1Curv 0.6: Reactive values work in all circumstances where they should.
2Relies on new compiler/partial evaluator, new type system.
4Update Array documentation: definition of ranked array, ranked function.
6* `list[i1,i2,...]` support reactive args
7* `list[i1,i2,...] := ...` in full generality
8* design a general set of adverbs for pipeline programming
9  * Add each_left and each_right from K. What names do I choose?
10* '`foo` y' is equivalent to 'x->foo[x,y]', as a form of partial application.
11  Use cases: A>>`foo`B, map(`foo`B), etc.
12  * Infix `foo` should have <sum> precedence, so that A `mod` B == 0 works.
13    Use A>>`union`B in a shape pipeline instead of A`union`B.
14  * Prefix `foo` must have higher precedence than <pipeline> (for pipelines),
15    lower precedence than <postfix>, higher precedence than <sum> (for
16    consistency with infix having precedence <sum>). Best option is <power>,
17    which contains the other high precedence prefix operators.
18  * I would also like postfix `foo`, also for partial application. Precedence?
19    It's probably '<sum> `foo`'.
21All builtin numeric/boolean operations are now vectorized. Document this.
22    Call_Expr -- could vectorize the function argument. Q'NIAL, FP
23All expression types supported by SubCurv also support reactive arguments.
24Expressions that don't support reactive arguments:
25    select[a,b,c]
26    dot[a,b]
27and[...] and or[...] implement custom reduction code for bool32 and bvec. How?
28  * A functional Prim interface, returns an optional SC_Value.
29        SC_Value sc_try_reduce(SC_Frame& f, SC_Value a, const Context& cx)
30SubCurv: sum[a,b,c,d] is t=[a,b]+[c,d];t[0]+t[1], not (a+b+c+d)?
32rename sc_vec_element -> sc_list_elem
33    fix internals to support general struc list
34    fix callers to support general struc list
35update sc_eval_index*_expr() functions to support all struc types
36sc index an array using a struc index value
37add Reactive_Value::at(i,cx), call from list_elem and list_at
38replace idchr() -- use is_C_identifier()?
39Array_Op and Prim should export the same interface.
40Remove boilerplate and duplication from PrimType classes.
41_Prim and _PrimType classes (different names for different signatures)
42migrate all array primitives with operator syntax to Prim
43migrate all array primitives with function syntax to Prim
45and[...] and or[...] implement custom reduction code for bool32 and bvec. How?
46 1. Define And_Function directly. Define ::sc_call_expr() to handle
47    special cases first before invoking the general case. It calls sc_reduce,
48    but this contains an if that handles a List_Expr arg before evaluating
49    the arg and handling the value. It's at the value handling point that I want
50    to insert code.
51  * Maybe sc_reduce_expr calls sc_reduce_value. I want to override
52    sc_reduce_value to execute my code then call the default version.
53 2. It is cleaner to define the reducer in And_Prim.
54  * Maybe And_Prim inherits sc_reduce_value from Binary_Prim, then overrides it
55    while calling the default version. Yeah, but the default sc_reduce_value
56    needs to call Prim::sc_check_args and Prim::sc_call. That's recursive, so we
57    need to tie the knot and use OOP + a vtable.
58      * Or tie the knot by passing the default sc_reducer as a function argument
59        to Prim::sc_reduce_value.
60  * Maybe And_Prim defines sc_try_reduce, which defaults to do nothing,
61    inherited from Binary_PrimType.
62      * A procedural interface, returns true on success, mutates a SC_Value& r
63        to return a result.
64            bool sc_try_reduce(SC_Frame& f, SC_Value& a, const Context& cx)
65                if (a.type.is_bool32())
66                    a = ...;
67                    return true;
68                return false;
69      * A functional interface, returns an optional SC_Value.
70            SC_Value sc_try_reduce(SC_Frame& f, SC_Value a, const Context& cx)
71                if (a.type.is_bool32())
72                    return ...;
73                return {};
75Soft Typing
77Assignment of types to reactive expressions uses "soft typing", where type
78conflicts produce an Error type and don't automatically cause the program to
79abort. sc_result_type computes a soft type for the reactive expression, it
80is not as restrictive as sc_check_args. Figure out the type system and then
81fix this.
