1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2 /*                                                                           */
3 /*                  This file is part of the program and library             */
4 /*         SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs                      */
5 /*                                                                           */
6 /*    Copyright (C) 2002-2021 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum                            */
7 /*                            fuer Informationstechnik Berlin                */
8 /*                                                                           */
9 /*  SCIP is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License.         */
10 /*                                                                           */
11 /*  You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License              */
12 /*  along with SCIP; see the file COPYING. If not visit scipopt.org.         */
13 /*                                                                           */
14 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
16 /**@file   probdata_coloring.c
17  * @brief  problem data for vertex coloring algorithm
18  * @author Gerald Gamrath
19  *
20  * This file implements the problem data for the coloring algorithm.
21  *
22  * The problem data contains the original graph, preprocessing information, the preprocessed graph,
23  * the array with the node-constraints, and an array with all stable sets and corresponding
24  * variables.
25  *
26  * The preprocessing deletes nodes that have a lower degree than the size of a maximum clique.
27  * Additionally, it also deletes nodes that have a dominated neighborhood. For further information,
28  * look at the documentation for the method preprocessGraph().
29  *
30  * The deleted nodes and the relation between the nodes of the original graph and the nodes of the
31  * preprocessed graph are stored in order to convert a solution of the preprocessed problem to a
32  * solution for the original graph and vice versa.
33  *
34  * Each variable has a pointer of type SCIP_VARDATA* that is used in this case to store an integer
35  * representing the number of the stable set. With the aid of this, the corresponding stable set can
36  * be found in the array returned by COLORprobGetStableSets().  This array contains all stable sets
37  * and is also used to check whether a stable set found by the pricer is really new. This can be
38  * done by calling COLORprobStableSetIsNew(). All sets are sorted decreasingly with respect to the
39  * indices of the nodes. New candidates should also be sorted that way.
40  */
42 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
43 #include "probdata_coloring.h"
45 #define EVENTHDLR_NAME         "probdatavardeleted"
46 #define EVENTHDLR_DESC         "event handler for variable deleted event"
48 struct SCIP_ProbData
49 {
50    TCLIQUE_GRAPH*   graph;              /* the preprocessed graph */
51    SCIP_CONS**      constraints;        /* array of added constraints */
52    int              constraintssize;    /* allocated size of constraints array */
54    /* stable set / variable - information*/
55    int**            stablesets;         /* array of stable sets */
56    int*             stablesetlengths;   /* length of the array in stablesets */
57    int              maxstablesets;      /* length of array stablesets */
58    int              nstablesets;        /* number of stable sets saved in array stablesets */
59    SCIP_VAR**       stablesetvars;      /* variables belonging to stable sets */
61    /* preprocessing information */
62    TCLIQUE_GRAPH*   oldgraph;           /* the original graph */
63    int*             deletednodes;       /* array of nodes which were deleted during preprocessing */
64    int*             new2oldnode;        /* new2oldnode[i] = j iff node i in the (preprocessed) graph corresponds to node j in the old graph*/
65 };
68 /*
69  * Local methods
70  */
72 /**
73  *  Preprocessing of the graph, using 2 methods in order to find redundant nodes
74  *  that can be deleted and easily colored later.
75  *
76  *  Foundation of these methods is the computation of a maximum clique C with M nodes.
77  *  After this computation, the following two steps are repeated until no node was deleted
78  *  in the last iteration:
79  *
80  *  1: Low-Degree:
81  *  Iterativly delete all nodes v in the graph G with degree d(v) < M ( don't delete nodes of C )
82  *
83  *  2: Dominated Neighbourhood:
84  *  If the neighbourhood of one node v is part of the neighbourhood of another node w, v can
85  *  be deleted, since it can later get the same color as w.
86  */
87 static
preprocessGraph(SCIP * scip)88 SCIP_RETCODE preprocessGraph(
89    SCIP*                 scip               /**< SCIP data structure */
90    )
91 {
92    SCIP_PROBDATA*   probdata;           /* the problemdata */
93    SCIP_Bool        changed;            /* was the graph changed in the last round of preprocessing? */
94    SCIP_Bool        dominates;          /* is the neighbourhood of one node dominated by the neigbourhood of another one?*/
95    int*             maxcliquenodes;     /* pointer to store nodes of the maximum weight clique */
96    int              nmaxcliquenodes;    /* number of nodes in the maximum weight clique */
97    TCLIQUE_WEIGHT   maxcliqueweight;    /* weight of the maximum weight clique */
98    TCLIQUE_STATUS   status;             /* status of clique-computation */
99    TCLIQUE_GRAPH*   currgraph;          /* the current, not preprocessed graph in each step */
100    int currnnodes;                      /* the current number of nodes in each step */
101    int actnewnode;                      /* the number of nodes yet marked for beeing in the graph in the next round */
102    int* newnodes;                       /* the nodes that will be in the graph in the next round */
103    int* degrees;                        /* the degrees of the nodes */
104    int myround;                         /* the number of the current round */
105    int ndeletednodes;                   /* the total number of deleted nodes */
106    int nnodesdeleteddegreethisround;    /* the number of nodes deleted due to low degree in the current round */
107    int nnodesdeletedneighbourthisround; /* the number of nodes deleted due to neighborhood in the current round */
108    int*  firstedge;                     /* pointer for the edges in the graph */
109    int*  lastedge;                      /* pointer for the edges in the graph */
110    int i;
111    int j;
112    char opt;
114    assert(scip != NULL);
115    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
116    assert(probdata != NULL);
118    printf("\npreprocessing...\n");
120    /* copy the old graph */
121    if( !tcliqueCreate(&currgraph) )
