1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file term_database_sygus.h
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds, Andres Noetzli, Morgan Deters
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief term database sygus class
13  **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include <unordered_set>
22 #include "theory/evaluator.h"
23 #include "theory/quantifiers/extended_rewrite.h"
24 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_eval_unfold.h"
25 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_explain.h"
26 #include "theory/quantifiers/term_database.h"
28 namespace CVC4 {
29 namespace theory {
30 namespace quantifiers {
32 class SynthConjecture;
34 /** A trie indexed by types that assigns unique identifiers to nodes. */
35 class TypeNodeIdTrie
36 {
37  public:
38   /** children of this node */
39   std::map<TypeNode, TypeNodeIdTrie> d_children;
40   /** the data stored at this node */
41   std::vector<Node> d_data;
42   /** add v to this trie, indexed by types */
43   void add(Node v, std::vector<TypeNode>& types);
44   /**
45    * Assign each node in this trie an identifier such that
46    * assign[v1] = assign[v2] iff v1 and v2 are indexed by the same values.
47    */
48   void assignIds(std::map<Node, unsigned>& assign, unsigned& idCount);
49 };
51 /** role for registering an enumerator */
52 enum EnumeratorRole
53 {
54   /** The enumerator populates a pool of terms (e.g. for PBE). */
56   /** The enumerator is the single solution of the problem. */
58   /**
59    * The enumerator is part of the solution of the problem (e.g. multiple
60    * functions to synthesize).
61    */
63   /** The enumerator must satisfy some set of constraints */
65 };
66 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, EnumeratorRole r);
68 // TODO :issue #1235 split and document this class
69 class TermDbSygus {
70  public:
71   TermDbSygus(context::Context* c, QuantifiersEngine* qe);
~TermDbSygus()72   ~TermDbSygus() {}
73   /** Reset this utility */
74   bool reset(Theory::Effort e);
75   /** Identify this utility */
identify()76   std::string identify() const { return "TermDbSygus"; }
77   /** register the sygus type
78    *
79    * This initializes this database for sygus datatype type tn. This may
80    * throw an assertion failure if the sygus grammar has type errors. Otherwise,
81    * after registering a sygus type, the query functions in this class (such
82    * as sygusToBuiltinType, getKindConsNum, etc.) can be called for tn.
83    */
84   void registerSygusType(TypeNode tn);
86   //------------------------------utilities
87   /** get the explanation utility */
getExplain()88   SygusExplain* getExplain() { return d_syexp.get(); }
89   /** get the extended rewrite utility */
getExtRewriter()90   ExtendedRewriter* getExtRewriter() { return d_ext_rw.get(); }
91   /** get the evaluator */
getEvaluator()92   Evaluator* getEvaluator() { return d_eval.get(); }
93   /** evaluation unfolding utility */
getEvalUnfold()94   SygusEvalUnfold* getEvalUnfold() { return d_eval_unfold.get(); }
95   //------------------------------end utilities
97   //------------------------------enumerators
98   /**
99    * Register a variable e that we will do enumerative search on.
100    *
101    * conj : the conjecture that the enumeration of e is for.
102    *
103    * f : the synth-fun that the enumeration of e is for.Notice that enumerator
104    * e may not be one-to-one with f in synthesis-through-unification approaches
105    * (e.g. decision tree construction for PBE synthesis).
106    *
107    * erole : the role of this enumerator (see definition of EnumeratorRole).
108    * Depending on this and the policy for actively-generated enumerators
109    * (--sygus-active-gen), the enumerator may be "actively-generated".
110    * For example, if --sygus-active-gen=var-agnostic, then the enumerator will
111    * only generate values whose variables are in canonical order (only x1-x2
112    * and not x2-x1 will be generated, assuming x1 and x2 are in the same
113    * "subclass", see getSubclassForVar).
114    *
115    * useSymbolicCons : whether we want model values for e to include symbolic
116    * constructors like the "any constant" variable.
117    *
118    * An "active guard" may be allocated by this method for e based on erole
119    * and the policies for active generation.