82    Here's a bbox value:
83        [[x0,y0,z0],[x1,y1,z1]] * reactive_num
84    It is given the type Array[2]Vec3. Notice this isn't a struc type.
85    Binary_Num_SCMat_Prim::sc_result_type() is rigged to return non-struc types
86    so that this case won't generate a compile error. Non-struc values aren't
87    supported by SubCurv, but this case works out because it is a bbox value,
88    and we aren't compiling this expression into GLSL.
90Standardize format of Prim error messages
92Binary_Array_Op::domain_error: use Prim::name rather than dig into cx.syntax
93    is_C_identifier in symbol.h
94+        if (is_C_identifier(Prim::name())) {
95+            return Exception(cx,
96+                stringify(Prim::name(),"[",x,",",y,"]: invalid argument"));
97+        } else {
98+            return Exception(cx,
99+                stringify(x," ",Prim::name()," ",y,": invalid argument"));
100    Standardized error messages in Prim. For the same Prim, errors can occur:
101     * in a Call_Expr function call expression
102     * in a Unary_Prim_Expr or Binary_Prim_Expr (part of a reactive expr)
103    ERROR: 2 + #blue: invalid arguments
104      <points at Binary_Prim_Expr>
105    ERROR: max[2,#blue]: invalid argument pair
106      <points at Binary_Prim_Expr or Call_Expr>
107    ERROR: argument #1 of max: [2,#blue]: invalid argument pair
108      <points at argument of Call_Expr>
109* Errors produced by sc_check_args, from 2 SC_Values and a cx... what do they
110  look like? In some cases I use At_Index(cx, 0 or 1) but does that work in
111  all cases?
112* Errors resulting from sc_result_type() failures? Maybe there should be no
113  errors.
116 * rx->expr() makes more logical sense than rx->expr(ph). That's in curv5.
117   The 'ph' argument is used when a Uniform Variable value is converted to an
118   expression operand, but that isn't the same as the source location where
119   the Uniform Variable was initially referenced by name.
120 * list_elem() takes an At_Syntax& cx argument. Which affects upstream APIs.
121   How is it used? What are the actual requirements?
122    * syntax_ of Call_Expr: it's a call site, needs to be passed as argument.
123    * syntax_ of Constant '[i]'. This should be provided by the caller,
124      explaining what the index is, or where it was computed.
125    * cx argument of Reactive_Expression constructor. It's used to throw an
126      exception if Operation arg isn't 'pure', but that's an internal compiler
127      error. Maybe we don't need this: call 'die' instead?
128 * The List_Pattern::exec() call to list_elem():
129    * The result call_site:
130    * The index call_site:
131    * I think these are both satisfied by the syntax_ of the List_Pattern
132      element being matched. So, list_elem(val,i,const Phrase& syntax).
133   List_Pattern::exec() has an 'argcx' argument that describes the argument
134   value to be decomposed as a list. Does this context have any relevance to
135   the information we must pass to list_elem()? If an error is reported later,
136   when the result of list_elem() is used as an argument, what information
137   should that error/stack trace contain?
138 * At_Index does not return an At_Syntax, affecting List_Pattern::exec().
139A Reactive_Expression contains an Operation which has a syntax_ field.
140 * The syntax_ is the call site from which the Operation was invoked: either
141   a location in Curv source code (the analytic case), or a description of the
142   call site in C++ native code (the synthetic case).
143 * For an expression, the syntax_ shows where the value was computed, and the
144   context in which it was being used. What if these are different? The value
145   is computed, stored in a variable/data structure, then used in an argument
146   context that throws an error? The site where the argument is computed is
147   valuable information: nice if we can show that in error messages.
148 * The purpose of syntax_ is to be included in a stack trace, so we can see
149   where an error occurred. The only proper use is syntax_.location(), when
150   a Phrase inside a Context is converted to a stack trace.
151 * Due to the way that Reactive_Expressions are constructed, each Operation
152   in the expression tree may have a call site that is disjoint from its parent
153   or its children. (This doesn't happen in the analytic case.)
154 * Therefore, we shouldn't make too many assumptions about syntax_ objects.
155   We shouldn't assume they were constructed analytically.
158At present, Reactive_Value::expr(ph) requires a Phrase argument. Hence we need
159a Phrase during general expression evaluation. Ideas:
160 1. In Pattern::exec(Value*,Value,Context&cx,Frame&), change
161    'Context&cx' to 'At_Syntax&cx' so I can use cx.syntax(). Code impact:
162    Initially it requires At_Index and At_Field to be derived from At_Syntax.
163 2. In Pattern::exec, add 'const Phrase& valph' argument.
