1Release History
4[Release 5.3](https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/releases/tag/v5.3)
7Release date: July 2021
9### [General changes](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/general_intro.html)
11-   The support for the compiled version of CGAL is dropped. Only the header-only version is supported.
13-   On Windows, the type used for `Exact_rational`, in `Epick` and indirectly (through `Lazy_exact_nt`)
14   `Epeck` may now be `boost::multiprecision::mpq_rational`, as has been the case on other platforms
15   for several releases. This depends on various options and is added to a list that includes
16   `mpq_class`, `CGAL::Gmpq`, `leda_rational` and `CGAL::Quotient<CGAL::MP_Float>`.
18### [Quadtrees, Octrees, and Orthtrees](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgOrthtree) (new package)
20-   This package implements a tree data structure in which each node encloses a hypercubic section
21    of space and each non-leave node has hypercubic children whose edge lengths are half its edge length.
22    Such a data structure is known as a quadtree in 2D, an octree in 3D, and is generalized
23    as an "orthtree" in higher dimensions.
25### [Triangulations on the Sphere](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgTriangulationOnSphere2) (new package)
27-   This package enables the construction and manipulation of Delaunay triangulations on the 2-sphere.
28    Triangulations are built incrementally and can be modified by insertion or removal of vertices.
29    Point location querying and primitives to build the dual Voronoi diagram are provided.
31### File Input / Output
33-   Point set, polygon soup, and polygon mesh file I/O functions have been harmonized and documented:
34    -   Point set I/O functions can be found in the packages [Point_set_processing_3](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgPolygonMeshProcessing), and [Point_set_3](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgPointSet3).
35    -   Polygon mesh I/O functions can be found in the package [BGL](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgBGL).
36    -   Polygon soup I/O can be found in the package [Stream_support](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgStreamSupport).
38A comprehensive list of the supported file formats is available in the Stream_support package
40inversely, the following [page](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Stream_support/IOStreamSupportedFileFormats.html)
41can be used to find out which CGAL data structures can be used given a specific file format.
43### [Requirements](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/thirdparty.html)
45-   The CMake minimal version is now `3.14`.
46-   The GNU compiler g++ versions 6 and 7 are no longer tested. Only version 8.3 or later are supported
48### [2D and 3D Linear Geometry Kernel](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgKernel23)
50-   Added `is_translation()`, `is_scaling()`, `is_reflection()`, and `is_rotation()` to the classes
51    [`Aff_transformation_2`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Kernel_23/classCGAL_1_1Aff__transformation__2.html)
52    and [`Aff_transformation_3`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Kernel_23/classCGAL_1_1Aff__transformation__3.html),
53    which enable determining if the transformations use a specialized representation internally.
55### [2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgBooleanSetOperations2)
56-   Added documentation for the free functions [`oriented_side(const Point_2& p, ....)`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Boolean_set_operations_2/group__boolean__oriented__side.html)
57    that accept a point and a polygon.
58-   Documentation has been improved across the whole package.
60### [Polygon Mesh Processing](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgPolygonMeshProcessing)
62-   Added the class [`CGAL::Polyhedral_envelope`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Polygon_mesh_processing/structCGAL_1_1Polyhedral__envelope.html),
63    providing a way to quickly check if a primitive (point, segment, or triangle)
64    is within a polyhedral envelope around a set of triangles. It is based on the work of
65    Bolun Wang, Teseo Schneider, Yixin Hu, Marco Attene, and Daniele Panozzo.
66    "Exact and efficient polyhedral envelope containment check." (ACM Trans. Graph., 39-4, July 2020).
67-   Added more functions in the [visitor of the corefinement based methods](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Polygon_mesh_processing/classPMPCorefinementVisitor.html)
68    to track all edge creations.
70### [Surface Mesh Topology](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgSurfaceMeshTopologySummary)
71-   Added the function [`CGAL::Surface_mesh_topology::Curves_on_surface_topology::is_homotopic_to_simple_cycle()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Surface_mesh_topology/classCGAL_1_1Surface__mesh__topology_1_1Curves__on__surface__topology.html#a8d7c4cba2cf2cff542f5cd93117233db),
72    which can be used to determine whehter a closed path on a surface mesh can be continously
73    transformed to a cycle without self intersection.
75### [Surface Mesh Simplification](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgSurfaceMeshSimplification)
76-   Added a filtering mechanism so that costly tests get only applied to the next candidate for the edge collapse.
77-   Added the class [`Polyhedral_envelope_filter`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Surface_mesh_simplification/classCGAL_1_1Surface__mesh__simplification_1_1Polyhedral__envelope__filter.html),
78    which enables to perform mesh simplification  inside a polyhedral envelope of the input mesh.
80### [2D Polyline Simplification](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgPolylineSimplification2)
81-   When polylines have common subsequences of vertices, these subsequences may now be simplifified simultaneously.
83### [dD Triangulations](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgTriangulations)
84-   Added the function [`insert_if_in_star()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Triangulation/classCGAL_1_1Regular__triangulation.html#aa8df2d138f341939e834bcdd7cb6c71a)
85    to the class [`CGAL::Regular_triangulation`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Triangulation/classCGAL_1_1Regular__triangulation.html),
86    which enables users to insert a point `p` in a regular triangulation on the condition that `p`
87    appears post-insertion in the star of a user-specified, existing vertex.
89### [2D and 3D Alpha Shapes](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgAlphaShapes2)
90-   **Breaking change**: The following deprecated classes have been removed: `Alpha_shape_euclidean_traits_2`,
91    `Weighted_alpha_shape_euclidean_traits_2`, `Alpha_shape_euclidean_traits_3`, and
92    `Weighted_alpha_shape_euclidean_traits_3`. All CGAL kernel can be used directly as models
93    of the concepts of the 2D and 3D Alpha Shape packages.
95### [Classification](https://doc.cgal.org/5.3/Manual/packages.html#PkgClassification)
96-   **Breaking change**: the support for TensorFlow has been dropped; the
97    classifier `CGAL::TensorFlow::Neural_network_classifier` has been removed.
100[Release 5.2](https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/releases/tag/v5.2)
103Release date: December 2020
105### [dD Geometry Kernel](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Manual/packages.html#PkgKernelD)
107-   The kernels [`Epick_d`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Kernel_d/structCGAL_1_1Epick__d.html)
108    and [`Epeck_d`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Kernel_d/structCGAL_1_1Epeck__d.html) gain two new functors:
109    [`Compute_power_product_d`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Kernel_d/classCGAL_1_1Epeck__d_1_1Compute__power__product__d.html)
110    and [`Construct_power_sphere_d`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Kernel_d/classCGAL_1_1Epeck__d_1_1Construct__power__sphere__d.html),
111    to deal with weighted points.
113### [CGAL and the Boost Graph Library (BGL)](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Manual/packages.html#PkgBGL)
115-   Added a convenience header, [`CGAL/boost/graph/graph_traits_inheritance_macros.h`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/BGL/graph__traits__inheritance__macros_8h.html),
116    which enables easily making any class inheriting from a model of a face graph concept, a model of the same concept.
117-   Added the function [`can_add_face()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/BGL/group__PkgBGLEulerOperations.html#ga7dc63595108097b6e28b04fe962135f0),
118    which tests whether a new face defined by a range of vertices can be added.
120### [3D Fast Intersection and Distance Computation (AABB Tree)](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Manual/packages.html#PkgAABBTree)
122-   Added the move constructor and the assignment operator to the
123    [AABB Tree](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/AABB_tree/classCGAL_1_1AABB__tree.html) class.
125### [2D Arrangements](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Manual/packages.html#PkgArrangementOnSurface2)
127-   Replaced the use of legacy
128    [`CGAL::Object`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/STL_Extension/classCGAL_1_1Object.html)
129    to modern `boost::variant`.
130-   Changed make-x-monotone return type from legacy
131    [`CGAL::Object`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/STL_Extension/classCGAL_1_1Object.html)
132    to `boost::variant` in all traits concepts and models.
133    As there exists an implicit conversion from `boost::variant` to `CGAL::Object`,
134    the new code is backward compatible. However, it is recommended that all calls
135    to the make-x-monotone functions are fixed to use the new return type.
136-   Changed [`decompose()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Arrangement_on_surface_2/group__PkgArrangementOnSurface2Funcs.html#gae20b2917f6de15db9bf025f83abf8e89)
137    interface to use `boost::variant` instead of legacy
138    [`CGAL::Object`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/STL_Extension/classCGAL_1_1Object.html)
139    As explained above, the code is backward compatible. However, it is recommended
140    that all calls to `decompose()` are fixed to use the new interface.
142### [Surface Mesh](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Manual/packages.html#PkgSurfaceMesh)
144-   Added the function [`clear_without_removing_property_maps()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Surface_mesh/classCGAL_1_1Surface__mesh.html#aad000a07a5ada30536f194b28b59d111)
145    to clear a mesh but keep all the created property maps added.
146-   Added the functions [`remove_property_maps<Index_type>()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Surface_mesh/classCGAL_1_1Surface__mesh.html#a2a3dd8c01f7fba7b640d85bfd1c41d90)
147    and [`remove_all_property_maps()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Surface_mesh/classCGAL_1_1Surface__mesh.html#a5696da09300f3d0eafed117668bb3bec)
148    to remove all added property maps by index type or all of them respectively.
149-   Added the functions [`set_recycle_garbage()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Surface_mesh/classCGAL_1_1Surface__mesh.html#a40ada5068bf6d529a511c46767dfd21d)
150    and [`does_recycle_garbage()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Surface_mesh/classCGAL_1_1Surface__mesh.html#a081a87aaf7e56e6b4f9afba99967f8f4)
151    to the class `Surface_mesh`.
153### [Polygon Mesh Processing](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Manual/packages.html#PkgPolygonMeshProcessing)
155-   Added a visitor to the functions
156    [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_face()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__meshing__grp.html#ga70d65044f8c7309c24ade88fa280124a)
157    and [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_faces()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__meshing__grp.html#gacaaff4d520500c530d9c3d5ebe2a0760),
158    that enables the user to keep track of the newly created faces through the triangulation process.
159-   Added an option in [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::corefine()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__corefinement__grp.html#ga6447dee822aaf92016f34512ce0b3456),
160    [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::split()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__corefinement__grp.html#gaa491feee9e41f725332bea0ea1215578)
161    and [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::clip()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__corefinement__grp.html#ga30082762ba2d947cba304e2884d96a99)
162    functions, which enable the operations to be performed on a mesh with
163    self-intersections present in the intersection area.
164-   Added an optional range parameter to [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::stitch_borders()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__repairing__grp.html#ga8ae4352e67d2b099994ac8990c13bd41),
165    which can be used to specify which boundary cycles are eligible for stitching.
167### [Surface Mesh Parameterization](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Manual/packages.html#PkgSurfaceMeshParameterization)
169-   Added a new parameterization method, [Iterative Authalic Parameterization](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Surface_mesh_parameterization/index.html#title11).
170    It is based on the work of Jain, Hardik, Manuel Wollhaf, and Olaf Hellwich,
171    "Learning to Reconstruct Symmetric Shapes using Planar Parameterization of 3D Surface."
172    (IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, 2019).
174### [Classification](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Manual/packages.html#PkgClassification)
176-   **Breaking change**: new IO format for the [`ETHZ::Random_Forest`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Classification/classCGAL_1_1Classification_1_1ETHZ_1_1Random__forest__classifier.html) classifier:
177    a conversion function from the outdated format to the new one is provided.
179-   Added new functions to the class [`CGAL::Classification::Evaluation`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Classification/classCGAL_1_1Classification_1_1Evaluation.html):
180    [`append()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Classification/classCGAL_1_1Classification_1_1Evaluation.html#a20c5fc43af44c96ce0cae40375be934f)
181    to enrich the evaluation with additional results;
182    [`confusion()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Classification/classCGAL_1_1Classification_1_1Evaluation.html#a706a85bb1deefee350ce71855bc023e9)
183    to access the confusion matrix;
184    output functions to save the evaluation to and `ASCII` or `HTML` stream.
185-   Added a new operator, [`CGAL::Classification::feature_cast<>`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Classification/group__PkgClassificationFeature.html#gaf4b1504270f25061f63f05743a17e5d1),
186    for easy conversions.
187-   The classes [`CGAL::Classification::Feature_set`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Classification/classCGAL_1_1Classification_1_1Feature__set.html)
188    and [`CGAL::Classification::Label_set`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Classification/classCGAL_1_1Classification_1_1Label__set.html)
189    are now models of the concept [`Range`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Circulator/classRange.html).
190-   The class [`CGAL::Classification::Label`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Classification/classCGAL_1_1Classification_1_1Label.html)
191    now has attributes `index`, `standard_index` and `color`,
192    with automatic selection if the ASPRS standard names are used.
193-   Added new functions in [`CGAL::Classification::Point_set_feature_iterator`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Classification/classCGAL_1_1Classification_1_1Point__set__feature__generator.html),
194    to enable users to select which features should be generated.
195-   Added a new function, [`CGAL::Classification::Label_set::is_valid_ground_truth()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Classification/classCGAL_1_1Classification_1_1Label__set.html#adeb3b046f640c091b1f123e982386e43),
196    to help users check if a ground truth matches a given label set.
198### [Point Set Processing](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Manual/packages.html#PkgPointSetProcessing3)
200-   Added a function [`CGAL::scanline_orient_normals()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Point_set_processing_3/group__PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms.html#ga221d4efde44f42aefe153cb927138efe),
201    which orients a point cloud by estimating a line of sight.
203### [3D Convex Hulls](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Manual/packages.html#PkgConvexHull3)
205-   Added the function [`CGAL::halfspace_intersection_interior_point_3()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Convex_hull_3/group__PkgConvexHull3Functions.html#ga9a1ead3126e42fbf46ef269466cddc8f),
206    which can be used to retrieve the point that is the most interior a convex closed volume
207    defined by the intersection of a set of halfspaces.
209### [3D Triangulations](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Manual/packages.html#PkgTriangulation3)
211-   Added new classes and functions to visit the cells and simplices intersected by a line segment,
212    see Sections [Segment Cell Iterator](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Triangulation_3/classCGAL_1_1Triangulation__3.html#amgrp0d087ed77bb99ca595c92d2cd2ab59b9)
213    and [Segment Simplex Iterator](https://doc.cgal.org/5.2/Triangulation_3/classCGAL_1_1Triangulation__3.html#amgrp2447c1d2dce281951a0a4d8aecd3f35d), respectively.
216[Release 5.1](https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/releases/tag/v5.1)
219Release date: September 2020
221### [Tetrahedral Remeshing](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgTetrahedralRemeshing) (new package)
223-   This package implements a tetrahedral isotropic remeshing algorithm,
224    that improves the quality of tetrahedra in terms of dihedral angles,
225    while targeting a given edge length.
227    See also the associated [blog entry](https://www.cgal.org/2020/08/07/Tetrahedral-remeshing/).
229### [Surface Mesh Topology](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgSurfaceMeshTopologySummary) (new package)
231-   This package enables the computation of some topological invariants of surfaces, such as:
232    - test if two (closed) curves on a combinatorial surface are homotopic. Users can choose
233      between free homotopy and homotopy with fixed endpoints;
234    - test is a curve is contractible;
235    - compute shortest non-contractible cycles on a surface, with or without weights on edges.
237    See also the associated [blog entry](https://www.cgal.org/2020/05/08/Surface_mesh_topology/).
239### [Optimal Bounding Box](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgOptimalBoundingBox) (new package)
241-   This package implements an optimization algorithm that aims to construct a close approximation
242    of the *optimal bounding box* of a mesh or a point set, which is defined as the smallest
243    (in terms of volume) bounding box that contains a given mesh or point set.
245    See also the associated [blog entry](https://www.cgal.org/2020/04/20/Optimal_bounding_box/).
247### Installation
249-   The CGAL\_Core library no longer requires `Boost.Thread`, even if the g++ compiler is used.
250-   The minimal supported version of Boost is now 1.66.0.
252### [Tutorials](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/tutorials.html)
254-   Two new, detailed tutorials have been added:
255    - [Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/tuto_reconstruction.html),
256      which goes over a typical full processing pipeline in a CGAL environment.
257    - [Geographic Information Systems (GIS)](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/tuto_gis.html),
258      which demonstrates usage of CGAL data structures and algorithms in the context of a typical GIS application.
260    Both tutorials provide complete code.
262### [2D and 3D Linear Geometry Kernel](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgKernel23)
264-   Added the functor [`CompareSignedDistanceToLine_2`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Kernel_23/classKernel_1_1CompareSignedDistanceToLine__2.html)
265    to the 2D/3D [`Kernel`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Kernel_23/classKernel.html) concept to compare
266    the signed distance of two points to a line, or the line passing through two given points.
267    Corresponding functors in the model ([`Compare_signed_distance_to_line_2`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Kernel_23/classKernel.html#a066d07dd592ac36ba7ee90988abd349f)) are also added.
269### [dD Geometry Kernel](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgKernelD)
271-   The kernels [`Epick_d`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Kernel_d/structCGAL_1_1Epick__d.html)
272    and [`Epeck_d`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Kernel_d/structCGAL_1_1Epeck__d.html) gain two new functors:
273    [`Power_side_of_bounded_power_sphere_d`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Kernel_d/classCGAL_1_1Epeck__d_1_1Power__side__of__bounded__power__sphere__d.html)
274    and [`Compute_squared_radius_smallest_orthogonal_sphere_d`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Kernel_d/classCGAL_1_1Epeck__d_1_1Compute__squared__radius__smallest__orthogonal__sphere__d.html).
275    Those are essential for the computation of weighted alpha-complexes.
277### [Surface Mesh](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgSurfaceMesh)
279-   **Breaking change**: The function [`CGAL::Surface_mesh::clear()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Surface_mesh/classCGAL_1_1Surface__mesh.html#a247d4ad3e6b106ae22e5306203812642)
280    now removes all non-default properties instead of just emptying them.
282### [CGAL and the Boost Graph Library (BGL)](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgBGL)
284-   Added the function [`CGAL::alpha_expansion_graphcut()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/BGL/group__PkgBGLPartition.html#ga79c3f58b577af51d1140450729d38f22),
285    which regularizes a multi-label partition over a user-defined graph.
286-   Added the function [`CGAL::regularize_face_selection_borders()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/BGL/group__PkgBGLSelectionFct.html#gac71322b0cc7d7d59447531d5e5e345b6),
287    which uses this alpha expansion graphcut to regularize the borders of a selected faces on a triangle mesh.
288-   Added the function [`CGAL::set_triangulation_ids()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/BGL/group__BGLGraphExternalIndices.html#ga1a22cf8bdde32fcdf1a4a78966eed630),
289    which must be used to initialize vertex, edge, and face indices of a triangulation meant to be used with BGL algorithms.
291### [3D Fast Intersection and Distance Computation (AABB Tree)](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgAABBTree)
293-   The behavior of the internal search tree used to accelerate distance queries has changed:
294    usage of the internal search tree will now be enabled by default, and its construction
295    will be triggered by the first distance query. Automatic construction and usage can be disabled
296    by calling [`CGAL::AABB_tree::do_not_accelerate_distance_queries()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/AABB_tree/classCGAL_1_1AABB__tree.html#abde62f52ccdf411847151aa5000ba4a4)
297    before the first distance query, and the tree can be built at any moment by calling
298    [`CGAL::AABB_tree::accelerate_distance_queries()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/AABB_tree/classCGAL_1_1AABB__tree.html#a5d3877d3f2afbd09341eb4b8c230080b).
299-   **Breaking change**: [`CGAL::AABB_tree::accelerate_distance_queries()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/AABB_tree/classCGAL_1_1AABB__tree.html#a5d3877d3f2afbd09341eb4b8c230080b)
300    and [`CGAL::AABB_tree::do_not_accelerate_distance_queries()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/AABB_tree/classCGAL_1_1AABB__tree.html#abde62f52ccdf411847151aa5000ba4a4)
301    are no longer `const` functions.
303### [2D Arrangements](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgArrangementOnSurface2)
305 -   Changed intersection return type from legacy [`CGAL::Object`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/STL_Extension/classCGAL_1_1Object.html)
306     to modern `boost::variant` in all traits concepts and models.
307     As there exists an implicit conversion from `boost::variant` to `CGAL::Object`, the
308     new code is backward compatible. However, it is recommended that all calls
309     to the intersection functions are fixed to use the new return type.
311### [2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgBooleanSetOperations2)
313 -   Changed intersection return type from legacy [`CGAL::Object`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/STL_Extension/classCGAL_1_1Object.html)
314     to modern `boost::variant` in the concept [`ArrDirectionalTraits::Intersect_2`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Boolean_set_operations_2/namespaceArrDirectionalTraits.html)
315     and its models.
317### [2D Minkowski Sums](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgMinkowskiSum2)
319 -   Changed intersection return type from legacy [`CGAL::Object`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/STL_Extension/classCGAL_1_1Object.html)
320     to modern `boost::variant` in the (internally used) model `Arr_labeled_traits_2`.
322### [dD Spatial Searching](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgSpatialSearchingD)
324-   The kd-tree can now be built in parallel: [`CGAL::Kd_tree::build()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Spatial_searching/classCGAL_1_1Kd__tree.html#a8559dbe4d7136fbc8ebab5ee290cbe06)
325    is given an optional template parameter `ConcurrencyTag` (default
326    value remains [`CGAL::Sequential_tag`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/STL_Extension/structCGAL_1_1Sequential__tag.html)
327    for backward compatibility).
328-   Improved the performance of the kd-tree in some cases:
329    - Not storing the points coordinates inside the tree usually
330      generates a lot of cache misses, leading to non-optimal
331      performance. This is the case for example
332      when indices are stored inside the tree, or to a lesser extent when the points
333      coordinates are stored in a dynamically allocated array (e.g., [`Epick_d`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Kernel_d/structCGAL_1_1Epick__d.html)
334      with dynamic dimension) &mdash; we says "to a lesser extent" because the points
335      are re-created by the kd-tree in a cache-friendly order after its construction,
336      so the coordinates are more likely to be stored in a near-optimal order
337      on the heap.
338      In these cases, the new `EnablePointsCache` template parameter of the
339      [`CGAL::Kd_tree`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Spatial_searching/classCGAL_1_1Kd__tree.html)
340      class can be set to `CGAL::Tag_true`. The points coordinates
341      will then be cached in an optimal way. This will increase memory
342      consumption but provides better search performance. See the updated
343      [`GeneralDistance`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Spatial_searching/classGeneralDistance.html)
344      and [`FuzzyQueryItem`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Spatial_searching/classFuzzyQueryItem.html)
345      concepts for additional requirements when using such a cache.
346    - In most cases (e.g., Euclidean distance), the distance computation
347      algorithm knows before its end that the distance will be greater
348      than or equal to some given value. This is used in the (orthogonal)
349      k-NN search to interrupt some distance computations before its end,
350      saving precious milliseconds, in particular in medium-to-high dimension.
352### [Intersecting Sequences of dD Iso-oriented Boxes](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgBoxIntersectionD)
354-   Added parallel versions of the functions
355    [`CGAL::box_intersection_d()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Box_intersection_d/group__PkgBoxIntersectionD__box__intersection__d.html)
356    and [`CGAL::box_self_intersection_d()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Box_intersection_d/group__PkgBoxIntersectionD__box__self__intersection__d.html).
358### [Spatial Sorting](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgSpatialSorting)
360-   Added parallel versions of the functions
361    [`CGAL::hilbert_sort()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Spatial_sorting/group__PkgSpatialSortingFunctions.html#ga9da67204747ac19dff65f9c9ff2fca9e)
362    and [`CGAL::spatial_sort()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Spatial_sorting/group__PkgSpatialSortingFunctions.html#ga7c597c11a3b3859234ff68526cead84d)
363    in 2D and 3D when the median policy is used.
364    The parallel versions use up to four threads in 2D, and up to eight threads in 3D.
366### [3D Convex Hulls](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgConvexHull3)
368-   A new overload for [`CGAL::convex_hull_3()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Convex_hull_3/group__PkgConvexHull3Functions.html#gaa02a3013808fc9a2e5e2f42b9fde8e30)
369    that takes a model of [`VertexListGraph`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/BGL/classVertexListGraph.html) has been added.
370-   The long-deprecated function `CGAL::convex_hull_3_to_polyhedron_3()` has been removed.
371    The function [`CGAL::convex_hull_3_to_face_graph()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Convex_hull_3/group__PkgConvexHull3Functions.html#ga2750f7f197588ed643679835c748c671)
372    should be used instead.
374### [Polygon Mesh Processing](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgPolygonMeshProcessing)
376-   Added the function [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::volume_connected_component()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__orientation__grp.html#ga133e58280959c152770525f27bb42b91),
377    which can be used to get information about the nesting of the connected components of a given triangle mesh and about
378    the volumes defined.
379-   Added the function [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::remove_connected_components_of_negligible_size()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__repairing__grp.html#gac544fcaba1d59d330a3a1536caff392a),
380    which can be used to remove connected components whose area or volume is under a certain threshold.
381    Area and volume thresholds are either specified by the user or deduced from the bounding box of the mesh.
382-   Added a new named parameter for [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::keep_large_connected_components()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__keep__connected__components__grp.html#ga48e7b3e6922ee78cf8ce801e3e325d9a)
383    and [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::remove_connected_components_of_negligible_size`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__repairing__grp.html#gac544fcaba1d59d330a3a1536caff392a),
384    which can be used to perform a dry run of the operation, meaning that the function will return the number of connected
385    components that would be removed with the specified threshold, but without actually removing them.
386-   Added the function [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::split()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__corefinement__grp.html#gaa491feee9e41f725332bea0ea1215578),
387    which can be used to split meshes along a mesh or a plane.
388-   Added the function [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::split_connected_components()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__keep__connected__components__grp.html#ga9ddd1e4b915a4232b1ce5611985302aa)
389    to split a single mesh containing several connected components into several meshes containing one connected component.
390-   Added the functions [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::merge_reversible_connected_components()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__orientation__grp.html#gae25c1198a89c53d5df2f29dd57fda5ca),
391    [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::duplicate_non_manifold_edges_in_polygon_soup()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__orientation__grp.html#ga2aa4f7b500dc51d1fc4747705a050946),
392    and [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::orient_triangle_soup_with_reference_triangle_mesh()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__orientation__grp.html#ga31779672b3afd660664fc9a6c4fdf74d),
393    which can be helpful when repairing a polygon soup.
394-   Added the function [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::sample_triangle_soup()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__distance__grp.html#gac7af41d13bf1a7c30852be266ac81db5),
395    which generates points on a triangle soup surface.
396-   Added parallel versions of the functions [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::does_self_intersect()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__intersection__grp.html#gad9fe5d8b433545b69154f43935a11a3b)
397    and [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::self_intersections()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__intersection__grp.html#gaf19c80ec12cbff7ebe9e69453f1d40b8).
398-   The function [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::stitch_borders()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__repairing__grp.html#ga8ae4352e67d2b099994ac8990c13bd41)
399    now returns the number of halfedge pairs that were stitched.
400-   Added the function [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::polygon_mesh_to_polygon_soup()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__repairing__grp.html#ga76648a509409ff3c3ad3f71eff8ce9d9).
401-   The function [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::polygon_soup_to_polygon_mesh`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__repairing__grp.html#ga0dec58e8a0112791f72ebbe77bac074b)
402    now allows passing a point map (for the point range) and a vertex point map (for the polygon mesh) via named parameters.
404### [Point Set Processing](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgPointSetProcessing3)
406-   **Breaking change:** [`CGAL::remove_outliers()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Point_set_processing_3/group__PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms.html#ga1ab1dcee59caadde50572c5a504cc41a)
407    has been parallelized and thus has a new template parameter `ConcurrencyTag`.
408    To update your code simply add as first template parameter `CGAL::Sequential_tag` or `CGAL::Parallel_tag`
409    when calling this function.
410-   Add a function [`CGAL::cluster_point_set()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Point_set_processing_3/group__PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms.html#gafee41d60b5a257ae034e9157d0af8e46)
411    that segments a point cloud into connected components based on a distance threshold.
412-   Added wrapper functions for registration:
413    - [`CGAL::OpenGR::compute_registration_transformation()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Point_set_processing_3/group__PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms.html#gab81663c718960780ddb176aad845e8cd),
414      which computes the registration transformation for two point sets using the Super4PCS algorithm
415      implemented in the third party library [OpenGR](https://storm-irit.github.io/OpenGR/index.html).
416    - [`CGAL::OpenGR::register_point_sets()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Point_set_processing_3/group__PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms.html#ga6194087f512e4e23dd945a9364d0931d),
417      which computes the registration transformation for two point sets using the Super4PCS algorithm
418      implemented in the third party library [OpenGR](https://storm-irit.github.io/OpenGR/index.html),
419      and registers the points sets by transforming the data point set using the computed transformation.
420    - [`CGAL::pointmatcher::compute_registration_transformation()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Point_set_processing_3/group__PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms.html#gaf75af5c1634fa83fa05a33e95570b127)
421      computes the registration transformation for two point sets using ICP algorithm implemented
422      in the third party library [libpointmatcher](https://github.com/ethz-asl/libpointmatcher).
423    - [`CGAL::pointmatcher::register_point_sets()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Point_set_processing_3/group__PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms.html#gaa222278e20a3ce41930d37326cd54ef9),
424      which computes the registration transformation for two point sets using ICP algorithm implemented
425      in the third party library [libpointmatcher](https://github.com/ethz-asl/libpointmatcher), and registers
426      the points sets by transforming the data point set using the computed transformation.
428### [2D Triangulations](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgTriangulation2)
430-   To fix an inconsistency between code and documentation and to clarify which types of intersections
431    are truly allowed in constrained Delaunay triangulations, the tag [`CGAL::No_intersection_tag`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Triangulation_2/structCGAL_1_1No__intersection__tag.html)
432    has been deprecated in favor of two new tags: [`CGAL::No_constraint_intersection_tag`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Triangulation_2/structCGAL_1_1No__constraint__intersection__tag.html)
433    and [`CGAL::No_constraint_intersection_requiring_constructions_tag`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Triangulation_2/structCGAL_1_1No__constraint__intersection__requiring__constructions__tag.html).
434    The latter is equivalent to the now-deprecated `CGAL::No_intersection_tag`, and allows constraints
435    to intersect as long as no new point has to be created to represent that intersection (for example,
436    the intersection of two constraint segments in a 'T'-like junction is an existing point
437    and as such does not require any new construction). The former tag, `CGAL::No_constraint_intersection_tag`,
438    does not allow any intersection, except for the configuration of two constraints having a single
439    common endpoints, for convience.