122    {
123       SCIPerrorMessage("could not flush the clique graph\n");
124       return SCIP_ERROR;
125    }
127    assert(currgraph != NULL);
129    if( !tcliqueAddNode(currgraph, tcliqueGetNNodes(probdata->oldgraph)-1, 0) )
130    {
131       SCIPerrorMessage("could not add a node to the clique graph\n");
132       return SCIP_ERROR;
133    }
135    for ( i = 0; i < tcliqueGetNNodes(probdata->oldgraph); i++ )
136    {
137       /* get adjacent nodes for node i */
138       firstedge = tcliqueGetFirstAdjedge(probdata->oldgraph, i);
139       lastedge = tcliqueGetLastAdjedge(probdata->oldgraph, i);
140       while ( firstedge <= lastedge )
141       {
142          if ( *firstedge > i )
143          {
144             if( !tcliqueAddEdge(currgraph, i, *firstedge) )
145             {
146                SCIPerrorMessage("could not add an edge to the clique graph\n");
147                return SCIP_ERROR;
148             }
149          }
150          firstedge++;
151       }
152    }
154    if( !tcliqueFlush(currgraph) )
155    {
156       SCIPerrorMessage("could not flush the clique graph\n");
157       return SCIP_ERROR;
158    }
160    currnnodes = tcliqueGetNNodes(probdata->oldgraph);
162    /* get memory for array of deletednodes and new2oldnodes */
163    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->deletednodes), currnnodes) );
164    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->new2oldnode), currnnodes) );
166    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &newnodes, COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(scip)) );
167    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &maxcliquenodes, COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(scip)) );
169    for ( i = 0; i < currnnodes; i++ )
170    {
171       /* set weights of the nodes to 1 */
172       tcliqueChangeWeight(currgraph, i, 1);
173       /* every node in the graph represents the same node in the original graph */
174       probdata->new2oldnode[i] = i;
175    }
177    /* compute maximum clique */
178    tcliqueMaxClique(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, currgraph, NULL, NULL, maxcliquenodes,
179       &nmaxcliquenodes, &maxcliqueweight, 0, 0, 50000, 0, INT_MAX, -1, NULL, &status);
180    opt = ( status == TCLIQUE_OPTIMAL ? ' ' : '*' );
181    printf("size of the maximum clique: %d%c \n", nmaxcliquenodes, opt);
183    ndeletednodes = 0;
184    nnodesdeleteddegreethisround = 1;
185    nnodesdeletedneighbourthisround = 1;
186    myround = 0;
188    /* main loop */
189    while ( (nnodesdeleteddegreethisround > 0) || (nnodesdeletedneighbourthisround > 0) )
190    {
191       myround++;
192       nnodesdeleteddegreethisround = 0;
193       nnodesdeletedneighbourthisround = 0;
194       changed = TRUE;
196       /* node degree deletion loop */
197       while ( changed == TRUE )
198       {
199          changed = FALSE;
200          actnewnode = 0;
201          degrees = tcliqueGetDegrees(currgraph);
202          for (i = 0; i < currnnodes; i++)
203          {
204             /* degree is low, node can be deleted */
205             if ( (degrees[i] < nmaxcliquenodes )
206                && (!COLORprobIsNodeInArray(probdata->new2oldnode[i], maxcliquenodes, nmaxcliquenodes)) )
207             {
208                probdata->deletednodes[ndeletednodes] = probdata->new2oldnode[i];
209                changed = TRUE;
210                nnodesdeleteddegreethisround++;
211                ndeletednodes++;
212             }
213             /* node will be in the new graph, because degree is not low enough for deletion or it is in the maxClique */
214             else
215             {
216                newnodes[actnewnode] = probdata->new2oldnode[i];
217                actnewnode++;
218             }
219          }
221          /* at least one node was deleted, create new graph (tclique doesn't support deletion of nodes) */
222          if ( changed )
223          {
224             assert(actnewnode+ndeletednodes == COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(scip));
225             /* create new current graph */
226             tcliqueFree(&currgraph);
228             if( !tcliqueCreate(&currgraph) )
229             {
230                SCIPerrorMessage("could not create the clique graph\n");
231                return SCIP_ERROR;
232             }
234             assert(currgraph != NULL);
236             if( !tcliqueAddNode(currgraph, actnewnode-1, 0) )
237             {
238                SCIPerrorMessage("could not add a node to the clique graph\n");
239                return SCIP_ERROR;
240             }
242             for ( i = 0; i < actnewnode; i++ )
243             {
244                /* get adjacent nodes for node newnodes[i] */
245                firstedge = tcliqueGetFirstAdjedge(probdata->oldgraph, newnodes[i]);
246                lastedge = tcliqueGetLastAdjedge(probdata->oldgraph, newnodes[i]);
247                while ( firstedge <= lastedge )
248                {
249                   /* try to find a node in newnodes which corresponds
250                      to the node in the old graph, that is the end-node of the edge */
251                   for ( j = i+1; j < actnewnode; j++ )
252                   {
253                      if ( *firstedge == newnodes[j] )
254                      {
255                         if( !tcliqueAddEdge(currgraph, i, j) )
256                         {
257                            SCIPerrorMessage("could not add an edge to the clique graph\n");
258                            return SCIP_ERROR;
259                         }
261                         break;
262                      }
263                   }
264                   firstedge++;
265                }
266             }
268             if( !tcliqueFlush(currgraph) )
269             {
270                SCIPerrorMessage("could not flush the clique graph\n");
271                return SCIP_ERROR;
272             }
274             /* update currnnodes */
275             currnnodes = tcliqueGetNNodes(currgraph);
276             /* update new2oldnodes */
277             for ( i = 0; i < actnewnode; i++ )
278             {
279                probdata->new2oldnode[i] = newnodes[i];
280             }
281             /* set the corresponding old node to -1 for all nodes not in the current graph (only for bug-finding) */
282             for ( i = actnewnode; i < COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(scip); i++ )
283             {
284                probdata->new2oldnode[i] = -1;
285             }
286          }
287       } /* end node degree deletion loop */
289       /* set changed to TRUE for getting into the while-loop */
290       changed = TRUE;
291       /* loop for finding dominated neighborhoods */
292       while ( changed == TRUE )
293       {
294          changed = FALSE;
