintf(ngettext(len,
5105                                          "Warning in file %s:",
5106                                          "Warnings in file %s:"),
5107                                 sQuote(xi$File)),
5108                         paste0("  ", gsub("\n\n", "\n  ", xi$Warnings,
5109                                           perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE))))
5110    }
5111    invisible(x)
5114### * .check_package_code_shlib
5116.check_package_code_shlib <-
5119    predicate <- function(e) {
5120        ((length(e) > 1L)
5121            && (length(x <- as.character(e[[1L]])) == 1L)
5122            && (x %in% c("library.dynam", "library.dynam.unload"))
5123            && (length(y <- e[[2L]]) == 1L)
5124            && is.character(y)
5125            && grepl("\\.(so|sl|dll)$", y))
5126    }
5128    x <- Filter(length,
5129                .find_calls_in_package_code(dir, predicate,
5130                                            recursive = TRUE))
5132    ## Because we really only need this for calling from R CMD check, we
5133    ## produce output here in case we found something.
5134    if(length(x))
5135        writeLines(c(unlist(Map(.format_calls_in_file, x, names(x))),
5136                     ""))
5137    ## (Could easily provide format() and print() methods ...)
5139    invisible(x)
5142### * .check_package_code_startup_functions
5144.check_package_code_startup_functions <-
5147    bad_call_names <-
5148        unlist(.bad_call_names_in_startup_functions)
5150    .check_startup_function <- function(fcode, fname) {
5151        out <- list()
5152        nms <- names(fcode[[2L]])
5153        ## Check names of formals.
5154        ## Allow anything containing ... (for now); otherwise, insist on
5155        ## length two with names starting with lib and pkg, respectively.
5156        if(("..." %notin% nms) &&
5157           ((length(nms) != 2L) ||
5158            any(substr(nms, 1L, 3L) != c("lib", "pkg"))))
5159            out$bad_arg_names <- nms
5160        ## Look at all calls (not only at top level).
5161        calls <- .find_calls(fcode[[3L]], recursive = TRUE)
5162        if(!length(calls)) return(out)
5163        cnames <- .call_names(calls)
5164        ## And pick the ones which should not be there ...
5165        bcn <- bad_call_names
5166        if(fname == ".onAttach") bcn <- c(bcn, "library.dynam")
5167        if(fname == ".onLoad") bcn <- c(bcn, "packageStartupMessage")
5168        ind <- (cnames %in% bcn)
5169        if(any(ind)) {
5170            calls <- calls[ind]
5171            cnames <- cnames[ind]
5172            ## Exclude library(help = ......) calls.
5173            pos <- which(cnames == "library")
5174            if(length(pos)) {
5175                pos <- pos[vapply(calls[pos],
5176                                  function(e)
5177                                      any(names(e)[-1L] == "help"),
5178                                  NA)]
5179                ## Could also match.call(base::library, e) first ...
5180                if(length(pos)) {
5181                    calls <- calls[-pos]
5182                    cnames <- cnames[-pos]
5183                }
5184            }
5185            if(length(calls)) {
5186                out$bad_calls <-
5187                    list(calls = calls, names = cnames)
5188            }
5189        }
5190        out
5191    }
5193    calls <- .find_calls_in_package_code(dir,
5194                                         .worker =
5195                                         .get_startup_function_calls_in_file)
5196    FL <- unlist(lapply(calls, "[[", ".First.lib"))
5197    calls <- Filter(length,
5198                    lapply(calls,
5199                           function(e)
5200                           Filter(length,
5201                                  Map(.check_startup_function,
5202                                      e, names(e)))))
5203    if(length(FL)) attr(calls, ".First.lib") <- TRUE
5204    class(calls) <- "check_package_code_startup_functions"
5205    calls
5208format.check_package_code_startup_functions <-
5209function(x, ...)
5211    res <- if(!is.null(attr(x, ".First.lib"))) "NB: .First.lib is obsolete and will not be used in R >= 3.0.0" else character()
5212    if(length(x)) {
5214        ## Flatten out doubly recursive list of functions within list of
5215        ## files structure for computing summary messages.
5216        y <- unlist(x, recursive = FALSE)
5218        has_bad_wrong_args <-
5219            "bad_arg_names" %in% unlist(lapply(y, names))
5220        calls <-
5221            unique(unlist(lapply(y,
5222                                 function(e) e[["bad_calls"]][["names"]])))
5223        has_bad_calls_for_load <-
5224            any(calls %in% .bad_call_names_in_startup_functions$load)
5225        has_bad_calls_for_output <-
5226            any(calls %in% .bad_call_names_in_startup_functions$output)
5227        has_unsafe_calls <-
5228            any(calls %in% .bad_call_names_in_startup_functions$unsafe)
5230        .fmt_entries_for_file <- function(e, f) {
5231            c(gettextf("File %s:", sQuote(f)),
5232              unlist(Map(.fmt_entries_for_function, e, names(e))),
5233              "")
5234        }
5236        .fmt_entries_for_function <- function(e, f) {
5237            c(if(length(bad <- e[["bad_arg_names"]])) {
5238                gettextf("  %s has wrong argument list %s",
5239                         f, sQuote(paste(bad, collapse = ", ")))
5240            },
5241              if(length(bad <- e[["bad_calls"]])) {
5242                  c(gettextf("  %s calls:", f),
5243                    paste0("    ",
5244                           unlist(lapply(bad[["calls"]], function(e)
5245                                         paste(deparse(e), collapse = "")))))
5246              })
5247        }
5249        res <-
5250            c(res,
5251              unlist(Map(.fmt_entries_for_file, x, names(x)),
5252                     use.names = FALSE),
5253              if(has_bad_wrong_args)
5254              strwrap(gettextf("Package startup functions should have two arguments with names starting with %s and %s, respectively.",
5255                               sQuote("lib"), sQuote("pkg")),
5256                      exdent = 2L),
5257              if(has_bad_calls_for_load)
5258              strwrap(gettextf("Package startup functions should not change the search path."),
5259                      exdent = 2L),
5260              if(has_bad_calls_for_output)
5261              strwrap(gettextf("Package startup functions should use %s to generate messages.",
5262                               sQuote("packageStartupMessage")),
5263                      exdent = 2L),
5264              if(has_unsafe_calls)
5265              strwrap(gettextf("Package startup functions should not call %s.",
5266                               sQuote("installed.packages")),
5267                      exdent = 2L),
5268              gettextf("See section %s in '%s'.",
5269                       sQuote("Good practice"), "?.onAttach")
5270              )
5271    }
5272    res
5275.bad_call_names_in_startup_functions <-
5276    list(load = c("library", "require"),
5277         output = c("cat", "message", "print", "writeLines"),
5278         unsafe = c("installed.packages", "utils::installed.packages"))
5280.get_startup_function_calls_in_file <-
5281function(file, encoding = NA)
5283    exprs <- .parse_code_file(file, encoding)
5285    ## Use a custom gatherer rather than .find_calls() with a suitable
5286    ## predicate so that we record the name of the startup function in
5287    ## which the calls were found.
5288    calls <- list()
5289    for(e in exprs) {
5290        if((length(e) > 2L) &&
5291	   (is.name(x <- e[[1L]])) &&
5292           (as.character(x) %in% c("<-", "=")) &&
5293           (length(y <- as.character(e[[2L]])) == 1L) &&
5294           (y %in% c(".First.lib", ".onAttach", ".onLoad")) &&
5295	   (is.call(z <- e[[3L]])) &&
5296           (as.character(z[[1L]]) == "function")) {
5297            new <- list(z)
5298            names(new) <- as.character(y)
5299            calls <- c(calls, new)
5300        }
5301    }
5302    calls
5305.call_names <-
5307    as.character(sapply(x, function(e) deparse(e[[1L]])))
5310### * .check_package_code_unload_functions
5312.check_package_code_unload_functions <-
5315    bad_call_names <- "library.dynam.unload"
5317    .check_unload_function <- function(fcode, fname) {
5318        out <- list()
5319        nms <- names(fcode[[2L]])
5320        ## Check names of formals.
5321        ## Allow anything containing ... (for now); otherwise, insist on
5322        ## length one with names starting with lib.
5323        if("..." %notin% nms && (length(nms) != 1L || !startsWith(nms, "lib")))
5324            out$bad_arg_names <- nms
5325        ## Look at all calls (not only at top level).
5326        calls <- .find_calls(fcode[[3L]], recursive = TRUE)
5327        if(!length(calls)) return(out)
5328        cnames <- .call_names(calls)
5329        ## And pick the ones which should not be there ...
5330        ind <- cnames %in% bad_call_names
5331        if(any(ind))
5332            out$bad_calls <- list(calls = calls[ind], names = cnames[ind])
5333        out
5334    }
5336    calls <- .find_calls_in_package_code(dir,
5337                                         .worker =
5338                                         .get_unload_function_calls_in_file)
5339    LL <- unlist(lapply(calls, "[[", ".Last.lib"))
5340    calls <- Filter(length,
5341                    lapply(calls,
5342                           function(e)
5343                           Filter(length,
5344                                  Map(.check_unload_function,
5345                                      e, names(e)))))
5346    if(length(LL)) {
5347        code_objs <- ".Last.lib"
5348        nsInfo <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir))
5349        OK <- intersect(code_objs, nsInfo$exports)
5350        for(p in nsInfo$exportPatterns)
5351            OK <- c(OK, grep(p, code_objs, value = TRUE))
5352        if(!length(OK)) attr(calls, ".Last.lib") <- TRUE
5353    }
5354    class(calls) <- "check_package_code_unload_functions"
5355    calls
5358format.check_package_code_unload_functions <-
5359function(x, ...)
5361    res <- if(!is.null(attr(x, ".Last.lib"))) "NB: .Last.lib will not be used unless it is exported" else character()
5362    if(length(x)) {
5364        ## Flatten out doubly recursive list of functions within list of
5365        ## files structure for computing summary messages.
5366        y <- unlist(x, recursive = FALSE)
5368        has_bad_wrong_args <-
5369            "bad_arg_names" %in% unlist(lapply(y, names))
5370##        calls <-
5371##            unique(unlist(lapply(y,
5372##                                 function(e) e[["bad_calls"]][["names"]])))
5373        .fmt_entries_for_file <- function(e, f) {
5374            c(gettextf("File %s:", sQuote(f)),
5375              unlist(Map(.fmt_entries_for_function, e, names(e))),
5376              "")
5377        }
5379        .fmt_entries_for_function <- function(e, f) {
5380            c(if(length(bad <- e[["bad_arg_names"]])) {
5381                gettextf("  %s has wrong argument list %s",
5382                         f, sQuote(paste(bad, collapse = ", ")))
5383            },
5384              if(length(bad <- e[["bad_calls"]])) {
5385                  c(gettextf("  %s calls:", f),
5386                    paste0("    ",
5387                           unlist(lapply(bad[["calls"]], function(e)
5388                                         paste(deparse(e), collapse = "")))))
5389              })
5390        }
5392        res <-
5393            c(res,
5394              unlist(Map(.fmt_entries_for_file, x, names(x)),
5395                     use.names = FALSE),
5396              if(has_bad_wrong_args)
5397              strwrap(gettextf("Package detach functions should have one argument with name starting with %s.", sQuote("lib")),
5398                      exdent = 2L),
5399              if(length(call))
5400              strwrap(gettextf("Package detach functions should not call %s.",
5401                               sQuote("library.dynam.unload")),
5402                      exdent = 2L),
5403              gettextf("See section %s in '%s'.",
5404                       sQuote("Good practice"), "?.Last.lib")
5405              )
5406    }
5407    res
5410.get_unload_function_calls_in_file <-
5411function(file, encoding = NA)
5413    exprs <- .parse_code_file(file, encoding)
5415    ## Use a custom gatherer rather than .find_calls() with a suitable
5416    ## predicate so that we record the name of the unload function in
5417    ## which the calls were found.
5418    calls <- list()
5419    for(e in exprs) {
5420        if((length(e) > 2L) &&
5421	   (is.name(x <- e[[1L]])) &&
5422           (as.character(x) %in% c("<-", "=")) &&
5423           (length(y <- as.character(e[[2L]])) == 1L) &&
5424           (y %in% c(".Last.lib", ".onDetach")) &&
5425	   (is.call(z <- e[[3L]])) &&
5426           (as.character(z[[1L]]) == "function")) {
5427            new <- list(z)
5428            names(new) <- as.character(y)
5429            calls <- c(calls, new)
5430        }
5431    }
5432    calls
5435### * .check_package_code_tampers
5437.check_package_code_tampers <-
5440    dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
5441    pkgname <- if(file.exists(dfile))
5442        .read_description(dfile)["Package"] else ""
5444    predicate <- function(e) {
5445        if(length(e) <= 1L) return(FALSE)
5446        if(as.character(e[[1L]])[1L] %in% "unlockBinding") {
5447            e3 <- as.character(e[[3L]])
5448            if (e3[[1L]] == "asNamespace") e3 <- as.character(e[[3L]][[2L]])
5449            return(e3 != pkgname)
5450        }
5451        if((as.character(e[[1L]])[1L] %in% ".Internal") &&
5452           as.character(e[[2L]][[1L]]) == "unlockBinding") return(TRUE)
5453        if(as.character(e[[1L]])[1L] %in% "assignInNamespace") {
5454            e3 <- as.character(e[[4L]])
5455            if (e3[[1L]] == "asNamespace") e3 <- as.character(e[[4L]][[2L]])
5456            return(e3 != pkgname)
5457        }
5458        FALSE
5459    }
5461    x <- Filter(length,
5462                .find_calls_in_package_code(dir, predicate,
5463                                            recursive = TRUE))
5465    ## Because we really only need this for calling from R CMD check, we
5466    ## produce output here in case we found something.
5467    if(length(x))
5468        writeLines(unlist(Map(.format_calls_in_file, x, names(x))))
5469    ## (Could easily provide format() and print() methods ...)
5471    invisible(x)
5474### * .check_package_code_assign_to_globalenv
5476.check_package_code_assign_to_globalenv <-
5479    predicate <- function(e) {
5480        if(!is.call(e) ||
5481           (length(x <- as.character(e[[1L]])) != 1L) ||
5482           (x != "assign"))
5483            return(FALSE)
5484        e <- e[as.character(e) != "..."]
5485        ## Capture assignments to global env unless to .Random.seed.
5486        ## (This may fail for conditionalized code not meant for R
5487        ## [e.g., argument 'where'].)
5488        mc <- tryCatch(match.call(base::assign, e), error = identity)
5489        if(inherits(mc, "error") || identical(mc$x, ".Random.seed"))
5490            return(FALSE)
5491        if(!is.null(env <- mc$envir) &&
5492           identical(tryCatch(eval(env),
5493                              error = identity),
5494                     globalenv()))
5495            return(TRUE)
5496        if(!is.null(pos <- mc$pos) &&
5497           identical(tryCatch(eval(call("as.environment", pos)),
5498                              error = identity),
5499                     globalenv()))
5500            return(TRUE)
5501        FALSE
5502    }
5504    calls <- Filter(length,
5505                    .find_calls_in_package_code(dir, predicate,
5506                                                recursive = TRUE))
5507    class(calls) <- "check_package_code_assign_to_globalenv"
5508    calls
5511format.check_package_code_assign_to_globalenv <-
5512function(x, ...)
5514    if(!length(x)) return(character())
5516    c("Found the following assignments to the global environment:",
5517      unlist(Map(.format_calls_in_file, x, names(x))))
5520### * .check_package_code_attach
5522.check_package_code_attach <-
5525    predicate <- function(e)
5526    ((length(x <- as.character(e[[1L]])) == 1L) &&
5527     (x == "attach"))
5529    calls <- Filter(length,
5530                    .find_calls_in_package_code(dir, predicate,
5531                                                recursive = TRUE))
5532    class(calls) <- "check_package_code_attach"
5533    calls
5536format.check_package_code_attach <-
5537function(x, ...)
5539    if(!length(x)) return(character())
5541    c("Found the following calls to attach():",
5542      unlist(Map(.format_calls_in_file, x, names(x))))
5545### * .check_package_code_data_into_globalenv
5547.check_package_code_data_into_globalenv <-
5550    predicate <- function(e) {
5551        if(!is.call(e) ||
5552           (length(x <- as.character(e[[1L]])) != 1L) ||
5553           (x != "data"))
5554            return(FALSE)
5555        ## As data() has usage
5556        ##   data(..., list = character(), package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,
5557        ##        verbose = getOption("verbose"), envir = .GlobalEnv))
5558        ## argument 'envir' must be matched exactly, and calls which
5559        ## only have the last four arguments do not load any data.
5560        env <- e$envir
5561        tab <- c("package", "lib.loc", "verbose", "envir")
5562        if(!is.null(nms <- names(e)))
5563            e <- e[nms %notin% tab]
5564        ((length(e) > 1L) &&
5565         (is.null(env) ||
5566          (is.name(env) && as.character(env) == ".GlobalEnv") ||
5567          (is.call(env) && as.character(env[[1L]]) == "globalenv")))
5568    }
5570    calls <- Filter(length,
5571                    .find_calls_in_package_code(dir, predicate,
5572                                                recursive = TRUE))
5573    class(calls) <- "check_package_code_data_into_globalenv"
5574    calls
5577format.check_package_code_data_into_globalenv <-
5578function(x, ...)
5580    if(!length(x)) return(character())
5582    c("Found the following calls to data() loading into the global environment:",
5583      unlist(Map(.format_calls_in_file, x, names(x))))
5586### * .check_packages_used
5588.check_packages_used <-
5589function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)
5591    ## Argument handling.
5592    ns <- NULL
5593    if(!missing(package)) {
5594        if(length(package) != 1L)
5595            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
5596        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
5597        ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ...
5598        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
5599        if(!dir.exists(code_dir))
5600            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not contain R code",
5601                          dir),
5602                 domain = NA)
5603        if(basename(dir) != "base")
5604            .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc)
5605        code_env <- if(packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir)))
5606            asNamespace(package)
5607        else
5608            .package_env(package)
5609        dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
5610        db <- .read_description(dfile)
5611        ## fake installs do not have this.
5612        nsfile <- file.path(dir, "Meta", "nsInfo.rds")
5613        if (file.exists(nsfile)) ns <- readRDS(nsfile)
5614        else {
5615            nsfile <- file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE")
5616            if(file.exists(nsfile))
5617                ns <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir))
5618        }
5619    }
5620    else if(!missing(dir)) {
5621        ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ...
5622        if(!dir.exists(dir))
5623            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir),
5624                 domain = NA)
5625        else
5626            dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
5627        dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
5628        db <- .read_description(dfile)
5629        nsfile <- file.path(dir, "NAMESPACE")
5630        if(file.exists(nsfile))
5631           ns <- parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir))
5632        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
5633        if(dir.exists(code_dir)) {
5634            file <- tempfile()
5635            on.exit(unlink(file))
5636            if(!file.create(file)) stop("unable to create ", file)
5637            if(!all(.file_append_ensuring_LFs(file,
5638                                              list_files_with_type(code_dir,
5639                                                                   "code"))))
5640                stop("unable to write code files")
5641        } else return(invisible())
5642    }
5643    pkg_name <- db["Package"]
5644    depends <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Depends")
5645    imports <- imports0 <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Imports")
5646    suggests <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Suggests")
5647    enhances <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Enhances")
5649    ## it is OK to refer to yourself and non-S4 standard packages
5650    standard_package_names <-
5651        setdiff(.get_standard_package_names()$base,
5652                c("methods", "stats4"))
5653    ## It helps to know if non-default standard packages are require()d
5654    ## but safer to list them: compiler & parallel got included for years
5655    ## Some people depend on 'base'!
5656    default_package_names <-
5657        c("base", "datasets", "grDevices", "graphics", "stats", "utils")
5658    depends_suggests <- c(depends, suggests, enhances, pkg_name, default_package_names)
5659    imports <- c(imports, depends, suggests, enhances, pkg_name,
5660                 standard_package_names)
5661    ## the first argument could be named, or could be a variable name.
5662    ## we just have a stop list here.
5663    common_names <- c("pkg", "pkgName", "package", "pos", "dep_name")
5665    bad_exprs <- bad_deps <- bad_imps <- bad_prac <- character()
5666    bad_imports <- all_imports <- imp2 <- imp2f <- imp3 <- imp3f <- character()
5667    uses_methods <- FALSE
5668    find_bad_exprs <- function(e) {
5669        if(is.call(e) || is.expression(e)) {
5670            Call <- deparse(e[[1L]])[1L]
5671            if(Call %in% c("clusterEvalQ", "parallel::clusterEvalQ")) return()
5672            if((Call %in%
5673                c("library", "require", "loadNamespace", "requireNamespace"))
5674               && (length(e) >= 2L)) {
5675                ## We need to remove '...': OTOH the argument could be NULL
5676                keep <- vapply(e, function(x) deparse(x)[1L] != "...", NA)
5677                mc <- match.call(baseenv()[[Call]], e[keep])
5678                if(!is.null(pkg <- mc$package)) {
5679                    ## <NOTE>
5680                    ## Using code analysis, we really don't know which
5681                    ## package was called if character.only = TRUE and
5682                    ## the package argument is not a string constant.
5683                    ## (BTW, what if character.only is given a value
5684                    ## which is an expression evaluating to TRUE?)
5685                    dunno <- FALSE
5686                    if(isTRUE(mc$character.only)
5687                       && !identical(class(pkg), "character"))
5688                        dunno <- TRUE
5689                    ## </NOTE>
5690                    ## <FIXME> could be inside substitute or a variable
5691                    ## and is in e.g. R.oo
5692                    if(!dunno) {
5693                        if (Call %in% c("loadNamespace", "requireNamespace")) {
5694                            if (identical(class(pkg), "character")) {
5695                                pkg <- sub('^"(.*)"$', '\\1', deparse(pkg))
5696                                if(! pkg %in%
5697                                   c(imports, depends_suggests, common_names))
5698                                    bad_imps <<- c(bad_imps, pkg)
5699                            }
5700                       } else {
5701                           pkg <- sub('^"(.*)"$', '\\1', deparse(pkg))
5702                            if(pkg %notin% c(depends_suggests, common_names))
5703                                bad_exprs <<- c(bad_exprs, pkg)
5704                            if(pkg %in% depends)
5705                                bad_deps <<- c(bad_deps, pkg)
5706                           ## assume calls to itself are to clusterEvalQ etc
5707                           else if (pkg != pkg_name)
5708                               bad_prac <<- c(bad_prac, pkg)
5709                        }
5710                    }
5711                }
5712            } else if(Call %in% "::") {
5713                pkg <- deparse(e[[2L]])
5714                all_imports <<- c(all_imports, pkg)
5715                if(pkg %notin% imports)
5716                    bad_imports <<- c(bad_imports, pkg)
5717                else {
5718                    imp2 <<- c(imp2, pkg)
5719                    imp2f <<- c(imp2f, deparse(e[[3L]]))
5720                }
5721            } else if(Call %in% ":::") {
5722                pkg <- deparse(e[[2L]])
5723                all_imports <<- c(all_imports, pkg)
5724                imp3 <<- c(imp3, pkg)
5725                imp3f <<- c(imp3f, deparse(e[[3L]]))
5726                if(pkg %notin% imports)
5727                    bad_imports <<- c(bad_imports, pkg)
5728            } else if(Call %in% c("setClass", "setMethod")) {
5729                uses_methods <<- TRUE
5730            } else if((Call %in% c("<-", "<<-")) &&
5731                      is.call(e[[2L]]) &&
5732                      is.call(e21 <- e[[2L]][[1L]]) &&
5733                      (deparse(e21[[1L]])[1L] %in% c("::", ":::"))) {
5734                ## For complex assignments like
5735                ##    pkg::fun(......) <- rhs
5736                ## need to look for replacement function 'fun<-' in pkg
5737                ## (PR#17613).
