1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2002 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
17 #include <deal.II/base/polynomial_space.h>
18 #include <deal.II/base/table.h>
20 #include <memory>
25 template <int dim>
26 unsigned int
n_polynomials(const unsigned int n)27 PolynomialSpace<dim>::n_polynomials(const unsigned int n)
28 {
29   unsigned int n_pols = n;
30   for (unsigned int i = 1; i < dim; ++i)
31     {
32       n_pols *= (n + i);
33       n_pols /= (i + 1);
34     }
35   return n_pols;
36 }
39 template <>
40 unsigned int
n_polynomials(const unsigned int)41 PolynomialSpace<0>::n_polynomials(const unsigned int)
42 {
43   return 0;
44 }
47 template <>
48 std::array<unsigned int, 1>
compute_index(const unsigned int i) const49 PolynomialSpace<1>::compute_index(const unsigned int i) const
50 {
51   AssertIndexRange(i, index_map.size());
52   return {{index_map[i]}};
53 }
57 template <>
58 std::array<unsigned int, 2>
compute_index(const unsigned int i) const59 PolynomialSpace<2>::compute_index(const unsigned int i) const
60 {
61   AssertIndexRange(i, index_map.size());
62   const unsigned int n = index_map[i];
63   // there should be a better way to
64   // write this function (not
65   // linear in n_1d), someone
66   // should think about this...
67   const unsigned int n_1d = polynomials.size();
68   unsigned int       k    = 0;
69   for (unsigned int iy = 0; iy < n_1d; ++iy)
70     if (n < k + n_1d - iy)
71       {
72         return {{n - k, iy}};
73       }
74     else
75       k += n_1d - iy;
77   Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
78   return {{numbers::invalid_unsigned_int, numbers::invalid_unsigned_int}};
79 }
83 template <>
84 std::array<unsigned int, 3>
compute_index(const unsigned int i) const85 PolynomialSpace<3>::compute_index(const unsigned int i) const
86 {
87   AssertIndexRange(i, index_map.size());
88   const unsigned int n = index_map[i];
89   // there should be a better way to
90   // write this function (not
91   // quadratic in n_1d), someone
92   // should think about this...
93   //
94   // (ah, and yes: the original
95   // algorithm was even cubic!)
96   const unsigned int n_1d = polynomials.size();
97   unsigned int       k    = 0;
98   for (unsigned int iz = 0; iz < n_1d; ++iz)
99     for (unsigned int iy = 0; iy < n_1d - iz; ++iy)
100       if (n < k + n_1d - iy - iz)
101         {
102           return {{n - k, iy, iz}};
103         }
104       else
105         k += n_1d - iy - iz;
107   Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
108   return {{numbers::invalid_unsigned_int, numbers::invalid_unsigned_int}};
109 }
112 template <int dim>
113 void
set_numbering(const std::vector<unsigned int> & renumber)114 PolynomialSpace<dim>::set_numbering(const std::vector<unsigned int> &renumber)
115 {
116   Assert(renumber.size() == index_map.size(),
117          ExcDimensionMismatch(renumber.size(), index_map.size()));
119   index_map = renumber;
120   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < index_map.size(); ++i)
121     index_map_inverse[index_map[i]] = i;
122 }
126 template <int dim>
127 double
compute_value(const unsigned int i,const Point<dim> & p) const128 PolynomialSpace<dim>::compute_value(const unsigned int i,
129                                     const Point<dim> & p) const
130 {
131   const auto ix = compute_index(i);
132   // take the product of the
133   // polynomials in the various space
134   // directions
135   double result = 1.;
136   for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
137     result *= polynomials[ix[d]].value(p(d));
138   return result;
139 }
143 template <int dim>
144 Tensor<1, dim>
compute_grad(const unsigned int i,const Point<dim> & p) const145 PolynomialSpace<dim>::compute_grad(const unsigned int i,
146                                    const Point<dim> & p) const
147 {
148   const auto ix = compute_index(i);
150   Tensor<1, dim> result;
151   for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
152     result[d] = 1.;
154   // get value and first derivative
155   std::vector<double> v(2);
156   for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
157     {
158       polynomials[ix[d]].value(p(d), v);
159       result[d] *= v[1];
160       for (unsigned int d1 = 0; d1 < dim; ++d1)
161         if (d1 != d)
162           result[d1] *= v[0];
163     }
164   return result;
165 }
168 template <int dim>
169 Tensor<2, dim>
compute_grad_grad(const unsigned int i,const Point<dim> & p) const170 PolynomialSpace<dim>::compute_grad_grad(const unsigned int i,
171                                         const Point<dim> & p) const
172 {
173   const auto ix = compute_index(i);
175   Tensor<2, dim> result;
176   for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
