2 #include "Algorithm.hh"
3 #include "Functional.hh"
4 #include "DisplaySympy.hh"
5 #include "properties/Depends.hh"
6 #include "properties/Accent.hh"
7 #include "properties/Derivative.hh"
8 #include <regex>
10 // #define DEBUG 1
12 using namespace cadabra;
DisplaySympy(const Kernel & kernel,const Ex & e)14 DisplaySympy::DisplaySympy(const Kernel& kernel, const Ex& e)
15 	: DisplayBase(kernel, e)
16 	{
17 	symmap = {
18 			{"\\cos", "cos"},
19 			{"\\sin", "sin"},
20 			{"\\tan", "tan"},
21 			{"\\arccos", "acos"},
22 			{"\\arcsin", "asin"},
23 			{"\\arctan", "atan"},
24 			{"\\cosh", "cosh"},
25 			{"\\sinh", "sinh"},
26 			{"\\tanh", "tanh"},
27 			{"\\arccosh", "acosh"},
28 			{"\\arcsinh", "asinh"},
29 			{"\\arctanh", "atanh"},
30 			{"\\log", "log"},
31 			{"\\int", "integrate" },
32 			{"\\matrix", "Matrix" },
33 			{"\\sum", "Sum" },
34 			{"\\exp", "exp" },
35 			{"\\sqrt", "sqrt" },
36 			{"\\equals", "Eq" },
38 			{"\\infty", "sympy.oo"},
39 			{"\\hbar",   "hbar"},
41 			{"\\alpha",   "alpha" },
42 			{"\\beta",    "bbeta" },  // beta seems to be reserved
43 			{"\\gamma",   "ggamma" }, // gamma seems to be reserved
44 			{"\\delta",   "delta" },
45 			{"\\epsilon", "epsilon" },
46 			{"\\zeta",    "zeta" },
47 			{"\\eta",     "eta" },
48 			{"\\theta",   "theta" },
49 			{"\\iota",    "iota" },
50 			{"\\kappa",   "kappa" },
51 			{"\\lambda",  "lamda" }, // lambda is reserved
52 			{"\\mu",      "mu" },
53 			{"\\nu",      "nu" },
54 			{"\\xi",      "xi" },
55 			{"\\omicron", "omicron" },
56 			{"\\pi",      "pi" },
57 			{"\\rho",     "rho" },
58 			{"\\sigma",   "sigma" },
59 			{"\\tau",     "tau" },
60 			{"\\upsilon", "upsilon" },
61 			{"\\phi",     "phi" },
62 			{"\\varphi",  "varphi" },
63 			{"\\chi",     "chi" },
64 			{"\\psi",     "psi" },
65 			{"\\omega",   "omega" },
67 			{"\\Alpha",   "Alpha" },
68 			{"\\Beta",    "Beta" },
69 			{"\\Gamma",   "Gamma" },
70 			{"\\Delta",   "Delta" },
71 			{"\\Epsilon", "Epsilon" },
72 			{"\\Zeta",    "Zeta" },
73 			{"\\Eta",     "Eta" },
74 			{"\\Theta",   "Theta" },
75 			{"\\Iota",    "Iota" },
76 			{"\\Kappa",   "Kappa" },
77 			{"\\Lambda",  "Lamda" },
78 			{"\\Mu",      "Mu" },
79 			{"\\Nu",      "Nu" },
80 			{"\\Xi",      "Xi" },
81 			{"\\Omicron", "Omicron" },
82 			{"\\Pi",      "Pi" },
83 			{"\\Rho",     "Rho" },
84 			{"\\Sigma",   "Sigma" },
85 			{"\\Tau",     "Tau" },
86 			{"\\Upsilon", "Upsilon" },
87 			{"\\Phi",     "Phi" },
88 			{"\\Chi",     "Chi" },
89 			{"\\Psi",     "Psi" },
90 			{"\\Omega",   "Omega" },
92 			{"\\partial", "Derivative"},
93 			{"\\dot",     "dot"},
94 			{"\\ddot",    "ddot"},
96 		// A few symbols are reserved by sympy.