120    */
121   void registerEnumerator(Node e,
122                           Node f,
123                           SynthConjecture* conj,
124                           EnumeratorRole erole,
125                           bool useSymbolicCons = false);
126   /** is e an enumerator registered with this class? */
127   bool isEnumerator(Node e) const;
128   /** return the conjecture e is associated with */
129   SynthConjecture* getConjectureForEnumerator(Node e) const;
130   /** return the function-to-synthesize e is associated with */
131   Node getSynthFunForEnumerator(Node e) const;
132   /** get active guard for e */
133   Node getActiveGuardForEnumerator(Node e) const;
134   /** are we using symbolic constructors for enumerator e? */
135   bool usingSymbolicConsForEnumerator(Node e) const;
136   /** is this enumerator agnostic to variables? */
137   bool isVariableAgnosticEnumerator(Node e) const;
138   /** is this enumerator a "basic" enumerator.
139    *
140    * A basic enumerator is one that does not rely on the sygus extension of the
141    * datatypes solver. Basic enumerators enumerate all concrete terms for their
142    * type for a single abstract value.
143    */
144   bool isBasicEnumerator(Node e) const;
145   /** is this a "passively-generated" enumerator?
146    *
147    * A "passively-generated" enumerator is one for which the terms it enumerates
148    * are obtained by looking at its model value only. For passively-generated
149    * enumerators, it is the responsibility of the user of that enumerator (say
150    * a SygusModule) to block the current model value of it before asking for
151    * another value. By default, the Cegis module uses passively-generated
152    * enumerators and "conjecture-specific refinement" to rule out models
153    * for passively-generated enumerators.
154    *
155    * On the other hand, an "actively-generated" enumerator is one for which the
156    * terms it enumerates are not necessarily a subset of the model values the
157    * enumerator takes. Actively-generated enumerators are centrally managed by
158    * SynthConjecture. The user of actively-generated enumerators are prohibited
159    * from influencing its model value. For example, conjecture-specific
160    * refinement in Cegis is not applied to actively-generated enumerators.
161    */
162   bool isPassiveEnumerator(Node e) const;
163   /** get all registered enumerators */
164   void getEnumerators(std::vector<Node>& mts);
165   /** Register symmetry breaking lemma
166    *
167    * This function registers lem as a symmetry breaking lemma template for
168    * subterms of enumerator e. For more information on symmetry breaking
169    * lemma templates, see datatypes/datatypes_sygus.h.
170    *
171    * tn : the (sygus datatype) type that lem applies to, i.e. the
172    * type of terms that lem blocks models for,
173    * sz : the minimum size of terms that the lem blocks,
174    * isTempl : if this flag is false, then lem is a (concrete) lemma.
175    * If this flag is true, then lem is a symmetry breaking lemma template
176    * over x, where x is returned by the call to getFreeVar( tn, 0 ).
177    */
178   void registerSymBreakLemma(
179       Node e, Node lem, TypeNode tn, unsigned sz, bool isTempl = true);
180   /** Has symmetry breaking lemmas been added for any enumerator? */
181   bool hasSymBreakLemmas(std::vector<Node>& enums) const;
182   /** Get symmetry breaking lemmas
183    *
184    * Returns the set of symmetry breaking lemmas that have been registered
185    * for enumerator e. It adds these to lemmas.
186    */
187   void getSymBreakLemmas(Node e, std::vector<Node>& lemmas) const;
188   /** Get the type of term symmetry breaking lemma lem applies to */
189   TypeNode getTypeForSymBreakLemma(Node lem) const;
190   /** Get the minimum size of terms symmetry breaking lemma lem applies to */
191   unsigned getSizeForSymBreakLemma(Node lem) const;
192   /** Returns true if lem is a lemma template, false if lem is a lemma */
193   bool isSymBreakLemmaTemplate(Node lem) const;
194   /** Clear information about symmetry breaking lemmas for enumerator e */
195   void clearSymBreakLemmas(Node e);
196   //------------------------------end enumerators
198   //-----------------------------conversion from sygus to builtin
199   /** get free variable
200    *
201    * This class caches a list of free variables for each type, which are
202    * used, for instance, for constructing canonical forms of terms with free
203    * variables. This function returns the i^th free variable for type tn.
204    * If useSygusType is true, then this function returns a variable of the
205    * analog type for sygus type tn (see d_fv for details).
206    */
207   TNode getFreeVar(TypeNode tn, int i, bool useSygusType = false);
208   /** get free variable and increment
209    *
210    * This function returns the next free variable for type tn, and increments
211    * the counter in var_count for that type.
