1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2001  ETH Zurich (Switzerland).
2 // All rights reserved.
3 //
4 // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org).
5 //
6 // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.3/Bounding_volumes/include/CGAL/Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d/Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_debug.h $
7 // $Id: Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_debug.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot
8 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial
9 //
10 //
11 // Author(s)     : Kaspar Fischer <fischerk@inf.ethz.ch>
16 #include <CGAL/license/Bounding_volumes.h>
19 #include <cmath>
20 #include <map>
21 #include <iostream>
22 #include <fstream>
23 #include <sstream>
24 #include <boost/random/linear_congruential.hpp>
26 namespace CGAL {
28   // We hide the following debugging utilities in a "private" namespace:
29   namespace Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_impl {
31     // For debugging only:
32     template<typename Iterator>
print_matrix(int d,const char * name,Iterator A)33     void print_matrix(int d, const char *name, Iterator A)
34     {
35       std::cout << name << ":= Matrix([\n";
36       for (int i=0; i<d; ++i) {
37         std::cout << "  [ ";
38         for (int j=0; j<d; ++j) {
39           std::cout << std::setprecision(30) << A[i+j*d];
40           if (j<d-1)
41             std::cout << ", ";
42         }
43         std::cout << " ]";
44         if (i<d-1)
45           std::cout << ",";
46         std::cout << "\n";
47       }
48       std::cout << "]);\n";
49     }
51     // For debugging only:
52     template<typename Iterator>
print_vector(int d,const char * name,Iterator v)53     void print_vector(int d, const char *name, Iterator v)
54     {
55       std::cout << name << ":= Vector([\n";
56       for (int j=0; j<d; ++j) {
57         std::cout << std::setprecision(30) << v[j];
58         if (j<d-1)
59           std::cout << ", ";
60       }
61       std::cout << "]);\n";
62     }
64     #ifdef CGAL_APPEL_LOG_MODE
65     class Logger
66     // A singleton class which sends debugging comments to log files.
67     // (A class is called a "singleton" if at most one instance of it
68     // may ever exist.)  By calling void log(channel,msg) you can send
69     // the string msg to the file with name channel.
70     {
71     private: // private members:
72       typedef std::map<std::string,std::ofstream*> Streams;
73       Streams channels;           // a collection of pairs (k,v) where
74                                   // k is the file-name and v is the
75                                   // (open) stream associated with k
77     private: // (Construction and destruction are private to prevent
78              // more than one instantiation.)
Logger()80       Logger() {}
81       Logger(const Logger&);
82       Logger& operator=(const Logger&);
~Logger()84       ~Logger()
85       {
86         // we walk through the list of all opened files and close them:
87         for (Streams::iterator it = channels.begin();
88              it != channels.end(); ++it) {
89           (*it).second->close();
90           delete (*it).second;
91         }
92       }
94     public: // access and routines:
instance()96       static Logger& instance()
97       // Returns a reference to the only existing instance of this class:
98       {
99         // Here's where we maintain the only instance: (Notice that it
100         // gets constructed automatically the first time instance() is
101         // called, and that it gets disposed of (if ever contructed) at
102         // program termination.)
103         static Logger instance;
104         return instance;
105       }
log(const char * channel,const std::string & msg)107       void log(const char *channel,const std::string& msg)
108       // If this is the first call to log with string channel as the
109       // first parameter, then the file with name channel.log is
110       // opened (at the beginning) for writing and msg is written to
111       // it.  Otherwise, the string msg is opened to the already open
112       // file channel.log.
113       {
114         const std::string name(channel);
115         Streams::iterator it = channels.find(name);
117         // have we already opened this file?
