1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2 /*                                                                           */
3 /*                  This file is part of the program and library             */
4 /*         SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs                      */
5 /*                                                                           */
6 /*    Copyright (C) 2002-2021 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum                            */
7 /*                            fuer Informationstechnik Berlin                */
8 /*                                                                           */
9 /*  SCIP is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License.         */
10 /*                                                                           */
11 /*  You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License              */
12 /*  along with SCIP; see the file COPYING. If not visit scipopt.org.         */
13 /*                                                                           */
14 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
16 /**@file   branch_strongcoloring.c
17  * @brief  branching rule performing strong branching for the vertex coloring problem
18  * @author Gerald Gamrath
19  *
20  * This file implements an additional branching rule for the coloring algorithm.
21  *
22  * We are looking for two nodes v and w, which are not adjacent in the current graph, and consider
23  * the following two constraints: SAME(v,w) and DIFFER(v,w). More information about the meaning of
24  * these constraints can be found in the documentation of the branching rule in branch_coloring.c.
25  *
26  * This branching rule puts some more effort into the choice of the two nodes and performs a
27  * strongbranching. This means that for every possible choice of two nodes, it solves the LPs of the
28  * created children and computes a score with respect to the increase of the lower bound in both
29  * nodes. After that, it takes the combination of nodes yielding the best score. The interesting
30  * point is that the strongbranching is not performed for each variable, as it is done in some
31  * default branching rules of SCIP and supported by the LP-solver, but is done for a constraint,
32  * since we are branching on constraints. Look at executeStrongBranching() to see how it is
33  * done. There are also some improvements, since testing all possible combination of nodes is very
34  * expensive.  The first possibility to avoid this is to stop the computation of scores once a
35  * possible branching is found that has only one feasible child. This results in more restrictions
36  * in this child without increasing the number of unprocessed nodes.
37  *
38  * The second improvement is to compute a priority for all possible combinations, w.r.t. the
39  * fractional values of the variables. Then, only the first best k combinations are investigated by
40  * strongbranching.
41  *
42  * This code is not optimized and in most cases inferior to the standard branching rule. It is only
43  * a demonstration of how to perform strongbranching on constraints!
44  */
46 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
47 #include <assert.h>
48 #include <string.h>
50 #include "branch_strongcoloring.h"
51 #include "pricer_coloring.h"
53 #define BRANCHRULE_NAME            "strongcoloring"
54 #define BRANCHRULE_DESC            "branching rule template"
55 #define BRANCHRULE_PRIORITY        15000
56 #define BRANCHRULE_MAXDEPTH        -1
59 /* default values for parameters */
68 /*
69  * Data structures
70  */
72 /** branching rule data */
73 struct SCIP_BranchruleData
74 {
75    int branchingmode;            /* determines the branchingmode, 0: for fullstrong branching,
76                                     1: strong branching, take first possible branching with only one child-node
77                                     2: strong branching with prior sorting of candidates w.r.t. the fractional value of concerned sets */
78    int length;                   /* length of the arrays samevalue and differvalue, length = n*(n-1)/2 with n = NNodes*/
79    SCIP_Real* samevalue;         /* value of variables, that would be fixed to 0 for same(i,j), index = nodes2index(i,j) */
80    SCIP_Real* differvalue;       /* value of variables, that would be fixed to 0 for differ(i,j), index = nodes2index(i,j) */
81    SCIP_Real* combinedvalue;     /* combination of samevalue and differvalue, computed by computeScore*/
82    int* permutation;             /* permutation of the indexes of the array combinedvalue, s.t. it is sorted */
83    SCIP_Bool usetclique;         /* should the exact pricing with the tclique-algorithm be used for the strongbranchings? */