212    */
213   TNode getFreeVarInc(TypeNode tn,
214                       std::map<TypeNode, int>& var_count,
215                       bool useSygusType = false);
216   /** returns true if n is a cached free variable (in d_fv). */
isFreeVar(Node n)217   bool isFreeVar(Node n) { return d_fv_stype.find(n) != d_fv_stype.end(); }
218   /** returns the index of n in the free variable cache (d_fv). */
getVarNum(Node n)219   int getVarNum(Node n) { return d_fv_num[n]; }
220   /** returns true if n has a cached free variable (in d_fv). */
221   bool hasFreeVar(Node n);
222   /** get sygus proxy variable
223    *
224    * Returns a fresh variable of type tn with the SygusPrintProxyAttribute set
225    * to constant c. The type tn should be a sygus datatype type, and the type of
226    * c should be the analog type of tn. The semantics of the returned node
227    * is "the variable of sygus datatype tn that encodes constant c".
228    */
229   Node getProxyVariable(TypeNode tn, Node c);
230   /** make generic
231    *
232    * This function returns a builtin term f( t1, ..., tn ) where f is the
233    * builtin op of the sygus datatype constructor specified by arguments
234    * dt and c. The mapping pre maps child indices to the term for that index
235    * in the term we are constructing. That is, for each i = 1,...,n:
236    *   If i is in the domain of pre, then ti = pre[i].
237    *   If i is not in the domain of pre, then ti = d_fv[1][ var_count[Ti ] ],
238    *     and var_count[Ti] is incremented.
239    */
240   Node mkGeneric(const Datatype& dt,
241                  unsigned c,
242                  std::map<TypeNode, int>& var_count,
243                  std::map<int, Node>& pre);
244   /** same as above, but with empty var_count */
245   Node mkGeneric(const Datatype& dt, int c, std::map<int, Node>& pre);
246   /** same as above, but with empty pre */
247   Node mkGeneric(const Datatype& dt, int c);
248   /** makes a symbolic term concrete
249    *
250    * Given a sygus datatype term n of type tn with holes (symbolic constructor
251    * applications), this function returns a term in which holes are replaced by
252    * unique variables. To track counters for introducing unique variables, we
253    * use the var_count map.
254    */
255   Node canonizeBuiltin(Node n);
256   Node canonizeBuiltin(Node n, std::map<TypeNode, int>& var_count);
257   /** sygus to builtin
258    *
259    * Given a sygus datatype term n of type tn, this function returns its analog,
260    * that is, the term that n encodes.
261    */
262   Node sygusToBuiltin(Node n, TypeNode tn);
263   /** same as above, but without tn */
sygusToBuiltin(Node n)264   Node sygusToBuiltin(Node n) { return sygusToBuiltin(n, n.getType()); }
265   /** evaluate builtin
266    *
267    * bn is a term of some sygus datatype tn. This function returns the rewritten
268    * form of bn [ args / vars(tn) ], where vars(tn) is the sygus variable
269    * list for type tn (see Datatype::getSygusVarList).
270    *
271    * If the argument tryEval is true, we consult the evaluator before the
272    * rewriter, for performance reasons.
273    */
274   Node evaluateBuiltin(TypeNode tn,
275                        Node bn,
276                        std::vector<Node>& args,
277                        bool tryEval = true);
278   /** evaluate with unfolding
279    *
280    * n is any term that may involve sygus evaluation functions. This function
281    * returns the result of unfolding the evaluation functions within n and
282    * rewriting the result. For example, if eval_A is the evaluation function
283    * for the datatype:
284    *   A -> C_0 | C_1 | C_x | C_+( C_A, C_A )
285    * corresponding to grammar:
286    *   A -> 0 | 1 | x | A + A
287    * then calling this function on eval( C_+( x, 1 ), 4 ) = y returns 5 = y.
288    * The node returned by this function is in (extended) rewritten form.
289    */
290   Node evaluateWithUnfolding(Node n);
291   /** same as above, but with a cache of visited nodes */
292   Node evaluateWithUnfolding(
293       Node n, std::unordered_map<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction>& visited);
294   /** is evaluation point?
295    *
296    * Returns true if n is of the form eval( x, c1...cn ) for some variable x
297    * and constants c1...cn.
298    */
299   bool isEvaluationPoint(Node n) const;
300   /** return the builtin type of tn
301    *
302    * The type tn should be a sygus datatype type that has been registered to
303    * this database.