5738                e[[2L]][[1L]][[3L]] <-
5739                    as.name(paste0(deparse(e21[[3L]])[1L], "<-"))
5740            }
5741            for(i in seq_along(e)) Recall(e[[i]])
5742        }
5743    }
5745    if(!missing(package)) {
5746        ## <FIXME>
5747        ## Suggested way of checking for S4 metadata.
5748        ## Change to use as envir_has_S4_metadata() once this makes it
5749        ## into base or methods.
5750        if(length(objects(code_env, all.names = TRUE,
5751                          pattern = "^[.]__[CT]_")))
5752            uses_methods <- TRUE
5753        ## </FIXME>
5754        exprs <- lapply(ls(envir = code_env, all.names = TRUE),
5755                        function(f) {
5756                            f <- get(f, envir = code_env) # get is expensive
5757			    if(typeof(f) == "closure") body(f) # else NULL
5758                        })
5759        if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) {
5760            ## Also check the code in S4 methods.
5761            ## This may find things twice.
5762            for(f in .get_S4_generics(code_env)) {
5763                mlist <- .get_S4_methods_list(f, code_env)
5764                exprs <- c(exprs, lapply(mlist, body))
5765            }
5766        }
5767    }
5768    else {
5769        enc <- db["Encoding"]
5770        if(!is.na(enc) &&
5771           (Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %notin% c("C", "POSIX"))) {
5772            ## FIXME: what if conversion fails on e.g. UTF-8 comments
5773	    con <- file(file, encoding=enc)
5774            on.exit(close(con))
5775        } else con <- file
5776        exprs <-
5777            tryCatch(parse(file = con, n = -1L),
5778                     error = function(e)
5779                     stop(gettextf("parse error in file '%s':\n%s",
5780                                   file,
5781                                   .massage_file_parse_error_message(conditionMessage(e))),
5782                               domain = NA, call. = FALSE))
5783    }
5785    for(i in seq_along(exprs)) find_bad_exprs(exprs[[i]])
5787    if(length(ns)) {
5788        imp <- c(ns$imports, ns$importClasses, ns$importMethods)
5789        if (length(imp)) {
5790            imp <- sapply(imp, function(x) x[[1L]])
5791            all_imports <- unique(c(imp, all_imports))
5792        }
5793    } else imp <- character()
5794    bad_imp <- setdiff(imports0, all_imports)
5796    ## All the non-default packages need to be imported from.
5797    depends_not_import <- setdiff(depends, c(imp, default_package_names))
5799    methods_message <-
5800        if(uses_methods && "methods" %notin% c(depends, imports))
5801            gettext("package 'methods' is used but not declared")
5802        else ""
5804    extras <- list(
5805        base = c("Sys.junction", "shell", "shell.exec"),
5806        grDevices = c("X11.options", "X11Font", "X11Fonts", "quartz",
5807        "quartz.options", "quartz.save", "quartzFont", "quartzFonts",
5808        "bringToTop", "msgWindow", "win.graph", "win.metafile", "win.print",
5809        "windows", "windows.options", "windowsFont", "windowsFonts"),
5810        parallel = c("mccollect", "mcparallel", "mc.reset.stream", "mcaffinity"),
5811        utils = c("nsl", "DLL.version", "Filters",
5812        "choose.dir", "choose.files", "getClipboardFormats",
5813        "getIdentification", "getWindowsHandle", "getWindowsHandles",
5814        "getWindowTitle", "loadRconsole", "readClipboard",
5815        "readRegistry", "setStatusBar", "setWindowTitle",
5816        "shortPathName", "win.version", "winDialog",
5817        "winDialogString", "winMenuAdd", "winMenuAddItem",
5818        "winMenuDel", "winMenuDelItem", "winMenuNames",
5819        "winMenuItems", "writeClipboard", "zip.unpack",
5820        "winProgressBar", "getWinProgressBar", "setWinProgressBar",
5821        "setInternet2", "arrangeWindows"),
5822        RODBC = c("odbcConnectAccess", "odbcConnectAccess2007",
5823        "odbcConnectDbase", "odbcConnectExcel", "odbcConnectExcel2007")
5824        )
5825    imp2un <- character()
5826    if(length(imp2)) { ## Try to check these are exported
5827        names(imp2f) <- imp2
5828        imp2 <- unique(imp2)
5829        imps <- split(imp2f, names(imp2f))
5830        for (p in names(imps)) {
5831            ## some people have these quoted:
5832            this <- imps[[p]]
5833            this <- sub('^"(.*)"$', "\\1", this)
5834            this <- sub("^'(.*)'$", "\\1", this)
5835            if (p %in% "base") {
5836                this <- setdiff(this, ls(baseenv(), all.names = TRUE))
5837                if(length(this))
5838                    imp2un <- c(imp2un, paste(p, this, sep = "::"))
5839                next
5840            }
5841            ns <- .getNamespace(p)
5842            value <- if(is.null(ns)) {
5843                ## this could be noisy
5844                tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(loadNamespace(p))),
5845                         error = function(e) e)
5846            } else NULL
5847            if (!inherits(value, "error")) {
5848		ns <- asNamespace(p)
5849                exps <- c(ls(envir = .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "exports"),
5850                             all.names = TRUE),
5851                          ls(envir = .getNamespaceInfo(ns, "lazydata"),
5852                             all.names = TRUE),
5853                          extras[[p]])
5854                this2 <- setdiff(this, exps)
5855                if(length(this2))
5856                    imp2un <- c(imp2un, paste(p, this2, sep = "::"))
5857            }
5858        }
5859    }
5861    names(imp3f) <- imp3
5862    ## Eliminate some methods ::: self-calls which we know are in fact
5863    ## necessary.
5864    if(pkg_name == "methods") {
5865        imp3f <- imp3f[(imp3 != "methods") |
5866                       (imp3f %notin% c(".class1",
5867                                        ".missingMethod",
5868                                        ".selectDotsMethod",
5869                                        ".setDummyField"))]
5870        imp3 <- names(imp3f)
5871    }
5872    imp3 <- unique(imp3)
5873    imp3self <- pkg_name %in% imp3
5874    imp3selfcalls <- as.vector(imp3f[names(imp3f) == pkg_name])
5875    imp3 <- setdiff(imp3, pkg_name)
5876    if(length(imp3)) {
5877        imp3f <- imp3f[names(imp3f) %in% imp3]
5878        imps <- split(imp3f, names(imp3f))
5879        imp32 <- imp3 <- imp3f <- imp3ff <- unknown <- character()
5880        for (p in names(imps)) {
5881            this <- imps[[p]]
5882            this <- sub('^"(.*)"$', "\\1", this)
5883            this <- sub("^'(.*)'$", "\\1", this)
5884            if (p %in% "base") {
5885                imp32 <- c(imp32, paste(p, this, sep = ":::"))
5886                next
5887            }
5888            ns <- .getNamespace(p)
5889            value <- if(is.null(ns)) {
5890                ## this could be noisy
5891                tryCatch(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(loadNamespace(p))),
5892                         error = function(e) e)
5893            } else NULL
5894            if (inherits(value, "error")) {
5895                unknown <- c(unknown, p)
5896            } else {
5897                 exps <- c(ls(envir = getNamespaceInfo(p, "exports"),
5898                              all.names = TRUE), extras[[p]])
5899                 this2 <- this %in% exps
5900                 if (any(this2))
5901                     imp32 <- c(imp32, paste(p, this[this2], sep = ":::"))
5902                 if (any(!this2)) {
5903                     imp3 <- c(imp3, p)
5904                     this <- this[!this2]
5905                     pp <- ls(envir = asNamespace(p), all.names = TRUE)
5906                     this2 <- this %in% pp
5907                     if(any(this2))
5908                         imp3f <- c(imp3f, paste(p, this[this2], sep = ":::"))
5909                     if(any(!this2))
5910                         imp3ff <- c(imp3ff, paste(p, this[!this2], sep = ":::"))
5911                 }
5912            }
5913        }
5914        if(length(imp3f)) {
5915            ## remove other packages which have the same maintainer,
5916            ## but report references to itself.  Unless they should be :: .
5917            maintainers <-
5918                sapply(strsplit(imp3f, ":::", fixed = TRUE),
5919                       function(p) {
5920                           dfile <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = p[[1L]])
5921                           if(dfile == "") return("")
5922                           unname(.read_description(dfile)["Maintainer"])
5923                       })
5924            imp3f <- imp3f[(maintainers != db["Maintainer"])]
5925        }
5926    } else imp32 <- imp3f <- imp3ff <- unknown <- character()
5927    ## An unexported function only available on Windows, used in tools
5928    imp3ff <- setdiff(sort(unique(imp3ff)), "utils:::unpackPkgZip")
5929    res <- list(others = unique(bad_exprs),
5930                bad_practice = unique(bad_prac),
5931                imports = unique(bad_imports),
5932                imps = unique(bad_imps),
5933                in_depends = unique(bad_deps),
5934                unused_imports = bad_imp,
5935                depends_not_import = depends_not_import,
5936                imp2un = sort(unique(imp2un)),
5937                imp32 = sort(unique(imp32)),
5938                imp3 = imp3, imp3f = sort(unique(imp3f)),
5939                imp3ff = imp3ff, imp3self = imp3self,
5940                imp3selfcalls = sort(unique(imp3selfcalls)),
5941                imp3unknown = unknown,
5942                methods_message = methods_message)
5943    class(res) <- "check_packages_used"
5944    res
5947format.check_packages_used <-
5948function(x, ...)
5950    incoming <-
5951        identical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGES_USED_CRAN_INCOMING_NOTES_",
5952                             "FALSE"),
5953                  "TRUE")
5954    ignore_unused_imports <-
5955        config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGES_USED_IGNORE_UNUSED_IMPORTS_",
5956                                         "FALSE"))
5958    c(character(),
5959      if(length(xx <- x$imports)) {
5960          if(length(xx) > 1L) {
5961              c(gettext("'::' or ':::' imports not declared from:"),
5962                .pretty_format(sort(xx)))
5963          } else {
5964              gettextf("'::' or ':::' import not declared from: %s", sQuote(xx))
5965          }
5966      },
5967      if(length(xx <- x$others)) {
5968          if(length(xx) > 1L) {
5969              c(gettext("'library' or 'require' calls not declared from:"),
5970                .pretty_format(sort(xx)))
5971          } else {
5972              gettextf("'library' or 'require' call not declared from: %s",
5973                       sQuote(xx))
5974          }
5975      },
5976      if(length(xx <- x$imps)) {
5977          if(length(xx) > 1L) {
5978              c(gettext("'loadNamespace' or 'requireNamespace' calls not declared from:"),
5979                .pretty_format(sort(xx)))
5980          } else {
5981              gettextf("'loadNamespace' or 'requireNamespace' call not declared from: %s",
5982                       sQuote(xx))
5983          }
5984      },
5985      if(length(xx <- x$in_depends)) {
5986          msg <- "  Please remove these calls from your code."
5987          if(length(xx) > 1L) {
5988              c(gettext("'library' or 'require' calls to packages already attached by Depends:"),
5989                .pretty_format(sort(xx)), msg)
5990          } else {
5991              c(gettextf("'library' or 'require' call to %s which was already attached by Depends.",
5992                         sQuote(xx)), msg)
5993          }
5994      },
5995      if(length(xx <- x$bad_practice)) {
5996          msg <-
5997              "  Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.\n  See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual."
5998          if(length(xx) > 1L) {
5999              c(gettext("'library' or 'require' calls in package code:"),
6000                .pretty_format(sort(xx)), msg)
6001          } else {
6002              c(gettextf("'library' or 'require' call to %s in package code.",
6003                         sQuote(xx)), msg)
6004          }
6005      },
6007      if(length(xx <- x$unused_imports) && !ignore_unused_imports) {
6008          msg <- "  All declared Imports should be used."
6009          if(length(xx) > 1L) {
6010              c(gettext("Namespaces in Imports field not imported from:"),
6011                .pretty_format(sort(xx)), msg)
6012          } else {
6013              c(gettextf("Namespace in Imports field not imported from: %s",
6014                       sQuote(xx)), msg)
6015          }
6016      },
6017      if(length(xx <- x$depends_not_import)) {
6018          msg <- c("  These packages need to be imported from (in the NAMESPACE file)",
6019                   "  for when this namespace is loaded but not attached.")
6020          if(length(xx) > 1L) {
6021              c(gettext("Packages in Depends field not imported from:"),
6022                .pretty_format(sort(xx)), msg)
6023          } else {
6024              c(gettextf("Package in Depends field not imported from: %s",
6025                         sQuote(xx)), msg)
6026          }
6027      },
6028      if(length(xx <- x$imp2un)) {
6029          if(length(xx) > 1L) {
6030              c(gettext("Missing or unexported objects:"),
6031                .pretty_format(sort(xx)))
6032          } else {
6033              gettextf("Missing or unexported object: %s", sQuote(xx))
6034          }
6035      },
6036      if(length(xx <- x$imp32)) { ## ' ' seems to get converted to dir quotes
6037          msg <- "See the note in ?`:::` about the use of this operator."
6038          msg <- strwrap(paste(msg, collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L)
6039          if(length(xx) > 1L) {
6040              c(gettext("':::' calls which should be '::':"),
6041                .pretty_format(sort(xx)), msg)
6042          } else {
6043              c(gettextf("':::' call which should be '::': %s",
6044                         sQuote(xx)), msg)
6045          }
6046      },
6047      if(length(xx <- x$imp3ff)) {
6048           if(length(xx) > 1L) {
6049              c(gettext("Missing objects imported by ':::' calls:"),
6050                .pretty_format(sort(xx)))
6051          } else {
6052              gettextf("Missing object imported by a ':::' call: %s",
6053                       sQuote(xx))
6054          }
6055     },
6056      if(length(xxx <- x$imp3f)) { ## ' ' seems to get converted to dir quotes
6057          msg <- "See the note in ?`:::` about the use of this operator."
6058          msg <- strwrap(paste(msg, collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L)
6059          if(incoming) {
6060              z <- sub(":::.*", "", xxx)
6061              base <- unlist(.get_standard_package_names()[c("base", "recommended")])
6062              if (any(z %in% base))
6063                  msg <- c(msg,
6064                           "  Including base/recommended package(s):",
6065                           .pretty_format(intersect(base, z)))
6066          }
6067          if(length(xxx) > 1L) {
6068              c(gettext("Unexported objects imported by ':::' calls:"),
6069                .pretty_format(sort(xxx)), msg)
6070          } else  if(length(xxx)) {
6071              c(gettextf("Unexported object imported by a ':::' call: %s",
6072                         sQuote(xxx)), msg)
6073          }
6074      },
6075      if(isTRUE(x$imp3self)) {
6076          msg <-
6077              c("There are ::: calls to the package's namespace in its code.",
6078                "A package almost never needs to use ::: for its own objects:")
6079          c(strwrap(paste(msg, collapse = " "), indent = 0L, exdent = 2L),
6080            .pretty_format(sort(x$imp3selfcalls)))
6081      },
6082      if(length(xx <- x$imp3unknown)) {
6083          msg <- "See the note in ?`:::` about the use of this operator."
6084          msg <- strwrap(paste(msg, collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L)
6085          if(length(xx) > 1L) {
6086              c(gettext("Unavailable namespaces imported from by ':::' calls:"),
6087                .pretty_format(sort(xx)), msg)
6088          } else {
6089              c(gettextf("Unavailable namespace imported from by a ':::' call: %s",
6090                         sQuote(xx)), msg)
6091          }
6092      },
6093      if(length(xx <- x$data)) {
6094          if(length(xx) > 1L) {
6095              c(gettext("'data(package=)' calls not declared from:"),
6096                .pretty_format(sort(xx)))
6097          } else {
6098              gettextf("'data(package=)' call not declared from: %s",
6099                       sQuote(xx))
6100          }
6101      },
6102      if(nzchar(x$methods_message)) {
6103          x$methods_message
6104      })
6107### * .check_packages_used_in_examples
6109.check_packages_used_helper <-
6110function(db, files)
6112    pkg_name <- db["Package"]
6113    depends <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Depends")
6114    imports <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Imports")
6115    suggests <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Suggests")
6116    enhances <- .get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Enhances")
6118    ## it is OK to refer to yourself and standard packages
6119    standard_package_names <- .get_standard_package_names()$base
6120    depends_suggests <- c(depends, imports, suggests, enhances, pkg_name,
6121                          standard_package_names)
6122    ## the first argument could be named, or could be a variable name.
6123    ## we just have a stop list here.
6124    common_names <- c("pkg", "pkgName", "package", "pos")
6126    bad_exprs <- character()
6127    bad_imports <- character()
6128    bad_data <- character()
6129    find_bad_exprs <- function(e) {
6130        if(is.call(e) || is.expression(e)) {
6131            Call <- deparse(e[[1L]])[1L]
6132            if(length(e) >= 2L) pkg <- deparse(e[[2L]])
6133            if(Call %in%
6134               c("library", "require", "loadNamespace", "requireNamespace")) {
6135                if(length(e) >= 2L) {
6136                    ## We need to remove '...': OTOH the argument could be NULL
6137                    keep <- vapply(e,
6138                                   function(x) deparse(x)[1L] != "...",
6139                                   NA)
6140                    mc <- match.call(baseenv()[[Call]], e[keep])
6141                    if(!is.null(pkg <- mc$package)) {
6142                        pkg <- sub('^"(.*)"$', '\\1', pkg)
6143                        ## <NOTE>
6144                        ## Using code analysis, we really don't know which
6145                        ## package was called if character.only = TRUE and
6146                        ## the package argument is not a string constant.
6147                        ## (Btw, what if character.only is given a value
6148                        ## which is an expression evaluating to TRUE?)
6149                        dunno <- FALSE
6150                        pos <- which(!is.na(pmatch(names(e),
6151                                                   "character.only")))
6152                        if(length(pos)
6153                           && isTRUE(e[[pos]])
6154                           && !identical(class(e[[2L]]), "character"))
6155                            dunno <- TRUE
6156                        ## </NOTE>
6157                        if(! dunno
6158                           && pkg %notin% c(depends_suggests, common_names))
6159                            bad_exprs <<- c(bad_exprs, pkg)
6160                    }
6161                }
6162            } else if(Call %in%  "::") {
6163                if(! pkg %in% depends_suggests)
6164                    bad_imports <<- c(bad_imports, pkg)
6165            } else if(Call %in%  ":::") {
6166                if(! pkg %in% depends_suggests)
6167                    bad_imports <<- c(bad_imports, pkg)
6168            } else if((Call %in% "data" && length(e) >= 3L) ||
6169                      (Call %in% c("utils::data", "utils:::data"))) {
6170                mc <- match.call(utils::data, e)
6171                if(is.character(pkg <- mc$package) && pkg %notin% depends_suggests)
6172                    bad_data <<- c(bad_data, pkg)
6173            }
6175            for(i in seq_along(e)) Recall(e[[i]])
6176        }
6177    }
6179    if (is.character(files)) {
6180        for (f in files) {
6181            tryCatch({
6182                        ## This can give errors because the vignette etc
6183                        ## need not be in the session encoding.
6184                        exprs <- parse(file = f, n = -1L)
6185                        for(i in seq_along(exprs)) find_bad_exprs(exprs[[i]])
6186                     },
6187                     error = function(e) {
6188                         ## so ignore 'invalid multibyte character' errors.
6189                         msg <- .massage_file_parse_error_message(conditionMessage(e))
6190                         if(!startsWith(msg, "invalid multibyte character"))
6191                             warning(gettextf("parse error in file '%s':\n%s",
6192                                              f, msg),
6193                                     domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
6194                     })
6195        }
6196    } else {
6197        ## called for examples with translation
6198        tryCatch({
6199            exprs <- parse(file = files, n = -1L)
6200            for(i in seq_along(exprs)) find_bad_exprs(exprs[[i]])
6201        },
6202                 error = function(e)
6203                 warning(gettextf("parse error in file '%s':\n%s",
6204                                  summary(files)$description,
6205                                  .massage_file_parse_error_message(conditionMessage(e))),
6206                         domain = NA, call. = FALSE))
6207    }
6209    res <- list(others = unique(bad_exprs),
6210                imports = unique(bad_imports),
6211                data = unique(bad_data),
6212                methods_message = "")
6213    class(res) <- "check_packages_used"
6214    res
6217.check_packages_used_in_examples <-
6218function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)
6220    ## Argument handling.
6221    if(!missing(package)) {
6222        if(length(package) != 1L)
6223            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
6224        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
6225        dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
6226        db <- .read_description(dfile)
6227    }
6228    else if(!missing(dir)) {
6229        ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ...
6230        ## FIXME: not yet supported by .createExdotR.
6231        if(!dir.exists(dir))
6232            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA)
6233        else
6234            dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
6235        dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
6236        db <- .read_description(dfile)
6237    }
6238    pkg_name <- db["Package"]
6240    file <- .createExdotR(pkg_name, dir, silent = TRUE,
6241                          commentDonttest = FALSE)
6242    if (is.null(file)) return(invisible(NULL)) # e.g, no examples
6243    on.exit(unlink(file))
6244    enc <- db["Encoding"]
6245    if(!is.na(enc) &&
6246       (Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") %notin% c("C", "POSIX"))) {
6247        ## Avoid conversion failing on e.g. UTF-8 comments
6248        ## con <- file(file, encoding = enc)
6249        lines <- iconv(readLines(file, warn = FALSE),
6250                       from = "UTF-8", to = "", sub = "byte")
6251        con <- textConnection(lines)
6252        on.exit(close(con), add = TRUE)
6253    } else con <- file
6255    .check_packages_used_helper(db, con)
6259### * .check_packages_used_in_tests
6261.check_packages_used_in_tests <-
6262function(dir, testdir, lib.loc = NULL)
6264    ## Argument handling.