84    int maxpricingrounds;         /* maximal number of pricing rounds used for each probing node in the strongbranching */
85    int lookahead;                /* number of candidates to be considered in branchingmode 2 */
86    int fixingsscoremode;         /* determines the weightings of the two factors for prior sorting by fractional LP value */
88 };
93 /*
94  * Local methods
95  */
97 /** computes a score for the two improvements that are achieved in the two sons for a branching decision */
98 static
computeScore(SCIP_Real val1,SCIP_Real val2)99 double computeScore(
100    SCIP_Real             val1,               /**< the first value */
101    SCIP_Real             val2                /**< the second value */
102    )
103 {
104       return 0.2 * MAX( val1, val2 ) + 0.8 * MIN( val1, val2 );
105 }
107 /** computes a score for the fractional values of the variables that would be fixed to zero for a same- or differ-branching */
108 static
computeFixingsScore(SCIP_Real samevalue,SCIP_Real differvalue,SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA * branchruledata)109 SCIP_Real computeFixingsScore(
110    SCIP_Real             samevalue,          /**< value of the fractional variables fixed to 0 for a same-branching*/
111    SCIP_Real             differvalue,        /**< value of the fractional variables fixed to 0 for a differ-branching*/
112    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA*  branchruledata      /**< branching rule data */
113    )
114 {
115    if ( branchruledata->fixingsscoremode == 1 )
116    {
117       return 3*samevalue+differvalue;
118    }
119    if ( branchruledata->fixingsscoremode == 2 )
120    {
121       return 2*samevalue+differvalue;
122    }
123    if ( branchruledata->fixingsscoremode == 3 )
124    {
125       return samevalue+10*differvalue;
126    }
127    if ( branchruledata->fixingsscoremode == 4 )
128    {
129       if ( samevalue == -1 && differvalue == -1 )
130          return -1;
131       return samevalue*differvalue;
132    }
133    return samevalue*differvalue;
134 }
136 /** for given nodes node1, node2, compute the corresponding index in the arrays branchruledata->same-/differvalue */
137 static
nodes2index(SCIP * scip,int node1,int node2)138 int nodes2index(
139    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
140    int                   node1,              /**< the first node */
141    int                   node2               /**< the second node */
142    )
143 {
144    int ind;
145    int nnodes;
146    int i;
148    assert(scip != NULL);
149    assert(node1 >= 0 && node2 >= 0);
151    /* node 1 has to be smaller than node 2 */
152    if ( node1 > node2 )
153    {
154       ind = node1;
155       node1 = node2;
156       node2 = ind;
157    }
158    nnodes = COLORprobGetNNodes(scip);
159    assert(node1 < nnodes && node2 < nnodes);
160    ind = 0;
161    for ( i = 0; i < node1; i++ )
162       ind += (nnodes - i - 1);
163    ind += ( node2-node1-1);
164    return ind;
165 }
167 /** for given index of the arrays branchruledata->same-/differvalue, compute the two nodes, the index represents */
168 static
index2nodes(SCIP * scip,int ind,int * node1,int * node2)169 void index2nodes(
170    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
171    int                   ind,                /**< the given index in the arrays */
172    int*                  node1,              /**< return value: the first node */
173    int*                  node2               /**< return value: the second node */
174    )
175 {
176    int nnodes;
177    int value;
179    assert(scip != NULL);
180    assert(node2 != NULL && node1 != NULL);
182    nnodes = COLORprobGetNNodes(scip);
183    *node1 = 0;
184    value = 0;
185    while ( value + nnodes - 1 - *node1 <= ind )
186    {
187       value += (nnodes - 1 - *node1);
188       *node1 = *node1 + 1;
189    }
190    *node2 = *node1 + 1 + (ind - value);
191 }
193 /** computes for each pair of nodes (i,j) two values, one for same (i,j), the other for differ(i,j) which are the sum of
194     the values of variables with fractional parts, that would be fixed for this decision
195     asd */
196 static
computeBranchingPriorities(SCIP * scip,SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA * branchruledata)197 SCIP_RETCODE computeBranchingPriorities(
198    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
199    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA*  branchruledata      /**< the data of the branching rule */
200    )
201 {
202    SCIP_VAR** lpcands;
203    SCIP_Real* lpcandsfrac;
204    TCLIQUE_GRAPH* graph;
205    int nlpcands;
206    int i;
207    int j;
208    int k;
209    int node1;
210    int node2;
211    SCIP_VAR* var;
212    int setindex;
213    int* set;