304    */
305   TypeNode sygusToBuiltinType(TypeNode tn);
306   //-----------------------------end conversion from sygus to builtin
308   /** print to sygus stream n on trace c */
309   static void toStreamSygus(const char* c, Node n);
311  private:
312   /** reference to the quantifiers engine */
313   QuantifiersEngine* d_quantEngine;
315   //------------------------------utilities
316   /** sygus explanation */
317   std::unique_ptr<SygusExplain> d_syexp;
318   /** extended rewriter */
319   std::unique_ptr<ExtendedRewriter> d_ext_rw;
320   /** evaluator */
321   std::unique_ptr<Evaluator> d_eval;
322   /** evaluation function unfolding utility */
323   std::unique_ptr<SygusEvalUnfold> d_eval_unfold;
324   //------------------------------end utilities
326   //------------------------------enumerators
327   /** mapping from enumerator terms to the conjecture they are associated with
328    */
329   std::map<Node, SynthConjecture*> d_enum_to_conjecture;
330   /** mapping from enumerator terms to the function-to-synthesize they are
331    * associated with
332    */
333   std::map<Node, Node> d_enum_to_synth_fun;
334   /** mapping from enumerator terms to the guard they are associated with
335    * The guard G for an enumerator e has the semantics
336    *   if G is true, then there are more values of e to enumerate".
337    */
338   std::map<Node, Node> d_enum_to_active_guard;
339   /**
340    * Mapping from enumerators to whether we allow symbolic constructors to
341    * appear as subterms of them.
342    */
343   std::map<Node, bool> d_enum_to_using_sym_cons;
344   /** mapping from enumerators to symmetry breaking clauses for them */
345   std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> > d_enum_to_sb_lemmas;
346   /** mapping from symmetry breaking lemmas to type */
347   std::map<Node, TypeNode> d_sb_lemma_to_type;
348   /** mapping from symmetry breaking lemmas to size */
349   std::map<Node, unsigned> d_sb_lemma_to_size;
350   /** mapping from symmetry breaking lemmas to whether they are templates */
351   std::map<Node, bool> d_sb_lemma_to_isTempl;
352   /** enumerators to whether they are actively-generated */
353   std::map<Node, bool> d_enum_active_gen;
354   /** enumerators to whether they are variable agnostic */
355   std::map<Node, bool> d_enum_var_agnostic;
356   /** enumerators to whether they are basic */
357   std::map<Node, bool> d_enum_basic;
358   //------------------------------end enumerators
360   //-----------------------------conversion from sygus to builtin
361   /** a cache of fresh variables for each type
362    *
363    * We store two versions of this list:
364    *   index 0: mapping from builtin types to fresh variables of that type,
365    *   index 1: mapping from sygus types to fresh varaibles of the type they
366    *            encode.
367    */
368   std::map<TypeNode, std::vector<Node> > d_fv[2];
369   /** Maps free variables to the domain type they are associated with in d_fv */
370   std::map<Node, TypeNode> d_fv_stype;
371   /** Maps free variables to their index in d_fv. */
372   std::map<Node, int> d_fv_num;
373   /** recursive helper for hasFreeVar, visited stores nodes we have visited. */
374   bool hasFreeVar(Node n, std::map<Node, bool>& visited);
375   /** cache of getProxyVariable */
376   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<Node, Node> > d_proxy_vars;
377   //-----------------------------end conversion from sygus to builtin
379   // TODO :issue #1235 : below here needs refactor
381  public:
382   Node d_true;
383   Node d_false;
385  private:
386   /** computes the map d_min_type_depth */
387   void computeMinTypeDepthInternal( TypeNode root_tn, TypeNode tn, unsigned type_depth );
388   bool involvesDivByZero( Node n, std::map< Node, bool >& visited );
390  private:
391   // information for sygus types
392   std::map<TypeNode, TypeNode> d_register;  // stores sygus -> builtin type
393   std::map<TypeNode, std::vector<Node> > d_var_list;
394   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<int, Kind> > d_arg_kind;
395   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<Kind, int> > d_kinds;
396   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<int, Node> > d_arg_const;
397   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<Node, int> > d_consts;
398   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<Node, int> > d_ops;
399   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<int, Node> > d_arg_ops;
400   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<Node, Node> > d_semantic_skolem;
401   // grammar information
402   // root -> type -> _
403   /**
404    * For each sygus type t1, this maps datatype types t2 to the smallest size of
405    * a term of type t1 that includes t2 as a subterm. For example, for grammar:
406    *   A -> B+B | 0 | B-D
407    *   B -> C+C
408    *   ...
409    * we have that d_min_type_depth[A] = { A -> 0, B -> 1, C -> 2, D -> 1 }.
