1 /*===========================================================================*
2  * This file is part of the Abstract Library for Parallel Search (ALPS).     *
3  *                                                                           *
4  * ALPS is distributed under the Eclipse Public License as part of the       *
5  * COIN-OR repository (http://www.coin-or.org).                              *
6  *                                                                           *
7  * Authors:                                                                  *
8  *                                                                           *
9  *          Yan Xu, Lehigh University                                        *
10  *          Aykut Bulut, Lehigh University                                   *
11  *          Ted Ralphs, Lehigh University                                    *
12  *                                                                           *
13  * Conceptual Design:                                                        *
14  *                                                                           *
15  *          Yan Xu, Lehigh University                                        *
16  *          Ted Ralphs, Lehigh University                                    *
17  *          Laszlo Ladanyi, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center                  *
18  *          Matthew Saltzman, Clemson University                             *
19  *                                                                           *
20  *                                                                           *
21  * Copyright (C) 2001-2019, Lehigh University, Yan Xu, Aykut Bulut, and      *
22  *                          Ted Ralphs.                                      *
23  * All Rights Reserved.                                                      *
24  *===========================================================================*/
27 //#############################################################################
28 // This file is modified from SbbModel.cpp
29 //#############################################################################
31 #include <iostream>
33 #include "OsiRowCut.hpp"
34 #include "OsiColCut.hpp"
35 #include "OsiRowCutDebugger.hpp"
37 #include "AlpsTreeNode.h"
39 #include "AbcCutGenerator.h"
40 #include "AbcHeuristic.h"
41 #include "AbcMessage.h"
42 #include "AbcModel.h"
43 #include "AbcTreeNode.h"
44 #include "AbcNodeDesc.h"
47 //#############################################################################
48 //#############################################################################
50 void
initialSolve()51 AbcModel::initialSolve()
52 {
53     assert (solver_);
54     solver_->initialSolve();
55 }
57 //#############################################################################
58 //  Parameters:
59 //  cuts:        (o) all cuts generated in this round of cut generation
60 //  numberTries: (i) the maximum number of iterations for this round of cut
61 //                   generation; no a priori limit if 0
62 //  whichGenerator: (i/o) whichGenerator[i] is loaded with the index of the
63 //                        generator that produced cuts[i]; reallocated as
64 //                        required
65 //  numberOldActiveCuts: (o) the number of active cuts at this node from
66 //                           previous rounds of cut generation
67 //  numberNewCuts:       (o) the number of cuts produced in this round of cut
68 //                           generation
69 //  maximumWhich:      (i/o) capacity of whichGenerator; may be updated if
70 //                           whichGenerator grows.
71 //  cutDuringRampup:    (i) Whether generating cuts during rampup
72 //  found: (o)  great than 0 means that heuristics found solutions;
73 //              otherwise not.
74 bool
solveWithCuts(OsiCuts & cuts,int numberTries,AbcTreeNode * node,int & numberOldActiveCuts,int & numberNewCuts,int & maximumWhich,int * & whichGenerator,const bool cutDuringRampup,int & found)75 AbcModel::solveWithCuts(OsiCuts & cuts, int numberTries,
76                         AbcTreeNode * node, int & numberOldActiveCuts,
77                         int & numberNewCuts, int & maximumWhich,
78                         int *& whichGenerator, const bool cutDuringRampup,
79                         int & found)
80 {
81     found = -10;
82     bool feasible;
83     int lastNumberCuts = 0;
84     double lastObjective = -1.0e100 ;
85     int violated = 0;
86     int numberRowsAtStart = solver_->getNumRows();
87     int numberColumns = solver_->getNumCols();
89     numberOldActiveCuts = numberRowsAtStart - numberRowsAtContinuous_;
90     numberNewCuts = 0;
92     feasible = resolve();
93     if(!feasible) {
94         return false;  // If lost feasibility, bail out right now
95     }
97     reducedCostFix();
98     const double *lower = solver_->getColLower();
99     const double *upper = solver_->getColUpper();
100     const double *solution = solver_->getColSolution();
102     double minimumDrop = minimumDrop_;
103     if (numberTries < 0) {
104         numberTries = -numberTries;
105         minimumDrop = -1.0;
106     }
108     //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
109     // Is it time to scan the cuts in order to remove redundant cuts? If so,
110     // set up to do it.