440-   Added the function [`CGAL::split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Triangulation_2/classCGAL_1_1Constrained__triangulation__plus__2.html#adea77f5db5cd4dfae302e4502f1caa85)
441    to [`Constrained_triangulation_plus_2`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Triangulation_2/classCGAL_1_1Constrained__triangulation__plus__2.html) to initialize the constraints
442    from a soup of disconnected segments that should first be split into polylines.
444### [3D Triangulations](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgTriangulation3)
446-   The member function [`CGAL::Triangulation_3::file_input()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Triangulation_3/group__PkgIOTriangulation3.html#gadd94d0613e2dd9cdd2e88d2c74d5b1c8)
447    have been added. It allows to load a [`CGAL::Triangulation_3`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Triangulation_3/classCGAL_1_1Triangulation__3.html)
448    from an input stream, using functors to create vertices and cells.
450### [3D Triangulation Data Structure](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgTDS3)
452-   The member function [`CGAL::TDS_3::file_input()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/TDS_3/group__PkgIOTDS3.html#ga381446a02a9240cc83e79c48b37cd119)
453    have been added. It allows to load a [`CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_3`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/TDS_3/classCGAL_1_1Triangulation__data__structure__3.html)
454    from an input stream, using functors to create vertices and cells.
456### [Surface Mesh Simplification](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgSurfaceMeshSimplification)
458-   Added a [new simplification method](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Surface_mesh_simplification/classCGAL_1_1Surface__mesh__simplification_1_1GarlandHeckbert__policies.html)
459    based on the quadric error defined by Garland and Heckbert.
460-   The concept `EdgeProfile` has been removed. This concept was not actually in use as the CGAL-provided model [`CGAL::Edge_profile`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Surface_mesh_simplification/classCGAL_1_1Surface__mesh__simplification_1_1Edge__profile.html)
461    was imposed to the user. Other concepts have been clarified to reflect the fact that the API uses this particular class.
463### [STL Extensions for CGAL](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/Manual/packages.html#PkgSTLExtension)
465-   Added a new concurrency tag: [`CGAL::Parallel_if_available_tag`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/STL_Extension/structCGAL_1_1Parallel__if__available__tag.html).
466    This tag is a convenience typedef to [`CGAL::Parallel_tag`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/STL_Extension/structCGAL_1_1Parallel__tag.html)
467    if the third party library TBB has been found and linked with, and to
468    [`CGAL::Sequential_tag`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.1/STL_Extension/structCGAL_1_1Sequential__tag.html) otherwise.
471[Release 5.0](https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/releases/tag/releases%2FCGAL-5.0)
474Release date: November 2019
476### General changes
478- CGAL 5.0 is the first release of CGAL that requires a C++ compiler
479  with the support of C++14 or later. The new list of supported
480  compilers is:
481  - Visual C++ 14.0 (from Visual Studio 2015 Update 3) or later,
482  - Gnu g++ 6.3 or later (on Linux or MacOS),
483  - LLVM Clang version 8.0 or later (on Linux or MacOS), and
484  - Apple Clang compiler versions 7.0.2 and 10.0.1 (on MacOS).
485- Since CGAL 4.9, CGAL can be used as a header-only library, with
486  dependencies. Since CGAL 5.0, that is now the default, unless
487  specified differently in the (optional) CMake configuration.
488- The section "Getting Started with CGAL" of the documentation has
489  been updated and reorganized.
490- The minimal version of Boost is now 1.57.0.
493### [Polygonal Surface Reconstruction](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Manual/packages.html#PkgPolygonalSurfaceReconstruction) (new package)
495 -   This package provides a method for piecewise planar object reconstruction from point clouds.
496     The method takes as input an unordered point set sampled from a piecewise planar object
497     and outputs a compact and watertight surface mesh interpolating the input point set.
498     The method assumes that all necessary major planes are provided (or can be extracted from
499     the input point set using the shape detection method described in Point Set Shape Detection,
500     or any other alternative methods).The method can handle arbitrary piecewise planar objects
501     and is capable of recovering sharp features and is robust to noise and outliers. See also
502     the associated [blog entry](https://www.cgal.org/2019/08/05/Polygonal_surface_reconstruction/).
504### [Shape Detection](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Manual/packages.html#PkgShapeDetection) (major changes)
505 -   **Breaking change:** The concept `ShapeDetectionTraits` has been renamed to [`EfficientRANSACTraits`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Shape_detection/classEfficientRANSACTraits.html).
506 -   **Breaking change:** The `Shape_detection_3` namespace has been renamed to [`Shape_detection`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Shape_detection/annotated.html).
507 -   Added a new, generic implementation of region growing. This enables for example applying region growing to inputs such as 2D and 3D point sets,
508     or models of the [`FaceGraph`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/BGL/classFaceGraph.html) concept. Learn more about this new algorithm with this [blog entry](https://www.cgal.org/2019/07/30/Shape_detection/).
510### [dD Geometry Kernel](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Manual/packages.html#PkgKernelD)
511 -   A new exact kernel, [`Epeck_d`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Kernel_d/structCGAL_1_1Epeck__d.html), is now available.
513### [2D and 3D Linear Geometry Kernel](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Manual/packages.html#PkgKernel23)
514 -   Added a new concept, [`ComputeApproximateAngle_3`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Kernel_23/classKernel_1_1ComputeApproximateAngle__3.html),
515     to the 3D Kernel concepts to compute the approximate angle between two 3D vectors. Corresponding functors
516     in the model ([`Compute_approximate_angle_3`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Kernel_23/classKernel.html#a183c9ac358a4ccddc04e680f8ed16c0b))
517     and free function ([`approximate_angle`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Kernel_23/group__approximate__angle__grp.html))
518     have also been added.
519 -   The following objects are now hashable and thus trivially usable
520     with [`std::unordered_set`](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/unordered_set)
521     and [`std::unordered_map`](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/header/unordered_map):
522     `CGAL::Aff_transformation_2`, `CGAL::Aff_transformation_3`,
523     `CGAL::Bbox_2`, `CGAL::Bbox_3`, `CGAL::Circle_2`,
524     `CGAL::Iso_cuboid_3`, `CGAL::Iso_rectangle_2`, `CGAL::Point_2`,
525     `CGAL::Point_3`, `CGAL::Segment_2`, `CGAL::Segment_3`,
526     `CGAL::Sphere_3`, `CGAL::Vector_2`, `CGAL::Vector_3`,
527     `CGAL::Weighted_point_2` and `CGAL::Weighted_point_3`.
529### [Polygon Mesh Processing](https://doc.cgal.org/latest/Manual/packages.html#PkgPolygonMeshProcessing)
530 -   Introduced a [wide range of new functions](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Polygon_mesh_processing/index.html#title36)
531     related to location of queries on a triangle mesh,
532     such as [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::locate(Point, Mesh)`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__locate__grp.html#gada09bd8740ba69ead9deca597d53cf15).
533     The location of a point on a triangle mesh is expressed as the pair of a face and the barycentric
534     coordinates of the point in this face, enabling robust manipulation of locations
535     (for example, intersections of two 3D segments living within the same face).
536 -   Added the mesh smoothing function [`smooth_mesh()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__meshing__grp.html#gaa0551d546f6ab2cd9402bea12d8332a3),
537     which can be used to improve the quality of triangle elements based on various geometric characteristics.
538 -   Added the shape smoothing function [`smooth_shape()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__meshing__grp.html#gaaa083ec78bcecf351e04d1bbf460b4a2),
539     which can be used to smooth the surface of a triangle mesh, using the mean curvature flow to perform noise removal.
540     (See also the new entry in the [User Manual](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Polygon_mesh_processing/index.html#title8))
541 -   Added the function [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::centroid()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__measure__grp.html#ga6da5119ce2c50729fda11a90ae7fb9ba),
542     which computes the centroid of a closed triangle mesh.
543 -   Added the functions [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::stitch_boundary_cycle()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__repairing__grp.html#ga9c12c4878c08a117b3733bb45f1a34cf)
544     and [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::stitch_boundary_cycles()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__repairing__grp.html#ga24d5ae37f62064b3fc576ba48a4ccc63),
545     which can be used to try and merge together geometrically compatible but combinatorially different halfedges
546     that belong to the same boundary cycle.
547 -   It is now possible to pass a face-size property map to [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::keep_large_connected_components()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__keep__connected__components__grp.html#ga48e7b3e6922ee78cf8ce801e3e325d9a)
548     and [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::keep_largest_connected_components()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__keep__connected__components__grp.html#ga68c6c29dfc6a26a6a2f8befe6944f19d), enabling users to define
549     how the size of a face is computed (the size of the connected component is the sum of the sizes of its faces).
550     If no property map is passed, the behavior is unchanged to previous versions: the size
551     of a connected component is the number of faces it contains.
552 -   Added the function [`CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::non_manifold_vertices()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Polygon_mesh_processing/group__PMP__repairing__grp.html#ga36098d2415efd0604b7b996163bc22db),
553     which can be used to collect all the non-manifold vertices (i.e. pinched vertices,
554     or vertices appearing in multiple umbrellas) of a mesh.
556### [3D Point Set](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Manual/packages.html#PkgPointSet3)
557 -   The [PLY IO functions](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Point_set_3/group__PkgPointSet3IO.html) now take an additional optional parameter to
558     read/write comments from/in the PLY header.
560### [Point Set Processing](https://doc.cgal.org/latest/Manual/packages.html#PkgPointSetProcessing3)
561 -   **Breaking change**: the API using iterators and overloads for optional parameters (deprecated since
562     CGAL 4.12) has been removed. The current (and now only) API uses ranges and Named Parameters.
563 -   Added the possibility to use the named parameter
564     [`neighbor_radius`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Point_set_processing_3/group__psp__namedparameters.html#PSP_neighbor_radius)
565     to use spherical neighbor queries instead of K-nearest neighbors queries for the following functions:
566     [`CGAL::bilateral_smooth_point_set()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Point_set_processing_3/group__PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms.html#ga4f82723e2f0bb33f3677e29e0208a256),
567     [`CGAL::jet_estimate_normals()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Point_set_processing_3/group__PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms.html#ga0cd0f87de690d4edf82740e856efa491),
568     [`CGAL::jet_smooth_point_set()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Point_set_processing_3/group__PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms.html#ga549402c0a8a8b6b71875181e93961521),
569     [`CGAL::mst_orient_normals()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Point_set_processing_3/group__PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms.html#ga50c98d5c5ae5535bce6f32eddbd03f33),
570     [`CGAL::pca_estimate_normals()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Point_set_processing_3/group__PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms.html#ga8c642da96a025ab32445aeb6cc219b0b) and
571     [`CGAL::remove_outliers()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Point_set_processing_3/group__PkgPointSetProcessing3Algorithms.html#gafd0b5a21ec5042e4bca09cb43f1847f9).
573### [2D Triangulations](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Manual/packages.html#PkgTriangulation2)
574 -   **Breaking change**: Removed the deprecated functions `CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2::
575     vertices_in_constraint_{begin/end}(Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const;`,
576     and `CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2::remove_constraint(Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb)`,
577     that is a pair of vertex handles is no longer a key for a polyline constraint.
578     Users must use a version prior to 5.0 if they need this functionality.
579 -   **Breaking change**: Removed the deprecated classes `CGAL::Regular_triangulation_euclidean_traits_2`,
580     `CGAL::Regular_triangulation_filtered_traits_2`. Users must use a version prior to 5.0 if they need these classes.
581 -   **Breaking change**: The [graph traits](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/BGL/group__PkgBGLTraits.html) enabling CGAL's 2D triangulations to be used as a parameter
582     for any graph-based algorithm of CGAL (or boost) have been improved to fully model the [`FaceGraph`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/BGL/classFaceGraph.html) concept.
583     In addition, only the finite simplicies (those not incident to the infinite vertex) of the 2D triangulations
584     are now visibile through this scope. The complete triangulation can still be accessed as a graph,
585     by using the graph traits of the underlying triangulation data structure (usually,
586     [`CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_2`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/TDS_2/classCGAL_1_1Triangulation__data__structure__2.html)).
587 -   **Breaking change**: The `insert()` function
588     of
589     [`CGAL::Triangulation_2`](https://doc.cgal.org/latest/Triangulation_2/classCGAL_1_1Triangulation__2.html)
590     which takes a range of points as argument is now guaranteed to
591     insert the points following the order of `InputIterator`.  Note
592     that this change only affects the base class `Triangulation_2`
593     and not any derived class, such as `Delaunay_triangulation_2`.
594-   Added a new [constructor](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Triangulation_2/classCGAL_1_1Triangulation__2.html#a6cfa7d3aaa375a25d217858b49e2eb07=)
595     and [`insert()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Triangulation_2/classCGAL_1_1Triangulation__2.html#ac5e9bc8adef80dc01a0b31c2d0234545)
596     function to [`CGAL::Triangulation_2`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Triangulation_2/classCGAL_1_1Triangulation__2.html)
597     that takes a range of points with info.
598 -   Introduced a new face base class, [`Triangulation_face_base_with_id_2`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/BGL/classCGAL_1_1Triangulation__face__base__with__id__2.html)
599     which enables storing user-defined integer IDs in the face of any 2D triangulation, a precondition to use some
600     BGL algorithms.
601 -   Added range types and functions that return ranges, for example for all vertices, enabling the use of `C++11` `for`-loops.
602     See [this new example](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Triangulation_2/Triangulation_2_2for_loop_2_8cpp-example.html) for a usage demonstration.
604### [3D Triangulations](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Manual/packages.html#PkgTriangulation3)
605 -   **Breaking change**: The [constructor](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Triangulation_3/classCGAL_1_1Triangulation__3.html#a63f67cf6aaadcee14318cf56a36d247a)
606     and the [`insert()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Triangulation_3/classCGAL_1_1Triangulation__3.html#ad3353128386bbb51f79d0263e7f67337)
607     function of [`CGAL::Triangulation_3`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Triangulation_3/classCGAL_1_1Triangulation__3.html)
608     which take a range of points as argument are now guaranteed to
609     insert the points following the order of `InputIterator`. Note
610     that this change only affects the base class `Triangulation_3`
611     and not any derived class, such as `Delaunay_triangulation_3`.
612 -   Added constructor and [`insert()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Triangulation_3/classCGAL_1_1Triangulation__3.html#a8aa85f88733d30aa3ec5385538e13ace)
613     function to `CGAL::Triangulation_3` that takes a range of points with info.
614 -   Added range types and functions that return ranges, for example for all vertices, which enables to use C++11 for-loops.
615     See [this new example](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Triangulation_3/Triangulation_3_2for_loop_8cpp-example.html) for a usage demonstration.
617### [Surface Mesh](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Manual/packages.html#PkgSurfaceMesh)
618 -   Introduced new functions to read and write using the PLY format,
619     [`CGAL::read_ply()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Surface_mesh/group__PkgSurface__mesh.html#ga42f6ad486ddab74e13d3dc53f511c343)
620     and [`CGAL::write_ply()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Surface_mesh/group__PkgSurface__mesh.html#ga77bbb79d449c981895eedb6c3c23bd14),
621     enabling users to save and load additional property maps of the surface mesh.
623###  [CGAL and Solvers](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Manual/packages.html#PkgSolverInterface)
624 -   Added [concepts](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Solver_interface/group__PkgSolverInterfaceConcepts.html)
625     and [models](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Solver_interface/group__PkgSolverInterfaceRef.html)
626     for solving Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) problems with or without constraints.
628### [3D Boolean Operations on Nef Polyhedra](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Manual/packages.html#PkgNef3)
629 -   Added a function to convert a Nef_polyhedron_3 to a polygon soup: [`CGAL::convert_nef_polyhedron_to_polygon_soup()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Nef_3/group__PkgNef3IOFunctions.html#ga28a9eb4da0cd6153f0c16f7f9eaf6665)
631### [IO Streams](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Manual/packages.html#PkgStreamSupport)
632- **Breaking change:** The API of [`CGAL::Color`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Stream_support/classCGAL_1_1Color.html) has been cleaned up.
633- Added new functions to support some parts of the WKT file format:
634    * [`CGAL::read_WKT()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Stream_support/group__PkgStreamSupportRef.html#gad2872abfe6fcf17d705d38567fdd6248)
635    * [`CGAL::read_point_WKT()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Stream_support/group__PkgStreamSupportRef.html#gadbd2705b183e467507abd2f167446eba)
636    * [`CGAL::read_multi_point_WKT()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Stream_support/group__PkgStreamSupportRef.html#ga4fb72e49a1fd385bbed35ea20297aa8d)
637    * [`CGAL::read_linestring_WKT()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Stream_support/group__PkgStreamSupportRef.html#gaaa236308b9da5dbf217ef281fdb55de4)
638    * [`CGAL::read_multi_linestring_WKT()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Stream_support/group__PkgStreamSupportRef.html#gad6046c7f9d36512b8a014be82c1e2220)
639    * [`CGAL::read_polygon_WKT()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Stream_support/group__PkgStreamSupportRef.html#gaa36ccd3ac4b3fe3e3fd8a76715c56b9a)
640    * [`CGAL::read_multi_polygon_WKT()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Stream_support/group__PkgStreamSupportRef.html#ga4ceaa71b9cb3b3f7984bed19afff6fc6)
641    * [`CGAL::write_point_WKT()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Stream_support/group__PkgStreamSupportRef.html#gab1a2d277b43c218bf128a2056eb53ced)
642    * [`CGAL::write_polygon_WKT()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Stream_support/group__PkgStreamSupportRef.html#gab5365a4726893aa4f51739ede63f5a09)
643    * [`CGAL::write_linestring_WKT()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Stream_support/group__PkgStreamSupportRef.html#gaa37ed77d1a01567b93c872a48198efa6)
644    * [`CGAL::write_multi_point_WKT()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Stream_support/group__PkgStreamSupportRef.html#ga98de4b4e5cccb370febe5daf66bb582d)
645    * [`CGAL::write_multi_polygon_WKT()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Stream_support/group__PkgStreamSupportRef.html#ga4ded40ab50f57e0b410640e28964935e)
646    * [`CGAL::write_multi_linestring_WKT()`](https://doc.cgal.org/5.0/Stream_support/group__PkgStreamSupportRef.html#ga219987f7a9c0b871c1733aa0c38f26b3)
649Release 4.14
652Release date: March 2019
654### 2D Periodic Hyperbolic Triangulations (new package)
656 -   This package allows the computation of Delaunay triangulations of
657     the Bolza surface.  The Bolza surface is the most symmetric
658     hyperbolic surface of genus 2. Its fundamental domain is the
659     regular hyperbolic octagon with angles π/4 centered at the origin
660     of the Poincaré disk. Triangulations of the Bolza surface can be
661     seen as triangulations of the hyperbolic plane that are periodic
662     in the four directions defined by the sides of this regular
663     octagon.
665### 2D Hyperbolic Triangulations (new package)
667 -   This package allows the computation of Delaunay Triangulations of
668     sets of points in the Poincaré disk, which is one of the
669     conformal models for the hyperbolic plane.
671### The Heat Method (new package)
673-   This package provides an algorithm that solves the single- or
674    multiple-source shortest path problem by returning an
675    approximation of the geodesic distance for all vertices of a
676    triangle mesh to the closest vertex in a given set of source
677    vertices.
679### Triangulated Surface Mesh Approximation (new package)
681-   This package implements the Variational Shape Approximation method
682    to approximate an input surface triangle mesh by a simpler surface
683    triangle mesh.
685### Polygon Mesh Processing package
687-   Added the following new functions to detect and repair issues in
688    polygon soups:
689    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::remove_isolated_points_in_polygon_soup()`,
690       which detects and removes points that are not used in any
691       polygon of the soup.
692    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::merge_duplicate_points_in_polygon_soup()`,
693       which detects and merges points that share the same geometric
694       position.
695    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::merge_duplicate_polygons_in_polygon_soup()`,
696       which detects and merges polygons that are identical.
697    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::repair_polygon_soup()`, which
698       applies a number of repairing steps (a subset of which are the
699       functions above) to clean and repair a polygon soup.
701-   Added the following new functions to detect and repair
702    degeneracies in polygon meshes:
703    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::degenerate_edges()`
704    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::degenerate_faces()`
705    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::is_non_manifold_vertex()`
706    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::is_degenerate_triangle_face()`
707    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::is_degenerate_edge()`
708    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::is_needle_triangle_face()`
709    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::is_cap_triangle_face()`
710    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::duplicate_non_manifold_vertices()`
711    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::extract_boundary_cycles()`
712    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::merge_duplicated_vertices_in_boundary_cycle()`
713    - `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::merge_duplicated_vertices_in_boundary_cycles()`
715-   Added the class `CGAL::Rigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection` to
716    detect intersections between meshes and volumes undergoing affine
717    transformations.
719### Regularized Boolean Set Operations in 2D package
721-   Fixed the validation of orientation of relative simple polygons.
723### Point Set Processing
725-   `CGAL::mst_orient_normals()` can now be called with a set of
726    user-selected seed points that are known to be already oriented. A
727    new optional named parameter `point_is_constrained_map` is added
728    for this purpose. The original behavior (using one unique and
729    automatically selected seed) is kept if this parameter is not
730    used.
732### Classification
734-   Added a new experimental classifier
735    `TensorFlow::Neural_network_classifier`.
737-   For uniformity, `ETHZ_random_forest_classifier` is renamed
738    `ETHZ::Random_forest_classifier` and
739    `OpenCV_random_forest_classifier` is renamed
740    `OpenCV::Random_forest_classifier`.
742-   The training algorithm of `ETHZ::Random_forest_classifier` was
743    parallelized.
745-   Added a constructor to copy a `ETHZ::Random_forest_classifier`
746    using a different data set as input.
748-   Added 3 new geometric features, `Height_above`, `Height_below` and
749    `Vertical_range`.
751### 3D Fast Intersection and Distance Computation
753-   The primitives `AABB_face_graph_triangle_primitive` and
754    `AABB_halfedge_graph_segment_primitive` now use as `Id` a pair of
755    descriptor and graph pointer in the case they are configured to
756    deal with a possible different graph per primitive (configuration
757    set using a template tag).
759### 2D Arrangements
761-   Fixed a bug in the surface-sweep framework (`Surface_sweep_2`)
762    that ensures that an event is never left without (left or right)
763    curves.
765-   Fixed a constructor of `Arr_counting_traits.h`. (In particular,
766    added missing const of a parameter).
768-   Fixed zone computation of a curve in cases where the lexicographic
769    smallest end of the curve lies on the parameter space.
771-   Implemented missing function object `Compare_x_near_boundary` of
772    `Arr_polyline_traits_2`, `Arr_polycurve_traits_2`, and
773    `Arr_polycurve_basic_traits_2`.
775### 2D and 3D Mesh Generation
777-   Added two functions for writing in XML VTK formats:
778    - `CGAL::write_vtu()`, that writes a 2D mesh in a `.vtu` file,
779    - `CGAL::output_to_vtu()`, that writes a 3D mesh in a `.vtu` file.
781### 2D Minkowski Sums
783-   Fixed a bug in the function that computed the Minkowski sum using
784    the reduced-convolution method. In particular, correctly handled
785    the case where one of the summands does not have an outer
786    boundary.
788### 3D Point Set
790-   Added a method `copy_properties()` that allows to copy the
791    properties from a point set to another one (without copying the
792    content);
794-   Added a method `insert(const Point_set&, const Index&)` to copy a
795    point along with all its associated properties from another point
796    set;
798-   `remove()` methods now only invalidate the `end()` iterator
799    instead of invalidating all iterators;
801-   Added a method `is_removed()` that takes an index as argument;
803-   Added a method `cancel_removals()` to restore removed points (if
804    no point was inserted since then an garbage was not collected);
806-   **Breaking change:** unified API of method `add_normal_map()` with
807    `add_property_map()`: it now returns a pair of property map + bool
808    (that tells if the property was added) instead of just the
809    property map;
811-   Added a method `properties_and_types()` in addition to
812    `properties()`: this new one returns pairs of `std::string` +
813    `std::type_info` in order to also know the type of each property.
815### CGAL and the Boost Graph Library (BGL)
817-   Added function `write_wrl()` for writing into VRML 2.0 format.
818-   Added functions `CGAL::write_vtp()` for writing a triangulated
819      face graph in a `.vtp` file (XML VTK format).
822Release 4.13
825Release date: October 2018
827### 3D Periodic Mesh Generation (new package)
829-   This package generates 3-dimensional periodic meshes. It computes
830    isotropic simplicial meshes for domains described through implicit
831    functional boundaries over the flat torus (which can also seen in
832    the Euclidean space as a periodic cube). The output is a periodic
833    3D mesh of the domain volume and conformal surface meshes for all
834    the boundary and subdividing surfaces.  The package is closely
835    related to the 3D Mesh Generation package, with similar concepts,
836    classes, and API.
838### Installation
840-   The library `CGAL_Qt5` now contains a fork of the version 2.7.0 of
841    `libQGLViewer`.  The corresponding code is in the package
842    `GraphicsView`.  The dependency for the external library
843    `libQGLViewer` is therefore dropped for all demos.
845### General
847 -  A new function `CGAL::draw()` is added in the packages Polyhedral
848    Surface, Surface Mesh, Linear Cell Complex, 2D Triangulations, and
849    3D Triangulations, enabling to draw the corresponding data
850    structures.
852### 2D and 3D Linear Geometry Kernel
854-   An `operator()` that takes a `Ray_3` has been added to the concept
855    `ConstructProjectedPoint_3`.
857### Convex hull 3
859-   Added the function `extreme_points_3()` computing the points on
860    the convex hull without underlying connectivity.
862-   Added a traits adapter called `Extreme_points_traits_adapter_3`
863    that enables the use of the function `extreme_points_3()` on a
864    range of keys, each key being associated to 3D point using a
865    property map.  This can be used to get the vertices of a mesh that
866    are on it convex hull, or the indices of points in a range that
867    are on it convex hull.
869-   Fix a bug in the computation of the 3D convex hull that was
870    leaving extra points within subset of coplanar points that do not
871    belong to the minimal convex hull.
874### 2D and 3D Triangulations
876-   Added a new type of intersection to handle the insertion of
877    intersecting constraints in a `Constrained_triangulation_2`.
879-   **Breaking change:** The long-deprecated class
880    `Triangulation_cell_base_with_circumcenter_3` and its associated
881    concept have been removed. Users should use the classes
882    `Delaunay_cell_base_with_circumcenter_3` or
883    `Regular_cell_base_with_circumcenter_3`, depending on which type
884    of triangulation they are using.
886-   **Breaking change:** The deprecated functions `mirror_index` and
887    `mirror_vertex` of the class `Triangulation_face_base_2` have been
888    removed. Users should use the equivalent functions from the class
889    `Triangulation_2`.
891### 3D Mesh Generation
893-   **Breaking change:** The template parameters of the class template
894    `Labeled_mesh_domain_3` have been simplified. The three
895    constructors of that class template have been replaced by a new
896    unique constructor using Boost named parameters. Three new static
897    template member functions that act as named constructors have been
898    added:
899      - `create_gray_image_mesh_domain()`, to create a domain from a 3D
900        gray image,
901      - `create_labeled_image_mesh_domain()`, to create a domain from a 3D
902        labeled image, and
903      - `create_implicit_mesh_domain()`, to create a domain from an
904        implicit function.
906-   The class templates `Implicit_mesh_domain_3`,
907    `Gray_image_mesh_domain_3`, and `Labeled_image_mesh_domain_3` are
908    now deprecated.
910-   **Breaking change:** The headers
911    `<CGAL/Mesh_3/Implicit_to_labeled_function_wrapper.h>` and
912    `<CGAL/Mesh_3/Labeled_mesh_domain_3.h>`, that were deprecated
913    since CGAL 4.5, have been removed.
915-   **Breaking change:** the concepts `MeshCellCriteria_3` and
916    `MeshFacetCriteria_3` now require the triangulation to be passed
917    in their `operator()`.  Models of these concepts that are provided
918    by CGAL have been modified accordingly.
920-   **Breaking change:** It is no longer possible to use the
921    deprecated, pre-CGAL 3.8 specifications in `MeshCellCriteria_3`
922    and `MeshFacetCriteria_3` (that is, using `Facet_badness` and
923    `Cell_badness` instead of `Is_facet_bad` and `Is_cell_bad`).
925-   The concept `MeshFacetCriteria_3` no longer requires the function
926    `operator()(Cell_handle c, int i)`.
928-   The concept `MeshEdgeCriteria_3` no longer requires the function
929    `operator()(const Edge& e)`.
931-   The concept `MeshComplexWithFeatures_3InTriangulation_3` no longer
932    requires the functions `number_of_edges(Curve_index index)` and
933    `number_of_corners(Corner_index index)`.
935-   Introduced the concept `MeshTriangulationTraits_3`, which covers
936    the needs of the traits class used in `Mesh_3` (and
937    `Periodic_3_mesh_3`). The traits class used as template parameter
938    of `Mesh_triangulation_3` and `Periodic_3_mesh_triangulation_3`
939    must be a model of this concept.
941-   Added the function
942    `Mesh_domain_with_polyline_features_3::add_corner()`, which allows
943    users to add a single corner (that is not incident to any
944    polyline) to the mesh complex.
946-   **Breaking change**: `CGAL::lloyd_optimize_mesh_3` now depends on
947    the _Eigen_ library.
949### Polygon Mesh Processing
951-   Added a named parameter in stitching functions that allows to
952    choose whether the operation should be performed per connected
953    component or globally.
955-   Added a function, `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::transform()`, to
956    apply a transformation to a mesh.
958-   Added a named parameter `visitor` in corefinement-related
959    functions that makes it possible to pass a visitor to the function
960    in order to track the creation of new faces.
962-   Added a named parameter `throw_on_self_intersection` in all
963    corefinement-related functions, which enables to check for
964    self-intersecting faces involved in the intersection before trying
965    to corefine the input meshes. This new parameter replaces the
966    `bool` parameter in `corefine()`.
968-   Added the function `corefine_and_compute_boolean_operations()`,
969    which can be used to compute the result of several Boolean
970    operations between two volumes at the same time.
972-   Added the function `clip()`, which can be used to clip a
973    triangulated surface mesh by a plane or a clipping volume.
975-   Constrained vertices are now guaranteed to be kept in the mesh
976    after calling `isotropic_remeshing()` (and not only the points
977    associated to constrained vertices, as it was before).