97 			{"N", "sympyN"},
98 			{"O", "sympyO"},
99 			{"S", "sympyS"}
100 		};
102 	regex_map = {
103 			{"Integral",   "\\int"   }
104 		};
106 	}
108 //TODO: complete this list (take from Sympy)
needs_brackets(Ex::iterator it)110 bool DisplaySympy::needs_brackets(Ex::iterator it)
111 	{
112 	// FIXME: may need looking at properties
113 	// FIXME: write as individual parent/current tests
114 	if(tree.is_head(it)) return false;
116 	std::string parent=*tree.parent(it)->name;
117 	std::string child =*it->name;
119 	if(parent=="\\prod" || parent=="\\frac" || parent=="\\pow") {
120 		if(parent=="\\pow" && *it->multiplier<0) return true;
121 		if(child=="\\sum") return true;
122 		if(parent=="\\pow" && ( (tree.index(it)==0 && !it->is_integer()) || child=="\\sum" || child=="\\prod" || child=="\\pow")  ) return true;
123 		}
124 	else if(it->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_none) {
125 		if(*it->name=="\\sum") return false;
126 		}
127 	else {
128 		if(*it->name=="\\sum")  return true;
129 		if(*it->name=="\\prod") return true;
130 		}
131 	return false;
132 	}
print_other(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it)135 void DisplaySympy::print_other(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it)
136 	{
137 	if(needs_brackets(it))
138 		str << "(";
140 	// print multiplier and object name
141 	if(*it->multiplier!=1)
142 		print_multiplier(str, it);
144 	if(*it->name=="1") {
145 		if(*it->multiplier==1 || (*it->multiplier==-1)) // this would print nothing altogether.
146 			str << "1";
148 		if(needs_brackets(it))
149 			str << ")";
150 		return;
151 		}
153 	//	const Accent *ac=properties.get<Accent>(it);
154 	//	if(!ac) { // accents should never get additional curly brackets, {\bar}{g} does not print.
155 	//		Ex::sibling_iterator sib=tree.begin(it);
156 	//		while(sib!=tree.end(it)) {
157 	//			if(sib->is_index())
158 	//				needs_extra_brackets=true;
159 	//			++sib;
160 	//			}
161 	//		}
163 	auto rn = symmap.find(*it->name);
164 	if(rn!=symmap.end())
165 		str << rn->second;
166 	else
167 		str << *it->name;
169 	print_children(str, it);
171 	if(needs_brackets(it))
172 		str << ")";
173 	}
print_children(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it,int)175 void DisplaySympy::print_children(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it, int )
176 	{
177 	// Sympy has no notion of children with different parent relations; it's all
178 	// functions of functions kind of stuff. What we will do is print upper and
179 	// lower indices as 'UP(..)' and 'DN(..)' type arguments, and then convert
180 	// them back later.
182 	// We need to know if the symbol has implicit dependence on other symbols,
183 	// as this needs to be made explicit for sympy. We need to strip this
184 	// dependence off later again.
186 	const Depends *dep=kernel.properties.get<Depends>(it);
187 	if(dep) {
188 		depsyms[it->name]=dep->dependencies(kernel, it);
189 		//		std::cerr << *it->name << "depends on " << depsyms[it->name] << std::endl;
190 		}
192 	Ex::sibling_iterator ch=tree.begin(it);
193 	if(ch!=tree.end(it) || dep!=0) {
194 		str << "(";
195 		bool first=true;
196 		while(ch!=tree.end(it)) {
197 			if(first) first=false;
198 			else      str << ", ";
199 			if(ch->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_super)
200 				str << "UP";
201 			if(ch->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_sub)
202 				str << "DN";
204 			dispatch(str, ch);
206 			//			if(ch->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_super || ch->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_sub)
207 			//				str << ")";
208 			++ch;
209 			}
210 		if(dep) {
211 			if(!first) str << ", ";
212 			Ex deplist=dep->dependencies(kernel, it);
213 			// deplist is always a \comma node
214 			auto sib=tree.begin(deplist.begin());
215 			while(sib!=tree.end(deplist.begin())) {
216 				const Derivative *dep_is_derivative=kernel.properties.get<Derivative>(sib);