111 # define SCANCUTS 100
112     int *countColumnCuts = NULL;
113     int *countRowCuts = NULL;
114     bool fullScan = false;
115     if ((numberNodes_ % SCANCUTS) == 0) {
116         fullScan = true;
117         countColumnCuts = new int[numberCutGenerators_ + numberHeuristics_];
118         countRowCuts = new int[numberCutGenerators_ + numberHeuristics_];
119         memset(countColumnCuts, 0,
120                (numberCutGenerators_ + numberHeuristics_) * sizeof(int));
121         memset(countRowCuts, 0,
122                (numberCutGenerators_ + numberHeuristics_) * sizeof(int));
123     }
125     double direction = solver_->getObjSense();
126     double startObjective = solver_->getObjValue() * direction;
128     int numberPasses = 0;
129     double primalTolerance = 1.0e-7;
131     //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
132     // Start cut generation loop
133     do {
134         numberPasses++;
135         numberTries--;
136         OsiCuts theseCuts;
138         // First check if there are cuts violated in global cut pool
139         if (numberPasses == 1 && howOftenGlobalScan_ > 0 &&
140             (numberNodes_ % howOftenGlobalScan_) == 0) {
141             int numberCuts = globalCuts_.sizeColCuts();
142             int i;
143             for ( i = 0; i < numberCuts; ++i) {
144                 const OsiColCut *thisCut = globalCuts_.colCutPtr(i);
145                 if (thisCut->violated(solution) > primalTolerance) {
146                     printf("Global cut added - violation %g\n",
147                            thisCut->violated(solution));
148                     theseCuts.insert(*thisCut);
149                 }
150             }
151             numberCuts = globalCuts_.sizeRowCuts();
152             for ( i = 0; i < numberCuts; ++i) {
153                 const OsiRowCut * thisCut = globalCuts_.rowCutPtr(i);
154                 if (thisCut->violated(solution) > primalTolerance) {
155                     printf("Global cut added - violation %g\n",
156                            thisCut->violated(solution));
157                     theseCuts.insert(*thisCut);
158                 }
159             }
160         }
162         //---------------------------------------------------------------------
163         // Generate new cuts (global and/or local) and/or apply heuristics
164         // NOTE: Make sure CglProbing is added FIRST
165         double * newSolution = new double [numberColumns];
166         double heuristicValue = getCutoff();
168 #if defined(ABC_DEBUG_MORE)
169             std::cout << "numberCutGenerators_ = " << numberCutGenerators_
170                       << "numberHeuristics_ = " << numberHeuristics_
171                       << std::endl;
172 #endif
173         for (int i = 0; i < numberCutGenerators_ + numberHeuristics_; ++i) {
174             int numberRowCutsBefore = theseCuts.sizeRowCuts();
175             int numberColumnCutsBefore = theseCuts.sizeColCuts();
176             if (i < numberCutGenerators_) {
177                 if (cutDuringRampup) {
178                     bool mustResolve =
179                         generator_[i]->generateCuts(theseCuts, fullScan);
180                     if (mustResolve) {
181                         feasible = resolve();
182                         if (!feasible)
183                             break;
184                     }
185                 }
186             }
187             else {
188                 double saveValue = heuristicValue;
189                 int ifSol = heuristic_[i-numberCutGenerators_]->
190                     solution(heuristicValue, newSolution);
191                     //    solution(heuristicValue, newSolution, theseCuts);
193                 if (ifSol > 0) {
194                     found = i;
195                 }
196                 else if (ifSol < 0) {
197                     heuristicValue = saveValue;
198                 }
199             }
200             int numberRowCutsAfter = theseCuts.sizeRowCuts();
201             int numberColumnCutsAfter = theseCuts.sizeColCuts();
202             int numberBefore =
203                 numberRowCutsBefore + numberColumnCutsBefore + lastNumberCuts;
204             int numberAfter =
205                 numberRowCutsAfter + numberColumnCutsAfter + lastNumberCuts;
206             if (numberAfter > maximumWhich) {
207                 maximumWhich = std::max(maximumWhich * 2 + 100, numberAfter);
208                 int * temp = new int[2 * maximumWhich];
209                 memcpy(temp, whichGenerator, numberBefore * sizeof(int));
210                 delete [] whichGenerator;
211                 whichGenerator = temp;
212             }
213             int j;
214             if (fullScan) {
215                 countRowCuts[i] += numberRowCutsAfter -
216                     numberRowCutsBefore;
217                 countColumnCuts[i] += numberColumnCutsAfter -
218                     numberColumnCutsBefore;
219             }
220             for (j = numberRowCutsBefore; j < numberRowCutsAfter; ++j) {
221                 whichGenerator[numberBefore++] = i;
222                 const OsiRowCut * thisCut = theseCuts.rowCutPtr(j);
223                 if (thisCut->globallyValid()) {
224                     globalCuts_.insert(*thisCut);
225                 }
226             }
227             for (j = numberColumnCutsBefore; j < numberColumnCutsAfter; ++j) {
228                 whichGenerator[numberBefore++] = i;
229                 const OsiColCut * thisCut = theseCuts.colCutPtr(j);
230                 if (thisCut->globallyValid()) {
231                     globalCuts_.insert(*thisCut);
232                 }
233             }
234         }
236         //---------------------------------------------------------------------
237         // If found a solution, Record it before we free the vector
238         if (found >= 0) {
239             bool better =
240                 setBestSolution(ABC_ROUNDING, heuristicValue, newSolution);
241             //    if (!better){
242             //	found = -1;
243             //}
244             //std::cout << "better = "  << better
245             //        << "; found = " << found << std::endl;
246         }
247         if(newSolution != 0) delete [] newSolution;
249         int numberColumnCuts = theseCuts.sizeColCuts();
250         int numberRowCuts = theseCuts.sizeRowCuts();
251         violated = numberRowCuts + numberColumnCuts;
253         //---------------------------------------------------------------------
254         // Apply column cuts
255         if (numberColumnCuts) {
256             double integerTolerance = getDblParam(AbcIntegerTolerance);
257             for (int i = 0; i < numberColumnCuts; ++i) {
258                 const OsiColCut * thisCut = theseCuts.colCutPtr(i);
259                 const CoinPackedVector & lbs = thisCut->lbs();
260                 const CoinPackedVector & ubs = thisCut->ubs();
261                 int j;
262                 int n;
263                 const int * which;
264                 const double * values;
265                 n = lbs.getNumElements();
266                 which = lbs.getIndices();
267                 values = lbs.getElements();
268                 for (j = 0; j < n; ++j){
269                     int iColumn = which[j];
270                     double value = solution[iColumn];
271                     solver_->setColLower(iColumn, values[j]);
272                     if (value < values[j] - integerTolerance)
273                         violated = -1;   // violated, TODO: when happen?
