1 /*
2     Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Bachmann
4     This file is part of FLINT.
6     FLINT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7     the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
8     by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.  See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
10 */
12 // Sketch of a generic vector class.
14 #ifndef CXX_VECTOR_H
15 #define CXX_VECTOR_H
17 #include <string>
18 #include <sstream>
20 #include "expression.h"
21 #include "evaluation_tools.h"
22 #include "ltuple.h"
23 #include "mp.h"
25 namespace flint {
26 FLINT_DEFINE_BINOP(vector_at)
28 template<class Underlying_traits, class Operation, class Data>
29 class vector_expression;
31 namespace detail {
32 template<class Traits>
33 struct vector_wrapper : derived_wrapper2<vector_expression, Traits> { };
35 template<class Idx, class Operation, class Expr, class Traits>
36 struct vector_at_traits
37 {
38     typedef FLINT_BINOP_ENABLE_RETTYPE(vector_at, Expr, Idx) ref_t;
39     typedef ref_t cref_t;
atvector_at_traits40     static ref_t at(const Expr& v, Idx i)
41         {return vector_at(v, i);}
42 };
43 template<class Idx, class Expr, class Traits>
44 struct vector_at_traits<Idx, operations::immediate, Expr, Traits>
45     : Traits { };
46 }
48 template<class Underlying_traits, class Operation, class Data>
49 class vector_expression
50     : public expression<detail::vector_wrapper<Underlying_traits>, Operation, Data>
51 {
52 public:
53     typedef expression<detail::vector_wrapper<Underlying_traits>,
54                 Operation, Data> base_t;
55     typedef typename Underlying_traits::ref_t ref_t;
56     typedef typename Underlying_traits::cref_t cref_t;
57     typedef typename Underlying_traits::idx_t idx_t;
58     typedef typename Underlying_traits::underlying_t underlying_t;
59     typedef typename Underlying_traits::arrayref_t arrayref_t;
60     typedef typename Underlying_traits::arraysrcref_t arraysrcref_t;
62     vector_expression() {}
64     template<class T>
65     explicit vector_expression(const T& t) : base_t(t) {}
66     template<class T, class U>
67     vector_expression(const T& t, const U& u) : base_t(t, u) {}
68     template<class T, class U, class V>
69     vector_expression(const T& t, const U& u, const V& v)
70         : base_t(t, u, v) {}
72     template<class T>
73     vector_expression& operator=(const T& t)
74     {
75         this->set(t);
76         return *this;
77     }
79     template<class Idx>
80     typename detail::vector_at_traits<Idx, Operation, vector_expression,
81                  Underlying_traits>::ref_t operator[](Idx idx)
82     {
83         return detail::vector_at_traits<Idx, Operation, vector_expression,
84                  Underlying_traits>::at(*this, idx);
85     }
86     template<class Idx>
87     typename detail::vector_at_traits<Idx, Operation, vector_expression,
88                  Underlying_traits>::cref_t operator[](Idx idx) const
89     {
90         return detail::vector_at_traits<Idx, Operation, vector_expression,
91                  Underlying_traits>::at(*this, idx);
92     }
94     idx_t size() const {return Underlying_traits::size(*this);}
96     arrayref_t _array() {return Underlying_traits::array(*this);}
97     arraysrcref_t _array() const {return Underlying_traits::array(*this);}
99     typename base_t::evaluated_t create_temporary() const
100     {
101         return Underlying_traits::create_temporary(*this);
102     }
104 protected:
105     explicit vector_expression(const Data& d) : base_t(d) {}
107     template<class D, class O, class Da>
108     friend class expression;
109 };
111 namespace vectors {
112 // Similar to matrices, the size of a vector expression has to be known in
113 // order to allocate temporary objects. In this case, the generic
114 // implementation looks for any vector immediate subexpression and returs its
115 // size. This makes sense since mixing vectors of differing sizes usually makes
116 // no sense.
117 // Thus specialisation is usually only necessary in constructor-like operations,
118 // which do not involve vector immediates.
119 template<class Operation>
120 struct outsize
121 {
122     template<class Expr>
123     static unsigned get(const Expr& e)
124     {
125         return tools::find_subexpr_T<typename Expr::evaluated_t>(e)._data().size;
126     }
127 };
129 // Hack for ltuple_get, similar to the matrices case.
