1 #include "BSprivate.h"
3 /*@ BSpar_sym_solve - Solve a symmetric positive definite system of equations
4                   using conjugate gradients preconditioned by one of several
5                   preconditioners.  The rhs can be a block of vectors.  The
6 				  user should not call this function directly, but BSpar_solve().
8     Input Parameters:
9 .   BS - the number of vectors in the RHS
10 .   A - a sparse matrix
11 .   fact_A - the incomplete factored version of A, if any
12 .   comm_A - the communication structure for A
13 .   in_rhs - the contiguous block of vectors forming the rhs
14 .   pre_option - the preconditioner to use
15 $        PRE_ICC: incomplete Cholesky factorization
16 $        PRE_ILU: incomplete LU factorization
17 $        PRE_SSOR: Successive over relaxation
18 $        PRE_BJACOBI: Block Jacobi
19 .   err_tol - the tolerance to which to solve the problem
20               stop if the estimated norm of the residual divided by
21               the norm of the rhs is less than err_tol
22 .   max_iter - the maximum number of iterations to take
23 .   residual - the final computed residual
24 .   guess - if TRUE, then initialize out_x to 0, otherwise the program
25             assumes that out_x contains an initial guess
26 .   procinfo - the usual processor stuff
28     Output Parameters:
29 .   out_x - the contiguous block of vectors containing the solution
31     Returns:
32     The number of iterations or a negative number indicating the number
33     of iterations prior to finding that the matrix (or preconditioner)
34     is not positive definite.
36     Notes:
37     The preconditioners must be computed prior to calling BSpar_isolve.
38     For more information on the preconditioners, see the manual.
39  @*/
BSpar_sym_solve(int BS,BSpar_mat * A,BSpar_mat * fact_A,BScomm * comm_A,FLOAT * in_rhs,FLOAT * out_x,int pre_option,FLOAT err_tol,int max_iter,FLOAT * residual,int guess,BSprocinfo * procinfo)40 int BSpar_sym_solve(int BS, BSpar_mat *A, BSpar_mat *fact_A, BScomm *comm_A,
41 	FLOAT *in_rhs, FLOAT *out_x, int pre_option, FLOAT err_tol, int max_iter,
42 	FLOAT *residual, int guess, BSprocinfo *procinfo)
43 {
44 	int	i, j;
45 	int	cur_step, cur_phase;
46 	int	done;
47 	FLOAT	*resid, *z, *p;
48 	FLOAT	*cg_beta, *cg_alpha;
49 	FLOAT *bnorm;
50 	FLOAT *x;
51 	FLOAT *rhs;
52 	FLOAT tval;
53 	FLOAT	*t_x, *t_rhs;
54 	int	n;
56 	if(!A->symmetric) {
57 		MY_SETERRCN(PAR_SOLVE_ERROR,"Trying to solve nonsymmetric system with CG\n");
58 	}
60 	n = A->num_rows;
62 	/* reorder the rhs */
63 	MY_MALLOCN(rhs,(FLOAT *),sizeof(FLOAT)*n*BS,1);
64 	for (i=0;i<BS;i++) {
65 		BSperm_dvec(&(in_rhs[i*n]),&(rhs[i*n]),A->perm); CHKERRN(0);
66 	}
68 	/* allocate space for x */
69 	MY_MALLOCN(x,(FLOAT *),sizeof(FLOAT)*n*BS,2);
71 	/* allocate space for cg vectors */
72 	MY_MALLOCN(resid,(FLOAT *),sizeof(FLOAT)*n*BS,3);
73 	MY_MALLOCN(p,(FLOAT *),sizeof(FLOAT)*n*BS,4);
74 	MY_MALLOCN(z,(FLOAT *),sizeof(FLOAT)*n*BS,5);
75 	MY_MALLOCN(cg_alpha,(FLOAT *),sizeof(FLOAT)*BS,6);
76 	MY_MALLOCN(cg_beta,(FLOAT *),sizeof(FLOAT)*BS,7);