979-   Added a function, `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::extrude_mesh()`,
980    to perform an extrusion of an open polygon mesh.
982### Estimation of Local Differential Properties of Point-Sampled Surfaces Reference
984-   **Breaking change**: `CGAL::Monge_via_jet_fitting` now depends on
985    the _Eigen_ library.
987### Point Set Processing
989-   Added a callback mechanism to the following functions:
990    `CGAL::bilateral_smooth_point_set()`,
991    `CGAL::compute_average_spacing()`,
992    `CGAL::grid_simplify_point_set()`,
993    `CGAL::hierarchy_simplify_point_set()`,
994    `CGAL::jet_estimate_normals()`, `CGAL::jet_smooth_point_set()`,
995    `CGAL::pca_estimate_normals()`, `CGAL::remove_outliers()` and
996    `CGAL::wlop_simplify_and_regularize_point_set()`.
999### Classification
1001-   Added data structures to handle classification of Surface Meshes
1002    and of Clusters.
1004-   Added public API to compute features in parallel.
1006-   **Breaking change**: features based on products/divisions of
1007    eigenvalues are replaced by simple eigenvalue features. Features
1008    based on statistics on the HSV color channels are replaced by
1009    simple HSV color channel features.
1011-   **Breaking change**: the API of
1012    `CGAL::Classification::Point_set_feature_generator` has been
1013    simplified.
1016### Bounding Volumes
1018-   **Breaking change**: `CGAL::Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d` now
1019    depends on the _Eigen_ library.
1021### Interpolation
1023-   The output of the natural and regular neighbor functions
1024    (resp. the gradient fitting functions) is no longer restricted to
1025    a Point/Coordinate pair (resp. Point/Vector pair). Instead, users
1026    can provide their own functor to format the output as they desire.
1028-   The interpolation functions can now operate on any combination of
1029    Type/Coordinate, provided that the values and gradients functors
1030    can also be evaluated using 'Type'.
1032    The combination of these two changes allow, for example, to
1033    operate with Vertex/Coordinate pairs, which enables a more
1034    efficient access to values and gradients by storing information
1035    directly in the vertex.
1037-   The concepts `InterpolationTraits` and `GradientFittingTraits`
1038    have been updated to reflect the real needs of the code (some
1039    types and operators were used in the code but did not appear in
1040    the concepts).
1042### CGAL and the Boost Graph Library (BGL)
1044-   Added a helper function, `CGAL::is_valid_polygon_mesh`, that
1045    checks the validity of a polygon mesh using BGL functions.
1047-   Improved the function `CGAL::Euler::collapse_edge` such that the
1048    target vertex of the collapsed edge is now always kept after the
1049    collapse.
1051-   The function `copy_face_graph()` now uses named parameters, some
1052    allowing it to use property maps instead of output iterators.
1054-   Addition of the following named parameters :
1055    -   vertex_to_vertex_output_iterator
1056    -   halfedge_to_halfedge_output_iterator
1057    -   face_to_face_output_iterator
1058    -   vertex_to_vertex_map
1059    -   halfedge_to_halfedge_map
1060    -   face_to_face_map
1062### CGAL and Solvers
1064-   **Breaking change**: `CGAL::Diagonalize_traits` is now deprecated
1065    and should not be used. The class `CGAL::Eigen_diagonalize_traits`
1066    (along with the _Eigen_ library) should be used instead.
1068### CGAL and Boost Property Maps
1070-   Added a read-write property map to convert on-the-fly geometric
1071    objects from Cartesian kernels.
1073### 2D Arrangements
1075-   Refracted and fixed the `graph_traits` for the dual of an arrangement of the
1076    following types:
1077    `Arrangement_on_surface_2`,
1078    `Arrangement_2`,
1079    `Arrangement_on_surface_with_history_2`, and
1080    `Arrangement_with_history_2`.
1082-   **Breaking change**: The old `<CGAL/graph_traits_Dual_Arrangement_2.h>`
1083    header file has been replaced by the four header files below; each defines
1084    the `graph_traits` for dual of the corresponding arrangement type.
1085    `<CGAL/graph_traits_dual_arrangement_on_surface_2.h>`,
1086    `<CGAL/graph_traits_dual_arrangement_2.h>`,
1087    `<CGAL/graph_traits_dual_arrangement_on_surface_with_history_2.h>`, and
1088    `<CGAL/graph_traits_dual_arrangement_with_history_2.h`.
1091Release 4.12
1094Release date: April 2018
1097### Important Notice
1099-   The CMake scripts used by CGAL have been changed to use modern patterns
1100    introduced by CMake 2.8.12 and CMake 3.0: instead of setting CMake
1101    variables, the script now defines imported targets and uses link
1102    interfaces.
1104    That is mostly backward-compatible with existing usages of CGAL CMake
1105    scripts. The only non-compatible effect is that the `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE`
1106    and compilation flags are no longer copied from the `CGAL_DIR` to the
1107    project using it. Note also that the `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` is no longer
1108    set to `Release` by default. For a developer using the Visual Studio
1109    IDE or the Xcode IDE, the change should be transparent. Developers using
1110    makefiles or the Ninja build-system should set the `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE`
1111    to `Release` manually, to avoid using CGAL libraries without any
1112    compile-time optimization.
1114### Header-only Mode
1116-   Since CGAL-4.9, it has been possible to use CGAL by configuring it
1117    using CMake, but without compiling the CGAL libraries. With CGAL-4.12,
1118    it is now possible to use CGAL header-only, without even configuring
1119    it. CMake is then used only to configure programs using CGAL.
1121### Compiler Support
1123-   The Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 version 15.3 has introduced support for
1124    C++17, with the compilation flag `/std:c++17`. CGAL 4.12 has an initial
1125    support for that flag: the code will compile, but a lot of deprecation
1126    warnings will remain. Note that Boost version 1.67 is the first version
1127    of Boost supporting `/std:c++17`.
1129-   The compilation flag `/permissive-` of Visual C++ is now supported.
1131### 2D Movable Separability of Sets (new package)
1133-   A new package called "2D Movable Separability of Sets" has been
1134    introduced. It handles a class of problems that deal with moving
1135    sets of objects in the plane; the challenge is to avoid collisions
1136    between the objects while considering different kinds of motions and
1137    various definitions of separation.
1139    At this point this package consists of the implementations of
1140    various predicates and constructions related to castings of
1141    polygonal objects. In particular, it can be used to determine
1142    whether a feasible mold for a polygonal object does exist. If a mold
1143    exists, the package can also be used to compute all possible
1144    orientations of the feasible molds and the corresponding motions
1145    needed to remove the casted object from the mold.
1147### Classification (new package)
1149-   This package offers an algorithm that classifies a data set into a
1150    user-defined set of labels (such as ground, vegetation, buildings,
1151    etc.). A flexible API is provided so that users can classify any
1152    type of data, compute their own local features on the input data
1153    set, and define their own labels.
1155### Kinetic Data Structures (removed package)
1157-   This package has been removed from CGAL-4.12. Users of the package
1158    will have to keep using the source code available in CGAL-4.11 or
1159    earlier.
1162### 3D Convex Hull
1164-   **Breaking change**: The header `<CGAL/convex_hull_3.h>` no longer
1165    includes `<CGAL/Polyhedron_3.h>`, as the convex hull function works
1166    with any model of the concept `MutableFaceGraph`.
1168### 2D Arrangements
1170-   When removing an edge from an arrangement and the user has requested to
1171    remove the end-vertices in case they become redundant (either isolated or
1172    approach infinity), defer the removal of the such end-vertices to occur
1173    after the observer is notified that the edge has been removed. This is
1174    symmetric (opposite) to the order of notification when an edge is inserted.
1176    The user can restore old (non-symmetric) behaviour by defining the macro:
1180### 2D Periodic Triangulations
1182-   **Breaking change**: The class
1183    `Periodic_2_triangulation_hierarchy_vertex_base_2` (and its
1184    corresponding header) have been removed. Users should directly use
1185    the class `Triangulation_hierarchy_vertex_base_2`, which is
1186    identical.
1187-   **Breaking change**: The functions `circumcenter()`,
1188    `side_of_oriented_circle()`, and `is_extensible_in_1_sheet_h[12]()`
1189    are related to Delaunay triangulations and have been moved from
1190    `Periodic_2_triangulation_2` to
1191    `Periodic_2_Delaunay_triangulation_2`.
1193### 2D Alpha Shapes
1195-   It is now possible to use `CGAL::Periodic_2_triangulation_2` as
1196    underlying triangulation for `Alpha_shape_2`.
1198### 3D Surface Mesh Generation
1200-   Add the function `facets_in_complex_2_to_triangle_mesh()` that
1201    exports `Surface_mesh_complex_2_in_triangulation_3` facets into
1202    a `MutableFaceGraph`.
1204### 3D Mesh Generation
1206-   Add the function `facets_in_complex_3_to_triangle_mesh()` that
1207    exports `Mesh_complex_3_in_triangulation_3` facets into a
1208    `MutableFaceGraph`.
1209-   **Breaking change:** The concept `MeshDomainWithFeatures_3` has been
1210    modified, to improve the performance and the reliability of the
1211    sampling of 1D curves of the domain.
1212-   Add the ability to ensure that the output mesh surface describes a
1213    manifold, when the input surface is a manifold. New named parameters
1214    `manifold()`, `manifold_with_boundary()`, and `non_manifold()` are
1215    added.
1217### Optimal Transportation Curve Reconstruction
1219-   New method `run_under_wasserstein_tolerance()` which allows the
1220    user to perform curve reconstruction by relying on a threshold on
1221    the Wasserstein distance. This is useful when the number of edges
1222    in the expected output reconstruction is not known.
1224### Polygon Mesh Processing
1226-   Added two functions for orienting connected components :
1227    -   `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::orient()`
1228    -   `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::orient_to_bound_a_volume()`
1230-   Added a new function for intersection tests between triangle meshes
1231    and/or polylines or range of polylines, and another one to report
1232    all the pairs of meshes intersecting from a range of meshes:
1233    -   `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::do_intersect()`
1234    -   `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::intersecting_meshes()`
1236-   Added new functions for feature detection and feature-guided
1237    segmentation:
1238    -   `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::detect_sharp_edges()`
1239    -   `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::detect_vertex_incident_patches()`
1240    -   `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::sharp_edges_segmentation()`
1242### Point Set Shape Detection
1244-   **Breaking change**:
1245    `CGAL::Shape_detection_3::Efficient_RANSAC_traits` is now called
1246    `CGAL::Shape_detection_3::Shape_detection_traits`.
1247-   New algorithm: `CGAL::Region_growing`. This is a deterministic
1248    alternative to RANSAC for plane detection.
1249-   **Breaking change**: the API of `CGAL::regularize_planes()` is
1250    generalized to accept other types of input than the RANSAC output.
1251-   Add a callback mechanism for both `CGAL::Efficient_RANSAC` and
1252    `CGAL::Region_growing`.
1254### Point Set Processing
1256-   **Breaking change**: the API of `CGAL::structure_point_set()` is
1257    generalized to accept other types of input than the RANSAC output.
1258-   **Breaking change**: the API of all functions of Point Set
1259    Processing is modified to use ranges (instead of iterators) and
1260    Named Parameters (similarly to the API of Polygon Mesh
1261    Processing). The old API is kept as deprecated.
1263### CGAL and the Boost Graph Library (BGL)
1265-   Add helper function `CGAL::expand_face_selection_for_removal` that
1266    expands a face selection to avoid creating a non manifold mesh when
1267    removing the selected faces.
1269-   Added support for dynamic property maps.
1271-   Added an interface to the [METIS library], which allows to partition
1272    any mesh that is a model of `FaceListGraph`.  Wrappers to the
1273    METIS functions `METIS_PartMeshNodal` and `METIS_PartMeshDual` are
1274    offered.
1276    [METIS library]: http://glaros.dtc.umn.edu/gkhome/metis/metis/overview
1279Release 4.11
1282Release date: September 2017
1284### 3D Periodic Regular Triangulations (new feature)
1286-   Added the class `Periodic_3_regular_triangulation_3`, which provides
1287    functionality for 3D periodic weighted Delaunay triangulations. The
1288    construction is fully dynamic: it provides both point insertion and
1289    vertex removal.
1291### dD Regular Triangulations (new feature)
1293-   Added the class `Regular_triangulation`, which provides
1294    functionality for dD weighted Delaunay triangulations. Note that the
1295    removal of points is not yet supported.
1297### 2D and 3D Linear Geometry Kernel (breaking change)
1299-   **Breaking change**: The dangerous implicit conversions between
1300    weighted points and points in the concept `Kernel` have been
1301    disabled. Constructors offering to build a weighted point from a
1302    point (and reversely) are still requested by the concept `Kernel`
1303    but must now be marked with the `explicit` specifier.
1304-   **Breaking change**: The removal of implicit conversions between
1305    points and weighted points in the concept `Kernel` has incidentally
1306    created various minor breaking changes in the following packages: 2D
1307    Alpha Shapes, 2D and 3D Triangulations, and 3D Mesh Generation. See
1308    the full changelog for details.
1310### Surface Mesh
1312-   **Breaking change**:
1313    `operator >>(std::istream&,       Surface_mesh&)` no longer clears
1314    the surface mesh.
1316### Triangulated Surface Mesh Parameterization (breaking change)
1318-   **Breaking change**: The package has been rewritten and can operate
1319    on any model of the `MutableFaceGraph` concept. All previous
1320    parameterization methods are still offered, although with a
1321    different, simpler API. The documentation has been updated and
1322    offers a gentle introduction to the new API. Users who wish to use
1323    the former API must use a version prior to 4.11.
1324-   **Breaking change**: The adapter to add virtual seams is now the
1325    class `CGAL::Seam_mesh` in the package *CGAL and the BGL*.
1326-   **Breaking change**: The package has been restructured and most
1327    headers have been moved. In a general manner, users should replace
1328    `<CGAL/XXX.h>` with `<CGAL/Surface_mesh_parameterization/XXX.h>`
1329-   Add the *As Rigid As Possible Parameterization* method. This
1330    parameterization allows the user to prioritize angle preservation,
1331    shape preservation, or a balance of both.
1332-   Add the *Orbifold Tutte Embedding* method. This parameterization
1333    method allows to parameterize meshes that are topological spheres.
1335### 3D Surface Subdivision Methods (breaking changes)
1337-   The subdivision algorithms now work on any model of a
1338    `MutableFaceGraph`. A new API to the subdivision methods is offered,
1339    which uses optional named parameters to pass the number of
1340    iterations and a vertex property map.
1341-   **Breaking change**: Removed the headers
1342    `<CGAL/Subdivision_method_3.h>` and `<CGAL/Subdivision_mask_3.h>`.
1343    The headers `<CGAL/Subdivision_method_3/subdivision_methods_3.h>`
1344    and `<CGAL/Subdivision_method_3/subdivision_masks_3.h>` should
1345    respectively be used instead.
1346-   Sqrt3 subdivision can now handle input surfaces with a border.
1348### Scale-Space Surface Reconstruction (breaking change)
1350-   **Breaking change**: the API was rewritten to separate the smoothing
1351    and meshing algorithm and making it possible for the user to use
1352    different ones. The default algorithms used are the same as before
1353    this API change, but methods are moved to the classes
1354    `Weighted_PCA_smoother` and `Alpha_shape_mesher`.
1355-   Alternative smoothing and meshing methods are provided:
1356    `Jet_smoother` and `Advancing_front_mesher`.
1358### 2D Alpha Shapes
1360-   **Breaking change**: Mirrored the concepts of the 2D alpha shape
1361    package with those of the 3D Alpha Shapes package. Consequently, a
1362    new concept, `WeightedAlphaShapeTraits_2`, is introduced to provide
1363    requirements on the traits class for 2D weighted alpha shapes. All
1364    models of the concept `Kernel` are models of this new concept.
1365-   The concept `AlphaShapeTraits_2` now provides requirements on the
1366    traits class for 2D basic alpha shapes, and refines
1367    `DelaunayTriangulationTraits_2`.
1369### Interpolation
1371-   **Breaking change**: The concept `GradientFittingTraits` now
1372    additionally requests a weighted point type `Weighted_point_d` and a
1373    functor `Construct_point_d`. The model
1374    `CGAL::Interpolation_gradient_fitting_traits_2` has been
1375    appropriately modified to still be a model of the concept
1376    `GradientFittingTraits`.
1378### 2D and 3D Triangulations
1380-   **Breaking change**: Added a new functor requirement,
1381    `Construct_point_2`, to the concepts `TriangulationTraits_2` and
1382    `RegularTriangulationTraits_2` and a new functor requirement,
1383    `Construct_point_3`, to the concepts `TriangulationTraits_3` and
1384    `RegularTriangulationTraits_3`. All models of the concept `Kernel`
1385    already provide these functors.
1386-   **Breaking change**: Introduced the concepts
1387    `RegularTriangulationVertexBase_2` and
1388    `RegularTriangulationVertexBase_3`. These concepts describe the
1389    requirements on classes meant to represent a vertex of a regular
1390    triangulation. Concepts that previously refined
1391    `TriangulationVertexBase_2` or `TriangulationVertexBase_3` but
1392    described in fact a vertex class used in a regular triangulation,
1393    such as the concept `MeshVertexBase_3` in the 3D mesh generation
1394    package, now refine the corresponding new regular vertex concept.
1395-   **Breaking change**: Uniformized the point type across all vertex
1396    and cell concepts. The triangulation point type name is now always
1397    `Point`. Note that this does not change the requirements but only
1398    the name: `Point` is still expected to be equal to
1399    `Traits::Point_[23]` for basic and Delaunay triangulations or to
1400    `Traits::Weighted_point_[23]` for regular triangulations.
1401    Consequently:
1402    -   The concept `RegularTriangulationVertexBase_2` now requests a
1403        `Point` type (equal to `Traits::Weighted_point_2`)
1404    -   The concept `RegularTriangulationCellBase_3` now requests a
1405        `Point` type instead of a `Weighted_point` type (but still equal
1406        to `Traits::Weighted_point_3`)
1407    -   The concept `DelaunayTriangulationCellBase_3` now requests a
1408        `Point` type instead of a `Point_3` type (but still equal to
1409        `Traits::Point_3`).
1410-   Introduced a new concept,
1411    `RegularTriangulationCellBaseWithWeightedCircumcenter_3`, which
1412    describes the requirements on a cell of a regular triangulation that
1413    caches its circumcenter. The existing class
1414    `Regular_triangulation_cell_base_with_weighted_circumcenter_3` is
1415    the default model of this concept.
1416-   Added a new 3D traits class,
1417    `Robust_weighted_circumcenter_filtered_traits_3` which provides
1418    robust versions of the kernel functors
1419    `Construct_weighted_circumcenter_3`, `Compute_squared_radius_3`, and
1420    `Compute_squared_radius_smallest_orthogonal_sphere_3`. This class
1421    can be used as traits class in the `Mesh_3` package to
1422    efficiently yet robustly generate 3D meshes.
1423-   Add a new type of polyhedral domain with features,
1424    `Polyhedral_complex_mesh_domain_3`. The domain is defined by a
1425    collection of triangulated surfaces, forming a complex.
1427### 3D Periodic Triangulations
1429-   Added new locate and geometric access functions for 3D periodic
1430    triangulations.
1431-   The class `Periodic_3_Delaunay_triangulation_traits_3` now inherits
1432    `Periodic_3_triangulation_traits_3`.
1433-   **Breaking change**: Some geometric access functions in
1434    `Periodic_3_triangulation_3` were renamed. The introduction of
1435    `Periodic_3_regular_triangulation_3` required to distinguish between
1436    functions such as `segment()` returning a segment of weightless
1437    points, or a segment of weighted points. As a general rule, previous
1438    geometrical access functions will return objects with point type
1439    that of the triangulation (thus, weighted objects when using
1440    weighted triangulations) and functions containing `construct` in the
1441    name will always return weightless geometrical objects.
1442-   **Breaking change**: The concept `Periodic_3TriangulationTraits_3`
1443    now requests a domain getter: `get_domain()`.
1444-   Introduced a new concept,
1445    `RegularTriangulationCellBaseWithWeightedCircumcenter_3`, which
1446    describes the requirements on a cell of a regular triangulation that
1447    caches its circumcenter. The existing class
1448    `Regular_triangulation_cell_base_with_weighted_circumcenter_3` is
1449    the default model of this concept.
1451### 3D Mesh Generation
1453-   **Breaking change**: The type of the surface center in the concept
1454    `MeshCellBase_3` has been changed from `Triangulation::Point` to
1455    `TriangulationTraits::Point_3` to reflect that it is a weightless
1456    point.
1457-   **Breaking change**: The function `invalidate_circumcenter()` of the
1458    concept `MeshCellBase_3` is renamed to
1459    `invalidate_weighted_circumcenter_cache()` and moved to the new
1460    concept `RegularTriangulationCellBaseWithWeightedCircumcenter_3`,
1461    which the concept `MeshCellBase_3` now refines.
1463### Poisson Surface Reconstruction
1465-   A new global function
1466    `CGAL::poisson_surface_reconstruction_delaunay()` is provided in
1467    addition to the current class-based API in order to make it easier
1468    to use.
1470### Point Set Processing
1472-   New functions to read from and write to LAS/LAZ files (LIDAR
1473    format), with or without taking additional properties into account.
1474-   **Breaking change:** The API of the PLY function to read points with
1475    properties is modified for unification with LAS (see
1476    `CGAL::read_ply_points_with_properties()`). A new function to write
1477    PLY with properties is provided
1478    (`CGAL::write_ply_points_with_properties()`).
1480### Spatial Searching
1482-   Add function `Kd_tree::remove(Point)`.
1484### 3D Fast Intersection and Distance Computation
1486-   Add a template parameter to `AABB_traits` for a property map that
1487    associates a bounding box to a primitive
1489### CGAL and the Boost Graph Library
1491-   Add a partial specialization for the class
1492    `CGAL::Linear_cell_complex_for_combinatorial_map` so that it is a
1493    model of the graph concepts `BidirectionalGraph` and
1494    `EdgeAndVertexListGraph` and of the concept `MutableFaceGraph`. This
1495    class can thus now be used in all BGL functions and algorithms.
1496-   Helper functions to create an icosahedron, a regular prism and a
1497    pyramid have been added.
1498-   Add class `CGAL::Face_filtered_graph` that wraps an existing graph
1499    and hide all simplices that are not in the selected connected
1500    components.
1501-   Added the class `CGAL::Seam_mesh`. The `Seam_mesh` is a graph
1502    adaptor which allows to create virtual borders when marking edges as
1503    seam edges.
1504-   Add the functions `read_off()` and `write_off()`.
1506Release 4.10
1509Release date: May 2017
1511### Installation
1513-   The minimum required version of CMake is now 3.1. All CMake versions
1514    up to 3.7 are supported.
1515-   The compilation of some demo may require a C++11 compiler. The CGAL
1516    library itself still support C++03 compilers.
1517-   The shell script `cgal_create_cmake_script` now enables C++14 by
1518    default.
1519-   A new mechanism to check which packages of CGAL are used have been
1520    added. It is particularly interesting for commercial users to ensure
1521    they have a valid commercial license for the packages they used.
1522    This can also be used to make sure only LGPL header files are used.
1523-   Because of a bug in the g++ compiler about the C++11 keyword
1524    `thread_local`, the CGAL\_Core library now always requires
1525    `Boost.Thread` if the g++ compiler is used.
1527### Generalized Maps (new package)
1529-   This package implements Generalized Maps in d dimensions. A
1530    generalized map is a data structure enabling to represent an
1531    orientable or non orientable subdivided object by describing all the
1532    cells of the subdivision (for example in 3D vertices, edges, faces,
1533    volumes) and all the incidence and adjacency relationships between
1534    these cells. This data structure is the generalization of the
1535    combinatorial maps in order to be able to represent non orientable
1536    objects.
1538### 3D Point Set (new package)
1540-   This package provides a flexible data structure `CGAL::Point_set_3`
1541    that allows the user to easily handle point sets with an arbitrary
1542    number of attributes (such as normal vectors, colors, labeling,
1543    etc.).
1545### Combinatorial Maps and Linear cell complex
1547-   **Breaking change**: the requirements of the item class used to
1548    customize a combinatorial map and a linear cell complex changed.
1549    Instead of defining the type of darts used, you have to define the
1550    information you want to add in each dart. You can define the
1551    `CGAL_CMAP_DART_DEPRECATED` macro to keep the old behavior.
1553### Triangulated Surface Mesh Shortest Paths
1555-   **Breaking change**: Rename all functions, types, and enums using
1556    *barycentric coordinate* to *barycentric coordinates*.
1558### CGAL and the Boost Graph Library (BGL)
1560-   **Breaking change**: Addition of a free function `reserve()` in the
1561    concept `MutableFaceGraph`. Models provided by CGAL have been
1562    updated.
1564### 2D and 3D Linear Geometry Kernel
1566-   **Breaking change**: The function `compare_slopes()` was renamed
1567    `compare_slope`.
1568-   Added a 2D and 3D weighted point class and predicates and
1569    constructions.
1570-   Add functions `l_infinity_distance()` for 2D and 3D.
1571-   Add a new functor in CGAL Kernel concept to compare the slope of two
1572    3D segments. All models of the Kernel concept now provide the
1573    functor `Compare_slope_3`, and the free function `compare_slope()`
1574    is available.
1575-   Add an operator in CGAL Kernel concept `Angle_3` to qualify the
1576    angle between the normal of the triangle given by three points, and
1577    a vector.
1579### 3D Convex Hull
1581-   The convex hull function can also produce a `Surface_mesh`, and
1582    generally speaking any model of the concept `MutableFaceGraph`
1583-   The function `convex_hull_3_to_polyhedron_3()` is deprecated and
1584    `convex_hull_3_to_face_graph.h` should be used instead.
1585-   The class `Convex_hull_traits_3` now documents a nested type
1586    `Polygon_mesh` instead of `Polyhedron_3`. The other nested type is
1587    kept for backward compatibility.
1588-   Remove the function `CGAL::convex_hull_incremental_3()` deprecated
1589    since CGAL 4.6.
1591### 3D Boolean Operations on Nef Polyhedra
1593-   Add a new constructor from a face graph model
1595### Linear cell complex
1597-   Deprecate class `Linear_cell_complex` which is now renamed
1598    `Linear_cell_complex_for_combinatorial_map_dart`.
1600### 2D Triangulation data structure
1602-   Add function `insert_in_hole`.
1604### 2D Triangulations
1606-   **Breaking change**: Removed the arbitrary dimensional weighted
1607    point class. Users must use a version prior to 4.9 if they need this
1608    class.
1609-   **Breaking change**:The number type of weighted points in regular
1610    triangulations is no longer a template parameter but the field type
1611    of the geometric traits class. Users who need this feature must use
1612    a version prior to 4.9
1613-   The class `Regular_triangulation_filtered_traits_2` deprecated since
1614    CGAL 3.6 has been removed.
1615-   Deprecate the class `Regular_triangulation_euclidean_traits_2`, as
1616    the weighted point and the function objects for weighted points are
1617    part of the concept `Kernel`/
1618-   The class `Regular_triangulation_2` can take a kernel as template
1619    argument, that is one no longer has to use
1620    `Regular_triangulation_euclidea_traits_2`, although this still
1621    works.
1623### 3D Triangulations
1625-   **Breaking change**: The number type of weighted points in regular
1626    triangulations is no longer a template parameter but the field type
1627    of the geometric traits class. Users who need this feature must use
1628    a version prior to 4.9.
1629-   The class `Regular_triangulation_filtered_traits_3` deprecated since
1630    CGAL 3.6 has been removed.
1631-   Deprecate the class `Regular_triangulation_euclidean_traits_3`, as
1632    the weighted point and the function objects for weighted points are
1633    part of the concept `Kernel`/
1634-   The class `Regular_triangulation_3` can take a kernel as template
1635    argument, that is one no longer has to use
1636    `Regular_triangulation_euclidean_traits_3`, although this still
1637    works.
1638-   Add function `link_to_face_graph()` to copy the set of faces
1639    incident to a vertex into a model of `FaceGraph`.
1641### 3D Mesh Generation
1643-   The constructor
1644    `CGAL::Polyhedral_mesh_domain_with_features_3(std::string)` is
1645    deprecated.
1647### Polygon Mesh Processing
1649-   Add fast and robust corefinement and Boolean operation functions for
1650    triangulated surface meshes:
1651    -   `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::corefine_and_compute_union()`
1652    -   `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::corefine_and_compute_difference()`
1653    -   `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::corefine_and_compute_intersection()`
1654    -   `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::corefine()`
1655    -   `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::does_bound_a_volume()`
1656    -   `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::surface_intersection()`
1657-   Add functions to compute approximated Hausdorff distances between
1658    two meshes, a mesh and a point set, or a point set and a mesh:
1659    `sample_triangle_mesh()`, `approximated_Hausdorff_distance()`,
1660    `approximated_symmetric_Hausdorff_distance()`,
1661    `max_distance_to_triangle_mesh()`, `max_distance_to_point_set()`.
1662-   The function `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::bbox_3()` has been
1663    renamed `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::bbox()`.
1665### Point Set Processing
1667-   Function `CGAL::remove_outliers()` has an additional parameter based
1668    on a distance threshold to make it easier and more intuitive to use.
1669-   New functions for automatic scale estimations: either a global scale
1670    or multiple local scales can be estimated for both 2D and 3D point
1671    sets based on the assumption that they sample a curve in 2D or a
1672    surface in 3D.
1674### CGAL and the Boost Graph Library (BGL)
1676-   Add function `CGAL::convert_nef_polyhedron_to_polygon_mesh()` to
1677    convert a `Nef_polyhedron_3` to any model of the `MutableFaceGraph`
1678    concept.
1679-   Add class `CGAL::Graph_with_descriptor_with_graph` that wraps an
1680    existing graph and provides a reference to the said graph to all of
1681    its descriptors.
1683### Cone Based Spanners
1685-   Add a parameter to compute half Tao graph and half Theta graph.
1686-   Add an ipelet for this package.
1688### Geometric Object Generators
1690-   Add point random generators
1691    -   in a 3D triangle mesh model of the concept `FaceListGraph`
1692        (`CGAL::Random_points_in_triangle_mesh_3`),
1693    -   on the boundary of a tetrahedral mesh
1694        (`CGAL::Random_points_in_tetrahedral_mesh_boundary_3`),
1695    -   in a tetrahedral mesh
1696        (`CGAL::Random_points_in_tetrahedral_mesh_3`),
1697    -   in a 2D triangle mesh
1698        (`CGAL::Random_points_in_triangle_mesh_2`),
1699    -   in a range of 2D or 3D triangles
1700        (`CGAL::Random_points_in_triangles_3` and
1701        `CGAL::Random_points_in_triangles_2`).