295          actnewnode = 0;
296          /* i is the node which is checked for being dominated */
297          for ( i = 0; i < currnnodes; i++ )
298          {
299             assert(!COLORprobIsNodeInArray(probdata->new2oldnode[i], probdata->deletednodes, ndeletednodes));
301             /* i must be not in the clique and not yet deleted */
302             if ( (!COLORprobIsNodeInArray(probdata->new2oldnode[i], maxcliquenodes, nmaxcliquenodes)) )
303             {
304                /* j is the node for which is checked whether it dominates i */
305                for ( j = 0; j < currnnodes; j++ )
306                {
307                   /* i must be distinct from j, there must be no edge between i and j,
308                      j may not have been deleted due to degree in the last round */
309                   if ( (j != i) && !tcliqueIsEdge(currgraph, i, j)
310                      && (!COLORprobIsNodeInArray(probdata->new2oldnode[j], probdata->deletednodes, ndeletednodes)) )
311                      /** @todo only check nodes deleted in the last round */
312                   {
313                      /* check whether nodes adjacent to i are also adjacent to j <-> j dominates i */
314                      dominates = TRUE;
315                      /* get adjacent nodes for node i in currgraph */
316                      firstedge = tcliqueGetFirstAdjedge(currgraph, i);
317                      lastedge = tcliqueGetLastAdjedge(currgraph, i);
318                      while ( firstedge <= lastedge )
319                      {
320                         /* check whether (j,firstedge) is in currgraph, if not, j doesn't dominate i */
321                         if ( !tcliqueIsEdge(currgraph, j, *firstedge) )
322                         {
323                            dominates = FALSE;
324                            break;
325                         }
326                         firstedge++;
327                      }
328                      if ( dominates )
329                      {
330                         probdata->deletednodes[ndeletednodes] = probdata->new2oldnode[i];
331                         changed = TRUE;
332                         ndeletednodes++;
333                         nnodesdeletedneighbourthisround++;
334                         break; /* for j, because we already now that i is dominated and deleted i */
335                      }
336                   }
337                } /* end for j */
339                /* if i is dominated by no other node and thus not deleted,
340                   put it into newnodes, so that it is in the next graph */
341                if ( ndeletednodes == 0 || probdata->deletednodes[ndeletednodes-1] != probdata->new2oldnode[i])
342                {
343                   newnodes[actnewnode] = probdata->new2oldnode[i];
344                   actnewnode++;
345                }
346             }
347             /* if i is in the maxClique and was thus not deleted,
348                put it into newnodes, so that it is in the next graph */
349             else
350             {
351                newnodes[actnewnode] = probdata->new2oldnode[i];
352                actnewnode++;
353             }
354          } /*end for i */
356          /* at least one node was deleted, create new graph (tclique doesn't support deletion of nodes) */
357          if ( changed )
358          {
359             assert(actnewnode+ndeletednodes == COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(scip));
360             /* create new current graph */
361             tcliqueFree(&currgraph);
363             if( !tcliqueCreate(&currgraph) )
364             {
365                SCIPerrorMessage("could not create the clique graph\n");
366                return SCIP_ERROR;
367             }
369             assert(currgraph != NULL);
371             if( !tcliqueAddNode(currgraph, actnewnode-1, 0) )
372             {
373                SCIPerrorMessage("could not add a node to the clique graph\n");
374                return SCIP_ERROR;
375             }
377             for ( i = 0; i < actnewnode; i++ )
378             {
379                /* get adjacent nodes for node newnodes[i] */
380                firstedge = tcliqueGetFirstAdjedge(probdata->oldgraph, newnodes[i]);
381                lastedge = tcliqueGetLastAdjedge(probdata->oldgraph, newnodes[i]);
382                while ( firstedge <= lastedge )
383                {
384                   /* try to find a node in newnodes which corresponds
385                      to the node in the old graph, that is the end-node of the edge */
386                   for ( j = i+1; j < actnewnode; j++ )
387                   {
388                      if ( *firstedge == newnodes[j] )
389                      {
391                         if( !tcliqueAddEdge(currgraph, i, j) )
392                         {
393                            SCIPerrorMessage("could not add an edge to the clique graph\n");
394                            return SCIP_ERROR;
395                         }
396                         break;
397                      }
398                   }
399                   firstedge++;
400                }
401             }
403             if( !tcliqueFlush(currgraph) )
404             {
405                SCIPerrorMessage("could not flush the clique graph\n");
406                return SCIP_ERROR;
407             }
409             /* update currnnodes */
410             currnnodes = tcliqueGetNNodes(currgraph);
412             /* update new2oldnodes */
413             for ( i = 0; i < actnewnode; i++ )
414             {
415                probdata->new2oldnode[i] = newnodes[i];
416             }
418             /* set the corresponding old node to -1 for all nodes not in the current graph (only for bug-finding) */
419             for ( i = actnewnode; i < COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(scip); i++ )
420             {
421                probdata->new2oldnode[i] = -1;
422             }
423          }
424       } /* end of loop for finding dominated neighbourhoods */
426       printf("Round %d of preprocessing:\n", myround);
427       printf("   deleted low degree vertices: %d\n", nnodesdeleteddegreethisround);
428       printf("   deleted almost cliques:      %d\n", nnodesdeletedneighbourthisround);
430    }
432    for ( i = ndeletednodes; i < COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(scip); i++ )
433    {
434       probdata->deletednodes[i] = -1;
435    }
437    printf("preprocessing overall deleted vertices: %d\n\n", ndeletednodes);
438    /* copy preprocessed graph into problem data */
439    probdata->graph = currgraph;
441    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &newnodes);
442    SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &maxcliquenodes);
444    return SCIP_OKAY;
445 }
450 /*
451  * Callback methods of probdata