118         if (it != channels.end()) {
119           // If so, then just append the message:
120           *(*it).second << msg;
121           (*it).second->flush();
123         } else {
124           // If we haven't seen 'name' before, we create a new file:
125           using std::ofstream;
126           ofstream *o = new ofstream((name+".log").c_str(),
127                                      ofstream::out|ofstream::trunc);
128           channels[name] = o;
129           *o << msg;
130         }
131       }
132     };
133     #endif // CGAL_APPEL_LOG_MODE
135   } // end of namespace Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_impl
136 } // end of namespace CGAL
139 #include <sys/time.h>
140 #include <sys/resource.h>
142 namespace CGAL {
143   namespace Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_impl {
145     // The following routine is taken from file mptimeval.h from
146     // "Matpack Library Release 1.7.1" which is copyright (C) 1991-2002
147     // by Berndt M. Gammel.  It works on the timeval struct defined in
148     // sys/time.h:
149     //
150     //       struct timeval {
151     //         long tv_sec;        /* seconds */
152     //         long tv_usec;       /* microseconds */
153     //       };
154     //
155     inline timeval& operator-=(timeval &t1,const timeval &t2)
156     {
157       t1.tv_sec -= t2.tv_sec;
158       if ( (t1.tv_usec -= t2.tv_usec) < 0 ) {
159         --t1.tv_sec;
160         t1.tv_usec += 1000000;
161       }
162       return t1;
163     }
165     // (Adapted from the above.)
166     inline timeval& operator+=(timeval &t1,const timeval &t2)
167     {
168       t1.tv_sec += t2.tv_sec;
169       if ( (t1.tv_usec += t2.tv_usec) > 1000000) {
170         ++t1.tv_sec;
171         t1.tv_usec -= 1000000;
172       }
173       return t1;
174     }
176     class Timer
177       // A singleton class which maintains a collection of named timers.
178       // (A class is called a "singleton" if at most one instance of it
179       // may ever exist.)  The following routines are provided:
180       //
181       // - start(name): If this is the first time start() has been
182       //   called with name as the first parameter, then a new timer is
183       //   created and started.  Otherwise, the timer with name name is
184       //   restarted.
185       //
186       // - lapse(name): Retuns the number of seconds which have elapsed
187       //   since start(name) was called last.
188       //   Precondition: start(name) has been called once.
189     {
190     private: // (Construction and destruction are private to prevent
191              // more than one instantiation.)
Timer()193       Timer() {}
194       Timer(const Timer&);
195       Timer& operator=(const Timer&);
197     public: // access and routines:
instance()199       static Timer& instance()
200       // Returns a reference to the only existing instance of this class:
201       {
202         // Here's where we maintain the only instance: (Notice that it
203         // gets constructed automatically the first time instance() is
204         // called, and that it gets disposed of (if ever contructed) at
205         // program termination.)
206         static Timer instance;
207         return instance;
208       }
start(const char * timer_name)210       void start(const char *timer_name)
211       {
212         // fetch current usage:
213         rusage now;
214         int status = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF,&now);
215         CGAL_assertion(status == 0);
217         // save it:
218         timers[std::string(timer_name)] = now.ru_utime;
219       }
lapse(const char * name)221       float lapse(const char *name)
222       {
223         // assert that start(name) has been called before:
224         CGAL_assertion(timers.find(std::string(name)) != timers.end());
226         // get current usage:
227         rusage now;
228         int status = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF,&now);
229         CGAL_assertion(status == 0);
231         // compute elapsed usage:
232         now.ru_utime -= (*timers.find(std::string(name))).second;
233         return now.ru_utime.tv_sec + now.ru_utime.tv_usec * 1e-6;
234       }
236     private: // private members:
237       typedef std::map<std::string,timeval> Timers;
238       Timers timers;              // a collection of pairs (k,v) where
239                                   // k is the timer name and v is the
240                                   // (started) timer associated with k
241     };
242   } // end of namespace Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_impl
243 } // end of namespace CGAL
246 namespace CGAL {
247   namespace Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_impl {
249     template <typename T>
tostr(const T & t)250     std::string tostr(const T& t) {
251       std::stringstream strm;
252       strm << t;
253       return strm.str();
254     }
256     class Eps_export_2 {
257     // An instance of the following class accepts circles and ellipses
258     // and procudes an Enhanced-PostScript figure.