6265    ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ...
6266    if(!dir.exists(dir))
6267        stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir), domain = NA)
6268    else
6269        dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
6270    dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
6271    db <- .read_description(dfile)
6273    testsrcdir <- file.path(dir, testdir)
6274    od <- setwd(testsrcdir)
6275    on.exit(setwd(od))
6276    Rinfiles <- list.files(".", pattern = "\\.Rin$")
6277    Rfiles <- list.files(".", pattern = "\\.[rR]$")
6278    if(testdir != "tests") {
6279        use_subdirs <- FALSE
6280    } else {
6281        use_subdirs <-
6282            Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGES_USED_IN_TESTS_USE_SUBDIRS_",
6283                       "FALSE")
6284        use_subdirs <- config_val_to_logical(use_subdirs)
6285        if(use_subdirs) {
6286            subdirs <- c("testthat", "testit", "unitizer", "RUnit")
6287            subdirs <- subdirs[dir.exists(subdirs)]
6288            if(length(subdirs)) {
6289                Rfiles <-
6290                    c(Rfiles,
6291                      unlist(lapply(subdirs, list.files,
6292                                    pattern = "\\.[rR]$",
6293                                    full.names = TRUE),
6294                             use.names = FALSE))
6295            } else {
6296                use_subdirs <- FALSE
6297            }
6298        }
6299    }
6300    res <- .check_packages_used_helper(db, c(Rinfiles, Rfiles))
6301    if(use_subdirs && any(lengths(bad <- res[1L : 3L]))) {
6302        ## Filter results against available package names to avoid (too
6303        ## many) false positives.
6304        ## <FIXME>
6305        ## Should really standardize getting available packages when
6306        ## checking.
6307        repos <- .get_standard_repository_URLs()
6308        available <- utils::available.packages(repos = repos)
6309        res[1L : 3L] <- lapply(bad, intersect, available[, "Package"])
6310    }
6311    res
6314### * .check_packages_used_in_vignettes
6316.check_packages_used_in_vignettes <-
6317function(package, lib.loc = NULL)
6319    ## Argument handling.
6320    if(missing(package) || length(package) != 1L)
6321        stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
6322    dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
6323    ## FIXME: use Meta directory.
6324    db <- .read_description(file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION"))
6325    vinfo <- pkgVignettes(dir = dir, subdirs = "doc", source = TRUE)
6326    Rfiles <- unique(as.character(unlist(vinfo$sources)))
6327    .check_packages_used_helper(db, Rfiles)
6330### * .check_T_and_F
6332## T and F checking, next generation.
6334## What are we really trying to do?
6336## In R, T and F are "just" variables which upon startup are bound to
6337## TRUE and FALSE, respectively, in the base package/namespace.  Hence,
6338## if code uses "global" variables T and F and dynamic lookup is in
6339## place (for packages, if they do not have a namespace), there may be
6340## trouble in case T or F were redefined.  So we'd like to warn about
6341## these cases.
6343## A few things to note:
6344## * Package code top-level bindings *to* T and F are not a problem for
6345##   packages installed for lazy-loading (as the top-level T and F get
6346##   evaluated "appropriately" upon installation.
6347## * Code in examples using "global" T and F is always a problem, as
6348##   this is evaluated in the global envionment by examples().
6349## * There is no problem with package code using T and F as local
6350##   variables.
6351## * Functions in a namespace will always find the T or F in the
6352##   namespace, imports or base, never in the global environment.
6354## Our current idea is the following.  Function findGlobals() in
6355## codetools already provides a way to (approximately) determine the
6356## globals.  So we can try to get these and report them.
6358## Note that findGlobals() only works on closures, so we definitely miss
6359## top-level assignments to T or F.  This could be taken care of rather
6360## easily, though.
6362## Note also that we'd like to help people find where the offending
6363## globals were found.  Seems that codetools currently does not offer a
6364## way of recording e.g. the parent expression, so we do our own thing
6365## based on the legacy checkTnF code.
6367.check_T_and_F <-
6368function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)
6370    ## Seems that checking examples has several problems, and can result
6371    ## in "strange" diagnostic output.  Let's more or less disable this
6372    ## for the time being.
6373    check_examples <-
6374        isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_RD_EXAMPLES_T_AND_F_")))
6377    bad_closures <- character()
6378    bad_examples <- character()
6380    find_bad_closures <- function(env) {
6381        x <- lapply(as.list(env, all.names = TRUE, sorted = TRUE),
6382                    function(v) {
6383                        if (typeof(v) == "closure")
6384                            codetools::findGlobals(v)
6385                    })
6386        names(x)[vapply(x, function(s) any(s %in% c("T", "F")), NA)]
6387    }
6389    find_bad_examples <- function(txts) {
6390        env <- new.env(hash = TRUE) # might be many
6391        x <- lapply(txts,
6392                    function(txt) {
6393                        tryCatch({
6394                            eval(str2expression(
6395                                       paste("FOO <- function() {",
6396                                             paste(txt, collapse = "\n"),
6397                                             "}",
6398                                             collapse = "\n")),
6399                                 env)
6400                            find_bad_closures(env)
6401                        },
6402                                 error = function(e) character())
6403                    })
6404        names(txts)[lengths(x) > 0L]
6405    }
6407    if(!missing(package)) {
6408        if(length(package) != 1L)
6409            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
6410        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
6411        if((package != "base")
6412           && !packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir))) {
6413            .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc)
6414            code_env <- .package_env(package)
6415            bad_closures <- find_bad_closures(code_env)
6416        }
6417        if(check_examples)
6418            example_texts <-
6419                .get_example_texts_from_example_dir(file.path(dir, "R-ex"))
6420    }
6421    else {
6422        ## The dir case.
6423        if(missing(dir))
6424            stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'")
6425        dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
6426        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
6427        if(!packageHasNamespace(basename(dir), dirname(dir))
6428           && dir.exists(code_dir)) {
6429            code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
6430            dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
6431            meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile))
6432                .read_description(dfile)
6433            else
6434                character()
6435            .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta)
6436            bad_closures <- find_bad_closures(code_env)
6437        }
6438        if(check_examples)
6439            example_texts <- .get_example_texts_from_source_dir(dir)
6440    }
6442    if(check_examples)
6443        bad_examples <- find_bad_examples(example_texts)
6445    out <- list(bad_closures = bad_closures,
6446                bad_examples = bad_examples)
6447    class(out) <- "check_T_and_F"
6448    out
6451.get_example_texts_from_example_dir <-
6454    if(!dir.exists(dir)) return(NULL)
6455    files <- list_files_with_exts(dir, "R")
6456    texts <- lapply(files,
6457                    function(f) paste(readLines(f, warn = FALSE),
6458                                      collapse = "\n"))
6459    names(texts) <- files
6460    texts
6463.get_example_texts_from_source_dir <-
6466    if(!dir.exists(file.path(dir, "man"))) return(NULL)
6467    lapply(Rd_db(dir = dir), .Rd_get_example_code)
6470format.check_T_and_F <-
6471function(x, ...)
6473    c(character(),
6474      if(length(x$bad_closures)) {
6475          msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_closures),
6476                          "Found possibly global 'T' or 'F' in the following function:",
6477                          "Found possibly global 'T' or 'F' in the following functions:"
6478                          )
6479          c(strwrap(msg),
6480            .pretty_format(x$bad_closures))
6481      },
6482      if(length(x$bad_examples)) {
6483          msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_examples),
6484                          "Found possibly global 'T' or 'F' in the examples of the following Rd file:",
6485                          "Found possibly global 'T' or 'F' in the examples of the following Rd files:"
6486                          )
6487          c(strwrap(msg),
6488            paste0("  ", x$bad_examples))
6489      })
6492### * .check_bogus_return
6494## Find bogus 'return' statements probably intended as a return() call.
6495## This uses codetools::findGlobals() to find functions which rely on a
6496## global variable "return".
6497## The code is derived from .check_T_and_F above.
6499.check_bogus_return <-
6500function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)
6502    bad_closures <- character()
6504    find_bad_closures <- function(env) {
6505        x <- lapply(as.list(env, all.names = TRUE, sorted = TRUE),
6506                    function(v) {
6507                        if (typeof(v) == "closure")
6508                            codetools::findGlobals(v, merge = FALSE)$variables
6509                    })
6510        names(x)[vapply(x, function(s) any(s %in% "return"), NA)]
6511    }
6513    if(!missing(package)) {
6514        if(length(package) != 1L)
6515            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
6516        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
6517        if(package %notin% .get_standard_package_names()$base) {
6518            .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc)
6519            code_env <- asNamespace(package)
6520            bad_closures <- find_bad_closures(code_env)
6521        }
6522    }
6523    else {
6524        ## The dir case.
6525        if(missing(dir))
6526            stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'")
6527        dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
6528        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
6529        if(dir.exists(code_dir)) {
6530            code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
6531            dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
6532            meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile))
6533                .read_description(dfile)
6534            else
6535                character()
6536            .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta)
6537            bad_closures <- find_bad_closures(code_env)
6538        }
6539    }
6541    out <- list(bad_closures = bad_closures)
6542    class(out) <- "check_bogus_return"
6543    out
6546format.check_bogus_return <-
6547function(x, ...)
6549    c(character(),
6550      if(length(x$bad_closures)) {
6551          msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_closures),
6552                          "Possibly missing '()' after 'return' in the following function:",
6553                          "Possibly missing '()' after 'return' in the following functions:"
6554                          )
6555          c(strwrap(msg),
6556            .pretty_format(x$bad_closures))
6557      })
6561### * .check_dotIntenal
6563.check_dotInternal <-
6564function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, details = TRUE)
6566    bad_closures <- character()
6568    find_bad_closures <- function(env) {
6569        objects_in_env <- as.list(env, all.names = TRUE, sorted = TRUE)
6570        x <- lapply(objects_in_env,
6571                    function(v) {
6572                        if (typeof(v) == "closure")
6573                            codetools::findGlobals(v)
6574                    })
6575        names(x)[vapply(x, function(s) any(s %in% ".Internal"), NA)]
6576    }
6578    find_bad_S4methods <- function(env) {
6579        gens <- .get_S4_generics(code_env)
6580        x <- lapply(gens, function(f) {
6581            tab <- get(methods:::.TableMetaName(f, attr(f, "package")),
6582                       envir = code_env)
6583            ## The S4 'system' does **copy** base code into packages ....
6584            any(unlist(eapply(tab, function(v) !inherits(v, "derivedDefaultMethod") &&
6585                                   any(codetools::findGlobals(v) %in% ".Internal"))))
6586        })
6587        gens[unlist(x)]
6588    }
6590    find_bad_refClasses <- function(refs) {
6591        cl <- names(refs)
6592        x <- lapply(refs, function(z) {
6593            any(vapply(z,
6594                       function(v)
6595                           any(codetools::findGlobals(v) %in%
6596                               ".Internal"),
6597                       NA))
6598        })
6599        cl[unlist(x)]
6600    }
6603    bad_S4methods <- list()
6604    bad_refs <- character()
6605    if(!missing(package)) {
6606        if(length(package) != 1L)
6607            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
6608        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
6609        if(package %notin% .get_standard_package_names()$base) {
6610            .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc)
6611            code_env <- if(packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir)))
6612                           asNamespace(package)
6613            else .package_env(package)
6614            bad_closures <- find_bad_closures(code_env)
6615            if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) {
6616                bad_S4methods <- find_bad_S4methods(code_env)
6617                refs <- .get_ref_classes(code_env)
6618                if(length(refs)) bad_refs <- find_bad_refClasses(refs)
6619            }
6620        }
6621    }
6622    else {
6623        ## The dir case.
6624        if(missing(dir))
6625            stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'")
6626        dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
6627        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
6628        if(dir.exists(code_dir)) {
6629            code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
6630            dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
6631            meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile))
6632                .read_description(dfile)
6633            else
6634                character()
6635            .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta)
6636            bad_closures <- find_bad_closures(code_env)
6637        }
6638    }
6640    internals <- character()
6641    if (length(bad_closures) && details) {
6642        lapply(bad_closures, function(o) {
6643            v <- get(o, envir = code_env)
6644            calls <- .find_calls(v, recursive = TRUE)
6645            if(!length(calls)) return()
6646            calls <- calls[.call_names(calls) == ".Internal"]
6647            calls2 <- lapply(calls, "[", 2L)
6648            calls3 <-
6649                sapply(calls2, function(x) sub("\\(.*", "", deparse(x)[1L]))
6650            internals <<- c(internals, calls3)
6651        })
6652    }
6653    out <- list(bad_closures = bad_closures, internals = internals,
6654                bad_S4methods = bad_S4methods, bad_refs = bad_refs)
6655    class(out) <- "check_dotInternal"
6656    out
6659format.check_dotInternal <-
6660function(x, ...)
6662    out <- if(length(x$bad_closures)) {
6663        msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_closures),
6664                        "Found a .Internal call in the following function:",
6665                        "Found .Internal calls in the following functions:"
6666                        )
6667        out <- c(strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$bad_closures))
6668        if (length(unique(x$internals)))
6669            out <- c(out, "with calls to .Internal functions",
6670                     .pretty_format(sort(unique(x$internals))))
6671        out
6672    } else character()
6673    if(length(x$bad_S4methods)) {
6674        msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_S4methods),
6675                        "Found a.Internal call in methods for the following S4 generic:",
6676                        "Found .Internal calls in methods for the following S4 generics:"
6677                        )
6678        out <- c(out, strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$bad_S4methods))
6679    }
6680    if(length(x$bad_refs)) {
6681        msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_refs),
6682                        "Found a .Internal call in methods for the following reference class:",
6683                        "Found .Internal calls in methods for the following reference classes:"
6684                        )
6685        out <- c(out, strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$bad_refs))
6686    }
6687    out
6690### * .check_namespace
6692.check_namespace <-
6695    dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
6696    invisible(tryCatch(parseNamespaceFile(basename(dir), dirname(dir)),
6697                       error = function(e) {
6698                           writeLines("Invalid NAMESPACE file, parsing gives:")
6699                           stop(e)
6700                       }))
6703### * .check_citation
6705.check_citation <-
6706function(cfile, dir = NULL)
6708    cfile <- file_path_as_absolute(cfile)
6710    if(!is.null(dir)) {
6711        meta <- utils::packageDescription(basename(dir), dirname(dir))
6712        db <- .read_citation_quietly(cfile, meta)
6713        if(inherits(db, "error")) {
6714            msg <- conditionMessage(db)
6715            call <- conditionCall(db)
6716            if(is.null(call))
6717                msg <- c("Error: ", msg)
6718            else
6719                msg <- c("Error in ", deparse(call), ": ", msg)
6720            writeLines(paste(msg, collapse = ""))
6721        }
6722        return(invisible())
6723    }
6725    meta <- if(basename(dir <- dirname(cfile)) == "inst")
6726        as.list(.get_package_metadata(dirname(dir)))
6727    else
6728        NULL
6730    db <- tryCatch(suppressMessages(get_CITATION_entry_fields(cfile,
6731                                                              meta$Encoding)),
6732                   error = identity)
6734    if(inherits(db, "error")) {
6735        writeLines(conditionMessage(db))
6736        return(invisible())
6737    }
6739    if(!NROW(db)) return(invisible())
6741    bad <- Map(find_missing_required_BibTeX_fields, db$Entry, db$Fields,
6742               USE.NAMES = FALSE)
6743    ind <- vapply(bad, identical, NA_character_, FUN.VALUE = NA)
6744    if(length(pos <- which(ind))) {
6745        entries <- db$Entry[pos]
6746        entries <-
6747            ifelse(nchar(entries) < 20L,
6748                   entries,
6749                   paste(substr(entries, 1L, 20L), "[TRUNCATED]"))
6750        writeLines(sprintf("entry %d: invalid type %s",
6751                           pos, sQuote(entries)))
6752    }
6753    pos <- which(!ind & (lengths(bad) > 0L))
6754    if(length(pos)) {
6755        writeLines(strwrap(sprintf("entry %d (%s): missing required field(s) %s",
6756                                   pos,
6757                                   db$Entry[pos],
6758                                   vapply(bad[pos],
6759                                          function(s)
6760                                          paste(sQuote(s),
6761                                                collapse = ", "),
6762                                          "")),
6763                           indent = 0L, exdent = 2L))
6764    }
6767### * .check_package_parseRd
6769## FIXME: could use dumped files, except for use of encoding = "ASCII"
6770.check_package_parseRd <-
6771function(dir, silent = FALSE, def_enc = FALSE, minlevel = -1)
6773    if(file.exists(dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION"))) {
6774        enc <- read.dcf(dfile)[1L, ]["Encoding"]
6775        if(is.na(enc)) enc <- "ASCII"
6776        else def_enc <- TRUE
6777    } else enc <- "ASCII"
6778    macros <- loadPkgRdMacros(dir)
6779    ## UGLY! FIXME: add (something like) 'dir' as argument to checkRd() below!
6780    oenv <- Sys.getenv("_R_RD_MACROS_PACKAGE_DIR_", unset = NA)
6781    on.exit(if (!is.na(oenv)) Sys.setenv("_R_RD_MACROS_PACKAGE_DIR_" = oenv)
6782    	    else Sys.unsetenv("_R_RD_MACROS_PACKAGE_DIR_"))
6783    Sys.setenv("_R_RD_MACROS_PACKAGE_DIR_" = normalizePath(dir))
6785    pg <- dir("man", pattern = "[.][Rd]d$", full.names = TRUE)
6786    bad <- character()
6787    for (f in pg) {
6788        ## Kludge for now
6789        if(basename(f) %in% c("iconv.Rd", "showNonASCII.Rd")) def_enc <- TRUE
6790        ## FIXME: this may not work for no/fake install if the expressions
6791        ## involve the package under check.
6792	tmp <- tryCatch(suppressMessages(checkRd(f, encoding = enc,
6793						 def_enc = def_enc,
6794                                                 macros = macros,
6795                                                 stages = c("build", "install", "render"))),
6796			error = identity)
6797	if(inherits(tmp, "error")) {
6798	    bad <- c(bad, f)
6799            if(!silent) message(geterrmessage())
6800        } else print(tmp, minlevel = minlevel)
6801    }
6802    if(length(bad)) bad <- sQuote(sub(".*/", "", bad))
6803    if(length(bad) > 1L)
6804        cat("problems found in ", paste(bad, collapse=", "), "\n", sep = "")
6805    else if(length(bad))
6806        cat("problem found in ", bad, "\n", sep = "")
6807    invisible()
6811### * .check_depdef
6813.check_depdef <-
6814function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, WINDOWS = FALSE)
6816    bad_depr <- c("plclust")
6818    bad_def <- c("La.eigen", "tetragamma", "pentagamma",
6819                 "package.description", "gammaCody",
6820                 "manglePackageName", ".readRDS", ".saveRDS",
6821                 "mem.limits", "trySilent", "traceOn", "traceOff",
6822                 "print.coefmat", "anovalist.lm", "lm.fit.null",
6823                 "lm.wfit.null", "glm.fit.null", "tkcmd",
6824                 "tkfile.tail", "tkfile.dir", "tkopen", "tkclose",
6825                 "tkputs", "tkread", "Rd_parse", "CRAN.packages",
6826                 "zip.file.extract",
6827                 "real", "as.real", "is.real",
6828                 ".find.package", ".path.package")
6830    ## X11 may not work on even a Unix-alike: it needs X support
6831    ## (optional) at install time and an X server at run time.
6832    bad_dev <- c("quartz", "x11", "X11")
6833    if(!WINDOWS)
6834        bad_dev <- c(bad_dev,  "windows", "win.graph", "win.metafile", "win.print")
6836    bad <- c(bad_depr, bad_def, bad_dev)
6837    bad_closures <- character()
6838    found <- character()
6840    find_bad_closures <- function(env) {
6841        objects_in_env <- as.list(env, all.names = TRUE, sorted = TRUE)
6842        x <- lapply(objects_in_env,
6843                    function(v) {
6844                        if (typeof(v) == "closure")
6845                            codetools::findGlobals(v)
6846                    })
6847        names(x)[vapply(x,
6848                        function(s) {
6849                            res <- any(s %in% bad)
6850                            if(res) found <<- c(found, s)
6851                            res
6852                        },
6853                        NA)]
6854    }
6856    find_bad_S4methods <- function(env) {
6857        gens <- .get_S4_generics(code_env)
6858        x <- lapply(gens, function(f) {
6859            tab <- get(methods:::.TableMetaName(f, attr(f, "package")),
6860                       envir = code_env)
6861            ## The S4 'system' does **copy** base code into packages ....
6862            any(unlist(eapply(tab, function(v) {
6863                if(!inherits(v, "derivedDefaultMethod")) FALSE
6864                else {
6865                    s <- codetools::findGlobals(v)
6866                    found <<- c(found, s)
6867                    any(s %in% bad)
6868                }
6869            })))
6870        })
6871        gens[unlist(x)]
6872    }
6874    find_bad_refClasses <- function(refs) {
6875        cl <- names(refs)
6876        x <- lapply(refs, function(z) {
6877            any(vapply(z,
6878                       function(v) {
6879                           s <- codetools::findGlobals(v)
6880                           found <<- c(found, s)
6881                           any(s %in% bad)
6882                       },
6883                       NA))
6884        })
6885        cl[unlist(x)]
6886    }
6889    ## FIXME: these are set but not used.
6890    bad_S4methods <- list()
6891    bad_refs <- character()
6892    if(!missing(package)) {
6893        if(length(package) != 1L)
6894            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
6895        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
6896        if(package %notin% .get_standard_package_names()$base) {
6897            .load_package_quietly(package, lib.loc)
6898            code_env <- if(packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(dir)))
6899                           asNamespace(package)
6900            else .package_env(package)
6901            bad_closures <- find_bad_closures(code_env)
6902            if(.isMethodsDispatchOn()) {
6903                bad_S4methods <- find_bad_S4methods(code_env)
6904                refs <- .get_ref_classes(code_env)
6905                if(length(refs)) bad_refs <- find_bad_refClasses(refs)
6906            }
6907        }
6908    }
6909    else {
6910        ## The dir case.