164The underlying problem is that a Uniform_Variable value requires a Phrase for
165conversion to a Constant each time it is referenced in an arithmetic expression.
166 * When will this Phrase be used? What is the best choice of Phrase?
167I think the Phrase could be used if an arithmetic expression fails to compile
168in the Shape Compiler, in which case the Phrase points to the bad operand.
169But this shouldn't happen, we do type checking right now when we construct
170a reactive expression. It seems like the Phrase won't be used.
171 3. Store the parameter name Identifier phrase in the Uniform_Variable when it
172    is constructed. Looks practical, changes are local.
174Operations on abstract list values (Lists and Reactive_Values).
175    bool is_list(val) -- already called islist(val) in math.h
176    unsigned list_count(val)
177    Value list_elem(val, unsigned i, const Context& cx)
178    Value list_elem_unsafe(val, unsigned i)
179No virtual functions (for cache locality) in the fast case of a List.
180This should be faster than virtual functions in Ref_Value.
182list_elem(val,i) may construct an Operation, if the list is reactive.
183What syntax object(s) do I use? The syntax_ member of an Operation denotes the
184call site for that operation, either in Curv source code, or in C++ native code.
185    Consider this API: list_elem(val,i,const At_Syntax& cx)
186    where 'cx' is the call site for the 'val[i]' expression.
187    If val is a reactive list, then we need to synthesize a call site
188    for the index 'i' as well.
190Old answer:
191    Synthetic operation nodes are generated by Curv primitives written in C++.
192    Their syntax object encodes the name of this primitive. `Synthetic_Phrase`
193    is a subclass of Phrase: so you can test if a Meaning is synthetic.
194Why is this okay?
195    In a reactive value, the source location of each node can potentially be
196    different and disconnected from the locations of the parent and children.
197Who will access these synthetic phrases? Is this just a placeholder to avoid
198storing a null pointer, or will it be used?
199What about errors and stack traces?
200    Using the `time` global reactive variable, you can evaluate a reactive value
201    in the interpreter, substituting a time value. Even though the reactive
202    operation tree is type checked, run time errors can still occur.
203    Eg, 0/0 throws an error. A reactive value could contain the subexpression
204    `time/0`, or `(time-1)/0`. What does the error and stack trace look like?
205        ERROR: 0 / 0: domain error
206        at reactive value:
207        1| (time-1)/0
208        at file "foo":
209        42| ...<some expression yielding a reactive value>...
210    With the above design, reactive values don't need source locations.
211But synthetic phrases might still be useful in the debugger?
212    Perhaps Value::list_elem and List_Pattern::match are native primitives
213    that should each have their own Frame? Or, their own VM opcode?
214Who will call Value::list_elem(), and what does the op tree look like?
215    List_Pattern::exec(). The argument A being matched is a reactive list, and
216    we have an At_Syntax for the argument expression. The pattern is `[a,b]`,
217    so `a` is bound to `A[0]`. What is the syntax object for `A[0]`?
218    What is the syntax object for `[0]` and `0`?
219The syntax_ member of an Operation specifies where the Operation is being
220called from. If Value::list_elem is a primitive Operation, called from
221List_Pattern::match, then the former Op needs a syntax_ describing the call
222site within the latter. Therefore, Value::list_elem(i) needs an additional
223argument that describes the caller, from which a Phrase can be derived.
224I figure this additional argument has type At_Syntax or Frame.
227Value::list_elem(i) may construct an Operation, if the list is reactive.
228What syntax object do I use?
229 1. Synthetic operation nodes encode the name of the C++ function that
230    generates them in the Phrase object. `Synthetic_Phrase` is a subclass
231    of Phrase: so you can test if a Meaning is synthetic.
232        static auto origin = make<Synthetic_Phrase>(__func__);
233        make<Some_Expr>(origin, ...)
234 2. API is list_elem(unsigned, At_Syntax).
235 3. Copy the syntax from the reactive list.
236In what circumstances is a reactive value's syntax object used?
237 * In the design for the `time` global reactive variable, you can evaluate a
238   reactive value in the interpreter, substituting a time value. Even though
239   the reactive operation tree is type checked, run time errors can still occur.