214    int setlength;
215    int nnodes;
217    assert(scip != NULL);
218    assert(branchruledata != NULL);
220    SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPBranchCands(scip, &lpcands, NULL, &lpcandsfrac, &nlpcands, NULL, NULL) );
221    nnodes = COLORprobGetNNodes(scip);
222    graph = COLORconsGetCurrentGraph(scip);
224    assert(graph != NULL);
225    assert(nnodes >= 0);
227    /* fill array samevalue, differvalue with zeroes, or -1 for impossible branchings */
228    for ( i = 0; i < branchruledata->length; i++ )
229    {
230       index2nodes(scip, i, &node1, &node2);
231       /* there is an edge between node1 and node2 --> no branching possible --> set value to -1 */
232       if ( tcliqueIsEdge(graph, node1, node2) )
233       {
234          branchruledata->samevalue[i] = -1;
235          branchruledata->differvalue[i] = -1;
236          continue;
237       }
238       branchruledata->samevalue[i] = 0;
239       branchruledata->differvalue[i] = 0;
240    }
242    /* for all branching candidates (variables with fractional value) check for which branching decisions they would be
243       fixed to 0 and add the fractional part to the related entry in the array samevalue or differvalue */
244    for ( i = 0; i < nlpcands; i++ )
245    {
246       assert(SCIPisFeasPositive(scip, lpcandsfrac[i]));
247       var = lpcands[i];
248       setindex = (int)(size_t) SCIPvarGetData(var);
249       COLORprobGetStableSet(scip, setindex, &set, &setlength);
250       for ( j = 0; j < setlength; j++ )
251       {
252          node1 = set[j];
253          /* if node1 is part of a union and not its representant, continue */
254          if ( COLORconsGetRepresentative(scip, node1) != node1 )
255          {
256             continue;
257          }
258          k = 0;
259          for ( node2 = nnodes-1; node2 >= 0; node2-- )
260          {
261             /* if k is a node, which is part of, but not representant of a union, increment k */
262             while ( k < setlength && COLORconsGetRepresentative(scip, set[k]) != set[k] )
263             {
264                k++;
265             }
266             /* node1 is equal to node2 -> increment k and continue */
267             if ( node2 == node1 )
268             {
269                assert(k == j);
270                k++;
271                continue;
272             }
273             /* if node2 is part of a union and not its representant, continue */
274             if ( COLORconsGetRepresentative(scip, node2) != node2 )
275                continue;
276             /* if there is an edge between node1 and node2 in the current graph, continue */
277             if ( branchruledata->differvalue[nodes2index(scip, node1, node2)] == -1 )
278             {
279                continue;
280             }
281             /* node2 is also in the set --> the variable would be fixed to 0 for differ(node1, node2) */
282             if ( k < setlength && node2 == set[k] )
283             {
284                branchruledata->differvalue[nodes2index(scip, node1, node2)] += lpcandsfrac[i];
285                assert(COLORprobIsNodeInStableSet(scip, setindex, node1) && COLORprobIsNodeInStableSet(scip, setindex, node2));
286                k++;
287             }
288             /* node2 is not in the set --> the variable would be fixed to 0 for same(node1, node2) */
289             else
290             {
291                branchruledata->samevalue[nodes2index(scip, node1, node2)] += lpcandsfrac[i];
292                assert(COLORprobIsNodeInStableSet(scip, setindex, node1) && !COLORprobIsNodeInStableSet(scip, setindex, node2));
293             }
294          }
295          assert(k == setlength);
296       }
297    }
299    return SCIP_OKAY;
301 }
305 /** computes the lower bound that would a child node with the given branching decision would have */
306 static
executeStrongBranching(SCIP * scip,COLOR_CONSTYPE constype,int node1,int node2,SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA * branchruledata,SCIP_Real * newlb)307 SCIP_RETCODE executeStrongBranching(
308    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
309    COLOR_CONSTYPE        constype,           /**< the type of the contraint: SAME or DIFFER */
310    int                   node1,              /**< the first node for the branching constraint */
311    int                   node2,              /**< the second node for the branching constraint */
312    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA*  branchruledata,     /**< the data of the branching rule */
313    SCIP_Real*            newlb               /**< pointer to store the resulting value */
314    )
315 {
316    SCIP_NODE* newnode;
317    SCIP_CONS* currentcons;
318    SCIP_CONS* cons;
319    SCIP_Bool cutoff;