6911        if(missing(dir))
6912            stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'")
6913        dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
6914        code_dir <- file.path(dir, "R")
6915        if(dir.exists(code_dir)) {
6916            code_env <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
6917            dfile <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
6918            meta <- if(file_test("-f", dfile))
6919                .read_description(dfile)
6920            else
6921                character()
6922            .source_assignments_in_code_dir(code_dir, code_env, meta)
6923            bad_closures <- find_bad_closures(code_env)
6924        }
6925    }
6927    found <- sort(unique(found))
6928    deprecated <- found[found %in% bad_depr]
6929    defunct <- found[found %in% bad_def]
6930    devices <- found[found %in% bad_dev]
6932    out <- list(bad_closures = bad_closures, deprecated = deprecated,
6933                defunct = defunct, devices = devices)
6934    class(out) <- "check_depdef"
6935    out
6938format.check_depdef <-
6939function(x, ...)
6941    out <- if(length(x$bad_closures)) {
6942        msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_closures),
6943                        "Found an obsolete/platform-specific call in the following function:",
6944                        "Found an obsolete/platform-specific call in the following functions:"
6945                        )
6946        c(strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$bad_closures))
6947    } else character()
6948    if(length(x$bad_S4methods)) {
6949        msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_S4methods),
6950                        "Found an obsolete/platform-specific call in methods for the following S4 generic:",
6951                        "Found an obsolete/platform-specific call in methods for the following S4 generics:"
6952                        )
6953        out <- c(out, strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$bad_S4methods))
6954    }
6955    if(length(x$bad_refs)) {
6956        msg <- ngettext(length(x$bad_refs),
6957                        "Found an obsolete/platform-specific call in methods for the following reference class:",
6958                        "Found an obsolete/platform-specific call in methods for the following reference classes:"
6959                        )
6960        out <- c(out, strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$bad_refs))
6961    }
6962    if(length(x$deprecated)) {
6963        msg <- ngettext(length(x$deprecated),
6964                        "Found the deprecated function:",
6965                        "Found the deprecated functions:"
6966                        )
6967        out <- c(out, strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$deprecated))
6968    }
6969    if(length(x$defunct)) {
6970        msg <- ngettext(length(x$defunct),
6971                        "Found the defunct/removed function:",
6972                        "Found the defunct/removed functions:"
6973                        )
6974        out <- c(out, strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$defunct))
6975    }
6976    if(length(x$devices)) {
6977        msg <- ngettext(length(x$devices),
6978                        "Found the platform-specific device:",
6979                        "Found the platform-specific devices:"
6980                        )
6981        out <- c(out, strwrap(msg), .pretty_format(x$devices),
6982                 strwrap(paste("dev.new() is the preferred way to open a new device,",
6983                               "in the unlikely event one is needed.",
6984                               collapse = " ")))
6985    }
6986    out
6989### * .check_package_CRAN_incoming
6991## localOnly means to skip tests requiring Internet access.
6992## These are all done first.
6994.check_package_CRAN_incoming <-
6995function(dir, localOnly = FALSE, pkgSize = NA)
6997    out <- list()
6998    class(out) <- "check_package_CRAN_incoming"
7000    meta <- .get_package_metadata(dir, FALSE)
7001    lic_info <- analyze_license(meta["License"])
7002    ## Use later to indicate changes from FOSS to non-FOSS licence.
7003    foss <- lic_info$is_verified
7004    ## Record to notify about components extending a base license which
7005    ## permits extensions.
7006    if(length(extensions <- lic_info$extensions) &&
7007       ((length(components <- extensions$components) != 1L) ||
7008        (.license_component_is_for_stub_and_ok(components,
7009                                               dir) != 0L)) &&
7010       any(ind <- extensions$extensible)) {
7011        out$extensions <- extensions$components[ind]
7012        out$pointers <-
7013            Filter(length,
7014                   lapply(lic_info$pointers,
7015                          function(p) {
7016                              fp <- file.path(dir, p)
7017                              if(file_test("-f", fp)) {
7018                                  lines <- readLines(fp, warn = FALSE)
7019                                  ## Should this use the package
7020                                  ## encoding?
7021                                  ## (no, as we have LICENSE files with
7022                                  ## copyright signs in ASCII packages)
7023                                  pos <- grep("[^[:blank:]]", lines,
7024                                              useBytes = TRUE)
7025                                  c(p, if(len <- length(pos)) {
7026                                           lines[seq.int(from = pos[1L],
7027                                                         to = pos[len])]
7028                                  })
7029                              } else NULL
7030                          }))
7031    }
7033    out$Maintainer <- meta["Maintainer"]
7034    ## pick out 'display name'
7035    display <- gsub("<.*", "", as.vector(out$Maintainer))
7036    display <- sub("[[:space:]]+$", "",
7037                   sub("^[[:space:]]+", "", display, useBytes = TRUE),
7038                   useBytes = TRUE)
7039    ## RFC 5322 allows '.' in the display name, but 2822 did not.
7040    ## ',' separates email addresses.
7041    if(grepl("[,]", display, useBytes = TRUE) &&
7042       !grepl('^".*"$', display, useBytes = TRUE))
7043        out$Maintainer_needs_quotes <- TRUE
7044    if(!nzchar(display))
7045        out$empty_Maintainer_name <- TRUE
7046    ## Try to catch bad maintainer fields which give more than one
7047    ## person.  In principle, the field should be of the form
7049    ## with the former (for simplicity) either a single quoted string,
7050    ## or several atoms.  (There are cases where <ANGLE-ADDR> does not
7051    ## follow whitespace, so simple tokenizing via scan() does not quite
7052    ## work.)
7053    check_maintainer_address <- function(s) {
7054        re <- paste0("^",
7055                     "[[:space:]]*",
7056                     "([^<]*|\"([^\"]|\\\\\")*\")", # display-name
7057                     "[[:space:]]*",
7058                     "(<[^>]+>)",           # angle-addr
7059                     "[[:space:]]*",
7060                     "(.*)",                # rest?
7061                     "[[:space:]]*",
7062                     "$")
7063        s <- unlist(regmatches(s, regexec(re, s)))
7064        length(s) && (s[5L] == "") ## && (s[2L] != "")
7065        ## (Adding the test for s[2L] would check for non-empty
7066        ## display-name which we already do separately.)
7067    }
7068    ## NOTE: perhaps whitespace should be canonicalized further above?
7069    maintainer <- gsub("\n", " ", meta["Maintainer"], fixed = TRUE)
7070    if((maintainer != "ORPHANED") &&
7071         !check_maintainer_address(maintainer))
7072        out$Maintainer_invalid_or_multi_person <- TRUE
7074    ver <- meta["Version"]
7075    if(is.na(ver))
7076        stop("Package has no 'Version' field", call. = FALSE)
7077    if(grepl("(^|[.-])0[0-9]+", ver))
7078        out$version_with_leading_zeroes <- ver
7079    unlisted_version <- unlist(package_version(ver))
7080    if(any(unlisted_version >= 1234 &
7081           unlisted_version != as.integer(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))) &&
7082       !config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_SKIP_LARGE_VERSION_",
7083                                         "FALSE")))
7084        out$version_with_large_components <- ver
7086    .aspell_package_description_for_CRAN <- function(dir, meta = NULL) {
7087        if(!is.null(meta)) {
7088            dir.create(dir <- tempfile(pattern = "aspell"))
7089            on.exit(unlink(dir, recursive = TRUE))
7090            .write_description(meta, file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION"))
7091        }
7092        ignore <-
7093            list(c("(?<=[ \t[:punct:]])'[^']*'(?=[ \t[:punct:]])",
7094                   "(?<=[ \t[:punct:]])([[:alnum:]]+::)?[[:alnum:]_.]*\\(\\)(?=[ \t[:punct:]])",
7095                   "(?<=[<])(https?://|DOI:|doi:|arXiv:)[^>]+(?=[>])"),
7096                 perl = TRUE)
7097        utils:::aspell_package_description(dir,
7098                                           ignore = ignore,
7099                                           control =
7100                                               c("--master=en_US",
7101                                                 "--add-extra-dicts=en_GB"),
7102                                           program = "aspell",
7103                                           dictionaries = "en_stats")
7104    }
7106    language <- meta["Language"]
7107    if((is.na(language) ||
7108        (language == "en") ||
7109        startsWith(language, "en-")) &&
7110       config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_USE_ASPELL_",
7111                                        "FALSE"))) {
7112        a <- .aspell_package_description_for_CRAN(dir)
7113        if(NROW(a))
7114            out$spelling <- a
7115    }
7117    parse_description_field <- function(desc, field, default)
7118        str_parse_logic(desc[field], default=default)
7120    ## Check for possibly mis-spelled field names.
7121    nms <- names(meta)
7122    stdNms <- .get_standard_DESCRIPTION_fields()
7123    nms <- nms[nms %notin% stdNms &
7124               !grepl(paste0("^(",
7125                             paste(c("X-CRAN",
7126                                     "X-schema.org",
7127                                     "Repository/R-Forge",
7128                                     "VCS/",
7129                                     "Config/"),
7130                                   collapse = "|"),
7131                             ")"),
7132                      nms)]
7133    if(length(nms) && ## Allow maintainer notes  <stdName>Note :
7134       length(nms <- nms[nms %notin% paste0(stdNms,"Note")]))
7135        out$fields <- nms
7138    uses <- character()
7139    BUGS <- character()
7140    for (field in c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests")) {
7141        p <- strsplit(meta[field], " *, *")[[1L]]
7142        p2 <- grep("^(multicore|snow|igraph0|doSNOW)( |\\(|$)", p, value = TRUE)
7143        uses <- c(uses, p2)
7144        p2 <- grep("^(BRugs|R2OpenBUGS|R2WinBUGS)( |\\(|$)", p, value = TRUE)
7145        BUGS <- c(BUGS, p2)
7146    }
7147    if (length(uses))
7148        out$uses <- sort(unique(gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", uses)))
7149    if (length(BUGS))
7150        out$BUGS <- sort(unique(gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", BUGS)))
7152    ## Check for non-Sweave vignettes (as indicated by the presence of a
7153    ## 'VignetteBuilder' field in DESCRIPTION) without
7154    ## 'build/vignette.rds'.
7156    vds <- character()
7157    if(!is.na(meta["VignetteBuilder"])) {
7158        if(!file.exists(vds <- file.path(dir, "build", "vignette.rds")))
7159            out$missing_vignette_index <- TRUE
7160        else
7161            vds <- readRDS(vds)[, "File"]
7162    }
7164    ## Check for missing build/{partial.rdb,pkgname.pdf}
7165    ## copy code from build.R
7166    Rdb <- .build_Rd_db(dir, stages = NULL,
7167                        os = c("unix", "windows"), step = 1)
7168    if(length(Rdb)) {
7169        names(Rdb) <-
7170            substring(names(Rdb), nchar(file.path(dir, "man")) + 2L)
7171        containsBuildSexprs <-
7172            any(vapply(Rdb,
7173                       function(Rd) any(getDynamicFlags(Rd)["build"]),
7174                       NA))
7175        if(containsBuildSexprs &&
7176           !file.exists(file.path(dir, "build", "partial.rdb")))
7177            out$missing_manual_rdb <- TRUE
7178        needRefMan <-
7179            any(vapply(Rdb,
7180                       function(Rd) any(getDynamicFlags(Rd)[c("install", "render")]),
7181                       NA))
7182        if(needRefMan &&
7183           !file.exists(file.path(dir, "build",
7184                                  paste0( meta[["Package"]], ".pdf"))))
7185            out$missing_manual_pdf <- TRUE
7186        ## Also check for \keyword and \concept entries which use Rd
7187        ## markup or (likely) give multiple index terms.
7188        ## This could be moved to .check_Rd_metadata() ...
7189        .fmt <- function(x) {
7190            Map(function(f, e) {
7191                    e <- vapply(e, .Rd_deparse, "")
7192                    c(paste0("  File ", sQuote(f), ":"),
7193                      paste0("    ",
7194                             gsub("\n",
7195                                  "\n      ",
7196                                  ifelse(nchar(e) < 50L,
7197                                         e,
7198                                         paste(substr(e, 1L, 50L),
7199                                               "[TRUNCATED]")))))
7200                },
7201                names(x), x)
7202        }
7203        bad <- lapply(Rdb,
7204                      function(Rd) {
7205                          Rd <- Rd[RdTags(Rd) %in% c("\\keyword", "\\concept")]
7206                          Rd[vapply(Rd,
7207                                    function(e)
7208                                        any(unlist(RdTags(e)) != "TEXT"),
7209                                    NA)]
7210                      })
7211        bad <- Filter(length, bad)
7212        if(length(bad))
7213            out$Rd_keywords_or_concepts_with_Rd_markup <- .fmt(bad)
7214        bad <- lapply(Rdb,
7215                      function(Rd) {
7216                          Rd <- Rd[RdTags(Rd) %in% c("\\keyword", "\\concept")]
7217                          Rd[grepl("[,\n]",
7218                                   trimws(vapply(Rd, paste, "",
7219                                                 collapse = "\n"))) &
7220                             !vapply(Rd,
7221                                     function(e)
7222                                         any(unlist(RdTags(e)) != "TEXT"),
7223                                     NA)]
7224                  })
7225        bad <- Filter(length, bad)
7226        if(length(bad))
7227            out$Rd_keywords_or_concepts_more_than_one <- .fmt(bad)
7228        ## Also check for URLs which should use \doi with the DOI name.
7229        .fmt <- function(x) {
7230            Map(function(f, e) {
7231                    c(paste0("  File ", sQuote(f), ":"),
7232                      paste0("    ", e))
7233                },
7234                names(x), x)
7235        }
7236        bad <- lapply(Rdb,
7237                      function(Rd) {
7238                          grep("https?://(dx[.])?doi[.]org/10",
7239                               .get_urls_from_Rd(Rd),
7240                               value = TRUE)
7241                      })
7242        bad <- Filter(length, bad)
7243        if(length(bad))
7244            out$Rd_URLs_which_should_use_doi <- .fmt(bad)
7245    }
7248    ## Check for vignette source (only) in old-style 'inst/doc' rather
7249    ## than 'vignettes'.
7250    vign_dir <- file.path(dir, "vignettes")
7251    if(length(vds)) {
7252        sources <- setdiff(list.files(file.path(dir, "inst", "doc")),
7253                           list.files(vign_dir))
7254        sources <- intersect(vds, sources)
7255    } else {
7256        pattern <- vignetteEngine("Sweave")$pattern
7257        sources <- setdiff(list.files(file.path(dir, "inst", "doc"),
7258                                      pattern = pattern),
7259                           list.files(vign_dir, pattern = pattern))
7260    }
7262    if(length(sources)) {
7263        out$have_vignettes_dir <- dir.exists(vign_dir)
7264        out$vignette_sources_only_in_inst_doc <- sources
7265    }
7267    ## Check for Java files without sources (in the right place)
7268    ## NB: this is only a basic check: that directory need
7269    ## not contain all (or any) of the sources.
7270    ## We might in due course want to prompt looking into it.
7271    if (foss && !dir.exists(file.path(dir, "java"))) {
7272        allfiles <- list.files(file.path(dir, "inst"),
7273                               full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
7274        allfiles <- c(allfiles,  # misused by ndtv, sisus
7275                      list.files(file.path(dir, "exec"), full.names = TRUE))
7276        javafiles <- grep(".*[.](class|jar)$", allfiles, value = TRUE)
7277        if(length(javafiles)) out$javafiles <- javafiles
7278    }
7280    ## Check for installing Java source files
7281    {
7282        dotjava <- list.files(file.path(dir, "inst"), pattern = ".*[.]java$",
7283                              full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
7284        dotjava <- c(dotjava,  # misused by ndtv
7285                     list.files(file.path(dir, "exec"), pattern = ".*[.]java$",
7286                                full.names = TRUE))
7287        if(length(dotjava)) out$dotjava <- dotjava
7288    }
7290    ## Check CITATION file for CRAN needs.
7291    .check_citation_for_CRAN <- function(cfile, meta) {
7292        ## For publishing on CRAN, we need to be able to correctly
7293        ## process package CITATION files without having the package
7294        ## installed (actually, using only the base and recommended
7295        ## packages), which we cannot perfectly emulate when checking.
7296        ## The best we can easily do is reduce the library search path
7297        ## to the system and site library.  If the package is not
7298        ## installed there, check directly; otherwise, check for
7299        ## offending calls likely to cause trouble.
7300        ## Note however that in most cases, the issue is calling
7301        ## packageDescription() to get the package metadata, instead of
7302        ## using 'meta' as passed to readCitationFile() since R 2.8.0.
7303        ## Unfortunately, when the package is not installed,
7304        ## packageDescription() only warns and returns NA, or a vector
7305        ## of NAs if called with specific fields.  Subscripting the
7306        ## return value using $ will fail (as this needs lists);
7307        ## subscripting by other means, or using specific fields,
7308        ## incorrectly results in NAs.
7309        ## The warnings are currently not caught by the direct check.
7310        ## (We could need a suitably package-not-found condition for
7311        ## reliable analysis: the condition messages are locale
7312        ## specific.)
7313        libpaths <- .libPaths()
7314        .libPaths(character())
7315        on.exit(.libPaths(libpaths))
7316        out <- list()
7317        installed <- nzchar(system.file(package = meta["Package"]))
7318        if(installed) {
7319            ## Ignore pre-2.8.0 compatibility calls to
7320            ## packageDescription() inside
7321            ##   if(!exists("meta") || is.null(meta))
7322            ccalls <- .parse_code_file(cfile, meta["Encoding"])
7323            ind <- vapply(ccalls,
7324                          function(e) {
7325                              is.call(e) &&
7326                              (length(e) == 3L) &&
7327                              identical(deparse(e[[1L]]), "if") &&
7328                              identical(deparse(e[[2L]]),
7329                                        "!exists(\"meta\") || is.null(meta)")
7330                          },
7331                          NA)
7332            if(any(ind))
7333                ccalls <- ccalls[!ind]
7334            ccalls <- .find_calls(ccalls, recursive = TRUE)
7335            cnames <-
7336                intersect(unique(.call_names(ccalls)),
7337                          c("packageDescription", "library", "require"))
7338            if(length(cnames))
7339                out$citation_calls <- cnames
7340            cinfo <-
7341                .eval_with_capture(tryCatch(utils::readCitationFile(cfile,
7342                                                                    meta),
7343                                            error = identity))$value
7344            if(inherits(cinfo, "error")) {
7345                out$citation_error_reading_if_installed <-
7346                    conditionMessage(cinfo)
7347                return(out)
7348            }
7349        } else {
7350            cinfo <-
7351                .eval_with_capture(tryCatch(utils::readCitationFile(cfile,
7352                                                                    meta),
7353                                            error = identity))$value
7354            if(inherits(cinfo, "error")) {
7355                out$citation_error_reading_if_not_installed <-
7356                    conditionMessage(cinfo)
7357                return(out)
7358            }
7359        }
7360        ## If we can successfully read in the citation file, also check
7361        ## whether we can at least format the bibentries we obtained.
7362        cfmt <- tryCatch(format(cinfo, style = "text"),
7363                         warning = identity, error = identity)
7364        ## This only finds unbalanced braces by default, with messages
7365        ##   unexpected END_OF_INPUT ... { no }
7366        ##   unexpected '}'          ... } no {
7367        ## One can also find 'unknown Rd macros' by setting env var
7368        ## _R_UTILS_FORMAT_BIBENTRY_VIA_RD_PERMISSIVE_ to something
7369        ## true, and perhaps we should do this here.
7370        if(inherits(cfmt, "condition"))
7371            out$citation_problem_when_formatting <-
7372                conditionMessage(cfmt)
7373        out
7374    }
7376    if(file.exists(cfile <- file.path(dir, "inst", "CITATION"))) {
7377        cinfo <- .check_citation_for_CRAN(cfile, meta)
7378        if(length(cinfo))
7379            out[names(cinfo)] <- cinfo
7380        ## Simply
7381        ##   out <- c(out, cinfo)
7382        ## strips the class attribute from out ...
7383    }
7385    ## Check Authors@R.
7386    if(!is.na(aar <- meta["Authors@R"]) &&
7387       ## DESCRIPTION is fully checked later on, so be careful.
7388       !inherits(aar <- tryCatch(str2expression(aar), error = identity),
7389                 "error")) {
7390        bad <- ((length(aar) != 1L) || !is.call(aar <- aar[[1L]]))
7391        if(!bad) {
7392            cname <- as.character(aar[[1L]])
7393            bad <-
7394                ((cname != "person") &&
7395                 ((cname != "c") ||
7396                  !all(vapply(aar[-1L],
7397                              function(e) {
7398                                  (is.call(e) &&
7399                                       (as.character(e[[1L]]) == "person"))
7400                              },
7401                              FALSE))))
7402        }
7403        if(bad)
7404            out$authors_at_R_calls <- aar
7405        else {
7406            ## Catch messages about deprecated arguments in person() calls.
7407            aar <- meta["Authors@R"]
7408            aut <- tryCatch(.eval_with_capture(utils:::.read_authors_at_R_field(aar)),
7409                            error = identity)
7410            if(!inherits(aut, "error") && length(msg <- aut$message))
7411                out$authors_at_R_message <- msg
7412        }
7413    }
7415    ## Check Author field.
7416    auth <- trimws(as.vector(meta["Author"]))
7417    if(grepl("^Author *:", auth))
7418        out$author_starts_with_Author <- TRUE
7419    if(grepl("^(Authors@R *:|person *\\(|c *\\()", auth))
7420        out$author_should_be_authors_at_R <- auth
7422    ## Check Title field.
7423    title <- trimws(as.vector(meta["Title"]))
7424    title <- gsub("[\n\t]", " ", title)
7425    package <- meta["Package"]
7426    if (tolower(title) == tolower(package)) {
7427        out$title_is_name <- TRUE
7428    } else {
7429        if(grepl(paste0("^",
7430                        gsub(".", "[.]", package, fixed = TRUE),
7431                        "[ :]"), title, ignore.case = TRUE))
7432            out$title_includes_name <- TRUE
7433        language <- meta["Language"]
7434        if(is.na(language) ||
7435           (language == "en") ||
7436           startsWith(language, "en-")) {
7437            title2 <- toTitleCase(title)
7438            ## Keep single quoted elements unchanged.
7439            p <- "(^|(?<=[ \t[:punct:]]))'[^']*'($|(?=[ \t[:punct:]]))"
7440            m <- gregexpr(p, title, perl = TRUE)
7441            regmatches(title2, m) <- regmatches(title, m)
7442            if(title != title2)
7443                out$title_case <- c(title, title2)
7444        }
7445    }
7447    ## Check Description field.