274                     if (values[j] > upper[iColumn] + integerTolerance) {
275                         violated = -2;   // infeasible
276                         break;
277                     }
278                 }
279                 n = ubs.getNumElements();
280                 which = ubs.getIndices();
281                 values = ubs.getElements();
282                 for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
283                     int iColumn = which[j];
284                     double value = solution[iColumn];
285                     solver_->setColUpper(iColumn, values[j]);
286                     if (value > values[j] + integerTolerance)
287                         violated = -1;
288                     if (values[j] < lower[iColumn] - integerTolerance) {
289                         violated = -2;   // infeasible
290                         break;
291                     }
292                 }
293             }
294         }
296         if (violated == -2) {
297             feasible = false ;
298             break ;    // break the cut generation loop
299         }
301         //---------------------------------------------------------------------
302         // Now apply the row (constraint) cuts.
303         int numberRowsNow = solver_->getNumRows();
304         assert(numberRowsNow == numberRowsAtStart + lastNumberCuts);
305         int numberToAdd = theseCuts.sizeRowCuts();
306         numberNewCuts = lastNumberCuts + numberToAdd;
308         // Get a basis by asking the solver for warm start information.
309         // Resize it (retaining the basis) so it can accommodate the cuts.
310         delete basis_;
311         basis_ = dynamic_cast<CoinWarmStartBasis*>(solver_->getWarmStart());
312         assert(basis_ != NULL); // make sure not volume
313         basis_->resize(numberRowsAtStart + numberNewCuts, numberColumns);
315         //  Now actually add the row cuts and reoptimise.
316         if (numberRowCuts > 0 || numberColumnCuts > 0) {
317             if (numberToAdd > 0) {
318                 int i;
319                 OsiRowCut * addCuts = new OsiRowCut [numberToAdd];
320                 for (i = 0; i < numberToAdd; ++i) {
321                     addCuts[i] = theseCuts.rowCut(i);
322                 }
323                 solver_->applyRowCuts(numberToAdd, addCuts);
324                 // AJK this caused a memory fault on Win32
325                 delete [] addCuts;
326                 for (i = 0; i < numberToAdd; ++i) {
327                     cuts.insert(theseCuts.rowCut(i));
328                 }
329                 for (i = 0; i < numberToAdd; ++i) {
330                     basis_->setArtifStatus(numberRowsNow + i,
331                                            CoinWarmStartBasis::basic);
332                 }
333                 if (solver_->setWarmStart(basis_) == false) {
334                     throw CoinError("Fail setWarmStart() after cut install.",
335                                     "solveWithCuts", "SbbModel");
336                 }
337             }
338             feasible = resolve() ;
339         }
340         else {
341             numberTries = 0;
342         }
344         //---------------------------------------------------------------------
345         if (feasible) {
346             int cutIterations = solver_->getIterationCount();
347             //takeOffCuts(cuts, whichGenerator,
348             // numberOldActiveCuts, numberNewCuts, true);
349             if (solver_->isDualObjectiveLimitReached()) {
350                 feasible = false;
351 #ifdef ABC_DEBUG
352                 double z = solver_->getObjValue();
353                 double cut = getCutoff();
354                 //	printf("Lost feasibility by %g in takeOffCuts; z = %g, cutoff = %g\n",
355                 //   z - cut, z, cut);
356 #endif
357             }
358             if (feasible) {
359                 numberRowsAtStart = numberOldActiveCuts +
360                     numberRowsAtContinuous_;
361                 lastNumberCuts = numberNewCuts;
362                 if ((direction * solver_->getObjValue() <
363                     lastObjective + minimumDrop) &&  (numberPasses >= 3)) {
364                     numberTries = 0;
365                 }
366                 if (numberRowCuts+numberColumnCuts == 0 || cutIterations == 0)
367                 { break; }
368                 if (numberTries > 0) {
369                     reducedCostFix();
370                     lastObjective = direction * solver_->getObjValue();
371                     lower = solver_->getColLower();
372                     upper = solver_->getColUpper();
373                     solution = solver_->getColSolution();
374                 }
375             }
376         }
378         // We've lost feasibility
379         if (!feasible) {
380             numberTries = 0;
381         }
382     } while (numberTries);
385     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
386     // Adjust the frequency of use for any of the cut generator
387     double thisObjective = solver_->getObjValue() * direction;
388     if (feasible && fullScan && numberCutGenerators_) {
