1 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-20 Bradley M. Bell
4 CppAD is distributed under the terms of the
5              Eclipse Public License Version 2.0.
7 This Source Code may also be made available under the following
8 Secondary License when the conditions for such availability set forth
9 in the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 are satisfied:
10       GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 or later.
11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12 /*
13 $begin cppadcg_sparse_jacobian.cpp$$
14 $spell
15     cppadcg
16     jacobian
17     Cpp
18 $$
20 $section Cppadcg Speed: Sparse Jacobian$$
22 $head Specifications$$
23 See $cref link_sparse_jacobian$$.
26 If this is one, the sparse Jacobian is the is the function passed
27 to CppADCodeGen, In this case, the $code code_gen_fun$$
28 $cref/function/code_gen_fun/Syntax/function/$$ is used to calculate
29 the sparse Jacobian.
30 Otherwise, this flag is zero and the original function passed
31 to CppADCodeGen. In this case, the $code code_gen_fun$$
32 $cref/sparse_jacobian/code_gen_fun/Syntax/sparse_jacobian/$$
33 is used to calculate the sparse Jacobian.
34 $srccode%cpp% */
36 /* %$$
39 $head Implementation$$
40 $srccode%cpp% */
41 # include <cppad/speed/uniform_01.hpp>
42 # include <cppad/utility/vector.hpp>
43 # include <cppad/speed/sparse_jac_fun.hpp>
44 # include <cppad/example/code_gen_fun.hpp>
46 # include <map>
47 extern std::map<std::string, bool> global_option;
49 namespace {
50     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
51     // typedefs
52     typedef CppAD::cg::CG<double>       c_double;
53     typedef CppAD::AD<c_double>        ac_double;
54     typedef CppAD::vector<bool>         b_vector;
55     typedef CppAD::vector<size_t>       s_vector;
56     typedef CppAD::vector<double>       d_vector;
57     typedef CppAD::vector<ac_double>   ac_vector;
58     typedef CppAD::sparse_rc<s_vector> sparsity;
59     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
61     // calc_sparsity
calc_sparsity(CppAD::sparse_rc<s_vector> & pattern,CppAD::ADFun<c_double> & f)62     void calc_sparsity(
63         CppAD::sparse_rc<s_vector>& pattern ,
64         CppAD::ADFun<c_double>&     f       )
65     {   bool reverse       = global_option["revsparsity"];
66         bool transpose     = false;
67         bool internal_bool = global_option["boolsparsity"];
68         bool dependency    = false;
69         bool subgraph      = global_option["subsparsity"];
70         size_t n = f.Domain();
71         size_t m = f.Range();
72         if( subgraph )
73         {   b_vector select_domain(n), select_range(m);
74             for(size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j)
75                 select_domain[j] = true;
76             for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
77                 select_range[i] = true;
78             f.subgraph_sparsity(
79                 select_domain, select_range, transpose, pattern
80             );
81         }
82         else
83         {   size_t q = n;
84             if( reverse )
85                 q = m;
86             //
87             CppAD::sparse_rc<s_vector> identity;
88             identity.resize(q, q, q);
89             for(size_t k = 0; k < q; k++)
90                 identity.set(k, k, k);
91             //
92             if( reverse )
93             {   f.rev_jac_sparsity(
94                     identity, transpose, dependency, internal_bool, pattern
95                 );
96             }
97             else
98             {   f.for_jac_sparsity(
99                     identity, transpose, dependency, internal_bool, pattern
100                 );
101             }
102         }
103     }
105     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
106     // setup
setup(size_t size,const s_vector & row,const s_vector & col,size_t & n_color,code_gen_fun & fun,s_vector & row_major)107     void setup(
108             // inputs
109             size_t          size     ,
110             const s_vector& row      ,
111             const s_vector& col      ,
112             // outputs
113             size_t&         n_color  ,
114             code_gen_fun&   fun      ,
115             s_vector&  row_major     )
116     {   // optimization options
117         std::string optimize_options =
