1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
3 /*
4  *  Filename:    codim1extractor.hh
5  *  Version:     1.0
6  *  Created on:  Jun 23, 2009
7  *  Author:      Oliver Sander, Christian Engwer
8  *  ---------------------------------
9  *  Project:     dune-grid-glue
10  *  Description: class for grid extractors extracting surface grids
11  *
12  */
13 /**
14  * @file
15  * @brief Grid extractor class for codim 1 subgrids
16  */
21 #include "extractor.hh"
23 #include <array>
24 #include <deque>
25 #include <functional>
27 #include <dune/common/deprecated.hh>
28 #include <dune/common/version.hh>
29 #include <dune/grid-glue/common/crossproduct.hh>
31 namespace Dune {
33   namespace GridGlue {
35 /**
36  * extractor for codim-1 entities (facets)
37  */
38 template<typename GV>
39 class Codim1Extractor : public Extractor<GV,1>
40 {
41 public:
43   /*  E X P O R T E D  T Y P E S   A N D   C O N S T A N T S  */
45   using Extractor<GV,1>::dimworld;
46   using Extractor<GV,1>::dim;
47   using Extractor<GV,1>::codim;
48   using Extractor<GV,1>::cube_corners;
49   typedef typename Extractor<GV,1>::IndexType IndexType;
51   /// @brief compile time number of corners of surface simplices
52   static constexpr int simplex_corners = dim;
54   typedef GV GridView;
56   typedef typename GV::Grid::ctype ctype;
57   typedef Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dimworld>                       Coords;
59   typedef typename GV::Traits::template Codim<dim>::Entity Vertex;
60   typedef typename GV::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
61   typedef std::function<bool(const Element&, unsigned int subentity)> Predicate;
63   // import typedefs from base class
64   typedef typename Extractor<GV,1>::SubEntityInfo SubEntityInfo;
65   typedef typename Extractor<GV,1>::ElementInfo ElementInfo;
66   typedef typename Extractor<GV,1>::VertexInfo VertexInfo;
67   typedef typename Extractor<GV,1>::CoordinateInfo CoordinateInfo;
68   typedef typename Extractor<GV,1>::VertexInfoMap VertexInfoMap;
70 public:
72   /*  C O N S T R U C T O R S   A N D   D E S T R U C T O R S  */
74   /**
75    * @brief Constructor
76    * @param gv the grid view object to work with
77    * @param predicate a predicate to mark entities for extraction (unary functor returning bool)
78    */
Codim1Extractor(const GV & gv,const Predicate & predicate)79   Codim1Extractor(const GV& gv, const Predicate& predicate)
80     :  Extractor<GV,1>(gv)
81   {
82     std::cout << "This is Codim1Extractor on a <" << dim
83               << "," << dimworld << "> grid!"
84               << std::endl;
85     update(predicate);
86   }
88 private:
90   /**
91    * Extracts a codimension 1 surface from the grid @c g and builds up two arrays
92    * with the topology of the surface written to them. The description of the
93    * surface part that is to be extracted is given in form of a predicate class.
94    *
95    * Assumed that we are in 2D the coords array will have the structure
96    * x0 y0 x1 y1 ... x(n-1) y(n-1)
97    * Values in the @c _indices array then refer to the indices of the coordinates, e.g.
98    * index 1 is associated with the position x1. If the surface consists of triangles
99    * we have always groups of 3 indices describing one triangle.
100    *
101    * @param predicate a predicate that "selects" the faces to add to the surface
102    */
103   void update(const Predicate& predicate);
105 };
108 template<typename GV>
update(const Predicate & predicate)109 void Codim1Extractor<GV>::update(const Predicate& predicate)
110 {
111   // free everything there is in this object
112   this->clear();
114   // In this first pass iterate over all entities of codim 0.
115   // For each codim 1 intersection check if it is part of the boundary and if so,
116   // get its corner vertices, find resp. store them together with their associated index,
117   // and remember the indices of the boundary faces' corners.
118   {
119     // several counter for consecutive indexing are needed
120     int simplex_index = 0;
121     int vertex_index = 0;
122     IndexType eindex = 0;     // supress warning
124     // needed later for insertion into a std::set which only
125     // works with const references
127     // a temporary container where newly acquired face
128     // information can be stored at first
129     std::deque<SubEntityInfo> temp_faces;
131     // iterate over interior codim 0 elements on the grid
132     for (const auto& elmt : elements(this->gv_, Partitions::interior))
133     {
134       Dune::GeometryType gt = elmt.type();
136       // if some face is part of the surface add it!
137       if (elmt.hasBoundaryIntersections())
138       {
139         // add an entry to the element info map, the index will be set properly later,
140         // whereas the number of faces is already known
141         eindex = this->cellMapper_.index(elmt);
142         this->elmtInfo_.emplace(eindex, ElementInfo(simplex_index, elmt, 0));
144         // now add the faces in ascending order of their indices
145         // (we are only talking about 1-4 faces here, so O(n^2) is ok!)