7448    descr <- trimws(as.vector(meta["Description"]))
7449    descr <- gsub("[\n\t]", " ", descr)
7450    package <- meta["Package"]
7451    if(grepl(paste0("^['\"]?", package), ignore.case = TRUE, descr))
7452        out$descr_bad_start <- TRUE
7453    if(grepl("^(The|This|A|In this|In the) package", descr))
7454        out$descr_bad_start <- TRUE
7455    if(!isTRUE(out$descr_bad_start) && !grepl("^['\"]?[[:upper:]]", descr))
7456        out$descr_bad_initial <- TRUE
7457    descr <- strwrap(descr)
7458    if(any(ind <- grepl("(^|[^<])https?://", descr))) {
7459        ## Could try to filter out the matches for DOIs and arXiv ids
7460        ## noted differently below: not entirely straightforward when
7461        ## matching wrapped texts for to ease reporting ...
7462        out$descr_bad_URLs <- descr[ind]
7463    }
7464    if(any(ind <- grepl(paste(c("https?://.*doi.org/",
7465                                "(^|[^<])doi:",
7466                                "<doi[^:]",
7467                                "<10[.]"),
7468                              collapse = "|"),
7469                        descr, ignore.case = TRUE)))
7470        out$descr_bad_DOIs <- descr[ind]
7471    if(any(ind <- grepl(paste(c("https?://arxiv.org",
7472                                "(^|[^<])arxiv:",
7473                                "<arxiv[^:]"),
7474                              collapse = "|"),
7475                        descr, ignore.case = TRUE)))
7476        out$descr_bad_arXiv_ids <- descr[ind]
7478    skip_dates <-
7479        config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_SKIP_DATES_",
7480                                         "FALSE"))
7482    ## Check Date
7483    date <- trimws(as.vector(meta["Date"]))
7484    if(!is.na(date)) {
7485        dd <- strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "GMT")
7486        if (is.na(dd)) out$bad_date <- TRUE
7487        else if(!skip_dates && (as.Date(dd) < Sys.Date() - 31))
7488            out$old_date <- TRUE
7489    }
7491    ## Check build time stamp
7492    ptime <- trimws(as.vector(meta["Packaged"]))
7493    if(is.na(ptime)) {
7494        out$build_time_stamp_msg <-
7495            "The build time stamp is missing."
7496    } else {
7497        ts <- strptime(ptime, "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "GMT")
7498        if(is.na(ts)) {
7499            out$build_time_stamp_msg <-
7500                "The build time stamp has invalid/outdated format."
7501        }
7502        else if(!skip_dates && (as.Date(ts) < Sys.Date() - 31)) {
7503            out$build_time_stamp_msg <-
7504                "This build time stamp is over a month old."
7505        }
7506    }
7508    ## Check DESCRIPTION placeholders
7509    placeholders <-
7510        c(if(!is.na(x <- tolower(meta["Title"])) &&
7511             startsWith(x, "what the package does"))
7512              x,
7513          if(!is.na(x <- meta["Author"]) &&
7514             (x == "Who wrote it"))
7515              x,
7516          if(!is.na(x <- meta["Maintainer"]) &&
7517             (startsWith(x, "Who to complain to") ||
7518              startsWith(x, "The package maintainer")))
7519              x,
7520          if(!is.na(x <- tolower(meta["Description"])) &&
7521             (startsWith(x, "what the package does") ||
7522              startsWith(x, "more about what it does")))
7523              x)
7524    if(length(placeholders))
7525        out$placeholders <- placeholders
7527    ## Are there non-ASCII characters in the R source code without a
7528    ## package encoding in DESCRIPTION?
7529    ## Note that checking always runs .check_package_ASCII_code() which
7530    ## however ignores comments.  Ideally, the checks would be merged,
7531    ## with the comment checking suitably conditionalized.
7532    ## Note also that this does not catch the cases where non-ASCII
7533    ## content in R source code cannot be re-encoded using a given
7534    ## package encoding.  Ideally, this would be checked for as well.
7535    if(is.na(meta["Encoding"]) && dir.exists(file.path(dir, "R"))) {
7536        ## A variation on showNonASCII():
7537        find_non_ASCII_lines <- function(f) {
7538            x <- readLines(f, warn = FALSE)
7539            asc <- iconv(x, "latin1", "ASCII")
7540            ind <- is.na(asc) | asc != x
7541            if(any(ind)) {
7542                paste0(which(ind),
7543                       ": ",
7544                       iconv(x[ind], "latin1", "ASCII", sub = "byte"))
7545            } else character()
7546        }
7547        OS_subdirs <- c("unix", "windows")
7548        code_files <- list_files_with_type(file.path(dir, "R"),
7549                                           "code",
7550                                           OS_subdirs = OS_subdirs)
7551        names(code_files) <- .file_path_relative_to_dir(code_files, dir)
7552        lines <- Filter(length, lapply(code_files, find_non_ASCII_lines))
7553        if(length(lines))
7554            out$R_files_non_ASCII <- lines
7555    }
7557    if(file.exists(fp <- file.path(dir, "R",
7558                                   paste0(basename(dir),
7559                                          "-internal.R")))) {
7560        exprs <- parse(fp)
7561        tst <- function(e) {
7562            is.call(e) &&
7563                (length(s <- as.character(e[[1L]])) == 1L) &&
7564                (s == "<-") &&
7565                (length(s <- as.character(e[[2L]])) == 1L) &&
7566                (s == ".Random.seed")
7567        }
7568        if(any(vapply(exprs, tst, NA)))
7569            out$R_files_set_random_seed <- basename(fp)
7570    }
7572    if(!is.na(size <- as.numeric(pkgSize)) &&
7573       size > as.numeric(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_TARBALL_THRESHOLD_",
7574                                    unset = "5e6")))
7575        out$size_of_tarball <- size
7577    ## Check URLs.
7578    remote <-
7579        (!localOnly &&
7580         !config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_SKIP_URL_CHECKS_IF_REMOTE_",
7581                                           "FALSE")))
7582    check_urls_in_parallel <-
7583        config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_CHECK_URLS_IN_PARALLEL_",
7584                                         "FALSE"))
7585    if(!capabilities("libcurl") && remote)
7586        out$no_url_checks <- TRUE
7587    else {
7588        udb <- url_db_from_package_sources(dir)
7589        bad <- tryCatch(check_url_db(udb,
7590                                     remote = remote,
7591                                     parallel = check_urls_in_parallel),
7592                        error = identity)
7593        if(inherits(bad, "error")) {
7594            out$bad_urls <- bad
7595        } else if(NROW(bad)) {
7596            ## When checking a new submission, take the canonical CRAN
7597            ## package URL as ok, and signal variants using http instead
7598            ## of https as non-canonical instead of showing "not found".
7599            prefix <- "https://cran.r-project.org/package="
7600            ncp <- nchar(prefix)
7601            ind <- ((substring(tolower(bad$URL), 1L, ncp) == prefix) &
7602                    (substring(bad$URL, ncp + 1L) == package))
7603            if(any(ind))
7604                bad <- bad[!ind, ]
7605            prefix <- "http://cran.r-project.org/package="
7606            ncp <- nchar(prefix)
7607            ind <- ((substring(tolower(bad$URL), 1L, ncp) == prefix) &
7608                    (substring(bad$URL, ncp + 1L) == package))
7609            if(any(ind))
7610                bad[ind, c("Status", "Message")] <- ""
7611            if(NROW(bad))
7612                out$bad_urls <- bad
7613        }
7614        if(config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_CHECK_FILE_URIS_",
7615                                            "FALSE"))) {
7616            ## Also check file URIs in packages.
7617            ## These only make sense relative to their parent.
7618            ## We could integrate this check into check_url_db() by e.g.
7619            ## passing the top-level package dir via a suitable env var,
7620            ## but this is not quite straightforward as the check code
7621            ## aggregates parents according to URI.
7622            urls <- udb$URL
7623            parts <- parse_URI_reference(urls)
7624            ind <- (parts[, "scheme"] %in% c("", "file"))
7625            fpaths1 <- fpaths0 <- parts[ind, "path"]
7626            parents <- udb[ind, "Parent"]
7627            ## Help files, vignettes (and more) can be accessed via the
7628            ## dynamic HTML help system.  This employs an internal HTTP
7629            ## server which handles
7630            ##   /doc/html /demo /library
7631            ## and relative paths from help system components resolving
7632            ## to such.
7633            ## (Note that these will not work in general, e.g. for the
7634            ## pdf refmans.)
7635            if(any(ind <- (startsWith(fpaths0, "../") &
7636                           grepl("^(inst/doc|man|demo)", parents)))) {
7637                ## Vignettes have document root
7638                ##   /library/<pkg>/doc
7639                ## Help pages have
7640                ##   /library/<pkg>/html
7641                foo <- rep.int("/library/<pkg>/<sub>", sum(ind))
7642                bar <- fpaths0[ind]
7643                while(length(pos <- which(startsWith(bar, "../")))) {
7644                    foo[pos] <- dirname(foo[pos])
7645                    bar[pos] <- substring(bar[pos], 4L)
7646                }
7647                fpaths1[ind] <- foo
7648            }
7649            fpaths1[grepl("^(/doc/html|/demo|/library)", fpaths1)] <- ""
7650            fpaths1[(fpaths1 == "index.html") &
7651                    startsWith(parents, "inst/doc")] <- ""
7652            ## (Of course, one could verify that the special cased paths
7653            ## really exist.)
7654            ppaths <- dirname(parents)
7655            pos <- which(!file.exists(file.path(ifelse(nzchar(ppaths),
7656                                                       file.path(dir,
7657                                                                 ppaths),
7658                                                       dir),
7659                                                fpaths1)))
7660            if(length(pos))
7661                out$bad_file_URIs <-
7662                    cbind(fpaths0[pos], parents[pos])
7663        }
7664        if(remote) {
7665            ## Also check arXiv ids.
7666            pat <- "<(arXiv:)([[:alnum:]/.-]+)([[:space:]]*\\[[^]]+\\])?>"
7667            dsc <- meta["Description"]
7668            ids <- .gregexec_at_pos(pat, dsc, gregexpr(pat, dsc), 3L)
7669            if(length(ids)) {
7670                ini <- "https://arxiv.org/abs/"
7671                udb <- url_db(paste0(ini, ids),
7672                              rep.int("DESCRIPTION", length(ids)))
7673                bad <- tryCatch(check_url_db(udb,
7674                                             parallel =
7675                                                 check_urls_in_parallel),
7676                                error = identity)
7677                if(!inherits(bad, "error") && length(bad))
7678                    out$bad_arXiv_ids <-
7679                        substring(bad$URL, nchar(ini) + 1L)
7680            }
7681            ## Also check ORCID iDs.
7682            odb <- .ORCID_iD_db_from_package_sources(dir)
7683            if(NROW(odb)) {
7684                ## Only look at things that may be valid: the others are
7685                ## complained about elsewhere.
7686                ind <- grepl(.ORCID_iD_variants_regexp, odb[, 1L])
7687                odb <- odb[ind, , drop = FALSE]
7688            }
7689            if(NROW(odb)) {
7690                ids <- sub(.ORCID_iD_variants_regexp, "\\3", odb[, 1L])
7691                ini <- "https://orcid.org/"
7692                udb <- url_db(paste0(ini, ids), odb[, 2L])
7693                bad <- tryCatch(check_url_db(udb,
7694                                             parallel =
7695                                                 check_urls_in_parallel),
7696                                error = identity)
7697                if(!inherits(bad, "error") && length(bad))
7698                    out$bad_ORCID_iDs <-
7699                        cbind(substring(bad$URL, nchar(ini) + 1L),
7700                              bad[, 2L])
7701            }
7702        }
7703    }
7705    ## Checks from here down require Internet access, so drop out now if we
7706    ## don't want that.
7707    if (localOnly)
7708        return(out)
7710    urls <- .get_standard_repository_URLs()
7712    ## If a package has a FOSS license, check whether any of its strong
7713    ## recursive dependencies restricts use.
7714    if(!localOnly && foss) {
7715        available <-
7716            utils::available.packages(utils::contrib.url(urls, "source"),
7717                                      filters = c("R_version", "duplicates"))
7718        ## We need the current dependencies of the package (so batch
7719        ## upload checks will not necessarily do "the right thing").
7720        package <- meta["Package"]
7721        depends <- c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")
7722        ## Need to be careful when merging the dependencies of the
7723        ## package (in case it is not yet available).
7724        if(package %in% rownames(available)) {
7725            available[package, depends] <- meta[depends]
7726        } else {
7727            entry <- rbind(meta[colnames(available)])
7728            rownames(entry) <- package
7729            available <- rbind(available, entry)
7730        }
7731        ldb <- analyze_licenses(available[, "License"], available)
7732        depends <- unlist(package_dependencies(package, available,
7733                                               recursive = TRUE))
7734        ru <- ldb$restricts_use
7735        pnames_restricts_use_TRUE <- rownames(available)[!is.na(ru) & ru]
7736        pnames_restricts_use_NA <- rownames(available)[is.na(ru)]
7737        bad <- intersect(depends, pnames_restricts_use_TRUE)
7738        if(length(bad))
7739            out$depends_with_restricts_use_TRUE <- bad
7740        bad <- intersect(depends, pnames_restricts_use_NA)
7741        if(length(bad))
7742            out$depends_with_restricts_use_NA <- bad
7743        bv <- parse_description_field(meta, "BuildVignettes", TRUE)
7744        if (!bv) out$foss_with_BuildVignettes <- TRUE
7745    }
7747    ## We do not want to use utils::available.packages() for now, as
7748    ## this unconditionally filters according to R version and OS type.
7749    ## <FIXME>
7750    ## This is no longer true ...
7751    ## </FIXME>
7752    .repository_db <- function(u) {
7753        con <- gzcon(url(sprintf("%s/src/contrib/PACKAGES.gz", u), "rb"))
7754        on.exit(close(con))
7755        ## hopefully all these fields are ASCII, or we need to re-encode.
7756        cbind(read.dcf(con,
7757                       c(.get_standard_repository_db_fields(), "Path")),
7758              Repository = u)
7760    }
7761    db <- tryCatch(lapply(urls, .repository_db), error = identity)
7762    if(inherits(db, "error")) {
7763        message("NB: need Internet access to use CRAN incoming checks")
7764        ## Actually, all repositories could be local file:// mirrors.
7765        return(out)
7766    }
7767    db <- do.call(rbind, db)
7769    ## Note that .get_standard_repository_URLs() puts the CRAN master first.
7770    CRAN <- urls[1L]
7772    ## Check for CRAN repository db overrides and possible conflicts.
7773    con <- url(sprintf("%s/src/contrib/PACKAGES.in", CRAN))
7774    odb <- read.dcf(con)
7775    close(con)
7776    ## For now (2012-11-28), PACKAGES.in is all ASCII, so there is no
7777    ## need to re-encode.  Eventually, it might be in UTF-8 ...
7778    entry <- odb[odb[, "Package"] == meta["Package"], ]
7779    entry <- entry[!is.na(entry) &
7780                   (names(entry) %notin% c("Package", "X-CRAN-History"))]
7781    if(length(entry)) {
7782        ## Check for conflicts between package license implications and
7783        ## repository overrides.  Note that the license info predicates
7784        ## are logicals (TRUE, NA or FALSE) and the repository overrides
7785        ## are character ("yes", missing or "no").
7786        if(!is.na(iif <- lic_info$is_FOSS) &&
7787           !is.na(lif <- entry["License_is_FOSS"]) &&
7788           ((lif == "yes") != iif))
7789            out$conflict_in_license_is_FOSS <- lif
7790        if(!is.na(iru <- lic_info$restricts_use) &&
7791           !is.na(lru <- entry["License_restricts_use"]) &&
7792           ((lru == "yes") != iru))
7793            out$conflict_in_license_restricts_use <- lru
7795        fmt <- function(s)
7796            unlist(lapply(s,
7797                          function(e) {
7798                              paste(strwrap(e, indent = 2L, exdent = 4L),
7799                                    collapse = "\n")
7800                          }))
7801        nms <- names(entry)
7802        ## Report all overrides for visual inspection.
7803        entry <- fmt(sprintf("  %s: %s", nms, entry))
7804        names(entry) <- nms
7805        out$overrides <- entry
7806        fields <- intersect(names(meta), nms)
7807        if(length(fields)) {
7808            ## Find fields where package metadata and repository
7809            ## overrides are in conflict.
7810            ind <- ! unlist(Map(identical,
7811                                fmt(sprintf("  %s: %s", fields, meta[fields])),
7812                                entry[fields]))
7813            if(any(ind))
7814                out$conflicts <- fields[ind]
7815        }
7816    }
7818    archive_db <- CRAN_archive_db()
7819    packages_in_CRAN_archive <- names(archive_db)
7821    ## Package names must be unique within standard repositories when
7822    ## ignoring case.
7823    package <- meta["Package"]
7824    packages <- db[, "Package"]
7825    if(package %notin% packages) out$new_submission <- TRUE
7826    clashes <- character()
7827    pos <- which((tolower(packages) == tolower(package)) &
7828                 (packages != package))
7829    if(length(pos))
7830        clashes <-
7831            sprintf("%s [%s]", packages[pos], db[pos, "Repository"])
7832    ## If possible, also catch clashes with archived CRAN packages
7833    ## (which might get un-archived eventually).
7834    if(length(packages_in_CRAN_archive)) {
7835        pos <- which((tolower(packages_in_CRAN_archive) ==
7836                      tolower(package)) &
7837                     (packages_in_CRAN_archive != package))
7838        if(length(pos)) {
7839            clashes <-
7840                c(clashes,
7841                  sprintf("%s [CRAN archive]",
7842                          packages_in_CRAN_archive[pos]))
7843        }
7844    }
7845    if(length(clashes))
7846        out$bad_package <- list(package, clashes)
7848    ## Is this duplicated from another repository?
7849    repositories <- db[(packages == package) &
7850                       (db[, "Repository"] != CRAN),
7851                       "Repository"]
7852    if(length(repositories))
7853        out$repositories <- repositories
7855    ## Does this have strong dependencies not in mainstream
7856    ## repositories?  This should not happen, and hence is not compared
7857    ## against possibly given additional repositories.
7858    strong_dependencies <-
7859        setdiff(unique(c(.extract_dependency_package_names(meta["Depends"]),
7860                         .extract_dependency_package_names(meta["Imports"]),
7861                         .extract_dependency_package_names(meta["LinkingTo"]))),
7862                c(.get_standard_package_names()$base, db[, "Package"]))
7863    if(length(strong_dependencies)) {
7864        out$strong_dependencies_not_in_mainstream_repositories <-
7865            strong_dependencies
7866    }
7868    ## Does this have Suggests or Enhances not in mainstream
7869    ## repositories?
7870    suggests_or_enhances <-
7871        setdiff(unique(c(.extract_dependency_package_names(meta["Suggests"]),
7872                         .extract_dependency_package_names(meta["Enhances"]))),
7873                c(.get_standard_package_names()$base, db[, "Package"]))
7874    if(length(suggests_or_enhances)) {
7875        out$suggests_or_enhances_not_in_mainstream_repositories <-
7876            suggests_or_enhances
7877    }
7878    if(!is.na(aurls <- meta["Additional_repositories"])) {
7879        aurls <- .read_additional_repositories_field(aurls)
7880        ## Get available packages separately for each given URL, so that
7881        ## we can spot the ones which do not provide any packages.
7882        adb <-
7883            tryCatch(lapply(aurls,
7884                            function(u) {
7885                                utils::available.packages(utils::contrib.url(u,
7886                                                                             "source"),
7887                                                          filters =
7888                                                              c("R_version",
7889                                                                "duplicates"))
7890                            }),
7891                     error = identity)
7892        if(inherits(adb, "error")) {
7893            out$additional_repositories_analysis_failed_with <-
7894                conditionMessage(adb)
7895        } else {
7896            ## Check for additional repositories with no packages.
7897            ind <- vapply(adb, NROW, 0L) == 0L
7898            if(any(ind))
7899                out$additional_repositories_with_no_packages <-
7900                    aurls[ind]
7901            ## Merge available packages dbs and remove duplicates.
7902            adb <- do.call(rbind, adb)
7903            adb <- utils:::available_packages_filters_db$duplicates(adb)
7904            ## Ready.
7905            dependencies <- unique(c(strong_dependencies, suggests_or_enhances))
7906            pos <- match(dependencies, rownames(adb), nomatch = 0L)
7907            ind <- (pos > 0L)
7908            tab <- matrix(character(), nrow = 0L, ncol = 3L)
7909            if(any(ind))
7910                tab <- rbind(tab,
7911                             cbind(dependencies[ind],
7912                                   "yes",
7913                                   adb[pos[ind], "Repository"]))
7914            ind <- !ind
7915            if(any(ind))
7916                tab <- rbind(tab,
7917                             cbind(dependencies[ind],
7918                                   "no",
7919                                   "?"))
7920            ## Map Repository fields to URLs, and determine unused
7921            ## URLs.
7922            ## Note that available.packages() possibly adds Path
7923            ## information in the Repository field, so matching
7924            ## given contrib URLs to these fields is not trivial.
7925            unused <- character()
7926            for(u in aurls) {
7927                cu <- utils::contrib.url(u, "source")
7928                ind <- startsWith(tab[, 3L], cu)
7929                if(any(ind)) {
7930                    tab[ind, 3L] <- u
7931                } else {
7932                    unused <- c(unused, u)
7933                }
7934            }
7935            if(length(unused))
7936                tab <- rbind(tab, cbind("?", "?", unused))
7937            dimnames(tab) <- NULL
7938            out$additional_repositories_analysis_results <- tab
7939        }
7940    }
7942    ## Check DOIs.
7943    if(capabilities("libcurl") &&
7944       !config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_SKIP_DOI_CHECKS_",
7945                                         "FALSE"))) {
7946        bad <- tryCatch(check_doi_db(doi_db_from_package_sources(dir),
7947                                     parallel = check_urls_in_parallel),
7948                        error = identity)
7949        if(inherits(bad, "error") || NROW(bad))
7950            out$bad_dois <- bad
7951    }
7953    ## Is this an update for a package already on CRAN?
7954    db <- db[(packages == package) &
7955             (db[, "Repository"] == CRAN) &
7956             is.na(db[, "Path"]), , drop = FALSE]
7957    ## This drops packages in version-specific subdirectories.
7958    ## It also does not know about archived versions.