1702    -   on a 3D segment (`CGAL::Random_points_on_segment_3`).
1704Release 4.9
1707Release date: Sept 2016
1709### Header-only mode
1711-   CGAL can now be used in headers only mode, i.e. without compiling
1712    the CGAL libraries and linking with these libraries when compiling
1713    examples, tests and demos. Note that running CMake on CGAL is still
1714    required in order to generate some configuration files.
1716### Cone Based Spanners (new package)
1718-   This package provides algorithms for constructing two kinds of
1719    cone-based spanners: Yao graph and Theta graph, given a set of
1720    vertices on the plane and the directions of cone boundaries.
1722### 2D Minkowski Sums
1724-   Introduce a convex decomposition strategy, namely
1725    `Polygon_nop_decomposition_2`, that merely passed the input polygon
1726    to the list of output polygons.
1727-   Introduce overloads of the function `minkowski_sum_2()`, which
1728    accepts 2 decomposition strategies.
1729-   Introduce an overloaded function called
1730    `minkowski_sum_by_decomposition_2(P, Q, decom_no_holes,     decomp_with_holes)`,
1731    which computes the 2D Minkowski sum using optimal choices of
1732    decomposition strategies.
1734### Combinatorial Maps
1736-   Deprecate global functions (`make_combinatorial_hexahedron()`,
1737    `make_combinatorial_polygon()`, `make_combinatorial_tetrahedron()`,
1738    `make_edge()`, `insert_cell_0_in_cell_1()`,
1739    `insert_cell_0_in_cell_2()`, `insert_cell_1_in_cell_2()`,
1740    `insert_cell_2_in_cell_3()`, `insert_dangling_cell_1_in_cell_2()`,
1741    `is_insertable_cell_1_in_cell_2()`,
1742    `is_insertable_cell_2_in_cell_3()`, `is_removable()`,
1743    `remove_cell()`) which are now member functions in the
1744    `CombinatorialMap` concept.
1745-   It is not longer possible to use the old API switched on by defining
1746    the macro `CGAL_CMAP_DEPRECATED`. This API was deprecated since CGAL
1747    4.4.
1749### Point Set Processing
1751-   New function `CGAL::read_ply_custom_points()` that allows the user
1752    to read any additional point attribute from a PLY input point set.
1753-   `CGAL::structure_point_set()`: new algorithm that takes advantage of
1754    detected planes to produce a structured point set (with flat
1755    regions, sharp edges and vertices).
1757### Point Set Shape Detection
1759-   New post-processing algorithm: `CGAL::regularize_planes()`. This
1760    allows the user to favor parallelism, orthogonality, coplanarity
1761    and/or axial symmetry between detected planes.
1763### Polygon Mesh Processing
1765-   Add the function
1766    `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::is_polygon_soup_a_polygon_mesh()` to
1767    check whether a polygon soup is a polygon mesh.
1768-   Add some new features to `CGAL::isotropic_remeshing()`:
1769    -   It is now possible to select fixed vertices that survive the
1770        remeshing process, and to keep face attributes such as colors
1771        valid after remeshing.
1772    -   The user can choose the number of relaxation steps happening at
1773        each loop, and to run 1-dimensional relaxation along constrained
1774        polylines.
1775-   The functions `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_face()`
1776    and `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_faces()` now
1777    indicate whether some faces have not been triangulated.
1779### Surface Mesh Deformation
1781-   Add a new tag `SRE_ARAP` to use the Smoothed Rotation Enhanced
1782    As-Rigid-As-Possible deformation algorithm.
1784### 3D Fast Intersection and Distance Computation
1786-   Add the functions `AABB_tree::first_intersection()` and
1787    `AABB_tree::first_intersected_primitive()` that compute the
1788    intersection which is closest to the source of a ray
1790### CGAL and the Boost Graph Library (BGL)
1792-   Add a helper function `CGAL::copy_face_graph()` to copy a source
1793    FaceListGraph into another FaceListGraph of different type.
1794-   Add a class `CGAL::Dual` that creates the dual view of a `FaceGraph`
1795    and a creation function `CGAL::dual(primal)`.
1797#### CGAL and Boost Property Maps
1799-   It is not longer possible to use the old API of the property maps
1800    provided by CGAL, switched on by defining the macro
1801    `CGAL_USE_PROPERTY_MAPS_API_V1`. This API was deprecated since CGAL
1802    4.3.
1804Release 4.8
1807Release date: April 2016
1809### General
1811-   The support for Qt3 is dropped and all demos using it got removed.
1813### Installation
1815-   Starting with Visual C++ 2015 we no longer require `Boost.Thread` as
1816    we use the C++11 keyword `thread_local` and the C+11 class
1817    `std::mutex` .
1818-   The same holds for g++ 4.8 or later when the C++11 standard is used.
1820### Optimal Transportation Curve Reconstruction (new package)
1822-   This package implements a method to reconstruct and simplify 2D
1823    point sets. The input is a set of 2D points with mass attributes,
1824    possibly hampered by noise and outliers. The output is a set of line
1825    segments and isolated points which approximate the input points.
1827### 2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations
1829-   Improve the performance of operations in some settings.
1830    **Breaking change**: This improvement requires changes of the face
1831    and halfedge type of the underlying arrangement Dcel. See the
1832    concepts `GeneralPolygonSetDcelHalfedge` and
1833    `GeneralPolygonSetDcelFace` for more details. If you use a different
1834    simplex types, inheriting your simplices from `CGAL::Gps_face_base`
1835    and `CGAL::Gps_halfedge_base` is sufficient to accommodate for the
1836    update.
1838### 3D Boolean Operations on Nef Polyhedra
1840-   Add 3 new constructors: from a point range, from a point, and from a
1841    segment.
1843### Combinatorial Maps
1845-   **Breaking change**: Change the type of Boolean marks, old type is
1846    int, new type is `size_type`. If no more mark is available,
1847    `get_new_mark` throws an exception, instead of returning `-1`.
1849### 2D Arrangements
1851-   Speed up the edge removal in case the incident faces contains many
1852    holes.
1853-   Set the format of polylines and polycurves. The format of a general
1854    polyline or polycurve consists of the sequence of subcurves that
1855    comprise the original curve. The format of a polyline of linear
1856    segments consists of the sequence of points that define the original
1857    curve. (The latter restores the format used before polycurves were
1858    introduced in 4.7.) Fix the extraction from istream and insertion
1859    into ostream operators of polylines and polycurves accordingly.
1860-   Fix the traits class that handles Bezier curves. In particular, fix
1861    the case where the curve is closed (i.e, the first and last control
1862    points coincide).
1864### 3D Mesh Generation
1866-   Add support of 3D gray level images as input for the tetrahedral
1867    mesh generation.
1868-   **Breaking change:** All models of the concept `MeshDomain_3` must
1869    now provide a member function `bbox()`.
1871### Advancing Front Surface Reconstruction
1873-   Optional template functor `Filter` is replaced by another optional
1874    template functor `Priority`. This allows to change the way facets
1875    are prioritized by the algorithm instead of having a simple option
1876    to reject some facets.
1877    **Breaking change**: Programs using the old `Filter` API will not
1878    compile anymore as it must be replaced with the `Priority` API as
1879    described in the manual. Codes using the default behavior are not
1880    impacted.
1882### Polygon Mesh Processing
1884-   Add a new triangle-based isotropic remeshing algorithm for
1885    triangulated surface meshes,
1886    `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::isotropic_remeshing()` and a helper
1887    function for isotropic remeshing :
1888    `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::split_long_edges()`
1889-   Add the function `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::border_halfedges()`
1890    to collect the border of a given face range
1891-   Add the function
1892    `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::remove_isolated_vertices()` to be
1893    used on any polygon mesh
1894-   Add the function `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_face()`
1895    to triangulate a single face of a polygon mesh
1896-   Add an overload for
1897    `CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::triangulate_faces()` to triangulate
1898    a range of faces of a polygon mesh
1899-   Add function `keep_large_connected_components()`
1900-   Add measuring functions for polygon meshes, to compute length, area,
1901    and volume of simplices or group of simplices of a polygon mesh.
1902-   Add function `bbox_3()` to compute the bounding box of a polygon
1903    mesh.
1905### Point Set Processing
1907-   **Breaking change:** new template parameter `Concurrency_tag` for
1908    the functions `compute_average_spacing()`,
1909    `edge_aware_upsample_point_set()`, `jet_estimate_normals()`,
1910    `jet_smooth_point_set()`, and `pca_estimate_normals()`. To update
1911    your code simply add as first template parameter
1912    `CGAL::Sequential_tag` or `CGAL::Parallel_tag` when calling one of
1913    these functions.
1914-   `CGAL::Parallel_tag` can no longer be used in Point Set Processing
1915    algorithms if TBB is not available.
1916-   Add a new simplification algorithm based on hierarchical clustering:
1917    `CGAL::hierarchy_simplify_point_set()`. It allows either to
1918    uniformly simplify the point set or to automatically adapt the local
1919    density of points to the local variation of the input computed by
1920    principal component analysis.
1921-   New IO functions for PLY format (Polygon File Format):
1922    `CGAL::read_ply_points()`, `CGAL::read_ply_points_and_normals()`,
1923    `CGAL::write_ply_points()` and
1924    `CGAL::write_ply_points_and_normals()`.
1926### Surface Mesh Parameterization
1928-   `LSCM_parameterizer_3` now uses by default Eigen instead of OpenNL
1929    as a model of `SparseLinearAlgebraTraits_d`.
1931### Spatial Searching
1933-   Add function to find any point in a range query, that is neither all
1934    points, nor the closest one.
1936### Principal Component Analysis
1938-   Add a template parameter `DiagonalizeTraits` for functions
1939    `CGAL::linear_least_squares_fitting_2()` and
1940    `CGAL::linear_least_squares_fitting_3()`. This allows to either
1941    choose the legacy internal diagonalization code from CGAL or the
1942    Eigen implementation (or any class that is a model of
1943    `DiagonalizeTraits`). Variants of the function that automatically
1944    deduce the kernel also automatically select the diagonalizer, so the
1945    API is mostly preserved.
1947### CGAL and Solvers
1949-   This package now includes all CGAL concepts for solvers with models
1950    using the third party Eigen library.
1952### CGAL and the Boost Graph Library (BGL)
1954-   Add function `CGAL::split_graph_into_polylines()` that allows to
1955    extract from a soup of segments given as a graph, polylines with
1956    nodes of degree at most 2. In addition a functor can be passed to
1957    the function to specify additional polyline endpoints.
1958-   New functions to manipulate selection of faces, edges and vertices
1959    in a halfedge graph are added: `CGAL::expand_face_selection()`,
1960    `CGAL::reduce_face_selection()`, `CGAL::expand_edge_selection()`,
1961    `CGAL::reduce_edge_selection()` `CGAL::expand_vertex_selection()`,
1962    `CGAL::reduce_vertex_selection()` and
1963    `CGAL::select_incident_faces()`.
1964-   Add a helper function `CGAL::clear` which clears a MutableFaceGraph
1965    efficiently and generically.
1967Release 4.7
1970Release date: October 2015
1972### Installation
1974-   The minimum required version of CMake is now 2.8.11. CMake versions
1975    3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 are supported.
1976-   All Qt4 demos have been updated and now require Qt5 to be compiled.
1977    Qt5 version 5.3 or higher is required. The support for Qt4 is
1978    dropped. To compile libCGAL\_Qt5 and demos, you must set the cmake
1979    or environment variable `Qt5_DIR` to point to the path to the
1980    directory containing the file `Qt5Config.cmake` created by your Qt5
1981    installation. If you are using the open source edition it should be
1982    `/path-to/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-<version>/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5`.
1983-   The code of the 3D demos now uses modern OpenGL, with shaders,
1984    instead of the fixed pipeline API of OpenGL-1.
1985-   The Microsoft Windows Visual C++ compiler 2015 (VC14) is now
1986    supported. However, since this compiler is not officially supported
1987    by Intel TBB 4.4 and Qt 5.5 (the latest versions available at the
1988    time of this release), the parallelism features of CGAL and Qt5
1989    demos will not work.
1991### L Infinity Segment Delaunay Graphs (new package)
1993-   The package provides the geometric traits for constructing the
1994    segment Delaunay graph in the max-norm (L Infinity). The traits also
1995    contain methods to draw the edges of the dual of the segment
1996    Delaunay graph in the max-norm i.e., the segment Voronoi diagram in
1997    the max-norm. The algorithm and traits rely on the segment Delaunay
1998    graph algorithm and traits under the Euclidean distance. The segment
1999    Voronoi diagram in the max-norm has applications in VLSI CAD.
2001### Advancing Front Surface Reconstruction (new package)
2003-   This package provides a greedy algorithm for surface reconstruction
2004    from an unorganized point set. Starting from a seed facet, a
2005    piecewise linear surface is grown by adding Delaunay triangles one
2006    by one. The most plausible triangles are added first, in a way that
2007    avoids the appearance of topological singularities.
2009### Triangulated Surface Mesh Shortest Paths (new package)
2011-   The package provides methods for computing shortest path on
2012    triangulated surface meshes. Given a set of source points on the
2013    surface, this package provides a data structure that can efficiently
2014    provides the shortest path from any point on the surface to the
2015    sources points. There is no restriction on the genus or the number
2016    of connected components of the mesh.
2018### Triangulated Surface Mesh Skeletonization (new package)
2020-   This package provides a (1D) curve skeleton extraction algorithm for
2021    a triangulated polygonal mesh without borders based on the mean
2022    curvature flow. The particularity of this skeleton is that it
2023    captures the topology of the input. For each skeleton vertex one can
2024    obtain its location and its corresponding vertices from the input
2025    mesh. The code is generic and works with any model of the
2026    \`FaceListGraph\` concept.
2028### 3D Point-Set Shape Detection (new package)
2030-   This package implements the efficient RANSAC method for shape
2031    detection, contributed by Schnabel et al. From an unstructured point
2032    set with unoriented normals, the algorithm detects a set of shapes.
2033    Five types of primitive shapes are provided by this package: plane,
2034    sphere, cylinder, cone and torus. Detecting other types of shapes is
2035    possible by implementing a class derived from a base shape.
2037### 2D Visibility (new package)
2039-   This package provides several variants to compute the visibility
2040    area of a point within polygonal regions in two dimensions.
2042### Polygon Mesh Processing (new package)
2044-   This package implements a collection of methods and classes for
2045    polygon mesh processing, ranging from basic operations on simplices,
2046    to complex geometry processing algorithms. The implementation of
2047    this package mainly follows algorithms and references given in
2048    Botsch et al.'s book on polygon mesh processing.
2050### General
2052-   Support for unordered sets and maps of the stdlib and of boost for
2053    handle and index classes.
2055### Approximation of Ridges and Umbilics on Triangulated Surface Meshes
2057-   This package now supports any model of the concept `FaceGraph`.
2058-   **Breaking change:** The package no longer supports models of
2059    `TriangulatedSurfaceMesh` which are not at the same time models of
2060    the concept `FaceGraph`.
2062### dD Geometry Kernel
2064-   Epick\_d gains 3 new functors: `Construct_circumcenter_d`,
2065    `Compute_squared_radius_d`, `Side_of_bounded_sphere_d`. Those are
2066    essential for the computation of alpha-shapes.
2068### 2D Arrangements
2070-   Introduced a new traits class, called
2071    `Arr_polycurve_traits_2<SubcurveTraits>`, which handles general
2072    piece-wise (polycurve) curves. The pieces do not necessarily have to
2073    be linear.
2074-   Introduced two new concepts called `ArrangementApproximateTraits_2`
2075    and `ArrangementConstructXMonotoneCurveTraits_2`.
2076    -   The existing `ArrangementLandmarkTraits_2` concept, which has
2077        two requirements, now refines the two respective concepts above.
2078    -   The template parameter of the existing
2079        `Arr_polyline_traits_2<SegmentTraits>` template must be
2080        substituted with a traits class that is a model of the
2081        `ArrangementConstructXMonotoneTraits_2` concept among the other
2082        when `Arr_polyline_traits_2` is instantiated.
2084### 2D Minkowski Sums
2086-   Added support for polygons with holes and optimized the construction
2087    of Minkowski sums.
2088    -   Introduced an implementation of the "reduced convolution"
2089        method, a variant of the method described in "2D Minkowski Sum
2090        of Polygons Using Reduced Convolution" by Behar and Lien. The
2091        new method supports polygons with holes and in many cases out
2092        pergorms the implementation of the exsisting (full) convolution
2093        method.
2094    -   Introduced two new classes that decompose polygons into convex
2095        pieces (models of the `PolygonConvexDecomposition_2` concept)
2096        based on vertical decomposition and constrained Delaunay
2097        triangulation, respectively. These new models also support the
2098        convex decomposition of polygons with holes.
2100### 3D Periodic Triangulations
2102-   Rename `Periodic_3_triangulation_traits_3` to
2103    `Periodic_3_Delaunay_triangulation_traits_3`.
2104-   Rename the concept `Periodic_3TriangulationTraits_3` to
2105    `Periodic_3DelaunayTriangulationTraits_3`.
2106-   Create `Periodic_3_triangulation_traits_3` and the concept
2107    `Periodic_3TriangulationTraits_3`.
2109### 2D Conforming Triangulations and Meshes
2111-   Add an optimization method `CGAL::lloyd_optimize_mesh_2()` that
2112    implements the Lloyd (or Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation)
2113    optimization algorithm in a Constrained Delaunay Triangulation. For
2114    optimization, the triangulation data structure on which the mesher
2115    relies needs its `VertexBase` template parameter to be a model of
2116    the new concept `DelaunayMeshVertexBase_2`.
2118### Point Set Processing and Surface Reconstruction from Point Sets
2120-   Add the function `CGAL::compute_vcm()` for computing the Voronoi
2121    Covariance Measure (VCM) of a point set. The output of this function
2122    can be used with the function `CGAL::vcm_is_on_feature_edge()` to
2123    determine whether a point is on or close to a feature edge. The
2124    former function is also internally used by
2125    `CGAL::vcm_estimate_normals()` to estimate the normals of a point
2126    set and it is particularly suited to point sets with noise.
2128### Spatial Sorting
2130-   Add the possibility to sort points on a sphere along a space-filling
2131    curve using the functions `CGAL::hilbert_sort_on_sphere` and
2132    `CGAL::spatial_sort_on_sphere`.
2134### Geometric Object Generators
2136-   Add new random generator of points in a 2D and 3D triangle and in a
2137    tetrahedron (`CGAL::Random_points_in_triangle_2`,
2138    `CGAL::Random_points_in_triangle_3`,
2139    `CGAL::Random_points_in_tetrahedron_3`).
2141Release 4.6.2
2144Release date: August 2015
2146This release only fixes bugs. See the list of fixed bugs on Github:
2150Release 4.6.1
2153Release date: June 2015
2155This release only fixes bugs. See the list of fixed bugs on Github:
2159Release 4.6
2162Release date: April 2015
2164### Installation
2166-   The required version of Boost is now 1.48 or higher.
2168### 2D Polyline Simplification (new package)
2170-   This package enables to simplify polylines with the guarantee that
2171    the topology of the polylines does not change. This can be done for
2172    a single polyline as well as for a set of polyline constraints in a
2173    constrained triangulation. The simplification can be controlled with
2174    cost and stop functions.
2176### 2D Generalized Barycentric Coordinates (new package)
2178-   This package offers an efficient and robust implementation of
2179    two-dimensional closed-form generalized barycentric coordinates
2180    defined for simple two-dimensional polygons.
2182### Scale-Space Surface Reconstruction (new package)
2184-   This new package provides a class gathering a dedicated smoothing
2185    algorithm and some convenience functions to help the creation of a
2186    surface out of a point set using the 3D Alpha Shapes package. The
2187    particularity of this reconstruction pipeline is that the input
2188    point are in the output and no new points are created. Note that in
2189    the current version, the output is a triangle soup that is not
2190    necessarily a valid (manifold) polyhedral surface.
2192### Surface Mesh (new package)
2194-   The surface mesh class provided by this package is an implementation
2195    of the halfedge data structure allowing to represent polyhedral
2196    surfaces. It is an alternative to the packages `CGAL::Polyhedron_3`
2197    and `CGAL::HalfedgeDS`.
2199### dD Triangulation (new package)
2201-   This new package provides classes for manipulating triangulations in
2202    Euclidean spaces whose dimension can be specified at compile-time or
2203    at run-time. It also provides a class that represents Delaunay
2204    triangulations.
2206### dD Convex Hulls and Delaunay Triangulations
2208-   This package is deprecated and the new package Triangulation should
2209    be used instead.
2211### dD Geometry Kernel
2213-   It has been reported that the recently introduced `Epick_d` kernel
2214    may not work with Intel C++ Compiler prior to version 15.
2215    Documentation has been updated.
2217### 3D Convex Hulls
2219-   Add functions `halfspace_intersection_3` and
2220    `halfspace_intersection_with_constructions_3` to compute the
2221    intersection of halfspaces defining a closed polyhedron.
2222-   Fix a bug introduced in CGAL 4.5 that can appear while computing the
2223    convex hull of coplanar points.
2224-   Fix a robustness issue in `Convex_hull_traits_3`. This traits is
2225    used by default with the kernel
2226    `Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel`.
2227-   The function `CGAL::convex_hull_incremental_3` is deprecated and the
2228    function `convex_hull_3` should be used instead.
2230### Combinatorial Maps and Linear Cell Complex
2232-   Added `correct_invalid_attributes`,
2233    `set_automatic_attributes_management` and
2234    `are_attributes_automatically_managed` methods in `CombinatorialMap`
2235    concept. This allows high level operations to not update non void
2236    attributes during massive calls of these operations, but only after
2237    the end of their executions.
2239### 2D Triangulations
2241-   The class `Constrained_triangulation_plus_2` now can handle
2242    polylines as constraints.
2243-   As a consequence a `Constraint_id` has been introduced which
2244    replaces `pair<Vertex_handle,Vertex_handle>` as identifier of a
2245    constraint.
2247### 3D Mesh Generation
2249-   Add member functions `output_boundary_to_off` and
2250    `output_facets_in_complex_to_off` in the class
2251    `CGAL::Mesh_complex_3_in_triangulation_3` to export the boundary of
2252    a domain or a subdomain.
2254### 3D Fast Intersection and Distance Computation
2256-   Add new constructors to `AABB_halfedge_graph_segment_primitive` and
2257    `AABB_face_graph_triangle_primitive` in order to be able to build
2258    primitives one by one.
2260### Spatial Searching
2262-   Fixed a bug in `CGAL::Splitters.h` sliding midpoint rule, where
2263    degenerated point sets (e.g.,points on segment) caused the kd-tree
2264    to get linear.
2265-   Improved performance of `Orthogonal_k_neighbor_search`. Note that VC
2266    2013 does not compile `boost::container::deque` of Boost 1\_55 and
2267    does hence have a workaround which does not have the improvement.
2268-   **Breaking change:** The concept `OrthogonalDistance` has new
2269    function overloads for `min_distance_to_rectangle` and
2270    `max_distance_to_rectangle` with an additional reference parameter
2271    `std::vector`.
2272-   **Breaking change:** The order of the points in the iterator range
2273    `[tree.begin(),tree.end()]` is not the order of insertion of the
2274    points into the tree. This was not guaranteed before but might have
2275    been observed and exploited by users.
2276-   Derived `kd_tree_leaf_node` and `kd_tree_internal_node` from
2277    `kd_tree_node` to save memory.
2279### Geometric Object Generators
2281-   Add a new function `random_convex_hull_in_disc_2` that efficiently
2282    generates a random polygon as the convex hull of uniform random
2283    points chosen in a disc.
2285Release 4.5.2
2288Release date: February 2015
2290### General
2292-   Fix a bug that prevented the compilation with recent versions of
2293    Boost (&gt;=1.56) when explicit conversions operators (from C++11)
2294    are supported. That prevented the compilation with Microsoft Visual
2295    Studio 2013.
2297### 3D Convex Hulls
2299-   Fix a non-robust predicate bug that was showing up when input points
2300    where lexicographically sorted.
2302### 3D Mesh Generation
2304-   Fix a bug in the sliver perturbation optimization method. It could
2305    create some holes on the surface of the mesh.
2307Release 4.5.1
2310Release date: December 2014
2312### 3D Mesh Generation
2314-   Fix a bug in the sliver exudation preservation of boundaries.
2316Release 4.5
2319Release date: October 2014
2321### Installation
2323-   Changes in the set of supported platforms:
2324    -   The Microsoft Windows Visual C++ compiler 2008 (VC9) is no
2325        longer supported since CGAL-4.5.
2326-   Since CGAL version 4.0, Eigen was the recommended third-party
2327    library to use with *Planar Parameterization of Triangulated Surface
2328    Meshes*, *Surface Reconstruction from Point Sets*, *Approximation of
2329    Ridges and Umbilics on Triangulated Surface Meshes*, and *Estimation
2330    of Local Differential Properties of Point-Sampled Surfaces*
2331    packages. From CGAL version 4.5, Taucs, Blas and Lapack are no
2332    longer supported.
2333-   CGAL is now compatible with the new CMake version 3.0.
2335### Triangulated Surface Mesh Deformation (new package)
2337-   This package allows to deform a triangulated surface mesh under
2338    positional constraints of some of its vertices without requiring any
2339    additional structure other than the surface mesh itself. The methods
2340    provided implements an as-rigid-as-possible deformation. Note that
2341    the main class name has changed between the 4.5-beta1 and the 4.5
2342    releases to better match the CGAL naming conventions (from
2343    `CGAL::Deform_mesh` to `CGAL::Surface_mesh_deformation`).
2345### CGAL and the Boost Graph Library (major changes)
2347-   Cleanup of the `HalfedgeGraph` concept. In particular:
2348    -   Introduction of the notion of `halfedge_descriptor` in the
2349        specialization of the class `boost::graph_traits`.
2350    -   Deprecation of `halfedge_graph_traits`.
2351    -   A model of `HalfedgeGraph` is considered as an undirected graph.
2352        Thus any call to `edges()` should be replaced by `halfedges()`
2353        and `num_edges()` now returns the number of (undirected) edges.
2354    -   **Breaking change:** `is_border_edge` and `is_border_halfedge`
2355        properties are removed. The free functions `is_border()` and
2356        `is_border_edge()` should be used instead.
2357    -   Renaming of `HalfedgeGraph` specific free functions.
2358-   Introduction of the `FaceGraph` concept.
2359-   Adaptation of the package *Triangulated Surface Mesh Simplification*
2360    and of the class `AABB_halfedge_graph_segment_primitive` from the
2361    package *3D Fast Intersection and Distance Computation* to the API
2362    change.
2363-   Update of the package *Triangulated Surface Mesh Segmentation* and
2364    of the class `AABB_face_graph_triangle_primitive` from the package
2365    *3D Fast Intersection and Distance Computation* to accept model of
2366    the newly introduced concepts.
2367-   Offer *Euler* operations as free functions for models of the graph
2368    concepts provided by CGAL.
2369-   Specialization of `boost::graph_traits` for
2370    `OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT` as proof of concept. A
2371    `OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT` becomes a model of the
2372    aforementioned concepts when including
2373    `CGAL/boost/graph/graph_traits_PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT.h`.
2375### dD Geometry Kernel
2377-   A new model `Epick_d` of the `Kernel_d` concept is introduced. It
2378    provides better performance through arithmetic filtering and
2379    specializations for fixed dimensions. It may not work with compilers
2380    as old as gcc-4.2, but was tested with gcc-4.4.
2382### 3D Convex Hulls
2384-   Clean up the documentation of the concepts
2386### 2D Arrangements
2388-   Fixed a bug in removing an unbounded curve (e.g., a ray) from an
2389    arrangement induced by unbounded curves.
2391### 2D Snap Rounding
2393-   Replaced use of private `kd_tree` with CGAL's official `Kd_tree`
2394    from `Spatial_searching` package; results in a small performance
2395    gain. Removed the private `kd_tree` package.
2397### 3D Triangulations
2399-   Add an experimental parallel version of the Delaunay triangulation
2400    and the regular triangulation algorithms, which allows parallel
2401    insertion and removal of point ranges.
2402-   Add caching of circumcenters to `Regular_triangulation_cell_base_3`.
2403    The cache value is computed when `cell->circumcenter()` or
2404    `rt.dual(cell)` functions are called.
2406### 3D Periodic Triangulations
2408-   Add a method to locate point with inexact predicates.
2410### 3D Mesh Generation
2412-   Add a new constructor for the class `Labeled_mesh_domain_3` which
2413    takes an `Iso_cuboid_3`.
2414-   Add a new labeling function wrapper for meshing multi-domain.
2415-   The meshing functionality in the Qt demos in `demo/Polyhedron/` and
2416    `demo/Mesh_3/` can now use the handling of 1d-features, that exists
2417    in CGAL since version 3.8.
2418-   Add an experimental parallel version of the 3D mesh refinement and
2419    mesh optimization methods.
2421### Point Set Processing and Surface Reconstruction from Point Sets
2423-   The former demo has been removed and is fully merge in the
2424    Polyhedron demo.
2426### Point Set Processing
2428-   Workaround a bug in dijsktra shortest path of boost 1.54 by shipping
2429    and using the boost header from the 1.55 release. This header will
2430    be used only if you are using the version 1.54 of boost.
2432### Triangulated Surface Mesh Simplification
2434-   **Breaking change:** Due to the cleanup of the concepts of the
2435    package *CGAL and the Boost Graph Library*, the named parameter
2436    `edge_is_border_map` has been removed, and the named parameter
2437    `edge_is_constrained_map` now expects a property map with an edge
2438    descriptor as key type (vs. halfedge descriptor before).
2439-   Add some optimization in the code making the implementation faster
2440    (depending on the cost and the placement chosen). However, for an
2441    edge which collapse is not topologically valid, the vector of
2442    vertices of the link provided by its profile might contains
2443    duplicates, thus also breaking the orientation guarantee in the
2444    vector. This must not be a problem for users as the edge is not
2445    collapsible anyway but if it is a absolute requirement for user
2446    defined cost/placement, defining the macro
2448    restore the former behavior.