452  */
454 /** transforms the problem */
455 static
SCIP_DECL_PROBTRANS(probtransColoring)456 SCIP_DECL_PROBTRANS(probtransColoring)
457 {
458    int i;
459    int j;
460    int* firstedge;
461    int* lastedge;
463    assert(scip != NULL);
464    assert(sourcedata != NULL);
465    assert(targetdata != NULL);
467    /* allocate memory */
468    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemory(scip, targetdata) );
470    if( !tcliqueCreate(&((*targetdata)->graph)) ) /* create the transformed graph */
471    {
472       SCIPerrorMessage("could not create the clique graph\n");
473       return SCIP_ERROR;
474    }
476    (*targetdata)->maxstablesets = sourcedata->maxstablesets;        /* copy length of array sets */
477    (*targetdata)->nstablesets = sourcedata->nstablesets;            /* copy number of sets saved in array sets */
478    (*targetdata)->oldgraph = sourcedata->oldgraph;      /* copy link to original graph */
480    /* allocate memory for sets and lenghts of the sets */
481    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*targetdata)->stablesets), sourcedata->maxstablesets) );
482    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*targetdata)->stablesetlengths), sourcedata->maxstablesets) );
483    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*targetdata)->stablesetvars), sourcedata->maxstablesets) );
484    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*targetdata)->deletednodes), tcliqueGetNNodes(sourcedata->oldgraph)) );
485    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*targetdata)->new2oldnode), tcliqueGetNNodes(sourcedata->oldgraph)) );
487    for ( i = 0; i < tcliqueGetNNodes(sourcedata->oldgraph); i++ )
488    {
489       (*targetdata)->deletednodes[i] = sourcedata->deletednodes[i];
490       (*targetdata)->new2oldnode[i] = sourcedata->new2oldnode[i];
491    }
493    /* copy stablesetlengths and stablesets */
494    for ( i = 0; i < sourcedata->nstablesets; i++ )
495    {
496       assert(sourcedata->stablesetvars[i] != NULL);
497       (*targetdata)->stablesetlengths[i] = sourcedata->stablesetlengths[i];
498       SCIP_CALL( SCIPtransformVar(scip, sourcedata->stablesetvars[i], &((*targetdata)->stablesetvars[i])) );
499       SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*targetdata)->stablesets[i]),  sourcedata->stablesetlengths[i]) ); /*lint !e866*/
500       for ( j = 0; j <sourcedata->stablesetlengths[i]; j++ )
501       {
502          (*targetdata)->stablesets[i][j] =  sourcedata->stablesets[i][j];
503       }
504    }
506    /* create array for constraints */
507    (*targetdata)->constraintssize = tcliqueGetNNodes(sourcedata->graph);
508    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(*targetdata)->constraints, (*targetdata)->constraintssize) );
509    /* tranform constraints */
510    SCIP_CALL( SCIPtransformConss(scip, tcliqueGetNNodes(sourcedata->graph), sourcedata->constraints,
511          (*targetdata)->constraints) );
512    /* copy the graph */
513    if( !tcliqueAddNode((*targetdata)->graph, tcliqueGetNNodes(sourcedata->graph)-1, 0) )
514    {
515       SCIPerrorMessage("could not add a node to the clique graph\n");
516       return SCIP_ERROR;
517    }
519    for ( i = 0; i < tcliqueGetNNodes(sourcedata->graph); i++ )
520    {
521       /* get adjacent nodes for node i */
522       firstedge = tcliqueGetFirstAdjedge(sourcedata->graph, i);
523       lastedge = tcliqueGetLastAdjedge(sourcedata->graph, i);
524       while ( firstedge <= lastedge )
525       {
526          if ( *firstedge > i )
527          {
528             if( !tcliqueAddEdge((*targetdata)->graph, i, *firstedge) )
529             {
530                SCIPerrorMessage("could not add an edge to the clique graph\n");
531                return SCIP_ERROR;
532             }
533          }
534          firstedge++;
535       }
536    }
538    if( !tcliqueFlush((*targetdata)->graph) )
539    {
540       SCIPerrorMessage("could not flush the clique graph\n");
541       return SCIP_ERROR;
542    }
544    return SCIP_OKAY;
545 }
548 /** deletes the transformed problem */
549 static
SCIP_DECL_PROBDELTRANS(probdeltransColoring)550 SCIP_DECL_PROBDELTRANS(probdeltransColoring)
551 {
552    int i;
554    assert(scip != NULL);
555    assert(probdata != NULL);
557    /* release constraints and free array for constraints */
558    for ( i = 0; i < tcliqueGetNNodes((*probdata)->graph); i++)
559    {
560       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseCons(scip, &((*probdata)->constraints[i])) );
561    }
562    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*probdata)->constraints), (*probdata)->constraintssize);
564    /* free the arrays for the stable sets and release the related variables */
565    for ( i = (*probdata)->nstablesets-1; i >= 0; i-- )
566    {
567       SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*probdata)->stablesets[i]), (*probdata)->stablesetlengths[i]); /*lint !e866*/
568       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseVar(scip, &((*probdata)->stablesetvars[i])) );
569    }
571    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*probdata)->new2oldnode), tcliqueGetNNodes((*probdata)->oldgraph));
572    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*probdata)->deletednodes), tcliqueGetNNodes((*probdata)->oldgraph));
573    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*probdata)->stablesetvars), (*probdata)->maxstablesets);
574    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*probdata)->stablesetlengths), (*probdata)->maxstablesets);
575    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*probdata)->stablesets), (*probdata)->maxstablesets);
577    tcliqueFree(&(*probdata)->graph);
578    SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, probdata);
579    return SCIP_OKAY;
580 }
582 static
SCIP_DECL_PROBDELORIG(probdelorigColoring)583 SCIP_DECL_PROBDELORIG(probdelorigColoring)
584 {
585    int i;
587    assert(probdata != NULL);
588    assert(*probdata != NULL);
590    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*probdata)->new2oldnode), tcliqueGetNNodes((*probdata)->oldgraph));
591    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*probdata)->deletednodes), tcliqueGetNNodes((*probdata)->oldgraph));
593    for ( i = (*probdata)->nstablesets-1; i >= 0; i-- )
594    {
595       SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*probdata)->stablesets[i]), (*probdata)->stablesetlengths[i]); /*lint !e866*/
596       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseVar(scip, &((*probdata)->stablesetvars[i])) );
597    }
598    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*probdata)->stablesetvars), (*probdata)->maxstablesets);
599    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*probdata)->stablesetlengths), (*probdata)->maxstablesets);