217 				if(dep_is_derivative)
218 					throw RuntimeException("Dependencies on derivatives are not yet handled in the SymPy bridge");
219 				dispatch(str, sib);
220 				++sib;
221 				if(sib!=tree.end(deplist.begin()))
222 					str << ", ";
223 				}
224 			//
225 			//			DisplaySympy ds(kernel, deplist);
226 			//			ds.output(str);
227 			}
228 		str << ")";
229 		}
230 	}
print_multiplier(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it)232 void DisplaySympy::print_multiplier(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it)
233 	{
234 	bool suppress_star=false;
235 	mpz_class denom=it->multiplier->get_den();
237 	if(denom!=1) {
238 		if(false && it->multiplier->get_num()<0)
239 			str << "(" << it->multiplier->get_num() << ")";
240 		else
241 			str << it->multiplier->get_num();
242 		str << "/" << it->multiplier->get_den();
243 		}
244 	else if(*it->multiplier==-1) {
245 		str << "-";
246 		suppress_star=true;
247 		}
248 	else {
249 		str << *it->multiplier;
250 		}
252 	if(!suppress_star && !(*it->name=="1"))
253 		str << "*";
254 	}
print_opening_bracket(std::ostream & str,str_node::bracket_t br)256 void DisplaySympy::print_opening_bracket(std::ostream& str, str_node::bracket_t br)
257 	{
258 	switch(br) {
259 		case str_node::b_none:
260 			str << ")";
261 			break;
262 		case str_node::b_pointy:
263 			str << "\\<";
264 			break;
265 		case str_node::b_curly:
266 			str << "\\{";
267 			break;
268 		case str_node::b_round:
269 			str << "(";
270 			break;
271 		case str_node::b_square:
272 			str << "[";
273 			break;
274 		default :
275 			return;
276 		}
277 	}
print_closing_bracket(std::ostream & str,str_node::bracket_t br)279 void DisplaySympy::print_closing_bracket(std::ostream& str, str_node::bracket_t br)
280 	{
281 	switch(br) {
282 		case str_node::b_none:
283 			str << ")";
284 			break;
285 		case str_node::b_pointy:
286 			str << "\\>";
287 			break;
288 		case str_node::b_curly:
289 			str << "\\}";
290 			break;
291 		case str_node::b_round:
292 			str << ")";
293 			break;
294 		case str_node::b_square:
295 			str << "]";
296 			break;
297 		default :
298 			return;
299 		}
300 	}
print_parent_rel(std::ostream & str,str_node::parent_rel_t pr,bool)302 void DisplaySympy::print_parent_rel(std::ostream& str, str_node::parent_rel_t pr, bool )
303 	{
304 	switch(pr) {
305 		case str_node::p_super:
306 			str << "^";
307 			break;
308 		case str_node::p_sub:
309 			str << "_";
310 			break;
311 		case str_node::p_property:
312 			str << "$";
313 			break;
314 		case str_node::p_exponent:
315 			str << "**";
316 			break;
317 		case str_node::p_none:
318 			break;
319 		case str_node::p_components:
320 			break;
321 		case str_node::p_invalid:
322 			throw std::logic_error("DisplaySympy: p_invalid not handled.");
323 		}
324 	}
dispatch(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it)326 void DisplaySympy::dispatch(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it)
327 	{
328 	// The node names below should only be reserved node names; all others
329 	// should be looked up using properties. FIXME
330 	if(*it->name=="\\prod")        print_productlike(str, it, "*");
331 	else if(*it->name=="\\sum")    print_sumlike(str, it);
332 	else if(*it->name=="\\frac")   print_fraclike(str, it);
333 	else if(*it->name=="\\comma")  print_commalike(str, it);
334 	else if(*it->name=="\\arrow")  print_arrowlike(str, it);
335 	else if(*it->name=="\\pow")    print_powlike(str, it);
336 	else if(*it->name=="\\int")    print_intlike(str, it);
337 	else if(*it->name=="\\sum")    print_intlike(str, it);
338 	else if(*it->name=="\\equals") print_equalitylike(str, it);
339 	else if(*it->name=="\\components") print_components(str, it);
340 	else if(*it->name=="\\partial") print_partial(str, it);
341 	else if(*it->name=="\\matrix") print_matrix(str, it);
342 	else                           print_other(str, it);
343 	}
