1Licensing Information
4Copyright holders
7| Year       | Name                       |
9| 2009--2016 | Peter Bastian              |
10| 2009--2017 | Markus Blatt               |
11| 2016       | Lukas Böger                |
12| 2013--2016 | Andreas Buhr               |
13| 2014--2017 | Ansgar Burchardt           |
14| 2017       | Tim Dodwell                |
15| 2011       | Martin Drohmann            |
16| 2009--2018 | Christian Engwer           |
17| 2009--2018 | Jorrit Fahlke              |
18| 2016--2018 | Carsten Gräser             |
19| 2015--2016 | Felix Gruber               |
20| 2012--2017 | Christoph Grüninger        |
21| 2009--2012 | Felix Heimann              |
22| 2014--2018 | René Heß                   |
23| 2013--2014 | Pavel Hron                 |
24| 2014--2018 | Dominic Kempf              |
25| 2010--2011 | Ole Klein                  |
26| 2016       | Tobias Leibner             |
27| 2009--2010 | Sven Marnach               |
28| 2015       | René Milk                  |
29| 2010--2018 | Steffen Müthing            |
30| 2010--2014 | Rebecca Neumann            |
31| 2011--2015 | Adrian Ngo                 |
32| 2013--2018 | Andreas Nüßing             |
33| 2014--2017 | Marian Piatkowski          |
34| 2012--2013 | Jurgis Pods                |
35| 2016       | Anne Reinarz               |
36| 2011       | Hanna Remmel               |
37| 2012       | Human Rezaijafari          |
38| 2016       | Lukas Riedel               |
39| 2014--2018 | Oliver Sander              |
40| 2015       | Linus Seelinger            |
41| 2017       | Felix Schindler            |
42| 2018       | Sophie Schrader            |
43| 2016       | Liesel Schumacher          |
44| 2012       | Nicolas Schwenck           |
45| 2013       | Bård Skaflestad            |
46| 2018       | Arne Strehlow              |
47| 2012       | Christian Waluga           |
48| 2013--2015 | Sebastian Westerheide      |
49| 2012       | Matthias Wohlmuth          |
54The PDELab library, headers and test programs are copyrighted free software. You
55can use, modify and/or redistribute it under the terms of either one of the two
56following licenses:
58* The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
59  Foundation, either Version 3 of the license or (at your option) any later
60  version. You can find a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version
61  3, in the files [GPL-3][1] and [LGPL-3][2] or at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.
63* Version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
64  Foundation, with the following special exception for linking and compiling
65  against the PDELab library, the so-called "runtime exception":
67>   As a special exception, you may use the PDELab source files as part of a
68>   software library or application without restriction.  Specifically, if other
69>   files instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from one or
70>   more of the PDELab source files, or you compile one or more of the PDELab
71>   source files and link them with other files to produce an executable, this
72>   does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU
73>   General Public License.  This exception does not however invalidate any
74>   other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
75>   Public License.
77  This license is intended to be similar to the GNU Lesser General Public
78  License, Version 2, which by itself isn't suitable for a template library. You
79  can find a copy of the GNU General Public License, Version 2, in the file
80  [GPL-2][3] or at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.
86[1]: GPL-3
87[2]: LGPL-3
88[3]: GPL-2