130 template<unsigned n>
131 struct outsize<operations::ltuple_get_op<n> >
132 {
133     template<class Expr>
134     static unsigned get(const Expr& e)
135     {
136         return outsize<typename Expr::data_t::head_t::operation_t>::get(
137                 e._data().head);
138     }
139 };
140 }
142 namespace detail {
143 template<class T, class Ref, class Cref, class ArrayT>
144 struct basic_vector_traits
145 {
146     typedef unsigned idx_t;
147     typedef Ref ref_t;
148     typedef const Cref cref_t;
149     typedef T underlying_t;
150     typedef ArrayT* arrayref_t;
151     typedef const ArrayT* arraysrcref_t;
153     template<class Expr>
154     static ref_t at(Expr& e, unsigned i)
155     {
156         return e.evaluate()._data().array[i];
157     }
159     template<class Expr>
160     static cref_t at(const Expr& e, unsigned i)
161     {
162         return e.evaluate()._data().array[i];
163     }
165     template<class Expr>
166     static arrayref_t array(Expr& e)
167     {
168         return e.evaluate()._data().array;
169     }
171     template<class Expr>
172     static arraysrcref_t array(const Expr& e)
173     {
174         return e.evaluate()._data().array;
175     }
176 };
177 template<class T, class Ref = T&, class Cref = const T&, class ArrayT = T>
178 struct rtfixed_size_traits
179     : basic_vector_traits<T, Ref, Cref, ArrayT>
180 {
181     template<class Expr>
182     static unsigned size(const Expr& e)
183     {
184         return vectors::outsize<typename Expr::operation_t>::get(e);
185     }
187     template<class Expr>
188     static typename Expr::evaluated_t create_temporary(const Expr& e)
189     {
190         return typename Expr::evaluated_t(e.size());
191     }
192 };
193 template<class T, class Ref = T&, class Cref = const T&, class ArrayT = T>
194 struct fixed_size_traits
195     : basic_vector_traits<T, Ref, Cref, ArrayT>
196 {
197     template<class Expr>
198     static unsigned size(const Expr& e)
199     {
200         return Expr::evaluated_t::data_t::size;
201     }
203     template<class Expr>
204     static typename Expr::evaluated_t create_temporary(const Expr& e)
205     {
206         return typename Expr::evaluated_t();
207     }
208 };
210 template<class T, class Size, class Ref, class Cref, class ArrayT>
211 struct wrapped_vector_traits
212     : rtfixed_size_traits<T, Ref, Cref, ArrayT>
213 {
214     typedef Size idx_t;
216     template<class Expr>
217     static Ref at(Expr& e, idx_t i)
218     {
219         return e.evaluate()._data().at(i);
220     }
222     template<class Expr>
223     static Cref at(const Expr& e, idx_t i)
224     {
225         return e.evaluate()._data().at(i);
226     }
227 };
229 template<class T>
230 struct rtfixed_size_data
231 {
232     const unsigned size;
233     T* array;
235     rtfixed_size_data(unsigned n)
236         : size(n), array(new T[n]) {}
237     ~rtfixed_size_data() {delete[] array;}
239     rtfixed_size_data(const rtfixed_size_data& o)
240         : size(o.size)
241     {
242         // TODO this is very non-optimal ... (?)
243         array = new T[size];
244         for(unsigned i = 0;i < size;++i)
245         {
246             array[i] = o.array[i];
247         }
248     }
249 };
250 template<class T, unsigned n>
251 struct fixed_size_data
252 {
253     static const unsigned size = n;
254     T array[n];
255 };
256 } // detail
258 template<class T>
259 struct make_vector
260 {
261     typedef vector_expression<detail::rtfixed_size_traits<T>,
262                 operations::immediate, detail::rtfixed_size_data<T> > type;
263 };
264 template<class T, unsigned n>
265 struct make_vector_n
266 {
267     typedef vector_expression<detail::fixed_size_traits<T>,
268                 operations::immediate, detail::fixed_size_data<T, n> > type;
269 };
271 template<class Expr>
272 struct enable_vector_rules : mp::false_ { };
274 template<class Traits, class Data>
275 struct enable_vector_rules<
276     vector_expression<Traits, operations::immediate, Data> >
277     : mp::true_ { };
279 namespace rules {
280 // temporary allocation inside ltuples
281 template<class Operation, class Data, class U,
282     class Traits, class Op, class Da>
283 struct instantiate_temporaries<ltuple_expression<U, Operation, Data>,
284     vector_expression<Traits, Op, Da> >
285 {
286     typedef ltuple_expression<U, Operation, Data> Expr;
287     typedef vector_expression<Traits, Op, Da> T;
288     static T get(const Expr& e)
289     {
290         return T(vectors::outsize<Operation>::get(e));
291     }
292 };
294 template<class Traits, class Data, class T>
295 struct binary_expression<vector_expression<Traits, operations::immediate, Data>,
296     operations::vector_at_op, T>
297 {
298     typedef typename Traits::underlying_t return_t;