146         for (const auto& in : intersections(this->gv_, elmt))
147         {
148           // Stop only at selected boundary faces
149           if (!in.boundary() or !predicate(elmt, in.indexInInside()))
150             continue;
152           const auto& refElement = Dune::ReferenceElements<ctype, dim>::general(gt);
153           // get the corner count of this face
154           const int face_corners = refElement.size(in.indexInInside(), 1, dim);
156           // now we only have to care about the 3D case, i.e. a triangle face can be
157           // inserted directly whereas a quadrilateral face has to be divided into two triangles
158           switch (face_corners)
159           {
160           case 2 :
161           case 3:
162           {
163             // we have a simplex here
165             // register the additional face(s)
166             this->elmtInfo_.at(eindex).faces++;
168             // add a new face to the temporary collection
169             temp_faces.emplace_back(eindex, in.indexInInside(),
171                                     Dune::GeometryTypes::simplex(dim-codim)
172 #else
173                                     Dune::GeometryType(Dune::GeometryType::simplex,dim-codim)
174 #endif
175                                     );
177             std::vector<FieldVector<ctype,dimworld> > cornerCoords(face_corners);
179             // try for each of the faces vertices whether it is already inserted or not
180             for (int i = 0; i < face_corners; ++i)
181             {
182               // get the number of the vertex in the parent element
183               int vertex_number = refElement.subEntity(in.indexInInside(), 1, i, dim);
185               // get the vertex pointer and the index from the index set
186               const Vertex vertex = elmt.template subEntity<dim>(vertex_number);
187               cornerCoords[i] = vertex.geometry().corner(0);
189               IndexType vindex = this->gv_.indexSet().template index<dim>(vertex);
191               // remember the vertex' number in parent element's vertices
192               temp_faces.back().corners[i].num = vertex_number;
194               // if the vertex is not yet inserted in the vertex info map
195               // it is a new one -> it will be inserted now!
196               typename VertexInfoMap::iterator vimit = this->vtxInfo_.find(vindex);
197               if (vimit == this->vtxInfo_.end())
198               {
199                 // insert into the map
200                 this->vtxInfo_.emplace(vindex, VertexInfo(vertex_index, vertex));
201                 // remember the vertex as a corner of the current face in temp_faces
202                 temp_faces.back().corners[i].idx = vertex_index;
203                 // increase the current index
204                 vertex_index++;
205               }
206               else
207               {
208                 // only insert the index into the simplices array
209                 temp_faces.back().corners[i].idx = vimit->second.idx;
210               }
211             }
213             // Now we have the correct vertices in the last entries of temp_faces, but they may
214             // have the wrong orientation.  We want them to be oriented such that all boundary edges
215             // point in the counterclockwise direction.  Therefore, we check the orientation of the
216             // new face and possibly switch the two vertices.
217             FieldVector<ctype,dimworld> realNormal = in.centerUnitOuterNormal();
219             // Compute segment normal
220             FieldVector<ctype,dimworld> reconstructedNormal;
221             if (dim==2)  // boundary face is a line segment
222             {
223               reconstructedNormal[0] =  cornerCoords[1][1] - cornerCoords[0][1];
224               reconstructedNormal[1] =  cornerCoords[0][0] - cornerCoords[1][0];
225             } else {    // boundary face is a triangle
226               FieldVector<ctype,dimworld> segment1 = cornerCoords[1] - cornerCoords[0];
227               FieldVector<ctype,dimworld> segment2 = cornerCoords[2] - cornerCoords[0];
228               reconstructedNormal = crossProduct(segment1, segment2);
229             }
230             reconstructedNormal /= reconstructedNormal.two_norm();
232             if (realNormal * reconstructedNormal < 0.0)
233               std::swap(temp_faces.back().corners[0], temp_faces.back().corners[1]);
235             // now increase the current face index
236             simplex_index++;
237             break;
238           }
239           case 4 :
240           {
241             assert(dim == 3 && cube_corners == 4);
242             // we have a quadrilateral here
243             std::array<unsigned int, 4> vertex_indices;
244             std::array<unsigned int, 4> vertex_numbers;
246             // register the additional face(s) (2 simplices)
247             this->elmtInfo_.at(eindex).faces += 2;
249             std::array<FieldVector<ctype,dimworld>, 4> cornerCoords;
251             // get the vertex pointers for the quadrilateral's corner vertices
252             // and try for each of them whether it is already inserted or not
253             for (int i = 0; i < cube_corners; ++i)
254             {
255               // get the number of the vertex in the parent element
256               vertex_numbers[i] = refElement.subEntity(in.indexInInside(), 1, i, dim);
258               // get the vertex pointer and the index from the index set
259               const Vertex vertex = elmt.template subEntity<dim>(vertex_numbers[i]);
260               cornerCoords[i] = vertex.geometry().corner(0);
262               IndexType vindex = this->gv_.indexSet().template index<dim>(vertex);
264               // if the vertex is not yet inserted in the vertex info map
265               // it is a new one -> it will be inserted now!