389         double totalCuts = 0.0;
390         int i;
391         for (int i = 0; i < numberCutGenerators_; ++i)
392         totalCuts += countRowCuts[i] + 5.0 * countColumnCuts[i];
393         // Root node or every so often - see what to turn off
394         if (!numberNodes_)
395             handler_->message(ABC_ROOT, messages_)
396                 << numberNewCuts
397                 << startObjective << thisObjective
398                 << numberPasses
399                 << CoinMessageEol;
400         int * count = new int[numberCutGenerators_];
401         memset(count, 0, numberCutGenerators_ * sizeof(int));
402         for (i = 0; i < numberNewCuts; ++i)
403             count[whichGenerator[i]]++;
404         double small = (0.5 * totalCuts) / ((double) numberCutGenerators_);
405         for (i = 0; i < numberCutGenerators_; ++i) {
406             int howOften = generator_[i]->howOften();
407             if (howOften < -99)
408                 continue;
409             if (howOften < 0 || howOften >= 1000000) {
410                 // If small number switch mostly off
411                 double thisCuts = countRowCuts[i] + 5.0 * countColumnCuts[i];
412                 if (!thisCuts || howOften == -99) {
413                     if (howOften == -99)
414                         howOften = -100;
415                     else
416                         howOften = 1000000 + SCANCUTS; // wait until next time
417                 }
418                 else if (thisCuts < small) {
419                     int k = (int) sqrt(small / thisCuts);
420                     howOften = k + 1000000;
421                 }
422                 else {
423                     howOften = 1 + 1000000;
424                 }
425             }
426             generator_[i]->setHowOften(howOften);
427             int newFrequency = generator_[i]->howOften() % 1000000;
428             // if (handler_->logLevel() > 1 || !numberNodes_)
429             if (!numberNodes_)
430                 handler_->message(ABC_GENERATOR, messages_)
431                     << i
432                     << generator_[i]->cutGeneratorName()
433                     << countRowCuts[i]
434                     << countRowCuts[i] //<<count[i]
435                     << countColumnCuts[i]
436                     << newFrequency
437                     << CoinMessageEol;
438         }
439         delete [] count;
440     }
442     delete [] countRowCuts;
443     delete [] countColumnCuts;
446     if (feasible) {
447         delete basis_;
448         basis_ = dynamic_cast<CoinWarmStartBasis*>(solver_->getWarmStart());
449         printf("solveWithCuts: Number of rows at end (only active cuts) %d\n",
450                numberRowsAtContinuous_+numberNewCuts+numberOldActiveCuts);
451         basis_->print();
452     }
453     if (numberNodes_ % 1000 == 0) {
454         messageHandler()->message(ABC_CUTS, messages_)
455             << numberNodes_
456             << numberNewCuts
457             << startObjective
458             << thisObjective
459             << numberPasses
460             << CoinMessageEol;
461     }
462 #endif
465     //takeOffCuts(cuts, whichGenerator, numberOldActiveCuts,
466     //		numberNewCuts, true);
467     incrementNodeCount();
469     return feasible;
470 }
472 //#############################################################################
474 bool
resolve()475 AbcModel::resolve()
476 {
477     int iRow;
478     int numberRows = solver_->getNumRows();
479     const double * rowLower = solver_->getRowLower();
480     const double * rowUpper = solver_->getRowUpper();
481     bool feasible = true;
482     for (iRow = numberRowsAtContinuous_; iRow < numberRows; ++iRow) {
483         if (rowLower[iRow] > rowUpper[iRow] + 1.0e-8)
484             feasible = false;
485     }
487     // Reoptimize. Consider the possibility that we should fathom on bounds.
488     // But be careful --- where the objective takes on integral values, we may
489     // want to keep a solution where the objective is right on the cutoff.
490     if (feasible) {
491         solver_->resolve();
492         numberIterations_ += getIterationCount();
493         feasible = (solver_->isProvenOptimal() &&
494                     !solver_->isDualObjectiveLimitReached());
495     }
497     return feasible;
498 }
500 //#############################################################################
502 double
checkSolution(double cutoff,const double * solution,bool fixVariables)503 AbcModel::checkSolution (double cutoff,
504                          const double *solution,
505                          bool fixVariables)
506 {
507     return 0.0;
508 }
510 //#############################################################################
512 bool
setBestSolution(ABC_Message how,double & objectiveValue,const double * solution,bool fixVariables)513 AbcModel::setBestSolution(ABC_Message how,
514                           double & objectiveValue,
515                           const double * solution,
516                           bool fixVariables)
517 {
518     double cutoff = getCutoff();
519     // Double check the solution to catch pretenders.
