1 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  ADOL-C -- Automatic Differentiation by Overloading in C++
3  File:     detexam.cpp
4  Revision: $Id: detexam.cpp 511 2014-05-14 13:01:01Z kulshres $
5  Contents: modified computation of determinants
7  Copyright (c) Andrea Walther, Andreas Griewank, Andreas Kowarz,
8                Hristo Mitev, Sebastian Schlenkrich, Jean Utke, Olaf Vogel
10  This file is part of ADOL-C. This software is provided as open source.
11  Any use, reproduction, or distribution of the software constitutes
12  recipient's acceptance of the terms of the accompanying license file.
14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
16 /****************************************************************************/
17 /*                                                                 INCLUDES */
18 #include <adolc/adolc.h>
19 #include "../clock/myclock.h"
22 /****************************************************************************/
23 /*                                                           DOUBLE ROUTINE */
24 int n,it;
25 double** PA;
pdet(int k,int m)26 double pdet( int k, int m ) {
27     if (m == 0)
28         return 1.0 ;
29     else {
30         double* pt = PA[k-1];
31         double t = 0;
32         int p = 1;
33         int s;
34         if (k%2)
35             s = 1;
36         else
37             s = -1;
38         for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
39             int p1 = 2*p;
40             if (m%p1 >= p) {
41                 if (m == p) {
42                     if (s>0)
43                         t += *pt;
44                     else
45                         t -= *pt;
46                 } else {
47                     if (s>0)
48                         t += *pt*pdet(k-1, m-p);
49                     else
50                         t -= *pt*pdet(k-1, m-p);
51                 }
52                 s = -s;
53             }
54             ++pt;
55             p = p1;
56         }
57         return t;
58     }
59 }
61 /****************************************************************************/
62 /*                                                          ADOUBLE ROUTINE */
63 adouble** A;
64 adouble zero = 0;
det(int k,int m)65 adouble det( int k, int m ) {
66     if (m == 0)
67         return 1.0;
68     else {
69         adouble* pt = A[k-1];
70         adouble t = zero;
71         int p = 1;
72         int s;
73         if (k%2)
74             s = 1;
75         else
76             s = -1;
77         for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
78             int p1 = 2*p;
79             if (m%p1 >= p) {
80                 if (m == p) {
81                     if (s>0)
82                         t += *pt;
83                     else
84                         t -= *pt;
85                 } else {
86                     if (s>0)
87                         t += *pt*det(k-1, m-p);
88                     else
89                         t -= *pt*det(k-1, m-p);
90                 }
91                 s = -s;
92             }
93             ++pt;
94             p = p1;
95         }
96         return t;
97     }
98 }
100 /****************************************************************************/
101 /*                                                             MAIN PROGRAM */
main()102 int main() {
103     int i, j;
104     int tag = 1;
105     fprintf(stdout,"COMPUTATION OF DETERMINANTS Type 1 (ADOL-C Example)\n\n");
106     fprintf(stdout,"order of matrix = ? \n");
107     scanf("%d",&n);
108     A  = new adouble*[n];
109     PA = new double*[n];
110     int n2 = n*n;
111     double* a = new double[n2];
113     /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
114     /* Preparation */
115     double diag = 0;
116     int m = 1;
117     double* pa = a;
118     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
119         m *= 2;
120         PA[i] = new double[n];
121         double* ppt = PA[i];
122         for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
123             *ppt++ = j/(1.0+i);
124             *pa++  = j/(1.0+i);
125         }