600    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*probdata)->stablesets), (*probdata)->maxstablesets);
602    /* release Constraints */
603    for ( i = 0; i < tcliqueGetNNodes((*probdata)->graph); i++ )
604    {
605       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseCons(scip, &((*probdata)->constraints[i])) );
606    }
607    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &((*probdata)->constraints), (*probdata)->constraintssize);
609    /* free memory used for graph */
610    tcliqueFree(&((*probdata)->graph));
611    tcliqueFree(&((*probdata)->oldgraph));
613    /* free probdata */
614    SCIPfreeBlockMemory(scip, probdata);
616    return SCIP_OKAY;
617 }
620 /*
621  * Callback methods of event handler
622  */
624 /** execution method of event handler */
625 static
SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(eventExecProbdatavardeleted)626 SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(eventExecProbdatavardeleted)
627 {
628    SCIP_VAR* var;
629    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
630    int idx;
632    assert(SCIPeventGetType(event) == SCIP_EVENTTYPE_VARDELETED);
633    var = SCIPeventGetVar(event);
634    probdata = (SCIP_PROBDATA*) eventdata;
636    assert(probdata != NULL);
637    assert(var != NULL);
639    /* get index of variable in stablesets array */
640    idx = (int)(size_t) SCIPvarGetData(var);
642    SCIPdebugMessage("remove variable %s [%d] from list of stable sets\n", SCIPvarGetName(var), idx);
644    assert(probdata->stablesetvars[idx] == var);
646    /* remove variable from stablesets array and release it */
647    SCIPfreeBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->stablesets[idx]), probdata->stablesetlengths[idx]); /*lint !e866*/
648    SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseVar(scip, &(probdata->stablesetvars[idx])) );
650    /* move all subsequent variables to the front */
651    for( ; idx < probdata->nstablesets - 1; idx++)
652    {
653       probdata->stablesets[idx] = probdata->stablesets[idx + 1];
654       probdata->stablesetlengths[idx] = probdata->stablesetlengths[idx + 1];
655       probdata->stablesetvars[idx] = probdata->stablesetvars[idx + 1];
656       SCIPvarSetData(probdata->stablesetvars[idx], (SCIP_VARDATA*) (size_t) idx); /*lint !e571*/
657    }
659    probdata->nstablesets--;
661    return SCIP_OKAY;
662 }/*lint !e715*/
666 /*
667  * probdata specific interface methods
668  */
670 /** sets up the problem data */
SCIPcreateProbColoring(SCIP * scip,const char * name,int nnodes,int nedges,int ** edges)671 SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcreateProbColoring(
672    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
673    const char*           name,               /**< problem name */
674    int                   nnodes,             /**< number of nodes */
675    int                   nedges,             /**< number of edges */
676    int**                 edges               /**< array with start- and endpoints of the edges */
677    )
678 {
679    int i;
680    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata = NULL;
682    assert(nnodes > 0);  /* at least one node */
683    assert(nedges >= 0); /* no negative number of edges */
685    printf("Creating problem: %s \n", name);
687    /* allocate memory */
688    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemory(scip, &probdata) );
690    /* create graph */
691    if( !tcliqueCreate(&((probdata)->oldgraph)) )
692    {
693       SCIPerrorMessage("could not create the clique graph\n");
694       return SCIP_ERROR;
695    }
697    /* add all nodes from 0 to nnodes-1 */
698    if( !tcliqueAddNode((probdata)->oldgraph, nnodes-1, 0) )
699    {
700       SCIPerrorMessage("could not add a node to the clique graph\n");
701       return SCIP_ERROR;
702    }
705    /* add all edges, first into cache, then flush to add all of them to the graph */
706    for ( i = 0; i < nedges; i++ )
707    {
708       assert((edges[i][0] > 0) && (edges[i][0] <= nnodes));
709       assert((edges[i][1] > 0) && (edges[i][1] <= nnodes));
711       if( !tcliqueAddEdge((probdata)->oldgraph, edges[i][0]-1, edges[i][1]-1) )
712       {
713          SCIPerrorMessage("could not add an edge to the clique graph\n");
714          return SCIP_ERROR;
715       }
716    }
718    if( !tcliqueFlush((probdata)->oldgraph) )
719    {
720       SCIPerrorMessage("could not flush the clique graph\n");
721       return SCIP_ERROR;
722    }
724    /* create constraints */
725    probdata->constraintssize = nnodes;
726    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->constraints), probdata->constraintssize) );
728    /* at the beginning memory for 2 sets */
729    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->stablesets), 2) );
730    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->stablesetlengths), 2) );
731    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->stablesetvars), 2) );
733    probdata->maxstablesets = 2;
734    probdata->nstablesets = 0;
736    /* include variable deleted event handler into SCIP */
738          eventExecProbdatavardeleted, NULL) );
740    /* create problem in SCIP */
741    SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateProb(scip, name, probdelorigColoring, probtransColoring, probdeltransColoring,
742          NULL, NULL, NULL, probdata) );
744    SCIP_CALL( preprocessGraph(scip) );
746    return SCIP_OKAY;
747 }
750 /* ----------------------------------- external methods -------------------------- */
752 /** returns the number of stable sets / variables */
COLORprobGetNStableSets(SCIP * scip)753 int COLORprobGetNStableSets(
754    SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
755    )
756 {
757    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
759    assert(scip != NULL);
760    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
761    assert(probdata != NULL);
763    return probdata->nstablesets;
764 }
767 /** prints all stable sets to standard output */
COLORprobPrintStableSets(SCIP * scip)768 void COLORprobPrintStableSets(
769    SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
770    )
771 {
772    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
773    int i;
774    int j;
776    assert(scip != NULL);
777    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
778    assert(probdata != NULL);
780    for ( i = 0; i < probdata->nstablesets; i++ )
781    {
782       printf( "Set %d: ", i);
783       for ( j = 0; j < probdata->stablesetlengths[i]; j++ )
784       {
785          printf("%d, ", probdata->stablesets[i][j]+1);
786       }
787       printf("ub = %f", SCIPvarGetUbLocal(probdata->stablesetvars[i]));
788       printf(", inLP = %u", SCIPvarIsInLP(probdata->stablesetvars[i]));
789       printf("\n");
790    }
791 }
794 /** prints the requested stable set to standard output */