320    SCIP_Bool lperror;
322    assert(scip != NULL);
323    assert(newlb != NULL);
325    /* get the constraint of the current Node in the B&B-Tree */
326    currentcons = COLORconsGetActiveStoreGraphCons(scip);
328    /* start Probing */
329    SCIP_CALL( SCIPstartProbing(scip) );
331   /* create new probing node and add store graph cons to it with same(node1, node2) */
332    SCIP_CALL( SCIPnewProbingNode(scip) );
333    newnode = SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip);
334    SCIP_CALL( COLORcreateConsStoreGraph(scip, &cons, "probingcons", currentcons, constype, node1, node2, newnode) );
335    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddConsNode(scip, newnode, cons, NULL) );
336    /* propagate the new b&b-node, i.e. fix vars to 0 that don't contain both node1 and node2 */
337    SCIP_CALL( SCIPpropagateProbing(scip, -1, &cutoff, NULL) );
338    /* solve the LP using pricing */
339    SCIP_CALL( SCIPsolveProbingLPWithPricing(scip, FALSE, FALSE, branchruledata->maxpricingrounds, &lperror, &cutoff) );
340    assert(!lperror);
341    assert(!cutoff);
342    /* get the changed objective value */
343    *newlb = SCIPgetLPObjval(scip);
345    SCIP_CALL( SCIPdelCons(scip, cons) );
346    SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseCons(scip, &cons) );
347    SCIP_CALL( SCIPendProbing(scip) );
349    return SCIP_OKAY;
350 }
353 /** index comparison method two values in a real array */
354 static
SCIP_DECL_SORTINDCOMP(consdataCompValues)355 SCIP_DECL_SORTINDCOMP(consdataCompValues)
356 {
357    SCIP_Real* values;
359    values = (SCIP_Real*)dataptr;
361    assert(values != NULL);
363    if ( values[ind1] > values[ind2] )
364    {
365       return -1;
366    }
367    if ( values[ind1] < values[ind2] )
368    {
369       return 1;
370    }
371    return 0;
372 }
375 /*
376  * Callback methods of branching rule
377  */
379 /** copy method for branchrule plugins (called when SCIP copies plugins) */
380 static
SCIP_DECL_BRANCHCOPY(branchCopyStrongcoloring)381 SCIP_DECL_BRANCHCOPY(branchCopyStrongcoloring)
382 {  /*lint --e{715}*/
383    assert(scip != NULL);
384    assert(branchrule != NULL);
385    assert(strcmp(SCIPbranchruleGetName(branchrule), BRANCHRULE_NAME) == 0);
387    return SCIP_OKAY;
388 }
391 /** branching execution method for fractional LP solutions */
392 static
SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(branchExeclpStrongcoloring)393 SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(branchExeclpStrongcoloring)
394 {
395    /* the 2 nodes, for which the branching is done by DIFFER and SAME */
396    int node1;
397    int node2;
398    /* the nodes in the branch&bound-tree which are created */
399    SCIP_NODE* childsame;
400    SCIP_NODE* childdiffer;
401    /* the constraints for the created b&b-nodes */
402    SCIP_CONS* conssame;
403    SCIP_CONS* consdiffer;
404    /* the constraint of the processed b&b-node */
405    SCIP_CONS* currentcons;
407    int i;
408    int j;
409    int nnodes;
411    SCIP_Bool* wasnode1;
412    SCIP_Bool* wasnode2;
413    SCIP_Bool start;
414    TCLIQUE_GRAPH* graph;
415    SCIP_Real currLb;
416    SCIP_Real sameLb;
417    SCIP_Real differLb;
419    SCIP_Real bestscore;
420    SCIP_Real bestdiffer;
421    SCIP_Real bestsame;
422    SCIP_Real score;
423    int bestnode2;
424    int bestnode1;
426    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA* branchruledata;
428 #ifndef NDEBUG
429    SCIP_NODE* node;
430 #endif
432    assert(scip != NULL);
433    assert(branchrule != NULL);
434    assert(strcmp(SCIPbranchruleGetName(branchrule), BRANCHRULE_NAME) == 0);
435    assert(result != NULL);
437    *result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;
439    /* get branching rule data */
440    branchruledata = SCIPbranchruleGetData(branchrule);
441    nnodes = COLORprobGetNNodes(scip);
442    graph = COLORconsGetCurrentGraph(scip);
444    if ( branchruledata->branchingmode == 2 )
445    {
446       SCIP_CALL( computeBranchingPriorities(scip, branchruledata) );
448       for ( i = 0; i < branchruledata->length; i++ )
449       {
450          branchruledata->combinedvalue[i] = computeFixingsScore(branchruledata->samevalue[i], branchruledata->differvalue[i], branchruledata);
451       }
452       /* get permutation of indexes, so that the array is sorted */
453       /** @todo could be improved by only getting the k best indexes */
454       SCIPsort(branchruledata->permutation, consdataCompValues, branchruledata->combinedvalue, branchruledata->length);
456       bestscore = -1;
457       bestnode1 = -1;
458       bestnode2 = -1;
459       bestdiffer = -1;
460       bestsame = -1;
462       for ( i = 0; i < branchruledata->lookahead && i < branchruledata->length; i++ )
463       {