266               typename VertexInfoMap::iterator vimit = this->vtxInfo_.find(vindex);
267               if (vimit == this->vtxInfo_.end())
268               {
269                 // insert into the map
270                 this->vtxInfo_.emplace(vindex, VertexInfo(vertex_index, vertex));
271                 // remember this vertex' index
272                 vertex_indices[i] = vertex_index;
273                 // increase the current index
274                 vertex_index++;
275               }
276               else
277               {
278                 // only remember the vertex' index
279                 vertex_indices[i] = vimit->second.idx;
280               }
281             }
283             // now introduce the two triangles subdividing the quadrilateral
284             // ATTENTION: the order of vertices given by "orientedSubface" corresponds to the order
285             // of a Dune quadrilateral, i.e. the triangles are given by 0 1 2 and 3 2 1
287             // add a new face to the temporary collection for the first tri
288             temp_faces.emplace_back(eindex, in.indexInInside(),
290                                     Dune::GeometryTypes::simplex(dim-codim)
291 #else
292                                     Dune::GeometryType(Dune::GeometryType::simplex,dim-codim)
293 #endif
294                                     );
295             temp_faces.back().corners[0].idx = vertex_indices[0];
296             temp_faces.back().corners[1].idx = vertex_indices[1];
297             temp_faces.back().corners[2].idx = vertex_indices[2];
298             // remember the vertices' numbers in parent element's vertices
299             temp_faces.back().corners[0].num = vertex_numbers[0];
300             temp_faces.back().corners[1].num = vertex_numbers[1];
301             temp_faces.back().corners[2].num = vertex_numbers[2];
303             // Now we have the correct vertices in the last entries of temp_faces, but they may
304             // have the wrong orientation.  We want the triangle vertices on counterclockwise order,
305             // when viewed from the outside of the grid. Therefore, we check the orientation of the
306             // new face and possibly switch two vertices.
307             FieldVector<ctype,dimworld> realNormal = in.centerUnitOuterNormal();
309             // Compute segment normal
310             FieldVector<ctype,dimworld> reconstructedNormal = crossProduct(cornerCoords[1] - cornerCoords[0],
311                                                                            cornerCoords[2] - cornerCoords[0]);
312             reconstructedNormal /= reconstructedNormal.two_norm();
314             if (realNormal * reconstructedNormal < 0.0)
315               std::swap(temp_faces.back().corners[0], temp_faces.back().corners[1]);
318             // add a new face to the temporary collection for the second tri
319             temp_faces.emplace_back(eindex, in.indexInInside(),
321                                     Dune::GeometryTypes::simplex(dim-codim)
322 #else
323                                     Dune::GeometryType(Dune::GeometryType::simplex,dim-codim)
324 #endif
325                                     );
326             temp_faces.back().corners[0].idx = vertex_indices[3];
327             temp_faces.back().corners[1].idx = vertex_indices[2];
328             temp_faces.back().corners[2].idx = vertex_indices[1];
329             // remember the vertices' numbers in parent element's vertices
330             temp_faces.back().corners[0].num = vertex_numbers[3];
331             temp_faces.back().corners[1].num = vertex_numbers[2];
332             temp_faces.back().corners[2].num = vertex_numbers[1];
334             // Now we have the correct vertices in the last entries of temp_faces, but they may
335             // have the wrong orientation.  We want the triangle vertices on counterclockwise order,
336             // when viewed from the outside of the grid. Therefore, we check the orientation of the
337             // new face and possibly switch two vertices.
338             // Compute segment normal
339             reconstructedNormal = crossProduct(cornerCoords[2] - cornerCoords[3],
340                                                cornerCoords[1] - cornerCoords[3]);
341             reconstructedNormal /= reconstructedNormal.two_norm();
343             if (realNormal * reconstructedNormal < 0.0)
344               std::swap(temp_faces.back().corners[0], temp_faces.back().corners[1]);
346             simplex_index+=2;
347             break;
348           }
349           default :
350             DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "the extractor does only work for triangle and quadrilateral faces (" << face_corners << " corners)");
351             break;
352           }
353         }         // end loop over found surface parts
354       }
355     }     // end loop over elements
357     std::cout << "added " << simplex_index << " subfaces\n";
359     // allocate the array for the face specific information...
360     this->subEntities_.resize(simplex_index);
361     // ...and fill in the data from the temporary containers
362     copy(temp_faces.begin(), temp_faces.end(), this->subEntities_.begin());
363   }
366   // now first write the array with the coordinates...
367   this->coords_.resize(this->vtxInfo_.size());
368   for (const auto& vinfo : this->vtxInfo_)
369   {
370     // get a pointer to the associated info object
371     CoordinateInfo* current = &this->coords_[vinfo.second.idx];
372     // store this coordinates index // NEEDED?
373     current->index = vinfo.second.idx;
374     // store the vertex' index for the index2vertex mapping
375     current->vtxindex = vinfo.first;
376     // store the vertex' coordinates under the associated index
377     // in the coordinates array
378     const auto vtx = this->grid().entity(vinfo.second.p);
379     current->coord = vtx.geometry().corner(0);
380   }
382 }
384 }  // namespace GridGlue
386 }  // namespace Dune