1 /*  tunfl2.c    CCMATH mathematics library source code.
2  *
3  *  Copyright (C)  2000   Daniel A. Atkinson    All rights reserved.
4  *  This code may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU library
5  *  public license (LGPL). ( See the lgpl.license file for details.)
6  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
7  */
8 /*
9      Test:  unfl2()  setunfl2()
11      Input parameters: s -> unsigned integer: pseudorandom seed
12                        n -> integer: sample size
13 */
14 #include <math.h>
15 #include "ccmath.h"
main(int na,char ** av)16 void main(int na,char **av)
17 { double x,xm,ssq; unsigned int s;
18   int n,i,p;
19   if(na!=3){ printf("para: seed(hex) size\n"); exit(-1);}
20   sscanf(*++av,"%x",&s); n=atoi(*++av);
21   printf(" seed= %x\n",s);
22   printf(" sample size= %d\n",n);
23   if(n>1000) p=0; else p=1;
24 /* initialize pseudorandom uniform generator */
25   setunfl2(s);
27   xm=ssq=0.;
28   for(i=0; i<n ;++i){
30 /* generate a random number on [0,1] */
31     x=unfl2();
33     if(p) printf(" %4d  %f\n",i,x);
34     xm+=x; x-=.5; ssq+=x*x;
35    }
36   printf(" xmean= %e  mean-sq= %e\n",xm/n,ssq/n);
37 }
38 /* Test output
40  seed= f53814d1
41  sample size= 20
42     0  0.245931
43     1  0.591419
44     2  0.356836
45     3  0.211378
46     4  0.533397
47     5  0.319682
48     6  0.682214
49     7  0.359572
50     8  0.980991
51     9  0.025067
52    10  0.707456
53    11  0.038997
54    12  0.656155
55    13  0.022205
56    14  0.300957
57    15  0.842522
58    16  0.134199
59    17  0.437262
60    18  0.451750
61    19  0.227005
62  xmean= 4.062498e-01  mean-sq= 7.999734e-02
63 */