1 // msubspace.cc: implementations of multiprecision subspace class
2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 //
4 // Copyright 1990-2012 John Cremona
5 //
6 // This file is part of the eclib package.
7 //
8 // eclib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
10 // Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
11 // option) any later version.
12 //
13 // eclib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
15 // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
16 // for more details.
17 //
18 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 // along with eclib; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
20 // Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
21 //
22 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
24 //#define CHECK_RESTRICT   // define this to make restrict_mat and prestrict check
25                            //  invariance of subspaces.
26 #include <eclib/marith.h>
27 #include <eclib/msubspace.h>
29 // Definitions of nonmember, nonfriend operators and functions:
combine(const msubspace & s1,const msubspace & s2)31 msubspace combine(const msubspace& s1, const msubspace& s2)
32 {
33   bigint d = s1.denom * s2.denom;
34   mat_m b1=s1.basis, b2=s2.basis;
35   long nr = b1.nro, nc = b2.nco;
36   mat_m b = b1*b2;
37   bigint g; long n=nr*nc; bigint* bp=b.entries;
38   while ((n--)&&(!is_one(g))) g=gcd(g,*bp++);
39   if(!(is_zero(g)||is_one(g)))
40     {
41       d/=g; bp=b.entries; n=nr*nc; while(n--) (*bp++)/=g;
42     }
43   vec_i p = s1.pivots[s2.pivots];
44   return msubspace(b,p,d);
45 }
47 //This one is used a LOT
restrict_mat(const mat_m & m,const msubspace & s)48 mat_m restrict_mat(const mat_m& m, const msubspace& s)
49 { long i,j,k,d = dim(s), n=m.nro;
50   bigint dd = s.denom;
51   mat_m ans(d,d);
52   const mat_m& sb = s.basis;
53   bigint *ap, *a=m.entries, *b=sb.entries, *bp, *c=ans.entries, *cp;
54   int *pv=s.pivots.entries;
55   for(i=0; i<d; i++)
56     {
57       bp=b; k=n; ap=a+n*(pv[i]-1);
58       while(k--)
59         {
60           cp=c; j=d;
61           while(j--)
62             {
63               *cp++ += *ap * *bp++;
64             }
65           ap++;
66         }
67       c += d;
68     }
69 // N.B. The following check is strictly unnecessary and slows it down,
70 // but is advisable!
72   int check = 1; n = sb.nrows();
73   for (i=1; (i<=n) && check; i++)
74   for (j=1; (j<=d) && check; j++)
75     check = (dd*m.row(i)*sb.col(j) == sb.row(i)*ans.col(j));
76   if (!check)
77     {
78       cerr<<"Error in restrict_mat: msubspace not invariant!"<<endl;
79     }
80 #endif
81   return ans;
82 }
kernel(const mat_m & mat,int method)84 msubspace kernel(const mat_m& mat, int method)
85 {
86    long rank, nullity, n, r, i, j;
87    bigint d, zero; zero=0;
88    vec_i pcols,npcols;
89    mat_m m = echelon(mat,pcols,npcols, rank, nullity, d, method);
90    long dim = m.ncols();
91    mat_m basis(dim,nullity);
92    for (n=1; n<=nullity; n++) basis.set(npcols[n],n,d);
93    for (r=1; r<=rank; r++)
94    { i = pcols[r];
95      for (j=1; j<=nullity; j++) basis.set(i,j, -m(r,npcols[j]));
96    }
97    msubspace ans(basis, npcols, d);
98    return ans;
99 }
image(const mat_m & mat,int method)101 msubspace image(const mat_m& mat, int method)
102 {
103   vec_i p,np;
104   bigint d;
105   long rank, nullity;
106   mat_m b = transpose(echelon(transpose(mat),p,np,rank,nullity,d,method));
107   msubspace ans(b,p,d);
108   return ans;
109 }
eigenspace(const mat_m & mat,const bigint & lambda,int method)111 msubspace eigenspace(const mat_m& mat, const bigint& lambda, int method)
112 {
113   mat_m m = addscalar(mat,-lambda);
114   msubspace ans = kernel(m,method);
115   return ans;
116 }
subeigenspace(const mat_m & mat,const bigint & l,const msubspace & s,int method)118 msubspace subeigenspace(const mat_m& mat, const bigint& l, const msubspace& s, int method)
119 {
120   mat_m m = restrict_mat(mat,s);
121   msubspace ss = eigenspace(m, l*(denom(s)),method);
122   msubspace ans = combine(s,ss );
123   return ans;
124 }