520     if (objectiveValue >= cutoff) {  // Bad news
521         if (objectiveValue > 1.0e30)
522             handler_->message(ABC_NOTFEAS1, messages_) << CoinMessageEol;
523         else
524             handler_->message(ABC_NOTFEAS2, messages_)
525                 << objectiveValue << cutoff << CoinMessageEol;
526         return false;
527     }
528     else {  // Better solution
529         bestObjective_ = objectiveValue;
530         int numberColumns = solver_->getNumCols();
531         if (bestSolution_ == 0) {
532             bestSolution_ = new double[numberColumns];
533         }
535         memcpy(bestSolution_, solution, numberColumns*sizeof(double));
536         cutoff = bestObjective_ - dblParam_[AbcCutoffIncrement];
537         setCutoff(cutoff);
539         if (how == ABC_ROUNDING)
540             numberHeuristicSolutions_++;
541         numberSolutions_++;
542 //	std::cout << "cutoff = " << getCutoff()
543 //                << "; objVal = " << bestObjective_
544 //                << "; cutoffInc = " << dblParam_[AbcCutoffIncrement]
545 //                << std::endl;
547         handler_->message(how, messages_)
548             << bestObjective_ << numberIterations_
549             << numberNodes_
550             << CoinMessageEol;
552         return true;
553     }
554 }
556 //#############################################################################
558 bool
feasibleSolution(int & numberIntegerInfeasibilities)559 AbcModel::feasibleSolution(int & numberIntegerInfeasibilities)
560 {
561     bool feasible = true;
562     numberIntegerInfeasibilities = 0;
563     int i = -1;
564     const int numCols = getNumCols();
566     if (currentSolution_ != 0) {
567         delete [] currentSolution_;
568         currentSolution_ = 0;
569     }
571     currentSolution_ = new double [numCols];
572     memcpy(currentSolution_, solver_->getColSolution(),sizeof(double)*numCols);
574     for (i = 0; i < numberIntegers_; ++i) {
575         if ( ! checkInteger(currentSolution_[integerVariable_[i]]) ) {
576             ++numberIntegerInfeasibilities;
577             feasible = false;
578         }
579     }
581     return feasible;
582 }
584 //#############################################################################
586 void
findIntegers(bool startAgain)587 AbcModel::findIntegers(bool startAgain)
588 {
589     assert(solver_);
591     int iColumn;
592     int numberColumns = getNumCols();
593     const double *objCoeffs = getObjCoefficients();
595     if (numberStrong_ == 0) {  // set up pseudocost list
596         pseudoList_ = new AbcPseudocost* [getNumCols()];
597         pseudoIndices_ = new int [getNumCols()];
598         for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; ++iColumn) {
599             pseudoList_[iColumn] = NULL;
600             pseudoIndices_[iColumn] = -1;
601         }
602     }
604     if (numberIntegers_ && !startAgain) return;
605     delete [] integerVariable_;
606     numberIntegers_ = 0;
608     for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
609         if (isInteger(iColumn)) numberIntegers_++;
610     }
612     if (numberIntegers_) {
613         integerVariable_ = new int [numberIntegers_];
614         numberIntegers_=0;
615         for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; ++iColumn) {
616             if(isInteger(iColumn)) {
617                 integerVariable_[numberIntegers_++] = iColumn;
618                 if (numberStrong_ == 0) {
619                     double obj = fabs(objCoeffs[iColumn]);
620                     AbcPseudocost *pcost = new AbcPseudocost(iColumn,
621                                                              obj,
622                                                              0,
623                                                              obj,
624                                                              0);
625                     pseudoList_[iColumn] = pcost;
626                     //printf("numberIntegers_ = %d\n", numberIntegers_);
627                 }
628                 //printf("out\n");
629             }
630         }
631     }
632     else {
633         handler_->message(ABC_NOINT, messages_) << CoinMessageEol ;
634     }
638 }
640 //#############################################################################
641 // Add one generator
642 void
addCutGenerator(CglCutGenerator * generator,int howOften,const char * name,bool normal,bool atSolution,bool whenInfeasible)643 AbcModel::addCutGenerator(CglCutGenerator * generator,
644                           int howOften, const char * name,
645                           bool normal, bool atSolution,
646                           bool whenInfeasible)
647 {
648     AbcCutGenerator ** temp = generator_;
649     generator_ = new AbcCutGenerator * [numberCutGenerators_ + 1];
650     memcpy(generator_, temp, numberCutGenerators_*sizeof(AbcCutGenerator *));
651     delete[] temp;
652     generator_[numberCutGenerators_++]=
653         new AbcCutGenerator(this, generator, howOften, name,
654                             normal, atSolution, whenInfeasible);
656 }
658 //#############################################################################
659 // Add one heuristic
660 void
addHeuristic(AbcHeuristic * generator)661 AbcModel::addHeuristic(AbcHeuristic* generator)
662 {
663   AbcHeuristic ** temp = heuristic_;
664   heuristic_ = new AbcHeuristic* [numberHeuristics_ + 1];
665   memcpy(heuristic_, temp, numberHeuristics_ * sizeof(AbcHeuristic *));
666   delete [] temp;
667   heuristic_[numberHeuristics_++] = generator;
668 }
670 //#############################################################################
671 // Perform reduced cost fixing on integer variables. The variables in
672 // question are already nonbasic at bound. We're just nailing down the
673 // current situation.