118             "no_conditional_skip no_compare_op no_print_for_op";
119         //
120         // independent variable vector
121         size_t nc = size;
122         ac_vector ac_x(nc);
123         //
124         // dependent variable vector
125         size_t nr = 2 * nc;
126         ac_vector ac_y(nr);
127         //
128         // values of independent variables do not matter
129         for(size_t j = 0; j < nc; j++)
130             ac_x[j] = ac_double( double(j) / double(nc) );
131         //
132         // declare independent variables
133         size_t abort_op_index = 0;
134         bool record_compare   = false;
135         CppAD::Independent(ac_x, abort_op_index, record_compare);
136         //
137         // AD computation of f(x) (order zero derivative is function value)
138         size_t order = 0;
139         CppAD::sparse_jac_fun<ac_double>(nr, nc, ac_x, row, col, order, ac_y);
140         //
141         // create function object f : x -> y
142         CppAD::ADFun<c_double>            c_f;
143         CppAD::ADFun<ac_double, c_double> ac_f;
144         c_f.Dependent(ac_x, ac_y);
145         if( global_option["optimize"] )
146             c_f.optimize(optimize_options);
147         //
148         // number of non-zeros in sparsity pattern for Jacobian
150         // set fun
151         code_gen_fun::evaluation_enum eval_jac = code_gen_fun::sparse_enum;
152         code_gen_fun f_tmp("sparse_jacobian", c_f, eval_jac);
153         fun.swap(f_tmp);
154         //
155         // set row_major
156         d_vector x(nc);
157         CppAD::uniform_01(nc, x);
158         CppAD::sparse_rcv<s_vector, d_vector> Jrcv = fun.sparse_jacobian(x);
159         row_major = Jrcv.row_major();
160 # ifndef NDEBUG
161         size_t nnz = row.size();
162         CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( row_major.size() == nnz );
163         for(size_t k = 0; k < nnz; ++k)
164         {   size_t ell = row_major[k];
165             CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN(
166                 Jrcv.row()[ell] == row[k] && Jrcv.col()[ell] == col[k]
167             );
168         }
169 # endif
170         //
172         //
173         // sparsity patttern  for subset of Jacobian pattern that is evaluated
174         size_t nnz = row.size();
175         sparsity subset_pattern(nr, nc, nnz);
176         for(size_t k = 0; k < nnz; ++k)
177             subset_pattern.set(k, row[k], col[k]);
178         //
179         // spoarse matrix for subset of Jacobian that is evaluated
180         CppAD::sparse_rcv<s_vector, ac_vector> ac_subset( subset_pattern );
181         //
182         // coloring method
183         std::string coloring = "cppad";
185         if( global_option["colpack"] )
186             coloring = "colpack";
187 # endif
188         //
189         // maximum number of colors at once
190         size_t group_max = 1;
191         ac_f = c_f.base2ad();
192         //
193         // declare independent variables for jacobian computation
194         CppAD::Independent(ac_x, abort_op_index, record_compare);
195         //
196         if( global_option["subgraph"] )
197         {   // use reverse mode because forward not yet implemented
198             ac_f.subgraph_jac_rev(ac_x, ac_subset);
199             n_color = 0;
200         }
201         else
202         {   // calculate the Jacobian sparsity pattern for this function
203             sparsity pattern;
204             calc_sparsity(pattern, c_f);
205             //
206            // use forward mode to compute Jacobian
207             CppAD::sparse_jac_work work;
208             n_color = ac_f.sparse_jac_for(
209                 group_max, ac_x, ac_subset, pattern, coloring, work
210             );
211         }
212         const ac_vector ac_val ( ac_subset.val() );
213         //
214         // create function g : x -> f'(x)
215         CppAD::ADFun<c_double> c_g;
216         c_g.Dependent(ac_x, ac_val);
217         if( global_option["optimize"] )
218             c_g.optimize(optimize_options);
219         code_gen_fun g_tmp("sparse_jacobian", c_g);
220         //
221         // set reture value
222         fun.swap(g_tmp);
224         return;
225     }
226 }
link_sparse_jacobian(const std::string & job,size_t size,size_t repeat,size_t m,const CppAD::vector<size_t> & row,const CppAD::vector<size_t> & col,CppAD::vector<double> & x,CppAD::vector<double> & jacobian,size_t & n_color)228 bool link_sparse_jacobian(