2450### dD Spatial Searching
2452-   Added methods `reserve(size_t size)` and `size_t       capacity()`
2453    to class `Kd_tree` to allocate memory to store `size` points and to
2454    report that number (STL compliance).
2456### STL Extensions for CGAL
2458-   Add `Compact_container::operator[]`, allowing a direct access to the
2459    ith element of a compact container.
2460-   Add `Concurrent_compact_container`, a compact container which allows
2461    concurrent insertion and removal.
2463Release 4.4
2466Release date: April 2014
2468### Installation
2470-   Additional supported platforms:
2471    -   The Apple Clang compiler version 5.0 is now supported on
2472        OS X Mavericks.
2473    -   The Microsoft Windows Visual C++ compiler 2013 (VC12) is now
2474        supported.
2476### Triangulated Surface Mesh Segmentation (new package)
2478-   This package implements the segmentation of triangulated surface
2479    meshes based on the Shape Diameter Function (SDF). In addition, it
2480    also provides functions to generate segmentations based on a user
2481    defined alternative to the SDF.
2483### Number Types
2485-   A new class `CGAL::Mpzf` is introduced on some platforms for exact
2486    ring operations. It is used to improve the speed of the evaluation
2487    of predicates in degenerate situations.
2489### 2D and 3D Geometry Kernel
2491-   Fix a bug introduced in CGAL 4.3 when computing the intersection of
2492    two 3D triangles.
2494### 2D Polygon Partitioning
2496-   Bug fix to make the partition algorithms working with a Lazy kernel
2497    such as `Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel`.
2499### 2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations
2501-   Fix two memory leaks in `CGAL::General_polygon_set_2`.
2503### Combinatorial Maps and Linear Cell Complex
2505-   `null_dart_handle` is no longer a static data member in the
2506    `CombinatorialMap` concept. This implies to move the following
2507    methods of `Dart` concept into `CombinatorialMap` concept:
2508    `is_free`, `highest_nonfree_dimension`, `opposite` and
2509    `other_extremity`. We also transform the static methods
2510    `vertex_attribute` and `point` of `Linear_cell_complex` class into
2511    non static methods. You can define the CGAL\_CMAP\_DEPRECATED macro
2512    to keep the old behavior.
2514### 2D Arrangements
2516-   Revise the API of **polylines**. In particular, *construction* is
2517    now done using functors and *iteration* is possible only on the
2518    segments of a polyline.
2519-   Fix a bug in the *Landmark* point-location strategy.
2521### 2D Snap Rounding
2523-   Fix a memory leak
2525### 2D Triangulations
2527-   Add different overloads of the function `insert_constraints` that
2528    inserts a range of points and segments, or a range of segments.
2529    These functions uses the spatial sorting in order to speed up the
2530    time needed for the insertion.
2532### 3D Alpha Shapes
2534-   Add member functions in `CGAL::Alpha_shape_3` to give access to the
2535    alpha status of edges and facets (`get_alpha_status())`.
2536-   Add another filtration method (`filtration_with_alpha_values()`)
2537    that reports the alpha value at which each face appears in the
2538    filtration.
2540### 3D Mesh Generation
2542-   Fix the access to functions `number_of_facets` and `number_of_cells`
2543    in `Mesh_complex_3_in_triangulation_3`.
2544-   Change the internal API of the sliver perturber, to make possible
2545    for developers to optimize another criterion than the (default)
2546    minimal dihedral angle. Developers can also define a new
2547    perturbation vector (for angles we had gradient of squared
2548    circumradius, gradient of volume, gradient of minimal dihedral
2549    angle, and random) which is better suitable to optimize their
2550    criterion.
2551-   Improve the use of cache values in `Mesh_cell_base_3` to (re)compute
2552    circumcenters and sliver criterion values only when needed.
2554### Triangulated Surface Mesh Simplification
2556-   Fix a bug in the way edges can be marked as non-removable by adding
2557    a named-parameter `edge_is_constrained_map` to the function
2558    `edge_collapse`
2560### dD Spatial Searching
2562-   Fix a documentation bug: The property map passed as template
2563    parameter to the classes `Search_traits_adapter` and
2564    `Distance_adapter` must be a lvalue property map. To avoid incorrect
2565    usage, a static assertion has been added in the CGAL code to prevent
2566    the user from instantiating these classes with an incorrect property
2567    map type.
2569### CGAL ipelets
2571-   Better description of the demo ipelets in the user manual
2572-   New ipelet for pencils of circles
2573-   New ipelet for hyperbolic geometry in Poincaré model
2574-   The generator ipelet now generates point in a selected zone
2575-   Hilbert sort ipelet implements two policies
2577Release 4.3
2580Release date: October 2013
2582### The CGAL Manual
2584-   The documentation of CGAL is now generated with Doxygen.
2586### 2D Periodic Triangulations (new package)
2588-   This package allows to build and handle triangulations of point sets
2589    in the two dimensional flat torus. Triangulations are built
2590    incrementally and can be modified by insertion or removal of
2591    vertices. They offer point location facilities. The package provides
2592    Delaunay triangulations and offers nearest neighbor queries and
2593    primitives to build the dual Voronoi diagrams.
2595### API Changes
2597#### 2D and 3D Geometry Kernel
2599-   The intersection functions and functors used to return a
2600    `CGAL::Object` in order to deal with the different possible return
2601    types. However, depending on the arguments it is possible to reduce
2602    the possible return types to a small set. For this reason and to
2603    take advantage of the type safety, we decided to use
2604    `boost::variant` instead of `CGAL::Object`. The `result_of` protocol
2605    is now even more useful to determine the return type of the
2606    intersection functions and functors. The change should be relatively
2607    transparent to the user thanks to the implicit constructor added to
2608    `CGAL::Object`. However, it is recommended to upgrade your code. The
2609    previous behavior can be restored by defining the macro
2612#### 2D Arrangements
2614-   The type of the result of point location queries changed to
2615    `boost::variant` (from `CGAL::Object`). For convenience, the
2616    previous behavior can be restored by defining the macro
2618-   Introduced an optimization for operations on large and dense
2619    arrangements.
2621#### 3D Fast Intersection and Distance Computation
2623-   Following the intersection API change, `Object_and_primitive_id` has
2624    been replaced by a template class
2625    `Intersection_and_primitive_id<Query>` to determine the type
2626    depending on the query object type.
2628#### CGAL and Boost Property Maps
2630-   The `key_type` of the property maps provided by CGAL used to be an
2631    iterator. In order to be more easily re-used, the `key_type` has
2632    been changed to be the `value_type` of the iterator. The packages
2633    that have been updated to match these changes are **Point Set
2634    Processing** and **Surface Reconstruction from Point Sets**.
2635    However, for most users this change should be transparent if the
2636    default property maps were used. For convenience, the former
2637    behavior can be enabled by defining the macro
2640### Algebraic Foundations
2642-   For convenience, add an overload of `make_rational()` taking a pair
2643    of numbers.
2645### 2D and 3D Geometry Kernel
2647-   A `Iso_rectangle_2` can now be constructed from a `Bbox_2` and an
2648    `Iso_cuboid_3` from a `Bbox_3`.
2649-   The implementation of `CGAL::Object` has been updated and now uses
2650    `boost::shared_ptr` and `boost::any`. This implementation is faster.
2651-   Add to `Bbox_2` and `Bbox_3` a `+=` operator as well as free
2652    functions to get the bounding box of a range of geometric objects.
2654### Combinatorial Maps
2656-   Two bug fixes: do not use the 2 least significant bits for cell
2657    attribute without dart support; share the mark when copying a
2658    CMap\_cell\_iterator.
2659-   Add a constructor taking a given combinatorial map as argument,
2660    possibly with different dimension and/or different attributes. This
2661    allows to transform a combinatorial map.
2662-   Add operator= and swap method.
2663-   Add dynamic onmerge/onsplit functions that can be associated
2664    dynamically to i-attributes and which are automatically called when
2665    i-cells are split/merged.
2666-   Add a function allowing to reverse the orientation of a
2667    combinatorial map, and another one to reverse one connected
2668    component of a combinatorial map.
2670### 3D Boolean Operations on Nef Polyhedra
2672-   Bug-fix in IO when using `Lazy_exact_nt` as number type or
2673    `Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel` as kernel.
2675### 2D Triangulations
2677-   Extend the concept `TriangulationDataStructure_2` to require a more
2678    general `copy_tds` function that allows a copy between TDS of
2679    different types. The CGAL model has been updated.
2680-   Add a way to efficiently insert a range of points with information
2681    into the 2D constrained Delaunay triangulations.
2683### 3D Triangulations
2685-   Extend the concept `TriangulationDataStructure_3` to require a more
2686    general `copy_tds` function that allows a copy between TDS of
2687    different types. The CGAL model has been updated.
2688-   Add an advanced function to set the infinite vertex of the
2689    triangulation for low level operations
2690-   Fix a bug in the function inserting a range of points with info when
2691    the `Fast_location` tag is used
2693### 2D Segment Delaunay Graph
2695-   Add functions `insert_points` and `insert_segments` to insert a
2696    range of points and segments. These functions uses the spatial
2697    sorting in order to speed up the time needed for the insertion. The
2698    function
2699    `insert(Input_iterator first, Input_iterator beyond,       Tag_true)`
2700    has been updated to dispatch the input when possible to these
2701    functions.
2703### 2D Apollonius Graphs
2705-   Modified insertion algorithm so that the code can handle
2706    pseudo-circles as well.
2707-   Updated implementation of the vertex conflict predicate by a faster
2708    version.
2710### 3D Mesh Generation
2712-   Speed-up `Mesh_3` and in particular the global optimizers (Lloyd and
2713    ODT) by introducing a parameter `do_freeze` to prevent from moving
2714    vertices which would move of very small displacements.
2715-   Introduce new data structures and options for speed-up and
2716    compacity. Note that `Compact_mesh_cell_base_3` and
2717    `Mesh_vertex_base_3` are now our favoured implementations of the
2718    concepts MeshCellBase\_3 and MeshVertexBase\_3.
2719-   Introduce a new constructor for `Polyhedral_mesh_domain_3` that
2720    takes a bounding polyhedron to be meshed along with a polyhedral
2721    surface entirely included in it. This allows the user to mesh a
2722    polyhedral domain with internal surface(s) which can be
2723    non-watertight and even non-manifold.
2724-   Several documentation bug fixes.
2725-   Provide the ability to plug in custom cell\_base/vertex\_base
2726    classes into the Mesh\_triangulation\_3 class.
2728### Triangulated Surface Mesh Simplification
2730-   Fix a segmentation fault that was happening when some edges of
2731    length 0 were in the input mesh.
2733### 3D Fast Intersection and Distance Computation
2735-   Following the intersection API change, `Object_and_primitive_id` has
2736    been replaced by a template class
2737    `Intersection_and_primitive_id<Query>` to determine the type
2738    depending on the query object type.
2739-   Introduce the class `AABB_halfedge_graph_segment_primitive`, which
2740    replaces the class `AABB_polyhedron_segment_primitive` (which is now
2741    deprecated). The new class is more general and can be used with any
2742    model of `HalfedgeGraph`.
2743-   Introduce the class `AABB_face_graph_triangle_primitive` which
2744    replaces the class `AABB_polyhedron_triangle_primitive` (which is
2745    now deprecated).
2746-   Document the classes `AABB_segment_primitive` and
2747    `AABB_triangle_primitive` that were already used in some examples.
2748-   Add a generic primitive class `AABB_primitive` that allows to define
2749    a primitive type by defining only two property maps.
2750-   Introduce a new concept of primitive `AABBPrimitiveWithSharedData`.
2751    It allows to have some data shared between the primitives stored in
2752    a `AABB_tree`. With this you can, for example have a primitive
2753    wrapping an integer which refers to the position of a geometric
2754    object in a `std::vector`. Only one reference to this vector will be
2755    stored in the traits of the tree. The concept `AABBTraits`, its
2756    model `AABB_traits` and the class `AABB_tree` have been updated
2757    accordingly. However, everything is backward compatible.
2758-   Fix a memory leak in the destructor of the class `AABB-tree`
2760### STL Extensions for CGAL
2762-   Add to `Dispatch_output_iterator` and
2763    `Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator` an operator to accept and
2764    dispatch a tuple of values.
2766### Concurrency in CGAL
2768-   Add a `FindTBB` CMake module so that one can easily link with TBB to
2769    write shared-memory parallel code.
2770-   Introduce two new tags: Sequential\_tag and Parallel\_tag
2772Release 4.2
2775Release date: March 2013
2777### Installation
2779-   Additional supported platforms:
2780    -   The Microsoft Windows Visual C++ compiler 2012 (VC11) is now
2781        supported.
2782-   With Microsoft Visual C++ (all supported versions), the compiler
2783    flags `/bigobj` and `/wd4503` are added by CGAL CMake scripts.
2784-   This is the last release whose "`UseCGAL.cmake`" file (if using CGAL
2785    in a CMake build environment) contains the line
2787          link_libraries(${CGAL_LIBRARIES_DIR} ${CGAL_3RD_PARTY_LIBRARIES_DIRS})
2789    as this is a deprecated CMake command. The correct way to link with
2790    CGAL's libraries (as for required 3rd party libraries) is to use
2791    '`target_link_libraries`' which specifies for each build target
2792    which libraries should be linked. The following serves as example:
2794          find_package(CGAL)
2795          include(${CGAL_USE_FILE})
2796          add_executable(myexe main.cpp)
2797          target_link_libraries(myexe ${CGAL_LIBRARIES}
2798                                      ${CGAL_3RD_PARTY_LIBRARIES})
2800    We also expect further changes in CGAL's CMake setup (change of
2801    variable names, consistency of filename and output, removing
2802    essential libraries, building executables, removal of
2803    '`${CGAL_3RD_PARTY_LIBRARIES}`').
2805### 2D Arrangements
2807-   Enhanced the 2D-arrangements demonstration program and ported it to
2808    Qt4. The new demonstration program makes use of the CGAL Graphics
2809    View framework, in which the 2D primitives are individually
2810    represented as objects in a scene. (The implementations of several
2811    demos in CGAL already make use of this framework.) This project was
2812    carried out as part of the 2012 Google Summer of Code program.
2813-   Fixed a bug in the Walk-Along-A-Line point location strategy for
2814    arrangements induced by unbounded curves.
2816### 2D Circular Geometry Kernel
2818-   Fix the intersection type computed when intersecting two identical
2819    circles.
2820-   Forward correctly the result type of the linear kernel functors
2822### 2D Triangulations
2824-   Add mechanism to avoid call stack overflow in
2825    `Delaunay_triangulation_2` and
2826    `Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2`.
2827-   Add a constructor for `Regular_triangulation_2` and
2828    `Delaunay_triangulation_2` from a range of points or a range of
2829    points with info.
2831### 2D Voronoi Diagram Adaptor
2833-   Bug-fix: Add ccb() method in face type as documented.
2835### 3D Minkowski Sum of Polyhedra
2837-   Fix a memory leak.
2839### 3D Fast Intersection and Distance Computation
2841-   Update requirements of the concepts `AABBTraits` and
2842    `AABBGeomTraits` to match the implementation of the package.
2844### Generator
2846-   Addition of the `Combination_enumerator`
2848### STL Extensions
2850-   Introduction of `CGAL::cpp11::result_of` as an alias to the tr1
2851    implementation from boost of the `result_of` mechanism. When all
2852    compilers supported by CGAL will have a Standard compliant
2853    implemention of the C++11 `decltype` feature, it will become an
2854    alias to `std::result_of`.
2856### Surface Reconstruction from Point Sets
2858-   Performance improvements and addition of an option to better
2859    reconstruct undersampled zones. The poisson reconstruction plugin of
2860    the Polyhedron demo has an option to switch it on.
2862Release 4.1
2865Release date: October 2012
2867### Installation
2869-   Additional supported platforms:
2870    -   The Apple Clang compiler versions 3.1 and 3.2 are now supported
2871        on Mac OS X.
2872-   Improved configuration for essential and optional external third
2873    party software
2874-   Added more general script to create CMakeLists.txt files:
2875    `cgal_create_CMakeLists`
2876-   Availability tests for C++11 features are now performed with the
2877    help of [Boost.Config](http://www.boost.org/libs/config). A Boost
2878    version of 1.40.0 or higher is needed to use C++11 features.
2880### 2D Arrangement
2882-   Improved the implementation of the incremental randomized
2883    trapezoidal decomposition point-location strategy. The new
2884    implementation enables point location in unbounded arrangements. It
2885    constructs a search structure of guaranteed linear size with
2886    guaranteed logarithmic query time.
2888### 2D Convex Hulls and Extreme Points
2890-   Speed up the preprocessing stage of the Akl-Toussaint implementation
2891    (used by the free function `convex_hull_2` when forward iterators
2892    are provided as input).
2894### Combinatorial Maps
2896-   Minor bugfix; replace some functors by methods.
2898### Linear Cell Complex
2900-   Improve the demo: add a widget showing all the volumes and an
2901    operation to create a Menger sponge.
2903### Kernels
2905-   All Kernel functors now support the result\_of protocol.
2907### STL\_Extensions for CGAL
2909-   The namespace `cpp0x` has been renamed `cpp11`. The old name is
2910    still available for backward compatibility.
2912Release 4.0.2
2915Release date: Jul 2012
2917This is a bug fix release. It fixes a bug in the `CMakeLists.txt` for
2918CGAL-4.0.1, that prevented even building the libraries.
2920Release 4.0.1
2923Release date: Jul 2012
2925This is a bug fix release. Apart various minor fixes in the
2926documentation, the following has been changed since CGAL-4.0:
2928### 2D Voronoi Diagram Adaptor (re-added)
2930-   The package *2D Voronoi Diagram Adaptor* was temporarily removed
2931    from the CGAL distribution because of license issues. That package
2932    is now back into CGAL.
2934### 2D and 3D Geometry Kernel
2936-   Fix a bug in the `Segment_3-Triangle_3` intersection function in the
2937    case the segment is collinear with a triangle edge.
2938-   Fix a bug in the `Projection_traits_.._3` class in the case a
2939    segment was parallel to the x-axis.
2941### Algebraic Kernel
2943-   Avoid the linking error "duplicate symbols" when two compilation
2944    units using the algebraic kernel are linked.
2946### 3D Boolean Operations on Nef Polygons Embedded on the Sphere
2948-   Fix a memory leak due to the usage of an internal mechanism that has
2949    been replaced by `boost::any`. This also influences the packages 2D
2950    Boolean Operations on Nef Polygons, 3D Boolean Operations on Nef
2951    Polyhedra, Convex Decomposition of Polyhedra, and 3D Minkowski Sum
2952    of Polyhedra.
2954### 2D Arrangement
2956-   Fix several memory leaks.
2958### 2D Mesh Generation
2960-   Fix a compilation error in the header
2961    `<CGAL/Mesh_2/Do_not_refine_edges.h>` when g++ version 4.7 is used.
2963### Surface Mesh Generation and 3D Mesh Generation
2965-   Fix an important bug in the `CGAL_ImageIO` library, that could lead
2966    to wrong result when meshing from a 3D image.
2967-   Fix the compilation of the demo in `demo/Surface_mesher`, when Boost
2968    version 1.48 or 1.49 is used.
2970### Surface Mesh Parameterization
2972-   Fix a memory leak.
2973-   Fix a compatibility issue with Eigen-3.1 of `Eigen_solver_traits`.
2974    This fix also affects the usage of that class in the package
2975    *Surface Reconstruction from Point Sets*.
2977Release 4.0
2980Release date: March 2012
2982CGAL 4.0 offers the following improvements and new functionality :
2984### License Changes
2986The whole CGAL-3.x series was released under a combination of LGPLv2
2987(for the foundations of CGAL), and QPL (for the high-level packages).
2988QPL was the former license of the graphical toolkit Qt, but that license
2989is not supported by any major free software project. Furthermore, the
2990terms of the LGPLv2 license are ambiguous for a library of C++
2991templates, like CGAL.
2993The CGAL project, driven by the CGAL Editorial Board, has decided to
2994change the license scheme of CGAL. We increased the major number of the
2995CGAL version to '4' in order to reflect this license change. The
2996CGAL-4.x series is released under:
2998-   LGPLv3+ (that is LGPL *"either version 3 of the License, or (at your
2999    option) any later version"*), for the foundations of CGAL, instead
3000    of LGPLv2,
3001-   GPLv3+ for the high-level packages, instead of QPL.
3003### General
3005-   On Windows, CGAL libraries are now built by default as shared
3006    libraries (also called DLL). To run applications that use .dll files
3007    of CGAL, you must either copy the .dll files into the directory of
3008    the application, or add the path of the directory that contains
3009    those .dll files into the PATH environment variable.
3010-   On Windows, the CMake scripts of CGAL now search for shared version
3011    of the Boost libraries. You must ensure that the .dll files of Boost
3012    are found by the dynamic linker. You can, for example, add the path
3013    to the Boost .dll files to the PATH environment variable.
3014-   On Windows, CMake version 2.8.6 or higher is now required.
3015-   Eigen version 3.1 or later is now the recommended third party
3016    library to use in *Planar Parameterization of Triangulated Surface
3017    Meshes*, *Surface Reconstruction from Point Sets*, *Approximation of
3018    Ridges and Umbilics on Triangulated Surface Meshes*, and *Estimation
3019    of Local Differential Properties of Point-Sampled Surfaces*
3020    packages. If you use Eigen you no longer need Taucs, Lapack or Blas
3021    to use those packages (and any other in CGAL).
3023### Linear Cell Complex (new package)
3025-   This package implements linear cell complexes, objects in
3026    d-dimension with linear geometry. The combinatorial part of objects
3027    is described by a combinatorial map, representing all the cells of
3028    the object plus the incidence and adjacency relations between cells.
3029    Geometry is added to combinatorial maps simply by associating a
3030    point to each vertex of the map. This data structure can be seen as
3031    the generalization in dD of the `Polyhedron_3`.
3033### 2D Voronoi Diagram Adaptor (temporarily removed)
3035-   As the copyright holder of this package has not granted the right to
3036    switch from QPL to GPL, this package is removed from the
3037    distribution. Note that it is "only" an adapter, that is the
3038    functionality of point/segment/disk Voronoi diagram is offered
3039    through the Delaunay triangulation, segment Delaunay graph, and
3040    Apollonius graph.
3042### AABB Tree
3044-   Document constness of member functions of the `AABB_tree` class.
3045-   The class `AABB_tree` is now guaranteed to be read-only thread-safe.
3046    As usual in CGAL, this small overhead introduced for thread-safety
3047    can be deactivated by defining `CGAL_HAS_NO_THREADS`.
3049### 2D Alpha Shapes
3051-   Add an extra template parameter to the class `Alpha_shape_2` that
3052    allows a certified construction using a traits class with exact
3053    predicates and inexact constructions.
3054-   An object of type `Alpha_shape_2` can now be constructed from a
3055    triangulation.
3057### 3D Alpha Shapes
3059-   Add an extra template parameter to the class `Alpha_shape_3` that
3060    allows a certified construction using a traits class with exact
3061    predicates and inexact constructions.
3063### Geometric Object Generators
3065-   `Random_points_in_iso_box_d` (deprecated since 3.8) has been
3066    removed. Use `Random_points_in_cube_d` instead.
3068### Linear and Quadratic Programming Solver
3070-   Minor bugfix.
3072### Spatial Searching
3074-   The const-correctness of this package have been worked out. The
3075    transition for users should be smooth in general, however adding few
3076    const in user code might be needed in some cases.
3077-   The class `Kd_tree` is now guaranteed to be read-only thread-safe.
3078    As usual in CGAL, this small overhead introduced for thread-safety
3079    can be deactivated by defining `CGAL_HAS_NO_THREADS`.
3080-   Bug-fix in `Orthogonal_incremental_neighbor_search` and
3081    `Incremental_neighbor_search` classes. Several calls to `begin()`
3082    now allow to make several nearest neighbor search queries
3083    independently.
3085### STL Extension
3087-   `CGAL::copy_n` is now deprecated for `CGAL::cpp0x::copy_n` which
3088    uses `std::copy_n`, if available on the platform.
3089-   `CGAL::successor` and `CGAL::predecessor` are now deprecated for
3090    `CGAL::cpp0x::next` and `CGAL::cpp0x::prev`. These functions use the
3091    standard versions if available on the platform. Otherwise,
3092    `boost::next` and `boost::prior` are used.
3094### Triangulation\_2
3096-   Fix a thread-safety issue in `Delaunay_triangulation_2` remove
3097    functions. As usual in CGAL, the small overhead introduced for
3098    thread-safety can be deactivated by defining `CGAL_HAS_NO_THREADS`.
3099-   Add extraction operator for the class `Constrained_triangulation_2`
3100    (and thus to all inheriting classes).
3102Release 3.9
3105Release date: September 2011
3107CGAL 3.9 offers the following improvements and new functionality :
3109### General
3111-   The class `Root_of_2` is now deprecated. It is recommended to use
3112    the class `Sqrt_extension` instead.
3113-   The class `Sqrt_extension` is now used everywhere in CGAL where an
3114    algebraic number of degree 2 is needed. This change has been done in
3115    the `Root_of_traits` mechanism (indirectly packages 2D Circular
3116    kernel and 3D Spherical kernel) and the packages 2D Segment Delaunay
3117    Graphs and 2D Arrangements.
3118-   Various fixes in the manual.
3120### Combinatorial Maps (new package)
3122-   This package provides a new combinatorial data structure allowing to
3123    describe any orientable subdivided object whatever its dimension. It
3124    describes all cells of the subdivision and all the incidence and
3125    adjacency relations between these cells. For example it allows to
3126    describe a 3D object subdivided in vertices, edges, faces and
3127    volumes. This data structure can be seen as the generalization in dD
3128    of the halfedge data structure.
3130### 3D Convex Hull (major performance improvement)
3132-   The quickhull implementation of CGAL (`CGAL::convex_hull_3`) has
3133    been worked out to provide very better performances.
3134-   The function `CGAL::convex_hull_3` no longer computes the plane
3135    equations of the facets of the output polyhedron. However an example
3136    is provided to show how to compute them easily.
3137-   A global function `convex_hull_3_to_polyhedron_3` is now provided to
3138    extract the convex hull of a 3D points set from a triangulation of
3139    these points.
3141### dD Spatial Searching (major new feature added)
3143-   A traits-class and distance adapter that together with a point
3144    property map, allow to make nearest neighbor queries on keys instead
3145    of points have been added.
3146-   Few bug fixes in the documentation have revealed some
3147    inconsistencies that have been corrected. Two traits class concept
3148    are now documented (`RangeSearchTraits` and `SearchTraits`). Most
3149    other changes concerns only classes documented as advanced. One
3150    issue that user can encounter is due to an additional requirement on
3151    the nested class `Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d` defined in
3152    the concept SearchTraits that must provide a nested type
3153    `result_type`.
3155### Spatial Sorting (major new feature added)
3157-   General dimension is now supported.
3158-   Hilbert sorting admits now two policies: splitting at median or at
3159    middle (see user manual).
3160-   Using a property map, sorting on keys instead of points is now
3161    easier
3163### dD Kernel
3165-   The d-dimensional kernel concept and models have been modified to
3166    additionally provide two new functors `Less_coordinate_d` and
3167    `Point_dimension_d`.
3169### 2D Arrangements
3171-   A new geometry-traits class that handles rational arcs, namely
3172    `Arr_rational_function_traits_2`, has been introduced. It replaced
3173    an old traits class, which handled the same family of curves, but it
3174    was less efficient. The new traits exploits CGAL algebraic kernels
3175    and polynomials, which were not available at the time the old traits
3176    class was developed.
3177-   A new geometry traits concept called
3178    `ArrangementOpenBoundaryTraits_2` has been introduced. A model of
3179    this concept supports curves that approach the open boundary of an
3180    iso-rectangular area called parameter space, which can be unbounded
3181    or bounded. The general code of the package, however, supports only
3182    the unbounded parameter space. We intend to enhance the general code
3183    to support also bounded parameter spaces in a future release.
3184-   The deprecated member function `is_at_infinity()` of
3185    `Arrangement_2::Vertex` has been removed. It has been previously
3186    replaced new function `is_at_open_boundary()`.
3187-   The tags in the geometry traits that indicate the type of boundary
3188    of the embedding surface were replaced by the following new tags:
3190                 Left_side_category
3191                 Bottom_side_category
3192                 Top_side_category
3193                 Right_side_category
3195    It is still possible not to indicate the tags at all. Default values
3196    are assumed. This however will produce warning messages, and should
3197    be avoided.
3199Release 3.8
3202Release date: April 2011
3204CGAL 3.8 offers the following improvements and new functionality :
3206### General
3208-   Boost version 1.39 at least is now required.
3209-   Initial support for the LLVM Clang compiler (prereleases of version
3210    2.9).
3211-   Full support for the options -strict-ansi of the Intel Compiler 11,
3212    and -ansi of the GNU g++ compiler.
3213-   Adding a concept of ranges. In the following releases, it will be
3214    the way to provide a set of objects (vs. a couple of iterators).
3215-   Fix a memory leak in CORE polynomials.
3216-   Various fixes in the manual.
3218### 3D Mesh Generation (major new feature added)
3220-   Adding the possibility to handle sharp features: the 3D Mesh
3221    generation package now offers the possibility to get in the final
3222    mesh an accurate representation of 1-dimensional sharp features
3223    present in the description of the input domain.
3225### 2D Triangulations (major new feature added)
3227-   Add a way to efficiently insert a range of points with information
3228    into a 2D Delaunay and regular triangulation.
3229-   Add member function mirror\_edge taking an edge as parameter.
3230-   Fix an infinite loop in constrained triangulation.
3232### 3D Triangulations (major new feature added)
3234-   Add a way to efficiently insert a range of points with information
3235    into a 3D Delaunay and regular triangulation.
3236-   Add a member function to remove a cluster of points from a Delaunay
3237    or regular triangulation.
3238-   function vertices\_in\_conflict is renamed
3239    vertices\_on\_conflict\_zone\_boundary for Delaunay and regular
3240    triangulation. Function vertices\_inside\_conflict\_zone is added to
3241    regular triangulation.
3242-   Structural filtering is now internally used in locate function of
3243    Delaunay and regular triangulation. It improves average construction
3244    time by 20%.
3245-   Added demo.
3247### 3D Alpha Shapes (major new feature added)
3249-   The new class Fixed\_alpha\_shape\_3 provides a robust and faster
3250    way to compute one alpha shape (with a fixed value of alpha).