7959    if(!NROW(db)) {
7960        if(package %in% packages_in_CRAN_archive) {
7961            out$CRAN_archive <- TRUE
7962            v_m <- package_version(meta["Version"])
7963            v_a <- sub("^.*_(.*)\\.tar.gz$", "\\1",
7964                       basename(rownames(archive_db[[package]])))
7965            v_a <- max(package_version(v_a, strict = FALSE),
7966                       na.rm = TRUE)
7967            if(v_m <= v_a)
7968                out$bad_version <- list(v_m, v_a)
7969        }
7970        if(!foss)
7971            out$bad_license <- meta["License"]
7972        return(out)
7973    }
7975    ## Checks from this point down should be for a package already on CRAN
7977    ## For now, there should be no duplicates ...
7979    ## Package versions should be newer than what we already have on CRAN.
7981    v_m <- package_version(meta["Version"])
7982    v_d <- max(package_version(db[, "Version"]))
7983    if((v_m <= v_d) &&
7984       !config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_SKIP_VERSIONS_",
7985                                         "FALSE")))
7986        out$bad_version <- list(v_m, v_d)
7987    if((v_m$major == v_d$major) && (v_m$minor >= v_d$minor + 10))
7988        out$version_with_jump_in_minor <- list(v_m, v_d)
7990    ## Check submission recency and frequency.
7991    current_db <- CRAN_current_db()
7992    mtimes <- c(current_db[match(package,
7993                                 sub("_.*", "", rownames(current_db)),
7994                                 nomatch = 0L),
7995                           "mtime"],
7996                archive_db[[package]]$mtime)
7997    if(length(mtimes)) {
7998        deltas <- Sys.Date() - as.Date(sort(mtimes, decreasing = TRUE))
7999        ## Number of days since last update.
8000        recency <- as.numeric(deltas[1L])
8001        if(recency < 7)
8002            out$recency <- recency
8003        ## Number of updates in past 6 months.
8004        frequency <- sum(deltas <= 180)
8005        if(frequency > 6)
8006            out$frequency <- frequency
8007    }
8009    ## Watch out for maintainer changes.
8010    ## Note that we cannot get the maintainer info from the PACKAGES
8011    ## files.
8012    db <- tryCatch(CRAN_package_db(), error = identity)
8013    if(inherits(db, "error")) return(out)
8015    meta1 <- db[db[, "Package"] == package, ]
8016    ## this can have multiple entries, e.g. for recommended packages.
8017    meta0 <- unlist(meta1[1L, ])
8018    m_m <- as.vector(meta["Maintainer"]) # drop name
8019    m_d <- meta0["Maintainer"]
8020    # There may be white space differences here
8021    m_m_1 <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", m_m)
8022    m_d_1 <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", m_d)
8023    if(!all(m_m_1 == m_d_1)) {
8024        ## strwrap is used below, so we need to worry about encodings.
8025        ## m_d is in UTF-8 already
8026        if(Encoding(m_m) == "latin1") m_m <- iconv(m_m, "latin1")
8027        out$new_maintainer <- list(m_m, m_d)
8028    }
8030    l_d <- meta0["License"]
8031    if(!foss && analyze_license(l_d)$is_verified)
8032        out$new_license <- list(meta["License"], l_d)
8034    ## for incoming check we may want to check for GNU make in SystemRequirements here
8035	## in order to auto-accept packages once this was already accepted before
8036	if(config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_NOTE_GNU_MAKE_",
8037                                           "FALSE"))){
8038        SysReq <- meta["SystemRequirements"]
8039        if(!is.na(SysReq) && grepl("GNU [Mm]ake", SysReq)) {
8040            out$GNUmake <- TRUE
8041        }
8042    }
8044    ## Re-check for some notes if enabled and current version was published recently enough.
8045    if(!inherits(year <- tryCatch(format(as.Date(meta0["Published"]), "%Y"),
8046                                     error = identity),
8047                    "error")){
8048        ## possible mis-spellings and keep only the new ones:
8049        if(NROW(a <- out$spelling)
8050           && config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_ASPELL_RECHECK_MAYBE_",
8051                                               "TRUE"))
8052           && (year >=
8053               as.numeric(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_ASPELL_RECHECK_START_",
8054                                     "2013")))) {
8055            a0 <- .aspell_package_description_for_CRAN(meta = meta0)
8056            out$spelling <- a[a$Original %notin% a0$Original, ]
8057        }
8059        # possible title_includes_name and only report if the title actually changed
8060        if(NROW(out$title_includes_name)
8061            && config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_TITLE_INCLUDES_NAME_RECHECK_MAYBE_",
8062                                "TRUE"))
8063            && (year >= as.numeric(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_TITLE_INCLUDES_NAME_RECHECK_START_",
8064                                     "2016")))
8065            && meta0["Title"] == meta["Title"]) {
8066                out$title_includes_name <- NULL
8067		}
8069        # possible title case problems and only report if the title actually changed
8070        if(NROW(out$title_case)
8071            && config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_TITLE_CASE_RECHECK_MAYBE_",
8072                                           "TRUE"))
8073            && (year >= as.numeric(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_TITLE_CASE_RECHECK_START_",
8074                                 "2016")))
8075            && meta0["Title"] == meta["Title"]) {
8076                out$title_case <- NULL
8077        }
8079        # possible bad Description start and only report if new:
8080        if(NROW(out$descr_bad_start)
8081            && config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_DESCR_BAD_START_RECHECK_MAYBE_",
8082                                           "TRUE"))
8083            && (year >= as.numeric(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_DESCR_BAD_START_RECHECK_START_",
8084                                 "2016")))) {
8085                descr0 <- trimws(as.vector(meta0["Description"]))
8086                descr0 <- gsub("[\n\t]", " ", descr0)
8087                if(grepl(paste0("^['\"]?", package), ignore.case = TRUE, descr0)
8088                        || grepl("^(The|This|A|In this|In the) package", descr0)){
8089                    out$descr_bad_start <- NULL
8090                }
8091        }
8093        # possible GNU make usage and only report if this is new
8094        if(NROW(out$GNUmake)
8095            && config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_GNU_MAKE_RECHECK_MAYBE_",
8096                                 "TRUE"))
8097            && (year >= as.numeric(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_GNU_MAKE_RECHECK_START_",
8098                                 "2015")))) {
8099                SysReq0 <- meta0["SystemRequirements"]
8100                if(!is.na(SysReq0) && grepl("GNU [Mm]ake", SysReq0)) {
8101                    out$GNUmake <- NULL
8102                }
8103        }
8104    }
8106    out
8109format.check_package_CRAN_incoming <-
8110function(x, ...)
8112    fmt <- function(x) {
8113        if(length(x)) paste(x, collapse = "\n") else character()
8114    }
8116    c(character(),
8117      if(length(x$Maintainer))
8118          sprintf("Maintainer: %s", sQuote(lines2str(x$Maintainer, " ")))
8119      else
8120          "No maintainer field in DESCRIPTION file",
8121      fmt(c(if(isTRUE(x$Maintainer_invalid_or_multi_person))
8122                "The maintainer field is invalid or specifies more than one person",
8123            if(isTRUE(x$empty_Maintainer_name))
8124                'The maintainer field lacks a name',
8125            if(isTRUE(x$Maintainer_needs_quotes))
8126                'The display-name part of the maintainer field should be enclosed in ""')
8127          ),
8128      if(length(x$new_submission))
8129          "New submission",
8130      if(length(y <- x$bad_package))
8131          sprintf("Conflicting package names (submitted: %s, existing: %s)",
8132                  y[[1L]], y[[2L]]),
8133      if(length(y <- x$repositories))
8134          sprintf("Package duplicated from %s", y),
8135      if(length(y <- x$CRAN_archive))
8136          "Package was archived on CRAN",
8137      fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$bad_version))
8138                sprintf("Insufficient package version (submitted: %s, existing: %s)",
8139                        y[[1L]], y[[2L]]),
8140            if(length(y <- x$version_with_leading_zeroes))
8141                sprintf("Version contains leading zeroes (%s)", y),
8142            if(length(y <- x$version_with_large_components))
8143                sprintf("Version contains large components (%s)", y),
8144            if(length(y <- x$version_with_jump_in_minor))
8145                sprintf("Version jumps in minor (submitted: %s, existing: %s)",
8146                        y[[1L]], y[[2L]]))),
8147      fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$recency))
8148                sprintf("Days since last update: %d", y),
8149            if(length(y <- x$frequency))
8150                sprintf("Number of updates in past 6 months: %d", y))),
8151      if(length(y <- x$new_maintainer))
8152          paste(c("New maintainer:",
8153                  strwrap(y[[1L]], indent = 2L, exdent = 4L),
8154                  "Old maintainer(s):",
8155                  strwrap(y[[2L]], indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)),
8156                collapse = "\n"),
8157      fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$bad_license))
8158                sprintf("Non-FOSS package license (%s)", y),
8159            if(length(y <- x$new_license))
8160                paste(c("Change to non-FOSS package license.",
8161                        "New license:",
8162                        strwrap(y[[1L]], indent = 2L, exdent = 4L),
8163                        "Old license:",
8164                        strwrap(y[[2L]], indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)),
8165                      collapse = "\n"),
8166            if(length(y <- x$extensions)) {
8167                paste(c("License components with restrictions and base license permitting such:",
8168                        paste0("  ", y),
8169                        unlist(lapply(x$pointers,
8170                                      function(e) {
8171                                          c(sprintf("File '%s':", e[1L]),
8172                                            paste0("  ", e[-1L]))
8173                                      }))),
8174                      collapse = "\n")
8175            })),
8176      if(NROW(y <- x$spelling)) {
8177          s <- split(sprintf("%d:%d", y$Line, y$Column), y$Original)
8178          paste(c("Possibly mis-spelled words in DESCRIPTION:",
8179                  sprintf("  %s (%s)",
8180                          names(s),
8181                          lapply(s, paste, collapse = ", "))),
8182                collapse = "\n")
8183      },
8184      if(isTRUE(x$foss_with_BuildVignettes)) {
8185          "FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false"
8186      },
8187      if(length(y <- x$fields)) {
8188          paste(c("Unknown, possibly mis-spelled, fields in DESCRIPTION:",
8189                  sprintf("  %s", paste(sQuote(y), collapse = " "))),
8190                collapse = "\n")
8191      },
8192      fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$overrides)) {
8193                paste(c("CRAN repository db overrides:", y),
8194                      collapse = "\n")
8195            },
8196            if(length(y <- x$conflicts)) {
8197                paste(sprintf("CRAN repository db conflicts: %s",
8198                              sQuote(y)),
8199                      collapse = "\n")
8200            },
8201            if(length(y <- x$conflict_in_license_is_FOSS)) {
8202                sprintf("Package license conflicts with %s override",
8203                        sQuote(paste("License_is_FOSS:", y)))
8204            },
8205            if(length(y <- x$conflict_in_license_restricts_use)) {
8206                sprintf("Package license conflicts with %s override",
8207                        sQuote(paste("License_restricts_use:", y)))
8208            })),
8209      fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$depends_with_restricts_use_TRUE)) {
8210                paste(c("Package has a FOSS license but eventually depends on the following",
8211                        if(length(y) > 1L)
8212                            "packages which restrict use:"
8213                        else
8214                            "package which restricts use:",
8215                        strwrap(paste(y, collapse = ", "),
8216                                indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)),
8217                      collapse = "\n")
8218            },
8219            if(length(y <- x$depends_with_restricts_use_NA)) {
8220                paste(c("Package has a FOSS license but eventually depends on the following",
8221                        if(length(y) > 1L)
8222                            "packages which may restrict use:"
8223                        else
8224                            "package which may restrict use:",
8225                        strwrap(paste(y, collapse = ", "),
8226                                indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)),
8227                      collapse = "\n")
8228            })),
8229      fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$strong_dependencies_not_in_mainstream_repositories)) {
8230                  paste(c("Strong dependencies not in mainstream repositories:",
8231                          strwrap(paste(y, collapse = ", "),
8232                                  indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)),
8233                        collapse = "\n")
8234              },
8235              if(length(y <- x$suggests_or_enhances_not_in_mainstream_repositories)) {
8236                  paste(c("Suggests or Enhances not in mainstream repositories:",
8237                          strwrap(paste(y, collapse = ", "),
8238                                  indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)),
8239                        collapse = "\n")
8240              },
8241              if(length(y <- x$additional_repositories_analysis_failed_with)) {
8242                  paste(c("Using Additional_repositories specification failed with:",
8243                          paste0("  ", y)),
8244                        collapse = "\n")
8245              },
8246              if(length(y <- x$additional_repositories_analysis_results)) {
8247                  paste(c("Availability using Additional_repositories specification:",
8248                          sprintf("  %s   %s   %s",
8249                                  format(y[, 1L], justify = "left"),
8250                                  format(y[, 2L], justify = "right"),
8251                                  format(y[, 3L], justify = "left"))),
8252                        collapse = "\n")
8253              },
8254              if(length(y <- x$additional_repositories_with_no_packages)) {
8255                  paste(c("Additional repositories with no packages:",
8256                          paste0("  ", y)),
8257                        collapse = "\n")
8258              })),
8259      if(length(y <- x$uses)) {
8260          paste(if(length(y) > 1L)
8261		"Uses the superseded packages:" else
8262		"Uses the superseded package:",
8263                paste(sQuote(y), collapse = ", "))
8264      },
8265      if(length(y <- x$BUGS)) {
8266          paste(if(length(y) > 1L)
8267		"Uses the non-portable packages:" else
8268		"Uses the non-portable package:",
8269                paste(sQuote(y), collapse = ", "))
8270      },
8271      if(length(y <- x$authors_at_R_calls)) {
8272          "Authors@R field should be a call to person(), or combine such calls."
8273      },
8274      if(length(y <- x$authors_at_R_message)) {
8275          paste(c("Authors@R field gives persons with deprecated elements:",
8276                  paste0("  ", y)),
8277                collapse = "\n")
8278      },
8279      if(length(y <- x$author_starts_with_Author)) {
8280          "Author field starts with 'Author:'."
8281      },
8282      if(length(y <- x$author_should_be_authors_at_R)) {
8283          paste(c("Author field should be Authors@R.  Current value is:",
8284                  paste0("  ", gsub("\n", "\n  ", y, fixed=TRUE))),
8285                collapse = "\n")
8286      },
8287      if(length(y <- x$vignette_sources_only_in_inst_doc)) {
8288          if(isFALSE(x$have_vignettes_dir))
8289              paste(c("Vignette sources in 'inst/doc' with no 'vignettes' directory:",
8290                      strwrap(paste(sQuote(y), collapse = ", "),
8291                              indent = 2L, exdent = 2L),
8292                      "A 'vignettes' directory is required as from R 3.1.0"),
8293                    collapse = "\n")
8294          else
8295              paste(c("Vignette sources in 'inst/doc' missing from the 'vignettes' directory:",
8296                      strwrap(paste(sQuote(y), collapse = ", "),
8297                              indent = 2L, exdent = 2L)),
8298                    collapse = "\n")
8299      },
8300      if(length(y <- x$missing_vignette_index)) {
8301          "Package has a VignetteBuilder field but no prebuilt vignette index."
8302      },
8303      fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$missing_manual_rdb)) {
8304                "Package has help file(s) containing build-stage \\Sexpr{} expressions but no 'build/partial.rdb' file."
8305            },
8306            if(length(y <- x$missing_manual_pdf)) {
8307                "Package has help file(s) containing install/render-stage \\Sexpr{} expressions but no prebuilt PDF manual."
8308            })),
8309      fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$dotjava)) {
8310                "Package installs .java files."
8311            },
8312            if(length(y <- x$javafiles)) {
8313                "Package has FOSS license, installs .class/.jar but has no 'java' directory."
8314            })),
8315      fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$citation_calls)) {
8316                paste(c("Package CITATION file contains call(s) to:",
8317                        strwrap(paste(y, collapse = ", "),
8318                                indent = 2L, exdent = 4L)),
8319                      collapse = "\n")
8320            },
8321            if(length(y <- x$citation_error_reading_if_installed)) {
8322                paste(c("Reading CITATION file fails with",
8323                        paste0("  ", y)),
8324                      collapse = "\n")
8325            },
8326            if(length(y <- x$citation_error_reading_if_not_installed)) {
8327                paste(c("Reading CITATION file fails with",
8328                        paste0("  ", y),
8329                        "when package is not installed."),
8330                      collapse = "\n")
8331            },
8332            if(length(y <- x$citation_problem_when_formatting)) {
8333                paste(c("Problems when formatting CITATION entries:",
8334                        paste0("  ", y)),
8335                      collapse = "\n")
8336            })),
8337      fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$bad_urls)) {
8338                if(inherits(y, "error"))
8339                    paste(c("Checking URLs failed with message:",
8340                            conditionMessage(y)),
8341                          collapse = "\n")
8342                else
8343                    paste(c(if(length(y) > 1L)
8344                                "Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs:"
8345                            else
8346                                "Found the following (possibly) invalid URL:",
8347                            paste0("  ", gsub("\n", "\n    ", format(y), fixed=TRUE))),
8348                          collapse = "\n")
8349            },
8350            if(length(y) && any(nzchar(z <- y$CRAN))) {
8351                ul <- tolower(z)
8352                indp <- (grepl("^https?://cran.r-project.org/web/packages",
8353                               ul) &
8354                         !grepl("^https?://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/[.[:alnum:]_]+(html|pdf|rds)$",
8355                                ul))
8356                indv <- grepl("https?://cran.r-project.org/web/views/[[:alnum:]]+[.]html$",
8357                              ul)
8358                paste(c(if(any(indp)) {
8359                            c("  The canonical URL of the CRAN page for a package is ",
8360                              "    https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=pkgname")
8361                        },
8362                        if(any(indv)) {
8363                            c("  The canonical URL of the CRAN page for a task view is ",
8364                              "    https://CRAN.R-project.org/view=viewname")
8365                        },
8366                        if(any(nzchar(z) & !indp & !indv)) {
8367                            "  Canonical CRAN.R-project.org URLs use https."
8368                        }),
8369                      collapse = "\n")
8370            },
8371            if(length(y) && any(nzchar(y$Spaces))) {
8372                "  Spaces in an http[s] URL should probably be replaced by %20"
8373            },
8374            if(length(y) && any(ind <- nzchar(z <- y$R))) {
8375                ul <- tolower(z[ind])
8376                elts <- unique(sub("^http://([^.]+)[.].*", "\\1", ul))
8377                paste(sprintf("  Canonical %s.R-project.org URLs use https.",
8378                              elts),
8379                      collapse = "\n")
8380            },
8381            if(length(y <- x$no_url_checks) && y) {
8382                "Checking URLs requires 'libcurl' support in the R build"
8383            })),
8384      if(length(y <- x$bad_file_URIs)) {
8385          paste(c(if(NROW(y) > 1L)
8386                      "Found the following (possibly) invalid file URIs:"
8387                  else
8388                      "Found the following (possibly) invalid file URI:",
8389                  sprintf("  URI: %s\n    From: %s", y[, 1L], y[, 2L])),
8390                collapse = "\n")
8391      },
8392      fmt(if(length(y <- x$bad_dois)) {
8393              if(inherits(y, "error"))
8394                  paste(c("Checking DOIs failed with message:",
8395                          conditionMessage(y)),
8396                        collapse = "\n")
8397              else
8398                  paste(c(if(length(y) > 1L)
8399                              "Found the following (possibly) invalid DOIs:"
8400                          else
8401                              "Found the following (possibly) invalid DOI:",
8402                          paste0("  ", gsub("\n", "\n    ", format(y),
8403                                            fixed = TRUE))),
8404                        collapse = "\n")
8405          }),
8406      fmt(if(length(y <- x$bad_arXiv_ids)) {
8407              paste(c(if(length(y) > 1L)
8408                          "The Description field contains the following (possibly) invalid arXiv ids:"
8409                      else
8410                          "The Description field contains the following (possibly) invalid arXiv id:",
8411                      paste0("  ", gsub("\n", "\n    ", format(y),
8412                                        fixed = TRUE))),
8413                    collapse = "\n")
8414          }),
8415      fmt(if(length(y <- x$bad_ORCID_iDs)) {
8416              paste(c(if(NROW(y) > 1L)
8417                          "Found the following (possibly) invalid ORCID iDs:"
8418                      else
8419                          "Found the following (possibly) invalid ORCID iD:",
8420                      sprintf("  iD: %s\t(from: %s)",
8421                              unlist(y[, 1L]),
8422                              vapply(y[, 2L], paste, "",
8423                                     collapse = ", "))),
8424                    collapse = "\n")
8425          }),
8426      if(length(y <- x$R_files_non_ASCII)) {
8427          paste(c("No package encoding and non-ASCII characters in the following R files:",
8428                  paste0("  ", names(y), "\n    ",
8429                         vapply(y, paste, "", collapse = "\n    "),
8430                         collapse = "\n")),
8431                collapse = "\n")
8432      },
8433      if(length(y <- x$R_files_set_random_seed)) {
8434          paste(c(sprintf("File '%s' sets .Random.seed.",
8435                          file.path("R", y)),
8436                  "This is usually neither needed nor wanted."),
8437                collapse = "\n")
8438      },
8439      fmt(c(if(length(x$title_is_name)) {
8440                "The Title field is just the package name: provide a real title."
8441            },
8442            if(length(x$title_includes_name)) {
8443                "The Title field starts with the package name."
8444            },
8445            if(length(y <- x$title_case)) {
8446                paste(c("The Title field should be in title case. Current version is:",
8447                        sQuote(y[1L]), "In title case that is:", sQuote(y[2L])),
8448                      collapse = "\n")
8449            })),
8450      fmt(c(if(length(x$descr_bad_initial)) {
8451                "The Description field should start with a capital letter."
8452            },
8453            if(length(x$descr_bad_start)) {
8454                "The Description field should not start with the package name,\n  'This package' or similar."
8455            },
8456            if(length(y <- x$descr_bad_URLs)) {
8457                paste(c("The Description field contains",
8458                        paste0("  ", y),
8459                        "Please enclose URLs in angle brackets (<...>)."),
8460                      collapse = "\n")
8461            },
8462            if(length(y <- x$descr_bad_DOIs)) {
8463                paste(c("The Description field contains",
8464                        paste0("  ", y),
8465                        "Please write DOIs as <doi:10.prefix/suffix>."),
8466                      collapse = "\n")
8467            },
8468            if(length(y <- x$descr_bad_arXiv_ids)) {
8469                paste(c("The Description field contains",
8470                        paste0("  ", y),
8471                        "Please write arXiv ids as <arXiv:YYMM.NNNNN>."),
8472                      collapse = "\n")
8473            }
8474            )),
8475      fmt(c(if(length(x$GNUmake)) {
8476                "GNU make is a SystemRequirements."