COLORprobPrintStableSet(SCIP * scip,int setnumber)795 void COLORprobPrintStableSet(
796    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
797    int                   setnumber           /**< the number of the requested set */
798    )
799 {
800    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
801    int i;
802    int j;
804    assert(scip != NULL);
805    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
806    assert(probdata != NULL);
808    i = setnumber;
809    printf( "Set %d: ", i);
810    for ( j = 0; j < probdata->stablesetlengths[i]; j++ )
811    {
812       printf("%d, ", probdata->stablesets[i][j]+1);
813    }
814    if ( probdata->stablesetvars[i] != NULL )
815       printf("ub = %f", SCIPvarGetUbLocal(probdata->stablesetvars[i]));
816    printf("\n");
817 }
822 /** adds a variable that belongs to a given stable set */
COLORprobAddVarForStableSet(SCIP * scip,int setindex,SCIP_VAR * var)823 SCIP_RETCODE COLORprobAddVarForStableSet(
824    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
825    int                   setindex,           /**< index of the stable set */
826    SCIP_VAR*             var                 /**< pointer to the variable */
827    )
828 {
829    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
831    assert(scip != NULL);
832    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
833    assert(probdata != NULL);
834    assert((setindex >= 0) && (setindex < probdata->nstablesets));
836    /* catch variable deleted event on the variable to update the stablesetvars array in the problem data */
837    SCIP_CALL( SCIPcatchVarEvent(scip, var, SCIP_EVENTTYPE_VARDELETED, SCIPfindEventhdlr(scip, EVENTHDLR_NAME),
838          (SCIP_EVENTDATA*) probdata, NULL) );
840    probdata->stablesetvars[setindex] = var;
842    return SCIP_OKAY;
843 }
846 /** gets the variable belonging to a given stable set */
COLORprobGetVarForStableSet(SCIP * scip,int setindex)847 SCIP_VAR* COLORprobGetVarForStableSet(
848    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
849    int                   setindex            /**< index of the stable set */
850    )
851 {
852    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
854    assert(scip != NULL);
855    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
856    assert(probdata != NULL);
857    assert ( (setindex >= 0) && (setindex < probdata->nstablesets));
859    return probdata->stablesetvars[setindex];
860 }
863 /** checks whether a node is in a given stable set, returns true iff it is */
COLORprobIsNodeInStableSet(SCIP * scip,int setindex,int node)864 SCIP_Bool COLORprobIsNodeInStableSet(
865    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
866    int                   setindex,           /**< index of the stable set */
867    int                   node                /**< number of the node */
868    )
869 {
870    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
871    int l;
872    int u;
873    int m;
875    assert(scip != NULL);
876    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
877    assert(probdata != NULL);
879    l = 0;
880    u = probdata->stablesetlengths[setindex]-1;
881    while ( l <= u )
882    {
883       m = (l+u)/2;
884       if ( probdata->stablesets[setindex][m] == node )
885       {
886          return TRUE;
887       }
888       if ( probdata->stablesets[setindex][m] > node )
889       {
890          l = m+1;
891       }
892       if ( probdata->stablesets[setindex][m] < node )
893       {
894          u = m-1;
895       }
896    }
897    return FALSE;
898 }
901 /** checks whether the first set is equal to the second set, both sets have to be sorted in a decreasing way */
COLORprobStableSetsAreEqual(SCIP * scip,int * set1,int nset1nodes,int * set2,int nset2nodes)902 SCIP_Bool COLORprobStableSetsAreEqual(
903    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
904    int*                  set1,               /**< array of nodes in the first set */
905    int                   nset1nodes,         /**< number of nodes in the first set */
906    int*                  set2,               /**< array of nodes in the second set */
907    int                   nset2nodes          /**< number of nodes in the second set */
908    )
909 {
911    int i;
913    assert(scip != NULL);
914    assert(set1 != NULL && set2 != NULL);
915    assert(nset1nodes > 0 && nset2nodes > 0);
917    if ( nset1nodes != nset2nodes )
918    {
919       return FALSE;
920    }
921    for ( i = 0; i < nset1nodes; i++ )
922    {
923       if ( set1[i] != set2[i] )
924       {
925          return FALSE;
926       }
927    }
928    return TRUE;
930 }
933 /** checks whether the given stable set is new returns TRUE if the stable is new, FALSE if it is equal to an already
934  * existing stable set
935  */
COLORprobStableSetIsNew(SCIP * scip,int * stablesetnodes,int nstablesetnodes)936 SCIP_Bool COLORprobStableSetIsNew(
937    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
938    int*                  stablesetnodes,     /**< array of nodes in the stable set */
939    int                   nstablesetnodes     /**< number of nodes in the stable set */
940    )
941 {
942    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
943    int i;
945    assert(stablesetnodes != NULL);
946    assert(scip != NULL);
947    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
948    assert(probdata != NULL);
950    /* sort the set */
951    SCIPsortDownInt(stablesetnodes, nstablesetnodes);
953    for ( i = 0; i < COLORprobGetNStableSets(scip); i++ )
954    {
955       if ( COLORprobStableSetsAreEqual(scip, stablesetnodes, nstablesetnodes,
956                probdata->stablesets[i],
957                probdata->stablesetlengths[i]) )
958       {
959          return FALSE;
960       }
961    }
963    return TRUE;
964 }
966 /** adds a new stable set, the set must be sorted in descending order;
967  *  @note you need to check whether it is new before adding it
968  */
COLORprobAddNewStableSet(SCIP * scip,int * stablesetnodes,int nstablesetnodes,int * setindex)969 SCIP_RETCODE COLORprobAddNewStableSet(
970    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
971    int*                  stablesetnodes,     /**< array of nodes in the stable set */
972    int                   nstablesetnodes,    /**< number of nodes in the stable set */
973    int*                  setindex            /**< return value: index of the stable set */
974    )
975 {
976    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
977    int newsize;
978    int i;
980    assert(stablesetnodes != NULL);
981    assert(scip != NULL);
982    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
983    assert(probdata != NULL);
985    /* the set should be sorted in descending */
986 #ifndef NDEBUG
987    for ( i = 0; i < nstablesetnodes-2; i++ )
988    {
989       assert(stablesetnodes[i]>stablesetnodes[i+1]);
990    }
991 #endif