3252### AABB tree
3254-   Adding the possibility to iteratively add primitives to an existing
3255    tree and to build it only when no further insertion is needed.
3257### 2D and 3D Kernel
3259-   Better handling of 2D points with elevation (3D points projected
3260    onto trivial planes). More general traits classes
3261    (Projection\_traits\_xy\_3,
3262    Projection\_traits\_yz\_3,Projection\_traits\_yz\_3) are provided to
3263    work with triangulations, algorithms on polygons, alpha-shapes,
3264    convex hull algorithm... Usage of former equivalent traits classes
3265    in different packages is now deprecated.
3266-   Exact\_predicates\_exact\_constructions\_kernel now better use the
3267    static filters which leads to performance improvements.
3268-   Add an overload for the global function angle, taking three 3D
3269    points.
3270-   In the 2D and 3D kernel concept, the constant Boolean
3271    Has\_filtered\_predicates is now deprecated. It is now required to
3272    use Has\_filtered\_predicates\_tag (being either Tag\_true or
3273    Tag\_false).
3274-   Compare\_distance\_2 and Compare\_distance\_3 provide additional
3275    operators for 3 and 4 elements.
3276-   Add intersection test and intersection computation capabilities
3277    between an object of type Ray\_3 and either an object of type
3278    Line\_3, Segment\_3 or Ray\_3.
3279-   Improve intersection test performance between an object of type
3280    Bbox\_3 and an object of type Plane\_3 or Triangle\_3 by avoiding
3281    arithmetic filter failures.
3283### 2D Envelope
3285-   Env\_default\_diagram\_1 is deprecated, Envelope\_diagram\_1 should
3286    be used instead.
3288### 3D Envelope
3290-   A new demo program called `L1_Voronoi_diagram_2` has been
3291    introduced. It demonstrates how 2D Voronoi diagrams of points under
3292    the L1 metric are constructed using lower envelopes.
3294### dD Kernel
3296-   Add functor Compute\_coordinate\_d to Kernel\_d concept.
3298### Geometric Object Generators
3300-   CGAL::Random uses boost::rand48 instead of std::rand.
3301-   Adding to CGAL::Random a way to generate random integers.
3302-   Adding generators for dD points.
3304### Algebraic Foundations
3306-   Algebraic\_structure\_traits now provides an Inverse functor for
3307    Fields. There is also a new global function inverse.
3309### Bounding Volumes
3311-   dD Min sphere of spheres has a new traits class for the min sphere
3312    of points.
3314### Triangulated Surface Mesh Simplification
3316-   The priority queue internally used to prioritize edge
3317    simplifications is no longer a relaxed heap but a binomial heap.
3318    This fix guarantees that all edges satisfying a simplification
3319    criteria are removed (if possible).
3321### 3D Boolean Operations on Nef Polyhedra
3323-   Allow construction of a 3D nef polyhedron from a 3D polyhedron with
3324    normals.
3326### 2D Arrangements
3328-   Fix a bug in the method insert\_at\_vertices of the Arrangement\_2
3329    class.
3330-   Fix several bugs in the traits class Arr\_Bezier\_curve\_traits\_2
3331    for arrangement of Bezier curves.
3333### 2D Minkowski Sums
3335-   A bug in the convolution method was fixed.
3337Release 3.7
3340Release date: October 2010
3342CGAL 3.7 offers the following improvements and new functionality :
3344### General
3346-   The configuration of CGAL libraries now requires CMake&gt;=2.6.
3347-   Changes in the set of supported platforms:
3348    -   GNU g++ 4.5 supported (with or without the compilation option
3349        -std=c++0x).
3350    -   Initial support for the option -strict-ansi of the Intel
3351        Compiler 11. The CGAL libraries compile with that option, and
3352        most CGAL headers have been fixed. The packages "3D Boolean
3353        Operations on Nef Polyhedra" (Nef\_3), "Convex Decomposition of
3354        Polyhedra" (Convex\_decomposition\_3), and "3D Minkowski Sum of
3355        Polyhedra" (Minkowski\_sum\_3) are known to still fail to
3356        compile with that compiler flag.
3357    -   The Microsoft Windows Visual C++ compiler 2010 (VC10), that was
3358        experimentally supported by CGAL-3.6.1, is now fully supported.
3359        Note that CMake&gt;=2.8.2 is required for that support.
3360    -   The Microsoft Windows Visual C++ compiler 2005 (VC8) is no
3361        longer supported by the CGAL project since CGAL-3.7.
3362    -   With Microsoft Windows Visual C++ (VC9 and VC10), the optional
3363        dependencies Gmp, Mpfr, Blas, Lapack, Taucs no longer use
3364        Boost-style name mangling. Only one variant is now provided by
3365        the CGAL Windows installer (release, with dynamic runtime).
3366-   Some demos now require a version of Qt4 &gt;= 4.3.
3367-   CGAL\_PDB is no longer provided with CGAL. An alternative solution
3368    for people interested in reading PDB files is to use ESBTL
3369    (http://esbtl.sourceforge.net/).
3370-   Fix issues of the CGAL wrappers around the CORE library, on 64 bits
3371    platforms.
3373### Arithmetic and Algebra
3375-   New models Algebraic\_kernel\_d\_1 and Algebraic\_kernel\_d\_2 for
3376    the corresponding concepts. They provide generic support for various
3377    coefficient types
3379### Arrangements
3381-   A new model Arr\_algebraic\_segment\_traits\_2 of
3382    ArrangementTraits\_2 that supports algebraic curves of arbitrary
3383    degree in the plane
3385### 2D Triangulations
3387-   The Delaunay and regular 2D triangulations now use a symbolic
3388    perturbation to choose a particular triangulation in co-circular
3389    cases.
3390-   The return type of the template member function insert(It beg, It
3391    end), taking an iterator range of points, has been changed from int
3392    to std::ptrdiff\_t.
3393-   Classes Triangulation\_euclidean\_traits\_xy\_3,
3394    Triangulation\_euclidean\_traits\_yz\_3 and
3395    Triangulation\_euclidean\_traits\_xz\_3 are now model of the concept
3396    ConstrainedTriangulationTraits\_2. They can be used with and without
3397    intersection of constraints.
3398-   2D Delaunay and basic triangulations now provide vertex relocation
3399    by the mean of these two new methods: move and
3400    move\_if\_no\_collision. The methods are also available for the
3401    hierarchy (Triangulation\_hierarchy\_2).
3403### 3D Triangulations
3405-   The return type of the template member function insert(It beg, It
3406    end), taking an iterator range of points, has been changed from int
3407    to std::ptrdiff\_t.
3408-   3D Delaunay triangulations now provide vertex relocation by the mean
3409    of these two new methods: move and move\_if\_no\_collision. This
3410    works in both Compact\_policy and Fast\_policy.
3412### 2D and 3D Alpha Shapes
3414-   The type int in the API has been changed to std::size\_t so that
3415    CGAL can deal with large data sets (64 bit addresses).
3417### 2D Mesh Generation
3419-   The execution of the 2D mesh generator is now deterministic (same at
3420    each run).
3422### 3D Mesh Generation
3424-   The efficiency of the 3D mesh generator has been improved (the
3425    number of calls to the oracle per inserted vertex has globally
3426    decrease). This is achieved through a slight change of the mesh
3427    generator strategy which implies that a surface component that is
3428    not detected at the surface mesher level will never be discovered by
3429    chance, owing to the refinement of some tetrahedra, as it could
3430    happen before. Please note that defining the macro
3432    switches back to the old behavior.
3433-   A demo program is now available.
3435### Surface Reconstruction from Point Sets
3437-   Improved performance and minor bug fix.
3439### 2D Range and Neighbor Search
3441-   The type int in the API has been changed to std::size\_t so that
3442    CGAL can deal with large data sets (64 bit addresses).
3444Release 3.6.1
3447Release date: June 2010
3449This is a bug fix release. The following has been changed since
3452### General
3454-   Fix compilation errors with recent Boost versions (since 1.40).
3455-   Initial support for the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler 10.0 (MSVC
3456    2010). For that support, CMake&gt;=2.8.2 is required. Note also that
3457    the compiler option "/bigobj" is necessary to compile some CGAL
3458    programs with MSVC 2010.
3460### Polynomial
3462-   Fix compilation errors with the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler and
3463    the Intel C++ compiler.
3465### Polyhedron
3467-   Fix a compilation errors in demo/Polyhedron/:
3468-   issue with the location of qglobal.h of Qt4 on MacOS X,
3469-   missing texture.cpp, if TAUCS is used,
3470-   Fix the location of built plugins of demo/Polyhedron/, when CGAL is
3471    configured with WITH\_demos=ON
3473### 3D Periodic Triangulations
3475-   Fixed bug in the triangulation hierarchy for periodic
3476    triangulations.
3478### 2D Mesh Generation
3480-   Fix a bug that lead to precondition violation.
3481-   Improve the user manual about the member function is\_in\_domain()
3482    of the Face type.
3483-   The 2D meshing process is now deterministic (sorting of bad faces no
3484    longer relies on pointers comparisons).
3486### 3D Mesh Generation
3488-   Fix a linking errors (duplicate symbols) when
3489    `<CGAL/refine_mesh_3.h>` is included in different compilation units.
3491### Spatial Searching
3493-   Fix a bug in `<CGAL/Orthogonal_k_neighbor_search.h>` when several
3494    nearest neighbors are at the same distance from the query point.
3496### IO Streams
3498-   Fix a bug in `<CGAL/IO/VRML_2_ostream.h>` that generated VRML 2
3499    files with an invalid syntax for IndexedFaceSet nodes.
3501### Triangulation\_2
3503-   Add missing Compare\_distance\_2 functor in trait classes
3504    Triangulation\_euclidean\_traits\_xy\_3
3505    Triangulation\_euclidean\_traits\_yz\_3 and
3506    Triangulation\_euclidean\_traits\_xz\_3. This was preventing calling
3507    member function nearest\_vertex of Delaunay\_triangulation\_2
3508    instantiated with one of these traits.
3510Release 3.6
3513Release date: March 2010
3515CGAL 3.6 offers the following improvements and new functionality :
3517### General
3519-   Boost version 1.34.1 at least is now required.
3521### Arithmetic and Algebra
3523#### Algebraic Kernel (new package)
3525-   This new package is targeted to provide black-box implementations of
3526    state-of-the-art algorithms to determine, compare and approximate
3527    real roots of univariate polynomials and bivariate polynomial
3528    systems. It includes models of the univariate algebraic kernel
3529    concept, based on the library RS.
3531#### Number Types
3533-   Two new arbitrary fixed-precision floating-point number types have
3534    been added: the scalar type Gmpfr and the interval type Gmpfi, based
3535    on the MPFR and MPFI libraries respectively.
3537### Geometry Kernels
3539#### 2D and 3D Geometry Kernel
3541-   Add new do\_intersect() and intersection() overloads:
3542    -   do\_intersect(Bbox\_3, Bbox\_3/Line\_3/Ray\_3/Segment\_3)
3543    -   intersection(Triangle\_3, Line\_3/Ray\_3/Segment\_3)
3545### Polygons
3547#### 2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations
3549-   Fixed General\_polygon\_set\_2::arrangement() to return the proper
3550    type of object.
3552### Arrangement
3554#### 2D Arrangements
3556-   Fixed passing a (const) traits object to the constructor of
3557    Arrangement\_2.
3558-   Introduced Arrangement\_2::fictitious\_face(), which returns the
3559    fictitious face in case of an unbounded arrangement.
3560-   Fixed a bug in Bezier-curve handling.
3561-   Added (back) iterator, number\_of\_holes(), holes\_begin(), and
3562    holes\_end() to the default DCEL for backward compatibility.
3563-   Added (simple) versions of the free overlay() function. It employs
3564    the default overlay-traits, which practically does nothing.
3566### Polyhedron
3568-   Fix a compilation errors in demo/Polyhedron/:
3569    -   issue with the location of qglobal.h of Qt4 on MacOS X,
3570    -   missing texture.cpp, if TAUCS is used,
3571-   Fix the location of built plugins of demo/Polyhedron/, when CGAL is
3572    configured with WITH\_demos=ON
3573-   Fix a bug in test\_facet function of the incremental builder: the
3574    function did not test if while a new facet makes a vertex manifold,
3575    no other facet incident to that vertex breaks the manifold property.
3577### Triangulations and Delaunay Triangulations
3579#### 2D/3D Regular Triangulations
3581-   Weighted\_point now has a constructor from Cartesian coordinates.
3583#### 3D Triangulations
3585-   Regular\_triangulation\_3 : semi-static floating-point filters are
3586    now used in its predicates, which can speed up its construction by a
3587    factor of about 3 when
3588    Exact\_predicates\_inexact\_constructions\_kernel is used.
3589-   The class Regular\_triangulation\_filtered\_traits\_3 is deprecated,
3590    the class Regular\_triangulation\_euclidean\_traits\_3 must be used
3591    instead. The predicates of that traits will be filtered if the
3592    kernel given as template parameter of that traits is itself a
3593    filtered kernel.
3594-   Triangulation\_hierarchy\_3 is now deprecated, and replaced by a
3595    simpler CGAL::Fast\_location policy template parameter of
3596    Delaunay\_triangulation\_3.
3597-   The old version of remove() (enabled with
3598    CGAL\_DELAUNAY\_3\_OLD\_REMOVE) has been deleted.
3600#### 3D Periodic Triangulations
3602-   New demo: 3D periodic Lloyd algorithm.
3603-   New functionality for Voronoi diagrams: dual of an edge and of a
3604    vertex, volume and centroid of the dual of a vertex.
3605-   The package can now be used with the 3D Alpha Shapes package to
3606    compute periodic alpha shapes.
3608#### 3D Alpha shapes
3610-   The class Weighted\_alpha\_shape\_euclidean\_traits\_3 is
3611    deprecated, the class Regular\_triangulation\_euclidean\_traits\_3
3612    must be used instead.
3613-   The package can now be used together with the 3D Periodic
3614    Triangulation package to compute periodic alpha shapes.
3616#### 2D/3D Triangulations, 2D Segment Delaunay Graph, 2D Apollonius Graph, and 3D Periodic Triangulations
3618-   The constructor and insert function taking ranges now produce
3619    structures whose iterator orders is now deterministic (same at each
3620    run).
3622### Mesh Generation
3624#### 2D Mesh Generation
3626-   The 2D mesh generator can now be used with a constrained Delaunay
3627    triangulation with constraints hierarchy
3628    (Constrained\_triangulation\_plus\_2).
3629-   In some cases (refinement of a constrained edge that is on the
3630    convex hull), the 2D mesh generator from CGAL-3.4 and CGAL-3.5 could
3631    create invalid triangulations. This bug is now fixed.
3633#### 3D Mesh Generation
3635-   The mesh generator has been enriched with an optimization phase to
3636    provide 3D meshes with well shaped tetrahedra (and in particular no
3637    slivers). The optimization phase involves four different
3638    optimization processes: two global optimization processes (ODT and
3639    Lloyd), a perturber and an exuder. Each of these processes can be
3640    activated or not, and tuned to the users needs and to available
3641    computer resources.
3643### Support library
3645#### CGAL ipelets
3647-   Add support for version 7 of Ipe.
3649Release 3.5.1
3652Release date: December 2009
3654This is a bug fix release.
3656### Documentation
3658-   Fixes in the documentation (the online documentation of CGAL-3.5 is
3659    now based on CGAL-3.5.1).
3660-   Fixes to the bibliographic references.
3662### Windows installer
3664-   The Windows installer of CGAL-3.5.1 fixes an issue with downloading
3665    of precompiled binaries of the external library TAUCS.
3667### Bug fixes in the following CGAL packages
3669#### AABB tree
3671-   Fix a linker issue in do\_intersect(Bbox\_3,Bbox\_3).
3672-   Fix compilation issue in do\_intersect(Bbox\_3,Ray\_3) when using
3673    the parameters in this order.
3675#### 3D Mesh Generation
3677-   Fix a bug in initial points construction of a polyhedral surface.
3679Release 3.5
3682Release date: October 2009
3684CGAL releases will now be published about every six months. As a
3685transition release, CGAL-3.5 has been developed during 9 months from the
3686release CGAL-3.4.
3688Version 3.5 differs from version 3.4 in the platforms that are supported
3689and in functionality. There have also been a number of bug fixes for
3690this release.
3692### General
3694-   Additional supported platforms:
3695    -   GNU g++ 4.4 supported.
3696    -   Intel Compiler 11 supported on Linux
3697-   Fixed ABI incompatibilities when mixing CGAL and Boost Program
3698    Options on Windows/Visual C++ (the compilation flag
3699    -D\_SECURE\_SCL=0 is not longer use in Debug mode).
3701### Geometry Kernels
3703#### 3D Spherical Geometry Kernel
3705-   Add functionalities to manipulate circles, circular arcs and points
3706    that belong to the same sphere.
3708### Polygons
3710#### 2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations
3712-   The polygon validation operations were enhanced and their interface
3713    was improved. They are now offered as free functions and applied
3714    properly.
3716#### 2D Straight Skeleton and Polygon Offsetting
3718-   Updated the manual to document the new partial skeletons feature
3719    (already in the code since 3.4)
3721### Arrangements
3723#### 2D Arrangements
3725-   The member function is\_at\_infinity() of Arrangement\_2::Vertex was
3726    replaced by the new function is\_at\_open\_boundary(). The former is
3727    deprecated. While still supported in version 3.5, It will not be
3728    supported in future releases. The member functions
3729    boundary\_type\_in\_x() and boundary\_type\_in\_y() were permanently
3730    replaced by the functions parameter\_space\_in\_x() and
3731    parameter\_space\_in\_y(), respectively. The 2 new functions return
3732    an enumeration of a new type, namely Arr\_parameter\_space.
3733-   The tags in the geometry traits that indicate the type of boundary
3734    of the embedding surface were replaced by the following new tags:
3735    Arr\_left\_side\_tag Arr\_bottom\_side\_tag Arr\_top\_side\_tag
3736    Arr\_right\_side\_tag In addition, the code was change, and now it
3737    is possible not to indicate the tags at all. Default values are
3738    assumed. This however will produce warning messages, and should be
3739    avoided.
3740-   All operations of the geometry traits-class were made 'const'. This
3741    change was reflected in the code of this package and all other
3742    packages that are based on it. Traits classes that maintain state,
3743    should declare the data members that store the state as mutable.
3745#### Envelopes of Surfaces in 3D
3747-   A few bugs in the code that computes envelopes were fixed, in
3748    particular in the code that computes the envelopes of planes.
3750### Triangulations and Delaunay Triangulations
3752#### 3D Periodic Triangulations (new package)
3754-   This package allows to build and handle triangulations of point sets
3755    in the three dimensional flat torus. Triangulations are built
3756    incrementally and can be modified by insertion or removal of
3757    vertices. They offer point location facilities.
3759### Mesh Generation
3761#### Surface Reconstruction from Point Sets (new package)
3763-   This CGAL package implements an implicit surface reconstruction
3764    method: Poisson Surface Reconstruction. The input is an unorganized
3765    point set with oriented normals.
3767#### 3D Mesh Generation (new package)
3769-   This package generates 3 dimensional meshes. It computes isotropic
3770    simplicial meshes for domains or multidomains provided that a domain
3771    descriptor, able to answer queries from a few different types on the
3772    domain, is given. In the current version, Mesh\_3 generate meshes
3773    for domain described through implicit functional, 3D images or
3774    polyhedral boundaries. The output is a 3D mesh of the domain volume
3775    and conformal surface meshes for all the boundary and subdividing
3776    surfaces.
3778### Geometry Processing
3780#### Triangulated Surface Mesh Simplification
3782-   BREAKING API change in the passing of the visitor object.
3783-   Fixed a bug in the link\_condition test
3784-   Added a geometric test to avoid folding of facets
3785-   Fixed a bug in the handling of overflow in the LindstromTurk
3786    computations
3787-   Updated the manual to account for the new visitor interface
3789#### Point Set Processing (new package)
3791-   This packages implements a set of algorithms for analysis,
3792    processing, and normal estimation and orientation of point sets.
3794### Spatial Searching and Sorting
3796#### AABB tree (new package)
3798-   This package implements a hierarchy of axis-aligned bounding boxes
3799    (a AABB tree) for efficient intersection and distance computations
3800    between 3D queries and sets of input 3D geometric objects.
3802### Support Library
3804#### CGAL\_ipelets (new package):
3806-   Object that eases the writing of Ipe's plugins that use CGAL.
3807    Plugins for CGAL main 2D algorithm are provided as demo.
3809Release 3.4
3812Release date: January 2009
3814Version 3.4 differs from version 3.3.1 in the platforms that are
3815supported and in functionality. There have also been a number of bug
3816fixes for this release.
3818### General
3820-   GNU g++ 4.3 supported. Support for g++ 3.3 is dropped.
3821-   Visual 9 supported. Support for Visual 7 is dropped.
3822-   Boost version 1.33 at least is now required.
3823-   CGAL now depends on Boost.Threads, which implies to link against a
3824    compiled part of Boost.
3825-   The new macro CGAL\_NO\_DEPRECATED\_CODE can be defined to disable
3826    deprecated code, helping users discover if they rely on code that
3827    may be removed in subsequent releases.
3828-   Assertion behaviour: It is not possible anymore to set the CONTINUE
3829    mode for assertion failures. Functions that allow to change the
3830    assertion behaviour are now declared in
3831    `<CGAL/assertions_behaviour.h>`.
3832-   Qt3 based demos are still there but the documentation has been
3833    removed as the CGAL::Qt\_Widget will be deprecated.
3834-   Qt4 based demos use the Qt GraphicsView framework and the
3835    libQGLViewer.
3837### Installation
3839-   install\_cgal has been replaced by CMake.
3841### Polynomial (new package)
3843-   This package introduces a concept Polynomial\_d, a concept for
3844    multivariate polynomials in d variables.
3846### Modular Arithmetic (new package)
3848-   This package provides arithmetic over finite fields.
3850### Number Types
3852-   the counter Interval\_nt::number\_of\_failures() has been removed,
3853    replaced by a profiling counter enabled with CGAL\_PROFILE.
3854-   Fix of a bug in CORE/Expr.h; as a consequence, the arrangement demo
3855    works properly when handling arrangements of conics, for example,
3856    when defining an arc with 5 points.
3858### 3D Spherical Geometry Kernel (new package)
3860-   This package is an extension of the linear CGAL Kernel. It offers
3861    functionalities on spheres, circles, circular arcs and line segments
3862    in the 3D space.
3864### Linear Kernel
3866-   We recommend that you use the object\_cast() function instead of
3867    assign() to extract an object from a CGAL::Object, for efficiency
3868    reasons.
3869-   The Kernel archetypes provided by the 2D/3D linear kernel have been
3870    removed.
3871-   The deprecated linear kernel functors Construct\_supporting\_line\_2
3872    and Construct\_supporting\_line\_3 have been removed.
3873-   Ambiant\_dimension and Feature\_dimenison have been added to
3874    retrieve the potentially compile-time dimension of a space or of an
3875    object.
3876-   barycenter() functions have been added.
3877-   The geometric object Circle\_3 as well as predicates and
3878    constructions have been added to the kernel
3879-   The missing intersection/do\_intersect between Line\_3 and Line\_3
3880    has been added as well.
3882### 3D Triangulations
3884-   Removed the deprecated functions Cell:mirror\_index() and
3885    Cell::mirror\_vertex().
3886-   Derecursification of two functions that in some cases lead to stack
3887    overflows
3889### 3D Nef Polyhedron
3891-   n-ary union/intersection
3892-   intersection with halfspace under standard kernel
3893-   constructor for polylines
3895### CGAL and the Qt4 GraphicsView (new package)
3897-   2D CGAL Kernel objects and many data structures have can be rendered
3898    in a QGraphicsView
3900### STL Extensions:
3902-   The functor adaptors for argument binding and composition (bind\_\*,
3903    compose, compose\_shared, swap\_\*, negate, along with the helper
3904    functions set\_arity\_\* and Arity class and Arity\_tag typedefs)
3905    which were provided by `<CGAL/functional.h>` have been removed.
3906    Please use the better boost::bind mecanism instead. The concept
3907    AdaptableFunctor has been changed accordingly such that only a
3908    nested result\_type is required.
3909-   The accessory classes Twotuple, Threetuple, Fourtuple and Sixtuple
3910    are also deprecated (use CGAL::array instead).
3911-   CGAL::Triple and CGAL::Quadruple are in the process of being
3912    replaced by boost::tuple. As a first step, we strongly recommend
3913    that you replace the direct access to the data members (.first,
3914    .second, .third, .fourth), by the get&lt;i&gt;() member function;
3915    and replace the make\_triple and make\_quadruple maker functions by
3916    make\_tuple.
3917    This way, in a further release, we will be able to switch to
3918    boost::tuple more easily.
3919-   The class CGAL::Uncertain&lt;&gt; has been documented. It is
3920    typically used to report uncertain results for predicates using
3921    interval arithmetic, and other filtering techniques.
3923### 2D Arrangements
3925-   Changed the name of the arrangement package from Arrangement\_2 to
3926    Arrangement\_on\_surface\_2 to reflect the potential capabilities of
3927    the package to construct and maintain arrangements induced by curves
3928    embedded on two dimensional surfaces in three space. Most of these
3929    capabilities will become available only in future releases though.
3930-   Enhanced the geometry traits concept to handle arrangements embedded
3931    on surfaces. Each geometry-traits class must now define the
3932    'Boundary\_category' tag.
3933-   Fixed a bug in Arr\_polyline\_traits\_2.h, where the operator that
3934    compares two curves failed to evaluate the correct result (true)
3935    when the curves are different, but their graphs are identical.
3936-   Permanently removed IO/Arr\_postscript\_file\_stream.h and
3937    IO/Polyline\_2\_postscript\_file\_stream.h, as they depend on
3938    obsolete features and LEDA.
3939-   Fixed several bugs in the arrangement demo and enhanced it. e.g.,
3940    fixed background color change, allowed vertex coloring , enabled
3941    "smart" color selection, etc.
3942-   Enhanced the arrangement demo with new features, such as allowing
3943    the abortion of the merge function (de-select), updated the how-to
3944    description, etc.
3945-   Replace the functions CGAL::insert\_curve(), CGAL::insert\_curves(),
3946    CGAL::insert\_x\_monotone\_curve(), and
3947    CGAL::insert\_x\_monotone\_curves() with a single overloaded
3948    function CGAL::insert(). The former 4 functions are now deprecated,
3949    and may no longer be supported in future releases.
3951### Envelopes of Surfaces in 3D
3953-   Fixed a bug in the computation of the envelope of unbounded planes
3954    caused by multiple removals of vertices at infinity.
3956### 2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations
3958-   Fixed a bug in connect\_holes() that caused failures when connecting
3959    holes touching the outer boundary.
3960-   Fixed the concept GeneralPolygonSetTraits\_2. Introduced two new
3961    concepts GpsTraitsGeneralPolygon\_2 and
3962    GpsTraitsGeneralPolygonWithHoles\_2. Fixed the definition of the two
3963    nested required types Polygon\_2 and Polygon\_with\_holes\_2 of the
3964    GeneralPolygonSetTraits\_2 concept. They must model now the two new
3965    concepts above.
3966-   Added a default template parameter to 'General\_polygon\_set\_2' to
3967    allow users to pass their specialized DCEL used to instantiate the
3968    underlying arrangement.
3969-   Enhanced the BOP demo to use multiple windows.
3971### 2D Minkowski Sums
3973-   Fixed a few bugs in the approximate offset function, making it
3974    robust to highly degenerate inputs.
3975-   Fixed a bug in the exact Minkowski sum computation when processing
3976    degenerate inputs that induce overlapping of contiguous segments in
3977    the convolution cycles.
3978-   Optimized the approximate offset function (reduced time consumption
3979    up to a factor of 2 in some cases).
3980-   Added functionality to compute the offset (or to approximate the
3981    offset) of a Polygon\_with\_holes\_2 (and not just of a Polygon\_2).
3982-   Added the functionality to compute (or to approximate) the inner
3983    offset of a polygon.
3985Release 3.3.1
3988Release date: August 2007
3990This is a bug fix release.
3992### General
3994-   Intel C++ 9 was wrongly recognized as unsupported by install\_cgal.
3995-   Added autolink (for Visual C++) for the CGALImageIO and CGALPDB
3996    libraries.
3997-   Fixed bug in Memory\_sizer when using more than 4GB of memory
3998    (64bit).
4000### Number Types
4002-   Fixed bug in FPU rounding mode macros (affected only the alpha
4003    architecture).
4004-   Fixed bug in MP\_Float constructor from double for some particular
4005    values.
4006-   Fixed bug in to\_double(Lazy\_exact\_nt) sometimes returning NaN.
4008### Kernel
4010-   Fixed forgotten derivation in Circular\_kernel\_2::Has\_on\_2
4011-   Added some missing functions in Bbox\_3 compared to Bbox\_2.
4013### Skin Surface Meshing
4015-   The new Skin Surface Meshing package had been forgotten in the list
4016    of changes and the release announcement of CGAL 3.3: This package
4017    allows to build a triangular mesh of a skin surface. Skin surfaces
4018    are used for modeling large molecules in biological computing.
4020### Arrangements
4022-   Fixed a bug in the Arrangement\_2 package in dual arrangement
4023    representation for Boost graphs when reporting all halfedges of a
4024    face.
4025-   Fixed a bug in the Arrangement sweep-line when using a specific
4026    polyline configuration.
4027-   Fixed bug in Arrangement\_2 in walk along a line point location for
4028    unbounded curves.
4029-   Fixed bug in aggregated insertion to Arrangement\_2.
4030-   Fixed bug in Arrangment\_2 class when inserting an unbounded curve
4031    from an existing vertex.
4032-   Fixed bug when dealing with a degenerate conic arc in
4033    Arr\_conic\_traits\_2 of the Arrangment package, meaning a line
4034    segment which is part of a degenerate parabola/hyperbola.
4035-   Fixed bug in the Bezier traits-class: properly handle line segments.
4036    properly handle comparison near a vertical tangency.
4038### 2D Polygon
4040-   Fixed bug in degenerate case of Polygon\_2::is\_convex() for equal
4041    points.
4043### 2D Triangulations
4045-   Fixed bug in Regular\_triangulation\_2.