177     for (unsigned int d1 = 0; d1 < dim; ++d1)
178       result[d][d1] = 1.;
180   // get value, first and second
181   // derivatives
182   std::vector<double> v(3);
183   for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
184     {
185       polynomials[ix[d]].value(p(d), v);
186       result[d][d] *= v[2];
187       for (unsigned int d1 = 0; d1 < dim; ++d1)
188         {
189           if (d1 != d)
190             {
191               result[d][d1] *= v[1];
192               result[d1][d] *= v[1];
193               for (unsigned int d2 = 0; d2 < dim; ++d2)
194                 if (d2 != d)
195                   result[d1][d2] *= v[0];
196             }
197         }
198     }
199   return result;
200 }
203 template <int dim>
204 void
evaluate(const Point<dim> & p,std::vector<double> & values,std::vector<Tensor<1,dim>> & grads,std::vector<Tensor<2,dim>> & grad_grads,std::vector<Tensor<3,dim>> & third_derivatives,std::vector<Tensor<4,dim>> & fourth_derivatives) const205 PolynomialSpace<dim>::evaluate(
206   const Point<dim> &           p,
207   std::vector<double> &        values,
208   std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>> &grads,
209   std::vector<Tensor<2, dim>> &grad_grads,
210   std::vector<Tensor<3, dim>> &third_derivatives,
211   std::vector<Tensor<4, dim>> &fourth_derivatives) const
212 {
213   const unsigned int n_1d = polynomials.size();
215   Assert(values.size() == this->n() || values.size() == 0,
216          ExcDimensionMismatch2(values.size(), this->n(), 0));
217   Assert(grads.size() == this->n() || grads.size() == 0,
218          ExcDimensionMismatch2(grads.size(), this->n(), 0));
219   Assert(grad_grads.size() == this->n() || grad_grads.size() == 0,
220          ExcDimensionMismatch2(grad_grads.size(), this->n(), 0));
221   Assert(third_derivatives.size() == this->n() || third_derivatives.size() == 0,
222          ExcDimensionMismatch2(third_derivatives.size(), this->n(), 0));
223   Assert(fourth_derivatives.size() == this->n() ||
224            fourth_derivatives.size() == 0,
225          ExcDimensionMismatch2(fourth_derivatives.size(), this->n(), 0));
227   unsigned int v_size = 0;
228   bool update_values = false, update_grads = false, update_grad_grads = false;
229   bool update_3rd_derivatives = false, update_4th_derivatives = false;
230   if (values.size() == this->n())
231     {
232       update_values = true;
233       v_size        = 1;
234     }
235   if (grads.size() == this->n())
236     {
237       update_grads = true;
238       v_size       = 2;
239     }
240   if (grad_grads.size() == this->n())
241     {
242       update_grad_grads = true;
243       v_size            = 3;
244     }
245   if (third_derivatives.size() == this->n())
246     {
247       update_3rd_derivatives = true;
248       v_size                 = 4;
249     }
250   if (fourth_derivatives.size() == this->n())
251     {
252       update_4th_derivatives = true;
253       v_size                 = 5;
254     }
256   // Store data in a single
257   // object. Access is by
258   // v[d][n][o]
259   //  d: coordinate direction
260   //  n: number of 1d polynomial
261   //  o: order of derivative
262   Table<2, std::vector<double>> v(dim, n_1d);
263   for (unsigned int d = 0; d < v.size()[0]; ++d)
264     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size()[1]; ++i)
265       {
266         v(d, i).resize(v_size, 0.);
267         polynomials[i].value(p(d), v(d, i));
268       }
270   if (update_values)
271     {
272       unsigned int k = 0;
274       for (unsigned int iz = 0; iz < ((dim > 2) ? n_1d : 1); ++iz)
275         for (unsigned int iy = 0; iy < ((dim > 1) ? n_1d - iz : 1); ++iy)
276           for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < n_1d - iy - iz; ++ix)
277             values[index_map_inverse[k++]] = v[0][ix][0] *
278                                              ((dim > 1) ? v[1][iy][0] : 1.) *
279                                              ((dim > 2) ? v[2][iz][0] : 1.);
280     }
282   if (update_grads)
283     {
284       unsigned int k = 0;
286       for (unsigned int iz = 0; iz < ((dim > 2) ? n_1d : 1); ++iz)
287         for (unsigned int iy = 0; iy < ((dim > 1) ? n_1d - iz : 1); ++iy)
288           for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < n_1d - iy - iz; ++ix)
289             {
290               const unsigned int k2 = index_map_inverse[k++];
291               for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
292                 grads[k2][d] = v[0][ix][(d == 0) ? 1 : 0] *
293                                ((dim > 1) ? v[1][iy][(d == 1) ? 1 : 0] : 1.) *
294                                ((dim > 2) ? v[2][iz][(d == 2) ? 1 : 0] : 1.);
295             }
296     }
298   if (update_grad_grads)
299     {
300       unsigned int k = 0;