259     public:
260       enum Stroke_mode { Solid=0, Solid_filled=1, Dashed=2 };
261       enum Label_mode { None, Angle, Random_angle };
263     private:
264       std::vector<double> bb;            // bounding box
265       Stroke_mode bm;                    // current stroke mode
266       Label_mode lm;                     // current label mode
267       double next_angle;                 // next angle to use (for Angle mode)
268       int count;                         // counts the objects (starting at 1)
269       std::string next_label;            // next label to use
270       std::ostringstream body;           // buffered output
271       bool adjust_bb;
272       double zoom;
273       std::string filename;
274       boost::rand48 rng;
276     public: // construction and destruction:
278       // Begins exporting to file filename.  Sets the current stroke mode
279       // to Solid and the current label-mode to Random_angle.
280       Eps_export_2(std::string filename, double zoom, int /* seed */ = 0)
281         : bb(4,0.0), bm(Solid), lm(Random_angle), count(1),
282           next_label(default_label(1)), adjust_bb(true),
283           zoom(zoom), filename(filename)
284       {}
286       // Ends exporting and closes the file.
~Eps_export_2()287       ~Eps_export_2()
288       {
289         // open output file:
290         using std::endl;
291         std::ofstream f(filename.c_str());
292         if (!f)
293           std::cerr << "Couldn't open file " << filename << "." << endl;
295         // write header:
296         const double margin = 10.0;
297         f << "%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0" << endl
298           << "%%Title: Some balls" << endl
299           << "%%Creator: a program by kf." << endl
300           << "%%CreationDate: now" << endl
301           << "%%For: you, the unknown" << endl
302           << "%%Pages: 1" << endl
303           << "%%DocumentFonts: Helvetica" << endl
304           << "%%BoundingBox: "
305           << bb[0]*zoom-margin << " "
306           << bb[1]*zoom-margin << " "
307           << bb[2]*zoom+margin << " "
308           << bb[3]*zoom+margin << endl
309           << "%%Magnification: 1.0000" << endl
310           << "%%EndComments" << endl
311           << "%%BeginProlog" << endl
312           << "%" << endl
313           << "/zoom " << zoom << " def" << endl
314           << "zoom zoom scale" << endl
315           << "/Helvetica findfont 7 zoom div scalefont setfont" << endl
316           << "0.06299 7.500 mul zoom div setlinewidth" << endl
317           << "/dashlen 4.5 zoom div def" << endl
318           << "/dashlen2 1.5 zoom div def" << endl
319           << "/ptlen 3.5 zoom div def" << endl << "%" << endl
320           << "% center-x center-y radius bp" << endl
321           << "% creates a path representing a circle" << endl
322           << "/bp { /radius exch def /cy exch def /cx exch def" << endl
323           << "radius 0 eq" << endl
324           << "{ newpath cx ptlen sub cy moveto ptlen ptlen add 0" << endl
325           << "rlineto cx cy ptlen sub moveto 0 ptlen ptlen add" << endl
326           << "rlineto }" << endl
327           << "{ newpath cx radius add cy moveto cx cy radius" << endl
328           << "0 360 arc closepath } ifelse } def" << "%" << endl
329           << "%center-x center-y radius ball" << endl
330           << "% draws a circle, unfilled, no dash" << endl
331           << "/ball { bp stroke } def" << endl
332           << "% center-x center-y radius bball" << endl
333           << "% draws a circle, filled, no dash" << endl
334           << "/bball { /radius exch def /cy exch def /cx exch def" << endl
335           << "cx cy radius radius 0 eq" << endl
336           << "{ gsave bp 0.6 setgray stroke" << endl
337           << "newpath cx cy moveto closepath 1 setlinecap" << endl
338           << "0.0 setgray stroke grestore }" << endl
339           << "{ bp gsave 0.6 setgray fill grestore stroke }" << endl
340           << "ifelse } def" << endl
341           << "% center-x center-y radius dball" << endl
342           << "% draws a circle, unfilled, dashed" << endl
343           << "/dball { gsave bp [dashlen] 0 setdash stroke grestore" << endl
344           << "} def" << endl