993    /* ensure that array is big enough */
994    if ( (probdata->nstablesets + 1) > probdata->maxstablesets)
995    {
996       newsize = SCIPcalcMemGrowSize(scip, probdata->maxstablesets + 1);
997       assert(newsize >  probdata->nstablesets + 1);
998       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->stablesets), probdata->maxstablesets, newsize) );
999       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->stablesetlengths), probdata->maxstablesets, newsize) );
1000       SCIP_CALL( SCIPreallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->stablesetvars), probdata->maxstablesets, newsize) );
1001       SCIPdebugMessage("Set-array resized: %d --> %d\n", probdata->maxstablesets, newsize);
1002       probdata->maxstablesets = newsize;
1003    }
1005    /* allocate memory for the new stable set */
1006    SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBlockMemoryArray(scip, &(probdata->stablesets[probdata->nstablesets]), nstablesetnodes) ); /*lint !e866*/
1007    probdata->stablesetlengths[probdata->nstablesets] = nstablesetnodes;
1008    probdata->stablesetvars[probdata->nstablesets] = NULL;
1009    for ( i = 0; i < nstablesetnodes; i++ )
1010    {
1011       assert(stablesetnodes[i] >= 0);
1012       probdata->stablesets[probdata->nstablesets][i] = stablesetnodes[i];
1013    }
1014    *setindex = probdata->nstablesets;
1016    probdata->nstablesets++;
1018    return SCIP_OKAY;
1019 }
1022 /** returns the stable set with the given index */
COLORprobGetStableSet(SCIP * scip,int setindex,int ** stableset,int * nelements)1023 void COLORprobGetStableSet(
1024    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1025    int                   setindex,            /**< index of the stable set */
1026    int**                 stableset,          /**< return value: pointer to the stable set */
1027    int*                  nelements           /**< return value: number of elements in the stable set */
1028    )
1029 {
1030    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
1032    assert(scip != NULL);
1033    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
1034    assert(probdata != NULL);
1036    *stableset = probdata->stablesets[setindex];
1037    *nelements = probdata->stablesetlengths[setindex];
1038 }
1041 /** returns all stable sets */
COLORprobGetStableSets(SCIP * scip,int *** stablesets,int ** nelements,int * nstablesets)1042 void COLORprobGetStableSets(
1043    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1044    int***                stablesets,         /**< return value: pointer to the stable sets */
1045    int**                 nelements,          /**< return value: number of elements in the stable sets */
1046    int*                  nstablesets         /**< return value: number of sets */
1047    )
1048 {
1049    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
1051    assert(scip != NULL);
1052    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
1053    assert(probdata != NULL);
1055    *stablesets = probdata->stablesets;
1056    *nelements = probdata->stablesetlengths;
1057    *nstablesets = probdata->nstablesets;
1058 }
1061 /** returns the number of nodes in the (preprocessed) graph */
COLORprobGetNNodes(SCIP * scip)1062 int COLORprobGetNNodes(
1063    SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
1064    )
1065 {
1066    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
1068    assert(scip != NULL);
1069    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
1070    assert(probdata != NULL);
1072    return tcliqueGetNNodes(probdata->graph);
1073 }
1076 /** returns the number of nodes in the original graph */
COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(SCIP * scip)1077 int COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(
1078    SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
1079    )
1080 {
1081    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
1083    assert(scip != NULL);
1084    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
1085    assert(probdata != NULL);
1087    return tcliqueGetNNodes(probdata->oldgraph);
1088 }
1091 /** returns the (preprocessed) graph */
COLORprobGetGraph(SCIP * scip)1092 TCLIQUE_GRAPH* COLORprobGetGraph(
1093    SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
1094    )
1095 {
1097    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
1099    assert(scip != NULL);
1100    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
1101    assert(probdata != NULL);
1103    return probdata->graph;
1104 }
1107 /** returns the original graph */
COLORprobGetOriginalGraph(SCIP * scip)1108 TCLIQUE_GRAPH* COLORprobGetOriginalGraph(
1109    SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
1110    )
1111 {
1112    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
1114    assert(scip != NULL);
1115    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
1116    assert(probdata != NULL);
1118    return probdata->oldgraph;
1119 }
1122 /** returns the array of nodes deleted during preprocessing, length = COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(), filled with -1 at the end */
COLORprobGetDeletedNodes(SCIP * scip)1123 int* COLORprobGetDeletedNodes(
1124    SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
1125    )
1126 {
1127    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
1129    assert(scip != NULL);
1130    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
1131    assert(probdata != NULL);
1133    return probdata->deletednodes;
1134 }
1137 /** returns the array in which for every node in the preprocessed graph, the related node in the original graph is saved */
COLORprobGetOriginalNodesForNewNodes(SCIP * scip)1138 int* COLORprobGetOriginalNodesForNewNodes(
1139    SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
1140    )
1141 {
1142    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
1144    assert(scip != NULL);
1145    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
1146    assert(probdata != NULL);
1148    return probdata->new2oldnode;
1149 }
1153 /** returns the node in the preprocessed graph, that belongs to the given node, returns -1 if node was deleted */
COLORprobGetNewNodeForOriginalNode(SCIP * scip,int node)1154 int COLORprobGetNewNodeForOriginalNode(
1155    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1156    int                   node                /**< a node in the original graph */
1157    )
1158 {
1159    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
1160    int i;
1162    assert(scip != NULL);
1163    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
1165    assert(probdata != NULL);
1166    assert(node >= 0 && node < COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(scip));
1168    for ( i = 0; i < COLORprobGetOriginalNNodes(scip); i++ )
1169    {
1170       if ( probdata->new2oldnode[i] == node )