410    */
411   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<TypeNode, unsigned> > d_min_type_depth;
412   // std::map< TypeNode, std::map< Node, std::map< std::map< int, bool > > >
413   // d_consider_const;
414   // type -> cons -> _
415   std::map<TypeNode, unsigned> d_min_term_size;
416   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<unsigned, unsigned> > d_min_cons_term_size;
417   /** a cache for getSelectorWeight */
418   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<Node, unsigned> > d_sel_weight;
419   /**
420    * For each sygus type, the index of the "any constant" constructor, if it
421    * has one.
422    */
423   std::map<TypeNode, unsigned> d_sym_cons_any_constant;
424   /**
425    * Whether any subterm of this type contains a symbolic constructor. This
426    * corresponds to whether sygus repair techniques will ever have any effect
427    * for this type.
428    */
429   std::map<TypeNode, bool> d_has_subterm_sym_cons;
430   /**
431    * Map from sygus types and bound variables to their type subclass id. Note
432    * type class identifiers are computed for each type of registered sygus
433    * enumerators, but not all sygus types. For details, see getSubclassIdForVar.
434    */
435   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<Node, unsigned> > d_var_subclass_id;
436   /** the list of variables with given subclass */
437   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<unsigned, std::vector<Node> > >
438       d_var_subclass_list;
439   /** the index of each variable in the above list */
440   std::map<TypeNode, std::map<Node, unsigned> > d_var_subclass_list_index;
442  public:  // general sygus utilities
443   bool isRegistered(TypeNode tn) const;
444   // get the minimum depth of type in its parent grammar
445   unsigned getMinTypeDepth( TypeNode root_tn, TypeNode tn );
446   // get the minimum size for a constructor term
447   unsigned getMinTermSize( TypeNode tn );
448   unsigned getMinConsTermSize( TypeNode tn, unsigned cindex );
449   /** get the weight of the selector, where tn is the domain of sel */
450   unsigned getSelectorWeight(TypeNode tn, Node sel);
451   /** get subfield types
452    *
453    * This adds all "subfield types" of tn to sf_types. A type tnc is a subfield
454    * type of tn if there exists a selector chain S1( ... Sn( x )...) that has
455    * type tnc, where x has type tn. In other words, tnc is the type of some
456    * subfield of terms of type tn, at any depth.
457    */
458   void getSubfieldTypes(TypeNode tn, std::vector<TypeNode>& sf_types);
460  public:
461   int getKindConsNum( TypeNode tn, Kind k );
462   int getConstConsNum( TypeNode tn, Node n );
463   int getOpConsNum( TypeNode tn, Node n );
464   bool hasKind( TypeNode tn, Kind k );
465   bool hasConst( TypeNode tn, Node n );
466   bool hasOp( TypeNode tn, Node n );
467   Node getConsNumConst( TypeNode tn, int i );
468   Node getConsNumOp( TypeNode tn, int i );
469   Kind getConsNumKind( TypeNode tn, int i );
470   bool isKindArg( TypeNode tn, int i );
471   bool isConstArg( TypeNode tn, int i );
472   /** get arg type */
473   TypeNode getArgType(const DatatypeConstructor& c, unsigned i) const;
474   /** is type match */
475   bool isTypeMatch( const DatatypeConstructor& c1, const DatatypeConstructor& c2 );
476   /**
477    * Get the index of the "any constant" constructor of type tn if it has one,
478    * or returns -1 otherwise.
479    */
480   int getAnyConstantConsNum(TypeNode tn) const;
481   /** has subterm symbolic constructor
482    *
483    * Returns true if any subterm of type tn can be a symbolic constructor.
484    */
485   bool hasSubtermSymbolicCons(TypeNode tn) const;
486   //--------------------------------- variable subclasses
487   /** Get subclass id for variable
488    *
489    * This returns the "subclass" identifier for variable v in sygus
490    * type tn. A subclass identifier groups variables based on the sygus
491    * types they occur in:
492    *   A -> A + B | C + C | x | y | z | w | u
493    *   B -> y | z
494    *   C -> u
495    * The variables in this grammar can be grouped according to the sygus types
496    * they appear in:
497    *   { x,w } occur in A
498    *   { y,z } occur in A,B
499    *   { u } occurs in A,C
500    * We say that e.g. x, w are in the same subclass.
501    *
502    * If this method returns 0, then v is not a variable in sygus type tn.
503    * Otherwise, this method returns a positive value n, such that
504    * getSubclassIdForVar[v1] = getSubclassIdForVar[v2] iff v1 and v2 are in the
505    * same subclass.