reducedCostFix()674 void AbcModel::reducedCostFix ()
675 {
676     double cutoff = getCutoff();
677     double direction = solver_->getObjSense();
678     double gap = cutoff - solver_->getObjValue()*direction;
679     double integerTolerance = getDblParam(AbcIntegerTolerance);
681     const double* lower = solver_->getColLower();
682     const double* upper = solver_->getColUpper();
683     const double* solution = solver_->getColSolution();
684     const double* reducedCost = solver_->getReducedCost();
686     int numberFixed = 0 ;
687     for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers_; i++) {
688         int iColumn = integerVariable_[i];
689         double djValue = direction * reducedCost[iColumn];
690         if (upper[iColumn] - lower[iColumn] > integerTolerance) {
691             if (solution[iColumn] < lower[iColumn] + integerTolerance &&
692                 djValue > gap) {
693                 solver_->setColUpper(iColumn, lower[iColumn]);
694                 numberFixed++;
695             }
696             else if (solution[iColumn] > upper[iColumn] - integerTolerance &&
697                      -djValue > gap) {
698                 solver_->setColLower(iColumn, upper[iColumn]);
699                 numberFixed++;
700             }
701         }
702     }
703 }
705 //#############################################################################
706 #if 0
707 void
708 AbcModel::takeOffCuts(OsiCuts &newCuts, int *whichGenerator,
709                       int &numberOldActiveCuts, int &numberNewCuts,
710                       bool allowResolve)
711 {
712     int firstOldCut = numberRowsAtContinuous_;
713     int totalNumberCuts = numberNewCuts + numberOldActiveCuts;
714     int *solverCutIndices = new int[totalNumberCuts];
715     int *newCutIndices = new int[numberNewCuts];
716     const CoinWarmStartBasis* ws;
717     CoinWarmStartBasis::Status status;
718     bool needPurge = true;
720     // The outer loop allows repetition of purge in the event that
721     // reoptimisation changes the basis. To start an iteration, clear the
722     // deletion counts and grab the current basis.
724     while (needPurge) {
725         int numberNewToDelete = 0;
726         int numberOldToDelete = 0;
727         int i;
728         ws = dynamic_cast<const CoinWarmStartBasis*>(solver_->getWarmStart());
730         // Scan the basis entries of the old cuts generated prior to this
731         // round of cut generation. Loose cuts are `removed'.
732         for (i = 0; i < numberOldActiveCuts; ++i) {
733             status = ws->getArtifStatus(i + firstOldCut);
734             if (status == CoinWarmStartBasis::basic) {
735                 solverCutIndices[numberOldToDelete++] = i + firstOldCut;
736             }
737         }
739         // Scan the basis entries of the new cuts generated with this round
740         // of cut generation.  At this point, newCuts is the only record of
741         // the new cuts, so when we delete loose cuts from newCuts, they're
742         // really gone. newCuts is a vector, so it's most efficient to
743         // compress it (eraseRowCut) from back to front.
744         int firstNewCut = firstOldCut + numberOldActiveCuts;
745         int k = 0;
746         for (i = 0; i < numberNewCuts; ++i) {
747             status = ws->getArtifStatus(i + firstNewCut);
748             if (status == CoinWarmStartBasis::basic) {
749                 solverCutIndices[numberNewToDelete + numberOldToDelete] =
750                     i + firstNewCut ;
751                 newCutIndices[numberNewToDelete++] = i;
752             }
753             else { // save which generator did it
754                 whichGenerator[k++] = whichGenerator[i];
755             }
756         }
757         for (i = numberNewToDelete - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) {
758             int iCut = newCutIndices[i];
759             newCuts.eraseRowCut(iCut);
760         }
762         // Did we delete anything? If so, delete the cuts from the constraint
763         // system held in the solver and reoptimise unless we're forbidden
764         // to do so. If the call to resolve() results in pivots, there's the
765         // possibility we again have basic slacks. Repeat the purging loop.
767         if (numberNewToDelete  + numberOldToDelete > 0) {
768             solver_->deleteRows(numberNewToDelete + numberOldToDelete,
769                                 solverCutIndices);
770             numberNewCuts -= numberNewToDelete;
771             numberOldActiveCuts -= numberOldToDelete;
772 #           ifdef ABC_DEBUG
773             std::cout << "takeOffCuts: purged " << numberOldToDelete << "+"
774                       << numberNewToDelete << " cuts." << std::endl;
775 #           endif
776             if (allowResolve) {
777                 solver_->resolve();
778                 if (solver_->getIterationCount() == 0) {
779                     needPurge = false;
780                 }
781 #           ifdef ABC_DEBUG
782                 else {
783                     std::cout << "Repeating purging loop. "
784                               << solver_->getIterationCount() << " iters."
785                               << std::endl;
786                 }
787 #           endif
788             }
789             else {
790                 needPurge = false;
791             }
792         }
793         else {
794             needPurge = false;
795         }
796     }
798     delete ws;
799     delete [] solverCutIndices;
800     delete [] newCutIndices;
801 }
802 #endif
804 //#############################################################################
805 #if 1
806 //void
807 //AbcModel::takeOffCuts(OsiCuts &newCuts, int *whichGenerator,
808 //                    int &numberOldActiveCuts, int &numberNewCuts,
809 //                    bool allowResolve)
810 void
takeOffCuts()811 AbcModel::takeOffCuts()
812 {
813 //    assert(!numberOldActiveCuts);
814     int totalNumberCuts = solver()->getNumRows() - numberRowsAtContinuous_;
815     int *solverCutIndices = new int[totalNumberCuts];
816     //  const CoinWarmStartBasis* ws;
818     for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberCuts; ++i) {
819         solverCutIndices[i] = i + numberRowsAtContinuous_;
820     }
822     // Delete all new cuts
823     solver_->deleteRows(totalNumberCuts, solverCutIndices);
824     solver_->setWarmStart(sharedBasis_);
825     //numberOldActiveCuts = numberNewCuts = 0;
826     delete []  solverCutIndices;
827 }
828 #endif
830 //#############################################################################
831 /**
832   This routine sets the objective cutoff value used for fathoming and
833   determining monotonic variables.