126         diag += PA[i][i];   // val corrected to value 2/23/91
127         PA[i][i] += 1.0;
128         a[i*n+i] += 1.0;
129     }
130     diag += 1;
132     /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
133     double t00 = myclock();                               /* 0. time (taping) */
134     trace_on(tag);
135     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
136         A[i] = new adouble[n];
137         adouble* pt = A[i];
138         double* ppt = PA[i];
139         for (j=0; j<n; j++)
140             *pt++ <<= *ppt++;
141     }
142     adouble deter;
143     deter = det(n,m-1);
144     double detout = 0.0;
145     deter >>= detout;
146     trace_off();
147     double t01 = myclock();
148     fprintf(stdout,"\n %f =? %f should be the same \n",detout,diag);
150     /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
151     size_t tape_stats[STAT_SIZE];
152     tapestats(tag,tape_stats);
154     fprintf(stdout,"\n    independents            %zu\n",tape_stats[NUM_INDEPENDENTS]);
155     fprintf(stdout,"    dependents              %zu\n",tape_stats[NUM_DEPENDENTS]);
156     fprintf(stdout,"    operations              %zu\n",tape_stats[NUM_OPERATIONS]);
157     fprintf(stdout,"    operations buffer size  %zu\n",tape_stats[OP_BUFFER_SIZE]);
158     fprintf(stdout,"    locations buffer size   %zu\n",tape_stats[LOC_BUFFER_SIZE]);
159     fprintf(stdout,"    constants buffer size   %zu\n",tape_stats[VAL_BUFFER_SIZE]);
160     fprintf(stdout,"    maxlive                 %zu\n",tape_stats[NUM_MAX_LIVES]);
161     fprintf(stdout,"    valstack size           %zu\n\n",tape_stats[TAY_STACK_SIZE]);
163     /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
164     int itu = 8-n;
165     itu = itu*itu*itu*itu;
166     itu = itu > 0 ? itu : 1;
167     double raus;
169     /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
170     double t10 = myclock();                             /* 1. time (original) */
171     for (it = 0; it < itu; it++)
172         raus = pdet(n,m-1);
173     double t11 = myclock();
174     double rtu = itu/(t11-t10);
176     double* B = new double[n2];
177     double* detaut = new double[1];
179     /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
180     double t40 = myclock();                      /* 4. time (forward no keep) */
181     for (it = 0; it < itu; it++)
182         forward(tag,1,n2,0,a,detaut);
183     double t41 = myclock();
185     /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
186     double t20 = myclock();                         /* 2. time (forward+keep) */
187     for(it = 0; it < itu; it++)
188         forward(tag,1,n2,1,a,detaut);
189     double t21 = myclock();
190     // fprintf(stdout,"\n %f =? %f should be the same \n",detout,*detaut);
192     double u[1];
193     u[0] = 1.0;
195     /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
196     double t30 = myclock();                              /* 3. time (reverse) */
197     for (it = 0; it < itu; it++)
198         reverse(tag,1,n2,0,u,B);
199     double t31 = myclock();
201     /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
202     /* output of results */
203     // optional generation of tape_doc.tex
204     // tape_doc(tag,1,n2,a,detaut);
205     fprintf(stdout,"\n first base? :   \n");
206     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
207         adouble sum = 0;
208         adouble* pt;
209         pt = A[i];
210         for (j=0; j<n; j++)
211             sum += (*pt++)*B[j];
212         fprintf(stdout,"%E ",sum.value());
213     }
214     fprintf(stdout,"\n\n times for ");
215     fprintf(stdout,"\n tracing          : \t%E",(t01-t00)*rtu);
216     fprintf(stdout," units \t%E    seconds",(t01-t00));
217     fprintf(stdout,"\n forward (no keep): \t%E",(t41-t40)*rtu/itu);
218     fprintf(stdout," units \t%E    seconds",(t41-t40)/itu);
219     fprintf(stdout,"\n forward + keep   : \t%E",(t21-t20)*rtu/itu);
220     fprintf(stdout," units \t%E    seconds",(t21-t20)/itu);
221     fprintf(stdout,"\n reverse          : \t%E",(t31-t30)*rtu/itu);
222     fprintf(stdout," units \t%E    seconds\n",(t31-t30)/itu);
224     return 1;
225 }