77 	MY_MALLOCN(bnorm,(FLOAT *),sizeof(FLOAT)*BS,8);
79 	/* form the initial guess */
80 	if (guess) {
81 		for (i=0;i<n*BS;i++) {
82 			x[i] = 0.0;
83 		}
84 	} else {
85 		for (i=0;i<BS;i++) {
86 			BSperm_dvec(&(out_x[i*n]),&(x[i*n]),A->perm); CHKERRN(0);
87 		}
88 	}
90 	/* scale the rhs and x */
91 	if(A->scale_diag!=NULL) {
92 		for (i=0;i<BS;i++) {
93 			t_rhs = &(rhs[i*n]);
94 			t_x = &(x[i*n]);
95 			for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
96 				tval = sqrt(A->scale_diag[j]);
97 				t_rhs[j] /= tval;
98 				t_x[j] *= tval;
99 			}
100 		}
101 	}
103 	/* get the norm of B */
104 	BSpar_bip(n,rhs,rhs,BS,bnorm,procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
105 	done = TRUE;
106 	for (i=0;i<BS;i++) {
107 		bnorm[i] = sqrt(bnorm[i]);
108 		if (bnorm[i] != 0.0) done = FALSE;
109 	}
110 	cur_step = 0;
111 	cur_phase = 0;
112 	while ((!done) && (cur_step < max_iter)) {
113 		switch(BSpar_bcg(n,rhs,x,resid,z,p,cg_beta,cg_alpha,
114 			&cur_step,&cur_phase,BS,procinfo)) {
115 			case CG_MATVECR: {
116 				BStri_mult(A,comm_A,NULL,NULL,x,resid,NULL,NULL,0.0,BS,
117 					procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
118 				break;
119 			}
120 			case CG_MATVECZ: {
121 				BStri_mult(A,comm_A,NULL,NULL,p,z,NULL,NULL,0.0,BS,
122 					procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
123 				break;
124 			}
125 			case CG_MSOLVE: {
126 				BSpar_bip(n,resid,resid,BS,residual,procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
127 				for (i=0;i<BS;i++) {
128 					if (bnorm[i] != 0.0) {
129 						residual[i] = sqrt(residual[i])/bnorm[i];
130 					} else {
131 						residual[i] = sqrt(residual[i]);
132 					}
133 				}
134 				done = TRUE;
135 				for (i=0;i<BS;i++) {
136 					if (residual[i] >= err_tol) done = FALSE;
137 				}
138 				if (!done) {
139 					for (i=0;i<n*BS;i++) {
140 						z[i] = resid[i];
141 					}
142 					BStri_solve(A,fact_A,comm_A,z,pre_option,BS,procinfo);
143 					CHKERRN(0);
144 				}
145 				break;
146 			}
147 			default: {
148 				return(-cur_step);
149 			}
150 		}
151 		CHKERRN(0);
152 	}
154 	BStri_mult(A,comm_A,NULL,NULL,x,resid,NULL,NULL,0.0,BS,procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
155 	for (i=0;i<n*BS;i++) {
156 		resid[i] = rhs[i]-resid[i];
157 	}
158 	BSpar_bip(n,resid,resid,BS,residual,procinfo); CHKERRN(0);
159 	for (i=0;i<BS;i++) {
160 		if (bnorm[i] != 0.0) {
161 			residual[i] = sqrt(residual[i])/bnorm[i];
162 		} else {
163 			residual[i] = sqrt(residual[i]);
164 		}
165 	}
167 	MY_FREE(z);
168 	MY_FREE(p);
169 	MY_FREE(resid);
170 	MY_FREE(cg_alpha);
171 	MY_FREE(cg_beta);
172 	MY_FREE(bnorm);
174 	/* Rescale X */
175 	if(A->scale_diag!=NULL) {
176 		for (i=0;i<BS;i++) {
177 			t_x = &(x[i*n]);
178 			for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
179 				t_x[j] /= sqrt(A->scale_diag[j]);
180 			}
181 		}
182 	}
184 	/* reorder the solution vector */
185 	for (i=0;i<BS;i++) {
186 		BSiperm_dvec(&(x[i*n]),&(out_x[i*n]),A->perm); CHKERRN(0);
187 	}
189 	MY_FREE(rhs);
190 	MY_FREE(x);
192 	/* return the number of iterations */
193 	return(cur_step);
194 }