345           << "/eball { gsave bp 0.6 setgray stroke grestore } def" << endl
346           << "%" << endl
347           << "% center-x center-y radius label dist angle drawl" << endl
348           << "% Draws the label label." << endl
349           << "/drawl { /angle exch def /dist exch def /label exch def" << endl
350           << "/radius exch def /cy exch def /cx exch def" << endl
351           << "cx radius dist zoom div add angle cos mul add" << endl
352           << "cy radius dist zoom div add angle sin mul add" << endl
353           << "moveto label show } def" << endl
354           << "%" << endl
355           << "% Usage a b c find-roots x1 x2" << endl
356           << "% Finds the two roots of a x^2 + b x + c = 0, assuming" << endl
357           << "% that a is nonzero." << endl
358           << "/find-roots {" << endl
359           << "    % compute discriminant:" << endl
360           << "    3 copy 3 2 roll" << endl
361           << "    mul 4.0 mul neg exch dup mul add" << endl
362           << "    % stack: a b c disc" << endl
363           << "    sqrt" << endl
364           << "    2 index 0 ge { neg } { } ifelse" << endl
365           << "    % stack: a b c sqrt(disc)" << endl
366           << "    % compute first solution (sqrt(disc)-b) / (2*a):" << endl
367           << "    dup 3 index sub 4 index 2.0 mul div" << endl
368           << "    5 1 roll" << endl
369           << "    % stack: x1 a b c sqrt(disc)" << endl
370           << "    % compute second solution 2*c / (sqrt(disc)-b):" << endl
371           << "    3 2 roll sub exch 2.0 mul exch div" << endl
372           << "    exch pop" << endl
373           << "} def" << endl
374           << "%" << endl
375           << "% Usage: u v normalize u' v'" << endl
376           << "% Takes the vector [u,v] and normalizes it to length 1." << endl
377           << "/normalize {" << endl
378           << "    dup dup mul" << endl
379           << "    % stack: u v v^2" << endl
380           << "    2 index dup mul add" << endl
381           << "    % stack: u v v^2+u^2" << endl
382           << "    sqrt 1.0 exch div dup 4 1 roll mul 3 1 roll mul exch" << endl
383           << "} def" << endl
384           << "%" << endl
385           << "% Usage: a b h cellipse" << endl
386           << "% Draws the ellipse x^T M x <= 1 with M = [[a,h],[h,b]]." << endl
387           << "%" << endl
388           << "/cellipse {" << endl
389           << "% compute Eigen decomposition of M:" << endl
390           << "%" << endl
391           << "% stack: a b h" << endl
392           << "dup 0.0 eq {" << endl
393           << "        % ellipse is a sphere:" << endl
394           << "        2 index sqrt" << endl
395           << "        2 index sqrt" << endl
396           << "        [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 ]" << endl
397           << "}" << endl
398           << "{" << endl
399           << "        1.0" << endl
400           << "        4 copy pop pop add neg" << endl
401           << "        5 copy pop pop dup mul neg 3 1 roll mul add" << endl
402           << "        find-roots" << endl
403           << "        % stack: a b h x1 x2" << endl
404           << "        %" << endl
405           << "        % build first Eigenvector:" << endl
406           << "        2 index 2 index 6 index sub normalize" << endl
407           << "        % build second Eigenvector:" << endl
408           << "        % stack: a b h x1 x2 ev1x ev1y" << endl
409           << "        4 index 3 index 8 index sub normalize" << endl
410           << "        % build matrix containing Eigenvectors:" << endl
411           << "        % stack: a b h x1 x2 ev1x ev1y ev2x ev2y" << endl
412           << "        6 array" << endl
413           << "        dup 0 6 index put" << endl
414           << "        dup 1 4 index put" << endl
415           << "        dup 2 5 index put" << endl
416           << "        dup 3 3 index put" << endl
417           << "        dup 4 0 put" << endl
418           << "        dup 5 0 put" << endl
419           << "        5 1 roll pop pop pop pop" << endl
420           << "} ifelse" << endl
421           << "    % stack:  a b h x1 x2 T" << endl
422           << "    %" << endl