464          index2nodes(scip, branchruledata->permutation[i], &node1, &node2);
465          currLb = SCIPgetLPObjval(scip);
467          /* SAME */
468          SCIP_CALL( executeStrongBranching(scip, COLOR_CONSTYPE_SAME, node1, node2, branchruledata, &sameLb) );
469          if ( sameLb-currLb > 1000 )
470          {
471             sameLb = currLb + 1000;
472          }
474          /* DIFFER */
475          SCIP_CALL( executeStrongBranching(scip, COLOR_CONSTYPE_DIFFER, node1, node2, branchruledata, &differLb) );
476          if ( differLb-currLb > 1000 )
477          {
478             differLb = currLb + 1000;
479          }
481          score = computeScore( sameLb - currLb, differLb-currLb );
482          assert( !SCIPisFeasZero(scip, score) || (SCIPisFeasZero(scip, 0.2 * (sameLb-currLb)) && SCIPisFeasZero(scip, 0.2 * (differLb-currLb))
483                && (SCIPisFeasZero(scip, sameLb-currLb) || SCIPisFeasZero(scip, differLb-currLb))) );
485          if ( score > bestscore )
486          {
487             bestscore = score;
488             bestnode1 = node1;
489             bestnode2 = node2;
490             bestdiffer = differLb-currLb;
491             bestsame = sameLb-currLb;
492          }
493          if ( bestdiffer > 999 || bestsame > 999 )
494          {
495             break;
496          }
497       }
499    }
500    else
501    {
502       assert(branchruledata->branchingmode == 0 || branchruledata->branchingmode == 1);
503       /* create array wasnode1 and wasnode2 and fill them with FALSE */
504       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &wasnode1, nnodes) );
505       BMSclearMemoryArray(wasnode1, nnodes);
506       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &wasnode2, nnodes) );
508       bestscore = -1;
509       bestnode1 = -1;
510       bestnode2 = -1;
511       bestdiffer = -1;
512       bestsame = -1;
514       SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBoolParam(scip, "pricers/coloring/usetclique", branchruledata->usetclique) );
515 #ifndef NDEBUG
516       node = SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip);
517 #endif
518       currentcons = COLORconsGetActiveStoreGraphCons(scip);
520       start = TRUE;
521       for ( i = SCIPgetDepth(scip)%nnodes; (start || (i != SCIPgetDepth(scip)%nnodes)); i=((i+1)%nnodes) )
522       {
523          start = FALSE;
524          node1 = COLORconsGetRepresentative(scip, i);
525          /* check whether node1 was already tested */
526          if ( wasnode1[node1] == TRUE )
527          {
528             continue;
529          }
530          else
531          {
532             wasnode1[node1] = TRUE;
533          }
534          BMSclearMemoryArray(wasnode2, nnodes);
536          for ( j = i+1; j < nnodes; j++ )
537          {
538             node2 = COLORconsGetRepresentative(scip, j);
539             if ( node2 == node1 || tcliqueIsEdge(graph, node1, node2) || node2 < i )
540             {
541                continue;
542             }
543             else
544             {
545                /* check whether node2 was already tested */
546                if ( wasnode2[node2] == TRUE ) continue;
547                else wasnode2[node2] = TRUE;
549                currLb = SCIPgetLPObjval(scip);
551                assert(currentcons == COLORconsGetActiveStoreGraphCons(scip));
552                assert(node == SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip));
554                /* compute lower bounds for possible branchings */
556                /* SAME */
557                SCIP_CALL( executeStrongBranching(scip, COLOR_CONSTYPE_SAME, node1, node2, branchruledata, &sameLb) );
558                if ( sameLb-currLb > 1000 )
559                {
560                   sameLb = currLb + 1000;
561                }
563                /* DIFFER */
564                SCIP_CALL( executeStrongBranching(scip, COLOR_CONSTYPE_DIFFER, node1, node2, branchruledata, &differLb) );
565                if ( differLb-currLb > 1000 )
566                {
567                   differLb = currLb + 1000;
568                }
570                score = computeScore( sameLb-currLb, differLb-currLb );
571                if ( score > bestscore )
572                {
573                   bestscore = score;
574                   bestnode1 = node1;
575                   bestnode2 = node2;
576                   bestdiffer = differLb-currLb;
577                   bestsame = sameLb-currLb;
578                }
579                if ( (branchruledata->branchingmode == 1) && (bestdiffer > 999 || bestsame > 999) )
580                {
581                   break;
582                }
584             }
585          }
586          if ( (branchruledata->branchingmode == 1) && (bestdiffer > 999 || bestsame > 999) )
587          {