print_commalike(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it)345 void DisplaySympy::print_commalike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it)
346 	{
347 	Ex::sibling_iterator sib=tree.begin(it);
348 	bool first=true;
349 	str << "[";
350 	while(sib!=tree.end(it)) {
351 		if(first)
352 			first=false;
353 		else
354 			str << ", ";
355 		dispatch(str, sib);
356 		++sib;
357 		}
358 	str << "]";
359 	//print_closing_bracket(str, (*it).fl.bracket, str_node::p_none);
360 	}
print_arrowlike(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it)362 void DisplaySympy::print_arrowlike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it)
363 	{
364 	Ex::sibling_iterator sib=tree.begin(it);
365 	str << "rule(";
366 	dispatch(str, sib);
367 	str << ", ";
368 	++sib;
369 	dispatch(str, sib);
370 	str << ")";
371 	}
print_fraclike(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it)373 void DisplaySympy::print_fraclike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it)
374 	{
375 	Ex::sibling_iterator num=tree.begin(it), den=num;
376 	++den;
378 	if(*it->multiplier!=1) {
379 		print_multiplier(str, it);
380 		}
381 	dispatch(str, num);
383 	str << "/(";
385 	dispatch(str, den);
387 	str << ")";
388 	}
print_productlike(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it,const std::string & inbetween)390 void DisplaySympy::print_productlike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it, const std::string& inbetween)
391 	{
392 	if(needs_brackets(it))
393 		str << "(";
395 	if(*it->multiplier!=1) {
396 		print_multiplier(str, it);
397 		//		Ex::sibling_iterator st=tree.begin(it);
398 		}
400 	// To print \prod{\sum{a}{b}}{\sum{c}{d}} correctly:
401 	// If there is any sum as child, and if the sum children do not
402 	// all have the same bracket type (different from b_none or b_no),
403 	// then print brackets.
405 	str_node::bracket_t previous_bracket_=str_node::b_invalid;
406 //	bool beginning_of_group=true;
407 	Ex::sibling_iterator ch=tree.begin(it);
408 	while(ch!=tree.end(it)) {
409 		str_node::bracket_t current_bracket_=(*ch).fl.bracket;
410 		if(previous_bracket_!=current_bracket_) {
411 			if(current_bracket_!=str_node::b_none) {
412 				print_opening_bracket(str, current_bracket_);
413 //				beginning_of_group=true;
414 				}
415 			}
416 		dispatch(str, ch);
417 		++ch;
418 		if(ch==tree.end(it)) {
419 			if(current_bracket_!=str_node::b_none)
420 				print_closing_bracket(str, current_bracket_);
421 			}
423 		if(ch!=tree.end(it)) {
424 			str << inbetween;
425 			}
426 		previous_bracket_=current_bracket_;
427 		}
429 	if(needs_brackets(it))
430 		str << ")";
431 	//	if(close_bracket) str << ")";
432 	}
print_sumlike(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it)434 void DisplaySympy::print_sumlike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it)
435 	{
436 	assert(*it->multiplier==1);
438 	if(needs_brackets(it))
439 		str << "(";
441 	unsigned int steps=0;
443 	Ex::sibling_iterator ch=tree.begin(it);
444 	while(ch!=tree.end(it)) {
445 		if(++steps==20) {
446 			steps=0;
447 			}
448 		if(*ch->multiplier>=0 && ch!=tree.begin(it))
449 			str << "+";
451 		dispatch(str, ch);
452 		++ch;
453 		}
455 	if(needs_brackets(it))
456 		str << ")";
457 	str << std::flush;
458 	}
print_powlike(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it)460 void DisplaySympy::print_powlike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it)
461 	{
462 	if(needs_brackets(it))
463 		str << "(";
465 	Ex::sibling_iterator sib=tree.begin(it);
466 	if(*it->multiplier!=1)
467 		print_multiplier(str, it);
468 	dispatch(str, sib);
469 	str << "**(";
470 	++sib;
471 	dispatch(str, sib);
472 	str << ")";
474 	if(needs_brackets(it))
475 		str << ")";
476 	}
print_intlike(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it)478 void DisplaySympy::print_intlike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it)
479 	{
480 	if(*it->multiplier!=1)