423           << "    % We now draw an circle scaled by x1 (along the " << endl
424           << "    % x-axis) and x2 (along the y-axis):" << endl
425           << "    matrix currentmatrix    %  remember CTM" << endl
426           << "    % stack:  a b h x1 x2 T old-ctm" << endl
427           << "    exch matrix invertmatrix concat" << endl
428           << "    2 index sqrt 1.0 exch div 2 index sqrt 1.0" << endl
429           << "    exch div scale" << endl
430           << "    newpath" << endl
431           << "    0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath" << endl
432           << "    setmatrix               %  restore CTM" << endl
433           << "    pop pop pop pop pop" << endl
434           << "} def" << endl
435           << "%" << endl
436           << "% Usage: a b d u v mu ellipse" << endl
437           << "% Finds the path (i.e., border) of the ellipse" << endl
438           << "%" << endl
439           << "%   E = { x | x^T M x + x^T m + mu <= 0 }," << endl
440           << "%" << endl
441           << "% where" << endl
442           << "%" << endl
443           << "%       [ a  b ]        [ u ]" << endl
444           << "%   M = [      ],   m = [   ]" << endl
445           << "%       [ b  d ]        [ v ]" << endl
446           << "%" << endl
447           << "% and det(M) > 0." << endl
448           << "/ellipse {" << endl
449           << "  /emu exch def" << endl
450           << "  /ev exch def" << endl
451           << "  /eu exch def" << endl
452           << "  /ed exch def" << endl
453           << "  /eb exch def" << endl
454           << "  /ea exch def" << endl
455           << "  /ematrix [ ea eb eb ed 0 0 ] matrix invertmatrix def" << endl
456           << "  % compute z = M^{-1} m:" << endl
457           << "  eu ev ematrix transform" << endl
458           << "  /ezy exch def" << endl
459           << "  /ezx exch def" << endl
460           << "  % translate to center:" << endl
461           << "  matrix currentmatrix    %  remember CTM" << endl
462           << "  ezx neg 2 div ezy neg 2 div translate" << endl
463           << "  % compute matrix of (now centrally symmetric) ellipse:" << endl
464           << "  /efactor ezx eu mul ezy ev mul add 4.0 div emu sub def" << endl
465           << "  ea efactor div ed efactor div eb efactor div cellipse" << endl
466           << "  setmatrix               % restore CTM" << endl
467           << "} def" << endl
468           << "/setcol { 193 255 div 152 255 div 159 255 div" << endl
469           << "          setrgbcolor" << endl
470           << "} def" << endl
471           << "%" << endl
472           << "%" << endl
473           << "%%EndProlog" << endl
474           << "%%Page: 1 1" << endl;
476         // write content:
477         f << "gsave" << endl
478           << body.str()
479           << "grestore" << endl
480           << "showpage" << endl
481           << "%%Trailer" << endl;
483         // write footer:
484         f.close();
485       }
487     public: // modifiers:
488       // Sets the stroke mode for the next objects.
set_stroke_mode(Stroke_mode m)489       void set_stroke_mode(Stroke_mode m)
490       {
491         bm = m;
492       }
494       // Sets the labelmode for the next objects.
set_label_mode(Label_mode m)495       void set_label_mode(Label_mode m)
496       {
497         lm = m;
498       }
500       // Sets the label for the next object.  (This only makes sense if
501       // the label mode for the next object will be different from None.)
set_label(const std::string & l)502       void set_label(const std::string& l)
503       {
504         next_label = l;
505       }
507       // Sets the angle for the next object drawn in mode Angle or
508       // Random_angle.  (So you can temporarily overwrite the random
509       // angle.)
set_angle(double angle)510       void set_angle(double angle)
511       {
512         next_angle = angle;
513       }
515       // Enable or disable automatic adjusting of the bounding box.
enlarge_bounding_box(bool active)516       void enlarge_bounding_box(bool active)
517       {
518         adjust_bb = active;
519       }
521       // Renders the line from (x,y) to (u,v) in the current stroke
522       // and label mode.