588             break;
589          }
590       }
592       SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBoolParam(scip, "pricers/coloring/usetclique", TRUE) );
593       assert(node == SCIPgetCurrentNode(scip));
594       assert(currentcons == COLORconsGetActiveStoreGraphCons(scip));
596       SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &wasnode2);
597       SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &wasnode1);
599    }
601    assert(!SCIPisSumNegative(scip, bestscore));
603    node1 = bestnode1;
604    node2 = bestnode2;
606    /* branchingmode >= 1 --> only create nodes, that do not have a LP solution that is much bigger than the lower bound */
607    if ( branchruledata->branchingmode >= 1 && branchruledata->usetclique == TRUE )
608    {
609       *result = SCIP_CUTOFF;
610       currentcons = COLORconsGetActiveStoreGraphCons(scip);
612       if ( bestdiffer <= 999 )
613       {
614          /* create the b&b-tree child-nodes of the current node */
615          SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateChild(scip, &childdiffer, 0.0, SCIPgetLocalTransEstimate(scip)) );
617          /* create corresponding constraints */
618          SCIP_CALL( COLORcreateConsStoreGraph(scip, &consdiffer, "differ", currentcons, COLOR_CONSTYPE_DIFFER, node1, node2, childdiffer) );
620          /* add constraints to nodes */
621          SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddConsNode(scip, childdiffer, consdiffer, NULL) );
623          /* release constraints */
624          SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseCons(scip, &consdiffer) );
626          *result = SCIP_BRANCHED;
627       }
629       if ( bestsame <= 999 )
630       {
631          /* create the b&b-tree child-nodes of the current node */
632          SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateChild(scip, &childsame, 0.0, SCIPgetLocalTransEstimate(scip)) );
634          /* create corresponding constraints */
635          SCIP_CALL( COLORcreateConsStoreGraph(scip, &conssame,   "same",   currentcons, COLOR_CONSTYPE_SAME,   node1, node2, childsame) );
637          /* add constraints to nodes */
638          SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddConsNode(scip, childsame, conssame, NULL) );
640          /* release constraints */
641          SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseCons(scip, &conssame) );
643          *result = SCIP_BRANCHED;
644       }
645    }
646    /* create both children */
647    else
648    {
649       /* create the b&b-tree child-nodes of the current node */
650       SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateChild(scip, &childsame, 0.0, SCIPgetLocalTransEstimate(scip)) );
651       SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateChild(scip, &childdiffer, 0.0, SCIPgetLocalTransEstimate(scip)) );
653       /* create corresponding constraints */
654       currentcons = COLORconsGetActiveStoreGraphCons(scip);
655       SCIP_CALL( COLORcreateConsStoreGraph(scip, &conssame,   "same",   currentcons, COLOR_CONSTYPE_SAME,   node1, node2, childsame) );
656       SCIP_CALL( COLORcreateConsStoreGraph(scip, &consdiffer, "differ", currentcons, COLOR_CONSTYPE_DIFFER, node1, node2, childdiffer) );
658       /* add constraints to nodes */
659       SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddConsNode(scip, childsame, conssame, NULL) );
660       SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddConsNode(scip, childdiffer, consdiffer, NULL) );
662       /* release constraints */
663       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseCons(scip, &conssame) );
664       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseCons(scip, &consdiffer) );
666       *result = SCIP_BRANCHED;
667    }
669    return SCIP_OKAY;
670 }/*lint !e715*/
673 /** destructor of branching rule to free user data (called when SCIP is exiting) */
674 static
SCIP_DECL_BRANCHFREE(branchFreeStrongcoloring)675 SCIP_DECL_BRANCHFREE(branchFreeStrongcoloring)
676 {
677    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA* branchruledata;
679    /* free branching rule data */
680    branchruledata = SCIPbranchruleGetData(branchrule);
681    SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, &branchruledata);
682    SCIPbranchruleSetData(branchrule, NULL);
684    return SCIP_OKAY;
685 }
687 /** initialization method of branching rule (called after problem was transformed) */
688 static
SCIP_DECL_BRANCHINIT(branchInitStrongcoloring)689 SCIP_DECL_BRANCHINIT(branchInitStrongcoloring)
690 {
691    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA* branchruledata;
693    /* get branching rule data */
694    branchruledata = SCIPbranchruleGetData(branchrule);
695    assert(branchruledata != NULL);