481 		print_multiplier(str, it);
482 	str << symmap[*it->name] << "(";
483 	Ex::sibling_iterator sib=tree.begin(it);
484 	dispatch(str, sib);
485 	++sib;
486 	while(tree.is_valid(sib)) {
487 		str << ", ";
488 		dispatch(str, sib);
489 		++sib;
490 		}
491 	str << ")";
492 	}
print_equalitylike(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it)494 void DisplaySympy::print_equalitylike(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it)
495 	{
496 	str << "Eq(";
497 	Ex::sibling_iterator sib=tree.begin(it);
498 	dispatch(str, sib);
499 	str << ", ";
500 	++sib;
501 	if(sib==tree.end(it))
502 		throw ConsistencyException("Found equals node with only one child node.");
503 	dispatch(str, sib);
504 	str << ")";
505 	}
print_components(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it)507 void DisplaySympy::print_components(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it)
508 	{
509 	str << *it->name;
510 	auto sib=tree.begin(it);
511 	auto end=tree.end(it);
512 	--end;
513 	while(sib!=end) {
514 		dispatch(str, sib);
515 		++sib;
516 		}
517 	str << "\n";
518 	sib=tree.begin(end);
519 	while(sib!=tree.end(end)) {
520 		str << "    ";
521 		dispatch(str, sib);
522 		str << "\n";
523 		++sib;
524 		}
525 	}
print_partial(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it)527 void DisplaySympy::print_partial(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it)
528 	{
529 	if(*it->multiplier!=1)
530 		print_multiplier(str, it);
532 	str << "diff(";
533 	Ex::sibling_iterator sib=tree.begin(it);
534 	while(sib!=tree.end(it)) {
535 		if(sib->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_none) {
536 			dispatch(str, sib);
537 			break;
538 			}
539 		++sib;
540 		}
541 	// write the implicit direction of the derivative, if any.
542 	const Derivative *derivative = kernel.properties.get<Derivative>(it);
543 	if(derivative) {
544 		if(derivative->with_respect_to.size()>0) {
545 			str << ", ";
546 			dispatch(str, derivative->with_respect_to.begin());
547 			}
548 		}
550 	// write the explicit direction(s) of the derivative.
551 	sib=tree.begin(it);
552 	while(sib!=tree.end(it)) {
553 		if(sib->fl.parent_rel!=str_node::p_none) {
554 			str << ", ";
555 			dispatch(str, sib);
556 			}
557 		++sib;
558 		}
559 	str << ")";
560 	}
print_matrix(std::ostream & str,Ex::iterator it)562 void DisplaySympy::print_matrix(std::ostream& str, Ex::iterator it)
563 	{
564 	str << "Matrix([";
565 	auto comma=tree.begin(it);
566 	Ex::sibling_iterator row_it = tree.begin(comma);
567 	while(row_it!=tree.end(comma)) {
568 		if(row_it!=tree.begin(comma)) str << ", ";
569 		Ex::sibling_iterator col_it = tree.begin(row_it);
570 		str << "[";
571 		while(col_it!=tree.end(row_it)) {
572 			if(col_it!=tree.begin(row_it)) str << ", ";
573 			dispatch(str, col_it);
574 			++col_it;
575 			}
576 		str << "]";
577 		++row_it;
578 		}
579 	str << "])";
580 	}
children_have_brackets(Ex::iterator ch) const582 bool DisplaySympy::children_have_brackets(Ex::iterator ch) const
583 	{
584 	Ex::sibling_iterator chlds=tree.begin(ch);
585 	str_node::bracket_t childbr=chlds->fl.bracket;
586 	if(childbr==str_node::b_none || childbr==str_node::b_no)
587 		return false;
588 	else return true;
589 	}
preparse_import(const std::string & in)591 std::string DisplaySympy::preparse_import(const std::string& in)
592 	{
593 #ifdef DEBUG
594 	std::cerr << "DisplaySympy::preparse_import" << std::endl;
595 #endif
596 	std::string ret = in;
597 	for(auto& r: regex_map) {
598 #ifdef DEBUG
599 		std::cerr << "Replacing " << r.first << " with " << r.second << std::endl;
600 #endif
601 		ret = std::regex_replace(ret, std::regex(r.first), r.second);
602 		}
603 	return ret;
604 	}
import(Ex & ex)606 void DisplaySympy::import(Ex& ex)
607 	{
608 	cadabra::do_subtree(ex, ex.begin(), [&](Ex::iterator it) -> Ex::iterator {
609 		for(auto& m: symmap)
610 			{
611 			// If we have converted the name of this symbol, convert back.