299     template<class V>
300     static void doit(V& to,
301             const vector_expression<Traits, operations::immediate, Data>& v,
302             T i)
303     {
304         to = Traits::at(v, i);
305     }
306 };
309 template<class Expr>
310 struct to_string<Expr, typename mp::enable_if<mp::and_<
311     enable_vector_rules<Expr>,
312     traits::is_implemented<to_string<typename Expr::underlying_t> > > >::type>
313 {
314     static std::string get(const Expr& e, int base)
315     {
316         // TODO inefficient
317         std::string res = "(";
318         for(typename Expr::idx_t i = 0;i < e.size();++i)
319         {
320             res += e[i].to_string();
321             if(i != e.size() - 1)
322                 res += ", ";
323         }
324         res += ")";
325         return res;
326     }
327 };
329 template<class Expr>
330 struct equals<Expr, Expr,
331     typename mp::enable_if<enable_vector_rules<Expr> >::type>
332 {
333     static bool get(const Expr& e1, const Expr& e2)
334     {
335         if(e1.size() != e2.size())
336             return false;
337         for(typename Expr::idx_t i = 0;i < e1.size();++i)
338             if(e1[i] != e2[i])
339                 return false;
340         return true;
341     }
342 };
344 namespace rvdetail {
345 template<class Tuple>
346 struct translate_data;
348 template<class Expr, class enable = void>
349 struct translate_expr
350 {
351     typedef translate_data<typename Expr::data_t> trdata_t;
352     typedef typename Expr::underlying_t ul_t;
353     typedef typename ul_t::template make_helper<
354         typename Expr::operation_t, typename trdata_t::type> make_helper;
355     typedef typename make_helper::type type;
357     template<class Idx>
358     static type make(const Expr& e, Idx idx)
359     {
360         return make_helper::make(trdata_t::make(e._data(), idx));
361     }
362 };
364 template<class Expr>
365 struct translate_expr<Expr,
366     typename mp::enable_if<traits::is_immediate<Expr> >::type>
367 {
368     typedef typename Expr::cref_t type;
370     template<class Idx>
371     static type make(const Expr& e, Idx idx)
372     {
373         return e[idx];
374     }
375 };
377 template<class Head, class Tail>
378 struct translate_data<tuple<Head, Tail> >
379 {
380     typedef translate_expr<typename traits::basetype<Head>::type> trexpr;
381     typedef translate_data<Tail> trtail;
382     typedef tuple<typename trexpr::type, typename trtail::type> type;
384     template<class Idx>
385     static type make(const tuple<Head, Tail>& e, Idx idx)
386     {
387         return type(trexpr::make(e.head, idx), trtail::make(e.tail, idx));
388     }
389 };
390 template<>
391 struct translate_data<empty_tuple>
392 {
393     typedef empty_tuple type;
394     template<class Idx>
395     static type make(empty_tuple, Idx) {return empty_tuple();}
396 };
398 template<class Data, class Enable = void>
399 struct enable_evaluation : mp::false_ {typedef void vector_t;};
401 template<class Data>
402 struct enable_evaluation<Data,
403     typename mp::enable_if<traits::is_expression<
404         typename traits::basetype<Data>::type> >::type>
405     : enable_vector_rules<typename traits::basetype<Data>::type::evaluated_t>
406 {
407     typedef typename traits::basetype<Data>::type::evaluated_t vector_t;
408 };
409 template<class Head, class Tail>
410 struct enable_evaluation<tuple<Head, Tail> >
411     : mp::and_<enable_evaluation<Head>, enable_evaluation<Tail> >
412 {
413     typedef typename enable_evaluation<Head>::vector_t vector_t;
414 };
415 template<>
416 struct enable_evaluation<empty_tuple>
417     : mp::true_ { };
418 } //rvdetail
420 // TODO this is a bit greedy ..
421 template<class Op, class Data, bool result_is_temporary>
422 struct evaluation<Op, Data, result_is_temporary, 1,
423     typename mp::enable_if<rvdetail::enable_evaluation<Data> >::type>
424 {
425     typedef rvdetail::translate_data<Data> translator;
426     typedef typename translator::type trdata_t;
427     typedef typename mp::find_evaluation<
428         Op, trdata_t, result_is_temporary>::type rule_t;
429     typedef typename rvdetail::enable_evaluation<Data>::vector_t vector_t;
430     typedef typename vector_t::evaluated_t return_t; // TODO
431     typedef typename rule_t::temporaries_t temporaries_t;
432     typedef typename rule_t::return_t trreturn_t;
434     template<class Return>
435     static void doit(const Data& input, temporaries_t temps, Return* output)
436     {
437         for(typename return_t::idx_t i = 0;i < output->size();++i)
438         {
439             rule_t::doit(translator::make(input, i), temps, &((*output)[i]));
440         }
441     }
442 };
444 // TODO scalar multiplication etc
445 } // rules
446 } // flint
447 #endif