697    /* get memory for the arrays */
698    branchruledata->length = (COLORprobGetNNodes(scip)*(COLORprobGetNNodes(scip)-1))/2;
699    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(branchruledata->samevalue), branchruledata->length) );
700    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(branchruledata->differvalue), branchruledata->length) );
701    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(branchruledata->combinedvalue), branchruledata->length) );
702    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(branchruledata->permutation), branchruledata->length) );
704    return SCIP_OKAY;
705 }
707 /** deinitialization method of branching rule (called before transformed problem is freed) */
708 static
SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXIT(branchExitStrongcoloring)709 SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXIT(branchExitStrongcoloring)
710 {
711    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA* branchruledata;
713    /* get branching rule data */
714    branchruledata = SCIPbranchruleGetData(branchrule);
715    assert(branchruledata != NULL);
717    /* free arrays */
718    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(branchruledata->samevalue), branchruledata->length);
719    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(branchruledata->differvalue), branchruledata->length);
720    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(branchruledata->combinedvalue), branchruledata->length);
721    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(branchruledata->permutation), branchruledata->length);
723    return SCIP_OKAY;
724 }
726 /*
727  * branching rule specific interface methods
728  */
730 /** creates the coloring branching rule and includes it in SCIP */
SCIPincludeBranchruleStrongcoloring(SCIP * scip)731 SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludeBranchruleStrongcoloring(
732    SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
733    )
734 {
735    SCIP_BRANCHRULEDATA* branchruledata;
736    SCIP_BRANCHRULE* branchrule;
738    assert(scip != NULL);
740    /* create branching rule data */
741    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemory(scip, &branchruledata) );
743    branchrule = NULL;
744    /* include branching rule */
746 	 BRANCHRULE_MAXBOUNDDIST, branchruledata) );
747    assert(branchrule != NULL);
749    SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBranchruleCopy(scip, branchrule, branchCopyStrongcoloring) );
750    SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBranchruleFree(scip, branchrule, branchFreeStrongcoloring) );
751    SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBranchruleExecLp(scip, branchrule, branchExeclpStrongcoloring) );
752    SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBranchruleInit(scip, branchrule, branchInitStrongcoloring) );
753    SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBranchruleExit(scip, branchrule, branchExitStrongcoloring) );
756    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip,
757          "branching/strongcoloring/lookahead",
758          "number of candidates to be considered in branchingmode 2",
759          &branchruledata->lookahead, TRUE, DEFAULT_LOOKAHEAD, 0, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
761    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddBoolParam(scip,
762          "branching/strongcoloring/usetclique",
763          "should the exact pricing with the tclique-algorithm be used for the strongbranchings?",
764          &branchruledata->usetclique, FALSE, DEFAULT_USETCLIQUE, NULL, NULL) );
766    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip,
767          "branching/strongcoloring/maxpricingrounds",
768          "maximal number of pricing rounds used for each probing node in the strongbranching",
769          &branchruledata->maxpricingrounds, TRUE, DEFAULT_MAXPRICINGROUNDS, -1, INT_MAX, NULL, NULL) );
771    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip,
772          "branching/strongcoloring/branchingmode",
773          "determines the branchingmode, 0: fullstrong branching, 1: strong branching, take first possible branching with only one child-node, 2: strong branching with prior sorting of candidates w.r.t. the fractional value of concerned sets */",
774          &branchruledata->branchingmode, FALSE, DEFAULT_BRANCHINGMODE, 0, 2, NULL, NULL) );
776    SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddIntParam(scip,
777          "branching/strongcoloring/fixingsscoremode",
778          "determines the weightings of the two factors for prior sorting by fractional LP value",
779          &branchruledata->fixingsscoremode, TRUE, DEFAULT_FIXINGSSCOREMODE, 0, 4, NULL, NULL) );
781    return SCIP_OKAY;
782 }