523       //
524       // Implementation note: stroke and label mode are not yet implemented.
525       void write_line(double x, double y, double u, double v,
526                       bool colored = false)
527       {
528         // set color:
529         if (colored)
530           body << "gsave setcol" << std::endl;
532         // output ball in appropriate mode:
533         adjust_bounding_box(x,y);
534         adjust_bounding_box(u,v);
535         body << "newpath\n"
536              << x << ' ' << y << " moveto\n"
537              << u << ' ' << v << " lineto\n"
538              << "stroke\n";
540         // restore color:
541         if (colored)
542           body << "grestore" << std::endl;
543       }
545       // Renders the circle with center (x,y) and radius r in
546       // the current stroke and label mode.  All coordinates must be of
547       // type double.
548       void write_circle(double x, double y, double r, bool colored = false)
549       {
550         // set color:
551         if (colored)
552           body << "gsave setcol" << std::endl;
554         // output ball in appropriate mode:
555         adjust_bounding_box(x-r,y-r);
556         adjust_bounding_box(x+r,y+r);
557         body << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << r << ' ';
558         const char *mode[] = { "ball", "bball", "dball" };
559         body << mode[static_cast<int>(bm)] << std::endl;
561         // output label:
562         if (lm != None) {
563           const double dist = 5.0;
564           const double lx = x + (r+dist/zoom)*std::cos(next_angle);
565           const double ly = y + (r+dist/zoom)*std::sin(next_angle);
566           adjust_bounding_box(lx,ly);
567           body << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << r << " (" << next_label << ") "
568                << dist << ' ' << next_angle << " drawl" << std::endl;
569         }
571         // restore color:
572         if (colored)
573           body << "grestore" << std::endl;
575         // generate next angle (if needed):
576         if (lm == Random_angle)
577           next_angle = static_cast<double>(rng());
579         // update counter and label:
580         next_label = default_label(++count);
581       }
583       // Renders the centrally symmetric ellipse x^T M x <= 1 with M =
584       // [[a,h],[h,b]] in the current stroke and label mode.
write_cs_ellipse(double a,double b,double h)585       void write_cs_ellipse(double a,double b,double h)
586       {
587         using std::endl;
589         // Adjust the bounding box: For this, we use the fact that the
590         // ellipse has semi-axes of lengths (1/sqrt(c),1/sqrt(d)) where
591         //
592         //   (c,d) = find_roots(1.0,-(a+b),a b - h^2)
593         //
594         // (See Sven's thesis, code on page 87.)  So it it enclosed in
595         // some (rotated) rectangle of side lengths 2*c,2*d, centered
596         // at the origin.  Consequently, the circle of radius
597         // r=sqrt(c^2+d^2) encloses the ellipse, and we use this to
598         // find the bounding box:
599         const std::pair<double,double> semi = find_roots(1.0,-(a+b),a*b-h*h);
600         const double r = std::sqrt(1/semi.first+1/semi.second);
601         adjust_bounding_box(-r,-r);
602         adjust_bounding_box(r,r);
604         // draw the ellipse:
605         body << "gsave" << endl
606              << "  " << a << ' ' << b << ' ' << h << " cellipse" << endl;
607         if (bm == Solid_filled)
608           body << "  gsave 0.6 setgray eofill grestore" << endl;
609         if (bm == Dashed)
610           body << "  [dashlen] 0 setdash" << endl;
611         body << "  stroke" << endl << "grestore" << endl;
613         // output label:
614         // Todo: Not implemented yet.