302       for (unsigned int iz = 0; iz < ((dim > 2) ? n_1d : 1); ++iz)
303         for (unsigned int iy = 0; iy < ((dim > 1) ? n_1d - iz : 1); ++iy)
304           for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < n_1d - iy - iz; ++ix)
305             {
306               const unsigned int k2 = index_map_inverse[k++];
307               for (unsigned int d1 = 0; d1 < dim; ++d1)
308                 for (unsigned int d2 = 0; d2 < dim; ++d2)
309                   {
310                     // Derivative
311                     // order for each
312                     // direction
313                     const unsigned int j0 =
314                       ((d1 == 0) ? 1 : 0) + ((d2 == 0) ? 1 : 0);
315                     const unsigned int j1 =
316                       ((d1 == 1) ? 1 : 0) + ((d2 == 1) ? 1 : 0);
317                     const unsigned int j2 =
318                       ((d1 == 2) ? 1 : 0) + ((d2 == 2) ? 1 : 0);
320                     grad_grads[k2][d1][d2] = v[0][ix][j0] *
321                                              ((dim > 1) ? v[1][iy][j1] : 1.) *
322                                              ((dim > 2) ? v[2][iz][j2] : 1.);
323                   }
324             }
325     }
327   if (update_3rd_derivatives)
328     {
329       unsigned int k = 0;
331       for (unsigned int iz = 0; iz < ((dim > 2) ? n_1d : 1); ++iz)
332         for (unsigned int iy = 0; iy < ((dim > 1) ? n_1d - iz : 1); ++iy)
333           for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < n_1d - iy - iz; ++ix)
334             {
335               const unsigned int k2 = index_map_inverse[k++];
336               for (unsigned int d1 = 0; d1 < dim; ++d1)
337                 for (unsigned int d2 = 0; d2 < dim; ++d2)
338                   for (unsigned int d3 = 0; d3 < dim; ++d3)
339                     {
340                       // Derivative
341                       // order for each
342                       // direction
343                       std::vector<unsigned int> deriv_order(dim, 0);
344                       for (unsigned int x = 0; x < dim; ++x)
345                         {
346                           if (d1 == x)
347                             ++deriv_order[x];
348                           if (d2 == x)
349                             ++deriv_order[x];
350                           if (d3 == x)
351                             ++deriv_order[x];
352                         }
354                       third_derivatives[k2][d1][d2][d3] =
355                         v[0][ix][deriv_order[0]] *
356                         ((dim > 1) ? v[1][iy][deriv_order[1]] : 1.) *
357                         ((dim > 2) ? v[2][iz][deriv_order[2]] : 1.);
358                     }
359             }
360     }
362   if (update_4th_derivatives)
363     {
364       unsigned int k = 0;
366       for (unsigned int iz = 0; iz < ((dim > 2) ? n_1d : 1); ++iz)
367         for (unsigned int iy = 0; iy < ((dim > 1) ? n_1d - iz : 1); ++iy)
368           for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < n_1d - iy - iz; ++ix)
369             {
370               const unsigned int k2 = index_map_inverse[k++];
371               for (unsigned int d1 = 0; d1 < dim; ++d1)
372                 for (unsigned int d2 = 0; d2 < dim; ++d2)
373                   for (unsigned int d3 = 0; d3 < dim; ++d3)
374                     for (unsigned int d4 = 0; d4 < dim; ++d4)
375                       {
376                         // Derivative
377                         // order for each
378                         // direction
379                         std::vector<unsigned int> deriv_order(dim, 0);
380                         for (unsigned int x = 0; x < dim; ++x)
381                           {
382                             if (d1 == x)
383                               ++deriv_order[x];
384                             if (d2 == x)
385                               ++deriv_order[x];
386                             if (d3 == x)
387                               ++deriv_order[x];
388                             if (d4 == x)
389                               ++deriv_order[x];
390                           }
392                         fourth_derivatives[k2][d1][d2][d3][d4] =
393                           v[0][ix][deriv_order[0]] *
394                           ((dim > 1) ? v[1][iy][deriv_order[1]] : 1.) *
395                           ((dim > 2) ? v[2][iz][deriv_order[2]] : 1.);
396                       }
397             }
398     }
399 }
403 template <int dim>
404 std::unique_ptr<ScalarPolynomialsBase<dim>>
clone() const405 PolynomialSpace<dim>::clone() const
406 {
407   return std::make_unique<PolynomialSpace<dim>>(*this);
408 }
411 template class PolynomialSpace<1>;
412 template class PolynomialSpace<2>;
413 template class PolynomialSpace<3>;