4047### 3D Triangulations
4049-   Added a circumcenter() function in the default Cell type parameter
4050    Triangulation\_ds\_cell\_base\_3, so that the .dual() member
4051    function of Delaunay still work as before, without requiring the
4052    explicit use of Triangulation\_cell\_base.
4053-   Added missing operator-&gt;() to Facet\_circulator.
4055### Interpolation
4057-   Fixed bug in Interpolation 3D about the normalization coefficient
4058    initialization.
4060### 3D Boolean Operations on Nef Polyhedra
4062-   Fixed bug in construction of Nef\_polyhedron\_3 from off-file. Now,
4063    always the inner volume is selected.
4064-   Fixed bug in conversion from Nef\_polyhedron\_3 to Polyhedron\_3.
4065    Polyhedron\_3 was not cleared at the beginning.
4066-   Fixed bug in Nef\_polyhedron\_3 in update of indexes for
4067    construction of external structure.
4069### Third Party Libraries Shipped with CGAL
4071-   TAUCS supports now 64 bits platforms.
4072-   CAUTION: Since version 3.3.1, CGAL is no longer compatible with the
4073    official release of TAUCS (currently 2.2). Make sure to use the
4074    version modified by the CGAL project and available from the download
4075    section of https://www.cgal.org.
4077Release 3.3
4080Release date: May 2007
4082Version 3.3 differs from version 3.2.1 in the platforms that are
4083supported and in functionality. There have also been a number of bug
4084fixes for this release.
4086Additional supported platforms
4088-   GNU g++ 4.1 and 4.2
4089-   Intel C++ compiler 9
4090-   Microsoft Visual C++ compiler 8.0
4092The following platforms are no longer supported:
4094-   Intel 8
4096CGAL now supports Visual C++ "Checked iterators" as well as the debug
4097mode of GNU g++'s STL (-D\_GLIBCXX\_DEBUG).
4099CGAL now works around the preprocessor macros 'min' and 'max' defined in
4100`<windows.h>` which were clashing with min/max functions.
4102### Installation
4104-   On Windows the libraries built in Developer Studio now have names
4105    which encode the compiler version, the runtime and whether it was
4106    built in release or debug mode. The libraries to link against are
4107    chosen with linker pragmas in header files.
4108-   On all platforms but Windows shared and static versions of the
4109    libraries are generated
4111### Manuals
4113-   The Package Overview page now also hosts the precompiled demos.
4115### Algebraic Foundations
4117-   Algebraic Foundations (new package)
4118    This package defines what algebra means for CGAL, in terms of
4119    concepts, classes and functions. The main features are: (i) explicit
4120    concepts for interoperability of types (ii) separation between
4121    algebraic types (not necessarily embeddable into the reals), and
4122    number types (embeddable into the reals).
4123-   Number Types
4124    Fixed\_precision\_nt and Filtered\_exact number types have been
4125    removed.
4127### Kernels
4129-   2D Circular Kernel
4130    Efficiency improved through geometric filtering of predicates,
4131    introduced with the filtered kernel
4132    Filtered\_bbox\_circular\_kernel\_2&lt;.&gt;, and also chosen for
4133    the predefined kernel Exact\_circular\_kernel\_2.
4134-   Linear Kernel
4135    Exact\_predicates\_exact\_constructions\_kernel memory and run-time
4136    improvements through usage of lazy geometric constructions instead
4137    of lazy arithmetic.
4139### Data Structures and Algorithms
4141-   Surface Mesh Simplification (new package)
4142    This package provides a mesh simplification framework using edge
4143    collapse operations, and provides the Turk/Lindstrom simplification
4144    algorithm.
4145-   Skin Surface Meshing (new package)
4146    This package allows to build a triangular mesh of a skin surface.
4147    Skin surfaces are used for modeling large molecules in biological
4148    computing. The surface is defined by a set of balls, representing
4149    the atoms of the molecule, and a shrink factor that determines the
4150    size of the smooth patches gluing the balls together.
4151-   Estimation of Local Differential Properties (new package)
4152    This package allows to compute local differential quantities of a
4153    surface from a point sample
4154-   Approximation of Ridges and Umbilics on Triangulated Surface Meshes
4155    (new package)
4156    This package enables the approximation of differential features on
4157    triangulated surface meshes. Such curvature related features are
4158    lines: ridges or crests, and points: umbilics.
4159-   Envelopes of Curves in 2D (new package)
4160    This package contains two sets of functions that construct the lower
4161    and upper envelope diagram for a given range of bounded or unbounded
4162    curves.
4163-   Envelopes of Surfaces in 3D (new package)
4164    This package contains two sets of functions that construct the lower
4165    and upper envelope diagram for a given range of bounded or unbounded
4166    surfaces. The envelope diagram is realized as a 2D arrangement.
4167-   Minkowski Sums in 2D (new package)
4168    This package contains functions for computing planar Minkowski sums
4169    of two closed polygons, and for a polygon and a disc (an operation
4170    also known as offsetting or dilating a polygon). The package also
4171    contains an efficient approximation algorithm for the offset
4172    computation, which provides a guaranteed approximation bound while
4173    significantly expediting the running times w.r.t. the exact
4174    computation procedure.
4175-   Surface Mesh Parametrization
4176    Added Jacobi and SSOR preconditioners to OpenNL solver, which makes
4177    it much faster and more stable.
4178-   2D Arrangements
4179    -   Added support for unbounded curves.
4180    -   Added a traits class that supports bounded and unbounded linear
4181        objects, namely lines, rays and line segments.
4182    -   Added traits classes that handle circular arcs based on the
4183        circular kernel.
4184    -   Added a traits class that supports Bezier curves.
4185    -   Enhanced the traits class that supports rational functions to
4186        handle unbounded (as well as bounded) arcs
4187    -   Added a free function called decompose() that produces the
4188        symbolic vertical decomposition of a given arrangement,
4189        performing a batched vertical ray-shooting query from all
4190        arrangement vertices.
4191    -   Fixed a memory leak in the sweep-line code.
4192    -   Fixed a bug in computing the minor axis of non-degenerate
4193        hyperbolas.
4194-   Boolean Set Operations
4195    -   Added the DCEL as a default template parameter to the
4196        General\_polygon\_set\_2 and Polygon\_set\_2 classes. This
4197        allows users to extend the DCEL of the underlying arrangement.
4198    -   Added a function template called connect\_holes() that connects
4199        the holes in a given polygon with holes, turning it into a
4200        sequence of points, where the holes are connceted to the outer
4201        boundary using zero-width passages.
4202    -   Added a non-const function member to General\_polygon\_set\_2
4203        that obtains the underlying arrangement.
4204-   2D and 3D Triangulations
4205    -   The constructors and insert member functions which take an
4206        iterator range perform spatial sorting in order to speed up the
4207        insertion.
4208-   Optimal Distances
4209    -   Polytope\_distance\_d: has support for homogeneous points;
4210        bugfix in fast exact version.
4211-   Bounding Volumes
4212    -   Min\_annulus\_d has support for homogeneous points; bugfix in
4213        fast exact version.
4215### Support Library
4217-   CGAL and the Boost Graph Library (BGL) (new package)
4218    This package provides the glue layer for several CGAL data
4219    structures such that they become models of the BGL graph concept.
4220-   Spatial Sorting (new package)
4221    This package allows to sort points and other objects along a Hilbert
4222    curve which can improve the performance of algorithms like
4223    triangulations. It is used by the constructors of the triangulation
4224    package which have an iterator range of points as argument.
4225-   Linear and Quadratic Programming Solver (new package)
4226    This package contains algorithms for minimizing linear and convex
4227    quadratic functions over polyhedral domains, described by linear
4228    equations and inequalities.
4230Release 3.2.1
4233Release date: July 2006
4235This is a bug fix release
4237### Number Types
4239-   Fix MP\_Float constructor which crashed for some values.
4241### Kernel
4243-   Rename Bool to avoid a clash with a macro in X11 headers.
4245### Arrangement
4247-   Derived the Arr\_segment\_traits\_2 Arrangement\_2 traits class from
4248    the parameterized Kernel. This allows the use of this traits class
4249    in an extended range of applications that require kernel objects and
4250    operations on these objects beyond the ones required by the
4251    Arrangement\_2 class itself.
4252-   Fixed a compilation bug in the code that handles overlay of
4253    arrangements instantiated with different DCEL classes.
4254-   Fixed a couple of bugs in the implementation of the Trapezoidal RIC
4255    point-location strategy
4257### Triangulation, Alpha Shapes
4259-   Qualify calls to filter\_iterator with "CGAL::" to avoid overload
4260    ambiguities with Boost's filter\_iterator.
4262### Surface Mesher
4264-   Fixed a bug in iterators of the class template
4265    Surface\_mesh\_complex\_2\_in\_triangulation\_3
4267### Surface Mesh Parametrisation
4269-   Updated the precompiled taucs lib
4271### Kinetic Data Structures
4273-   Fixed problems caused by old versions of gcc being confused by
4274    operator! and operator int()
4275-   Added point removal support to the Active\_objects\_vector
4277Release 3.2
4280Release date: May 2006
4282Version 3.2 differs from version 3.1 in the platforms that are supported
4283and in functionality. There have also been a number of bug fixes for
4284this release.
4286The following platforms are no longer supported:
4288-   SunPro CC versions 5.4 and 5.5 on Solaris
4289-   SGI Mips Pro
4291For Visual C++ the installation scripts choose the multi-threaded
4292dynamically linked runtime (/MD). Before it was the single-threaded
4293static runtime (/ML).
4295### Installation
4297-   The install tool tries to find third party libraries at "standard"
4298    locations.
4299-   Installers for Apple, Windows, and rpms.
4301### Manuals
4303-   User and Reference manual pages of a package are in the same chapter
4305### Kernels
4307-   2D Circular Kernel (new package)
4308    This package is an extension of the linear CGAL Kernel. It offers
4309    functionalities on circles, circular arcs and line segments in the
4310    plane.
4312### Data Structures and Algorithms
4314-   2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations (new package)
4315    This package consists of the implementation of Boolean
4316    set-operations on point sets bounded by weakly x-monotone curves in
4317    2-dimensional Euclidean space. In particular, it contains the
4318    implementation of regularized Boolean set-operations, intersection
4319    predicates, and point containment predicates.
4320-   2D Straight Skeleton and Polygon Offsetting (new package)
4321    This package implements an algorithm to construct a halfedge data
4322    structure representing the straight skeleton in the interior of 2D
4323    polygons with holes and an algorithm to construct inward offset
4324    polygons at any offset distance given a straight skeleton.
4325-   2D Voronoi Diagram Adaptor (new package)
4326    This package provides an adaptor that adapts a 2-dimensional
4327    triangulated Delaunay graph to the corresponding Voronoi diagram,
4328    represented as a doubly connected edge list (DCEL) data structure.
4329    The adaptor has the ability to automatically eliminate, in a
4330    consistent manner, degenerate features of the Voronoi diagram, that
4331    are artifacts of the requirement that Delaunay graphs should be
4332    triangulated even in degenerate configurations. Depending on the
4333    type of operations that the underlying Delaunay graph supports, the
4334    adaptor allows for the incremental or dynamic construction of
4335    Voronoi diagrams and can support point location queries.
4336-   3D Surface Mesher (new package)
4337    This package provides functions to generate surface meshes that
4338    interpolate smooth surfaces. The meshing algorithm is based on
4339    Delaunay refinement and provides some guarantees on the resulting
4340    mesh: the user is able to control the size and shape of the mesh
4341    elements and the accuracy of the surface approximation. There is no
4342    restriction on the topology and number of components of input
4343    surfaces. The surface mesher may also be used for non smooth
4344    surfaces but without guarantee.
4346    Currently, implementations are provided for implicit surfaces
4347    described as the zero level set of some function and surfaces
4348    described as a gray level set in a three-dimensional image.
4350-   3D Surface Subdivision Methods (new package)
4351    Subdivision methods recursively refine a control mesh and generate
4352    points approximating the limit surface. This package consists of
4353    four popular subdivision methods and their refinement hosts.
4354    Supported subdivision methods include Catmull-Clark, Loop, Doo-Sabin
4355    and sqrt(3) subdivisions. Their respective refinement hosts are PQQ,
4356    PTQ, DQQ and sqrt(3) refinements. Variations of those methods can be
4357    easily extended by substituting the geometry computation of the
4358    refinement host.
4359-   Planar Parameterization of Triangulated Surface Meshes (new
4360    package)
4361    Parameterizing a surface amounts to finding a one-to-one mapping
4362    from a suitable domain to the surface. In this package, we focus on
4363    triangulated surfaces that are homeomorphic to a disk and on
4364    piecewise linear mappings into a planar domain. This package
4365    implements some of the state-of-the-art surface mesh
4366    parameterization methods, such as least squares conformal maps,
4367    discrete conformal map, discrete authalic parameterization, Floater
4368    mean value coordinates or Tutte barycentric mapping.
4369-   Principal Component Analysis (new package)
4370    This package provides functions to compute global informations on
4371    the shape of a set of 2D or 3D objects such as points. It provides
4372    the computation of axis-aligned bounding boxes, centroids of point
4373    sets, barycenters of weighted point sets, as well as linear least
4374    squares fitting for point sets in 2D, and point sets as well as
4375    triangle sets in 3D.
4376-   2D Placement of Streamlines (new package)
4377    Visualizing vector fields is important for many application domains.
4378    A good way to do it is to generate streamlines that describe the
4379    flow behaviour. This package implements the "Farthest Point Seeding"
4380    algorithm for placing streamlines in 2D vector fields. It generates
4381    a list of streamlines corresponding to an input flow using a
4382    specified separating distance. The algorithm uses a Delaunay
4383    triangulation to model objects and address different queries, and
4384    relies on choosing the centers of the biggest empty circles to start
4385    the integration of the streamlines.
4386-   Kinetic Data Structures (new package)
4387    Kinetic data structures allow combinatorial structures to be
4388    maintained as the primitives move. The package provides
4389    implementations of kinetic data structures for Delaunay
4390    triangulations in two and three dimensions, sorting of points in one
4391    dimension and regular triangulations in three dimensions. The
4392    package supports exact or inexact operations on primitives which
4393    move along polynomial trajectories.
4394-   Kinetic Framework (new package)
4395    Kinetic data structures allow combinatorial geometric structures to
4396    be maintained as the primitives move. The package provides a
4397    framework to ease implementing and debugging kinetic data
4398    structures. The package supports exact or inexact operations on
4399    primitives which move along polynomial trajectories.
4400-   Smallest Enclosing Ellipsoid (new package)
4401    This algorithm is new in the chapter Geometric Optimisation.
4402-   2D Arrangement (major revision)
4403    This package can be used to construct, maintain, alter, and display
4404    arrangements in the plane. Once an arrangement is constructed, the
4405    package can be used to obtain results of various queries on the
4406    arrangement, such as point location. The package also includes
4407    generic implementations of two algorithmic frameworks, that are,
4408    computing the zone of an arrangement, and line-sweeping the plane,
4409    the arrangements is embedded on.
4411    Arrangements and arrangement components can also be extended to
4412    store additional data. An important extension stores the
4413    construction history of the arrangement, such that it is possible to
4414    obtain the originating curve of an arrangement subcurve.
4416-   Geometric Optimisation (major revision)
4417    The underlying QP solver which is the foundation for several
4418    algorithms in the Geometric Optimisation chapter has been completely
4419    rewritten.
4420-   3D Triangulation (new functionality)
4421    Regular\_triangulation\_3 now offers vertex removal.
4423Release 3.1
4426Release date: December 2004
4428Version 3.1 differs from version 3.0 in the platforms that are supported
4429and in functionality. There have also been a number of bug fixes for
4430this release.
4432Additional supported platforms:
4434-   MS Visual C++, version 7.3. and 8.0
4435-   Intel 8.0
4436-   SunPro CC versions 5.4 and 5.5 on Solaris
4437-   GNU g++ versions 3.4 on Linux, Solaris, Irix, cygwin, FreeBSD, and
4438    MacOS X
4439-   Darwin (MacOS X) and IA64/Linux support.
4441The following platforms are no longer supported:
4443-   MS Visual C++, version 7.0
4445The following functionality has been added or changed:
4448### All
4450-   The CORE 1.7 library for exact real arithmetic.
4451-   Updated GMP to 4.1.3.
4452-   Added Mpfr a library for multiple-precision floating-point
4453    computations with exact rounding.
4454-   Added Boost 1.32.0 (only include files).
4456### Installation
4458-   new option --disable-shared to omit building libCGAL.so.
4460### Manuals
4462-   Merged all major manuals in one multi-part manual, which provides
4463    now cross-links between the CGAL Kernel, the CGAL Basic Library, and
4464    the CGAL Support Library HTML manuals.
4465-   Improved layout.
4467### Kernels
4469-   Improved efficiency of filtered kernels.
4470-   More predicates and constructions.
4472### Basic Library
4474-   2D Segment Voronoi Diagram (new package)
4475    A data structure for Voronoi diagrams of segments in the plane under
4476    the Euclidean metric. The Voronoi edges are arcs of straight lines
4477    and parabolas. The algorithm provided in this package is
4478    incremental.
4479-   2D Conforming Triangulations and Meshes (new package)
4480    An implementation of Shewchuk's algorithm to construct conforming
4481    triangulations and 2D meshes.
4482-   3D Boolean Operations on Nef Polyhedra (new package)
4483    A new class (Nef\_polyhedron\_3) representing 3D Nef polyhedra, a
4484    boundary representation for cell-complexes bounded by halfspaces
4485    that supports boolean operations and topological operations in full
4486    generality including unbounded cells, mixed dimensional cells (e.g.,
4487    isolated vertices and antennas). Nef polyhedra distinguish between
4488    open and closed sets and can represent non-manifold geometry.
4489-   2D and Surface Function Interpolation (new package)
4490    This package implements different methods for scattered data
4491    interpolation: Given measures of a function on a set of discrete
4492    data points, the task is to interpolate this function on an
4493    arbitrary query point. The package further offers functions for
4494    natural neighbor interpolation.
4495-   Planar Nef polyhedra embedded on the sphere (new package)
4496    A new class (Nef\_polyhedron\_S2) designed and supported mainly to
4497    represent sphere neighborhoods around vertices of the three-
4498    dimensional Nef polyhedra.
4499-   Box\_intersection\_d (new package)
4500    A new efficient algorithm for finding all intersecting pairs for
4501    large numbers of iso-oriented boxes, i.e., typically these will be
4502    bounding boxes of more complicated geometries. Useful for (self-)
4503    intersection tests of surfaces etc.
4504-   2D Snap Rounding (new package)
4505    Snap Rounding is a well known method for converting
4506    arbitrary-precision arrangements of segments into a fixed-precision
4507    representation. In the study of robust geometric computing, it can
4508    be classified as a finite precision approximation technique.
4509    Iterated Snap Roundingis a modification of Snap Rounding in which
4510    each vertex is at least half-the-width-of-a-pixel away from any
4511    non-incident edge. This package supports both methods.
4512-   3D Triangulations
4513    -   Triangulation\_3: added operator==(),removed push\_back() and
4514        copy\_triangulation().
4515    -   Delaunay\_3 : added nearest\_vertex(), move\_point(),
4516        vertices\_in\_conflict().
4517    -   Regular\_3 : added filtered traits class, and
4518        nearest\_power\_vertex().
4519-   Planar\_map and Arrangement\_2
4520    -   The interface of the two traits functions that compute the
4521        intersection of two given curves changed. The functions
4522        nearest\_intersection\_to\_right() and
4523        nearest\_intersection\_to\_left() return an object of type
4524        CGAL::Object that represents either an empty intersection, a
4525        point, or an overlapping subcurve.
4526    -   Requirements to define two binary tags were added to the traits
4527        concept of the Planar\_map as follows: *Has\_left\_category* -
4528        indicates whether the functions
4529        curves\_compare\_y\_at\_x\_left() and
4530        nearest\_intersection\_to\_left() are implemented in the traits
4531        model. *Has\_reflect\_category* - indicates whether the
4532        functions point\_reflect\_in\_x\_and\_y() and
4533        curve\_reflect\_in\_x\_and\_y() are implemented in the traits
4534        model. They can be used as an alternative to the two function in
4535        the previous item.
4536    -   A new constructor of the Segment\_cached\_2 type that represents
4537        a segment in the Arr\_segment\_cached\_traits\_2 traits class
4538        was introduced. The new constructor accepts the segment
4539        endpoints as well as the coefficients of the underlying line.
4540    -   A new version of the conic-arc traits, based on CORE version 1.7
4541        was introduced. This new traits class makes use of CORE's
4542        rootOf() operator to compute the intersection points in the
4543        arrangement, making its code much simpler and more elegant than
4544        the previous version. In addition, new constructors for conic
4545        arcs are provided. The new traits class usually performs about
4546        30% faster than the version included in CGAL 3.0
4547    -   The traits class that handles continuous piecewise linear
4548        curves, namely Arr\_polyline\_traits\_2, was rewritten. The new
4549        class is parametrized with a traits class that handles segments,
4550        say Segment\_traits. The polyline curve defined within the
4551        Arr\_polyline\_traits\_2 class is implemented as a vector of
4552        segments of type Segment\_traits::Curve\_2.
4553    -   A meta traits class, namely Arr\_curve\_data\_traits\_2, that
4554        extends the curve type of the planar-map with arbitrary
4555        additional data was introduced. It should be instantiated with a
4556        regular traits-class and a class that contains all extraneous
4557        data associated with a curve.
4558    -   The class that represents the trapezoidal-decomposition point
4559        location strategy was renamed to
4560        Pm\_trapezoid\_ric\_point\_location.
4561    -   The Arrangement demo was rewritten. It covers many more
4562        features, has a much better graphical user interface, and comes
4563        with online documentation.
4564    -   Few bugs in the sweep-line module related to overlapping
4565        vertical segments were fixed. This module is used by the
4566        aggregate insert method that inserts a collection of curves at
4567        once.
4568-   Triangulation\_2
4569    -   added a filtered trait class in the regular triangulation
4570    -   added split and join operations in the triangulation data
4571        structure class
4572-   Alpha\_shapes\_3
4573    -   major changes in the implementation of the class
4574        Alpha\_shapes\_3.
4575    -   New implementation results in a true GENERAL mode allowing null
4576        and negative alpha-values. It also fixed the edges
4577        classification bug and introduces a classification of vertices.
4578-   Min\_ellipse\_2
4579    -   made access to approximate double representation public
4580    -   fixed bugs in conversion to double representation
4581    -   added `is_circle()` method
4582    -   minor performance improvements
4583-   Min\_sphere\_of\_spheres\_d:
4584    -   The models
4585        `Min_sphere_of_spheres_d_traits_2<K,FT,UseSqrt,Algorithm>`,
4586        `Min_sphere_of_spheres_d_traits_3<K,FT,UseSqrt,Algorithm>`, and
4587        `Min_sphere_of_spheres_d_traits_d<K,FT,Dim,UseSqrt,Algorithm>`
4588        of concept `MinSphereOfSpheresTraits` now represent a sphere as
4589        a `std::pair<Point,Radius>` (and not any more as a
4590        `CGAL::Weighted_point<Point,Weight>`)
4591    -   Internal code cleanup; in particular, implementation details
4592        don't pollute the namespace CGAL anymore
4593-   Polyhedron\_3
4594    -   New Tutorial on CGAL Polyhedron for Subdivision Algorithms with
4595        interactive demo viewer in source code available.
4596    -   Added example program for efficient self-intersection test. -
4597        Added small helper functions, such as vertex\_degree,
4598        facet\_degree, edge\_flip, and is\_closed.
4599-   Apollonius Graph (Voronoi of Circles)
4600    -   Reduced memory requirements by approximately a factor of two.
4602Release 3.0.1
4605Release date: February 2004
4607This is a bug-fix release. No new features have been added in 3.0.1.
4608Here is the list of bug-fixes.
4610### Polyhedral Surface
4612-   Fixed wrong include files for output support. Added example.
4614### Planar\_map
4616-   Fixed the so called "Walk-along-a-line" point-location strategy to
4617    correctly handle a degenerate case.
4619### 2D Triangulation
4621-   added missing figure in html doc
4622-   in Line\_face\_circulator\_2.h:
4623    Fixed changes made to support handles with a typedef to iterator.
4624    The fix concerns operator== and !=.
4626### Alpha\_shapes\_3
4628-   fixed classify member function for edges.
4630### Number types
4632-   Lazy\_exact\_nt:
4633    -   added the possibility to select the relative precision of
4634        `to_double()` (by default 1e-5). This should fix reports that
4635        some circumcenters computations have poor coordinates, e.g.
4636        nan).
4637    -   when exact computation is triggered, the interval is recomputed,
4638        this should speed up some kinds of computations.
4639-   `to_interval(Quotient<MP_Float>)`: avoid spurious overflows.
4641### Kernel
4643-   missing acknowledgment in the manual and minor clarification of
4644    `intersection()` documentation.
4646Release 3.0
4649Release date: October 2003
4651Version 3.0 differs from version 2.4 in the platforms that are supported
4652and in functionality. There have also been a number of bug fixes for
4653this release.
4655The license has been changed to either the LGPL (GNU Lesser General
4656Public License v2.1) or the QPL (Q Public License v1.0) depending on
4657each package. So CGAL remains free of use for you, if your usage meets
4658the criteria of these licenses, otherwise, a commercial license has to
4659be purchased from GeometryFactory.
4661Additional supported platforms:
4663-   MS Visual C++, version 7.1.
4664-   SunPro CC versions 5.4 and 5.5 on Solaris
4665-   GNU g++ versions 3.2 and 3.3 on Linux, Solaris, Irix, cygwin, and
4666    FreeBSD.
4667-   MipsPRO CC 7.30 and 7.40 with both the n32 and n64 ABIs.
4669The following platforms are no longer supported:
4671-   MS Visual C++, version 6.
4672-   GNU g++ 2.95.2 (2.95.3 is still supported)
4673-   Kai C++ and Borland C++, all versions
4675The following functionality has been added or changed:
4679-   The CORE library for exact computations is now distributed as part
4680    of CGAL as well.
4682### Kernels
4684-   3 typedefs have been added to ease the choice of a robust and fast
4685    kernel:
4686    -   Exact\_predicates\_inexact\_constructions\_kernel
4687    -   Exact\_predicates\_exact\_constructions\_kernel
4688    -   Exact\_predicates\_exact\_constructions\_kernel\_with\_sqrt
4689-   Progress has been made towards the complete adaptability and
4690    extensibility of our kernels.
4691-   New faster Triangle\_3 intersection test routines.
4692    *(see Erratum)*
4693-   Added a Kernel concept archetype to check that generic algorithms
4694    don't use more functionality than they should.
4695-   A few more miscellaneous functions.
4697### Basic Library
4699-   2D Apollonius Graph (new package)
4700    Algorithms for computing the Apollonius graph in two dimensions. The
4701    Apollonius graph is the dual of the Apollonius diagram, also known
4702    as the additively weighted Voronoi diagram. The latter can be
4703    thought of as the Voronoi diagram of a set of circles under the
4704    Euclidean metric, and it is a generalization of the standard Voronoi
4705    diagram for points. The algorithms provided are dynamic.
4706-   dD Min Sphere of Spheres (new package)
4707    Algorithms to compute the smallest enclosing sphere of a given set
4708    of spheres in R<sup>d</sup>. The package provides an algorithm with
4709    maximal expected running time *O(2<sup>O(d)</sup> n)* and a fast and
4710    robust heuristic (for dimension less than 30).
4711-   Spatial Searching (new package)
4712    Provides exact and approximate distance browsing in a set of points
4713    in *d*-dimensional space using implementations of algorithms
4714    supporting:
4715    -   both nearest and furthest neighbor searching
4716    -   both exact and approximate searching
4717    -   (approximate) range searching
4718    -   (approximate) *k*-nearest and *k*-furthest neighbor searching
4719    -   (approximate) incremental nearest and incremental furthest
4720        neighbor searching
4721    -   query items representing points and spatial objects.
4722-   **Kd-tree**
4723    this package is deprecated, its documentation is removed. It is
4724    replaced by the Spatial Searching package.
4725-   Largest\_empty\_rectangle\_2
4726    Given a set of points P in the plane, the class
4727    Largest\_empty\_iso\_rectangle\_2 is a data structure that maintains
4728    an iso-rectangle with the largest area among all iso-rectangles that
4729    are inside a given iso-rectangle bounding box, and that do not
4730    contain any point of the point set P.
4731-   2D Triangulation and 3D Triangulation
4732    -   The classes Triangulation\_data\_structure\_2 (and 3), which
4733        implements the data structure for 2D triangulation class, now
4734        makes use of CGAL::Compact\_container (see Support Library
4735        section below).
4736    -   The triangulation classes use a Rebind mecanism to provide the
4737        full flexibility on Vertex and Face base classes. This means
4738        that it is possible for the user to derive its own Face of
4739        Vertex base class, adding a functionality that makes use of
4740        types defined by the triangulation data structure like
4741        Face\_handle or Vertex\_handle.
4742    -   New classes Triangulation\_vertex\_base\_with\_info\_2 (and 3)
4743        and Triangulation\_face\_base\_with\_info\_2 (and 3) to make
4744        easier the customisation of base classes in most cases.
4745-   2D Triangulation
4746    -   Regular triangulation provides an easy access to hidden points.
4747    -   The Triangulation\_hierarchy\_2, which provide an efficient
4748        location data structure, can now be used with any 2D
4749        triangulation class plugged in (including Regular
4750        triangulations).
4751-   3D Triangulation
4752    -   faster vertex removal function in Delaunay\_triangulation\_3.
4753    -   Delaunay\_triangulation\_3 is now independent of the order of
4754        insertions of the points (in case of degenerate cosphericity).
4755    -   Regular\_triangulation\_3 now hides vertices (and updates
4756        itself) when inserting a coinciding point with greater weight.
4757        This required a new predicate.
4758    -   deprecated functions: copy\_triangulation(), push\_back(),
4759        set\_number\_of\_vertices().
4760    -   Triangulation\_3 now gives non-const access to the data
4761        structure.
4762-   Interval Skip List (new package)
4763    An interval skip list is a data strucure for finding all intervals
4764    that contain a point, and for stabbing queries, that is for
4765    answering the question whether a given point is contained in an
4766    interval or not.