615         if (false && lm != None) {
616           const double distance = 5.0;
617           body << a << ' ' << b << ' ' << distance << ' ' << next_angle
618                << " cellipse-pt moveto (" << next_label << ") show" << endl;
619         }
621         // generate next angle (if needed):
622         if (lm == Random_angle)
623           next_angle = static_cast<double>(rng());
625         // update counter and label:
626         next_label = default_label(++count);
627       }
629       // Renders the ellipse
630       //
631       //    E = { x | x^T M x + x^T m + mu <= 0 }
632       //
633       // where
634       //
635       //       [ a  h ]        [ u ]
636       //   M = [      ],   m = [   ]
637       //       [ h  b ]        [ v ]
638       //
639       // and det(M) > 0 in the current stroke and label mode.
write_ellipse(double a,double b,double h,double u,double v,double mu)640       void write_ellipse(double a,double b,double h,
641                          double u,double v,double mu)
642       {
643         using std::endl;
645         // adjust bounding box (see file boundingbox.mw and my file note):
646         const double tmp1 = a*b-h*h;
647         const double tmp2 = ((u*(u*b-2.0*v*h)+v*v*a)/tmp1-4.0*mu)/tmp1;
648         const double hw   = 0.5*std::sqrt(b*tmp2),  vw = 0.5*std::sqrt(a*tmp2);
649         const double hoff = -0.5*(u*b-v*h)/tmp1, voff = 0.5*(u*h-v*a)/tmp1;
650         adjust_bounding_box((std::min)(hw+hoff,-hw+hoff),
651                             (std::min)(vw+voff,-vw+voff));
652         adjust_bounding_box((std::max)(hw+hoff,-hw+hoff),
653                             (std::max)(vw+voff,-vw+voff));
655         #if 0
656         // draw bounding box:
657         body << "newpath " << (std::min)(hw+hoff,-hw+hoff) << " "
658              << (std::min)(vw+voff,-vw+voff) << " moveto "
659              << (std::max)(hw+hoff,-hw+hoff) << " "
660              << (std::min)(vw+voff,-vw+voff) << " lineto "
661              << (std::max)(hw+hoff,-hw+hoff) << " "
662              << (std::max)(vw+voff,-vw+voff) << " lineto "
663              << (std::min)(hw+hoff,-hw+hoff)  << " "
664              << (std::max)(vw+voff,-vw+voff) << " lineto closepath stroke\n";
665         #endif
667         // begin drawing:
668         body << "gsave" << endl;
670         // draw the ellipse:
671         body << "  " << a << ' ' << h << ' ' << b
672              << ' ' << u << ' ' << v << ' ' << mu
673              << " ellipse" << endl;
674         if (bm == Solid_filled)
675           body << "  gsave 0.6 setgray eofill grestore" << endl;
676         if (bm == Dashed)
677           body << "  [dashlen] 0 setdash" << endl;
678         body << "  stroke" << endl;
680         // output label:
681         // Todo: Not implemented yet.
683         // end drawing:
684         body << "grestore" << endl;
686         // generate next angle (if needed):
687         if (lm == Random_angle)
688           next_angle = static_cast<double>(rng());
690         // update counter and label:
691         next_label = default_label(++count);
692       }
adjust_bounding_box(double x,double y)694       void adjust_bounding_box(double x,double y)
695       // Make sure the bounding box is large enough to contain the point (x,y).
696       {
697         if (adjust_bb) {
698           bb[0] = (std::min)(x,bb[0]);
699           bb[2] = (std::max)(x,bb[2]);
700           bb[1] = (std::min)(y,bb[1]);
701           bb[3] = (std::max)(y,bb[3]);
702         }
703       }
705     private: // utilities:
find_roots(double a,double b,double c)707       std::pair<double,double> find_roots(double a,double b,double c)
708       // Assuming a is nonzero, finds the roots of a x^2 + b x + c = 0.
709       {
710         double sd = std::sqrt(b*b-4.0*a*c);
711         if (b >= 0.0)
712           sd = -sd;
713         return std::pair<double,double>( (sd-b)/(2*a), 2*c/(sd-b) );
714       }
default_label(int count)716       static std::string default_label(int count)
717       {
718         return tostr(count);
719       }
720     };
722   } // namespace Approximate_min_ellipsoid_d_impl
724 } // namespace CGAL