pcombine(const msubspace & s1,const msubspace & s2,const bigint & pr)126 msubspace pcombine(const msubspace& s1, const msubspace& s2, const bigint& pr)
127 {
128   bigint   d = s1.denom * s2.denom;  // redundant since both should be 1
129   mat_m b1=s1.basis,  b2=s2.basis;
130   mat_m b = matmulmodp(b1,b2,pr);
131   vec_i p = s1.pivots[s2.pivots];
132   return msubspace(b,p,d);
133 }
prestrict(const mat_m & m,const msubspace & s,const bigint & pr)135 mat_m prestrict(const mat_m& m, const msubspace& s, const bigint& pr)
136 { long i,j,k,d = dim(s), n=m.nro;
137   bigint dd = s.denom;  // will be 1 if s is a mod-p msubspace
138   mat_m ans(d,d);
139   const mat_m& sb = s.basis;
140   bigint *ap, *a=m.entries, *b=sb.entries, *bp, *c=ans.entries, *cp;
141   int *pv=s.pivots.entries;
142   for(i=0; i<d; i++)
143     {
144       bp=b; k=n; ap=a+n*(pv[i]-1);
145       while(k--)
146         {
147           cp=c; j=d;
148           while(j--)
149             {
150               *cp += mod(*ap * *bp++, pr);
151               *cp = mod(*cp, pr);
152               cp++;
153             }
154           ap++;
155         }
156       c += d;
157     }
159   mat_m& left = matmulmodp(m,sb,pr), right = matmulmodp(sb,ans,pr);
160   if(dd!=1) left*=dd;
161   int check = (left==right);
162   if (!check)
163     {
164       cerr<<"Error in prestrict: msubspace not invariant!"<<endl;
165     }
166 #endif
167   return ans;
168 }
pkernel(const mat_m & mat,const bigint & pr)170 msubspace pkernel(const mat_m& mat, const bigint& pr)
171 {
172    long rank, nullity, n, r, i, j;
173    vec_i pcols,npcols;
174    mat_m m = echmodp(mat,pcols,npcols, rank, nullity, pr);
175    long dim = m.ncols();
176    mat_m basis(dim,nullity);
177    bigint one; one=1;
178    for (n=1; n<=nullity; n++) basis.set(npcols[n],n,one);
179    for (r=1; r<=rank; r++)
180    { i = pcols[r];
181      for (j=1; j<=nullity; j++) basis.set(i,j, -m(r,npcols[j]));
182    }
183    msubspace ans(basis, npcols, one);
184    return ans;
185 }
pimage(const mat_m & mat,const bigint & pr)187 msubspace pimage(const mat_m& mat, const bigint& pr)
188 {
189   vec_i p,np;
190   long rank, nullity;
191   mat_m b = transpose(echmodp(transpose(mat),p,np,rank,nullity,pr));
192   msubspace ans(b,p,BIGINT(1));
193   return ans;
194 }
peigenspace(const mat_m & mat,const bigint & lambda,const bigint & pr)196 msubspace peigenspace(const mat_m& mat, const bigint& lambda, const bigint& pr)
197 {
198   mat_m m = addscalar(mat,-lambda);
199   msubspace ans = pkernel(m,pr);
200   return ans;
201 }
psubeigenspace(const mat_m & mat,const bigint & l,const msubspace & s,const bigint & pr)203 msubspace psubeigenspace(const mat_m& mat, const bigint& l, const msubspace& s, const bigint& pr)
204 {
205   mat_m m = prestrict(mat,s,pr);
206   msubspace ss = peigenspace(m, l*(denom(s)),pr);
207   msubspace ans = pcombine(s,ss,pr);
208   return ans;
209 }
212 //Attempts to lift from a mod-p msubspace to a normal Q-msubspace by expressing
213 //basis as rational using modrat and clearing denominators
214 //
lift(const msubspace & s,const bigint & pr,int trace)215 msubspace lift(const msubspace& s, const bigint& pr, int trace)
216 {
217   bigint modulus=pr,dd,n,d; long nr,nc,nrc;
218   int succ,success=1;
219   bigint lim=sqrt(pr>>1);
220   mat_m m = s.basis; bigint *mp;
221   if(trace)
222     {
223       cout << "Lifting mod-p msubspace.\n basis mat_m mod "<<pr<<" is:\n";
224       cout << m;
225       cout << "Now lifting back to Q.\n";
226       cout << "lim = " << lim << "\n";
227     }
228   nr = m.nro; nc = m.nco;  nrc = nr*nc; mp=m.entries;
229   dd=1;
230   while(nrc--)
231     {
232       succ = modrat(*mp++,modulus,lim,n,d);
233       success = success && succ;
234       dd=lcm(d,dd);
235     }
236   if(!success)
237     cout << "Problems encountered with modrat lifting of msubspace." << endl;
238   dd=abs(dd);
239   if(trace) cout << "Common denominator = " << dd << "\n";
240   nrc=nr*nc; mp=m.entries;
241   while(nrc--)
242       {
243         *mp=mod(dd*(*mp),pr);
244         mp++;
245       }
246   msubspace ans(m, pivots(s), dd);
247   return ans;
248 }