4767-   Planar Maps and Arrangements
4768    The changes concern mainly the traits classes.
4769    1.  New traits hierarchy and interface: The set of requirements was
4770        made sound and complete. A couple of requirements were
4771        eliminated, few others were redefined, and some were renamed. A
4772        hierarchy of three traits classes for the Planar\_map\_2,
4773        Planar\_map\_with\_intersections\_2, and Arrangement\_2 types
4774        was established to include only the necessary requirements at
4775        each level. It was determined that for the aggregate insertion-
4776        operation based on a sweep-line algorithm only a subset of the
4777        requirements is needed. Preconditions were added where
4778        appropriate to tighten the requirements further.
4780        The following functions have been renamed:
4782        -   point\_is\_same() renamed to point\_equal()
4783        -   curve\_is\_same() renamed to curve\_equal()
4784        -   curve\_is\_in\_x\_range() renamed to point\_in\_x\_range()
4785        -   curve\_compare\_at\_x() renamed to
4786            curves\_compare\_y\_at\_x() Furthermore, a precondition has
4787            been added that the reference point is in the x-range of
4788            both curves.
4789        -   curve\_compare\_at\_x\_right() renamed to
4790            curves\_compare\_y\_at\_x\_to\_right(). Furthermore, a
4791            precondition has been added that both curves are equal at
4792            the reference point and defined to its right.
4793        -   curve\_compare\_at\_x\_left() renamed to
4794            curves\_compare\_y\_at\_x\_to\_left(). Furthermore, a
4795            precondition has been added that both curves are equal at
4796            the reference point and defined to its right.
4797        -   curve\_get\_point\_status() renamed to
4798            curve\_compare\_y\_at\_x(). Furthermore, a precondition has
4799            been added that the point is in the x-range of the curve.
4800            Consequently, the function now returns a Comparison\_result
4801            (instead of a special enum).
4802        -   make\_x\_monotone() renamed to curve\_make\_x\_monotone()
4803            See more details below.
4804        -   curve\_flip() renamed to curve\_opposite()
4806        The following functions have been removed:
4808        -   curve\_is\_between\_cw()
4809        -   point\_to\_left()
4810        -   point\_to\_right()
4811        -   is\_x\_monotone()
4812        -   point\_reflect\_in\_x\_and\_y()
4813        -   curve\_reflect\_in\_x\_and\_y()
4814        -   do\_intersect\_to\_right()
4815        -   do\_intersect\_to\_left()
4817        Most functions, are required by the PlanarMapTraits\_2 concept,
4818        except for the make\_x\_monotone(),
4819        nearest\_intersection\_to\_right(),
4820        nearest\_intersection\_to\_left(), curves\_overlap() and
4821        curve\_opposite(). PlanarMapWithIntersectionsTraits\_2 requires
4822        all these functions, except curve\_opposite(), needed only by
4823        the ArrangementTraits\_2 concept.
4825        Furthermore, the two functions curve\_compare\_at\_x\_left() and
4826        nearest\_intersection\_to\_left() can be omitted, if the two
4827        functions point\_reflect\_in\_x() and curve\_reflect\_in\_x()
4828        are implemented. Reflection can be avoided, if the two \_left
4829        functions are supplied.
4831    2.  The type X\_curve\_2 of the PlanarMapWithIntersectionsTraits\_2
4832        concept was renamed to X\_monotone\_curve\_2, and the
4833        distinction between this type and the Curve\_2 type was made
4834        firm. The method is\_x\_monotone() of the
4835        PlanarMapWithIntersectionsTraits\_2 concept was removed. The
4836        related method curve\_make\_x\_monotone() is now called for each
4837        input curve of type Curve\_2 when curves are inserted into a
4838        Planar\_map\_with\_intersections\_2 to subdivide the input curve
4839        into x-monotone sub-curves (and in case the curve is already
4840        x-monotone, this function is responsible for casting it to an
4841        x-monotone curve).
4842    3.  New and improved traits classes:
4843    4.  Conic traits - Arr\_conic\_traits\_2 Support finite segments of
4844        ellipses, hyperbolas and parabolas, as well as line segments.
4845        The traits require an exact real number- type, such as
4846        leda\_real or CORE::Expr.
4847    5.  Segment cached traits - Arr\_segment\_cached\_traits\_2 This
4848        class uses an improved representation for segments that helps
4849        avoiding cascaded computations, thus achieving faster running
4850        times. To work properly, an exact rational number-type should be
4851        used.
4852    6.  Polyline traits - Arr\_polyline\_traits\_2 The polyline traits
4853        class has been reimplemented to work in a more efficient,
4854        generic manner. The new class replaces the obsolete
4855        Arr\_polyline\_traits class. It is parameterized with a segment
4856        traits class.
4857    7.  Hyperbola and segment traits - Arr\_hyper\_segment\_traits\_2
4858        Supports line segments and segments of canonical hyperbolas.
4859        This is the type of curves that arise when projecting segments
4860        in three-space rotationally around a line onto a plane
4861        containing the line. Such projections are often useful in
4862        CAD/CAM problems.
4863    8.  Removed old traits class:
4864        -   The models of the PlanarMapWithIntersectionsTraits\_2
4865            concept below became obsolete, as the new conic traits,
4866            namely Arr\_conic\_traits\_2, supports the same
4867            functionality and is much more efficient.
4868            -   Arr\_circles\_real\_traits
4869            -   Arr\_segment\_circle\_traits
4870        -   The segment traits class and the new polyline traits class
4871            were reimplemented using standard CGAL-kernel calls. This
4872            essentially eliminated the corresponding leda traits
4873            classes, namely:
4874            -   Pm\_leda\_segment\_traits\_2
4875            -   Arr\_leda\_segment\_traits\_2
4876            -   Arr\_leda\_polyline\_traits
4878            With the use of the Leda\_rat\_kernel new external package
4879            the same functionality can be achieved with less overhead
4880            and more efficiency.
4881    9.  Sweep Line
4882        -   The Sweep\_line\_2 package was reimplemented. As a
4883            consequence it is much more efficient, its traits is tighter
4884            (namely neither the two \_left nor the reflection functions
4885            are required), and its interface has changed a bit.
4886            1.  The following global functions have been removed:
4887                -   sweep\_to\_produce\_subcurves\_2()
4888                -   sweep\_to\_produce\_points\_2()
4889                -   sweep\_to\_construct\_planar\_map\_2()
4891                Instead, the public methods of the Sweep\_line\_2 class
4892                listed below were introduced:
4893                -   get\_subcurves() - Given a container of curves, this
4894                    function returns a list of curves that are created
4895                    by intersecting the input curves.
4896                -   get\_intersection\_points() - Given a range of
4897                    curves, this function returns a list of points that
4898                    are the intersection points of the curves.
4899                -   get\_intersecting\_curves() - Given a range of
4900                    curves, this function returns an iterator to the
4901                    beginning of a range that contains the list of
4902                    curves for each intersection point between any two
4903                    curves in the specified range.
4905            2.  It is possible to construct a planar map with
4906                intersections (or an arrangement) by inserting a range
4907                of curves into an empty map. This will invoke the
4908                sweep-line process to construct the map more
4909                efficiently.
4910        -   New interface functions to the
4911            Planar\_map\_with\_intersections\_2 class. The
4912            Planar\_map\_with\_intersections\_2 class maintains a planar
4913            map of input curves that possibly intersect each other and
4914            are not necessarily x-monotone. If an input curve, or a set
4915            of input curves, are known to be x-monotone and pairwise
4916            disjoint, the new functions below can be used to insert them
4917            into the map efficiently.
4919-   Polyhedral Surface
4920    -   The old design that was deprecated since CGAL 2.3 has been
4921        removed.
4922    -   Class `Polyhedron_incremental_builder_3`:
4923        -   Renamed local enum `ABSOLUTE` to `ABSOLUTE_INDEXING`, and
4924            `RELATIVE` to `RELATIVE_INDEXING` to avoid conflicts with
4925            similarly named macros of another library.
4926        -   Changed member functions `add_vertex()`, `begin_facet()`,
4927            and `end_facet()` to return useful handles.
4928        -   Added `test_facet()` to check facets for validity before
4929            adding them.
4930        -   Added `vertex( size_t i)` to return `Vertex_handle` for
4931            index `i`.
4932-   Halfedge Data Structure
4933    -   The old design that was deprecated since CGAL 2.3 has been
4934        removed.
4936### Support Library
4938-   New container class Compact\_container, which (roughly) provides the
4939    flexibility of std::list, with the memory compactness of
4940    std::vector.
4941-   Geomview\_stream: added a function gv.draw\_triangles(InputIterator
4942    begin, InputIterator end) which draws a set of triangles much more
4943    quickly than one by one.
4944-   Number types:
4945    -   number types are now required to provide a function:
4946        std::pair&lt;double, double&gt; to\_interval(const NT &).
4947    -   number types are now required to provide mixed operators with
4948        "int".
4949    -   CLN support removed.
4950    -   faster square() for MP\_Float.
4951    -   added Gmp\_q.
4952-   Qt\_widget:
4953    -   New classes:
4954        -   Qt\_help\_window: provides a simple way to show some helpful
4955            information about a demo as an HTML page.
4956        -   Qt\_widget\_history: provides basic functionality to
4957            manipulate intervals of Qt\_widget class. The current
4958            visible area of Qt\_widget is mapped to an interval. Each
4959            interval could be stored in the Qt\_widget\_history object.
4960            So you can use this object to navigate in history. It is
4961            mostly used by Qt\_widget\_standard\_toolbar.
4962    -   Changes:
4963        -   Qt\_widget\_standard\_toolbar: is derived from QToolBar
4964            class, so pay attention to modify your code, if you used
4965            this class. Some public methods were introduced to control
4966            the history object that the toolbar use to navigate.
4967        -   the icons are now part of libCGALQt.
4968    -   Deprecated members of Qt\_widget:
4969        -   add\_to\_history(), clear\_history(), back(), forth(): use
4970            forward(), back() and clear\_history() of the
4971            Qt\_widget\_standard\_toolbar instead.
4972        -   custom\_redraw(): use redraw\_on\_back() and
4973            redraw\_on\_front() instead.
4974    -   Optimizations: the output operators of the following classes
4975        have been optimized:
4976        -   CGAL::Segment\_2 (now tests for intersection with the
4977            drawing area)
4978        -   CGAL::Triangle\_2 (now tests for intersection with the
4979            drawing area)
4980        -   CGAL::Triangulation\_2 (is optimized for faster display on
4981            zooming)
4983### Erratum in the Kernel manual
4985-   Intersection test routines
4987    The documentation of CGAL::do\_intersect should mention, for the 3D
4988    case:
4989    Also, in three-dimensional space *Type1* can be
4991    -   either *Plane\_3&lt;Kernel&gt;*
4992    -   or *Triangle\_3&lt;Kernel&gt;*
4994    and *Type2* any of
4996    -   *Plane\_3&lt;Kernel&gt;*
4997    -   *Line\_3&lt;Kernel&gt;*
4998    -   *Ray\_3&lt;Kernel&gt;*
4999    -   *Segment\_3&lt;Kernel&gt;*
5000    -   *Triangle\_3&lt;Kernel&gt;*
5002    In the same way, for *Kernel::DoIntersect\_3*:
5003    for all pairs *Type1* and *Type2*, where the type *Type1* is
5005    -   either *Kernel::Plane\_3*
5006    -   or *Kernel::Triangle\_3*
5008    and *Type2* can be any of the following:
5010    -   *Kernel::Plane\_3*
5011    -   *Kernel::Line\_3*
5012    -   *Kernel::Ray\_3*
5013    -   *Kernel::Segment\_3*
5014    -   *Kernel::Triangle\_3*
5016    Philippe Guigue (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis) should be mentioned as one
5017    of the authors.
5019Release 2.4
5022Release date: May 2002
5024Version 2.4 differs from version 2.3 in the platforms that are supported
5025and in functionality. There have also been a number of bug fixes for
5026this release.
5028Additional supported platforms:
5030-   Microsoft Visual C++, version 7.
5031-   SunPro 5.3 (with patch 111685-05) on Solaris
5032-   g++ 3.1 on Linux and Solaris
5034The following functionality has been added or changed:
5037### Kernels
5039-   Point\_d has been removed from the 2D and 3D kernels. This type is
5040    now available from the d-dimensional kernel only.
5042### Basic Library
5044-   2D Polygon Partitioning
5045    Traits requirements for optimal partitioning have been changed
5046    slightly.
5048-   2D Sweep line
5049    A new package that implements a sweep-line algorithm to compute
5050    arrangements of curves for different families of curves, which are
5051    not necessarily line segments (e.g., it also works for circular
5052    arcs). The resulting output can be the list of vertex points, the
5053    resulting subcurves or a planar map.
5055-   Planar Maps and Arrangements
5056    -   New quicker insertion functions of Planar\_map\_2 for cases
5057        where more precomputed information is available regarding the
5058        position of the inserted curve in the map.
5059    -   New query function for planar maps that determines whether a
5060        given point is within a given face of the planar map.
5061    -   New iterator over edges of planar maps in addition to the
5062        existing iterator over halfedges.
5063    -   New copy constructor and assignment operator for arrangements.
5067-   Polyhedral Surface
5068    -   new design introduced with release 2.3 now supported by VC7
5069        compiler
5070    -   Extended functionality of Polyhedron\_incremental\_builder:
5071        absolute indexing allows one to add new surfaces to existing
5072        ones.
5076-   2D Triangulation
5077    -   There is a new triangulation data structure replacing the two
5078        previous ones. This new data structure is coherent with the 3d
5079        triangulation data structure and offer the advantages of both
5080        previous ones. Backward compatibility is ensured and this change
5081        is transparent for the user of triangulation classes.
5082    -   Constrained and Delaunay constrained triangulations are now able
5083        to handle intersecting input constraints. The behavior of
5084        constrained triangulations with repect to intersection of input
5085        constraints can be customized using an intersection tag.
5086    -   A new class Constrained\_triangulation\_plus offers a
5087        constrained hierarchy on top of a constrained triangulations.
5088        This additionnal data structure describes the subdivision of the
5089        original constraints into edges of the triangulations.
5093-   3D Triangulation
5094    -   Running time improved by a better and more compact management of
5095        memory allocation
5096    -   Various improvements and small functionalities added:
5097        -   Triangulation\_3&lt;GT,Tds&gt;::triangle() returns a
5098            triangle oriented towards the outside of the cell c for
5099            facet (c,i)
5100        -   New function insert(Point, Locate\_type, Cell\_handle, int,
5101            int) which avoids the location step.
5102        -   New function to get access to cells in conflict in a
5103            Delaunay insertion : find\_conflicts() and
5104            insert\_in\_hole()
5105        -   New function TDS::delete\_cells(begin, end).
5106        -   New functions : degree(v), reorient(),
5107            remove\_decrease\_dimension(), remove\_from\_simplex().
5108    -   Changes of interface:
5109        -   vertices and cells are the same for the triangulation data
5110            structure and the geometric triangulation
5111        -   the triangulation data structure uses Vertex\_handle (resp
5112            Cell\_handle) instead of Vertex\* (resp Cell\*).
5113        -   incident\_cells() and incident\_vertices() are templated by
5114            output iterators
5115        -   changes in the iterators and circulators interface:
5116            -   Iterators and circulators are convertible to handles
5117                automatically, no need to call "-&gt;handle()" anymore.
5118            -   Vertex\_iterator split into All\_vertices\_iterator and
5119                Finite\_vertices\_iterator (and similar for cells...).
5120            -   TDS::Edge/Facet iterators now support operator-&gt;.
5124-   2D Search structures
5125    Additional range search operations taking a predicate functor have
5126    been added
5128### Support Library
5130-   Qt\_widget
5131    -   We have added a new class for visualization of 2D CGAL objects.
5132        It is derived from Trolltech's Qt class QWidget and privdes a
5133        used to scale and pan.
5134    -   Some demos were developed for the following packages: 2D Alpha
5135        shapes, 2D Convex Hull, Largest empty 2D rectangle, Maximum
5136        k-gon, Minimum ellipse, Minimum 2D quadrilateral, 2D polygon
5137        partitioning 2D regular and constrained triangulation.
5138    -   Tutorials are available to help users get used to Qt\_widget
5142-   Timer
5143    Fixed Timer class (for user process time) to have no wrap-around
5144    anymore on Posix-compliant systems.
5146The following functionality is no longer supported:
5148-   Planar maps of infinite curves (the so-called planar map
5149    bounding-box).
5151Bugs in the following packages have been fixed: 3D Convex hull, 2D
5152Polygon partition, simple polygon generator
5154Also attempts have been made to assure compatability with the upcoming
5155LEDA release that introduces the leda namespace.
5157### Known problems
5159-   2D Nef Polyhedra contains a memory leak. Memory problems are also
5160    the likely cause of occasional run-time errors on some platforms.
5161-   The d-dimensional convex hull computation produces run-time errors
5162    on some platforms because of memory management bugs.
5163-   The new Halfedge Data Structure design introduced with release 2.3
5164    does not work on VC6. See the release notes in the manual for more
5165    information.
5166-   The following deficiencies relate to planar maps, planar maps of
5167    intersecting curves (pmwx), arrangements and sweep line.
5168    -   On KCC, Borland and SunPro we guarantee neither compilation nor
5169        correct execution for all of the packages above.
5170    -   On VC6 and VC7 we guarantee neither compilation nor correct
5171        execution of the sweep line package.
5172    -   On CC (on Irix 6.5) the trapezoidal decomposition point location
5173        strategy is problematic when used with planar maps, pmwx, or
5174        arrangements (mind that this is the default for planar maps).
5175    -   On CC (on Irix 6.5) sweep line with polyline traits does not
5176        compile (mind that the so-called leda polyline traits does
5177        compile).
5178    -   On g++ (on Irix 6.5) the segment-circle
5179        (Arr\_segment\_circle\_traits\_2) traits does not compile for
5180        either of the above packages.
5182Release 2.3
5185Release date: August 2001
5187Version 2.3 differs from version 2.2 in the platforms that are supported
5188and in functionality.
5190Additional supported platform:
5192-   Gnu g++ 3.0 on Solaris and Linux
5194The following functionality has been added:
5197### Kernels
5199-   The 2D and 3D kernels now serve as models of the new kernel concept
5200    described in the recent paper, "An Adaptable and Extensible Geometry
5201    Kernel" by Susan Hert, Micheal Hoffmann, Lutz Kettner, Sylvain Pion,
5202    and Michael Seel to be presented at WAE 2001 (and soon available as
5203    a technical report). This new kernel is completely compatible with
5204    the previous design but is more flexible in that it allows geometric
5205    predicates as well as objects to be easily exchanged and adapted
5206    individually to users' needs.
5207-   A new kernel called `Simple_homogeneous` is available. It is
5208    equivalent to `Homogeneous` but without reference-counted objects.
5209-   A new kernel called `Filtered_kernel` is available that allows one
5210    to build kernel traits classes that use exact and efficient
5211    predicates.
5212-   There are two classes, `Cartesian_converter` and
5213    `Homogeneous_converter` that allows one to convert objects between
5214    different Cartesian and homogeneous kernels, respectively.
5215-   A new d-dimensional kernel, `Kernel_d` is available. It provides
5216    diverse kernel objects, predicates and constructions in d dimensions
5217    with two representations based on the kernel families `Cartesean_d`
5218    and `Homogeneous_d`
5220### Basic Library
5222Almost all packages in the basic library have been adapted to the new
5223kernel design to realize the flexibility this design makes possible. In
5224several packages, this means that the traits class requirements have
5225changed to conform to the function objects offered in the kernels so the
5226kernels themselves can be used as traits classes in many instances.
5227-   2D Convex Hull
5228    The traits requirements have changed slightly to bring them in line
5229    with the CGAL kernels.
5230-   3D Convex Hull
5231    -   The function `convex_hull_3` now uses a new implementation of
5232        the quickhull algorithm and no longer requires LEDA.
5233    -   A new `convex_hull_incremental_3` function based on the new
5234        d-dimensional convex hull class is available for comparison
5235        purposes.
5238-   `Convex_hull_d, Delaunay_d`
5239    Two new application classes offering the calculation of
5240    d-dimensional convex hulls and delaunay triangulations
5242-   Polygons and Polygon Operations
5243    -   The traits class requirements have been changed.
5244    -   The simplicity test has a completely new implementation.
5245    -   Properties like convexity, simplicity and area can now be cached
5246        by polygons. You need to set a flag to select this behaviour.
5251-   Planar Nef Polyhedra
5252    A new class (`Nef_polyhedron_2`) representing planar Nef polyhedra =
5253    rectilinearly bounded points sets that are the result of binary and
5254    topological operations starting from halfplanes.
5256-   A new package offering functions to partition planar polygons into
5257    convex and y-monotone pieces is available.
5259-   Planar Maps and Arrangements
5260    -   A new class `Planar_map_with_intersections_2<Planar_map>` for
5261        planar maps of possibly intersecting, possibly non-x-monotone,
5262        possibly overlapping curves (like `Arrangement_2` but without
5263        the hierarchy tree).
5264    -   I/O utilities for planar maps and arrangements for textual and
5265        graphical streams. (It is possible to save and later reload
5266        built planar maps or arrangements.)
5267    -   New arrangement traits class for line segments and circular arcs
5268        (`Arr_segment_circle_traits<NT>`).
5269    -   New faster traits for polylines specialized for using the LEDA
5270        rational kernel (`Arr_leda_polylines_traits`). The LEDA traits
5271        for segments was also made faster.
5272    -   A new point location strategy
5273        (`Pm_simple_point_location<Planar_map>`).
5277-   Halfedge Data Structure
5279    The halfedge data structure has been completely revised. The new
5280    design is more in line with the STL naming scheme and it provides a
5281    safe and coherent type system throughout the whole design (no void\*
5282    pointers anymore), which allows for better extendibility. A user can
5283    add new incidences in the mesh easily. The new design also uses
5284    standard allocators with a new template parameter that has a
5285    suitable default.
5287    The old design is still available, but its use is deprecated, see
5288    the manual of deprecated packages for its documentation. Reported
5289    bugs in copying the halfedge data structure (and therefore also
5290    polyhedral surfaces) have been fixed in both designs. Copying a
5291    list-based representation is now based on hash maps instead of
5292    std::map and is therefore considerably faster.
5294-   Polyhedral Surface
5296    The polyhedral surface has been rewritten to work with the new
5297    halfedge data structure design. The user level interface of the
5298    `CGAL::Polyhedron_3` class is almost backwards compatible with the
5299    previous class. The exceptions are the template parameter list,
5300    everything that relies on the flexibility of the underlying halfedge
5301    data structure, such as a self-written facet class, and that the
5302    distinction between supported normals and supported planes has been
5303    removed. Only planes are supported. See the manuals for suggestions
5304    how to handle normals instead of planes.
5306    More example programs are provided with polyhedral surfaces, for
5307    example, one about Euler operator and one computing a subdivision
5308    surface given a control mesh as input.
5310    The old design is still available for backwards compatibility and to
5311    support older compiler, such as MSVC++6.0. For the polyhedral
5312    surface, old and new design cannot be used simultaneously (they have
5313    identical include file names and class names). The include files
5314    select automatically the old design for MSVC++6.0 and the new design
5315    otherwise. This automatism can be overwritten by defining
5316    appropriate macros before the include files. The old design is
5317    selected with the `CGAL_USE_POLYHEDRON_DESIGN_ONE` macro. The new
5318    design is selected with the `CGAL_USE_POLYHEDRON_DESIGN_TWO`
5319    macro.
5321-   2D Triangulation
5322    -   The geometric traits class requirements have been changed to
5323        conform to the new CGAL kernels. CGAL kernel classes can be used
5324        as traits classes for all 2D triangulations except for regular
5325        triangulations.
5326    -   Additionnal functionality:
5327        -   dual method for regular triangulations (to build a power
5328            diagram)
5329        -   unified names and signatures for various "find\_conflicts()"
5330            member functions in Delaunay and constrained Delaunay
5331            triangulation.
5332        -   As an alternative to the simple insert() member function,
5333            insertion of points in those triangulation can be performed
5334            using the combination of find\_conflicts() and star\_hole()
5335            which eventually allows the user to keep track of deleted
5336            faces.
5337    -   More demos and examples
5340-   3D Triangulation
5341    -   Major improvements
5342        -   A new class `Triangulation_hierarchy_3` that allows a faster
5343            point location, and thus construction of the Delaunay
5344            triangulation
5345        -   A new method for removing a vertex from a Delaunay
5346            triangulation that solves all degenerate cases
5347        -   Running time of the usual location and insertion methods
5348            improved
5349    -   A bit more functionality, such as
5350        -   New geomview output
5351        -   dual methods in Delaunay triangulations to draw the Voronoi
5352            diagram
5353    -   More demos and examples
5354    -   Changes in interface
5355        -   Traits classes requirements have been modified
5356        -   The kernel can be used directly as a traits class (except
5357            for regular triangulation)
5358        -   insert methods in `Triangulation_data_structure` have a new
5359            interface
5362-   A new class (`Alpha_shapes_3`) that computes Alpha shapes of point
5363    sets in 3D is available.
5365-   The traits requirements for matrix search and minimum quadrilaterals
5366    have been changed to bring them in line with the CGAL kernels.
5368-   Point\_set\_2
5369    -   now independent of LEDA; based on the CGAL Delaunay
5370        triangulation
5371    -   traits class requirements adapted to new kernel concept.
5372    -   function template versions of the provided query operations are
5373        available
5375### Support Library
5377-   Number types:
5378    -   `Lazy_exact_nt<NT>` is a new number type wrapper to speed up
5379        exact number types.
5380    -   `MP_Float` is a new multiprecision floating point number type.
5381        It can do exact additions, subtractions and multiplications over
5382        floating point values.
5383-   `In_place_list` has a new third template parameter (with a suitable
5384    default) for an STL-compliant allocator.
5385-   `Unique_hash_map` is a new support class.
5386-   `Union_find` is a new support class.
5387-   `Geomview_stream` :
5388    -   Geomview version 1.8.1 is now required.
5389    -   no need to have a `~/.geomview` file anymore.
5390    -   new output operators for triangulations.
5391    -   new output operators for `Ray_2`, `Line_2`, `Ray_3`, `Line_3`,
5392        `Sphere_3`.
5393    -   various new manipulators.
5394-   Window stream In cooperation with Algorithmic Solutions, GmBH
5395    (distributors of the LEDA library), we can now offer a visualization
5396    package downloadable in binary form that supports visualization on a
5397    ported version of the LEDA window lib.
5399Release 2.2
5402Release date: October 2000
5404Version 2.2 differs from version 2.1 in the platforms that are supported
5405and in functionality.
5407Additional supported platforms:
5409-   the KAI compiler (4.0) on Solaris 5.8
5410-   Borland C++ (5.5)
5412The following functionality has been added:
5414-   There is a new, non-reference-counted kernel, Simple\_cartesian.
5415    Because reference counting is not used, and thus coordinates are
5416    stored within a class, debugging is easier using this kernel. This
5417    kernel can also be faster in some cases than the reference-counted
5418    Cartesian kernel.
5419-   New optimisation algorithms
5420    -   Min\_annulus\_d - Algorithm for computing the smallest enclosing
5421        annulus of points in arbitrary dimension
5422    -   Polytope\_distance\_d - Algorithm for computing the (squared)
5423        distance between two convex polytopes in arbitrary dimension
5424    -   Width\_3 - Algorithm for computing the (squared) width of points
5425        sets in three dimensions
5426-   2D Triangulations
5427    -   There are now two triangulation data structures available in
5428        CGAL. The new one uses a list to store the faces and allows one
5429        to represent two-dimensional triangulations embedded in three
5430        spaces as well as planar triangulations.
5431    -   The triangulation hierarchy which allows fast location query is
5432        now available.
5433-   Inifinite objects can now be included in planar maps.
5434-   Removal as well as insertions of vertices for 3D Delaunay
5435    triangulations is now possible.
5436-   A generator for \`\`random'' simple polygons is now available.
5437-   In directory demo/Robustness, programs that demonstrate typical
5438    robustness problems in geometric computing are presented along with
5439    the solutions to these problems that CGAL provides.
5441The following functionality has been removed:
5443-   The binary operations on polygons (union, intersection ...) have
5444    been removed. Those operations were not documented in the previous
5445    release (2.1). Arrangements can often be used as a substitute.
5447Release 2.1
5450Release date: January 2000
5452Version 2.1 differs from version 2.0 in the platforms that are supported
5453and in functionality.
5455Supported platforms:
5457-   the newest gnu compiler (2.95.2) on Sun, SGI, Linux and Windows.
5458-   the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, version 6.
5459-   the mips CC compiler version 7.3 under Irix.
5461Support for the old g++ compiler (2.8) and for mips CC 7.2 has been
5464The following functionality has been added:
5465-   Alpha shapes and weighted alpha shapes in 2D. Alpha shapes are a
5466    generalization of the convex hull of a point set.
5467-   Arrangements in 2D. Arrangements are related to and based on planar
5468    maps. The major difference between the two is that curves are
5469    allowed to intersect in the case of arrangements.
5470-   Extensions to triangulations in 2D. Constrained triangulations are
5471    now dynamic: they support insertions of new constraint as well as
5472    removal of existing constraints. There are also constrained Delaunay
5473    triangulations.
5474-   Triangulations in 3D were added, both Delaunay triangulations and
5475    regular triangulations.
5476-   Min\_quadrilateral optimisations have been added. These are
5477    algorithms to compute the minimum enclosing rectangle/parallelogram
5478    (arbitrary orientation) and the minimum enclosing strip of a convex
5479    point set.
5480-   2d Point\_set is a package for 2d range search operations, Delaunay
5481    triangulation, nearest neighbor queries. This package works only if
5482    LEDA is installed.
5483-   Support for GeoWin visualization library. This also depends on LEDA.
5484-   Support for using the CLN number type together with CGAL.
5486Release 2.0
5489Release date: June 1999
5491The main difference from release 1.2 is the introduction of namespaces
5492-- namespace `std` for code from the standard library and namespace
5493`CGAL` for the CGAL library.
5495Release 1.2
5498Release date: January 1999
5500Additions to release 1.1 include:
5502-   topological map
5503-   planar map overlay
5504-   regular and constrained triangulations
5506Release 1.1
5509Release date: July 1998
5511Additions to release 1.0 include:
5513-   3D intersections
5514-   kD points
5515-   3D convex hull
5516-   kD smallest enclosing sphere
5518Release 1.0
5521Release date: April 1998
5523Additions to release 0.9 include:
5525-   Polyhedral surfaces
5526-   Halfedge Data Structure
5527-   Planar maps
5529Release 0.9
5532Release date: June 1997
5534Initial (beta) release of the CGAL library.