240   Eg, 0/0 throws an error. A reactive value could contain the subexpression
241   `time/0`, or `(time-1)/0`. What does the error and stack trace look like?
242        ERROR: 0 / 0: domain error
243        at reactive value:
244        1| (time-1)/0
245        at file "foo":
246        42| ...<some expression yielding a reactive value>...
247   With the above design, reactive values don't need source locations.
248 * In a reactive value, the source location of each node can potentially be
249   different and disconnected from the locations of the parent and children.
250   Some of the nodes are synthetic. For these, we could encode the name of the
251   C++ function (__func__) that generates them, in the Phrase object.
252 * Who will call Value::list_elem(), and what At_Syntax info is available?
253   * List_Pattern::exec(). The argument A being matched is a reactive list, and
254     we have an At_Syntax for the argument expression. The pattern is `[a,b]`,
255     so `a` is bound to `A[0]`. What is the syntax object for `A[0]`?
256     What is the syntax object for `[0]` and `0`?
258 * Support reactive values in Binary_Array_Op using Infix_Op_Expr.
259   * This will require defining Add_Expr = Infix_Op_Expr<Add_Op>.
260     Same class is used everywhere, so that + expressions hash consistently.
261   * So now, Binary_Array_Op::reactive_op hard codes Infix_Op_Expr<Add_Op>
262     as the expression form of the binary add operation.
263 * Replace add(a,b,cx) with Add_Op::op(a,b,cx).
264 * Replace Add_Expr with Infix_Op_Expr<Add_Op>
266Add Operation::print(), for printing function and reactive values.
268new-core Prim API:
269  * It separates 'analysis' (type inference and optimization) from emitting
270    GLSL/C++ code.
271  * The analysis code can be automated. Eg, Binary_Num_Prim provides generic
272    analysis code, so Add_Prim can leave it out. What remains is sc_emit().
273  * sc_emit() outputs an expression, not a statement.
274    Do this later, once we are building the IR tree.
275  * The result type is needed in type inference and in code generation.
276    It is part of the Prim superclass (eg, Binary_Num_Prim).
277  * The old Prim API has `make_expr()`, which encodes the Operation class of
278    an operator like `+` (aka Add_Expr). This shouldn't be needed.
279      * It is used by Binary_Array_Op::op and Unary_Array_Op::op to generate
280        reactive values.
281      * From this context, given a Prim, we should be able to construct
282        a unary or binary expression class. Eg, Binary_Op_Expr<Op>.
284vectorized 'equal', 'unequal'
285 * support broadcasting in SubCurv: scalar->vector, bool->bool32, vec->mat
288* Add matrix support to `dot`
289* transpose
290* a[i] if a is bool32 or matrix
292SubCurv tests for dyadic primitives:
293  op[a,b] -- list literal
294  op A -- two element array
295  op M -- mat2
296  op V -- vec2
298SubCurv tests for the following:
299    `bit`: support bool vectors
300    `and`, `or`: bool vectors work now (fix bad codegen)
301    `!`: support bool and bool32 vectors
302    Constructing SC typed values from Curv const values:
303    * matrixes are now constructed
304    * general boolean arrays are now constructed
305    vectorized relations
306    select
308internals, maybe:
309    SC_Type::Array(base, d1, d2)?
311document the changes to SubCurv.
313synonyms for struc:
314* A 'struc' is a first class value in SubCurv: it can be passed as an argument
315  to a function, returned as a result, stored in a variable, compared for
316  equality. A struc is a scalar (a number or boolean), or it is a small array
317  of scalars. Strucs must be small for efficiency reasons: because they have to
318  fit in GPU register memory, and because they have copy semantics; there is
319  no support for dynamic memory allocation or general pointers in SubCurv.
320* Other names for 'struc':
321  * element
322  * base value (base type)
323  * small value (small type)
324  * local value (large arrays are stored in global memory and are accessed
325    by reference, pulling parts of the array into the local processor cache).
326Names that use 'struc' or refer to it:
327    is_struc()
328    is_num_struc()
329    is_bool_struc()
330    sc_struc_unify()
331    sc_eval_bool_struc()
332    sc_struc_unify()
333    sc_convert_scalar_to_struc()
334    SC_Type::Base_Type