1This is FFTW, a collection of fast C routines to compute the Discrete
2Fourier Transform in one or more dimensions.
6The doc/ directory contains the manual in texinfo, postscript, info,
7and HTML formats.  Frequently asked questions and answers can be found
8in the FAQ/ directory in a variety of formats (including HTML).
10The fftw/ directory contains the source code for the complex transforms,
11and the rfftw/ directory contains the source code for the real transforms.
13Large portions of the source are automatically generated by a program
14in the gensrc/ directory (written in Objective Caml).  You do not need
15this program to use FFTW, since FFTW comes with a default set of
16pregenerated codelets.  You are, however, welcome to look at and play
17with the generator (see the FFTW manual for more information).
19The threads/ directory contains an parallel version of FFTW (for
20shared-memory machines) that uses threads.  See the "Multi-threaded
21FFTW" section of the manual for more information.
23The mpi/ directory contains a parallel version of FFTW for transforms
24on machines with MPI.  (This code, unlike our other two parallel
25transforms, supports distributed memory machines.)  See the "MPI FFTW"
26section of the manual for more information.
28fortran/ contains some constant definitions for using FFTW from
29Fortran (see the FFTW manual), and also a small example program.
31Installation instructions are provided in the manual (don't worry, it
32is straightforward).
34`UNOFFICIAL' CODE (for you to play with):
36matlab/ contains code that allows you to call FFTW from MATLAB.
38The cilk/ directory contains an parallel version of FFTW written in
39Cilk.  Cilk is a cool C-like language in which you can write spawn
40foo() : foo will be executed in parallel with the main thread and the
41cost of spawn is just a few cycles (compare this with all the mess you
42have to do to create a posix thread and pay 3000 cycles for it).  More
43info on Cilk can be found at http://supertech.lcs.mit.edu/cilk/.
48FFTW was written by Matteo Frigo and Steven G. Johnson.  You can
49contact them at fftw@fftw.org.  The latest version of FFTW,
50benchmarks, links, and other information can be found at the FFTW home
51page (http://www.fftw.org).  You can also sign up to the fftw-announce
52mailing list to receive (infrequent) updates and information about new
53releases; to do so, go to:
55	http://www.fftw.org/mailman/listinfo/fftw-announce