1171          return i;
1172       if ( probdata->new2oldnode[i] == -1 )
1173          return -1;
1174    }
1175    return -1;
1177 }
1180 /** returns all node-constraints */
COLORprobGetConstraints(SCIP * scip)1181 SCIP_CONS** COLORprobGetConstraints(
1182    SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
1183    )
1184 {
1185    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
1187    assert(scip != NULL);
1188    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
1189    assert(probdata != NULL);
1191    return probdata->constraints;
1192 }
1195 /** returns the node-constraint belonging to a given node */
COLORprobGetConstraint(SCIP * scip,int node)1196 SCIP_CONS* COLORprobGetConstraint(
1197    SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
1198    int                   node                /**< number of the node, for which this constraint assures coloring */
1199    )
1200 {
1201    SCIP_PROBDATA* probdata;
1203    assert(scip != NULL);
1204    probdata = SCIPgetProbData(scip);
1205    assert(probdata != NULL);
1206    assert(node >= 0 && node < tcliqueGetNNodes(probdata->graph));
1208    return probdata->constraints[node];
1209 }
1212 /** computes the complementary graph for a given graph and stores it in the given pointer */
COLORprobGetComplementaryGraph(SCIP * scip,TCLIQUE_GRAPH * graph,TCLIQUE_GRAPH * cgraph)1213 SCIP_RETCODE COLORprobGetComplementaryGraph(
1214    SCIP*                 scip,                /**< SCIP data structure */
1215    TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        graph,               /**< the given graph */
1216    TCLIQUE_GRAPH*        cgraph               /**< the complementary graph is saved in here */
1217    )
1218 {
1219    int nnodes;
1220    int i;
1221    int j;
1222    int*  firstedge;
1223    int*  lastedge;
1225    assert(scip != NULL);
1226    assert(graph != NULL);
1227    assert(cgraph != NULL);
1229    /* get number of nodes */
1230    nnodes = tcliqueGetNNodes(graph);
1231    assert(nnodes > 0);
1233    /* add all nodes from 0 to nnodes-1 */
1234    if( !tcliqueAddNode(cgraph, nnodes-1, 0) )
1235    {
1236       SCIPerrorMessage("could not add a node to the clique graph\n");
1237       return SCIP_ERROR;
1238    }
1240    /* add edge between i and j iff there is no edge between i and j in old graph */
1241    /* assumption: all edges are undirected, (i,j) exists --> (j,i) exists */
1242    for ( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
1243    {
1244       firstedge = tcliqueGetFirstAdjedge(graph, i);
1245       lastedge = tcliqueGetLastAdjedge(graph, i);
1246       for ( j = 0; j < *firstedge && j < i; j++ )
1247       {
1248          if( !tcliqueAddEdge(cgraph, i, j) )
1249          {
1250             SCIPerrorMessage("could not add an edge to the clique graph\n");
1251             return SCIP_ERROR;
1252          }
1253       }
1254       while ( firstedge < lastedge )
1255       {
1256          for ( j = *firstedge+1; j < *(firstedge+1) && j < i; j++ )
1257          {
1258             if( !tcliqueAddEdge(cgraph, i, j) )
1259             {
1260                SCIPerrorMessage("could not add an edge to the clique graph\n");
1261                return SCIP_ERROR;
1262             }
1263          }
1264          firstedge++;
1265       }
1266       for ( j = (*lastedge)+1; j < COLORprobGetNNodes(scip) && j < i; j++ )
1267       {
1268          if( !tcliqueAddEdge(cgraph, i, j) )
1269          {
1270             SCIPerrorMessage("could not add an edge to the clique graph\n");
1271             return SCIP_ERROR;
1272          }
1273       }
1274    }
1276    if( !tcliqueFlush(cgraph) )
1277    {
1278       SCIPerrorMessage("could not flush the clique graph\n");
1279       return SCIP_ERROR;
1280    }
1282    for ( i = 0; i < COLORprobGetNNodes(scip); i++ )
1283    {
1284       for ( j = i+1; j < COLORprobGetNNodes(scip); j++ )
1285       {
1286          assert((tcliqueIsEdge(graph, i, j) && !tcliqueIsEdge(cgraph, i, j))
1287             || (!tcliqueIsEdge(graph, i, j) && tcliqueIsEdge(cgraph, i, j)));
1288       }
1289    }
1291    return SCIP_OKAY;
1292 }
1295 /** creates all node-constraints and saves them in an array */
COLORprobSetUpArrayOfCons(SCIP * scip)1296 SCIP_RETCODE COLORprobSetUpArrayOfCons(
1297    SCIP*                 scip                /**< SCIP data structure */
1298    )
1299 {
1300    SCIP_CONS** constraints;
1301    int nnodes;
1302    int i;
1304    assert(scip != NULL);
1306    constraints = COLORprobGetConstraints(scip);
1307    assert(constraints != NULL);
1308    nnodes = COLORprobGetNNodes(scip);
1309    for ( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
1310    {
1311       char consname[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
1313       /* create the constraint */
1314       sprintf(consname, "Node-Constraint%d", i+1);
1316       SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateConsSetcover(scip, &constraints[i], consname, 0, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) );
1317       SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddCons(scip, constraints[i]) );
1318    }
1320    return SCIP_OKAY;
1321 }
1324 /** checks whether the given node is in the given array */
COLORprobIsNodeInArray(int node,int * arraynodes,int narraynodes)1325 SCIP_Bool COLORprobIsNodeInArray(
1326    int                   node,               /**< the number of the node */
1327    int*                  arraynodes,         /**< the nodes of the maximum stableset */
1328    int                   narraynodes         /**< number of nodes in the maximum stableset */
1329    )
1330 {
1331    int i;
1333    assert(arraynodes != NULL);
1335    for ( i = 0; i < narraynodes; i++ )
1336    {
1337       if ( arraynodes[i] == node )
1338       {
1339          return TRUE;
1340       }
1341    }
1342    return FALSE;
1343 }
1345 /** checks whether the given two given arrays are equal */
COLORprobEqualSortedArrays(int * array1nodes,int narray1nodes,int * array2nodes,int narray2nodes)1346 SCIP_Bool COLORprobEqualSortedArrays(
1347    int*                  array1nodes,         /**< the nodes of the first set */
1348    int                   narray1nodes,        /**< number of nodes in the first set */
1349    int*                  array2nodes,         /**< the nodes of the second set */
1350    int                   narray2nodes         /**< number of nodes in the second set */
1351    )
1352 {
1353    int i;
1355    assert(array1nodes != NULL);
1356    assert(narray1nodes > 0);
1357    assert(array2nodes != NULL);
1358    assert(narray2nodes > 0);
1360    if ( narray1nodes != narray2nodes )
1361    {
1362       return FALSE;
1363    }
1364    for ( i = 0; i < narray1nodes; i++ )
1365    {
1366       if ( array1nodes[i] != array2nodes[i] )
1367       {
1368          return FALSE;
1369       }
1370    }
1371    return TRUE;
1372 }