612 			if(m.second==*it->name) {
613 				it->name=name_set.insert(m.first).first;
614 				break;
615 				}
616 			}
617 		// See if we have added dependencies to this symbol (lookup in map).
618 		// If yes, strip them off again.
619 		auto fnd = depsyms.find(it->name);
620 		if(fnd!=depsyms.end())
621 			{
622 			auto args=ex.begin(it);
623 			// Strip out only those symbols which have been added.
624 			while(args!=ex.end(it)) {
625 				if(args->fl.parent_rel==str_node::p_none) {
626 					auto findsib=fnd->second.begin(fnd->second.begin());
627 					bool removed=false;
628 					while(findsib!=fnd->second.end(fnd->second.begin())) {
629 						if(subtree_equal(0, findsib, args)) {
630 							args=ex.erase(args);
631 							removed=true;
632 							break;
633 							}
634 						++findsib;
635 						}
636 					if(!removed)
637 						++args;
638 					}
639 				else
640 					++args;
641 				}
642 			//				std::cerr << "stripping from " << *it->name << std::endl;
643 			////				if(*ex.begin(it)->name=="\\comma")
644 			//				ex.erase(ex.begin(it));
645 			}
647 		// Move child nodes of partial to the right place.
648 		if(*it->name=="\\partial")
649 			{
650 			auto args = ex.begin(it);
651 			++args;
652 			while(args!=ex.end(it)) {
653 				auto nxt=args;
654 				++nxt;
655 				auto loc = ex.move_before(ex.begin(it), args);
656 				loc->fl.parent_rel=str_node::p_sub;
658 				// If the argument is \comma{x}{n} expand this to 'n' arguments 'x'.
659 				// This is to handle Sympy returning 'Derivative(f(x), (x,2))' for the
660 				// 2nd order derivative.
662 				if(*loc->name=="\\comma") {
663 #ifdef DEBUG
664 					std::cerr << loc << std::endl;
665 #endif
666 					auto x=ex.begin(loc);
667 					auto n=x;
668 					++n;
669 					if(! n->is_integer())
670 						throw RuntimeException("DisplaySympy::import received un-parseable Derivative expression.");
671 					int nn=to_long(*n->multiplier);
672 					for(int k=0; k<nn; ++k)
673 						ex.insert_subtree(loc, x)->fl.parent_rel=str_node::p_sub;
674 					ex.erase(loc);
675 #ifdef DEBUG
676 					std::cerr << it << std::endl;
677 #endif
678 					}
681 				args=nxt;
682 				}
684 			// Strip subscripts which are the same as the 'with_respect_to' member of the
685 			// derivative (if any), as these are implicit in Cadabra. This is tricky, because
686 			// a multiple derivative with respect to this argument needs to be replaced
687 			// with a multiple nesting of the derivative operator itself, e.g.
688 			//   \partial{\partial{r}} -> diff(diff(r(t),t),t) -> diff(r(t),t,t)
690 			const Derivative *derivative = kernel.properties.get<Derivative>(it);
691 			if(derivative) {
692 #ifdef DEBUG
693 				std::cerr << "is proper derivative" << std::endl;
694 #endif
695 				if(derivative->with_respect_to.size()>0) {
696 					auto it_copy=it;
697 					args=ex.begin(it_copy);
698 					bool first=true;
699 					while(args!=ex.end(it_copy)) {
700 #ifdef DEBUG
701 						std::cerr << "Comparing: " << args << std::endl
702 									 << "and " << derivative->with_respect_to.begin()
703 									 << std::endl;
704 #endif
706 						if(subtree_equal(0, args, derivative->with_respect_to.begin(), 0) ) {
707 							args=ex.erase(args);
708 							if(first) {
709 								first=false;
710 								}
711 							else {
712 								it=ex.wrap(it, str_node(it->name));
713 								}
714 							}
715 						else
716 							++args;
717 						}
718 					}
719 				}
720 			else {
721 #ifdef DEBUG
722 				std::cerr << it << " is not a proper derivative" << std::endl;
723 #endif
725 				}
727 			//				ex.flatten(comma);
728 			//				ex.erase(comma);
729 			//				}
730 			}
732 		return it;
733 			});
734 	}