835   If the fathoming discipline is strict, a small tolerance is added to the
836   new cutoff. This avoids problems due to roundoff when the target value
837   is exact. The common example would be an IP with only integer variables in
838   the objective. If the target is set to the exact value z of the optimum,
839   it's possible to end up fathoming an ancestor of the solution because the
840   solver returns z+epsilon.
842   Determining if strict fathoming is needed is best done by analysis.
843   In sbb, that's analyseObjective. The default is false.
845   In sbb we always minimize so add epsilon
846 */
setCutoff(double value)847 void AbcModel::setCutoff (double value)
848 {
849     double tol = 0;
850     int fathomStrict = getIntParam(AbcFathomDiscipline);
851     double direction = solver_->getObjSense();
852     if (fathomStrict == 1) {
853         solver_->getDblParam(OsiDualTolerance, tol);
854         tol = tol * (1 + fabs(value));
855         value += tol;
856     }
858     // Solvers know about direction
859     solver_->setDblParam(OsiDualObjectiveLimit, value * direction);
860 }
createRoot()864 AlpsTreeNode * AbcModel::createRoot() {
865   return new AbcTreeNode();
866 }
870 //#############################################################################
871 // Initial solve and find integers
872 bool
setupSelf()873 AbcModel::setupSelf()
874 {
875     bool feasible = true;
876     solver_->messageHandler()->setLogLevel(0);
877     initialSolve();
878     sharedBasis_ = dynamic_cast<CoinWarmStartBasis*>
879         (solver_->getWarmStart());
881 # ifdef ABC_DEBUG_MORE
882     std::string problemName;
883     solver_->getStrParam(OsiProbName, problemName);
884     printf("Problem name - %s\n", problemName.c_str());
885     solver_->setHintParam(OsiDoReducePrint, false, OsiHintDo, 0);
886 # endif
888     status_ = 0;
890     findIntegers(true);
892     bestObjective_ = 1.0e50;
893     double direction = solver_->getObjSense();
895     int numberColumns = getNumCols();
896     if (!currentSolution_)
897         currentSolution_ = new double[numberColumns];
899     //continuousSolver_ = solver_->clone();
900     numberRowsAtContinuous_ = getNumRows();
902     maximumNumberCuts_ = 0;
903     currentNumberCuts_ = 0;
905     // FIXME:
907     return feasible;
908 }
910 //#############################################################################
911 // Send model and root so that initial solve
encode(AlpsEncoded * encoded) const912 AlpsReturnStatus AbcModel::encode(AlpsEncoded * encoded) const {
913     AlpsReturnStatus status = AlpsReturnStatusOk;
915     //------------------------------------------------------
916     // Encode Alps part.
917     //------------------------------------------------------
918     status = AlpsModel::encode(encoded);
920     //------------------------------------------------------
921     // Encode Abc part.
922     //------------------------------------------------------
924     // Write the model data into representation_
925     const CoinPackedMatrix* matrixByCol = solver_->getMatrixByCol();
926     int numRows = getNumRows();
927     encoded->writeRep(numRows);
928     int numCols = getNumCols();
929     encoded->writeRep(numCols);
930 #if defined(ABC_DEBUG_MORE)
931     std::cout << "AbcModel::encode()-- numRows="<< numRows << "; numCols="
932               << numCols << std::endl;
933 #endif
935     const double* collb = solver_->getColLower();
936     encoded->writeRep(collb, numCols);
937     const double* colub = solver_->getColUpper();
938     encoded->writeRep(colub, numCols);
939     const double* obj = solver_->getObjCoefficients();
940     encoded->writeRep(obj, numCols);
941     const double objSense = solver_->getObjSense();
942     encoded->writeRep(objSense);
943     const double* rowlb = solver_->getRowLower();
944     encoded->writeRep(rowlb, numRows);
945     const double* rowub = solver_->getRowUpper();
946     encoded->writeRep(rowub, numRows);
947     int numElements = solver_->getNumElements();
948     encoded->writeRep(numElements);
949     const double* elementValue = matrixByCol->getElements();
950     encoded->writeRep(elementValue, numElements);
951     const CoinBigIndex* colStart = matrixByCol->getVectorStarts();
952     int numStart = numCols + 1;
953     encoded->writeRep(colStart, numStart);
954     const int* index = matrixByCol->getIndices();
955     encoded->writeRep(index, numElements);
956     encoded->writeRep(numberIntegers_);
957     encoded->writeRep(integerVariable_, numberIntegers_);
958 #if defined(ABC_DEBUG_MORE)
959     std::cout << "AbcModel::encode()-- objSense="<< objSense
960               << "; numElements="<< numElements
961               << "; numberIntegers_=" << numberIntegers_
962               << "; numStart = " << numStart <<std::endl;
963 #endif
964 #if defined(ABC_DEBUG_MORE)
965     std::cout << "rowub=";
966     for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i){
967         std::cout <<rowub[i]<<" ";
968     }
969     std::cout << std::endl;
970     std::cout << "elementValue=";
971     for (int j = 0; j < numElements; ++j) {
972         std::cout << elementValue[j] << " ";
973     }
974     std::cout << std::endl;
975 #endif
977     return status;
978 }
980 //#############################################################################
981 // Decode and load model data to LP solver.