506    *
507    * The type tn should be the type of an enumerator registered to this
508    * database, where notice that we do not compute this information for the
509    * subfield types of the enumerator.
510    */
511   unsigned getSubclassForVar(TypeNode tn, Node v) const;
512   /**
513    * Get the number of variable in the subclass with identifier sc for type tn.
514    */
515   unsigned getNumSubclassVars(TypeNode tn, unsigned sc) const;
516   /** Get the i^th variable in the subclass with identifier sc for type tn */
517   Node getVarSubclassIndex(TypeNode tn, unsigned sc, unsigned i) const;
518   /**
519    * Get the a variable's index in its subclass list. This method returns true
520    * iff variable v has been assigned a subclass in tn. It updates index to
521    * be v's index iff the method returns true.
522    */
523   bool getIndexInSubclassForVar(TypeNode tn, Node v, unsigned& index) const;
524   //--------------------------------- end variable subclasses
525   /** return whether n is an application of a symbolic constructor */
526   bool isSymbolicConsApp(Node n) const;
527   /** can construct kind
528    *
529    * Given a sygus datatype type tn, if this method returns true, then there
530    * exists values of tn whose builtin analog is equivalent to
531    * <k>( t1, ..., tn ). The sygus types of t1...tn are added to arg_types.
532    *
533    * For example, if:
534    *   A -> A+A | ite( B, A, A ) | x | 1 | 0
535    *   B -> and( B, B ) | not( B ) | or( B, B ) | A = A
536    * - canConstructKind( A, +, ... ) returns true and adds {A,A} to arg_types,
537    * - canConstructKind( B, not, ... ) returns true and adds { B } to arg types.
538    *
539    * We also may infer that operator is constructable. For example,
540    * - canConstructKind( B, ite, ... ) may return true, adding { B, B, B } to
541    * arg_types, noting that the term
542    *   (and (or (not b1) b2) (or b1 b3)) is equivalent to (ite b1 b2 b3)
543    * The argument aggr is whether we use aggressive techniques like the one
544    * above to infer a kind is constructable. If this flag is false, we only
545    * check if the kind is literally a constructor of the grammar.
546    */
547   bool canConstructKind(TypeNode tn,
548                         Kind k,
549                         std::vector<TypeNode>& argts,
550                         bool aggr = false);
552   TypeNode getSygusTypeForVar( Node v );
553   Node sygusSubstituted( TypeNode tn, Node n, std::vector< Node >& args );
554   Node getSygusNormalized( Node n, std::map< TypeNode, int >& var_count, std::map< Node, Node >& subs );
555   Node getNormalized(TypeNode t, Node prog);
556   unsigned getSygusTermSize( Node n );
557   /** given a term, construct an equivalent smaller one that respects syntax */
558   Node minimizeBuiltinTerm( Node n );
559   /** given a term, expand it into more basic components */
560   Node expandBuiltinTerm( Node n );
561   /** get comparison kind */
562   Kind getComparisonKind( TypeNode tn );
563   Kind getPlusKind( TypeNode tn, bool is_neg = false );
564   /** involves div-by-zero */
565   bool involvesDivByZero( Node n );
566   /** get anchor */
567   static Node getAnchor( Node n );
568   static unsigned getAnchorDepth( Node n );
570  public:
571   /** unfold
572    *
573    * This method returns the one-step unfolding of an evaluation function
574    * application. An example of a one step unfolding is:
575    *    eval( C_+( d1, d2 ), t ) ---> +( eval( d1, t ), eval( d2, t ) )
576    *
577    * This function does this unfolding for a (possibly symbolic) evaluation
578    * head, where the argument "variable to model" vtm stores the model value of
579    * variables from this head. This allows us to track an explanation of the
580    * unfolding in the vector exp when track_exp is true.
581    *
582    * For example, if vtm[d] = C_+( C_x(), C_0() ) and track_exp is true, then
583    * this method applied to eval( d, t ) will return
584    * +( eval( d.0, t ), eval( d.1, t ) ), and is-C_+( d ) is added to exp.
585    */
586   Node unfold(Node en,
587               std::map<Node, Node>& vtm,
588               std::vector<Node>& exp,
589               bool track_exp = true);
590   /**
591    * Same as above, but without explanation tracking. This is used for concrete
592    * evaluation heads
593    */
594   Node unfold(Node en);
595   Node getEagerUnfold( Node n, std::map< Node, Node >& visited );
596 };
598 }/* CVC4::theory::quantifiers namespace */
599 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
600 }/* CVC4 namespace */