8477            })),
8478      fmt(c(if(length(x$bad_date)) {
8479                "The Date field is not in ISO 8601 yyyy-mm-dd format."
8480            },
8481            if(length(x$old_date)) {
8482                "The Date field is over a month old."
8483            })),
8484      if(length(y <- x$build_time_stamp_msg)) y,
8485      if(length(y <- x$placeholders)) {
8486          paste(c("DESCRIPTION fields with placeholder content:",
8487                  paste0("  ",
8488                         unlist(strsplit(formatDL(y,
8489                                                  style = "list",
8490                                                  indent = 2L),
8491                                         "\n", fixed = TRUE)))),
8492                collapse = "\n")
8493      },
8494      if(length(y <- x$size_of_tarball))
8495          paste("Size of tarball:", y, "bytes"),
8496      fmt(c(if(length(y <- x$Rd_keywords_or_concepts_with_Rd_markup))
8497                paste(c("Found the following \\keyword or \\concept entries with Rd markup:",
8498                        unlist(y)),
8499                      collapse = "\n"),
8500            if(length(y <- x$Rd_keywords_or_concepts_more_than_one))
8501                paste(c("Found the following \\keyword or \\concept entries",
8502                        "which likely give several index terms:",
8503                        unlist(y)),
8504                      collapse = "\n"),
8505            if(length(y <- x$Rd_URLs_which_should_use_doi))
8506                paste(c("Found the following URLs which should use \\doi (with the DOI name only):",
8507                        unlist(y)),
8508                      collapse = "\n")))
8509      )
8512print.check_package_CRAN_incoming <-
8513function(x, ...)
8515    if(length(y <- format(x, ...)))
8516        writeLines(paste(y, collapse = "\n\n"))
8517    invisible(x)
8520### * .check_Rd_metadata
8522.check_Rd_metadata <-
8523function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL)
8525    ## Perform package-level Rd metadata checks:
8526    ## names and aliases must be unique within a package.
8528    ## Note that we cannot use Rd_aliases(), as this does
8529    ##   if(length(aliases))
8530    ##       sort(unique(unlist(aliases, use.names = FALSE)))
8532    out <- structure(list(), class = "check_Rd_metadata")
8534    if(!missing(package)) {
8535        if(length(package) != 1L)
8536            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
8537        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
8538        rds <- file.path(dir, "Meta", "Rd.rds")
8539        if(file_test("-f", rds)) {
8540            meta <- readRDS(rds)
8541            files <- meta$File
8542            names <- meta$Name
8543            aliases <- meta$Aliases
8544        } else {
8545            return(out)
8546        }
8547    } else {
8548        if(dir.exists(file.path(dir, "man"))) {
8549            db <- Rd_db(dir = dir)
8550            files <- basename(names(db))
8551            names <- sapply(db, .Rd_get_metadata, "name")
8552            aliases <- lapply(db, .Rd_get_metadata, "alias")
8553        } else {
8554            return(out)
8555        }
8556    }
8558    ## <FIXME>
8559    ## Remove eventually, as .Rd_get_metadata() and hence Rd_info() now
8560    ## eliminate duplicated entries ...
8561    aliases <- lapply(aliases, unique)
8562    ## </FIXME>
8564    files_grouped_by_names <- split(files, names)
8565    files_with_duplicated_names <-
8566        files_grouped_by_names[lengths(files_grouped_by_names) > 1L]
8567    if(length(files_with_duplicated_names))
8568        out$files_with_duplicated_names <-
8569            files_with_duplicated_names
8571    files_grouped_by_aliases <-
8572        split(rep.int(files, lengths(aliases)),
8573              unlist(aliases, use.names = FALSE))
8574    files_with_duplicated_aliases <-
8575        files_grouped_by_aliases[lengths(files_grouped_by_aliases) > 1L]
8576    if(length(files_with_duplicated_aliases))
8577        out$files_with_duplicated_aliases <-
8578            files_with_duplicated_aliases
8580    out
8583format.check_Rd_metadata <-
8584function(x, ...)
8586    c(character(),
8587      if(length(bad <- x$files_with_duplicated_name)) {
8588          unlist(lapply(names(bad),
8589                 function(nm) {
8590                     c(gettextf("Rd files with duplicated name '%s':",
8591                                nm),
8592                       .pretty_format(bad[[nm]]))
8593                 }))
8594      },
8595      if(length(bad <- x$files_with_duplicated_aliases)) {
8596          unlist(lapply(names(bad),
8597                 function(nm) {
8598                     c(gettextf("Rd files with duplicated alias '%s':",
8599                                nm),
8600                       .pretty_format(bad[[nm]]))
8601                 }))
8602      })
8605## * checkRdContents
8607checkRdContents <- # was  .check_Rd_contents <-
8608function(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, chkInternal = FALSE)
8610    out <- list()
8611    class(out) <- "checkRdContents" # was "check_Rd_contents"
8613    ## Argument handling.
8614    if(!missing(package)) {
8615        if(length(package) != 1L)
8616            stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
8617        dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
8618        ## Using package installed in @code{dir} ...
8619    }
8620    else {
8621        if(missing(dir))
8622            stop("you must specify 'package' or 'dir'")
8623        ## Using sources from directory @code{dir} ...
8624        if(!dir.exists(dir))
8625            stop(gettextf("directory '%s' does not exist", dir),
8626                 domain = NA)
8627        else
8628            dir <- file_path_as_absolute(dir)
8629    }
8631    db <- if(!missing(package))
8632              Rd_db(package, lib.loc = dirname(dir))
8633          else
8634              Rd_db(dir = dir)
8636    if(!chkInternal && ## Exclude internal objects from further computations.
8637       any(ind <- vapply(lapply(db, .Rd_get_metadata, "keyword"),
8638                         function(x) "internal" %in% x, NA))) {
8639        db <- db[!ind]
8640    }
8642    names(db) <- .Rd_get_names_from_Rd_db(db)
8643    for(nm in names(db)) {
8644        rd <- db[[nm]]
8646        ## Arguments with no description.
8647        arg_table <- .Rd_get_argument_table(rd)
8648        arguments_with_no_description <-
8649            arg_table[grepl("^[[:blank:]]*$", arg_table[, 2L]),
8650                      1L]
8652        ## Autogenerated Rd content which needs editing.
8653        offending_autogenerated_content <-
8654            .Rd_get_offending_autogenerated_content(rd)
8656        if(length(arguments_with_no_description)
8657           || length(offending_autogenerated_content)) {
8658            out[[nm]] <-
8659                list(arguments_with_no_description =
8660                     arguments_with_no_description,
8661                     offending_autogenerated_content =
8662                     offending_autogenerated_content)
8663        }
8664    }
8666    out
8669format.checkRdContents <-
8670function(x, ...)
8672    .fmt <- function(nm) {
8673        y <- x[[nm]]
8674        c(if(length(arguments_with_no_description <-
8675                    y[["arguments_with_no_description"]])) {
8676              c(gettextf("Argument items with no description in Rd object '%s':",
8677                         nm),
8678                .pretty_format(arguments_with_no_description))
8679          },
8680          if(length(offending_autogenerated_content <-
8681                    y[["offending_autogenerated_content"]])) {
8682              c(gettextf("Auto-generated content requiring editing in Rd object '%s':",
8683                         nm),
8684                sprintf("  %s", offending_autogenerated_content[, 1L]))
8685          },
8686          "")
8687    }
8689    as.character(unlist(lapply(names(x), .fmt)))
8692### * .check_Rd_line_widths
8694.check_Rd_line_widths <-
8695function(dir, limit = c(usage = 95, examples = 105), installed = FALSE)
8697    db <- if(installed)
8698        Rd_db(basename(dir), lib.loc = dirname(dir))
8699    else
8700        Rd_db(dir = dir)
8701    out <- find_wide_Rd_lines_in_Rd_db(db, limit, installed)
8702    class(out) <- "check_Rd_line_widths"
8703    attr(out, "limit") <- limit
8704    out
8707format.check_Rd_line_widths <-
8708function(x, ...)
8710    if(!length(x)) return(character())
8712    .truncate <- function(s) {
8713        ifelse(nchar(s) > 140L,
8714               paste(substr(s, 1, 140L),
8715                     "... [TRUNCATED]"),
8716               s)
8717    }
8719    limit <- attr(x, "limit")
8720    ## Rd2txt() by default adds a section indent of 5 also incorporated
8721    ## in the limits used for checking.  But users actually look at the
8722    ## line widths in their source Rd file, so remove the indent when
8723    ## formatting for reporting check results.
8724    ## (This should reduce confusion as long as we only check the line
8725    ## widths in verbatim type sections.)
8726    limit <- limit - 5L
8728    sections <- names(limit)
8730    .fmt <- function(nm) {
8731        y <- x[[nm]]
8732        c(sprintf("Rd file '%s':", nm),
8733          unlist(lapply(sections,
8734                        function(s) {
8735                            lines <- y[[s]]
8736                            if(!length(lines)) character() else {
8737                                c(sprintf("  \\%s lines wider than %d characters:",
8738                                          s, limit[s]),
8739                                  .truncate(lines))
8740                            }
8741                        }),
8742                 use.names = FALSE),
8743          "")
8744    }
8746    as.character(unlist(lapply(names(x), .fmt)))
8749find_wide_Rd_lines_in_Rd_db <-
8750function(x, limit = NULL, installed = FALSE)
8752    y <- lapply(x, find_wide_Rd_lines_in_Rd_object, limit, installed)
8753    Filter(length, y)
8756find_wide_Rd_lines_in_Rd_object <-
8757function(x, limit = NULL, installed = FALSE)
8759    if(is.null(limit))
8760        limit <- list(usage = c(79, 95), examples = c(87, 105))
8761    sections <- names(limit)
8762    if(is.null(sections))
8763        stop("no Rd sections specified")
8764    if (installed) x <- prepare_Rd(x, stages = "render")
8765    y <- Map(function(s, l) {
8766        out <- NULL
8767        zz <- textConnection("out", "w", local = TRUE)
8768        on.exit(close(zz))
8769        pos <- which(RdTags(x) == s)
8770        ## measure length in chars, not in bytes after substitutions
8771        Rd2txt(x[pos[1L]], out = zz, fragment = TRUE, outputEncoding = "UTF-8")
8772        nc <- nchar(sub("[ \t]+$", "", out))
8773        if(length(l) > 1L) {
8774            ind_warn <- (nc > max(l))
8775            ind_note <- (nc > min(l)) & !ind_warn
8776            Filter(length,
8777                   list(warn = out[ind_warn], note = out[ind_note]))
8778        } else {
8779            out[nc > l]
8780        }
8781    },
8782             paste0("\\", sections),
8783             limit)
8784    names(y) <- sections
8785    Filter(length, y)
8789### * .find_charset
8791.find_charset <-
8794    l10n <- l10n_info()
8795    enc <- if(l10n[["UTF-8"]]) "UTF-8" else utils::localeToCharset()
8796    cat("charset: ", enc, "\n", sep = "")
8797    invisible()
8801### * Utilities
8803### ** as.alist.call
8805as.alist.call <-
8808    y <- as.list(x)
8809    ind <- if(is.null(names(y)))
8810        seq_along(y)
8811    else
8812        which(names(y) == "")
8813    if(length(ind)) {
8814        names(y)[ind] <- vapply(y[ind], paste, "", collapse = " ")
8815        y[ind] <- rep.int(list(alist(irrelevant = )[[1L]]), length(ind))
8816    }
8817    y
8820### ** as.alist.symbol
8822as.alist.symbol <-
8825    as.alist.call(call(as.character(x)))
8828### ** .arg_names_from_call
8830.arg_names_from_call <-
8833    y <- as.character(x)
8834    if(!is.null(nx <- names(x))) {
8835        ind <- which(nzchar(nx))
8836        y[ind] <- nx[ind]
8837    }
8838    y
8841### ** .dquote_method_markup
8843## See the notes below.
8844## An alternative and possibly more efficient implementation could be
8845## based using gregexpr(re, txt), massaging the matches and merging with
8846## the non-matched parts.
8848.dquote_method_markup <-
8849function(txt, re)
8851    out <- ""
8852    while((ipos <- regexpr(re, txt)) > -1L) {
8853        epos <- ipos + attr(ipos, "match.length") - 1L
8854        str <- substring(txt, ipos, epos)
8855        str <- sub("\"", "\\\"", str, fixed = TRUE)
8856        str <- sub("\\", "\\\\", str, fixed = TRUE)
8857        out <- sprintf("%s%s\"%s\"", out,
8858                       substring(txt, 1L, ipos - 1L), str)
8859        txt <- substring(txt, epos + 1L)
8860    }
8861    paste0(out, txt)
8864### ** .format_calls_in_file
8866.format_calls_in_file <-
8867function(calls, f)
8869    c(gettextf("File %s:", sQuote(f)),
8870      paste0("  ",
8871             unlist(lapply(calls,
8872                           function(e)
8873                           paste(deparse(e), collapse = "\n")))))
8876### ** .functions_to_be_ignored_from_usage
8878.functions_to_be_ignored_from_usage <-
8881    c("<-", "=",
8882      if(package_name == "base")
8883      c("(", "{", "function", "if", "for", "while", "repeat",
8884        "Math", "Ops", "Summary", "Complex"),
8885      if(package_name == "utils") "?",
8886      if(package_name == "methods") "@")
8889### ** get_S4_generics_with_methods
8891## FIXME: make option of methods::getGenerics()
8892## JMC agreed & proposed argument  'excludeEmpty = FALSE'
8893get_S4_generics_with_methods <-
8894function(env, verbose = getOption("verbose"))
8896    env <- as.environment(env)
8897    ##  Filter(function(g) methods::isGeneric(g, where = env),
8898    ##	       methods::getGenerics(env))
8899    r <- methods::getGenerics(env)
8900    if(length(r) && {
8901	hasM <- lapply(r, function(g)
8902		       tryCatch(methods::hasMethods(g, where = env),
8903				error = identity))
8904	if(any(hasErr <- vapply(hasM, inherits, NA, what = "error"))) {
8905            dq <- function(ch) paste0('"', ch ,'"')
8906            rErr <- r[hasErr]
8907            pkgs <- r@package[hasErr]
8908            ## FIXME: This warning should not happen here when called
8909            ## from R CMD check, but rather be part of a new "check"
8910            ## there !
8911	    warning(gettextf("Generics 'g' in 'env' %s where '%s' errors: %s\nMay need something like\n\n%s\nin NAMESPACE.",
8912                             format(env),
8913                             "hasMethods(g, env)",
8914                             paste(sQuote(rErr), collapse = ", "),
8915                             paste0("  importFrom(",
8916                                    paste(dq(pkgs), dq(rErr), sep =", "),
8917                                    ")\n")
8918                             ),
8919                    domain = NA)
8920	    hasM <- hasM[!hasErr]
8921	}
8922	!all(ok <- unlist(hasM))
8923    }) {
8924	if(verbose)
8925            message(sprintf(ngettext(sum(!ok),
8926                                     "Generic without any methods in %s: %s",
8927                                     "Generics without any methods in %s: %s"),
8928                            format(env),
8929                            paste(sQuote(r[!ok]), collapse = ", ")),
8930                    domain = NA)
8931	r[ok]
8932    }
8933    else as.vector(r)# for back-compatibility and current ..../tests/reg-S4.R
8936### ** .get_S4_generics
8938## For several QC tasks, we need to compute on "all S4 methods in/from a
8939## package".  These days, this can straightforwardly be accomplished by
8940## looking at all methods tables in the package environment or namespace.
8941## Somewhat historically, we organize our computations by first using
8942## using methods::getGenerics() to find all S4 generics the package has
8943## methods for, and then iterating over these.  To make this work
8944## conveniently, we wrap around methods::getGenerics() to rewrite its
8945## "ObjectsWithPackage" result into a (currently unclassed) list of
8946## generic-name-with-package-name-attribute objects, and wrap around
8947## methods::findMethods() to perform lookup based on this information
8948## (rather than the genericFunction object itself), and also rewrite the
8949## MethodsList result into a simple list.
8951.get_S4_generics <-
8954    env <- as.environment(env)
8955    g <- suppressMessages(methods::getGenerics(env))
8956    Map(function(f, p) {
8957            attr(f, "package") <- p
8958            f
8959        },
8960        g@.Data,
8961        g@package)
8964### ** .get_S4_methods_list
8966.get_S4_methods_list <-
8967function(f, env)
8969    ## Get S4 methods in environment env for f a structure with the name
8970    ## of the S4 generic and its package in the corresponding attribute.
8972    ## For the QC computations, we really only want the S4 methods
8973    ## defined in a package, so we try to exclude derived default
8974    ## methods as well as methods inherited from other environments.
8976    env <- as.environment(env)
8978    ## <FIXME>
8979    ## Use methods::findMethods() once this gets a package argument.
8980    ## This will return a listOfMethods object: turn this into a simple
8981    ## list of methods named by hash-collapsed signatures.
8982    tab <- get(methods:::.TableMetaName(f, attr(f, "package")), envir = env)
8983    mlist <- as.list(tab, all.names = TRUE, sorted = TRUE)
8984    ## </FIXME>
8986    ## First, derived default methods (signature w/ "ANY").
8987    if(any(ind <- vapply(mlist, methods::is, NA, "derivedDefaultMethod")))
8988	mlist <- mlist[!ind]
8990    if(length(mlist)) {
8991        ## Determining the methods defined in a package from the package
8992        ## env or the associated namespace seems rather tricky.  What we
8993        ## seem to observe is the following.
8994        ## * If there is a namespace N, methods defined in the package
8995        ##   have N as their environment, for both the package env and
8996        ##   the associated namespace.
8997        ## * If there is no namespace, methods defined in the package
8998        ##   have an environment E which is empty and has globalenv() as
8999        ##   its parent.  (If the package defines generics, these seem
9000        ##   to have E as their parent env.)
9001        ## However, in the latter case, there seems no way to infer E
9002        ## from the package env.  In the old days predating methods
9003        ## tables, we compared methods in the package env with those in
9004        ## its parent env, and excluded the ones already found there.
9005        ## This no longer works, so we exclude "at least" all methods
9006        ## with a namespace environment (as these cannot come from a
9007        ## package with no namespace).
9009        namespace <- if(isNamespace(env)) env else .get_namespace_from_package_env(env)
9010        mlist <- if(!is.null(namespace))
9011            Filter(function(m) identical(environment(m), namespace), mlist)
9012        else
9013            Filter(function(m) environmentName(environment(m)) == "", mlist)
9014    }
9016    mlist
9019.get_ref_classes <-
9022    env <- as.environment(env)
9023    cl <- methods::getClasses(env)
9024    cl <- cl[vapply(cl,
9025                    function(Class)
9026                        methods::is(methods::getClass(Class, where = env),
9027                                    "refClassRepresentation"),
9028                    NA)]
9029    if(length(cl)) {
9030        res <- lapply(cl, function(Class) {
9031            def <- methods::getClass(Class, where = env)
9032            ff <- def@fieldPrototypes
9033            accs <- vapply(ff,
9034                           function(what)
9035                               methods::is(what, "activeBindingFunction") &&
9036                               !methods::is(what, "defaultBindingFunction"),
9037                           NA)
9038            c(as.list(def@refMethods), as.list(ff)[accs])
9039        })
9040        names(res) <- cl
9041        res
9042    } else list()
9045.get_namespace_from_package_env <-
9048    package <-
9049        sub(".*:([^_]*).*", "\\1", attr(env, "name", exact = TRUE))
9050    if(length(package) && nzchar(package)) .getNamespace(as.name(package))
9054### ** .is_call_from_replacement_function_usage
9056.is_call_from_replacement_function_usage <-
9059    ((length(x) == 3L)
9060     && identical(x[[1L]], quote(`<-`))
9061     && (length(  x[[2L]]) > 1L)
9062     && is.symbol(x[[3L]]))
9065### ** .make_siglist
9067.make_siglist <-
9070    ## Argument 'x' should be a named list of methods as obtained by
9071    ## methods::findMethods() or .get_S4_methods_list().
9072    gsub("#", ",", names(x), fixed = TRUE)
9075### ** .make_signatures
9077.make_signatures <-
9080    ## Note that (thanks JMC), when comparing signatures, the signature
9081    ## has to be stripped of trailing "ANY" elements (which are always
9082    ## implicit) or padded to a fixed length.
9083    sub("(#ANY)*$", "", unlist(lapply(cls, paste, collapse = "#")))
9086### ** .massage_file_parse_error_message
9088.massage_file_parse_error_message <-
9090    sub("^[^:]+:[[:space:]]*", "", x)
9092### ** .package_env
9094.package_env <-
9097    as.environment(paste0("package:", package_name))
9100### ** .parse_text_as_much_as_possible
9102.parse_text_as_much_as_possible <-
9105    exprs <- tryCatch(str2expression(txt), error = identity)
9106    if(!inherits(exprs, "error")) return(exprs)
9107    exprs <- expression()
9108    lines <- unlist(strsplit(txt, "\n"))
9109    bad_lines <- character()
9110    while((n <- length(lines))) {
9111        i <- 1L; txt <- lines[1L]
9112        while(inherits(yy <- tryCatch(str2expression(txt),
9113                                      error = identity),
9114                       "error")
9115              && (i < n)) {
9116            i <- i + 1L; txt <- paste(txt, lines[i], collapse = "\n")
9117        }
9118        if(inherits(yy, "error")) {
9119            bad_lines <- c(bad_lines, lines[1L])
9120            lines <- lines[-1L]
9121        }
9122        else {
9123            exprs <- c(exprs, yy)
9124            lines <- lines[-seq_len(i)]
9125        }
9126    }
9127    attr(exprs, "bad_lines") <- bad_lines
9128    exprs
9131### ** .parse_usage_as_much_as_possible
9133.parse_usage_as_much_as_possible <-
9136    if(!length(x)) return(expression())
9137    ## Drop specials and comments.
9138    ## <FIXME>
9139    ## Remove calling .Rd_drop_comments() eventually.
9140    x <- .Rd_drop_comments(x)
9141    ## </FIXME>
9142    txt <- .Rd_deparse(.Rd_drop_nodes_with_tags(x, "\\special"),
9143                       tag = FALSE)
9144    txt <- gsub("\\\\l?dots", "...", txt)
9145    txt <- .dquote_method_markup(txt, .S3_method_markup_regexp)
9146    txt <- .dquote_method_markup(txt, .S4_method_markup_regexp)
9147    ## Transform <<see below>> style markup so that we can catch and
9148    ## throw it, rather than "basically ignore" it by putting it in the
9149    ## bad_lines attribute.