229     const std::string&               job      ,
230     size_t                           size     ,
231     size_t                           repeat   ,
232     size_t                           m        ,
233     const CppAD::vector<size_t>&     row      ,
234     const CppAD::vector<size_t>&     col      ,
235     CppAD::vector<double>&           x        ,
236     CppAD::vector<double>&           jacobian ,
237     size_t&                          n_color  )
238 {   assert( x.size() == size );
239     assert( jacobian.size() == row.size() );
240     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
241     // check global options
242     const char* valid[] = {
243         "memory", "onetape", "optimize", "subgraph",
244         "boolsparsity", "revsparsity", "subsparsity"
246         , "colpack"
247 # endif
248     };
249     size_t n_valid = sizeof(valid) / sizeof(valid[0]);
250     typedef std::map<std::string, bool>::iterator iterator;
251     //
252     for(iterator itr=global_option.begin(); itr!=global_option.end(); ++itr)
253     {   if( itr->second )
254         {   bool ok = false;
255             for(size_t i = 0; i < n_valid; i++)
256                 ok |= itr->first == valid[i];
257             if( ! ok )
258                 return false;
259         }
260     }
261     if( global_option["subsparsity"] )
262     {   if( global_option["boolsparisty"]
263         ||  global_option["revsparsity"]
264         ||  global_option["colpack"]  )
265             return false;
266     }
267     // -----------------------------------------------------
268     // size corresponding to static_fun
269     static size_t static_size = 0;
270     //
271     // function object mapping x to f'(x)
272     static code_gen_fun static_fun;
273     //
274     // row_major order for Jrcv
275     static s_vector static_row_major;
276     //
278     // code gen value for sparse jacobian
279     CppAD::sparse_rcv<s_vector, d_vector> Jrcv;
280 # endif
281     //
282     // number of independent variables
283     size_t nx = size;
284     //
285     bool onetape = global_option["onetape"];
286     //
287     // default return value
288     n_color = 0;
289     // -----------------------------------------------------
290     if( job == "setup" )
291     {   if( onetape )
292         {   // sets n_color when ontape is true
293             setup(size, row, col, n_color, static_fun, static_row_major);
294             static_size = size;
295         }
296         else
297         {   static_size = 0;
298         }
299         return true;
300     }
301     if( job == "teardown" )
302     {   code_gen_fun f_tmp;
303         static_fun.swap(f_tmp);
304         static_row_major.clear();
305         //
306         static_size    = 0;
307         return true;
308     }
309     // -----------------------------------------------------
310     CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( job == "run" )
311     if( onetape ) while(repeat--)
312     {   // use if before assert to vaoid warning that static_size is not used
313         if( size != static_size )
314         {   CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( size == static_size );
315         }
317         // get next x
318         CppAD::uniform_01(nx, x);
320         // evaluate the jacobian
322         jacobian = static_fun(x);
323 # else
324         Jrcv = static_fun.sparse_jacobian(x);
325         CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( Jrcv.nnz() == jacobian.size() );
326         for(size_t k = 0; k < row.size(); ++k)
327             jacobian[k] = Jrcv.val()[ static_row_major[k] ];
328 # endif
329     }
330     else while(repeat--)
331     {   // sets n_color when ontape is false
332         setup(size, row, col, n_color, static_fun, static_row_major);
333         static_size = size;
335         // get next x
336         CppAD::uniform_01(nx, x);
338         // evaluate the jacobian
340         jacobian = static_fun(x);
341 # else
342         Jrcv = static_fun.sparse_jacobian(x);
343         CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( Jrcv.nnz() == jacobian.size() );
344         for(size_t k = 0; k < row.size(); ++k)
345             jacobian[k] = Jrcv.val()[ static_row_major[k] ];
346 # endif
347     }
348     return true;
349 }
350 /* %$$
351 $end
352 */