decodeToSelf(AlpsEncoded & encoded)982 AlpsReturnStatus AbcModel::decodeToSelf(AlpsEncoded & encoded) {
983     AlpsReturnStatus status = AlpsReturnStatusOk;
985     //------------------------------------------------------
986     // Decode Alps part.
987     //------------------------------------------------------
989     status = AlpsModel::decodeToSelf(encoded);
991     //------------------------------------------------------
992     // Decode Abc part.
993     //------------------------------------------------------
995     int numRows;
996     encoded.readRep(numRows);
997     int numCols;
998     encoded.readRep(numCols);
999 #if defined(ABC_DEBUG_MORE)
1000     std::cout << "AbcModel::decode()-- numRows="<< numRows << "; numCols="
1001               << numCols << std::endl;
1002 #endif
1003     double* collb;
1004     encoded.readRep(collb, numCols);
1005     double* colub;
1006     encoded.readRep(colub, numCols);
1007     double* obj;
1008     encoded.readRep(obj, numCols);
1009     double objSense;
1010     encoded.readRep(objSense);
1011     double* rowlb;
1012     encoded.readRep(rowlb, numRows);
1013     double* rowub;
1014     encoded.readRep(rowub, numRows);
1015     int numElements;
1016     encoded.readRep(numElements);
1017     double* elementValue;
1018     encoded.readRep(elementValue, numElements);
1019     CoinBigIndex* colStart;
1020     int numStart = numCols + 1;
1021     encoded.readRep(colStart, numStart);
1022     int* index;
1023     encoded.readRep(index, numElements);
1024     encoded.readRep(numberIntegers_);
1025     encoded.readRep(integerVariable_, numberIntegers_);
1026 #if defined(ABC_DEBUG_MORE)
1027     std::cout << "AbcModel::decode()-- objSense="<< objSense
1028               <<  "; numElements="<< numElements
1029               << "; numberIntegers_=" << numberIntegers_
1030               << "; numStart = " << numStart <<std::endl;
1031 #endif
1032 #if defined(ABC_DEBUG_MORE)
1033     std::cout << "rowub=";
1034     for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i){
1035         std::cout <<rowub[i]<<" ";
1036     }
1037     std::cout << std::endl;
1038     std::cout << "elementValue=";
1039     for (int j = 0; j < numElements; ++j) {
1040         std::cout << elementValue[j] << " ";
1041     }
1042     std::cout << std::endl;
1043     std::cout << "index=";
1044     for (int j = 0; j < numElements; ++j) {
1045         std::cout << index[j] << " ";
1046     }
1047     std::cout << std::endl;
1048     std::cout << "colStart=";
1049     for (int j = 0; j < numElements+1; ++j) {
1050         std::cout << colStart[j] << " ";
1051     }
1052     std::cout << std::endl;
1053 #endif
1055     // Check if solver_ is declared in main
1056     assert(solver_);
1058     //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1059     // load the standardized problem into stdSi
1060 #if 0  // load matrix doesn't work. Don't know why.
1061     CoinPackedMatrix * matrixByCol =
1062         new CoinPackedMatrix(true, numCols, numRows, numElements,
1063                              elementValue, index, colStart, 0);
1064     solver_->loadProblem(*matrixByCol,
1065                          collb, colub,
1066                          obj,
1067                          rowlb, rowub);
1068 #endif
1069     //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1070     solver_->loadProblem(numCols, numRows,
1071                          colStart, index, elementValue,
1072                          collb, colub,
1073                          obj,
1074                          rowlb, rowub);
1076     solver_->setObjSense(objSense);
1077     solver_->setInteger(integerVariable_, numberIntegers_);
1079     delete [] collb;
1080     collb = NULL;
1081     delete [] colub;
1082     colub = NULL;
1083     delete [] obj;
1084     obj = NULL;
1085     delete [] rowlb;
1086     rowlb = NULL;
1087     delete [] rowub;
1088     rowub = NULL;
1089     delete [] elementValue;
1090     elementValue = NULL;
1091     delete [] colStart;
1092     colStart = NULL;
1093     delete [] index;
1094     index = NULL;
1095     return status;
1096 }
1098 /// Abc does not need this for now.
decode(AlpsEncoded & encoded) const1099 AlpsKnowledge * AbcModel::decode(AlpsEncoded & encoded) const {
1100   std::cerr << "Not implemented!" << std::endl;
1101   throw std::exception();
1102 }