9150    txt <- gsub("(<<?see below>>?)", "`\\1`", txt)
9151    ## \usage is only 'verbatim-like'
9152    ## ## <FIXME>
9153    ## ## 'LanguageClasses.Rd' in package methods has '"\{"' in its usage.
9154    ## ## But why should it use the backslash escape?
9155    ## txt <- gsub("\\{", "{", txt, fixed = TRUE)
9156    ## txt <- gsub("\\}", "}", txt, fixed = TRUE)
9157    ## ## </FIXME>
9158    ## now any valid escape by \ is
9159    ##   \a \b \f \n \r \t \u \U \v \x \' \" \\ or \octal
9160    txt <- gsub("(^|[^\\])\\\\($|[^abfnrtuUvx0-9'\"\\])",
9161                "\\1<unescaped bksl>\\2", txt)
9162    ## and since this may overlap, try again
9163    txt <- gsub("(^|[^\\])\\\\($|[^abfnrtuUvx0-9'\"\\])",
9164                "\\1<unescaped bksl>\\2", txt)
9165    .parse_text_as_much_as_possible(txt)
9168### ** .pretty_format
9170.strwrap22 <- function(x, collapse = " ")
9171    strwrap(paste(x, collapse=collapse), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L)
9173.pretty_format <-
9174function(x, collapse = " ", q = getOption("useFancyQuotes"))
9175    .strwrap22(sQuote(x, q=q), collapse=collapse)
9177.pretty_format2 <-
9178function(msg, x, collapse = ", ", useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
9180    xx <- strwrap(paste(sQuote(x, q=q), collapse=collapse), exdent = 2L)
9181    if (length(xx) > 1L || nchar(msg) + nchar(xx) + 1L > 75L)
9182        ## trash 'xx', instead wrap w/ 'indent' :
9183        c(msg, .pretty_format(x, collapse=collapse, q=q))
9184    else paste(msg, xx)
9187### ** .pretty_print
9189.pretty_print <-
9190function(x, collapse = " ")
9191    writeLines(.strwrap22(x, collapse=collapse))
9194### ** .strip_backticks
9196.strip_backticks <-
9198    gsub("`", "", x, fixed=TRUE)
9200### ** .transform_S3_method_markup
9202.transform_S3_method_markup <-
9205    ## Note how we deal with S3 replacement methods found.
9206    ## These come out named "\method{GENERIC}{CLASS}<-" which we
9207    ## need to turn into 'GENERIC<-.CLASS'.
9208    re <- sprintf("%s(<-)?", .S3_method_markup_regexp)
9209    ## Note that this is really only called on "function" names obtained
9210    ## by parsing the \usage texts, so that the method regexps possibly
9211    ## augmented by '<-' fully match if they match.
9212    ## We should be able to safely strip all backticks; alternatively,
9213    ## we could do something like
9214    ##   cl <- .strip_backticks(sub(re, "\\4", x))
9215    ##   sub(re, sprintf("\\3\\5.%s", cl), x)
9216    .strip_backticks(sub(re, "\\3\\5.\\4", x))
9219### ** .transform_S4_method_markup
9221.transform_S4_method_markup <-
9224    re <- sprintf("%s(<-)?", .S4_method_markup_regexp)
9225    ## We should be able to safely strip all backticks; alternatively,
9226    ## we could do something like
9227    ##   sl <- .strip_backticks(sub(re, "\\3", x))
9228    ##   sub(re, sprintf("\\\\S4method{\\2\\7}{%s}", sl), x)
9229    .strip_backticks(sub(re, "\\\\S4method{\\2\\7}{\\3}", x))
9232### ** .S3_method_markup_regexp
9234## For matching \(S3)?method{GENERIC}{CLASS}.
9235## GENERIC can be
9236## * a syntactically valid name
9237## * one of $ [ [[
9238## * one of the binary operators
9239##   + - * / ^ < <= > >= != == | & %something%
9240## * unary !
9241## (as supported by Rdconv).
9242## CLASS can be a syntactic name (we could be more precise about the
9243## fact that these must start with a letter or '.'), or anything quoted
9244## by backticks (not containing backticks itself for now).  Arguably,
9245## non-syntactic class names should best be avoided, but R has always
9246## had them at least for
9247## R> class(bquote({.}))
9248## [1] "{"
9249## R> class(bquote((.)))
9250## [1] "("
9252## <NOTE>
9253## Handling S3/S4 method markup is somewhat tricky.
9254## When using R to parse the usage entries, we turn the
9256## markup into (something which parses to) a function call by suitably
9257## quoting the \METHOD{GENERIC}{CLASS_OR_SIGLIST} part.  In case of a
9258## replacement method
9259##   \METHOD{GENERIC}{CLASS_OR_SIGLIST}(args) <- value
9260## parsing results in a
9262## pseudo name, which need to be transformed to
9264## We currently use double quoting for the parse step.  As we also allow
9265## for non-syntactic class names quoted by backticks, this means that
9266## double quotes and backslashes need to be escaped.  Alternatively, we
9267## could strip backticks right away and quote by backticks, but then the
9268## replacement method transformation would need different regexps.
9269## </NOTE>
9271.S3_method_markup_regexp <-
9272    sprintf("(\\\\(S3)?method\\{(%s)\\}\\{(%s)\\})",
9273            paste(c("[._[:alnum:]]*",
9274                    ## Subscripting
9275                    "\\$", "\\[\\[?",
9276                    ## Binary operators and unary '!'.
9277                    "\\+", "\\-", "\\*", "\\/", "\\^",
9278                    "<=?", ">=?", "!=?", "==", "\\&", "\\|",
9279                    "\\%[[:alnum:][:punct:]]*\\%"),
9280                  collapse = "|"),
9281            "[._[:alnum:]]+|`[^`]+`")
9283### ** .S4_method_markup_regexp
9285## For matching \S4method{GENERIC}{SIGLIST}.
9286## SIGLIST can be a comma separated list of CLASS specs as above.
9288.S4_method_markup_regexp <-
9289    sprintf("(\\\\S4method\\{(%s)\\}\\{(%s)\\})",
9290            paste(c("[._[:alnum:]]*",
9291                    ## Subscripting
9292                    "\\$", "\\[\\[?",
9293                    ## Binary operators and unary '!'.
9294                    "\\+", "\\-", "\\*", "\\/", "\\^",
9295                    "<=?", ">=?", "!=?", "==", "\\&", "\\|",
9296                    "\\%[[:alnum:][:punct:]]*\\%"),
9297                  collapse = "|"),
9298            "(([._[:alnum:]]+|`[^`]+`),)*([._[:alnum:]]+|`[^`]+`)")
9300### ** .valid_maintainer_field_regexp
9302.make_RFC_2822_email_address_regexp <-
9305    ## Local part consists of ASCII letters and digits, the characters
9306    ##   ! # $ % * / ? | ^ { } ` ~ & ' + = _ -
9307    ## and . provided it is not leading or trailing or repeated, or must
9308    ## be a quoted string.
9309    ## Domain part consists of dot-separated elements consisting of
9310    ## ASCII letters, digits and hyphen.
9311    ## We could also check that the local and domain parts are no longer
9312    ## than 64 and 255 characters, respectively.
9313    ## See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_address.
9314    ASCII_letters_and_digits <-
9315        "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
9316    l <- sprintf("[%s%s]", ASCII_letters_and_digits, "!#$%*/?|^{}`~&'+=_-")
9317    d <- sprintf("[%s%s]", ASCII_letters_and_digits, "-")
9318    ## Be careful to arrange the hyphens to come last in the range spec.
9319    sprintf("(\\\".+\\\"|(%s+\\.)*%s+)@(%s+\\.)*%s+", l, l, d, d)
9322.valid_maintainer_field_regexp <-
9323    sprintf("^[[:space:]]*(.*<%s>|ORPHANED)[[:space:]]*$",
9324            .make_RFC_2822_email_address_regexp())
9326### ** .Rd_get_offending_autogenerated_content
9328.Rd_get_offending_autogenerated_content <-
9331    out <- NULL
9333    ## /data/rsync/PKGS/geoR/man/globalvar.Rd
9334    s <- .Rd_get_section(x, "title")
9335    if(length(s)) {
9336        s <- .Rd_deparse(s, tag = FALSE)
9337        if(trimws(s) == "~~function to do ... ~~")
9338            out <- rbind(out, c("\\title", s))
9339    }
9340    s <- .Rd_get_section(x, "description")
9341    if(length(s)) {
9342        s <- .Rd_deparse(s, tag = FALSE)
9343        if(trimws(s) ==
9344           "~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~")
9345            out <- rbind(out, c("\\description", s))
9346    }
9347    s <- .Rd_get_section(x, "details")
9348    if(length(s)) {
9349        s <- .Rd_deparse(s, tag = FALSE)
9350        if(trimws(s) ==
9351           "~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~")
9352            out <- rbind(out, c("\\details", s))
9353    }
9355    ## /data/rsync/PKGS/mimR/man/plot.Rd:\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
9356    s <- .Rd_get_section(x, "author")
9357    if(length(s)) {
9358        s <- .Rd_deparse(s, tag = FALSE)
9359        if(trimws(s) == "~~who you are~~")
9360            out <- rbind(out, c("\\author", s))
9361    }
9362    ## /data/rsync/PKGS/mimR/man/mim-class.Rd:\note{ ~~further notes~~ }
9363    s <- .Rd_get_section(x, "note")
9364    if(length(s)) {
9365        s <- .Rd_deparse(s, tag = FALSE)
9366        if(trimws(s) == "~~further notes~~")
9367            out <- rbind(out, c("\\note", s))
9368    }
9370    tab <- .Rd_get_argument_table(x)
9371    if(length(tab)) {
9372        ## /data/rsync/PKGS/Rmpfr/man/mpfrArray.Rd:
9373        ##   \item{precBits}{ ~~Describe \code{precBits} here~~ }
9374        descriptions <- trimws(tab[, 2L])
9375        ind <- (descriptions ==
9376                sprintf("~~Describe \\code{%s} here~~", tab[, 1L]))
9377        if(any(ind))
9378            out <- rbind(out,
9379                         cbind(sprintf("\\arguments, description of item '%s'",
9380                                       tab[ind, 1L]),
9381                               tab[ind, 2L]))
9382    }
9384    ## <NOTE>
9385    ## Obviously, auto-generation does too much here, so maybe do not
9386    ## include these in production check code ...
9387    tab <- .Rd_get_methods_description_table(x)
9388    if(length(tab)) {
9389        descriptions <- trimws(tab[, 2L])
9390        ## /data/rsync/PKGS/coin/man/initialize-methods.Rd
9391        ind <- descriptions == "~~describe this method here"
9392        if(any(ind))
9393            out <- rbind(out,
9394                         cbind(sprintf("section 'Methods', description of item '%s'",
9395                                       tab[ind, 1L]),
9396                               tab[ind, 2L]))
9397    }
9398    ## </NOTE>
9400    if(config_val_to_logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_RD_CONTENTS_KEYWORDS_",
9401                                        "FALSE"))) {
9402        k <- .Rd_get_metadata(x, "keyword")
9403        k <- k[k %in% .Rd_keywords_auto]
9404        if(length(k)) {
9405            ## Not quite perfect as .Rd_get_metadata() already calls
9406            ## trimws() ...
9407            out <- rbind(out,
9408                         cbind(sprintf("\\keyword{%s}", k), k))
9409        }
9410    }
9412    out
9416### ** .check_pragmas
9418.check_pragmas <-
9421    ## Check a source package for disallowed pragmas in src and inst/include
9422    ## Try (not very hard) to avoid ones which are commented out (RcppParallel)
9423    ## One could argue for recording all uses of #pragma ... diagnostic
9424    ## There are also
9425    ##   #pragma warning (disable:4996)
9426    ##   #pragma warning(push, 0)
9427    ## which seem intended for MSVC++ and hence not relevant here.
9428    found <- warn <- port <- character()
9429    od <- setwd(dir); on.exit(setwd(od))
9430    ff <- dir(c('src', 'inst/include'),
9431              pattern = "[.](c|cc|cpp|h|hh|hpp)$",
9432              full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
9433    pat <- "^\\s*#pragma (GCC|clang) diagnostic ignored"
9434    ## -Wmissing-field-initializers looks important but is not part of -Wall
9435    pat2 <- "^\\s*#pragma (GCC|clang) diagnostic ignored[^-]*[-]W(uninitialized|float-equal|array-bound|format)"
9436    ## gcc8 -W warnings not accepted by clang 7
9437    ## found by listing with gcc -Q --help=warning and testing with clang.
9438     nonport <-
9439         c("abi-tag", "aggressive-loop-optimizations", "aliasing",
9440           "align-commons", "aligned-new", "alloc-size-larger-than",
9441           "alloc-zero", "alloca", "alloca-larger-than", "ampersand",
9442           "argument-mismatch", "array-temporaries",
9443           "assign-intercept", "attribute-alias", "bool-compare",
9444           "bool-operation", "builtin-declaration-mismatch",
9445           "c-binding-type", "c90-c99-compat", "c99-c11-compat",
9446           "cast-function-type", "catch-value",
9447           "character-truncation", "chkp", "class-memaccess",
9448           "clobbered", "compare-reals", "conditionally-supported",
9449           "conversion-extra", "coverage-mismatch", "designated-init",
9450           "discarded-array-qualifiers", "discarded-qualifiers",
9451           "do-subscript", "duplicated-branches", "duplicated-cond",
9452           "format-contains-nul", "format-overflow",
9453           "format-signedness", "format-truncation", "frame-address",
9454           "frame-larger-than", "free-nonheap-object",
9455           "function-elimination", "hsa", "if-not-aligned",
9456           "implicit-interface", "implicit-procedure",
9457           "inherited-variadic-ctor", "int-in-bool-context",
9458           "integer-division", "intrinsic-shadow", "intrinsics-std",
9459           "invalid-memory-model", "jump-misses-init", "larger-than",
9460           "line-truncation", "literal-suffix", "logical-op",
9461           "lto-type-mismatch", "maybe-uninitialized",
9462           "memset-elt-size", "misleading-indentation",
9463           "missing-attributes", "missing-parameter-type",
9464           "multiple-inheritance", "multistatement-macros",
9465           "namespaces", "noexcept", "non-template-friend",
9466           "nonnull-compare", "normalized", "old-style-declaration",
9467           "openmp-simd", "override-init",
9468           "override-init-side-effects", "packed-bitfield-compat",
9469           "packed-not-aligned", "placement-new", "pmf-conversions",
9470           "pointer-compare", "property-assign-default", "psabi",
9471           "real-q-constant", "realloc-lhs", "realloc-lhs-all",
9472           "restrict", "return-local-addr", "scalar-storage-order",
9473           "shadow-compatible-local", "shadow-local",
9474           "sized-deallocation", "sizeof-pointer-div", "stack-usage",
9475           "strict-null-sentinel", "stringop-overflow",
9476           "stringop-truncation", "subobject-linkage",
9477           "suggest-attribute", "suggest-final-methods",
9478           "suggest-final-types", "suggest-override", "surprising",
9479           "switch-unreachable", "sync-nand", "tabs",
9480           "target-lifetime", "templates", "terminate", "traditional",
9481           "traditional-conversion", "trampolines",
9482           "undefined-do-loop", "underflow",
9483           "unsafe-loop-optimizations", "unsuffixed-float-constants",
9484           "unused-but-set-parameter", "unused-but-set-variable",
9485           "unused-dummy-argument", "use-without-only",
9486           "useless-cast", "vector-operation-performance",
9487           "virtual-inheritance", "virtual-move-assign",
9488           "vla-larger-than", "zerotrip")
9489    pat3 <- paste0("^\\s*#pragma (GCC|clang) diagnostic[^-]*[-]W(",
9490                   paste(nonport, collapse="|"), ")")
9491    for(f in ff) {
9492        if(any(grepl(pat, readLines(f, warn = FALSE),
9493                     perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)))
9494            found <- c(found, f)
9495        else next
9496        if(any(grepl(pat2, readLines(f, warn = FALSE),
9497                     perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)))
9498            warn <- c(warn, f)
9499        if(any(grepl(pat3, readLines(f, warn = FALSE),
9500                     perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)))
9501            port <- c(port, f)
9502    }
9503    structure(found, class = "check_pragmas", warn = warn, port = port)
9506print.check_pragmas <-
9507function(x, ...)
9509    if(length(x)) {
9510        if(length(x) == 1L)
9511            writeLines("File which contain pragma(s) suppressing diagnostics:")
9512        else
9513            writeLines("Files which contain pragma(s) suppressing diagnostics:")
9514        .pretty_print(x)
9515    }
9516    x
9519### ** .check_S3_methods_needing_delayed_registration
9521.check_S3_methods_needing_delayed_registration <-
9522function(package, lib.loc = NULL)
9524    mat <- matrix(character(), 0L, 3L,
9525                  dimnames = list(NULL,
9526                                  c("Package", "Generic", "Method")))
9527    out <- list(mat = mat, bad = character())
9528    class(out) <- "check_S3_methods_needing_delayed_registration"
9530    if(length(package) != 1L)
9531        stop("argument 'package' must be of length 1")
9533    if(package == "base") return()
9535    dir <- find.package(package, lib.loc)
9536    if(!dir.exists(file.path(dir, "R"))) return()
9538    db <- .read_description(file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION"))
9539    suggests <- unname(.get_requires_from_package_db(db, "Suggests"))
9540    if(!length(suggests)) return()
9542    reg <- parseNamespaceFile(package, dirname(dir))$S3methods
9543    reg <- reg[!is.na(reg[, 4L]), , drop = FALSE]
9544    if(length(reg))
9545        out$reg <- cbind(Package = reg[, 4L],
9546                         Generic = reg[, 1L],
9547                         Class = reg[, 2L],
9548                         Method = reg[, 3L])
9550    .load_package_quietly(package, dirname(dir))
9551    ok <- vapply(suggests, requireNamespace, quietly = TRUE,
9552                 FUN.VALUE = NA)
9553    out$bad <- suggests[!ok]
9555    suggests <- suggests[ok]
9556    generics <- lapply(suggests, .get_S3_generics_in_ns_exports)
9558    packages <- rep.int(suggests, lengths(generics))
9559    generics <- unlist(generics, use.names = FALSE)
9561    code_env <- .package_env(package)
9562    objects_in_code <- sort(names(code_env))
9563    functions_in_code <-
9564        Filter(function(f) is.function(code_env[[f]]),
9565               objects_in_code)
9567    ## Look only at the *additional* generics in suggests.
9568    ind <- (generics %notin%
9569            c(Filter(function(f) .is_S3_generic(f, code_env),
9570                     functions_in_code),
9571              .get_S3_generics_as_seen_from_package(dir, TRUE, TRUE),
9572              .get_S3_group_generics(),
9573              .get_S3_primitive_generics()))
9574    if(!all(ind)) {
9575        generics <- generics[ind]
9576        packages <- packages[ind]
9577    }
9579    methods_stop_list <- nonS3methods(basename(dir))
9580    methods <- lapply(generics,
9581                      function(g) {
9582                          i <- startsWith(functions_in_code,
9583                                          paste0(g, "."))
9584                          setdiff(functions_in_code[i],
9585                                  methods_stop_list)
9586                      })
9587    len <- lengths(methods)
9588    ind <- (len > 0L)
9590    if(!any(ind)) return(out)
9592    len <- len[ind]
9593    out$mat <-
9594        cbind(Package = rep.int(packages[ind], len),
9595              Generic = rep.int(generics[ind], len),
9596              Method = unlist(methods[ind], use.names = FALSE))
9597    out
9600format.check_S3_methods_needing_delayed_registration <-
9601function(x, ...)
9603    c(character(),
9604      if(length(bad <- x$bad)) {
9605          c("Suggested packages not available for checking:",
9606            strwrap(paste(bad, collapse = " "), indent = 2L))
9607      },
9608      if(length(mat <- x$mat)) {
9609          c("Apparent S3 methods needing delayed registration:",
9610            sprintf("  %s %s %s",
9611                    format(c("Package", mat[, 1L])),
9612                    format(c("Generic", mat[, 2L])),
9613                    format(c("Method", mat[, 3L])))
9614            )
9615      },
9616      if(length(reg <- x$reg)) {
9617          c("S3 methods using delayed registration:",
9618            sprintf("  %s %s %s %s",
9619                    format(c("Package", reg[, 1L])),
9620                    format(c("Generic", reg[, 2L])),
9621                    format(c("Class", reg[, 3L])),
9622                    format(c("Method", reg[, 4L])))
9623            )
9624      })
9627.get_S3_generics_in_ns_exports <-
9630    env <- asNamespace(ns)
9631    nms <- sort(intersect(names(env), getNamespaceExports(env)))
9632    .get_S3_generics_in_env(env, nms)
9635### ** .check_package_datalist
9637.check_package_datalist <-
9638function(package, lib.loc = NULL)
9640    out <- list()
9641    ans1 <- list_data_in_pkg(package, lib.loc)
9642    ans2 <- list_data_in_pkg(package, lib.loc, use_datalist = FALSE)
9643    ## Canonicalize.
9644    ans1 <- lapply(ans1, sort)
9645    ans1 <- ans1[order(names(ans1))]
9646    ans2 <- lapply(ans2, sort)
9647    ans2 <- ans2[order(names(ans2))]
9648    if(!identical(ans1, ans2)) {
9649        nx1 <- names(ans1)
9650        nx2 <- names(ans2)
9651        ex1 <- unlist(ans1)
9652        ex2 <- unlist(ans2)
9653        out <- Filter(length,
9654                      list(n12 = setdiff(nx1, nx2),
9655                           n21 = setdiff(nx2, nx1),
9656                           e12 = setdiff(ex1, ex2),
9657                           e21 = setdiff(ex2, ex1)))
9658    }
9659    class(out) <- "check_package_datalist"
9660    out
9663format.check_package_datalist <-
9664function(x, ...)
9666    fmt <- function(s) .strwrap22(s, " ")
9667    c(character(),
9668      if(length(y <- x$n12))
9669          c("Data files in 'datalist' not in 'data' directory:",
9670            fmt(y)),
9671      if(length(y <- x$n21))
9672          c("Data files in 'data' directory not in 'datalist':",
9673            fmt(y)),
9674      if(length(y <- x$e12))
9675          c("Data objects in 'datalist' not in 'data' directory:",
9676            fmt(y)),
9677      if(length(y <- x$e21))
9678          c("Data objects in 'data' directory not in 'datalist':",
9679            fmt(y)))
9682### Local variables: ***
9683### mode: outline-minor ***
9684### outline-regexp: "### [*]+" ***
9685### End: ***